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Lipase Lip2 from Yarrowia lipolytica was displayed on the cell surface of Saccharomyces cerevisiae using Cwp2 as an anchor protein. Successful display of the lipase on the cell surface was confirmed by immunofluorescence microscopy and halo assay. The length of linker sequences was further examined to confirm that the correct conformation of Lip2 was maintained. The results showed that the displayed Lip2 exhibited the highest activity at 7.6 ± 0.4 U/g (dry cell) when using (G4S)3 sequence as the linker, with an optimal temperature and pH at 40°C and pH 8.0. The displayed lipase did not lose any activity after being treated with 0.1% Triton X-100 and 0.1% Tween 80 for 30 min, and it retained 92% of its original activity after incubation in 10% DMSO for 30 min. It also exhibited better thermostability than free Lip2 as reported previously.  相似文献   

Jo JH  Im EM  Kim SH  Lee HH 《Biotechnology letters》2011,33(6):1113-1120
A cell surface display system was developed in Pichia pastoris using the gene TIP1, encoding the glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored protein of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (ScTIP). Human lactoferrin cDNA (hLf) was fused to a full-length TIP1 DNA (ScTIP 630 ) or a short-TIP1 fragment (ScTIP 120 ) encoding the 40 C-terminal amino acids of ScTIP. Both hLf-ScTIP fusion genes were expressed in P. pastoris SMD 1168. The fused protein was detected by western blotting after extraction of the lysed recombinant cells with Triton X-100, urea, and Triton X-100 plus urea, suggesting that the hLf is associated with the membrane. The localization of surface-displayed hLf was confirmed by immunofluorescence confocal microscopy and flow cytometric analysis using FITC-labeled anti-hLf antibody, suggesting that hLf was successfully located at the surface of P. pastoris. The intact recombinant cells and cell lysates showed antibacterial activity against target microorganisms, meaning that the expressed hLf was biologically active. The results indicated that the ScTIP anchoring motif is useful for cell surface display of foreign proteins in P. pastoris.  相似文献   

The high-cell-density fermentation of Candida rugosa lipase in the constitutive Pichia pastoris expression system was scaled up from 5 to 800 l in series by optimizing the fermentation conditions at both lab scale and pilot scale. The exponential feeding combined with pH-stat strategy succeeded in small scale studies, while a two-stage fermentation strategy, which shifted at 48 h by fine tuning the culture temperature and pH, was assessed effective in pilot-scale fermentation. The two-stage strategy made an excellent balance between the expression of heterogeneous protein and the growth of host cells, controlling the fermentation at a relatively low cell growth rate for the constitutive yeast expression system to accumulate high-level product. A stable lipase activity of approximately 14,000 IU ml−1 and a cell wet weight of ca. 500 g l−1 at the 800-l scale were obtained. The efficient and convenient techniques suggested in this study might facilitate further scale-up for industrial lipase production.  相似文献   

A 777-bp cDNA fragment encoding a mature alkaline lipase (LipI) from Penicillium cyclopium PG37 was amplified by RT–PCR, and inserted into the expression plasmid pPIC9 K. The recombinant plasmid, designated as pPIC9 K-lipI, was linearized with SalI and transformed into Pichia pastoris GS115 (his4, Mut+) by electroporation. MD plate and YPD plates containing G418 were used for screening of the multi-copy P. pastoris transformants (His+, Mut+). One transformant resistant to 4.0 mg/ml of G418, numbered as P. pastoris GSL4-7, expressing the highest recombinant LipI (rLipI) activity was chosen for optimizing expression conditions. The integration of the gene LipI into the P. pastoris GS115 genome was confirmed by PCR analysis using 5′- and 3′-AOX1 primers. SDS–PAGE and lipase activity assays demonstrated that the rLipI, a glycosylated protein with an apparent molecular weight of about 31.5 kDa, was extracellularly expressed in P. pastoris. When the P. pastoris GSL4-7 was cultured under the optimized conditions, the expressed rLipI activity was up to 407 U/ml, much higher than that (10.5 U/ml) expressed with standard protocol. The rLipI showed the highest activity at pH 10.5 and 25°C, and was stable at a broad pH range of 7.0–10.5 and at a temperature of 30°C or below.  相似文献   

The HuIFNA16, HuIFNB1, and BoIFNG genes encoding human α16, β-interferons and bovine γ-interferon were cloned under the control of the yeast Pichia pastoris AOX1 gene promoter. The yeast strains producing heterologous interferons intracellularly and extracellularly were constructed. There was no effect of high level of heterologous protein synthesis on the yeast P. pastoris cell growth, unlike yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The considerable part of the heterologous interferons was detected in the yeast P. pastoris soluble protein fraction but not in the “inclusion bodies.” The treatment of human β-interferon with endoglycosidase H showed that protein was expressed in glycosylated and unglycosylated forms. On the strength of these data, the hypothesis was suggested that the more effective heterologous gene expression in yeast P. pastoris and enhanced resistance of the methylotrophic yeast to negative effects of recombinant proteins was due to the special features of its metabolism.  相似文献   

