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In order to probe the organization of the contractile machinery in smooth muscle, we have studied the distribution of alpha-actinin, a protein present in high concentration in dense bodies, structures apparently analogous to the Z-disks of striated muscle. Localization of alpha-actinin in single isolated smooth muscle cells of the stomach muscularis of Bufo marinus was determined by analysis of the pattern of anti-alpha-actinin staining in single fluorescence photomicrographs, stereo pair micrographs, and computerized three-dimensional reconstructions from multiple image planes. The distribution of anti- alpha-actinin and antitubulin staining was compared in contracted and relaxed cells. The studies revealed that alpha-actinin is present in high concentrations in fusiform elements (mean axial ratio = 4.82) throughout the cytoplasm and in larger, more irregularly shaped plaques along the cell margins. Many of the fusiform-stained elements are organized into stringlike arrays characterized by a regular repeating pattern (mean center-to-center interspace = 2.2 +/- 0.1 micron). These linear arrays appear to terminate at the anti-alpha-actinin stained larger plaques along the cell margin; several of these strings often run in parallel with their elements in lateral register. While this general pattern of organization is maintained in cells during contraction, the distance between successive stained elements in stringlike arrays is decreased. We suggest that the decrease in the distance between elements in these strings results from shortening of materials that constitute these linear arrays. We do not believe that the shortening within these arrays reflects compression by forces generated elsewhere within the cell, as the reorganization of noncontractile microtubules is qualitatively different from the changes in the pattern of anti-alpha-actinin staining.  相似文献   

The measurement of the biomechanical properties of gastrointestinal smooth muscle cells is important for the basic understanding of digestive function and the interaction of muscle cells with the matrix. Externally applied forces will deform the cells depending upon their mechanical properties. Hence, the evoked response mediated through stretch-sensitive ion-channels in the smooth muscle cell membrane will depend upon membrane properties and the magnitude of the external force. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that gastrointestinal smooth muscle cells behave in a viscoelastic manner. Smooth muscle cells were dissociated from the muscle layers of the descending colon. The viscoelastic properties of the isolated cells were characterized by measuring the mechanical deflection response of the cell membrane to a negative pressure of 1cm H(2)O applied across the cell through a micropipette and fitting the response to a theoretical viscoelastic solid model. The viscoelastic mechanical constants of the isolated cells (N=9) were found to be as follows: k(1)=19.99+/-2.86 Pa, k(2)=7.19+/-1.21 Pa, mu=25.36+/-6.14 Pas and tau=4.84+/-0.95 s. This study represents, to the best of our knowledge, the first quantitative mechanical properties of isolated living smooth muscle cells from the gastrointestinal tract. The mechanical properties determined in this study will be of use in future analytical and numerical smooth muscle cell models to better predict the mechanism between the magnitude of mechanical stimuli, mechanosensitivity and the evoked afferent responses.  相似文献   

To determine whether channeling of glycolytic intermediates canoccur in vascular smooth muscle (VSM), we permeabilized freshly isolated VSM cells from hog carotid arteries with dextran sulfate. Thedextran sulfate-treated cells did not exclude trypan blue, a dye withmolecular weight of ~1,000. If glycolytic intermediates freelydiffuse, plasmalemmal permeabilization would allow intermediates toexit the cell and glycolytic flux should cease. We incubated permeabilized and nonpermeabilized cells with 5 mM[1-13C]glucose at37°C for 3 h. 13C nuclearmagnetic resonance (NMR) was used to determine relative [3-13C]lactateproduction and to identify any13C-labeled glycolyticintermediates that exited from the permeabilized cells.[3-13C]lactateproduction from[1-13C]glucose wasdecreased by an average of 32% (n = 6) in permeabilized cells compared with intact cells. No13C-labeled glycolyticintermediates were observed in the bathing solution of permeabilizedcells. We conclude that channeling of glycolytic intermediates canoccur in VSM cells.


《Life sciences》1997,61(22):PL327-PL332
The mechanisms by which the immunosuppressive drug cyclosporine A (CsA) induces hypertension and nephrotoxicity are still not fully understood. Although smooth muscle cell (SMC) contraction is probably the mechanism of vasoconstriction, the direct contractive effect of CsA on SMCs has not yet been demonstrated. Thus, it was the purpose of this study to evaluate the direct effects of CsA in cultured SMCs through interactive image analysis. In aortic SMCs, CsA at the concentrations of 0.01, 0.1 and 1 μM, caused a concentration-dependent decrease of the planar cross-sectional area (PCSA) after 30 min and 60 min of treatment. The PCSA decreases were statistically significantly different from control at all concentrations. No cytotoxicity was observed under these conditions. Ten minutes preincubation of SMCs with a monoclonal antibody against endothelin-1 (ET-1) significantly prevented the CsA effects at 1 μM. When the same antibody was heat inactivated or an unspecific antibody (anti-desmin immunoglobulin G) was applied, the CsA-induced contractions were not affected. These data suggest that CsA can cause a direct contractive effect on vascular SMCs. This effect is partly mediated by ET-1.  相似文献   

