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A rhabdovirus isolated in Tunisia by mechanical inoculation from honeysuckle (Lonicera sp.) plants with vein yellowing, was compared with a Tunisian isolate of eggplant mottled dwarf virus (EMDV). The two viruses had similar host ranges and caused the same symptoms in artificially infected hosts. The honeysuckle virus induced in eggplant a syndrome indistinguishable from that typical of EMDV. The two viruses could not be differentiated serologically, had particles of the same size and elicited identical cytopathological alterations in naturally and artificially infected hosts. Honeysuckle is the first host, besides eggplant, found to be naturally infected with EMDV.  相似文献   

The natural occurrence of eggplant mottled dwarf rhabdovirus (EMDV) in field-grown tobacco plants iti Italy is reported. The virus was identified by the differential reactions of herbaceous hosts, electron microscopy and serology. This seems to be the first record of natural itifection of tobacco by EMDV.  相似文献   

A virus isolated in India from eggplant (Solanum melongena) showing chlorotic rings, line pattern and mosaic on leaves accompanied with stunted growth was identified as a strain of eggplant mottled crinkle virus on the basis of host range, in vitro properties, particle morphology, molecular weight of capsid protein and serological relationship. The sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of virus coat protein revealed the presence of a single polypeptide with a molecular weight of 41,000. An antiserum to the virus produced in rabbit had a titre of 1: 2048 in double diffusion tests.  相似文献   

Structure of Double-Shelled Rice Dwarf Virus   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Rice dwarf virus (RDV), a member of the Reoviridae family, is a double-stranded RNA virus. Infection of rice plants with RDV reduces crop production significantly and can pose a major economic threat to Southeast Asia. A 25-Å three-dimensional structure of the 700-Å-diameter RDV capsid has been determined by 400-kV electron cryomicroscopy and computer reconstruction. The structure revealed two distinctive icosahedral shells: a T=13l outer icosahedral shell composed of 260 trimeric clusters of P8 (46 kDa) and an inner T=1 icosahedral shell of 60 dimers of P3 (114 kDa). Sequence and structural comparisons were made between the RDV outer shell trimer and the two crystal conformations (REF and HEX) of the VP7 trimer of bluetongue virus, an animal analog of RDV. The low-resolution structural match of the RDV outer shell trimer to the HEX conformation of VP7 trimer has led to the proposal that P8 consists of an upper domain of β-sandwich motif and a lower domain of α helices. The less well fit REF conformation of VP7 to the RDV trimer may be due to the differences between VP7 and P8 in the sequence of the hinge region that connects the two domains. The additional mass density and the absence of a known signaling peptide on the surface of the RDV outer shell trimer may be responsible for the different interactions between plants and animal reoviruses.  相似文献   

1991年从沈阳地区茄子花叶病叶片中分离到了SY-Is分离物。经汁液摩擦接种7个科16种植物,这一分离物可浸染4个科8种植物,但不侵染黄瓜、两葫芦和蚕豆,也不能经桃蚜和萝卜蚜传播。该分离物体外抗性的致死温度(TIP)为90-95℃;稀释限点(DEP)为10 ̄(-6)-10 ̄(-7);体外保毒期(L)为一个月以上。光学显微镜下可见晶状胞质内含体。叶滴法电镜观察可见大小为±300×18nm的杆状病毒粒子。该病病叶汁液与烟草花叶病毒(TMV)普通株抗血清呈明显阳性反应。用TMV的一对引物进行多聚酶链反应(PCR),可扩增出一特异性核酸片段。根据上述实验结果,我们认为引起沈阳地区茄子花叶病的毒原种类为TMV,是茄子花叶病的新毒原。  相似文献   

RT-PCR-RFLP在大麦黄矮病毒检测中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The universal primer of Luteovirus was designed and synthesized.An experimental system of RT PCR RFLP was developed in barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDVs).BYDVs can be distinguished qualitatively by RT PCR method.It was seen that different serotypes of BYDVs have critical different RFLP patters when the PCR producs were digested by restriction enzyme HinfI.The RFLP patterns of 7 isolates of PAV serotype were greatly different.These results indicate there existed sequence variations among different serotypes of BYDVs and vector phenotypes of PAV serotype.There is no difference between MAV serotypes in RFLP analysis.The slight distinction in the segment of coat protein gene of BYDVs can be revealed by RT PCR RFLP system.  相似文献   