Staphylokinase (SAK) is a promising thrombolytic agent for treating blood-clotting disorders. Recombinant SAK (rSAK) was produced after integration of the gene into Pichia pastoris genome. The recombinant Pichia carrying multiple insertions of the SAK gene yielded high-level (~1 g/l) of extracellular glycosylated rSAK (~18 kDa) with negligible plasminogen activation activity. Addition of tunicamycin during the induction phase resulted in expression of non-glycosylated and highly active rSAK (~15 kDa) from the same clone. Two simple steps of ion-exchange chromatography produced an homogenous rSAK of >95% purity which suitable for future structural and functional studies.  相似文献   

A novel lipase gene, lipJ08, was cloned from Candida rugosa ATCC14830, along with the already reported five lipase genes (lip1–lip5). Nucleotide sequencing indicated that the lipJ08 gene contains a 1650 bp open reading frame (ORF) without introns. The deduced amino acid sequence corresponds to 534 amino acid residues, including a putative signal sequence of 15 amino acid residues. Seventeen of the non-universal serine codons (CTG) of lipJ08 were converted into universal serine codons (TCT) by PCR-based mutagenesis. The native and codon-optimized lipJ08 genes were expressed in Pichia pastoris. The hydrolytic activity of the recombinant LIPJ08 was 4.7 U/ml, whereas the activity of the recombinant wild-type lipase could not be detected.  相似文献   

Recombinant antibody fusion constructs with heterologous functional domains are a promising approach to new therapeutic targeting strategies. However, expression of such constructs is mostly limited to cost and labor-intensive mammalian expression systems. Here we report on the employment of Pichia pastoris for the expression of heterologous antibody fusion constructs with green fluorescent protein, A33scFv::GFP, or with cytosine deaminase, A33scFv::CDy, their production in a biofermenter and a modified purification strategy. Combined, these approaches improved production yields by about thirty times over established standard protocols, with extracellular secretion of the fusion construct reaching 12.0 mg/l. Bifunctional activity of the fusion proteins was demonstrated by flow cytometry and an in-vitro cytotoxicity assay. With equal amounts of purified protein, the modified purification method lead to higher functional results. Our results demonstrate the suitability of methylotrophic Pichia expression systems and laboratory-scale bioreactors for the production of high quantities of bifunctionally active heterologous single-chain fusion proteins.  相似文献   

High oxygen consumption and heat release caused by methanol catabolism usually bring difficulties to industrial scale-up and cost for protein expression driven by methanol-induced AOX1 promoter in Pichia pastoris. Here, reduced methanol feeding levels were investigated for expression of insulin precursor in a trans-acting elements engineered P. pastoris strain MF1-IP. Insulin precursor expression level reached 6.69 g/(L supernatant) at the methanol feeding rate of 6.67 mL/(h·L broth), which was 59% higher than that in the wild-type strain WT-IP at the methanol feeding rate of 12 mL/(h·L broth). Correspondingly, the insulin precursor expression level in fermentation broth and maximum specific insulin precursor production rate was 137 and 77% higher than the WT-IP, respectively. However, oxygen consumption and heat evolution were reduced, and the highest oxygen consumption rate and heat evolution rate of the MF1-IP were 18.0 and 37.7% lower than the WT-IP, respectively.  相似文献   



To characterize the genes responsible for ethanol utilization in Pichia pastoris.


ADH3 (XM_002491337) and ADH (FN392323) genes were disrupted in P. pastoris. The ADH3 mutant strain, MK115 (Δadh3), lost its ability to grow on minimal ethanol media but produced ethanol in minimal glucose medium. ADH3p was responsible for 92 % of total Adh enzyme activity in glucose media. The double knockout strain MK117 (Δadh3Δadh) also produced ethanol. The Adh activities of X33 and MK116 (Δadh) strains were not different. Thus, the ADH gene does not play a role in ethanol metabolism.


The PpADH3 is the only gene responsible for consumption of ethanol in P. pastoris.

