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Potassium is an essential element of living organisms that is found almost exclusively in the intracellular fluid compartment. The assumed constant ratio of total body potassium (TBK) to fat-free mass (FFM) is a cornerstone of the TBK method of estimating total body fat. Although the TBK-to-FFM (TBK/FFM) ratio has been assumed constant, a large range of individual and group values is recognized. The purpose of the present study was to undertake a comprehensive analysis of biological factors that cause variation in the TBK/FFM ratio. A theoretical TBK/FFM model was developed on the cellular body composition level. This physiological model includes six factors that combine to produce the observed TBK/FFM ratio. The ratio magnitude and range, as well as the differences in the TBK/FFM ratio between men and women and variation with growth, were examined with the proposed model. The ratio of extracellular water to intracellular water (E/I) is the major factor leading to between-individual variation in the TBK/FFM ratio. The present study provides a conceptual framework for examining the separate TBK/FFM determinants and suggests important limitations of the TBK/FFM method used in estimating total body fat in humans and other mammals.  相似文献   

The proportion of fat-free mass (FFM) as body cell mass (BCM) is highly related to whole body resting energy expenditure. However, the magnitude of BCM/FFM may have been underestimated in previous studies. This is because Moore's equation [BCM (kg) = 0.00833 x total body potassium (in mmol)], which was used to predict BCM, underestimates BCM by approximately 11%. The aims of the present study were to develop a theoretical BCM/FFM model at the cellular level and to explore the influences of sex, age, and adiposity on the BCM/FFM. Subjects were 112 adults who had the following measurements: total body water by (2)H(2)O or (3)H(2)O dilution; extracellular water by NaBr dilution; total body nitrogen by in vivo neutron activation analysis; and bone mineral by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. FFM was calculated using a multicomponent model and BCM as the difference between FFM and the sum of extracellular fluid and solids. The developed theoretical model revealed that the proportion of BCM to FFM is mainly determined by water distribution (i.e., E/I, the ratio of extracellular to intracellular water). A significant correlation (r = 0.90, P < 0.001) was present between measured and model-predicted BCM/FFM for all subjects pooled. Measured BCM/FFM [mean (SD)] was 0.584 +/- 0.041 and 0.529 +/- 0.041 for adult men and women (P < 0.001), respectively. A multiple linear regression model showed that there are independent significant associations of sex, age, and fat mass with BCM/FFM.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were to develop and cross-validate the "best" prediction equations for estimating fat-free body mass (FFB) from bioelectrical impedance in children and youth. Predictor variables included height2/resistance (RI) and RI with anthropometric data. FFB was determined from body density (underwater weighing) and body water (deuterium dilution) (FFB-DW) and from age-corrected density equations, which account for variations in FFB water and bone content. Prediction equations were developed using multiple regression analyses in the validation sample (n = 94) and cross-validated in three other samples (n = 131). R2 and standard error of the estimate (SEE) values ranged from 0.80 to 0.95 and 1.3 to 3.7 kg, respectively. The four samples were then combined to develop a recommended equation for estimating FFB from three regression models. R2 and SEE values and coefficients of variation from these regression equations ranged from 0.91 to 0.95, 2.1 to 2.9 kg, and 5.1 to 7.0%, respectively. As a result of all cross-validation analyses, we recommend the equation FFB-DW = 0.61 RI + 0.25 body weight + 1.31, with a SEE of 2.1 kg and adjusted R2 of 0.95. This study demonstrated that RI with body weight can predict FFB with good accuracy in Whites 10-19 yr old.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to use estimates of body composition from a four-component model to determine whether the density of the fat-free mass (D(FFM)) is affected by muscularity or musculoskeletal development in a heterogenous group of athletes and nonathletes. Measures of body density by hydrostatic weighing, body water by deuterium dilution, bone mineral by whole body dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), total body skeletal muscle estimated from DXA, and musculoskeletal development as measured by the mesomorphy rating from the Heath-Carter anthropometric somatotype were obtained in 111 collegiate athletes (67 men and 44 women) and 61 nonathletes (24 men and 37 women). In the entire group, D(FFM) varied from 1.075 to 1.127 g/cm3 and was strongly related to the water and protein fractions of the fat-free mass (FFM; r = -0.96 and 0.89) and moderately related to the mineral fraction of the FFM (r = 0.65). Skeletal muscle (%FFM) varied from 40 to 68%, and mesomorphy varied from 1.6 to 9.6, but neither was significantly related to D(FFM) (r = 0.11 and -0.14) or to the difference between percent fat estimated from the four-component model and from densitometry (r = 0.09 and -0.16). We conclude that, in a heterogeneous group of young adult athletes and nonathletes, D(FFM) and the accuracy of estimates of body composition from body density using the Siri equation are not related to muscularity or musculoskeletal development. Athletes in selected sports may have systematic deviations in D(FFM) from the value of 1.1 g/cm3 assumed in the Siri equation, resulting in group mean errors in estimation of percent fat from densitometry of 2-5% body mass, but the cause of these deviations is complex and not simply a reflection of differences in muscularity or musculoskeletal development.  相似文献   

