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The 14C and the 13C methods are routinely used for measuringphytoplankton production. However, few systematic comparisonsof estimates using the two approaches have been conducted. Thepresent comparison is based on 257 pairs of samples, representing1 year of monthly sampling at 10 depths in the euphotic zone.Data, obtained by the same operators following a standard protocol,were collected at three different stations on the Scotian Shelf(Northwestern Atlantic Ocean). Overall agreement between thetwo methods was good (r=0.827). However, relative differencesbetween the two sets of estimates were not randomly distributedin time and space. Three factors (photic depth, station andsampling date), identified to explain the observed differences,were included in a three-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) usingrelative differences as the covariate. Following this ANOVA,the whole set was split into three subsets. For the two subsetswhere the above identified factors did not have any significanteffect, the distribution of relative differences was narrowerthan these for the whole data set. Significant effects of thethree factors persisted for the third subset and relative differencesexhibited wide variations. Possible explanations for the observeddifferences include (i) the volume of incubation bottles, (ii)the incubation temperature and (iii) the absence of measurementsof dark uptake.  相似文献   

Abstract. In the marine environment, the range of values of carbon isotope fractionation between particulate tissue of phytoplankton and inorganic carbon can be more than 20‰ (− 35‰ < δ13C < − 14‰). This review considers the influence of seawater temperature, lipid content of phytoplanktonic cells, kinetic fractionation, and carbon pathway on δ13C values observed at sea.
In order to study the contribution of carboxylases (RUBISCO and the β-carboxylases phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase, phosphoenoplpyruvate carboxykinase and pyruvate carboxylase) to variations of particulate δ13C values at sea, we present results obtained simultenously on carboxylase activities and δ13C in various environmental conditions. The lowest δ13C values are clearly associated with predominance of ribulose-1.5-bisphosphate carboxylase activity, but it was more difficult to explain the high δ13C values. Different hypotheses are discussed.  相似文献   

A tracer method is described that uses the stable isotope 30Si to measure rates of silicic acid uptake by diatom cultures and natural populations of marine phytoplankton. The method involves (i) incubation of organisms requiring silicic acid for growth in the presence of 30Si-labeled silicic acid, (ii) collection of the resulting particulate silicon, (iii) conversion of the particulate silicon to BaSiF6, (iv) determination of the 30Si content of BaSiF6 by solid sample mass spectrometry, and (v) calculation of the uptake rate from the 30Si enrichment of the particulate matter during the incubation. The maximum overall error in the uptake rate measurement is ±10%.  相似文献   

Floods are fundamental for the maintenance of floodplain biodiversity. As a result, well-functioning floodplains are characterized by a high spatio-temporal heterogeneity. Most floodplain-organisms need this shifting landscape mosaic to fulfil their environmental requirements and display a range of adaptations to survive floods. However, in temperate areas, where winter floods are common, extraordinary floods occurring in summer, a period of high physiological activity, may seriously impact the floodplain fauna. This is especially true for guilds characterized by low mobility, such as molluscs. Here we examined the immediate and longer-term response of Elbe grassland molluscs to the extreme 2002 Elbe summer flood in terms of abundance, diversity, and community composition by comparing pre- and post-flood data collected with identical methods. The flood favoured the colonization of aquatic species and led to a shift of the community towards a more hydrophilic composition. Both diversity and abundance increased significantly in the first year following the flood but decreased later gradually to the pre-flood levels. The high spatio-temporal habitat heterogeneity played an important part in the maintenance of mollusc diversity by increasing refuge opportunities and favouring the maintenance of various mollusc communities with different environmental requirements within the floodplain. Handling editor: S. I. Dodson  相似文献   

We investigated the ability of four species of marine zooplanktonto synthesize polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) during pulse-chasetracer experiments. Liposomes containing a deuterium labelledprecursor fatty acid, D5-18:3n-3, were fed to female Calanusfinmarchicus, Calanoides acutus, Drepanopus forcipatus and calyptopuslarvae of Euphausia superba during ship-board experiments. Althoughall species of zooplankton readily ingested the liposomes andincorporated the D5-18:3n-3 tracer into their somatic lipidpool, only negligible products of elongation and desaturation;D5-18:4n-3, D5-20:5n-3 and D5-22:6n-3 were detected after 96h incubations. We conclude that the four species of marine zooplanktonexamined here are unable to synthesize PUFA at ecologicallysignificant rates and certainly not in amounts sufficient tosupport growth and reproductive processes.  相似文献   

