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Shoaling intensity in zebrafish Danio rerio is believed to vary throughout subjective day and night hours. This experiment examines long term variations in shoaling behavior. Adult zebrafish Dan io rerio were maintained under a 12:12 LD cycle (with dim red light serving as reduced visibility during subjective dark hours), and their shoaling behavior was monitored every hour for a three-day period of time. Our results show that zebrafish perform shoaling behavior throughout subjective day and under reduced visibility conditions, although mean shoaling times during the light phase were significantly higher than mean shoaling times during the dark phase. However, on the 3^rd day of the experiment, mean shoaling times during the subjective night had increased and mean shoaling times during the subjective day had decreased. This shift in intensity was not seen on the first two days of the study, and may represent the influence of experience on the behavior of the test fish. We believe this study shows that shoaling behavior changes with light/dark cycles and that fish shoal even during reduced visibility conditions.  相似文献   

Isayeva A  Zhang T  Rawson DM 《Cryobiology》2004,49(2):114-122
Human activity in the last few decades has had a devastating effect on the diversity of fresh water and marine fish. Further decline of fish population may have serious economic and ecological consequences. One of the most promising techniques to preserve fish population is to cryopreserve their germ cells. Cryopreservation has been successfully applied to fish sperm of many species, but there has been no success with fish embryo cryopreservation and fish oocyte cryopreservation has never been studied systematically. The aim of this study is to investigate the chilling sensitivity of fish oocytes. Experiments were conducted with zebrafish stage III (vitellogenic) and stage V (mature) oocytes, which were chilled at 10, 5, 0, -5 or -10 degrees C for 15 or 60 min using a low temperature bath. Control oocytes were kept at room temperature at 22 degrees C. Oocyte viability was assessed using three different methods: trypan blue staining (TB), thiazolyl blue tetrazolium bromide (MTT) staining and observation of germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD). The results showed that zebrafish oocyte are very sensitive to chilling and their survival decreased with decreasing temperature and increasing exposure time periods. Normalised survivals assessed with TB staining after exposure to 0, -5 or -10 degrees C for 15 or 60 min were 90.1+/-6.0, 77.8+/-7.6, and 71.2+/-9.3%, and 60.2+/-3.8, 49.6+/-6.7, and 30.4+/-3.0%, respectively. The study found that the sensitivity of viability assessment methods increase in the order of MTT < TB < GVBD. It was found that stage III oocytes were more susceptible to chilling than stage V oocytes, and that individual female had a significant influence (p < 0.0001) on oocyte chilling sensitivity. Zebrafish oocyte chilling sensitivity may also be one of the limiting factors for development of protocol of their cryopreservation.  相似文献   

The organization, morphological characteristics, and synaptic structure of photoreceptors in the adult zebrafish retina were studied using light and electron microscopy. Adult photoreceptors show a typical ordered tier arrangement with rods easily distinguished from cones based on outer segment (OS) morphology. Both rods and cones contain mitochondria within the inner segments (IS), including the large, electron-dense megamitochondria previously described (Kim et al.) Four major ultrastructural differences were observed between zebrafish rods and cones: (1) the membranes of cone lamellar disks showed a wider variety of relationships to the plasma membrane than those of rods, (2) cone pedicles typically had multiple synaptic ribbons, while rod spherules had 1-2 ribbons, (3) synaptic ribbons in rod spherules were ∼2 times longer than ribbons in cone pedicles, and (4) rod spherules had a more electron-dense cytoplasm than cone pedicles. Examination of photoreceptor terminals identified four synaptic relationships at cone pedicles: (1) invaginating contacts postsynaptic to cone ribbons forming dyad, triad, and quadrad synapses, (2) presumed gap junctions connecting adjacent postsynaptic processes invaginating into cone terminals, (3) basal junctions away from synaptic ribbons, and (4) gap junctions between adjacent photoreceptor terminals. More vitread and slightly farther removed from photoreceptor terminals, extracellular microtubule-like structures were identified in association with presumed horizontal cell processes in the OPL. These findings, the first to document the ultrastructure of the distal retina in adult zebrafish, indicate that zebrafish photoreceptors have many characteristics similar to other species, further supporting the use of zebrafish as a model for the vertebrate visual system.  相似文献   