The relationship between resting energy expenditure (REE) and metabolically active fat-free mass (FFM) is a cornerstone in the study of physiological aspects of body weight regulation and human energy requirements. Important questions, however, remain unanswered regarding the observed linear REE-FFM association in adult humans. This led us to develop a series of REE-body composition models that provide insights into the widely used simple linear REE-FFM prediction model derived experimentally in adult humans. The new models suggest that the REE-FFM relationship in mammals as a whole is curvilinear, that a segment of this function within a FFM range characteristic of adult humans can be fit with a linear equation almost identical to that observed from a composite review of earlier human studies, and that mammals as a whole exhibit a decrease in the proportion of FFM as high metabolic rate organs with greater FFM. The present study thus provides a new approach for examining REE-FFM relationships, advances in a quantitative manner previously observed albeit incompletely formulated REE-body composition associations, and identifies areas in need of additional research.  相似文献   

Differences in the mineral fraction of the fat-free mass (M(FFM)) and in the density of the FFM (D(FFM)) are often inferred from measures of bone mineral content (BMC) or bone mineral density (BMD). We studied the relation of BMC and BMD to the M(FFM) and D(FFM) in a heterogeneous sample of 216 young men (n = 115) and women (n = 101), which included whites (n = 155) and blacks (n = 61) and collegiate athletes ( n = 132) and nonathletes (n = 84). Whole body BMC and BMD were determined by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA; Hologic QDR-1000W, enhanced whole body analysis software, version 5.71). FFM was estimated using a four-component model from measures of body density by hydrostatic weighing, body water by deuterium dilution, and bone mineral by DXA. There was no significant relation of BMD to M(FFM) (r = 0.01) or D(FFM) (r = -0.06) or of BMC to M(FFM) (r = -0.11) and a significant, weak negative relation of BMC to D(FFM) (r = -0.14, P = 0.04) in all subjects. Significant low to moderate relationships of BMD or BMC to M(FFM) or D(FFM) were found within some gender-race-athletic status subgroups or when the effects of gender, race, and athletic status were held constant using multiple regression, but BMD and BMC explained only 10-17% of the variance in M(FFM) and 0-2% of the variance in D(FFM) in addition to that explained by the demographic variables. We conclude that there is not a significant positive relation of BMD and BMC to M(FFM) or D(FFM) in young adults and that BMC and BMD should not be used to infer differences in M(FFM) or D(FFM).  相似文献   

We studied inter-annual, spatial and sexual variation in the body mass of bank volesMyodes glareolus Schreber, 1780 and grey-sided volesMyodes rufocanus Sundevall, 1846 using live trappings from two grids on the southand north-facing slopes of a mountain valley in Southern Norway. Variation in spring density of the four populations was consistent with cyclic dynamics (n=7,s-values >0.5). Individuals caught on the south-facing slope were larger than those caught on the north-facing slope. Reproductively mature bank vole males were smaller than females, whereas reproductively mature grey-sided vole males were larger than females. Body mass was related to density in both species. In bank voles, we found a direct positive density dependence caused by a higher rate of survival at higher densities resulting from individual allocation of resources from reproduction to survival and growth. In grey-sided voles, we found a negative delayed density dependence resulting from grazing on preferred plants that determined the resource available for individual vole growth the following year.  相似文献   

Total body potassium (TBK) is located mainly intracellularly and constitutes an index of fat-free mass (FFM). The aim was to examine whether TBK and the TBK-to-FFM ratio (TBK/FFM) can be estimated from sex, age, weight, and height. A primary study group (164 males, 205 females) and a validation group (161 and 206), aged 37-61 yr, were randomly selected from the general population. TBK was determined by whole body counting, and FFM was obtained by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA; FFM(DEXA)). The primary study group was used to construct sex-specific equations predicting TBK and TBK/FFM from age, weight, and height. The equations were used to estimate TBK and TBK/FFM in the validation group. The estimates were compared with measured values. TBK in different age ranges was predicted, with errors ranging from 5.0 to 6.8%; errors for TBK/FFM ranged from 2.7 to 4.8%, respectively. By adding FFM(DEXA) as a fourth predictor, the error of the TBK prediction decreased by approximately two percentage units. In conclusion, TBK and TBK/FFM can be meaningfully estimated from sex, age, weight, and height.  相似文献   

