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We consider a computational multiscale framework of a bio-chemo-mechanical model for intimal hyperplasia. With respect to existing models, we investigate the interactions between hemodynamics, cellular dynamics and biochemistry on the development of the pathology. Within the arterial wall, we propose a mathematical model consisting of kinetic differential equations for key vascular cell types, collagen and growth factors. The luminal hemodynamics is modeled with the Navier–Stokes equations. Coupling hypothesis among time and space scales are proposed to build a tractable modeling of such a complex multifactorial and multiscale pathology. A one-dimensional numerical test-case is presented for validation by comparing the results of the framework with experiments at short and long timescales. Our model permits to capture many cellular phenomena which have a central role in the physiopathology of intimal hyperplasia. Results are quantitatively and qualitatively consistent with experimental findings at both short and long timescales.


In occluded femoral artery segments, intimal thickening occurred and abundant neovascularization from the surrounding microcirculation developed. Under these conditions, the contribution of vasa-vasorum as a source of supplementary population of cells during the early intimal thickening formation was studied. Using a technique that specifically labels venules, predominantly postcapillary venules, a marker-Monastral Blue B-was used as a tracer to follow the pericyte, endothelial cell and monocyte/macrophage lineages. In the first two days of the experiment, the marker was restricted to the wall of the periarterial microcirculation, being incorporated by endothelial cells, pericytes and some monocytes/macrophages crossing the venule walls. Later, the marker continues to be observed in some of the following cells: endothelial cells and pericytes of the newly-formed vessels, fibroblast-like cells, transitional cells between pericytes and fibroblast-like cells, macrophages migrating into the interstitium, myointimal cells and neoendothelial cells of the arterial lumen. These findings provide evidence that, during arterial intimal thickening formation in occluded arterial segments, the periarterial microvascularization contributes, in addition to recruited macrophages, newly-formed endothelial cells and a supplementary population of fibroblast-like cells and myointimal cells.  相似文献   

Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology - Acute exposure to hand-arm transmitted vibrations (HAVs) may decrease the wall shear stress (WSS) exerted by the blood flow on the arterial...  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Intimal hyperplastic thickening (IHT) is a frequent cause of prosthetic bypass graft failure. Induction and progression of IHT is thought to involve a number of mechanisms related to variation in the flow field, injury and the prosthetic nature of the conduit. This study was designed to examine the relative contribution of wall shear stress and injury to the induction of IHT at defined regions of experimental end-to-side prosthetic anastomoses. METHODS AND RESULTS: The distribution of IHT was determined at the distal end-to-side anastomosis of seven canine Iliofemoral PTFE grafts after 12 weeks of implantation. An upscaled transparent model was constructed using the in vivo anastomotic geometry, and wall shear stress was determined at 24 axial locations from laser Doppler anemometry measurements of the near wall velocity under conditions of pulsatile flow similar to that present in vivo. The distribution of IHT at the end-to-side PTFE graft was determined using computer assisted morphometry. IHT involving the native artery ranged from 0.0+/-0.1 mm to 0.05+/-0.03 mm. A greater amount of IHT was found on the graft hood (PTFE) and ranged from 0.09+/-0.06 to 0.24+/-0.06 mm. Nonlinear multivariable logistic analysis was used to model IHT as a function of the reciprocal of wall shear stress, distance from the suture line, and vascular conduit type (i.e. PTFE versus host artery). Vascular conduit type and distance from the suture line independently contributed to IHT. An inverse correlation between wall shear stress and IHT was found only for those regions located on the juxta-anastomotic PTFE graft. CONCLUSIONS: The data are consistent with a model of intimal thickening in which the intimal hyperplastic pannus migrating from the suture line was enhanced by reduced levels of wall shear stress at the PTFE graft/host artery interface. Such hemodynamic modulation of injury induced IHT was absent at the neighboring artery wall.  相似文献   

