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Proteolytic enzymes are synthesized as inactive precursors, or "zymogens," to prevent unwanted protein degradation, and to enable spatial and temporal regulation of proteolytic activity. Upon sorting or appropriate compartmentalization, zymogen conversion to the active enzyme typically involves limited proteolysis and removal of an "activation segment." The sizes of activation segments range from dipeptide units to independently folding domains comprising more than 100 residues. A common form of the activation segment is an N-terminal extension of the mature enzyme, or "prosegment," that sterically blocks the active site, and thereby prevents binding of substrates. In addition to their inhibitory role, prosegments are frequently important for the folding, stability, and/or intracellular sorting of the zymogen. The mechanisms of conversion to active enzymes are diverse in nature, ranging from enzymatic or nonenzymatic cofactors that trigger activation, to a simple change in pH that results in conversion by an autocatalytic mechanism. Recent X-ray crystallographic studies of zymogens and comparisons with their active counterparts have identified the structural changes that accompany conversion. This review will focus upon the structural basis for inhibition by activation segments, as well as the molecular events that lead to the conversion of zymogens to active enzymes.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of the activation domain isolated from porcine pancreatic procarboxypeptidase B was determined using 1H NMR spectroscopy. A group of 20 conformers is used to describe the solution structure of this 81 residue polypeptide chain, which has a well-defined backbone fold from residues 11-76 with an average root mean square distance for the backbone atoms of 1.0 +/- 0.1 A relative to the mean of the 20 conformers. The molecular architecture contains a four-stranded beta-sheet with the polypeptide segments 11-17, 36-39, 50-56 and 75-76, two well defined alpha-helices from residues 20-30 and 60-70, and a 3(10) helix from residues 43-46. The three helices are oriented almost exactly antiparallel to each other, are all on the same side of the beta-sheet, and the helix axes from an angle of approximately 45 degrees relative to the direction of the beta-strands. Three segments linking beta-strands and helical secondary structures, with residues 32-35, 39-43 and 56-61, are significantly less well ordered than the rest of the molecule. In the three-dimensional structure two of these loops (residues 32-35 and 56-61) are located close to each other near the protein surface, forming a continuous region of increased mobility, and the third disordered loop is separated from this region only by the peripheral beta-strand 36-39 and precedes the short 3(10) helix.  相似文献   

Low catalytic efficiency of basal-state protein kinases often depends on activation loop residues blocking substrate access to the catalytic cleft. Using the recombinant soluble form of the insulin receptor's kinase domain (IRKD) in its unphosphorylated state, activation loop conformation was analyzed by limited proteolysis. The rate of activation loop cleavage by trypsin is slow in the apo-IRKD. Bound Mg-adenine nucleoside di- and triphosphates increased the cleavage rate with half-maximal effects observed at 0.4-0.9 mM nucleotide. Adenosine monophosphate at concentrations up to 10 mM was not bound appreciably by the IRKD and had virtually no impact on activation loop cleavage. Amino-terminal and carboxy-terminal core-flanking regions of the IRKD had no statistically significant impact on the ligand-dependent or -independent activation loop cleavages. Furthermore, the core-flanking regions did not change the inherent conformational stability of the active site or the global stability of the IRKD, as determined by guanidinium chloride-induced denaturation. These measurements indicate that the intrasterically inhibitory conformation encompasses > or =90% of the ligand-free basal state kinase. However, normal intracellular concentrations of Mg-adenine nucleotides, which are in the millimolar range, would favor a basal-state conformation of the activation loop that is more accessible.  相似文献   

We have cloned and expressed microplasminogen (mPlg), consisting of the N-terminal undecapeptide of human glu-Plg spliced to its proenzyme domain. This truncated (approximately 28 kDa) proenzyme retained the distinctive catalytic activities of the larger parent. Replacement of M residues followed by M shuffling permitted subsequent scission by site-directed chemical proteolysis (in CNBr/formic acid) without impairing any of the protein's characteristic properties. Activation of chymotrypsinogen-related zymogens occurs by limited proteolysis; the newly liberated, highly conserved N-terminus (VVGG) forms a salt bridge with an aspartyl residue immediately upstream of the active site serine. The role of both of these elements in mPlg activation was probed using protein engineering and site-directed proteolysis to alter the length and amino acid composition of the N-terminus, and to replace the aspartate. All modifications affected both Km and Kcat. The results identify some structural parameters of the N-terminus required for proenzyme activation.  相似文献   