Temporal variation both due to density dependent and density independent processes affect performance and vital rates in large herbivores. Annual fluctuations in climate affect foraging conditions and thus body growth of large herbivores during the short growing season in alpine habitats. Also, high animal densities on summer ranges may increase competition for food and reduce body mass gain. Yet, little is known about interactive effects of density and climate on alpine summer ranges, and the time scales these processes operate on. In this fully replicated landscape‐scale experiment, we kept domestic sheep at high and low densities over nine grazing seasons in an alpine habitat, and tested the relative role of density and annual variation for lamb body mass gain during summer and whether effects of density and annual variation interacted. We found that lambs at high density gained less mass over the summer season than lambs at low density. At short time scales the density effect interacted with annual fluctuations in body growth. We documented a long‐term temporal trend in body mass, consistent with the hypothesis that grazing effects affect habitat differentially at high and low density over years. At high density lamb autumn body mass declined during the first three grazing seasons and then stabilized, whereas body mass slightly increased over years at low density. This long‐term trend suggests accumulative density dependent effects from a biomass or quality reduction, and hence delayed food competition at high density and possibly facilitation at low density. Our experiment provides new insight into how density dependent effects on performance of a large herbivore depend on temporal scale of observation.  相似文献   

Using a sample of 2090 father and son pairs, the regional variation in height, weight and body mass index (BMI) with intra- and inter-generational migration within Britain was examined. Highly significant regional differences in means were found only for fathers. The overall mean height difference between regions ranged from about 2.7 cm to 3.1 cm, with the tallest fathers being found in the East & South-East region and the shortest in Wales. The variation in mean weight between regions was less significant, with the difference between the heaviest region (West Midlands) and lightest (South-West) being about 3.5 kg. For BMI the highest mean was in the North and Wales and the lowest in the South-West (difference of about 1 kg m-2). Intra-generational migrants were, on average, significantly taller than non-migrants for both fathers (+1.4 cm) and sons (+2 cm), but BMI was only significant in fathers, with migrant fathers, on average, having a lower BMI. There were no significant differences in weight between geographically mobile groups for either fathers or sons. Differentiating between regional in- and out-migration revealed that in the fathers' generation in-migrants were taller, on average, in six of the nine regions. The tallest in-migrants among fathers came into the North region; the tallest out-migrants were from Yorkshire & Humberside and the shortest were from Scotland. The largest positive gain on fathers' height was in the West Midlands region and Scotland, while negative effects were found in the Yorkshire & Humberside, East Midlands and East & South-East regions. For sons in-migrants were taller in all regions except Wales, with the largest differences between in-migrants and non-migrants being in the South-East and South-West. For out-migrants, the tallest sons came from Wales, while the shortest came from the East Midlands region. The North, East Midlands, East & South-East and West Midlands regions were net gainers, while Wales and Scotland were net losers. For BMI among fathers, in-migrants were of lower BMI than non-migrants. For out-migrant fathers, the North-West and South-West regions were the only two regions showing positive values, with the largest negative values being found in the East Midlands and Yorkshire & Humberside. The net effect of migration indicated that the largest gains were in the East Midlands and Yorkshire & Humberside regions and the largest losses were in Scotland and Wales. The inter-generational migration for BMI showed that in-migrating sons into the North-West and Wales had higher BMI than sedentes, while in-migrants into Yorkshire & Humberside were lower in BMI. In all regions out-migrants had lower BMI than non-migrants. The net effect of migration revealed that six of the nine regions were net gainers, while the Yorkshire & Humberside region was a net loser.  相似文献   

Broggi J  Koivula K  Lahti K  Orell M 《Oecologia》2003,137(4):627-633
We studied the body mass variation from autumn to winter, in a free-living population of willow tits (Parus montanus), a food-hoarding passerine living year-round in boreal forests. Our aim was to find out whether this population exhibits winter fattening as part of the annual body mass cycle. True winter fattening is considered to be a strategic response to winter conditions. The strategy includes an increase in both the morning mass and the daily mass increase, as winter approaches. A multivariate approach was used to find which predictors (year, date, age, sex, body size, temperature and snow depth) explained the mass variation in birds measured twice per day. Morning mass variation was explained by sex, age, wing length and snow depth. Independently, date explained morning mass variation only in adult males. None of the predictors explained the variation observed in daily mass increase in any age or sex class. Therefore, we failed to detect winter fattening in our study population of willow tits. Response to increasing night length is not due to higher absolute intake, but to higher energy acquisition rate and decreased night-time energy consumption. The results suggest that willow tits at high latitudes manage increasing energy demands on a short-term basis and respond flexibly to changing conditions by adjusting foraging efficiency and especially night-time energy expenditure.  相似文献   

