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Dynamic structure of Agrobacterium tumefaciens Ti plasmids.   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Agrobacterium tumefaciens C58F is a variant of strain C58 which generates a high proportion of avirulent mutants in the presence of the virulence (vir) gene inducer acetosyringone. These mutants are altered in the Ti plasmid and do not respond to the acetosyringone signal (C. Fortin, E. W. Nester, and P. Dion, J. Bacteriol. 174:5676-5685, 1992). The physical organization of the Ti plasmid was compared in strain C58 and its variant. One feature distinguishing pTiC58F from its parent plasmid was the presence of the insertion element IS426. Three copies of this element were detected in the strain C58 chromosome, whereas two additional copies were found in strain C58F, including one copy in the Ti plasmid. This particular copy of IS426 was associated with the region of arginine and nopaline catabolism of pTiC58F. Most of the avirulent mutants recovered following growth of strain C58F in the presence of acetosyringone were complemented by clones carrying either virA or virG. Element IS426 was no longer found in the arginine and nopaline catabolism region of the Ti plasmids from the virA and virG mutants, but it resided in the particular KpnI fragment containing the modified vir locus. Behavior of a strain C58F derivative, which was inactivated in a chromosomal component required for the response to acetosyringone, was consistent with the possibility that vir gene induction is essential to the massive production of avirulent mutants.  相似文献   

By use of the Southern blot hybridization technique the extent of DNA homology was determined between the Nif plasmid of a number of fast-growing Rhizobium species and Ti plasmids of the octopine (pTiAch5) and nopaline (pTiC58) type. DNA sequences common to these plasmids were located on functional maps of the Ti plasmids. No homology between Nif plasmids and the T region of Ti plasmids was detected.  相似文献   

H Sawada  H Ieki    I Matsuda 《Applied microbiology》1995,61(2):828-831
A universal primer set (VCF/VCR) for PCR analysis based on the sequences of the virC operon located on Ti and Ri plasmids was designed to detect these plasmids from phytopathogenic Agrobacterium strains. With the VCF (sequence, 5'-ATCATTTGTAGCGACT-3') and VCR (sequence, 5'-AGCTCAAACCTGCTTC-3') primer set, DNA fragments of 730 bp in length were amplified from cell lysates of 10 rhizogenic and 65 tumorigenic agrobacteria. DNA sequencing and Southern hybridization analysis confirmed that the amplified fragments corresponded to the target region. The PCR method is considered convenient for routine determination of the potential pathogenicity of Agrobacterium strains.  相似文献   

Twenty-six plasmids from grapevine isolates of Agrobacterium tumefaciens were analyzed by SmaI fingerprinting and by hybridization of nick-translated DNA to DNA of another plasmid. These experiments established that octopine Ti plasmids are not highly conserved, although octopine Ti plasmids from biotype 1 A. tumefaciens strains appeared to be very similar. Octopine Ti plasmids from biotype 3 strains are more variable in terms of host range and SmaI fingerprints, but share extensive DNA homology. Fingerprints of nopaline Ti plasmids from strains of a given biotype resemble each other but not fingerprints of Ti plasmids from strains of the other two biotypes. The wide host range octopine Ti plasmid from the biotype 3 strain Ag86 shares more DNA homology with narrow host range Ti plasmids, nopaline Ti plasmids, and octopine catabolism plasmids than with the wide host range octopine Ti plasmid from biotype 1 strain 20/1. pTiAg86 does share homology with the portion of pTi20/1 integrated and expressed in plant tumor cells. Since all wide host range Ti plasmids studied contain these sequences, we suggest that natural selection for a wide host range resulted in the presence of the common sequences in distantly related plasmids. The lack of homology between this "common DNA" and limited host range Ti plasmids shows that the DNA sequences per se are not required for tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Ninety Agrobacterium strains were isolated from naturally appearing crown galls in Japan. They were classified into several groups based on opine type, biovars, tumorigenicity, and indigeneous plasmid profiles. Twenty-nine strains utilized nopaline, but none utilized octopine. Eighteen isolates were tumorigenic, nopaline type strains and thus classified as Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Some strains possessed anomalous traits such as lysine utilization, resistance to agrocin 84, and a lack of motility. Pathogenic strains contained Ti plasmids of either 200 kb or 260 kb, as identified by hybridization to T-DNA of the known Ti plasmid. However, the restriction enzyme cleavage patterns, arising from hybridization to the probe, were different from each other and indicated that nopaline type Ti plasmids possess more diverse T-DNA structures than previously reported. Five of 6 representative strains induced tumors on 6 plant species (tomato, petunia, poplar, kalanköe, apple, and grape). Among these, apple was notable, since only a few strains have been reported to be pathogenic to this plant. On petunia, 4 strains developed large tumors while 2 produced only small tumors. Teratomas were formed on poplar in a strain-dependent manner, but not on tomato. These results suggest that our isolates are wide host range strains, and that host-specificity of these strains is related to diverse T-DNA structures.  相似文献   

