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Heme pocket dynamics of human carbonmonoxy hemoglobin (HbCO) is studied by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The CO stretching band at various temperatures in the interval 300-10 K is analyzed in terms of three taxonomic A substates; however, in HbCO the band attributed to the A(1) taxonomic substate accounts for approximately 90% of the total intensity in the pH range 8.8-4.5. Two different regimes as a function of temperature are observed: below 160 K, the peak frequency and the bandwidth of the A(1) band have constant values whereas, above this temperature, a linear temperature dependence is observed, suggesting the occurrence of transitions between statistical substates within the A(1) taxonomic substate in this protein. The relationship between the heme pocket dynamics (as monitored by the thermal behavior of the CO stretching band), the overall dynamic properties of the protein matrix (as monitored by the thermal behavior of Amide II and Amide I' bands) and the glass transition of the solvent (as monitored by the thermal behavior of the bending band of water) is also investigated. From this analysis, we derive the picture of a very soft heme pocket of hemoglobin characterized by rather large anharmonic terms and strongly coupled to the dynamic properties of the solvent.  相似文献   

C Dalvit  C Ho 《Biochemistry》1985,24(14):3398-3407
Proton nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) measurements have been used extensively to investigate the detailed conformations of peptides, proteins, and nucleic acids in the solution state. However, much of the published work has dealth with molecules of molecular weight less than 15 000. It is generally thought that specific NOEs cannot be observed in larger molecules (due to spin diffusion), so that NOE is of little use in conformational studies of such systems. By use of truncated-driven NOE with an irradiation time of 100 ms, specific NOEs are observed in a protein of the size of human normal adult hemoglobin (Hb A, 65 000 daltons). This technique has permitted us to assign several proton proton resonances arising from heme groups and from amino acid residues situated in the vicinity of the ligand binding site (such as E7 histidine and E11 valine) of the alpha and beta chains of Hb A. In addition, two-dimensional 1H[1H] J-correlated spectroscopy (COSY) experiments as well as theoretical ring-current calculations have confirmed the spectral assignments obtained by the one-dimensional NOE experiments. These new results not only have permitted us to map the heme pockets and to investigate the conformational differences in the heme pockets between oxy and carbonmonoxy forms of Hb A but also have demonstrated that the technique of truncated-driven NOE can be used to investigate the detailed conformations of selected regions in larger macromolecules in a way heretofore thought not to be feasible.  相似文献   

With recently developed spin label techniques for monitoring macromolecular rotational motion, heme-liganded sickle cell hemoglobin in the presence of inositol hexaphosphate is shown to exhibit restricted motional freedom as compared to liganded normal adult human hemoglobin. This motional restriction is dependent on both hemoglobin concentration and temperature.  相似文献   

P Schlecht 《Biopolymers》1969,8(6):757-765
This paper is concerned with the molecular origin of the dipole moment of sperm whale myoglobin as it can be calculated from the dielectric dispersion at 1 Mcps on the basis of a mechanism of orientational polarization. It was possible to compare the dielectric increment of native myoglobin and its change during the reaction with bromo acetate with dipole moments calculated according to the known coordinates of the charged groups of the molecule. The agreement between the two shows that in myoglobin only the permanent dipole moment due to these charged groups is important, and that contributions from other possible sources remain within the limits of experimental error.  相似文献   