Yeast expression systems have been successfully used for over 20 years for the production of recombinant proteins. With the growing interest in recombinant protein expression for various uses, yeast expression systems, such as the popular Pichia pastoris, are becoming increasingly important. Although P. pastoris has been successfully used in the production of many secreted and intracellular recombinant proteins, there is still room for improvement of this expression system. In particular, secretion of recombinant proteins is still one of the main reasons for using P. pastoris. Therefore, endoplasmic reticulum protein folding, correct glycosylation, vesicular transport to the plasma membrane, gene dosage, secretion signal sequences, and secretome studies are important considerations for improved recombinant protein production.  相似文献   

We constructed a Pichia pastoris expression vector with two strongly inducible promoters (an alcohol oxidase 1 promoter and a formaldehyde dehydrogenase 1 promoter) based on pPIC9 k. To test the function of these promoters, the vector was used to co-express two genes that encode for green fluorescent protein (GFP) and a portion of a gelatin gene (an intra- and extracellular protein). The gelatin gene was placed under the control of PAOX1, while the GFP was under the control of PFLD1. The two proteins were simultaneously expressed upon induction with 0.5% (v/v) methanol. The two promoters functioned effectively and their coexistence on one vector did not affect their efficiency in protein expression. Thus, it was possible to simultaneously induce the expression of at least two proteins from one vector, using two different promoters.  相似文献   

Accurate, reliable and reproducible measurement of intracellular metabolite levels has become important for metabolic studies of microbial cell factories. A first critical step for metabolomic studies is the establishment of an adequate quenching and washing protocol, which ensures effective arrest of all metabolic activity and removal of extracellular metabolites, without causing leakage of metabolites from the cells. Five different procedures based on cold methanol quenching and cell separation by filtration were tested for metabolomics of Pichia pastoris regarding methanol content and temperature of the quenching solution as key parameters. Quantitative evaluation of these protocols was carried out through mass balance analysis, based on metabolite measurements in all sample fractions, those are whole broth, quenched and washed cells, culture filtrate and quenching and washing solution. Finally, the optimal method was used to study the time profiles of free amino acid and central carbon metabolism intermediates in glucose-limited chemostat cultures. Acceptable recoveries (>90%) were obtained for all quenching procedures tested. However, quenching at −27°C in 60% v/v methanol performed slightly better in terms of leakage minimization. We could demonstrate that five residence times under glucose limitation are enough to reach stable intracellular metabolite pools. Moreover, when comparing P. pastoris and S. cerevisiae metabolomes, under the same cultivation conditions, similar metabolite fingerprints were found in both yeasts, except for the lower glycolysis, where the levels of these metabolites in P. pastoris suggested an enzymatic capacity limitation in that part of the metabolism.  相似文献   

An intracellular S-adenosylmethionine synthetase (SAM-s) was purified from the fermentation broth of Pichia pastoris GS115 by a sequence chromatography column. It was purified to apparent homogeneity by (NH4)2SO4 fractionation (30–60%), anion exchange, hydrophobic interaction, anion exchange and gel filtration chromatography. HPLC showed the purity of purified SAM-s was 91.2%. The enzyme was purified up to 49.5-fold with a final yield of 20.3%. The molecular weight of the homogeneous enzyme was 43.6 KDa, as determined by electro-spray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS). Its isoelectric point was approximately 4.7, indicating an acidic character. The optimum pH and temperature for the enzyme reaction were 8.5 and 35 °C, respectively. The enzyme was stable at pH 7.0–9.0 and was easy to inactivate in acid solution (pH ≤ 5.0). The temperature stability was up to 45 °C. Metal ions, such as, Mn2+ and K+ at the concentration of 5 mM had a slight activation effect on the enzyme activity and the Mg2+ activated the enzyme significantly. The enzyme activity was strongly inhibited by heavy metal ions (Cu2+ and Ag2+) and EDTA. The purified enzyme from the transformed Pichia pastoris synthesized S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) from ATP and l-methionine in vitro with a K m of 120 and 330 μM and V max of 8.1 and 23.2 μmol/mg/min for l-methionine and ATP, respectively.  相似文献   



To develop a new vector for constitutive expression in Pichia pastoris based on the endogenous glycolytic PGK1 promoter.


P. pastoris plasmids bearing at least 415 bp of PGK1 promoter sequences can be used to drive plasmid integration by addition at this locus without affecting cell growth. Based on this result, a new P. pastoris integrative vector, pPICK2, was constructed bearing some features that facilitate protein production in this yeast: a ~620 bp PGK1 promoter fragment with three options of restriction sites for plasmid linearization prior to yeast transformation: a codon-optimized α-factor secretion signal, a new polylinker, and the kan marker for vector propagation in bacteria and selection of yeast transformants.


A new constitutive vector for P. pastoris represents an alternative platform for recombinant protein production and metabolic engineering purposes.