The relationship between the limited host range octopine Ti plasmids and the wide host range octopine Ti plasmids pTiB6806 and pTiA6 was studied. The limited host range Ti plasmids shared extensive deoxyribonucleic acid homology; pTiAg63 and pTiAg162 were essentially completely homologous with pTiAg158 while pTiAg57 shared approximately 64% homology with pTiAg158. In contrast, the limited host range octopine Ti plasmids only shared 6 to 15% homology with the wide host range octopine Ti plasmid pTiB6806. Thus, limited and wide host range octopine Ti plasmids comprise distinct families of plasmids. The deoxyribonucleic acid homology shared between the limited host range Ti plasmids and pTiB6806, however, was distributed over some 50% of pTiB6806, suggesting that both families of plasmids evolved from a common progenitor plasmid. The limited host range Ti plasmids showed relatively strong homology with pTiB6806 HpaI fragment 7, a region which codes for octopine utilization by the bacterium, but showed only weak homology with pTiB6806 HpaI fragment 12, a region required for virulence. In addition, homology between the limited host range octopine Ti plasmids and the "common deoxyribonucleic acid," sequences shown to have a central role in plant cell transformation, was barely detectable when stringent hybridization conditions were used. We therefore conclude that a highly conserved version of the common deoxyribonucleic acid is not required for crown gall tumorigenesis on all plant species.  相似文献   

The ubiquitous grapevine-associated octopine/cucumopine Ti plasmids of biotype III Agrobacterium tumefaciens strains carry two T regions, TA and TB, with a complex oncogene arrangement. Within the octopine/cucumopine group, two main strain types were identified: large TA strains with a TA region resembling the TL region of the biotype I octopine strain Ach5 and small TA strains with a similar T region organization as the large TA strains but with a large internal TA deletion. Structural and functional studies of the representative large TA strain Tm4 revealed six oncogenes. Each oncogene was inserted in a disarmed vector and tested for biological activity using the corresponding oncogenes of Ach5 as standards. Five Tm4 oncogenes, TA-iaaM, T-ipt, T-6b, TB-iaaH and TB-iaaM, were shown to be active, the IS-interrupted TA-iaaH gene was inactive. To study the role of each gene in the pTiTm4 context, several single and multiple pTiTm4 mutations were constructed. It was shown that whereas TA-iaaM and TB-iaaH are essential for tumour formation on grapevine, T-ipt, T-6b and TB-iaaM are not. The avirulence of the TA-iaaM - mutant was shown to be due to an inhibitory effect of the T-ipt gene, since a TA-iaaM - /T-ipt - double mutant was fully virulent. We conclude that the TA-iaaM gene of large TA strains is specifically required to counteract the tumour growth inhibiting activity of the T-ipt gene. Both TA-iaaM and T-ipt are absent from the small TA strains. A model on the roles and interactions of the different oncogenes in large TA and small TA strains is presented.  相似文献   

The mechanism of R plasmid-mediated Ti plasmid mobilization was investigated. The results show that Ti plasmids that have been mobilized by conjugative plasmids frequently—possibly always—carry an insertion sequence or a transposon originating from the mobilizing R plasmid. Based on this and other results a model is put forward for R plasmid-mediated Ti plasmid mobilization. The results reveal generally applicable methods for the discovery of new transposons and for the isolation of transposon-insertion derivatives of large Tra plasmids. One new transposon was already discovered during these studies, viz., a DNA unit of about 11 Mdal coding for HgrSmrSpr. This transposable element has been named Tn 1831.  相似文献   