Hatching in the amphibian Xenopus laevis involves release of an embryo-secreted hatching enzyme, a protease, which weakens the envelope surrounding the embryo. The envelope is not totally solubilized, which infers that only selected envelope components are hydrolyzed by the enzyme. The susceptibility of the glycoprotein components composing the envelope to hydrolysis by the hatching enzyme was investigated. Isolated envelopes in various physical states, ie, particulate and solubilized, were treated with the hatching enzyme, and the resulting envelope hydrolysis products were characterized by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The susceptibility of the envelope components to proteolysis was not a function of the state of the envelope. The envelope components most susceptible to proteolysis were the 125K and 11 8K components followed by the 60K and 71 – 77K components. These components are minor constituents of the envelope. The major constituents, 33K and 40K, were relatively resistant to hydrolysis by the hatching enzyme. From these observations, we infer that the envelope components hydrolyzed are components that link or bind together the major structural elements of the envelope, eg, the 33K and 40K components. Selective destruction of the components required for maintaining the structural integrity of the envelope, eg, the “nuts and bolts” of the structure, permits a weakening of the envelope that allows the embryo to hatch without having to destroy totally (hydrolyze) the envelope.  相似文献   

Summary The NMR solution structure of the activation domain isolated from porcine procarboxypeptidase B is compared with the X-ray crystal structure of the corresponding segment in the intact proenzyme. For the region of the polypeptide chain that has a well-defined three-dimensional structure in solution, i.e., the backbone atoms of residues 11–76 and 25 amino acid side chains in this segment that form a hydrophobic core in the activation domain, the root-mean-square distance between the two structures is 1.1 Å. There are no significant differences in average atom positions between the two structures, but only the NMR structure shows increased structural disorder in three outlying loops located along the same edge of the activation domain. These regions of increased structural disorder in the free domain coincide only partially with the interface to the enzyme domain in the proenzyme.  相似文献   

By a limited proteolysis with thermolysin, rye seed chitinase-a (RSC-a) was separated into a N-terminal cysteine-rich chitin-binding (CB-) domain (48 residues) and a catalytic (Cat-) domain (254 residues). The hydrolytic activity of the isolated Cat-domain toward soluble glycolchitin, was similar to that of RSC-a, but that toward insoluble colloidal chitin was 28% of that of RSC-a. Five disulfide bonds in the CB-domain were reduced with 2-mercaptoethanol (2-ME) in the absence of denaturing agents by an “all-or-none” process, that is, once the disulfide bond between Cysl5 and Cys42 in the CB-domain was cleaved, the remaining four disulfide bonds were reduced very easily. The reduced and carboxymethylated RSC-a completely lost the chitin-binding ability, but retained 50% of the hydrolytic activity toward colloidal chitin of RSC-a.

From these results, it was shown that RSC-a consists of a CB-domain and a Cat-domain connected by a flexible linker, and it was suggested that the CB-domain increases the hydrolytic action of Cat-domain toward insoluble chitin derivatives by binding to them.  相似文献   

The production and identification of a monoclonal antibody, 111 B52 C2, raised against fragments obtained after limited proteolysis of purified tubulin is described. The recognized epitope is located on the aminoterminal domain of the alpha-tubulin subunit and differs from the antigenic sites reacting with the presently existing panel of available monoclonal antibodies. This monoclonal antibody thus constitutes a potentially useful tool to explore interactions between tubulin and other specific ligands.  相似文献   

The interfacial activation of Rhizomucor miehei lipase (RmL) involves the motion of an alpha-helical region (residues 82-96) which acts as a "lid" over the active site of the enzyme, undergoing a displacement from a "closed" to an "open" conformation upon binding of substrate. Normal mode analyses performed in both low and high dielectric media reveal that low-frequency vibrational modes contribute significantly to the conformational transition between the closed and open conformations. In these modes, the lid displacement is coupled to local motions of active site loops as well as global breathing motions. Atomic fluctuations of the first hinge of the lid (residues 83-84) are substantially larger in the low dielectric medium than in the high dielectric medium. Our results also suggest that electrostatic interactions of Arg86 play an important role in terms of both the intrinsic stability of the lid and its displacement, through enhancement of hinge mobility in a high dielectric medium. Additional calculations demonstrate that the observed patterns of atomic fluctuations are an intrinsic feature of the protein structure and not dependent on the nature of specific energy minima.  相似文献   