Water uptake by plants: perspectives from stable isotope composition   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:24  
Stable isotope studies of hydrogen and oxygen stable isotope ratios of water within plants are providing new information on water sources, competitive interactions and water use patterns under natural conditions. Variation in the utilization of summer rain by aridland species and limited use of stream water by mature riparian trees are two examples of how stable isotope studies have modified our understanding of plant water relations. Analyses of xylem sap and tree rings have the potential of providing both short-term and long-term information on plant water use patterns.  相似文献   

Parasitic wasps are prominent natural enemies of crop pests. They usually feed on floral resources during the adult stage (nectar, pollen, or honeydew). Extrafloral nectar is an alternative source of sugar easily accessible to adult parasitoids. We developed an original method of nectar labelling based on the injection of labelled sugar solution into the plant stem in order to analyse the nectar uptake by parasitoids (cotton wick method). This method was used to artificially enrich extrafloral cornflower, Centaurea cyanus L. (Asteraceae), nectar with the stable isotope 13C. We analysed (1) the transfer of 13C from the sugar solution into extrafloral nectaries, (2) the uptake of labelled nectar by parasitoids under laboratory conditions, and (3) the ability of the method to discriminate, in an oilseed rape (Brassica napus L., Brassicaceae) field, between labelled parasitoids (i.e., those who have fed on labelled cornflowers located adjacent to the field) and unlabelled parasitoids to track parasitoid movements from the margin into the field. The extrafloral nectar of all test plants was 13C‐labelled. Most (66%) of the parasitoids were identified as marked after 96 h of exposure to labelled plants in the laboratory. We could also detect labelled parasitoids inside the field, but the detection rate was only 1%. The experiments clearly demonstrate that the cotton wick method is appropriate to label extrafloral nectar and parasitoids feeding on this labelled nectar. Further research is needed on the amount of labelled extrafloral nectar required to obtain a sufficient marker level to track parasitoid movements in the field.  相似文献   

Several approaches for estimation of fractional zinc absorption (FZA) by calculating the ratio of oral to intravenous stable isotopic tracer concentrations (at an appropriate time) in urine or plasma after their simultaneous administration have been proposed in the last decade. These simple-to-implement approaches, often referred to as the double isotopic tracer ratio (DITR) method, are more attractive than the classical "deconvolution" method and the more commonly used single-tracer methods based on fecal monitoring and indicator dilution, after oral or intravenous tracer administration, respectively. However, the domain of validity of DITR for measuring FZA has recently been questioned. In this paper, we provide a theoretical justification of the validity of four different "approximate" formulations of the DITR technique by demonstrating mathematically that their accuracy is a consequence of the particular properties of zinc kinetics.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton growth rates can be estimated from measurementsof light-dependent [14C]bicarbonate uptake (photosynthesis)rates using the integrated (logarithmic) form of the exponentialgrowth law. A clanfication of this method is presented herein view of confusions in the recent literature.  相似文献   

We grew 11 basidiomycetes in axenic culture to characterize their physiological capacities to fractionate stable C isotopes. Generally, delta(13)C values of the fungal biomass were (i) enriched in (13)C relative to the growth medium, (ii) variable among the isolates, and (iii) dependent on the growth rate and growth stage of the fungi. We found a multiphasic dynamic of fractionation for Cryptoporus volvatus and Marasmius androsaceus during various growth stages. The first phase, P1, corresponded to the exponential growth stage and was characterized by an increasing enrichment in (13)C content of the fungal biomass relative to the growth medium ranging between 4.6 and 6.9 per thousand. The second phase, P2, exhibited a continual depletion in (13)C of the fungal biomass, with the delta(13)C values of the fungal biomass asymptotically returning to the delta(13)C value of the growth medium at inoculation. The expression of the various fractionation phases was dependent on the amount of low-concentration micronutrients and growth factors added to the growth medium. The onset of P2 occurred at reduced concentrations of these elements. All of the sugars in the growth medium (sucrose, maltose, and glucose) were utilized for growth, indicating that the observed fractionation was not an artifact derived from the preferential use of (13)C-rich maltose, which was found at low concentrations in the growth medium. In this study, we establish a framework with which to explore the impact of physiological fractionations by fungal interfaces on natural distributions of stable C isotopes.  相似文献   