Nutt DR  Meuwly M 《Biophysical journal》2003,85(6):3612-3623
Molecular dynamics simulations of the photodissociated state of carbonmonoxy myoglobin (MbCO) are presented using a fluctuating charge model for CO. A new three-point charge model is fitted to high-level ab initio calculations of the dipole and quadrupole moment functions taken from the literature. The infrared spectrum of the CO molecule in the heme pocket is calculated using the dipole moment time autocorrelation function and shows good agreement with experiment. In particular, the new model reproduces the experimentally observed splitting of the CO absorption spectrum. The splitting of 3-7 cm(-1) (compared to the experimental value of 10 cm(-1)) can be directly attributed to the two possible orientations of CO within the docking site at the edge of the distal heme pocket (the B states), as previously suggested on the basis of experimental femtosecond time-resolved infrared studies. Further information on the time evolution of the position and orientation of the CO molecule is obtained and analyzed. The calculated difference in the free energy between the two possible orientations (Fe...CO and Fe...OC) is 0.3 kcal mol(-1) and agrees well with the experimentally estimated value of 0.29 kcal mol(-1). A comparison of the new fluctuating charge model with an established fixed charge model reveals some differences that may be critical for the correct prediction of the infrared spectrum and energy barriers. The photodissociation of CO from the myoglobin mutant L29F using the new model shows rapid escape of CO from the distal heme pocket, in good agreement with recent experimental data. The effect of the protein environment on the multipole moments of the CO ligand is investigated and taken into account in a refined model. Molecular dynamics simulations with this refined model are in agreement with the calculations based on the gas-phase model. However, it is demonstrated that even small changes in the electrostatics of CO alter the details of the dynamics.  相似文献   

We report the ligand dependence of the conformer distribution in the distal heme pocket of Ascaris suum hemoglobin (Hb) studied by resonance Raman spectroscopy. The heme-bound CO is used as a spectroscopic antenna to probe the original distribution of conformers in the dioxygen derivative of Ascaris Hb, by utilizing sol-gel encapsulation. The first step is to encapsulate the dioxygen derivative in the porous sol-gel and let the gel age, thus trapping the equilibrium conformational distribution of Ascaris dioxygen Hb. In the second step, the dioxygen ligand is replaced by CO. The sol-gel environment impedes any large scale movements, drastically slowing down the conformational relaxation triggered by the ligation change, essentially "locking in" the initial quaternary and even tertiary structure of the protein. Studying the Fe-CO frequencies of the latter sample allows evaluation of the distribution of the distal heme pocket conformers that was originally associated with the dioxygen derivative. Extending the study to the Ascaris mutants allows for examination of the effect of specific residues in the distal pocket on the conformational distribution. The choice of mutants was largely based on the anticipated variation in hydrogen bonding patterns. The results show that the sol-gel encapsulation can slow or prevent re-equilibration within the distal heme pocket of Ascaris Hb and that the distribution of distal heme pocket conformers for the CO derivative of Ascaris Hb in the sol-gel is highly dependent on the history of the sample. Additionally, we report a detailed study of the CO complex of the mutants in solution for assignment of the various heme pocket conformers, and we present a comparison of the sol-gel data with solution data. The results support a picture in which the dioxygen derivative biases the population strongly toward a tightly packed configuration that favors the network of strong hydrogen bonding interactions, and suggest that Ascaris Hb is uniquely designed for dioxygen capture.  相似文献   

Infrared spectra of heme-bound CO in sperm whale carbonmonoxy myoglobin and two mutants (H64L and H97F) were studied in the pH range from 4.2 to 9.5. Comparison of the native protein with the mutants shows that the observed pH effects can be traced to protonations of two histidine residues, H64 and H97, near the active site. Their imidazole sidechains experience simple, uncoupled Henderson-Hasselbalch type protonations, giving rise to four different protonation states. Because two of the protonation states are linked by a pH-independent equilibrium, the overall pH dependence of the spectra is described by a linear combination of three independent components. Global analysis, based on singular value decomposition and matrix least-squares algorithms enabled us to extract the pK values of the two histidines and the three basis spectra of the protonating species. The basis spectra were decomposed into the taxonomic substates A(0), A(1), and A(3), previously introduced in a heuristic way to analyze CO stretch spectra in heme proteins at fixed pH (see for instance, Biophys. J. 71:1563-1573). Moreover, an additional, weakly populated substate, called A(x), was identified. Protonation of H97 gives rise to a blue shift of the individual infrared lines by about 2 cm(-1), so that the A substates actually appear in pairs, such as A(0) and A(0)(+). The blue shift can be explained by reduced backbonding from the heme iron to the CO. Protonation of the distal histidine, H64, leads to a change of the infrared absorption from the A(1) or A(3) substate lines to A(0). This behavior can be explained by a conformational change upon protonation that moves the imidazole sidechain of H64 away from the CO into the high-dielectric solvent environment, which avoids the energetically unfavorable situation of an uncompensated electric charge in the apolar, low-dielectric protein interior. Our results suggest that protonation reactions serve as an important mechanism to create taxonomic substates in proteins.  相似文献   