In order to justify the surveillance control system and hygiene policy in Jordan, this study evaluated the occurrence of diarrhoea during the period 1988-2000, focusing on cases caused by Salmonella typhi and Salmonella paratyphi. From January 1988 to December 2000, the number of notified diarrhoeal cases by the Ministry of Health in Jordan was 1,399,563 million. Other groups of patients confined to the Governorate of Amman was diagnosed at Al-Battikhi Medical Laboratories. One-way ANOVA and Least Significant Difference (LSD) were carried out for statistical analysis. The number of reported diarrhea cases was 1,399,563, 53.0% were males, and 47.0% were females, among them, 80.3% were < 20 years and 19.7%, were > 20 years. Out of 245,255 patients tested for S. typhi and S. pararyphi, positive stool culture were 1992 (0.6%). Out of these, 960 (48.2%) were males and 1,032 (51.8%) were females (P = 0.028). The highest incidence rate (10.8) was observed in the year 1993, while the lowest incidence rate (0.9) was found in year 2000. A significant difference (P < 0.001) was found between the number of S. typhi and S. Paratyphi cases and year. The seasonal variation was also found to be significant (P < 0.0001), with the summer period showing the highest incident rate. A significant difference (P < 0.001) was observed between number of typhoid and paratyphoid cases and districts. A significance difference between number of typhoid and paratyphoid cases with age and sex. The group most affected was school age and adolescence. The demographic situation plays an important role in reporting typhoid and paratyphoid cases, where there might be an urgent indication for a better surveillance control system on water resources and disposal systems. S. typhi and S. paratyphi antibiotics resistance pattern showed they were resistant to tetracycline (56.0%, 58.0%), ampicillin (45.0%, 48.0%), trimethoprim (43.0%, 47.0%), cephtazidime (12.0%, 13.5%) chloramphenicol (6.8%, 7.2%), gentamycin (3.0%, 4.0%) neomycin (2.1. 1.8%), calvulanic acid (augmentin (1.4%, 2.2%) and norofloxacin (0.92%, 1.1%). Susceptibility to amikacin, ciprofloxacin, cetfriaxone, ofloxacine, imepenim, cefixime and cefotaxime was 100.0%. The increase in percentage of antibiotic resistant strain might indicate a need for a further prescribing policy for treatment.  相似文献   

玉米矮花叶病毒研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
玉米矮花叶病毒 (Maizedwarfmosaicvirus,MDMV)是在世界范围内广泛分布的重要病毒 ,文中从寄主范围、传播、株系状况、分子生物学及检测等方面 ,对MDMV的国内外研究现状进行了阐述。  相似文献   

李臻  王庆国  姚方印  刘炜 《生命科学》2011,(10):957-962
水稻普通矮缩病(又称普矮病),是由叶蝉传播的一类病毒性病害,近年来有扩散的趋势。该病在水稻上的发病症状表现为感病植株矮小、无效分蘖增多、根系发育不良、叶片僵直、不能抽穗,造成水稻减产和绝收,给粮食生产安全带来巨大威胁。主要就病原及其介体、病毒检测方法、基因工程及RNA干扰技术培育抗病性种质及品种筛选等方面对近年来水稻普通矮缩病相关研究进展进行阐述,为该病的深入研究特别是基因工程育种提供参考。  相似文献   

南方水稻黑条矮缩病毒快速检测   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
南方水稻黑条矮缩病毒(southern rice black-streaked dwarf virus,SRBSDV)引起的新水稻矮缩病近年在越南北部和我国南方各省爆发,准确快速地检测病毒是病害预测的关键。本文针对该病毒的S10序列设计了一对新的引物S10F/S10R,利用一步法RT-PCR,对2010年5~8月间湖南省下属各县送来的疑似感染该病毒引起的水稻矮缩病样本进行了检测,结果显示,新引物能有效地区分阳性样品和非阳性样品。同时对PCR产物进行了序列测定,结果表明序列均与已发表的南方水稻黑条矮缩病毒序列(登录号:EU523360和EU784840)达约99%的同源性。还在此基础上构建了系统发育树,发现SRBSDV湖南、广东和海南分离物病毒位于一个相对独立的分支。研究发现相对以往的巢式RT-PCR,本文采用的新引物及一步法RT-PCR能快速检测南方水稻黑条矮缩病毒,简化了操作步骤,缩短了检测时间,适合在SRBSDV检测和病害预测中应用。  相似文献   