We have previously proposed a model for the fold of the N-terminal domain of the small, regulatory subunit (SSU) of acetohydroxyacid synthase isozyme III. The fold is an alpha-beta sandwich with betaalphabetabetaalphabeta topology, structurally homologous to the C-terminal regulatory domain of 3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase. We suggested that the N-terminal domains of a pair of SSUs interact in the holoenzyme to form two binding sites for the feedback inhibitor valine in the interface between them. The model was supported by mutational analysis and other evidence. We have now examined the role of the C-terminal portion of the SSU by construction of truncated polypeptides (lacking 35, 48, 80, 95, or 112 amino acid residues from the C terminus) and examining the properties of holoenzymes reconstituted using these constructs. The Delta35, Delta48, and Delta80 constructs all lead to essentially complete activation of the catalytic subunits. The Delta80 construct, corresponding to the putative N-terminal domain, has the highest level of affinity for the catalytic subunits and leads to a reconstituted enzyme with k(cat)/K(M) about twice that of the wild-type enzyme. On the other hand, none of these constructs binds valine or leads to a valine-sensitive enzyme on reconstitution. The enzyme reconstituted with the Delta80 construct does not bind valine, either. The N-terminal portion (about 80 amino acid residues) of the SSU is thus necessary and sufficient for recognition and activation of the catalytic subunits, but the C-terminal half of the SSU is required for valine binding and response. We suggest that the C-terminal region of the SSU contributes to monomer-monomer interactions, and provide additional experimental evidence for this suggestion.  相似文献   

A biochromatographic system was used to study the direct effect of carbon nanoparticles (CNPs) on the acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity. The AChE enzyme was covalently immobilized on a monolithic CIM-disk via its NH2 residues. Our results showed an increase in the AChE activity in presence of CNPs. The catalytic constant (kcat) was increased while the Michaelis constant (Km) was slightly decreased. This indicated an increase in the enzyme efficiency with increase of the substrate affinity to the active site. The thermodynamic data of the activation mechanism of the enzyme, i.e. ΔH* and ΔS*, showed no change in the substrate interaction mechanism with the anionic binding site. The increase of the enthalpy (ΔH*) and the entropy (ΔS*) with decrease in the free energy of activation (Ea) was related to structural conformation change in the active site gorge. This affected the stability of water molecules in the active site gorge and facilitated water displacement by substrate for entering to the active site of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Deletion of the transmembrane domain (TM-domain) of Archaeoglobus fulgidus LonB protease (Archaeoglobus fulgidus (AfLon)) was shown to result in uncontrollable activation of the enzyme proteolytic site and in vivo autolysis yielding a stable and functionally inactive fragment consisting of both α-helical and proteolytic domains (αP). The ΔTM-AfLon-S509A enzyme form, obtained by site-directed mutagenesis of the catalytic Ser residue, is capable of recombination with the αP fragment. The mixed oligomers were shown to be proteolytically active, which indicates a crucial role of subunit interactions in the activation of the AfLon proteolytic site. The thermophilic nature of AfLon protease was found to be due to the special features of the enzyme activity regulation, the structure of ATPase domain, and the quaternary structure.  相似文献   

Lszl Polgr 《Proteins》1997,28(3):375-379
Basic amino acid pairs in polypeptides represent important markers for processing enzymes to produce biologically active products. Such enzymes related to the serine peptidase subtilisin have recently been identified in eukaryotes. Herein is described and kinetically characterized a new type of processing enzyme, oligopeptidase B, which is encountered in the prokaryote Escherichia coli, and belongs to the prolyl oligopeptidase family of serine peptidases. The enzyme hydrolyzes the peptides at the carboxy end of dibasic sites by two orders of magnitude faster with respect to monobasic substrates. The kcat/Km is extremely high, 63 μM−1 s−1, for the substrate benzyloxycarbonyl-L-arginyl-L-arginyl-7-(4- methylcoumaryl)amide. The bell-shaped pH dependence of the rate constant is perturbed by some ionizing group(s). This effect is abolished at 1 M NaCl. In addition, high ionic strength inhibits the reaction considerably by increasing Km, which is indicative of an electrostatic interaction between the arginyl residues and the enzymatic carboxy groups. In distinction from that found with most serine endopeptidases, kinetic deuterium isotope measurements with oligopeptidase B indicate that the rate-limiting step of the reaction is a physical step rather than a chemical one characterized by general acid/base catalysis. The present result will contribute to our understanding of the processing phenomena in prokaryotes, as well as in higher organisms. Proteins 28:375–379, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Resident T lymphocytes have been found to exert helper and suppressor regulatory influences with regard to polyclonal activation of murine splenic B lymphocytes elicited by lipopolysaccharide. In the normal adult spleen, only T cell helper influences are exercised over polyclonal B cell activation. This activity is a property of Lyt 1+2- T cells and does not appear to be subject to MHC restriction. Suppressive influence evidently is either latent or it exists at such a low level that its effects are difficult to detect. No regulatory activity can be recovered from the supernatants of T cells, cultured either with or without LPS. However, suppressor T cell function may be evoked by activating splenic T cells with Concanavalin A or by sonicating unstimulated splenic T cells in order to liberate a suppressive potential which is not expressed by these unstimulated cells when intact. The soluble fraction of resident splenic T cell sonicates exerts both helper and suppressor regulatory influences. The soluble helper activity is derived from Lyt l+2- T cells, whereas suppressor activity is generated from Lyt 1-2+ T cells. The suppressive activity of T cell sonicates is not restricted by the MHC gene complex. Helper and suppressor activities contained in splenic T cell sonicates were separated by gel chromatography; the suppressive activity was found to elute with a molecular weight between 68,000 and 84,000 daltons, and the helper activity eluted with a molecular weight between 15,000 and 23,000 daltons. The data indicate that helper and suppressor activities are distinct molecular entities derived from distinct splenic T lymphocyte subpopulations. The possibility that these molecules are precursors to or components of antigen-specific or nonspecific helper and suppressor factors described in the literature is discussed.  相似文献   