Time-resolved circular dichroism (TRCD) and absorption spectroscopy are used to follow the photolysis reaction of (carbonmonoxy)myoglobin (MbCO). Following the spectral changes associated with the initial loss of CO, a subtle change is observed in the visible absorption spectrum of the Mb product on a time scale of a few hundred nanoseconds. No changes are seen in the CD spectrum of Mb in the visible and near-UV regions subsequent to the loss of CO. The data suggest the existence of an intermediate found after ligand loss from MbCO that is similar in structure to the final Mb product.  相似文献   

Seal myoglobin (Mb) exons 1 and 3 were used as probes to isolate the functional mouse Mb gene. This gene has a very low level of Mb expression in skeletal muscle. Although it is shorter, the mouse Mb gene displays the common organisation found in human and seal Mb genes. In addition, we have defined blocks of conserved sequences in the 5' flanking region by comparison with other mammalian Mb genes. Moreover, about 10(3) bases upstream of the cap site we identified a repetitive B1 element directly associated with two overlapping open reading frames, containing a putative polyadenylation signal. A polypyrimidine-rich region has also been located upstream from the gene.  相似文献   

We have clarified the use of Wyman's differential equation for the facilitated oxygen flux through a slab of solution of myoglobin or hemoglobin by showing that there is a unique choice of boundary condition on the carrier concentration to be employed in conjunction with it. The singular perturbation solution of Wyman's equation, due to Murrayand Mitchell and Murray, has been extended. By means of it, the paradox of Wittenberg, that the facilitated oxygen flux per mole of heme is apparently independent of the protein carrier, has been resolved.  相似文献   

Tactile exchanges involving the pectoral fin have been documented in a variety of dolphin species. Several functions (e.g., social, hygienic) have been offered as possible explanations for when and why dolphins exchange pectoral fin contacts. In this study, we compared pectoral fin contact between dolphin dyads from three distinct dolphin populations: two groups of wild dolphins; Atlantic spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis) from The Bahamas and Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) from around Mikura Island, Japan; and one group of captive bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) residing at the Roatan Institute for Marine Sciences, Anthony's Key Resort. A number of similarities were observed between the captive and wild groups, including; rates of pectoral fin contact, which dolphin initiated contact, posture preference, and same-sex rubbing partner preference. Unlike their wild counterparts, however, dolphins in the captive study group engaged in petting and rubbing at equal rates, females were more likely to contact males, males assumed the various rubbing roles more frequently than females, and calves and juveniles were more likely to be involved in pectoral fin contact exchanges. These results suggest that some aspects of pectoral fin contact behaviour might be common to many dolphin species, whereas other aspects could be species specific, or could be the result of differing environmental and social conditions.  相似文献   

It is shown that the oxidized form of the hexa-haem nitrite reductase of Wolinella succinogenes exists in two structurally and functionally distinct forms, termed 'resting' and 'redox-cycled'. The nitrite reductase as initially isolated, termed 'resting', has five low-spin ferrihaem groups and one high-spin ferrihaem group. The reduction of these haem groups by Na2S2O4 occurs in two kinetically and spectrally distinct phases. In the slower phase the haem groups are reduced by dithionite with a limiting rate of 4 s-1. If the enzyme is re-oxidized after reduction with dithionite or with methyl viologen, the resulting ferric form, termed 'redox-cycled', possesses only low-spin haem centres and a rate of reduction in the slower phase that is no longer limited. In the resting form of the enzyme the high-spin ferrihaem group is weakly exchange-coupled to a low-spin haem group. It is proposed that in the redox-cycled form the exchange coupling occurs between two low-spin ferric haem groups. This change in spin state allows a more rapid rate of electron transfer to the coupled pair.  相似文献   

