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The guinea-pig caecum was studied by using immunohistochemistry for Kit receptors and nerves to clarify whether interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) were localized in association with the submucosal plexus (ICC-SP). A large area of the guinea-pig caecum was nearly devoid of longitudinal muscles, because they were concentrated into three bundles of the taenia caeci (coli) and this allowed clear observation of the myenteric and submucosal plexus as separate networks in whole-mount stretch preparations. The myenteric plexus was observed as a loose polygonal network consisting in elongated ganglia and long connecting nerve strands, whereas the submucosal plexus was identified as smaller ovoid ganglia connected to much thinner nerve strands in different tissue layers. Three-dimensional reconstruction of confocal images revealed multipolar-shaped ICC-SP located around the submucosal ganglion in a basket formation. Bipolar ICC-SP were also observed along the connecting nerve strands of the submucosal plexus. The functional involvement of ICC-SP in mucosal activity is discussed in relation to fluid transportation. This three-dimensional study of ICC-SP thus provides a candidate for the most suitable material available for functional experiments examining the physiological significance of ICC-SP.  相似文献   

We have carried out a detailed ultrastructural study of the interstitial cells near the myenteric plexus of the canine colon and defined the structural characteristics which distinguish them from other resident non-neural cells. We have also examined the interconnections of these interstitial cells with nerves, the longitudinal muscle, and the circular muscle. In addition, we sought connections between interstitial cells of the myenteric plexus and those described earlier at the inner border of the circular muscle in proximal and distal colon. The interstitial cells of the myenteric plexus were structurally distinctive, and made gap junctions with one another and occasionally with smooth muscle. There seemed to be two subsets of these interstitial cells, one associated with the longitudinal muscle and the other with the circular muscle. Cells of both subsets were often close (less than or equal to 20 nm) to nerve profiles. The interstitial cells near the longitudinal muscle layer penetrated slightly into the muscle layer, but those near the circular muscle did not and neither set contacted the other. Moreover, interstitial cells of Cajal located near the myenteric plexus were never observed to contact those at the inner border of circular muscle. The interstitial cells of Cajal at the canine colon myenteric plexus are structurally organized to provide independent pacemaking activities for the longitudinal and adjacent circular muscle. Their dense innervation suggests that they mediate neural modulation of intestinal pacemaker activities. Moreover, they lack direct contacts with the interstitial cell network at the inner border of circular muscle, which is essential for the primary pacemaking activity of circular muscle. The structural organization of interstitial cells in canine colon is consistent with their proposed role in pacemaking activity of the two muscle layers.  相似文献   

The role of the interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) associated with the myenteric plexus (ICC-MP) as regulators of the motility of the colonic external muscle remains unclear. Ultrastructural studies of myenteric interstitial cells are lacking in human colon. We therefore characterized the distinctive ultrastructure of these cells in the myenteric region of the colon by transmission electron microscopy of the region between the main muscle layers in all parts of the colon in unaffected areas of resected specimens from nine adult human patients. ICC-MP were similar in various colonic regions and had myoid features such as scattered caveolae, prominent intermediate filaments, and cytoplasmic dense bodies. We found characteristic dense membrane-associated bands with a patchy basal lamina, invaginating cellular protrusions (peg and socket junctions) between ICC and between ICC and muscle cells, and close contacts (<100 nm) between ICC and nerves. No gap junctions were observed. Fibroblast-like cells (FLC) were abundant showing well-developed secretory organelles, including coated vesicles, but lacked prominent intermediate filaments and caveolae. FLC had a patchy basal lamina, and peg and socket junctions were observed between them. Macrophage-like cells frequently occurred in close apposition with FLC and, more seldomly, with ICC-MP. The ultrastructure of ICC and FLC in the myenteric region of the human colon thus differs characteristically, but significant overlaps in the ultrastructure between ICC and FLC might complicate any interpretation in pathological ultrastructural studies of the human colonic muscle layer. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

A major difficulty in the investigation of interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) is in identifying these cells within intact, living gastrointestinal tissues. To overcome this difficulty we developed a method to visualize ICC in the myenteric plexus region (ICC-MP) of the guinea pig ileum. Cells were identified with Nomarski optics and were injected with the fluorescent dye Lucifer yellow. The identity of the cells as ICC was verified by immunohistochemical labeling for the protein c-Kit. Using the dye coupling method we found that 24.4% (93/381) of ICC-MP were coupled to 1-21 other ICC. Octanol reduced dye coupling incidence among ICC-MP to 2% (1/49). Raising the pH in the medium to 7.8-7.9 increased the dye-coupling incidence to 86% (37/43, P<0.001). Lowering the pH to 6.4-6.8 had the opposite effect (coupling incidence 1/44). These findings demonstrate that ICC are mutually connected by channels, apparently gap junctions, that can allow the passage of both electrical currents and small molecules. As it was modulated by pH, it is likely that ICC coupling is under physiological control.  相似文献   

