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The biosynthesis of thyroglobulin (Tg) in larva of a fresh-water lamprey, Lampetra planeri B1. has been established. This glycoprotein presents the same characters as in thyroid follicles of adult lampreys, as shown by its 18-19 S sedimentation coefficient and by the incorporation (in vivo and in vitro experiments of 4, 12, 72 h) of 125I, 3H-leucine and 3H-galactose. 3-8 S fractions and a 12 S monomer are the precursors of the 18-19 S protein. Total I % of Tg is very low (0.002 %) ; about 5 % of 125I are present in thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) in the 125I-labeled protein. The biosynthesis of 18-19 S Tg proceeds in larvs before the morphological differentiation of thyroid cells and follicles after metamorphosis. However, the biosynthesis of this protein is much slower in the endostyle of larvs, in which a primitive mechanism of storage is poorly efficient, compared to the accumulation of Tg in the colloid of the follicles of adults.  相似文献   

Anti-thyroxine (T4) immunostaining in the endostyle and thyroid tissue during metamorphosis of sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus suggested that T4 synthesis occurs on the luminal surface of the apical membrane of selected cells of the endostyle, and that a 'classical' endocrine thyroid function was only evident in post-transformed animals.  相似文献   

Thyroglobulin (TG) was localized in the endostyle of the anadromous sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus L. by means of the unlabeled antibody peroxidase-antiperoxidase immunocytochemical method. TG was found localized on the apical surface and within the cytoplasm of type 2c and 3 cells and in some type 5 cells. By identifying the cells of the endostyle immunocytochemically it may be possible to study more readily the events of endostylar transformation during metamorphosis.  相似文献   

The dynamics of morphologic and biochemical indices of the thyroid gland in puberal rats has been considered. The data obtained suggest that the thymus hormones deficiency in blood circulation after thymectomy affect thyroid-stimulating functions of adenopituitary and thyroliberin production in hypothalamus that results in significant depression of thyroid function, whereas the enhancement of thyroid function to 20-month follow-up has no central genesis but is rather a result of autoimmune processes activation when thymus is removed.  相似文献   

Proliferation of the C cells of the rat thyroid gland under conditions of prolonged hypercalcemia induced with vit. D3 leading sometimes to a formation of adenoma-like nodules was observed. Metaplasia of the follicular epithelium into the C cells observed in the process of nodules formation seems to point out that the C cells and the follicular cells of the thyroid gland arise from a common maternal cell.  相似文献   

The exchange of radioactive and stable iodine was studied for 21 days after the I131 injection in the thyroid gland and the blood of rats against the background of chronic uranium intoxication. The latter was accompanied by a decrease in the number of iodine-transport loci of the gland, as well as of the value of the intrathyroid iodine pool and of the stable iodine concentration in the thyroid tissue. The compensatory reaction of the thyroid gland was expressed in the increase of its mass and the rate of the thyroid metabolism as well.  相似文献   

The presence of specific antigens was shown in 6 of 17 cases of human thyroid carcinoma by the complement fixation test. These antigens were absent in the tissues obtained from healthy man and embryo. Immunological variants of these antigens were found in some patients. The specificity of the antigen determinants of the thyroid tumours is apparently determined by the substances of the protein origin.  相似文献   

Protein synthesis (in particular, thyroglobulin) is studied in a cell-free system containing polyribosomes of thyroid gland. After the incubation with radioactive label, ribosomes were centrifugated, supernatant was dialyzed against 0.05 M Tris-HCl buffer, pH 7.2 for a night, concentrated by ficol and centrifugated in 5-20% linear sucrose gradient. 14C-radioactivity of 19S fraction (thyroglobulin) was shown to comprise about 25% of total radioactivity. The rest radioactivity was found in 3--8S fractions. The distribution of the radioactivity as it was shown by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis is as follows: 27S--11.0%; 19S--14.2%; 12S--5.8% and 4S--7.6% of total radioactivity in polyacrylamide gel. It is supposed that two successive processes take place in thyroid gland: a synthesis of thyroglobulin subunits and an exchange of new synthesized subunits with presynthesized ones.  相似文献   

In order to study connections between blood vessels and follicular thyrocytes, the method of modulation (a purposeful change of state in one element with registration of states in other elements of the system) was used. In rats chronic increase of blood stream was produced in the thyroid gland; in 15 days it was 54% as high as in the control. The volume of the vascular bed increased by 28% and that of follicles by 26%. Volumetric ratio between the thyroid epithelium and colloid did not changed. Follicular thyrocytes grew high and the nuclear volumes of these cells increased. Thyrocytes greately varied in their height. The number of mast cells in the thyroid gland remained the same. Iodine absorption by the thyroid gland increased as it is dependent on the volume of the vascular bed of the organism (+0.82). The data obtained demonstrate a significant connection existing between the follicular thyrocytes and blood vessels.  相似文献   

In Wistar rats a study was made of a functional condition of the thyroid gland 1, 6 and 24 hours after partial pancreatectomy. The following signs-served as criteria of a functional condition of the gland: the amount of neutrone-activated iodine in iron, iodine-absorptive capacity of the gland by I131, the amount of protein-bound stable and radioactive iodine in the blood, a morphological condition of the gland structures. It was demonstrated that, despite the initial intensification of the process of synthesis and secretion in the thyroid gland, its secretory activity fell by the end of the experiment. This reduction is regarded as an adaptive response to partial insulin deficiency.  相似文献   

Summary Thyroid tissue of 300 routine autopsies was processed in a standardized manner. So-called solid cell nests (SCN) were found in 21 patients (7 %). These cases were investigated carefully by serial step sectioning. In order to explore the correlation of SCN to the C-cell system, the sections were stained by silver impregnation and the immunoperoxidase method. Morphometric analyses revealed a significant increase in the density of C cells in the proximity of the SCN. With progressive distance from the SCN, the C-cell density decreased and reached normal values. In 30 % of the cases argyrophilic and calcitonin-positive cells were found lying within the SCN. Occasionally, mixed follicles could be discerned: These were lined on the one side by a multilayered squamous epithelium, on the other side by normal monolayered cubic follicular epithelium, and contained a peculiar granular material. In one case, SCN were associated with intrathyroid portions of the parathyroids and adult adipose tissue, in a second case with adipose tissue only. Most probably SCN are vestiges of the ultimobranchial body and should be interpreted as such, despite the fact that other authors have expressed different views. The lack of disturbances in the calcium metabolism of the patients and the absence of medullary carcinoma in their family histories led us to interpret locally confined C-cell hyperplasia not as reactive nor premalignant, but rather as normal.  相似文献   

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