The optical transient absorption spectra at 30 ps and 6.5 ns after photolysis are compared for both carboxy hemoglobin (HbCO) and carboxy myoglobin (MbCO). Both 355- and 532-nm excitation pulses were used. In all cases the shapes of the optical difference spectra thus generated are stationary over the complete time-scale studied. The photolysis spectra for MbCO are not significantly different from the equilibrium difference spectra generated on the same picosecond spectrometer when measured to an accuracy of +/- 0.5 nm. In addition, spectral parameters for delegated HbCO generated on the same spectrometer but detected by two different techniques, either by a Vidicon detector or point by point with photomultiplier tubes, are reported; the results are different from some of the previously reported picosecond experiments.  相似文献   

A method is described for estimating changes in cell cycle times during periods of rapid change in proliferation rate. This method, which depends upon the interpretation of pre- and post-velocity sedimentation fractionation continuous thymidine labelling patterns, exploits the relationship between sedimentation rate and cell cycle location. By this means, cycle times can be estimated under conditions that are difficult (if not impossible) to analyse by FLM methods.  相似文献   

Kitagawa T  Haruta N  Mizutani Y 《Biopolymers》2002,67(4-5):207-213
A localized small structural change is converted to a higher order conformational change of protein and extends to a mesoscopic scale to induce a physiological function. To understand such features of protein, ultrafast dynamics of myoglobin (Mb) following photolysis of carbon monoxide were investigated. Recent results are summarized here with a stress on structural and vibrational energy relaxation. The core expansion of heme takes place within 2 ps but the out of plane displacement of the heme iron and the accompanying protein conformational change occur in 10 and 100 s of the picosecond regimes, respectively. Unexpectedly, it was found from UV resonance Raman spectra that Trp7 in the N-terminal region and Tyr151 in the C-terminal region undergo appreciable structural changes upon ligand binding-dissociation while Tyr104, Tyr146, and Trp14 do not. Because of the communication between the movements of these surface residues and the heme iron, the rate of spectral change of the iron-histidine (Fe- His) stretching band after CO photodissociation is influenced by the viscosity of solvent. Temporal changes of the anti-Stokes Raman intensity demonstrated immediate generation of vibrationally excited heme upon photodissociation and its decay with a time constant of 1-2 ps.  相似文献   

S K Soni  L A Kiesow 《Biochemistry》1977,16(6):1165-1170
The transition from deoxy to oxystructure of hemoglobin A (Hb) is accompanied by the breaking of the salt bridges formed by C-terminal residues in deoxy-Hb. This, in turn, changes the state of the heme. The switch between these different allosteric forms can be followed by changes in the optical absorbance spectra (Perutz, M. F., Ladner, J. E., Simon, S. R., and Ho, C. (1974), Biochemistry 13, 2163). Using difference spectroscopy in the soret region, pH-dependent spectral changes of Hb and its derivatives (carbamylated at both the alpha-NH2 groups, alpha2cbeta2c; N-ethylsuccinimide hemoglobin, NES-Hb) in their deoxy and carbonmonoxy forms were measured. From these measurements, the pK values of histidine-146beta and valine-1alpha in deoxy-Hb were determined to be 8.6 +/- 0.2 and 7.7 +/- 0.1, respectively. In carbonmonoxy-Hb a pK value of 6.3 +/- 0.1 was found.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the reaction of hydroxyurea (HU) with myoglobin (Mb), hemin, sickle cell hemoglobin (HbS), and normal adult hemoglobin (HbA) were determined using optical absorption spectroscopy as a function of time, wavelength, and temperature. Each reaction appeared to follow pseudo-first order kinetics. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy (EPR) experiments indicated that each reaction produced an FeNO product. Reactions of hemin and the ferric forms of HbA, HbS, and myoglobin with HU also formed the NO adduct. The formation of methemoglobin and nitric oxide-hemoglobin from these reactions may provide further insight into the mechanism of how HU benefits sickle cell patients.  相似文献   

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