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The effect of a single intraperitoneal administration of corticotropin (1 unit) and hydrocortisone (5 mg) per 100 g of a body weight on the membrane potential (MP) as well as on the response rate of miniature end plate potentials (RRMEPP) of musculus soleus fibres of various polarization levels has been investigated in rats. It is shown that administration of corticotropin does not change the MP value, while that of hydrocortisone elicits its increase at the low initial polarization level of the muscle fibre membrane and its decrease at the high level. Hydrocortisone administration does not change the MP value at normal levels of fibre polarization. Corticotropin having been administered, RRMEPP of fibres both with high MP levels and with low ones has increased. Fibres with normal polarization also show a tendency to increase. Administration of hydrocortisone has induced a substantial increase of RRMEPP in fibres with high polarization levels within 45 min, while PRMEPP of fibres with normal polarization levels increased within first 5 min., and that of fibres with low levels of polarization remained unchanged.  相似文献   

Aspartate and alanine aminotransferase (AsT, AlT) activities were studied in tissues of adrenalectomized rabbits which were treated with a single and multiple administrations of hydrocortisone (5 mg/kg) or a single administration of corticotropine (ACTH, 10 units/kg). It is shown that adrenalectomy decreases the AsT activity in homogenate of femoral muscle tissue and decreases the AlT activity in homogenate and supernatant of the liver, spleen and muscle tissue and in blood plasma. A single administration of hydrocortisone increases the AsT activity in supernatant of femoral muscle tissue and in blood plasma and increases AIT activity in the brain, liver, muscle and blood plasma. Parallel with that AsT and AlT activities are decreased in the spleen tissue. Multiple administration of hydrocortisone induces analogous changes in the AsT activity in the muscle and in the AlT activity in the liver, muscle and blood plasma. A single administration of ACTH induces an increase of the AsT activity in the muscle supernatant and in blood plasma. It also causes a rise of the AlT activity in the liver, muscle supernatant and blood plasma. The AlT activity is decreased in the brain supernatant. A question about stability of free amino acids metabolism (especially of alanine and aspartic acid) in the rabbit brain with changes in corticosteroid levels of organism is under discussion.  相似文献   

The capacity of spleen, thymus, and bone marrow cells of intact (control) and of hydrocortisone-treated mice CBA to induce the lymph node type of graft-v-host reaction (GVHR) in hybrids F1 (CBA X c57bl) was studied. After hydrocortisone injection (2.5 mg per mouse) the donor spleen cells became more active in GVHR, considering the value of lymph node indices and immunoblast content in the regional lymph node as compared with a control group. Following transplantation of thymus cells taken from the hydrocortison-treated donors the immunoblast count was higher, although the lymph node weight remained the same as in the control group. On the contrary, following the transfer of the bone marrow cells from the hydrocortisone-treated mice the lymph nodes enlarged, while the immunoblast count remained as low as in control. Consequently, exogenously conditioned increase in the hydrocortisone level was accompanied by an enrichment of the spleen and thymus cell populations with T-lymphocytes, proliferating in response to H-alloantigens.  相似文献   

In human pathology little is known about the activating enzymes for fatty acids of different carbon chain length. In order to have a better insight into disorders of lipid metabolism in human skeletal muscle, we studied the distribution of acyl-CoA synthetases in muscular subcellular fractions. We find that in muscle mainly long chain fatty acids are activated to CoA esters. Distribution of palmityl-CoA synthetase in subcellular fractions compared with marker enzymes suggested that this enzymatic activity is located only in the outer mitochondrial membrane, in contrast to human liver, where this enzyme is also located in the microsomes. In human skeletal muscle we also found low butyryl-CoA formation, which was limited to the mitochondrial matrix. This site of activation implies that short chain fatty acids may not depend on carnitine for their oxidation in the mitochondrial matrix, in contrast to long chain fatty acids activated in the outer mitochondrial membrane.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial uncoupling protein 3 (UCP(3))-mediated uncoupling has been postulated to depend on several factors, including superoxides, free fatty acids (FFAs), and fatty acid hydroperoxides and/or their derivatives. We investigated whether there is an interrelation between endogenous mitochondrial superoxides and fatty acids in inducing skeletal muscle mitochondrial uncoupling, and we speculated on the possible involvement of UCP(3) in this process. In the absence of FFAs, no differences in proton-leak kinetic were detected between succinate-energized mitochondria respiring in the absence or presence of rotenone, despite a large difference in complex I superoxide production. The addition of either arachidic acid or arachidonic acid induced an increase in proton-leak kinetic, with arachidonic acid having the more marked effect. The uncoupling effect of arachidic acid was independent of the presence of GDP, rotenone and vitamin E, while that of arachidonic acid was dependent on these factors. These data demonstrate that FFA and O(2-) play interrelated roles in inducing mitochondrial uncoupling, and we hypothesize that a likely formation of mitochondrial fatty acid hydroperoxides is a key event in the arachidonic acid-induced GDP-dependent inhibition of mitochondrial uncoupling.  相似文献   