The occ and noc regions of pTiAch5 (octopine) and pTiC58 (nopaline) Ti plasmids are responsible for the catabolic utilization of octopine and nopaline in Agrobacterium spp. The first enzymatic step is the oxidative cleavage into L-arginine and pyruvate or 2-ketoglutarate, respectively, by membrane-bound opine oxidases requiring two polypeptides (subunits B and A) for function. The DNA sequences showed that the subunits of pTiAch5 and pTiC58 are related, but none of the proteins revealed significant similarities to the biosynthetic enzymes expressed in transformed plant cells. The four proteins had no extensive overall similarity to other proteins, but the 35 N-terminal amino acids contained motifs found in many enzymes utilizing flavin adenine dinucleotide, flavin mononucleotide, or NAD(P)+ as cofactors. However, the activities were completely independent of added cofactors, and the nature of the electron acceptor remained unclear. Membrane solubilization led to complete loss of enzyme activity. The nopaline oxidase accepted nopaline and octopine (Vmax ratio, 5:1) with similar Km values (1.1 mM). The octopine oxidase had high activity with octopine (Km = 1 mM) and barely detectable activity with nopaline. The subunits from the occ and the noc regions were exchangeable. The combinations ooxB-noxA and noxB-ooxA both produced active enzymes which oxidized octopine and nopaline at similar rates, suggesting that both subunits contributed to the substrate specificity. These experiments also showed that the formation of functional enzyme required close proximity of the subunit genes on the same plasmid and that even a reversal of the gene order (A-B instead of B-A) led to reduced activity.  相似文献   

The TA regions of biotype III octopine/cucumopine (OC) Ti plasmids are closely related to the TL region of the biotype I octopine Ti plasmids pTiAch5 and pTi15955. Sequence analysis shows that the limited and wide host range biotype III OC TA regions are derived from a common ancestor structure which lacked the 6a gene found in the biotype I octopine TL region. The TA region of the wide host range OC Ti plasmids has conserved most of the original TL-like structure. In most wide host range OC isolates the TA-iaaH gene is inactivated by the insertion of an IS866 element. However, the TA region of the wide host range isolate Hm1 carries an intact TA-iaaH gene. This gene encodes a biologically active product, as shown by root induction tests and indole-3-acetic acid measurements.The limited host range OC Ti plasmids pTiAB3 and pTiAg57 have shorter TA regions which are derived from a wide host range TA region. The AB3 type arose by an IS868-mediated, internal TA region deletion which removed the iaa genes and part of the ipt gene and left a copy of IS868 at the position of the deleted fragment. The pTiAB3 iaa/ipt deletion was followed by insertion of a second IS element, IS869, immediately 3 of the ipt gene. pTiAg57 underwent the same iaa-ipt deletion as pTiAB3, but lacks the IS868 and IS869 elements.Analysis of the various TA region structures provides a detailed insight into the evolution of the biotype III OC strains.  相似文献   

Transfer of octopine Ti plasmids to strains already carrying an octopine Ti plasmid was found to occur at the same (high) frequency as transfer to Ti plasmid lacking recipients, showing that resident Ti plasmids do not exhibit entry exclusion towards incoming Ti plasmids. The resident octopine Ti plasmid was lost by the recipient after the entrance of the incoming Ti plasmid, which is indicative of the incompatibility between the Ti plasmids. Octopine Ti plasmids were found to become established only infrequently in recipients with a nopaline Ti plasmid and, vice versa, nopaline Ti plasmids were only rarely established in recipients with an octopine Ti plasmid. Rare clones in which the incoming octopine (nopaline) Ti plasmid had been established despite the presence of a nopaline (octopine) Ti plasmid appeared to harbor cointegrates consisting of the entire incoming Ti plasmid and the entire resident Ti plasmid. The integration event invariably had occurred in a region of the plasmids that is highly conserved in evolution and that is essential for oncogenicity. These results show that octopine and nopaline Ti plasmids cannot be maintained as separate replicons by one and the same cell. Therefore, be definition, these plasmids belong to the same incompatibility group, which has been names inc Rh-1. Agrobacterial non-Ti octopine and nopaline plasmids were found to belong to another incompatibility group. The tumorigenic properties of strains harboring two different Ti plasmids, in a cointegrate structure, were indicative of the virulence genes of both of them being expressed. The agrobacterial non-Ti octopine and nopaline plasmids did not influence the virulence properties encoded by the Ti plasmid.  相似文献   