The plane between longitudinal and circular muscle of human colon, as revealed on examination with light and electron microscopes, has no clear-cut border. Some groups of smooth muscle cells, obliquely oriented and with features similar to both circular and longitudinal ones--the connecting muscle bundles--run from one muscle layer to another. Other groups of smooth muscle cells, possessing their own specific ultrastructural features--the myenteric muscle sheaths--, make up envelopes of variable thickness around some myenteric ganglia and nerve strands, partially or completely embedding them in one or other muscle layer. Non-neuronal, non-muscular cells (interstitial cells of Cajal, covering cells, fibroblast-like and macrophage-like cells) complicate the texture of the myenteric muscle sheaths, creating an intricate, interconnected cellular network inside them, widespread among nerve bundles and smooth muscle cells; however, only interstitial cells have cell-to-cell junctions also with the smooth muscle cells and nerve endings. These data document the existence in this colonic area of two different types of muscle cell arrangements, one of which, the myenteric muscle sheath, only contains putative pacemaker cells.  相似文献   

Interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) are interposed between enteric neurons and smooth muscle cells in gastrointestinal (GI) muscles. The specific relationships between these cells in the murine proximal colon were studied with conventional and immunoelectron microscopy and immunohistochemistry. Intramuscular interstitial cells (IC-IM) formed discrete networks within the circular muscle layer of the murine proximal colon. Nerve trunks ran in close association with IC-IM and individual nerve trunks came into close contact with multiple IC-IM. Conventional electron microscopy revealed very close (< or = 20 nm) associations between nerve fibers and IC-IM. Processes of IC-IM also formed close contacts with neighboring smooth muscle cells. At the points of close association between neurons and IC-IM, areas of membrane densification in both pre- and postjunctional cells were present, suggesting specialized contacts or synaptic-like structures. Similar points of contact between neurons and smooth muscle cells were extremely rare. Immunoelectron microscopy demonstrated that IC-IM formed close associations with neurons containing nitric oxide synthase-like immunoreactivity (NOS-LI) or vesicular acetylcholine transporter-like immunoreactivity (vAChT-LI), suggesting innervation by both inhibitory and excitatory motor neurons. IC-IM were also labeled with anti-NOS antibodies. These observations suggest that IC-IM are an integral part of the neuromuscular junction in the colon. These cells may be the primary site of innervation, and neural regulation of the musculature may occur via IC-IM.  相似文献   

Summary An extensive cellular network becomes visible over the myenteric plexus of the rat after removal of the overlying tissues under the scanning electron microscope. The cells are mainly stellate and have many slender processes via which they interconnect. They form a three-dimensional network and are closely associated with the ganglia and nerve bundles, and also extend over the smooth muscle cells. They are considered to correspond to the interstitial cells of Cajal because of their peculiar arrangement and their topography. Transmission electron-microscopic evidence demonstrates that the majority of those cells have features of fibroblasts. Gap junctions and intermediate junctions are observed between these fibroblast-like cells, and also between them and smooth muscle cells. Examination of serial thin sections reveals that single fibroblast-like interstitial cells connect to both circular and longitudinal muscle cells via gap junctions. It is suggested that the network of interstitial cells conducts electrical signals.  相似文献   

Summary Interstitial cells associated with the deep muscular plexus of the guinea-pig small intestine were studied by electron microscopy, and three-dimensional cell models were reconstructed from serial ultrathin sections with a computer graphic system. Three types of cells were recognized. The first type was similar in shape to smooth muscle cells, but did not contain an organized contractile apparatus. Many large gap junctions comprising about 4% of the cell surface were present; they connected cells of the first type to each other, to the second type of cell and to smooth muscle cells of the outer circular layer. The second type of cell had a welldemarcated cell body with long slender processes and was characterized by a large amount of glycogen comprising about 9% of the cell volume. The third type of cell was similar to fibroblasts, and contained well-developed Golgi apparatus and rough endoplasmic retiulum. Some of these fibroblast-like cells (a possible subtype) formed small gap junctions. All three types of cells showed close relationships with nerve varicosities. This cellular network consisting of gap-junction-rich cells, glycogen-rich cells and smooth muscle cells may be involved in the pacemaking activity of intestinal movement.  相似文献   

A method for an analytical isolation of plasma membranes from columnar cells (colonocytes) of the proximal colon of the guinea pig is described. Isolation of the colonocytes was performed by a mild EDTA-chelation method. After homogenization, two subsequent sucrose gradient centrifugations (isokinetic and isopycnic) yielded a plasma-membrane fraction which was enriched 12-fold in (Na+ + K+)-ATPase activity and 8-fold in adenylate cyclase activity. It is suggested that the purified membrane fraction consists mainly of basolateral membranes of the colonocytes. Due to the lack of suitable marker enzymes, no evidence for enrichment of the brush-border membranes was obtained. Histochemical studies demonstrated that alkaline phosphatase is absent from the luminal membrane of the surface epithelial cells of the proximal colon of the guinea pig.  相似文献   