The inability of silicic acid to completely separate the neutral lipids from phospholipids has been reported by several investigators (1,2). Hornstein et al. (3) increased the polarity of the solvent system and reported a clean separation of the phospholipid fraction by adsorption on activated silicic acid. Studies on bovine lipids by Hood and Allen (2) utilized acid-washed Florisil to separate the lipid fractions claiming that silicic acid incompletely separates the free fatty acids from the phospholipids. Work performed in this laboratory (4) on bovine lipids confirmed that phospholipids could be effectively separated from free fatty acids by adsorption on silicic acid by incorporating the solvent system described by Hornstein et al. (3). The liquid-liquid partition procedure of Hamilton and McDonald (5) was also found to be sensitive enough to partition the extremely small amount of free fatty acids from the esterified fatty acids. This paper provides evidence for the effectiveness of these methods in separating the frec fatty acids by incorporating an internal standard [1-14C]palmitic acid.  相似文献   

Colorimetric determination of free fatty acids   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

Summary Radioiodinated free fatty acids have been developed to study myocardial metabolism non-invasively in man. In the present study the distribution of radiolabeled lipids in the myocardium and in arterial and coronary sinus blood was evaluated following injection of three commonly used iodinated fatty acids in fasted (n = 5) and lactate loaded (n = 3) dogs. Five minutes after simultaneous i.v. injection of radioiodinated 17-I-heptadecanoic acid (IHDA),15-(p-I-phenyl) pentadecanoic acid (IPPA) and 15-(p-I-phenyl)-3,3-dimethylpentadecanoic acid (DMIPPA) a biopsy specimen and samples of arterial and coronary sinus blood were taken. After extraction and TLC the relative distribution of radioactivity in the aqueous phase (containing the oxidation products), pellet and organic phase was calculated. The organic phase was further divided into phospholipids, diglycerides, free fatty acids, triglycerides and cholesterolesters. Seventy two percent of IHDA was oxidized, 36% of IPPA and 7% of DMIPPA. The organic phase consisted primarily of triglycerides and phospholipids. The ratios of triglycerides to phospholipids were about the same for IHDA, IPPA and DMIPPA (0.58, 0.65 and 0.50, respectively). Free IHDA in tissue samples was low (4%) and elevated for IPPA and DMIPPA, (17% and 37%). During lactate loading triglycerides were higher for all three fatty acids. For IHDA and IPPA this increase was paralleled by a decrease in the aqueous phase, in case of DMIPPA the aqueous phase remained the same. Five minutes after injection most of the organic phase of both arterial and coronary sinus blood consisted of the injected fatty acids, the aqueous phase contained oxidation products. There were only minor differences during lactate loading. During the evaluation of scintigraphic patterns of the radioiodinated fatty acids under normal conditions (eg at rest) and during elevated lactate levels (eg during exercise) the differences in distribution must therefore be considered.  相似文献   

Bioluminescent determination of free fatty acids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A simple, highly specific, and sensitive bioluminescent method for determination of free fatty acids in unextracted plasma or serum has been developed. The method is based on the activation of free fatty acids by acyl-CoA synthetase (EC The pyrophosphate formed is used to phosphorylate fructose 6-phosphate in a reaction catalyzed by the enzyme pyrophosphate-fructose-6-phosphate phosphotransferase (EC The triosephosphates produced from fructose 1,6-bisphosphate by aldolase are oxidized by NAD in the presence of arsenate to 3-phosphoglycerate. The NADH is detected via the bacterial NADH-linked luciferase system. Excellent agreement has been obtained by comparison with accepted methods. In addition, for the determination of serum free fatty acids, the method is particularly applicable for following lipolysis of isolated adipocytes.  相似文献   

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