Zinc is a micronutrient important in several biological processes including growth and development. We have limited knowledge on the impact of maternal zinc deficiency on zinc and zinc regulatory mechanisms in the developing embryo due to a lack of in vivo experimental models that allow us to directly study the effects of maternal zinc on embryonic development following implantation. To overcome this barrier, we have proposed to use zebrafish as a model organism to study the impact of zinc during development. The goal of the current study was to profile the mRNA expression of all the known zinc transporter genes in the zebrafish across embryonic and larval development and to quantify the embryonic zinc concentrations at these corresponding developmental time points. The SLC30A zinc transporter family (ZnT) and SLC39A family, Zir-,Irt-like protein (ZIP) zinc transporter proteins were profiled in zebrafish embryos at 0, 2, 6, 12, 24, 48 and 120 h post fertilization to capture expression patterns from a single cell through full development. We observed consistent embryonic zinc levels, but differential expression of several zinc transporters across development. These results suggest that zebrafish is an effective model organism to study the effects of zinc deficiency and further investigation is underway to identify possible molecular pathways that are dysregulated with maternal zinc deficiency.  相似文献   

 The molecular signalling mechanisms that are believed to govern the patterning of the heart early in embryonic development are not well understood. We have investigated the events which occur during patterning of the vertebrate heart by exposing gastrula stage zebrafish embryos to lithium, which is known to affect the phosphoinositol signalling pathway. Treatment of embryos at 50% epiboly (5.25 h after fertilization at 28.5°C) with 0.3 m LiCl for 5–15 min, results in embryos with defects which range from mild to severe, depending on the length of time the embryos are exposed to lithium. In the heart, defects appear progressively in the inflow tract, the sinus venosus and atrium. By using an antibody that recognizes an atrium-specific isoform of myosin, our results show that lithium treatment at gastrulation specifically affects the atrium and sinus venosus, and has little obvious effect on the ventricle. Defects induced by lithium differ from those induced by retinoic acid (RA) treatment of similarly staged embryos, and suggest that lithium and RA may affect the patterning signals important for establishment of the vertebrate heart by acting on different populations of cells or by influencing different patterning pathways. Received: 8 December 1995 / Accepted: 11 April 1996  相似文献   

In the past two decades, laboratories around the world have produced thousands of mutant, transgenic, and wild-type zebrafish lines for biomedical research. Although slow-freezing cryopreservation of zebrafish sperm has been available for 30 years, current protocols lack standardization and yield inconsistent post-thaw fertilization rates. Cell cryopreservation cannot be improved without basic physiological knowledge, which was lacking for zebrafish sperm. The first goal was to define basic cryobiological values for wild-type zebrafish sperm and to evaluate how modern physiological methods could aid in developing improved cryopreservation protocols. Coulter counting methods measured an osmotically inactive water fraction (Vb) of 0.37 ± 0.02 (SEM), an isosmotic cell volume (Vo) of 12.1 ± 0.2 μm3 (SEM), a water permeability (Lp) in 10% dimethyl sulfoxide of 0.021 ± 0.001(SEM) μm/min/atm, and a cryoprotectant permeability (Ps) of 0.10 ± 0.01 (SEM) × 10−3 cm/min. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy indicated that sperm membranes frozen without cryoprotectant showed damage and lipid reorganization, while those exposed to 10% glycerol demonstrated decreased lipid phase transition temperatures, which would stabilize the cells during cooling. The second goal was to determine the practicality and viability of shipping cooled zebrafish sperm overnight through the mail. Flow cytometry demonstrated that chilled fresh sperm can be maintained at 92% viability for 24 h at 0 °C, suggesting that it can be shipped and exchanged between laboratories. Additional methods will be necessary to analyze and improve cryopreservation techniques and post-thaw fertility of zebrafish sperm. The present study is a first step to explore such techniques.  相似文献   

The zebrafish is widely used for human related disease studies. Surprisingly, there is no information about the electrical activity of single myocytes freshly isolated from adult zebrafish ventricle. In this study, we present an enzymatic method to isolate ventricular myocytes from zebrafish heart that yield a large number of calcium tolerant cells. Ventricular myocytes from zebrafish were imaged using light and confocal microscopy. Myocytes were mostly rod shaped and responded by vigorous contraction to field electrical stimulation. Whole cell configuration of the patch clamp technique was used to record electrophysiological characteristics of myocytes. Action potentials present a long duration and a plateau phase and action potential duration decreases when increasing stimulation frequency (as observed in larger mammals). Together these results indicate that zebrafish is a species ideally suited for investigation of ion channels related mutation screening of cardiac alteration important in human.  相似文献   

