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Feline foamy virus genome and replication strategy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Crucial aspects of the foamy virus (FV) replication strategy have so far only been investigated for the prototypic FV (PFV) isolate, which is supposed to be derived from nonhuman primates. To study whether the unusual features of this replication pathway also apply to more-distantly related FVs, we constructed feline FV (FFV) infectious molecular clones and vectors. It is shown by quantitative RNA and DNA PCR analysis that FFV virions contain more RNA than DNA. Full-length linear DNA was found in extracellular FFV by Southern blot analysis. Similar to PFV, azidothymidine inhibition experiments and the transfection of nucleic acids extracted from extracellular FFV indicated that DNA is the functional relevant FFV genome. Unlike PFV, no evidence was found indicating that FFV recycles its DNA into the nucleus.  相似文献   

《Seminars in Virology》1993,4(5):313-317
Hepatitis delta virus (HDV) is a subviral satellite of human hepatitis B virus (HBV). The discovery in 1977 and subsequent demonstration of HDV as an infectious agent was primarily due to the work of Rizzetto and co-workers. In nature, HDV infections occur only if HBV is present. This is because HDV is a subviral satellite of HBV; HBV provides the envelope, or surface antigens, needed for the assembly of HDV particles. Other than this dependence, HDV seems fundamentally different from HBV; it has a single-stranded RNA genome and replicates via RNA-directed RNA synthesis. Five years ago the first nucleotide sequence of the genome was obtained and as a consequence we have progressively gained a picture of the genetic organization of this unusual agent and of its replication strategy.  相似文献   

Molecular combing (MC) yields preparations where individual DNA molecules are uniformly stretched and are parallel to each other. Fluorescence in situ hybridization on such preparations allows an exact mapping of DNA sequences, and pulsed incorporation of halogenated deoxyuridine analogs and their detection using fluorochrome-conjugated antibodies makes it possible to visualize replication. The MC technique was adapted for studying DNA replication in isolated Drosophila melanogaster organs, and it was checked whether a mutation of the Suppressor of UnderReplication (SuUR) gene directly affected the replication fork rate.  相似文献   

We describe the use of DNA reassociation kinetics to determine the total genome size and complexity together with the individual complexity and copy number of the single copy, middle repetitive and highly repeated DNA fractions of cell line and larval DNA from the mosquito, Aedes aegypti. The genome of Ae. aegypti is both large and complex, being one third the size of the human genome, and exhibits a short period interspersed repeat pattern. The implications of patterns of sequence arrangement and genome complexities for experiments aimed at isolating specific classes of DNA sequences, such as mobile genetic elements, are discussed.  相似文献   

Contour-length measurements of both nondenatured and partially denatured DNA from purified extracellular human cytomegalovirus indicate that more than one size class of viral DNA is encapsidated. In addition to a size class averaging about 100 x 10(6) daltons, a much less abundant class of larger viral DNA molecules, 150 x 10(6) to 155 x 10(6) daltons, was extracted from purified extracellular virus. As predicted by melting-curve analysis, partial denaturation of human cytomegalovirus DNA generates denaturation maps showing distinctive adenine plus thymidine (A+T)-rich and guanine plus cytosine (G+C)-rich localizations. Alignment of partial denaturation maps of both 100 x 10(6)- and 150 x 10(6)- to 155 x 10(6)-dalton molecules from maximum overlap of common A+T- and G+C-rich zones clearly shows six unique zones contained in a length equal to the longest class, 150 x 10(6) to 155 x 10(6) daltons. However, various alignments of the smaller class of the molecules within the confines of the approximately 100 x 10(6)-dalton-length equivalent are nondistinctive. Of the six unique A+T- and G+C-rich zones, five are linked in a specific sequence and maintain the same relative orientation; these features indicate the absence of major inversions within these zones. The sixth unique zone may occur at either end of this five-zone series, but it was never found at both ends of the same molecule. Additionally, this terminal zone appears to undergo complete inversions at least at one end of the alignment, and perhaps at both. These data indicate that 150 x 10(6)- to 155 x 10(6)-dalton molecules comprise human cytomegalovirus-specific genetic information.  相似文献   