The uptake of N by phytoplankton is generally estimated usingthe 15N technique and, under some circumstances, the uptakeof C is estimated using 13C. Rigorous examination of formulaefor computing net transport rates leads to several interestingand even unexpected conclusions. These are that the 15N or 13Ctechnique formula for computing net transport rates () is identicalto that of the 14C technique, in spite of apparent dissimilaritieswhich reflect differences in equipment used for determiningnon-radioactive and radioactive isotopes; the so-called specificuptake rates (V) should not be used with natural samples, exceptas a step in the calculation of transport rates (); estimationof is unaffected by the presence/absence of non-phytoplanktonicpaniculate organic matter (POM) in the incubated sample; thepractice of adding the concentration of tracer to the denominatorof expression representing the concentration of tracer in thedissolved phase at the beginning of incubation should be discontinued;and the concentration of POM should be determined from the inoculatedsample at the end of incubation (or, alternatively, from a sampleincubated in parallel) and not from a water sample taken atthe beginning of the incubation.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton respond to variations in light intensity as they are mixed through the water column. Changes in pigment content are characteristic of the relatively slow response of 'sun-shade' photoacclimation that occurs on timescales typical of mixing in the open ocean. In estuaries, the variations are much faster and induce correspondingly rapid changes in the activity (rather than abundance) of different components of the photosynthetic apparatus. These components modulate light harvesting and Calvin cycle activity, or protect the pigment bed from excess energy absorption. When the protective capacity is exceeded, photoinhibition occurs. All these mechanisms modulate the rate of photosynthesis in situ.  相似文献   

Growth rate estimates () of phytoplankton populations that were sampled from nitrogen-limited continuous cultures and then incubated for short durations in batch culture with added14C-HCO3 were significantly different than steady-state growth rates () for 3 of 5 marine phytoplankton species. Two diatoms,Thalassiosira weissflogii andChaetoceros simplex, displayed virtually identical growth rates (=) over a wide range of, whereas for a third diatom,Phaeodactylum tricornutum, was overestimated by an average of 40% compared to. In contrast, was underestimated by the14C technique for the two remaining species: up to 40% at a steady-state of 1.0 day–1 for the chlorophyteDunaliella tertiolecta and up to 100% at of 1.4 day–1 for the haptophytePavlova lutheri. For the latter two species the divergence between and appeared to increase with increasing steady-state. A simple model of labeled and total carbon flow between the aqueous phase and cellular biomass was constructed to demonstrate that respiration was negligible when=, but was significant when>. In the cases in which<, a rapid physiological alteration presumably took place once the steady state was disturbed and cells were placed in the incubation chambers, which perhaps was related to the nutritional state of the cultures at the time of sampling. Questions thus are raised regarding our ability to measure accurately primary productivity from shipboard experiments with confined samples of phytoplankton from nutrient-impoverished waters that probably are less hardy than the laboratory cultures used in these studies.  相似文献   

Abstract: The effects of solar ultraviolet radiation (UV) on carbon uptake, oxygen evolution and motility of marine phytoplankton were investigated in coastal waters at Kristineberg Marine Research Station on the west coast of Sweden (58° 30'N, 11° 30'E). The mean irradiances at noon above the water surface during the investigation period were: photosynthetic active radiation (PAR, 400–700 nm) 1670 μmol m−2 s−1; ultraviolet-A radiation (UV-A, 320–400 nm) 35.9 W m−2 and ultraviolet-B radiation (UV-B, 280–320 nm) 1.7 W m−2. UV-B radiation was much more attenuated with depth in the water column than were PAR and UV-A radiation. UV-B radiation could not be detected at depths greater than 100–150 cm. Inhibition of carbon uptake by UV-A and UV-B in natural phytoplankton populations was greatest at 50 cm depth and the effects of UV-B were greater than those of UV-A. At depths greater than 50 cm there was almost no effect of ultraviolet radiation on carbon uptake. PAR, UV-A and UV-B decreased oxygen evolution by the dinoflagellate Prorocentrum minimum . Inhibition of oxygen evolution was greater after 4 h than 2 h but it was not possible to distinguish the negative effects of the different light regimes. The motility of P. minimum was not affected by PAR, UV-A and UV-B. The importance of exposure of phytoplankton to different light regimes before being exposed to natural solar radiation is discussed.  相似文献   