Antiperistalses occur from the flexure region of the guinea pig colon. We previously demonstrated that the circular muscle at the mesenteric border of the flexure region produced spontaneous regular contractions and found special smooth muscle cells believed to be pacemakers along the submucosal surface of the circular muscle layer. In this study, we revealed bipolar- and multipolar-type special smooth muscle cells along the submucosal surface of the muscle layer. Their slender cell processes contacted each other and formed a cellular network. Caveolae, filament structures expressing smooth muscle actin, vimentin, some desmin, and basal lamina were prominent features. The special smooth muscle cells corresponded to c-Kit-immunopositive cells and so-called interstitial cells or interstitial cells of Cajal in other reports. Their population was larger in the flexure region and the proximal colon than in the distal colon. The circular muscle layer at the flexure region was thicker than in other regions. The contraction in the flexure region showed the highest frequency and regularity. The dense population of special smooth muscle cells at the flexure region and thicker muscle layer may make the mechanical contraction more regular. The antiperistalsis from the flexure region could be explained in relation to the highest frequency of the pulsating contraction.  相似文献   

Interstitial cells of Cajal (ICCs) are believed to be a major element in generating the spontaneous rhythm of the gastrointestinal tract. A prominent problem in the study of these cells has been the difficulty in observing them in intact tissues. We used the lipophilic dye DiI to stain ICCs in the submucosal-circular muscle border of freshly dissected mouse colon. The placement of small DiI crystals in this area resulted in the labeling of ICC-like cells. Two main morphological cell types, viz., bipolar and multipolar, were noted. Bipolar cells had two primary processes emerging from the poles of an elongated soma. The mean length of these processes was 78.7 μm. These cells constituted 42.3% of the sample (n=105). Multipolar cells (54.3% of total) had a less elongated soma and extended 3–6 main processes whose mean length was 56.3 μm. These processes showed no preferred direction. The length of the primary processes of bipolar cells was 40% greater than that of multipolar cells (P<0.02). Three cells (2.9%) had only one primary process. The DiI stain could be converted into a stable electron-opaque product. Electron-microscopic observations showed that these cells had the typical appearance of ICCs reported in previous studies. This staining method should be useful for physiological investigations of ICCs in gastrointestinal tissues. Received: 16 September 1997 / Accepted: 11 November 1997  相似文献   

W Q Cai  G Gabella 《Acta anatomica》1984,119(1):10-17
A population of catecholamine-containing cells, broadly belonging to the class of small intensely fluorescent (SIF) cells, was observed in the ganglionated plexus and around blood vessels of the guinea pig gallbladder. Their morphological features were studied by fluorescence and electron microscopy. Some cells were closely associated with ganglion neurons within the ganglionated plexus. Others were clustered into small groups located along blood vessels. Counts carried out on the whole gallbladder showed that these cells varied greatly in number between individuals and that they were most numerous shortly after birth (on average 230 cells). In the adult, their average number was about 30.  相似文献   

Interstitial cells of Cajal in the subserosa (ICC-SS) of the guinea-pig proximal colon were studied by immunohistochemistry for c-Kit receptors and by transmission electron microscopy. These cells were distributed within a thin layer of connective tissue space immediately beneath the mesothelium and were multipolar with about five primary cytoplasmic processes that divided further into secondary and tertiary processes to form a two-dimensional network. Ultrastructural observations revealed that ICC-SS were connected to each other via gap junctions. They also formed close contacts and peg-and-socket junctions with smooth muscle cells. Three-dimensional analysis of confocal micrographs revealed that the cytoplasmic processes of ICC-SS had contacts with interstitial cells in the longitudinal muscle layer. Taking account of the location and peculiar arrangement of the ICC-SS and the main functions of the proximal colon, i.e. the absorption and transport of fluids, we suggest that the superficial network of ICC-SS acts as a stretch receptor to detect circumferential expansion and swelling of the colon wall and triggers the contraction of the longitudinal muscle to accelerate the drainage of fluids from the colon.  相似文献   