Extensive monitoring of the raspberry bushy dwarf virus (RBDV) in cultivated raspberry, wild raspberry and blackberry was conducted in 1994‐99. RBDV was revealed by ELISA in 31.6% of field samples, 15.7% plants in germplasm collections and in 43.8% of propagated plants. Infected cultivars were Aborigen, Balzam, Brigantina, Bulharský Rubín, Canby, Comox, F‐103, Findus, Gatineau, Glen Moy, Granát, Heritage, Lloyd George, M‐101, Mája, Meeker, Norfolk Giant, Norna, NS?‐1D‐101, Skeena, Trent, Veten, ZamatoS? and Zeva. The virus was detected in 6.5 and 6.7% of wild raspberry and wild blackberry plants, respectively, at 22.8% and 11.4% of sampled locations. Vegetatively propagated plants seem to be the main source for virus spread in cultivated raspberry, rather than naturally infested wild Rubus populations.  相似文献   

The ability of seven aphid species, collected in west-central Morocco, to transmit barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) was determined. Aphids were either collected from grasses showing symptoms of BYDV infection or were allowed acquisition access to plants infected with a PAV-like isolate of BYDV before transfer to oat test plants. BYDV transmission by six of the seven aphid species was confirmed by ELISA test; only Melanaphis donacis failed to transmit. The six newly defined BYDV vector species brings the total known to occur in Morocco to ten.  相似文献   

Seed Transmission of Maize Dwarf Mosaic Virus in Sweet Corn   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sweet corn seed from several maize dwarf mosaic virus (MDMV)-infected hybrids grown in the field were tested for transmission of MDMV through the seed. Seeds collected in 1979, 1980, 1981, and 1982, were germinated in the greenhouse the following winters. Only one seedling of 22,189 was MDMV-infected During the last three years, seed were dissected at different maturities and the seed parts tested for the presence of MDMV by both infectivity and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). At 21 days after pollination, MDMV always was detected in the pericarp, but rarely in the endosperm or embryo. No MDMV was detected in the embryo of mature kernels, but virus occasionally was detected in the endosperm and pericarp. MDMV was regularly detected in unfertilized kernels and whole silks, but not in pollen by infectivity, ELISA or serological specific electron microscopy. MDMV was detected in glumes and whole anthers.  相似文献   

玉米矮花叶病研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
玉米矮花叶病(maize dwarf mosaic virus,MDMv)是世界上玉米产区普遍发生的病毒病害之一.自20世纪90年代以来,我国玉米矮花叶病发生严重,山西、甘肃、山东、河北以及北京等省市先后大流行,造成了巨大的农业经济损失.在我国玉米产区造成危害的主要是该病毒的B株系,主要借蚜虫传播和种子传播;在玉米矮花叶病的防治中,种植抗病品种,并辅以合理的栽培管理,可有效防止MDMV.本文主要综述玉米矮花叶病病毒的理化特性、玉米矮花叶病的发生危害、病原及其传播方式、发病条件、流行与防治、品种(自交系)抗性、抗性鉴定、抗性遗传及其抗病基因工程研究等方面的研究进展,以期为以后玉米矮花叶病的有效防治提供一定的参考.  相似文献   

玉米矮花叶病毒提纯及特性的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
改进病毒纯化方法,获得了较高纯度、较强侵染活性的提纯病毒制品。提纯病毒的产量为0.7—1.2mg/100g病叶,病毒粒体大小为720—750×14nm,SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳测得的外壳蛋白分子量为36000道尔顿,用提纯病毒免疫家兔得到较高特异性的抗血清,微量沉淀反应的效价为1/2048,间接ELISA法测出的感病叶汁液的最高稀释倍数为3200—6400倍。  相似文献   

Previous studies on the occurrence of “barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) disease” in South Africa have led to the conclusion that, although this virus is present, the main causative agent of “yellow dwarf” disease in cereals appears to be the unrelated brome mosaic virus (BMV). In this study, material from South Africa, Britain and Australia that had been identified symprtomatically as being infected with BYDV, was found by serological testing to contain BMV. No BYDV could be detected in the same samples. This report discusses the hazards of relying on symptom expression for the diagnosis of a common world-wide disease problem.  相似文献   

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