IgM hybridoma constant region domain deletional mutants were used to investigate the domain requirements for binding of murine IgM to Fc mu receptors (Fc mu R) on normal murine T lymphocytes. Parental Sp 6:18 (mu, kappa; anti-trinitrophenyl) and its mutant proteins or their trinitrophenyl-antigen immune complexes were tested for their ability to inhibit the binding of pentameric IgM to Fc mu R on T lymphocytes. Inhibition was observed with ligands containing multiple copies of the third constant region domain. Inhibition did not occur with ligands missing the third constant region domain. In addition, a battery of rat monoclonal antibodies specific for individual murine IgM constant region domains was tested for the ability to inhibit the binding of pentameric murine IgM to Fc mu R on normal murine T lymphocytes. Total inhibition was observed with the antibodies directed to different epitopes located in C mu 3, but significant inhibition was not observed with antibodies directed to C mu 1, C mu 2, or C mu 4. Studies with domain deletional mutants and anti-domain antibodies have independently provided strong evidence that the C mu 3 domain plays a major role in the binding of IgM to Fc mu R on T lymphocytes and that C mu 1, C mu 2, and C mu 4 are not essential for binding. These studies have also provided evidence that valency and avidity influence the binding of IgM to T lymphocytes that express Fc mu R.  相似文献   

We have examined the functional property of murine CD2 as an intercellular adhesion molecule by using five anti-murine CD2 mAb which were classified into two groups according to their mutual competition in binding to cell surface CD2. Hamster fibroblasts transfected with murine CD2 cDNA exhibited increased conjugate formation with a murine mastocytoma P815 which expresses the putative murine LFA-3 mRNA detected by cross-hybridization with human LFA-3 cDNA under conditions of low stringency. This increase in conjugate formation was abrogated by both groups of anti-CD2 mAb, although some differences in the extent of inhibition were observed at lower concentrations of the mAb. We then examined the involvement of CD2 in several murine T cell responses by using these mAb to abrogate CD2-mediated cellular interactions. Anti-CD2 mAb significantly inhibited mitogenic T cell responses induced by suboptimal doses of Con A and PHA. In the allogenic MLR response and in the Ag response of two KLH/I-Ak-specific Th cell clones, the inhibitory effect of anti-CD2 mAb was also greatest under suboptimal conditions, i.e., with lesser doses of the Ag. These results indicate that the contribution of CD2 as an accessory molecule is variable, depending on the Ag dose used for stimulation, and they suggest that CD2 is involved in the Ag response of murine T cells under the physiologic conditions where only a limited amount of Ag is available. We next examined the contribution of CD2 to MHC-restricted cytotoxicity by CTL and to MHC-unrestricted cytotoxicity by NK and lymphokine-activated killer cells. Only a marginal inhibition by anti-CD2 mAb alone was observed. Anti-lymphocyte function-associated Ag (LFA)-1 mAb alone exhibited greater inhibitory effects than anti-CD2 mAb in all of the cases tested. In most cases, however, substantial levels of cytotoxicity remained, even in the presence of both anti-CD2 and anti-LFA-1 mAb. These results indicate a minor contribution of CD2, as compared with LFA-1, to cytotoxicity by murine CTL, NK cells, and lymphokine-activated killer cells, and they reveal the presence of undefined cellular interaction pathways other than those mediated by CD2 and LFA-1.  相似文献   

Relative contribution of neurotransmission failure to diaphragm fatigue   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two procedures were used to estimate the relative contribution of neurotransmission failure (NF) to fatigue of the rat diaphragm at different rates of phrenic nerve stimulation. In one, direct muscle stimulation was intermittently superimposed on neural stimulation of the diaphragm, and the relative contribution of NF was estimated by the difference in generated tension. In a second procedure, diaphragm fatigue was induced by using either direct muscle stimulation (with complete blockade of the neuromuscular junction by d-tubocurare) or phrenic nerve stimulation. The relative contribution of NF to diaphragm fatigue was then estimated by comparing the force loss during these two modes of stimulation. With both procedures, it was observed that 1) the relative contribution of NF to diaphragm fatigue was less than 45% at each frequency of phrenic nerve stimulation; 2) the relative contribution of NF to diaphragm fatigue increased at higher rates of phrenic stimulation, reaching a maximum at 75 pulses/s; and 3) the relative contribution of NF to diaphragm fatigue reached a plateau after 2 min of repetitive stimulation.  相似文献   