Cryopreservation has been extensively used in human reproductive medicine, aquaculture and conservation programmes for endangered species. However, despite the growing successes of cryopreservation, post-thaw recovery of reproductive and embryonic cells very often remains poor. Many studies have been devoted to the mechanisms of cryodamage. It is known that cryopreservation causes extensive damage to membranes; reduce the metabolic activity of cells; and disturbs the mitochondrial bioenergetical processes of cells. But few investigations on the genetic stability of cells during cryopreservation have been performed, and the role of any genetic impact cryopreservation needs to be determined. Some indirect data in the literature suggests that progress in this field might come from investigating freezing damage to mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), nuclear DNA and other genome-related structures. In this study, zebrafish (Danio rerio) blastomeres were treated in three different ways: control suspension of blastomere cells in phosphate buffered saline; equilibration of blastomeres with 2M dimethyl sulfoxide (Me2SO) for 1h at room temperature and cryopreservation using Me2SO as a cryoprotectant. Mitochondrial DNA was analysed in fresh cells and after the different treatments. Two different loci of mtDNA were amplified with the help of PCR and sequenced. The sequences were analysed and nuclear base substitutions were counted for both control and treated samples. The results showed that cryopreservation significantly increased the frequency of mutations (0.78+/-0.27% in comparison to 0.16+/-0.25% of control), whilst 2M Me2SO treatment did not bring a significant increase in frequency of mutations (0.24+/-0.28%). The distributions of the mutation locations were analysed. More investigations are needed to determine whether optimisation of cryopreservation protocol is possible to reduce these adverse effects; whether such mutations interfere with overall function of the cells; whether similar changes also occur in the nuclear DNA and whether such mutations happen in other species. Meanwhile, it is important to be cautious in making judgements of the effect of cryopreservation technique in assisted reproduction. This is the first report on the effect of cryopreservation on mtDNA.  相似文献   

Cyclosporine A, a potent immunosuppressive agent extensively used to prevent allograft rejections, is under scrutiny due to severe toxic effects. CsA therapy is often continued during pregnancy in conditions such as organ transplantations and autoimmune diseases. Herein, we investigated the effects of CsA on early morphogenesis of zebrafish and identified a spectrum of proteins whose expression was altered in the drug treated embryos. Time-lapse fluorescence imaging of germ-line double transgenic zebrafish embryos treated with CsA revealed severe blood regurgitation in heart chambers, absence of blood circulation in vessels, pericardial and yolk sac edema. We also observed lack of mature blood vessels and down-regulation of endothelial markers in CsA treated embryos. Proteomic analysis using 2D-DIGE followed by mass-spectrometry led to the identification of 37 proteins whose expression was significantly modulated in presence of the drug. These proteins were mostly associated with cytoskeletal/structural assembly, lipid-binding, stress response and metabolism. Furthermore, mRNA expression analysis of eight proteins and Western blotting of actin revealed consistency between the changes observed in protein expression and its corresponding mRNA levels. Our findings demonstrate that CsA administration during early morphogenesis in zebrafish modulates the expression of some proteins which are known to be involved in important physiological processes.  相似文献   

Using zebrafish (Danio rerio) as a case study, we show that the maturity concept of Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) theory is a useful metric for developmental state. Maturity does not depend on food or temperature contrary to age and to some extent length. We compile the maturity levels for each developmental milestone recorded in staging atlases. The analysis of feeding, growth, reproduction and aging patterns throughout the embryo, juvenile and adult life stages are well-captured by a simple extension of the standard DEB model and reveals that embryo development is slow relative to adults. A threefold acceleration of development occurs during the larval period. Moreover we demonstrate that growth and reproduction depend on food in predictable ways and their simultaneous observation is necessary to estimate parameters. We used data on diverse aspects of the energy budget simultaneously for parameter estimation using the covariation method. The lowest mean food intake level to initiate reproduction was found to be as high as 0.6 times the maximum level. The digestion efficiency for Tetramin? was around 0.5, growth efficiency was just 0.7 and the value for the allocation fraction to soma (0.44) was close to the one that maximizes ultimate reproduction.  相似文献   

Bis-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) is a widely used industrial additive for increasing plastic flexibility. Its metabolites are known to exert toxic effects on reproduction and development of mammals. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of environmentally relevant concentrations of DEHP (0.2 and 20 μg/L) on the reproductive biology of adult male zebrafish (Danio rerio). The effects of DEHP and 17β-ethynylestradiol (a positive control) were determined after one or three weeks of exposure by TUNEL assay, histomorphometric analysis and evaluation of reproductive performance. DEHP impaired reproduction in zebrafish by inducing a mitotic arrest during spermatogenesis, increasing DNA fragmentation in sperm cells and markedly reducing embryo production (up to 90%). In conclusion, relatively short-term exposure to environmentally relevant concentrations of DEHP is able to alter spermatogenesis and affect reproduction in zebrafish.  相似文献   