Petunia protoplasts were infected with the virulent Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain A348 or the avirulent strain A136 (lacking a Ti plasmid). The infection process was stopped at various time intervals up to 24 h after inoculation, and the DNA from the plant cells was isolated. Southern blot analysis indicated that the DNA isolated from infected Petunia cells was not detectably contaminated by bacterial DNA from lysed Agrobacterium cells. Analysis of the DNA from the virulent infections suggested that the transferred DNA (T-DNA) may be transferred to the plant cell rapidly (within 2 to 6 h) after the bacteria bind to the cell wall and that the T-DNA may exist in a rearranged state which is stable over the time period investigated. Dot blot analysis indicated that regions far outside the T-DNA may be transferred to the plant cell. Most of the DNA transferred to the plant cell during the initial hours of infection is rapidly degraded.  相似文献   

In octopine-type A. tumefaciens R10, transfer of chromosomal arginine degradation genes (arc genes) was observed under conditions in which Ti plasmid transfer took place. However, transconjugants that had acquired the arc genes but not the Ti plasmid were recovered. During this process, several other chromosomal genes, such as genes encoding phage resistances or genes complementing a galactose utilization mutation or a glycine-serine auxotrophy, were transferred from strain R10 to the recipient.  相似文献   

Ti (Tumor inducing) plasmids in Agrobacterium tumefaciens can transfer their T-DNA region into dicotyledonous plants, in which the expression of T-DNA genes causes plant tumors and the production of bacterial nutrients, e.g., opines such as nopaline. Naturally occurring Ti plasmids (pTi) are difficult to cure by conventional curing methods because of their high stability. Here, we developed a novel curing method based on plasmid incompatibility. For this, a curing plasmid, pMGTrep1, was newly constructed and subsequently introduced into A. tumefaciens strains harboring pTi by conjugation with Escherichia coli harboring pMGTrep1. The conjugation yielded 32-99% nopaline non-utilizing agrobacterial transconjugants in which pMGTrep1 replaced pTi due to incompatibility. Then, pMGTrep1-less derivatives of the transconjugants are easily selected in the presence of sucrose because pMGTrep1 contains a sucrose-sensitive sacB gene. This efficient method is directly applicable for curing plasmids with the same incompatibility group and shoud also applicable to other types of plasmids in Agrobacterium groups, including A. rhizogenes, by replacing the rep gene region of the curing plasmid with that of the corresponding incompatibility.  相似文献   

Diversity among B6 strains of Agrobacterium tumefaciens.   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
A total of 20 laboratory substrains of Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain B6 were compared with respect to six characteristics, including 3-ketolactose production, lysogeny, octopine catabolism, tumorigenic host range, and plasmid content. Within this group of strains diversity was found for all characteristics except 3-ketolactose production. Six substrains were lysogenized with an omega-type phage, whereas one substrain appeared neither sensitive to nor lysogenized with this bacteriophage. All but two substrains catabolized octopine and induced tumors on carrot disks. These 18 substrains harbor deoxyribonucleic acid sequences homologous to pTiB6-806. The two substrains unable to catabolize octopine were nontumorigenic and lacked detectable Ti plasmid sequences. Of the 20 substrains, 13 also contained sequences homologous to the cryptic plasmid pAtB6-806; 2 of the 18 substrains tumorigenic on carrots failed to induce tumors on Kalanchoe leaves. Their inability to induced tumors on this host, could not be correlated with lysogeny, with the presence or absence of pAtB6-806, or with the very large cryptic plasmid recently described. The Ti plasmids from these two strains were indistinguishable from pTiB6-806 by restriction enzyme analysis and could genetically convert a cured A. tumefaciens strain to tumorigenicity on both plant species. The results with these two strains suggest that parameters of tumorigenicity, such as host range, may be controlled by the bacterial chromosome.  相似文献   

Thirteen strains of Agrobacterium tumefaciens isolated from grapevine tumors in northern China were surveyed. These strains varied in their host range properties, although all were tumorigenic on grapevines. Twelve of these strains belonged to Agrobacterium sp. biotype 3, and 11 strains resulted in the synthesis of the opine octopine in tumor tissue. Interestingly, one strain resulted in accumulation of arginine, a previously unrecognized opine, in tumor tissue. Although DNA in most of these strains showed homology to the previously characterized transferred DNA and vir loci, some virulent strains showed little or no homology to these loci. Thus, some of these strains represent widely divergent examples of Agrobacterium sp. The DNA in most strains exhibited little or no homology to a wide-host-range virA locus but did show strong homology to a limited-host-range virA locus. This finding further supports the idea that Agrobacterium strains associated with grapevines may have a specific virA locus.  相似文献   

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