We previously reported that heparin inhibits the proliferation of fibroblasts and vascular smooth muscle cells (SMC), in part, by binding to and increasing the antiproliferative activity of transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGF-beta 1). We now report that certain other polyanions which are structurally distinct from heparin, such as fucoidan and polyinosinic acid, are more avid ligands for TGF-beta 1 and more potent antiproliferative agents than heparin. Fucoidan possessed more potent antiproliferative activity than heparin against rat and bovine aortic SMC in vitro, though possessing much lower anticoagulant activity than heparin. Furthermore, fucoidan suppressed in vivo intimal hyperplasia when continuously infused into rats subjected to balloon-catheter injury. Unlike heparin, which also suppressed intimal hyperplasia, fucoidan did not cause systemic anticoagulation. Thus, fucoidan may be useful as a non-anticoagulant inhibitor of post-angioplasty intimal hyperplasia.  相似文献   

It has been postulated that even moderate spasm in an artery with intimal hyperplasia can produce organ hypoxia because there is an excessive reduction in the diameter of the lumen. To test this hypothesis we created intimal hyperplasia in one femoral artery in five pigs and then induced arterial spasm by administering ergonovine maleate. Arterial spasm did not produce a greater reduction in the luminal diameter of the femoral artery with intimal hyperplasia than it did in the normal femoral artery. Until further evidence appears this hypothesis must be viewed with caution.  相似文献   

Relative contribution of gravity to pulmonary perfusion heterogeneity.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We designed a series of experiments and analyses to quantify the contribution of gravity to pulmonary perfusion heterogeneity. Regional pulmonary perfusion was measured in five anesthetized and ventilated dogs in both supine and prone positions by use of radiolabeled microspheres injected during apnea at functional residual capacity. Measurements of flow were repeated in each position, and the sequence of positions was prospectively designed to nullify any effect of order. The lungs of each animal were excised, perfused with saline until clear, dried at an inflation pressure of 25 cmH2O, and cut into 1.9-cm3 pieces. Each piece was weighed and the radioactivity determined in a scintillation counter. Measurement errors were minimized by excluding lung pieces that had greater than 25% airway and weighed less than 10 mg or greater than 60 mg. Weight-normalized flows in each position and repetition were determined for each lung piece. An analysis of variance model was used to identify the percentage of variation in regional flow that was due to position (supine vs. prone), to random error and time (measurement and repetition), and to structure, where structure was defined as the component of flow that remained constant across position and replication. The contributions of position, error/time, and structure to the total variability of flow across the five dogs were 7.8 +/- 0.6, 8.4 +/- 8.3, and 83.8 +/- 8.4%, (SD), respectively. Because the contribution of position represents the additive effect of gravity between two opposite positions, the contribution of gravity to perfusion heterogeneity in one position may be as little as 4%.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The contribution of toll-like receptors to the pathogenesis of asthma   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Asthma is a major disease in the westernized world and its incidence has significantly increased over the past 40 years. Our understanding of the pathogenesis of asthma remains rudimentary, and for this reason, little has been accomplished by way of targeted intervention, either at a population level (to reduce the overall prevalence) or at an individual level (to treat the cause). Instead, the management strategy currently in use relies on broad-spectrum anti-inflammatory agents, generally glucocorticoids and long-acting beta2 agonists. The recent discovery of toll-like receptors (TLRs), with their role as the initiators of the innate immune response and inflammation, suggests that modulating these receptors may be beneficial in the treatment of allergic disorders. We review here the cellular distribution of TLR in the lung and their potential contribution to the processes that promote T helper 2 (Th2) immunity and infection-induced exacerbations of allergic lung disease.  相似文献   