We assessed whether zebrafish, Danio rerio, display inhibitory control using a simple and rapid behavioural test. Zebrafish were exposed to a prey stimulus placed inside a transparent tube, which initially elicited attack behaviour. However, zebrafish showed a rapid reduction in the number of attacks towards the prey, which indicated the ability to inhibit their foraging behaviour. Zebrafish also exhibited mnemonic retention of foraging inhibition, as indicated by a reduced number of attacks in a subsequent exposure to the unreachable prey. The ability to inhibit the foraging behaviour varied across three genetically separated wild-type strains and across different individuals within strains, suggesting that zebrafish show heritable within-species differences in inhibitory control. Our behavioural test might be suitable for screening large zebrafish populations in mutational studies and assessing the effects of pharmacologically active substances on inhibitory control.  相似文献   

Amino acids reliably evoke strong responses in fish olfactory system. The molecular olfactory receptors (ORs) are located in the membrane of cilia and microvilli of the olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs). Axons of ORNs converge on specific olfactory bulb (OB) glomeruli and the neural responses of ORNs expressing single Ors activate glomerular activity patterns typical for each amino acid. Chemically similar amino acids activate more similar glomerular activity patterns then chemically different amino acids. Differential glomerular activity patterns are the structural basis for amino acid perception and discrimination. We studied olfactory discrimination in zebrafish Danio rerio (Hamilton 1822) by conditioning them to respond to each of the following amino acids: L-Ala, L-Val, L-Leu, L-Arg, and L-Phe. Subsequently, zebrafish were tested for food searching activities with 18 nonconditioned amino acids. The food searching activity during 90 s of the test period was significantly greater after stimulation with the conditioned stimulus than with the nonconditioned amino acid. Zebrafish were able to discriminate all the tested amino acids except L-Ile from L-Val and L-Phe from L-Tyr. We conclude that zebrafish have difficulties discriminating amino acid odorants that evoke highly similar chemotopic patterns of activity in the OB.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify periods in zebrafish (Danio rerio) development when estrogen exposure has long-term consequences on reproductive capabilities at the adult stage. To this end, zebrafish were exposed to 10 ng/L ethynylestradiol (EE(2)) during three stages of gonadal differentiation: (i) the juvenile hermaphroditic stage when gonads display the morphology of an immature ovary (in our zebrafish colony this lasted from 15 to 42 days post-fertilization [dpf]), (ii) the gonad transition stage when the hermaphroditic gonad differentiates into either testes or ovary (from 43 to day 71 dpf), and (iii) the premature stage of testicular and ovarian development (from 72 to 99 dpf). The consequences of stage-specific exposure to EE(2) were assessed by determining time to first spawning, fecundity (number of eggs per female per day), fertilization success (percentage of fertilized eggs) and sex ratio of the adults. Exposure during the gonad transition period induced a delay in the onset of spawning and a significant reduction of fecundity and fertilization success, whereas exposure during the hermaphroditic stage or during the premature stage had no significant impact on the reproductive parameters of adult fish. The results from this experiment pointed to the gonad transition stage as being most susceptible to persistent effects of developmental estrogen exposure. In a second experiment, the concentration dependency of the EE(2)effects was evaluated by exposing zebrafish during the gonad transition stage (43-71 dpf) to 1.67, 3 or 10 ng EE(2)/L. Significant effects of EE(2) on adult reproduction were found with 3 and 10 ng EE(2)/L, but not with 1.67 ng/L. Histological examination of the gonads revealed that at termination of EE(2) exposure (71 dpf), all individuals in the 3 and 10 ng EE(2)/L treatment possessed ovaries. However, this feminising effect appeared to be reversible since at the adult stage (190 dpf), both fish with ovaries and with testes were found. Thus, EE(2) exposure during the gonad transition stage seems to have no persistent effect on gonad histology but on reproductive capabilities.  相似文献   

To identify a stage feasible for the cryopreservation of zebrafish oocytes, we investigated the permeability to water and cryoprotectants of immature (stage III) and mature (stage V) oocytes. The permeability to water (microm/min/atm) of immature oocytes at 25 degrees C (0.37) was significantly higher than that of mature oocytes (0.10). The permeability (x10(-3)cm/min) of immature oocytes to ethylene glycol, propylene glycol, and Me(2)SO (1.49-3.03) at 25 degrees C was substantially higher than that of mature oocytes approximately 0. The permeability of immature oocytes to glycerol was also high (1.75), although the permeability could not be measured in mature oocytes. Immature oocytes would be more suitable than mature oocytes for conservation of the zebrafish.  相似文献   

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