Rice genome organization: the centromere and genome interactions   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Over the last decade, many varied resources have become available for genome studies in rice. These resources include over 4000 DNA markers, several bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) libraries, P-1 derived artificial chromosome (PAC) libraries and yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) libraries (genomic DNA clones, filters and end-sequences), retrotransposon tagged lines, and many chemical and irradiated mutant lines. Based on these, high-density genetic maps, cereal comparative maps, YAC and BAC physical maps, and quantitative trait loci (QTL) maps have been constructed, and 93 % of the genome has also been sequenced. These data have revealed key features of the genetic and physical structure of the rice genome and of the evolution of cereal chromosomes. This Botanical Briefing examines aspects of how the rice genome is organized structurally, functionally and evolutionarily. Emphasis is placed on the rice centromere, which is composed of long arrays of centromere-specific repetitive sequences. Differences and similarities amongst various cereal centromeres are detailed. These indicate essential features of centromere function. Another view of various kinds of interactive relationships within and between genomes, which could play crucial roles in genome organization and evolution, is also introduced. Constructed genetic and physical maps indicate duplication of chromosomal segments and spatial association between specific chromosome regions. A genome-wide survey of interactive genetic loci has identified various reproductive barriers that may drive speciation of the rice genome. The significance of these findings in genome organization and evolution is discussed.  相似文献   

All picornaviruses have a protein, VPg, covalently linked to the 5'-ends of their genomes. Uridylylated VPg (VPg-pUpU) is thought to serve as the protein primer for RNA synthesis. VPg-pUpU can be produced in vitro by the viral polymerase, 3Dpol, in a reaction in which a single adenylate residue of a stem-loop structure, termed oriI, templates processive incorporation of UMP into VPg by using a "slide-back" mechanism. This reaction is greatly stimulated by viral precursor protein 3CD or its processed derivative, 3C; both contain RNA-binding and protease activities. We show that the 3C domain encodes specificity for oriI, and the 3D domain enhances the overall affinity for oriI. Thus, 3C(D) stimulation exhibits an RNA length dependence. By using a minimal system to evaluate the mechanism of VPg uridylylation, we show that the active complex contains polymerase, oriI, and 3C(D) at stoichiometry of 1:1:2. Dimerization of 3C(D) is supported by physical and structural data. Polymerase recruitment to and retention in this complex require a protein-protein interaction between the polymerase and 3C(D). Physical and functional data for this interaction are provided for three picornaviruses. VPg association with this complex is weak, suggesting that formation of a complex containing all necessary components of the reaction is rate-limiting for the reaction. We suggest that assembly of this complex in vivo would be facilitated by use of precursor proteins instead of processed proteins. These data provide a glimpse into the organization of the ribonucleoprotein complex that catalyzes this key step in picornavirus genome replication.  相似文献   

A selective replicative pressure occurs during the evolution of simian virus 40 variants. When the replication origin is duplicated as an inverted repeat, there is a dramatic enhancement of replication. Having regulatory sequences located between the inverted repeat of ori magnifies their enhancing effect on replication. A passage 20 variant and a passage 45 variant containing three pairs of an inverted repeat of ori replicated more efficiently than a passage 13 variant containing nine copies of ori arranged in tandem. A 69-base-pair cellular sequence inserted between inverted repeats of ori of both passage 40 and 45 variants enhanced simian virus 40 DNA replication. Differences in replication efficiencies became greater as the total number of replicating species was increased in the transfection mixture, under conditions where T antigen is limiting. In a competitive environment, sequences flanking the replication origin may be inhibitory to replication.  相似文献   

The linear sequence of genomes exists within the three-dimensional space of the cell nucleus. The spatial arrangement of genes and chromosomes within the interphase nucleus is nonrandom and gives rise to specific patterns. While recent work has begun to describe some of the positioning patterns of chromosomes and gene loci, the structural constraints that are responsible for nonrandom positioning and the relevance of spatial genome organization for genome expression are unclear. Here we discuss potential functional consequences of spatial genome organization and we speculate on the possible molecular mechanisms of how genomes are organized within the space of the mammalian cell nucleus.  相似文献   

We propose a genome sequencing strategy, which is neither divide-and-conquer (clone by clone) nor the shotgun approach. Random PCR-based and PCR relay sequencing constitute the basis of this novel strategy. Most of the genome is sequenced by the former process that requires only a set of non-specific primers and a template DNA. Random PCR-based sequencing reduces redundancy in sequencing by exploiting known sequence information. The number of primers required for random PCR was significantly diminished by using a combination of primers. The former process can be partially replaced by the shotgun method, if necessary. The gap-filling process can be effectively performed by way of PCR relay. The feasibility of this strategy was demonstrated using the Escherichia coli genome. This strategy enhances the global effort towards genome sequencing by being available through the Internet and by allowing the use of preexisting sequence data.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequence and genome organization of canine parvovirus.   总被引:30,自引:13,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
The genome of a canine parvovirus isolate strain (CPV-N) was cloned, and the DNA sequence was determined. The entire genome, including ends, was 5,323 nucleotides in length. The terminal repeat at the 3' end of the genome shared similar structural characteristics but limited homology with the rodent parvoviruses. The 5' terminal repeat was not detected in any of the clones. Instead, a region of DNA starting near the capsid gene stop codon and extending 248 base pairs into the coding region had been duplicated and inserted 75 base pairs downstream from the poly(A) addition site. Consensus sequences for the 5' donor and 3' acceptor sites as well as promotors and poly(A) addition sites were identified and compared with the available information on related parvoviruses. The genomic organization of CPV-N is similar to that of feline parvovirus (FPV) in that there are two major open reading frames (668 and 722 amino acids) in the plus strand (mRNA polarity). Both coding domains are in the same frame, and no significant open reading frames were apparent in any of the other frames of both minus and plus DNA strands. The nucleotide and amino acid homologies of the capsid genes between CPV-N and FPV were 98 and 99%, respectively. In contrast, the nucleotide and amino acid homologies of the capsid genes for CPV-N and CPV-b (S. Rhode III, J. Virol. 54:630-633, 1985) were 95 and 98%, respectively. These results indicate that very few nucleotide or amino acid changes differentiate the antigenic and host range specificity of FPV and CPV.  相似文献   