The impact of race and resistance training status on the assumed density of the fat-free mass (D(FFM)) and estimates of body fatness via hydrodensitometry (%Fat(D)) vs. a four-component model (density, water, mineral; %Fat(D,W,M)) were determined in 45 men: white controls (W; n = 15), black controls (B; n = 15), and resistance-trained blacks (B-RT; n = 15). Body density by hydrostatic weighing, body water by deuterium dilution, and bone mineral by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry were used to estimate %Fat(D,W,M). D(FFM) was not different between B and W (or 1.1 g/ml); however, D(FFM) in B-RT was significantly lower (1.091 +/- 0.012 g/ml; P < 0.05). Therefore, %Fat(D) using the Siri equation was not different from %Fat(D,W,M) in W (17.5 +/- 5.0 vs. 18.3 +/- 5.4%) or B (14.9 +/- 5.6 vs. 15.7 +/- 5.7%) but significantly overestimated %Fat(D,W,M) in B-RT (14.0 +/- 5.9 vs. 10.4 +/- 6.0%; P < 0.05). The use of a race-specific equation (assuming D(FFM) = 1.113 g/ml) did not improve the agreement between %Fat(D) and %Fat(D,W,M), resulting in a significantly greater mean (+/-SD) discrepancy for B (1.7 +/- 1.8% fat) and B-RT (6.2 +/- 4.3% fat). Thus race per se does not affect D(FFM) or estimates of %Fat(D); however, B-RT have a D(FFM) lower than 1.1 g/ml, leading to an overestimation of %Fat(D).  相似文献   

Bone remodeling is a physiological process by which bone constantly adapts its structure to changes in long-term loading manifested by interactions between osteoclasts and osteoblasts. This process can be influenced by many local factors, via effects on bone cells differentiation and proliferation, which are produced by bone cells and act in a paracrine or autocrine way. The aim of the current work is to provide mechanobiological finite elements modeling coupling both cellular activities and mechanical behavior in order to investigate age and gender effects on bone remodeling evolution. A series of computational simulations have been performed on a 2D and 3D human proximal femur. An age- and gender-related impacts on bulk density alteration of trabecular bone have been noticed, and the major actors responsible of this phenomenon have been then discussed.  相似文献   

Harbor seal pups are highly precocial and can swim and dive at birth. Such behavioral maturity suggests that they may be born with mature body oxygen stores or that stores develop quickly during the nursing period. To test this hypothesis, we compared the blood and muscle oxygen stores of harbor seal pups, yearlings, and adults. We found that pups had smaller oxygen stores than adults (neonates 57%, weaned pups 75%, and yearlings 90% those of adults), largely because neonatal myoglobin concentrations were low (1.6+/-0.2 g% vs. 3.8+/-0.3 g% for adults) and changed little during the nursing period. In contrast, blood oxygen stores were relatively mature, with nursing pups having hematocrit (55%+/-0.2%), hemoglobin (21.7+/-0.4 g%), and blood volume (12.3+/-0.5 mL/kg) only slightly lower than the corresponding values for adults (57%+/-0.2%, 23.8+/-0.3 g %, and 15.0+/-0.5 mL/kg). Because neonatal pups had relatively high metabolic rates (11.0 mL O2/kg min), their calculated aerobic dive limit was less than 50% that of adults. These results suggest that harbor seals' early aquatic activity is primarily supported by rapid development of blood, with immature muscle oxygen stores and elevated use rates limiting aerobic diving ability.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to determine reference norms for a fat-free mass index (FFMI) and fat mass index (FMI) in a large population of healthy children in Japan, to observe differences in these values in three age groups between ages three and eleven, and to develop percentile distributions for these parameters. Five hundred twenty-two boys and six hundred forty-nine girls with a wide spectrum of stature, body mass, and body composition underwent bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) for the determination of fat-free mass (FFM) and fat mass (FM). Both FFM and FM were divided by stature(2) to give FFMI and FMI, as described previously. Normal FFMI and FMI were defined within the range of the 25th to 75th percentile of age- and gender-specific data in this study. The reference norms for FFMI (3-11 yrs) were 12.7-13.4 kg/m(2) in boys and 12.0-13.0 kg/m(2) in girls. A modest increase in boys was observed with an age increase; otherwise, there were no marked age differences in FFMI for the children as a whole. The reference norms for FMI were 2.8-3.6 kg/m(2) in boys and 3.2-3.8 kg/m(2) in girls. For each 3-year category (i.e., ages 3-5, 6-8 and 9-11 yrs.), FMI progressively increased by an average of 28.6% in boys and 18.8% in girls, compared to an increase in BMI of 11.0 and 11.3% respectively. FFMI and FMI are appropriate for many purposes, and have the advantage of expressing both aspects of body composition in common units. In conclusion, the data presented as percentiles can serve as reference in comparing a child's body composition to that of healthy children of the same age and gender. The reference standards should be appropriate for almost all children in the Japan for whom stature, body mass, and body composition can be measured satisfactorily. However, a more sophisticated approach is ultimately required for evaluating body composition. This article is a preliminary attempt to promote future research in the area of childhood body composition.  相似文献   

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