Pro-aminopeptidase processing protease (PA protease) is an extracellular zinc metalloprotease produced by Aeromonas caviae T-64 and it is classified as M04.016 according to the MEROPS database. The precursor of PA protease consists of four regions; a signal peptide, an N-terminal propeptide, a C-terminal propeptide, and the mature PA protease. The in vitro refolding of the intermediate pro-PA protease containing the C-terminal propeptide (MC) was investigated in the presence and absence of the N-terminal propeptide. The results indicate that the noncovalently linked N-terminal propeptide is able to assist in the refolding of MC. In the absence of the N-terminal propeptide, MC is trapped into a folding competent state that is converted into the active form by the addition of the N-terminal propeptide. Moreover, the N-terminal propeptide was found to form a complex with the folded MC and inhibit further processing of MC into the mature PA protease. Inhibitory activity of the purified N-terminal propeptide toward mature PA protease was also observed, and the mode of this inhibition was determined to be a mixed, noncompetitive inhibition with an associated allosteric effect.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli, flavodoxin is the physiological electron donor for the reductive activation of the enzymes pyruvate formate-lyase, anaerobic ribonucleotide reductase, and B12-dependent methionine synthase. As a basis for studies of the interactions of flavodoxin with methionine synthase, crystal structures of orthorhombic and trigonal forms of oxidized recombinant flavodoxin from E. coli have been determined. The orthorhombic form (space group P2(1)2(1)2(1), a = 126.4, b = 41.10, c = 69.15 A, with two molecules per asymmetric unit) was solved initially by molecular replacement at a resolution of 3.0 A, using coordinates from the structure of the flavodoxin from Synechococcus PCC 7942 (Anacystis nidulans). Data extending to 1.8-A resolution were collected at 140 K and the structure was refined to an Rwork of 0.196 and an Rfree of 0.250 for reflections with I > 0. The final model contains 3,224 non-hydrogen atoms per asymmetric unit, including 62 flavin mononucleotide (FMN) atoms, 354 water molecules, four calcium ions, four sodium ions, two chloride ions, and two Bis-Tris buffer molecules. The structure of the protein in the trigonal form (space group P312, a = 78.83, c = 52.07 A) was solved by molecular replacement using the coordinates from the orthorhombic structure, and was refined with all data from 10.0 to 2.6 A (R = 0.191; Rfree = 0.249). The sequence Tyr 58-Tyr 59, in a bend near the FMN, has so far been found only in the flavodoxins from E. coli and Haemophilus influenzae, and may be important in interactions of flavodoxin with its partners in activation reactions. The tyrosine residues in this bend are influenced by intermolecular contacts and adopt different orientations in the two crystal forms. Structural comparisons with flavodoxins from Synechococcus PCC 7942 and Anaebaena PCC 7120 suggest other residues that may also be critical for recognition by methionine synthase.  相似文献   

The mechanisms involved in degradation of the native protein structure was analyzed by comparing the temperature dependences of the hydrogen exchange (HE) and proteolytic cleavage rates of hen egg lysozyme (HEL), human hemoglobin (Hb), and its apoform (apoHb). Acceleration of the burstlike (all or none) proteolytic degradation of HEL in a high temperature range results from the intensification of global fluctuations with overal structure unfolding, indicated by HE. The rates of Hb and apoHb burstlike degradation and HE weakly depend on the temperature in the range where only local fluctuations of the native structure are detectable by HE. These two proteins are cleaved according to a self-accelerated burstlike mechanism with the initial rate-limiting single cleavage due to local fluctuations in the native structure. Such fluctuations play an important role in intracellular burstlike proteolytic degradation of native proteins.  相似文献   

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