Studies of how birds mobilize nutrients to eggs have traditionally considered a continuum of possible allocation strategies ranging from income breeding (rely on food sources found on the breeding grounds) to capital breeding (rely on body reserves stored prior to the breeding season). For capital breeding, stored body reserves can be acquired either on or away from the breeding grounds, but it has been difficult to quantify the relative contribution of each, precluding identification of key habitats for acquiring nutrients for clutch formation. During 2006–2009, we explored the importance of spring‐staging habitats versus breeding‐area habitats for egg‐lipid formation in female lesser scaup Aythya affinis using stable carbon (δ13C) isotope analyses. Although δ13C values for abdominal lipid reserves brought to the breeding grounds overlapped those of local amphipods, we were able to quantify the importance of local plant carbohydrates (seeds of emergent wetland plants) to the production of eggs. We compared the importance of local wetland seeds (overall δ13C: ?29.1 ± 0.9‰ SD) to combined lipid stores and lipids from local amphipods (overall δ13C: ?23.8 ± 2.2‰). Local seeds and stored body lipids contributed equally to egg lipid formation across years but we found evidence of annual variation in their relative importance. Wetland seeds contributed 39% (SE = 10%) to egg lipid production, and the importance of this source varied by year (90% CI = 47–75% in 2006, 13–42% in 2007, 29–65% in 2008, and 7–30% in 2009). In contrast to earlier studies that suggest lesser scaup predominantly employ a capital breeding strategy, our results suggest that in some years females may attain half of their energy for clutch formation from foods on the breeding grounds.  相似文献   

A major goal of ecology is to understand spatial variation in species richness. The latter is markedly influenced by energy availability and appears to be influenced more by common species than rare ones; species-energy relationships should thus be stronger for common species. Species-energy relationships may arise because high-energy areas support more individuals, and these larger populations may buffer species from extinction. As extinction risk is a negative decelerating function of population size, this more-individuals hypothesis (MIH) predicts that rare species should respond more strongly to energy. We investigate these opposing predictions using British breeding bird data and find that, contrary to the MIH, common species contribute more to species-energy relationships than rare ones.  相似文献   

Delaying senescence as a response to tissue losses has been reported in some studies, but there is no information about its influence in growth compensation. We performed a first test of the relative contribution of delaying senescence after defoliation to growth compensation in Dactylis glomerata L. by means of an iterative growth analysis modified to estimate tissue losses to senescent leaves. We show that Dactylis glomerata overcompensated for relative growth rate after defoliation, mainly by slowing down senescence, and to a lesser extent by increasing the newly assimilated mass allocated to leaves.  相似文献   

Acute lung injury is an important feature of sepsis and increased iNOS expression and NO production contribute to the pathogenesis of this syndrome. We generated bone marrow-transplanted chimeric mice with iNOS expression limited to either inflammatory or pulmonary parenchymal cells, and assessed pulmonary iNOS activity and systemic levels of NO metabolites in an endotoxemic model of sepsis. We found that while both pulmonary parenchymal cells and inflammatory cells contribute to the increased lung iNOS activity in endotoxemia, pulmonary parenchymal cells contribute to a significantly greater degree. Using measurement of plasma NO(-)(x), whole body NO production was assessed in this model. We found that the main source of NO(-)(x) was again, parenchymal cells and not inflammatory cells. This is the first study to demonstrate that most of the increased NO production in this model of endotoxemic sepsis derives from parenchymal cells rather than inflammatory cells.  相似文献   

代谢性谷氨酸受体及其在疼痛机制中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
代谢性谷氨酸受体是一个新的G-蛋白相关受体家族,各类亚型在分子生物学特征、神经药理学特征和中枢神经系统分布方面有所不同。根据其序列的同源性程度可将其分为三组。近来的研究证实代谢性谷氨酸受体在痛信息传递机制中具有重要作用。本文将对代谢性谷氨酸受体在上述机制中的可能作用作一综述。  相似文献   

The microclimatic patterns in a large, metropolitan center situated in a warm and humid climatic zone have been investigated in relation to various forms of land use. The survey was conducted in Houston, Texas in the fall and summer of two consecutive years. Information on temperature and humidity obtained during the survey along with demographic and land-use data were mapped utilizing synographic computer techniques to detect anthropogenic changes in the microclimatic characteristics of the area. Results indicate that a thermal anomaly of man-made origin in this city does exist in spite of the anticipated advantages of its coastal location. Quantitative information derived from the study can be of practical value for urban development planning in areas of hot and humid climates.  相似文献   

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