Interstitial cells in the myenteric plexus and the deep muscular plexus of the small intestine of the c-kit mutant rats (Ws/Ws) and their normal siblings (+/+) were studied. c-Kit immunoreactivity was detected in two regions corresponding to the myenteric plexus and the deep muscular plexus in the jejunum of +/+ rats, while no immunoreactivity was detected in Ws/Ws rats. Using electron microscopy, two types of gap junction-forming interstitial cells were found in association with the myenteric plexus in +/+ rats: one type characterized by a typical fibroblastic ultrastructure, and the other characterized by numerous mitochondria and less electron-dense cytoplasm. Since the latter were greatly reduced in Ws/Ws rats, it was suggested that these cells correspond to c-kit-expressing cells, i.e. interstitial cells of Cajal in the myenteric plexus region. In contrast, two types of interstitial cells in the region of the deep muscular plexus were observed with no difference between +/+ and Ws/Ws rats. Probable interstitial cells of Cajal in this region were characterized by a basal lamina and numerous caveolae as well as large gap junctions that interconnect with each other and with the smooth muscle cells. We concluded that interstitial cells of Cajal in the rat intestine are heterogeneous in ultrastructure, c-kit dependency in the cell maturation, and functional role.  相似文献   

Morphological and functional studies have confirmed that interstitial cells of Cajal (ICCs) are involved in many enteric motor neurotransmission pathways. Recent investigations have demonstrated that human and guinea pig prostate glands possess a distinct cell type with morphological and immunological similarities to ICCs. These prostate ICCs have a close relationship with nerve bundles and smooth muscle cells. Prostate smooth muscle tone is largely induced by stimulation from the sympathetic nervous system, which releases excitatory norepinephrine (NE) to act on the α1-adrenoceptor. We have performed morphological and functional experiments to determine the role of ICCs in sympathetic neurotransmission in the guinea pig prostate based on the hypothesis that prostate ICCs act as mediators of sympathetic neurotransmission. Immunohistochemistry revealed many close points of contact between ICCs and sympathetic nerve bundles and smooth muscle cells. Double-labeled sections revealed that α1-adrenoceptor and the gap junction protein connexin 43 were expressed in prostate ICCs. Surprisingly, prostate ICCs co-expressed tyrosine hydroxylase and dopamine β-hydroxylase, two markers of sympathetic neurons. Functionally, the application of NE evoked a large single inward current in isolated prostate ICCs in a dose-dependent manner. The inward current evoked by NE was mediated via the activation of α1-adrenoceptors, because it was abolished by the non-specific α-adrenoceptor antagonist, phentolamine and the specific α1-adrenoceptor antagonist, prazosin. Thus, ICCs in the guinea pig prostate are target cells for prostate sympathetic nerves and possess the morphological and functional characteristics required to mediate sympathetic signals.  相似文献   

Ablation of the myenteric plexus in mouse colon with the detergent benzalkonium chloride (BAC) is followed by considerable recovery of the nerves, indicating that this plexus is capable of regeneration and has plasticity. Interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) are closely associated with enteric nerves, and the acquisition and maintenance of their adult phenotype are nerve-dependent. Little is known about the regenerative processes of ICC or about the possible dependence of these processes on neurons. To address these questions, we ablated the myenteric plexus in the mouse colon with BAC and followed changes in the adjacent ICC (ICC-MP) from day 2 to day 70 after treatment, by using c-kit-immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy. In the untreated area, c-kit-positive cells and ICC-MP with normal ultrastructural features were always present. The region partially affected by BAC contained some c-kit-positive cells, and either normal or vacuolated ICC-MP were observed by electron microscopy. Moreover, at days 60–70, ICC-MP with particularly extended rough endoplasmic reticulum were present in this area. In the treated area, either denervated or reinnervated, c-kit-positive cells were always absent. By day 14 after BAC treatment, nerve fibers had started to grow back into the treated region and, in the reinnervated area, cells with fibroblast-like features appeared and were seen to contact both nerve endings and smooth muscle cells and to acquire some typical ICC features. Thus, ICC are vulnerable to external insult but appear to have some ability to regenerate.This work was supported by the US-Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF, 98-00185; to M.H.) and University funds “quota di ateneo ex 60%” (M.-S. F.-P.).  相似文献   

In the guinea pig, the estrous cycle is characterized by a constant measurable level of plasma progesterone with two peaks: the first one associated with the peak of plasma estradiol-17 beta occurring at proestrus and the second, during diestrus, more pronounced at the time at which the level of estradiol-17 beta is undetectable. The progesterone receptor content is the highest on day 1 and the lowest on day 10 of the estrous cycle, which lasts 16.3 +/- 1.5 days (n = 37; mean +/- SD). There is a positive correlation between the plasma level of estradiol-17 beta and the progesterone receptors detected immunocytochemically in both endometrial epithelial and stromal cells. The general morphology of the endometrium during proestrus and estrus is consistent with an estrogenic stimulation, i.e., a smooth and regular surface of the endometrium and the presence of numerous microvilli on the cell surface. However, a moderate secretory activity also occurs in proestrus and estrus. During postestrus, the glandular cells display an increase in characteristic secretory features which parallels the rise of progesterone in the plasma.  相似文献   

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