The rates of dark14CO2 fixation by natural phytoplankton communities growing in eutrophic and oligotrophic waters were studied with short-term in situ experiments. Three aspects were investigated: (1) the time course incorporation of14CO2 in darkness, (2) the depth variability in dark14CO2 fixation, and (3) the variability in14CO2 fixation within a year. The highest dark14CO2 incorporation rates were observed during the first interval of incubation (20 min) after which they approached a constant rate with time. The observed differences in dark14CO2 fixation rates between populations from different depths were associated with differences in species composition as well as with physiological differences caused by exposure to different illumination conditions prior to their exposure to darkness. Autocorrelation coefficients were computed for the analysis of variability of dark14CO2 fixation rates within a year. It was suggested that dark14CO2 incorporation might be a periodic phenomenon depending mainly on the productive capacity of the phytoplankton community.  相似文献   

Discrimination between12C and13C by marine plants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary The natural abundance13C/12C ratios (as δ13C) of organic matter of marine macroalgae from Fife and Angus (East Scotland) were measured for comparison with the species' ability to use CO2 and HCO 3 - for photosynthesis, as deduced from previously published pH-drift measurements. There was a clear difference in δ13C values for species able or unable to use HCO 3 - . Six species of Chlorophyta, 12 species of Phaeophyta and 8 species of Rhodophyta that the pH-drift data suggested could use HCO 3 - had δ13C values in the range -8.81‰ to -22.55‰. A further 6 species of Rhodophyta which the pH-drift data suggested could only use CO2 had δ13C values in the range -29.90‰ to-34.51‰. One of these six species (Lomentaria articulata) is intertidal; the other five are subtidal and so have no access to atmospheric CO2 to complicate the analysis. For these species, calculations based on the measured δ13C of the algae, the δ13C of CO2 in seawater, and the known13C/12C discrimination of CO2 diffusion and RUBISCO carboxylation suggest that only 15–21% of the limitation to photosynthesisin situ results from CO2 diffusion from the bulk medium to the plastids; the remaining 79–85% is associated with carboxylation reactions (and, via feedback effects, down-stream processes). This analysis has been extended for one of these five species,Delesseria sanguinea, by incorporating data onin situ specific growth rates, respiratory rates measured in the laboratory, and applying Fick's law of diffusion to calculate a boundary layer thickness of 17–24 μm. This value is reasonable for aDelesseria sanguinea frondin situ. For HCO 3 - -using marine macroalgae the range of δ13C values measured can be accommodated by a CO2 efflux from algal cells which range from 0.306 of the gross HCO 3 - influx forEnteromorpha intestinalis13C=-8.81‰) in a rockpool to 0.787 forChondrus crispus13C=-22.55‰). The relatively high computed CO2 efflux for those HCO 3 - -users with the more negative δ13C values implies a relatively high photon cost of C assimilation; the observed photon costs can be accommodated by assuming coupled, energy-independent inorganic carbon influx and efflux. The observed δ13C values are also interpreted in terms of water movement regimes and obtaining CO2 from the atmosphere. Published δ13C values for freshwater macrophytes were compared with the ability of the species to use CO2 and HCO 3 - and again there was an apparent separation in δ13C values for these two groups. δ13C values obtained for marine macroalgae for which no pH-drift data are available permit predictions, as yet untested, as to whether they use predominantly CO2 or HCO 3 -  相似文献   

We discovered the phenomenon that dark uptake of ammonium increasesat night and maximizes around midnight. The maximum values atmidnight are 2 or 3 times higher than the values in the daytime.  相似文献   

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