The coding sequence of a laccase isozyme from Trametes sp. AH28-2 was cloned in pPIC9K vector and heterologously overexpressed in the yeast Pichia pastoris strain GS115. In the minimal medium containing 0.3 mM CuSO4 and 0.6% alanine, the maximum yield of the recombinant laccase rLacB reached 32,000 U/l (1,012 U/mg), slightly higher than that of the native enzyme nLacB (∼30,000 U/l, 1,356 U/mg). The enzymatic properties of rLacB were different from those of nLacB as well. Regardless of the inferior thermal stability, rLacB had much better stability at both neutral and basic pH range compared to nLacB. In addition, the dye decolorization potential of rLacB was similar to that of nLacB.  相似文献   

The maT clade of transposons is a group of transposable elements intermediate in sequence and predicted protein structure to mariner and Tc transposons, with a distribution thus far limited to a few invertebrate species. We present evidence, based on searches of publicly available databases, that the nematode Caenorhabditis briggsae has several maT-like transposons, which we have designated as CbmaT elements, dispersed throughout its genome. We also describe two additional transposon sequences that probably share their evolutionary history with the CbmaT transposons. One resembles a fold back variant of a CbmaT element, with long (380-bp) inverted terminal repeats (ITRs) that show a high degree (71%) of identity to CbmaT1. The other, which shares only the 26-bp ITR sequences with one of the CbmaT variants, is present in eight nearly identical copies, but does not have a transposase gene and may therefore be cross mobilised by a CbmaT transposase. Using PCR-based mobility assays, we show that CbmaT1 transposons are capable of excising from the C. briggsae genome. CbmaT1 excised approximately 500 times less frequently than Tcb1 in the reference strain AF16, but both CbmaT1 and Tcb1 excised at extremely high frequencies in the HK105 strain. The HK105 strain also exhibited a high frequency of spontaneous induction of unc-22 mutants, suggesting that it may be a mutator strain of C. briggsae.  相似文献   

Pyranose dehydrogenase (PDH) is a fungal flavin-dependent sugar oxidoreductase that is highly interesting for applications in organic synthesis or electrochemistry. The low expression levels of the filamentous fungus Agaricus meleagris as well as the demand for engineered PDH make heterologous expression necessary. Recently, Aspergillus species were described to efficiently secrete recombinant PDH. Here, we evaluate recombinant protein production with expression hosts more suitable for genetic engineering. Expression in Escherichia coli resulted in no soluble or active PDH. Heterologous expression in the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris was investigated using two different signal sequences as well as a codon-optimized sequence. A 96-well plate activity screening for transformants of all constructs was established and the best expressing clone was used for large-scale production in 50-L scale, which gave a volumetric yield of 223 mg L−1 PDH or 1,330 U L−1 d−1 in space–time yield. Purification yielded 13.4 g of pure enzyme representing 95.8% of the initial activity. The hyperglycosylated recombinant enzyme had a 20% lower specific activity than the native enzyme; however, the kinetic properties were essentially identical. This study demonstrates the successful expression of PDH in the eukaryotic host organism P. pastoris paving the way for protein engineering. Additionally, the feasibility of large-scale production of the enzyme with this expression system together with a simplified purification scheme for easy high-yield purification is shown.  相似文献   

Proteolytic degradation is the primary obstacle in the use of the yeast Pichia pastoris for the expression of recombinant proteins. During the production of a recombinant Plasmodium falciparum circumsporozoite protein in this system, the (NANP) n repeats region at the N-terminus were completely proteolytically degraded. To remove the potential proteolytic site within the recombinant protein, different strategies were tried, including adjusting the cultivation conditions and mutating the sequence at the junction of the repeat domain and C-terminal region, but the degradation continued. However, modification of the N-terminal sequence by adding an epitope-based peptide to the N-terminus not only protected the repeat domain from cleavage by native proteases during longer induction in the yeast host and purification process, but also stabilized this recombinant protein emulsified with adjuvant ISA720 for at least 6 months. The results showed that proteolytic degradation of the recombinant circumsporozoite protein produced in P. pastoris was amino acid sequence (NANP)-specific, and that this effect was likely dependent on the conformation of the recombinant protein.  相似文献   

Ren R  Jiang Z  Liu M  Tao X  Ma Y  Wei D 《Molecular biotechnology》2007,35(2):103-108
Two Pichia pastoris cell surface display vectors were constructed. The vectors consisted of the flocculation functional domain of Flo 1p with its own secretion signal sequence or the α-factor secretion signal sequence, a polyhistidine (6×His) tag for detection, an enterokinase recognition site, and the insertion sites for target proteins. Adenoregulin (ADR) is a 33-amino-acid antimicrobial peptide isolated from Phyllomedusa bicolor skin. The ADR was expressed and displayed on the Pichia pastoris KM71 cell surface with the system reported. The displayed recombinant ADR fusion protein was detected by fluorescence microscopy and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). The antimicrobial activity of the recombinant adenoregulin was detected after proteolytic cleavage of the fusion protein on cell surface. The validity of the Pichia pastoris cell surface display vectors was proved by the displayed ADR.  相似文献   

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