Sequence and genome organization of Borna disease virus.   总被引:36,自引:19,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文

Geminivirus replication origins have a modular organization.   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
Tomato golden mosaic virus (TGMV) and bean golden mosaic virus (BGMV) are closely related geminiviruses with bipartite genomes. The A and B DNA components of each virus have cis-acting sequences necessary for replication, and their A components encode trans-acting factors are required for this process. We showed that virus-specific interactions between the cis- and trans-acting functions are required for TGMV and BGMV replication in tobacco protoplasts. We also demonstrated that, similar to the essential TGMV AL1 replication protein, BGMV AL1 binds specifically to its origin in vitro and that neither TGMV nor BGMV AL1 proteins bind to the heterologous origin. The in vitro AL1 binding specificities of the B components were exchanged by site-directed mutagenesis, but the resulting mutants were not replicated by either A component. These results showed that the high-affinity AL1 binding site is necessary but not sufficient for virus-specific origin activity in vivo. Geminivirus genomes also contain a stem-loop sequence that is required for origin function. A BGMV B mutant with the TGMV stem-loop sequence was replicated by BGMV A, indicating that BGMV AL1 does not discriminate between the two sequences. A BGMV B double mutant, with the TGMV AL1 binding site and stem-loop sequences, was not replicated by either A component, indicating that an additional element in the TGMV origin is required for productive interaction with TGMV AL1. These results suggested that geminivirus replication origins are composed of at least three functional modules: (1) a putative stem-loop structure that is required for replication but does not contribute to virus-specific recognition of the origin, (2) a specific high-affinity binding site for the AL1 protein, and (3) at least one additional element that contributes to specific origin recognition by viral trans-acting factors.  相似文献   

We determined the complete nucleotide sequence of bovine parvovirus (BPV), an autonomous parvovirus. The sequence is 5,491 nucleotides long. The terminal regions contain nonidentical imperfect palindromic sequences of 150 and 121 nucleotides. In the plus strand, there are three large open reading frames (left ORF, mid ORF, and right ORF) with coding capacities of 729, 255, and 685 amino acids, respectively. As with all parvoviruses studied to date, the left ORF of BPV codes for the nonstructural protein NS-1 and the right ORF codes for the major parts of the three capsid proteins. The mid ORF probably encodes the major part of the nonstructural protein NP-1. There are promoterlike sequences at map units 4.5, 12.8, and 38.7 and polyadenylation signals at map units 61.6, 64.6, and 98.5. BPV has little DNA homology with the defective parvovirus AAV, with the human autonomous parvovirus B19, or with the other autonomous parvoviruses sequenced (canine parvovirus, feline panleukopenia virus, H-1, and minute virus of mice). Even though the overall DNA homology of BPV with other parvoviruses is low, several small regions of high homology are observed when the amino acid sequences encoded by the left and right ORFs are compared. From these comparisons, it can be shown that the evolutionary relationship among the parvoviruses is B19 in equilibrium with AAV in equilibrium with BPV in equilibrium with MVM. The highly conserved amino acid sequences observed among all parvoviruses may be useful in the identification and detection of parvoviruses and in the design of a general parvovirus vaccine.  相似文献   

Mutants of SV40 with deletions of a few to several thousand base pairs have been constructed in vitro and cloned in cultured monkey cells. The location and size of these deletions has been determined by restriction endonuclease mapping and electron microscopic and enzymatic analysis of DNA heteroduplex molecules. Analysis of the phenotype of these deletion mutants permits us to specify the locations of the known SV40 genes, in particular, the novel organization of SV40s two early genes that are required for oncogenesis.  相似文献   

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