Smooth muscle cells were isolated from the fundus of the canine gallbladder and examined for the presence of opioid receptors. The cells contracted in a concentration-dependent manner in response to three opioid peptides (Met-enkephalin, dynorphin1-13 and Leu-enkephalin), which are known derivatives of opioid precursors present in myenteric neurons of the gut. The order of potency was Met-enkephalin greater than dynorphin1-13 greater than Leu-enkephalin. The contractile response to opioid agonists was selectively inhibited by opioid antagonists (naloxone and Mr2266) but not by muscarinic, CCK/gastrin or tachykinin antagonists. Equivalent responses to the three opioid peptides exhibited differential sensitivity to preferential antagonists of mu (naloxone) and kappa (Mr2266) opioid receptors consistent with the presence of the three main types of opioid receptors (mu, delta and kappa) on canine gallbladder muscle cells.  相似文献   

Smooth muscle cells were isolated from estrogenized rat myometrium by collagenase digestion. Electron microscopic examination and measurement of cell lengths by image-splitting micrometry were carried out after fixation with acrolein. Mean lengths of cells before and after isolation were 81.7 and 66.9 micron, respectively. Responses of cells were compared with contractions of isolated strips recorded isometrically. Effects of carbachol and KCl were examined in 2 mM Ca, 2 mM Ca + 4 mM EGTA, and 2 mM Ca + 10(-8) M nitrendipine solution. Carbachol and KCl produced concentration-dependent shortening of isolated cells maximal at 30 s after addition. The concentrations of carbachol required to produce shortenings were about 100-fold less than those required to produce isometric contractions; but no major difference was observed in the concentration dependence of cell shortening and isometric contraction produced by potassium-induced depolarization. In 2 mM Ca solution, there was a phasic response, followed by a tonic response such that more than 50% of maximum cell shortening was maintained for 10 min. However, in 2 mM Ca + 4 mM EGTA or 10(-8) M nitrendipine, the tonic contraction was abolished and cells rapidly relaxed after 30 s. If carbachol was added to cells after varying times in the EGTA-containing solution, the ability to initiate a contraction declined exponentially with a half-time of 160 s. Effects of depolarization by KCl were examined in 2 mM Ca plus nitrendipine and 2 mM Ca + 4 mM EGTA solution. Shortening occurred in 2 mM Ca solution by depolarization but not if nitrendipine was added. Though shortening was not observed in 2 mM Ca + 4 mM EGTA solution by KCl, subsequent addition of carbachol induced shortening. These results suggested that there was an intracellular Ca store site from which Ca was released by carbachol and which was not affected by depolarization in the absence of external Ca. No evidence was obtained that the contraction persists in Ca2+-free medium in isolated cells, which is in agreement with previous findings in small muscle strips in which only a similar transient response was obtained.  相似文献   

The ionic currents of smooth muscle cells isolated from the ctenophore Mnemiopsis were examined by using conventional two-electrode voltage clamp and whole-cell patch clamping methods. Several separable currents were identified. These include: (1) a transient and (2) a steady-state voltage-activated inward current; both are tetrodotoxin (TTX) and saxitoxin (STX) insensitive, partly reduced by decreasing external Ca2+ or Na+ or by addition of 5 mM Co2+, D-600 or verapamil and are totally blocked with 5 mM Cd2+; (3) an early, transient, cation-dependent, outward K+ current (IKCa/Na); (4) a transient, voltage-activated, outward K+ current provisionally identified as IA; (5) a delayed, steady-state, voltage-activated outward K+ current (IK) and (6) a late, transient, outward K+ current which is blocked by Cd2+ and evident only during long voltage pulses. Despite their phylogenic origin, most of these currents are similar to currents identified in many vertebrate smooth and cardiac muscle preparations, and other excitable cells in higher animals.  相似文献   

Calcium channel currents in isolated smooth muscle cells from human bronchus   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
An electrophysiological study was carried out on smooth muscle cells that were enzymatically dissociated from bundles of muscle fibers dissected out of human bronchi obtained at thoracotomy. These cells that retain the contractile properties of intact bundles were voltage-clamped by means of the whole-cell patch-clamp technique. Upon voltage steps from a holding potential of -60 mV to more positive levels, the initial inward current was followed by large outward currents that inactivated slowly. These were subsequently reduced by substituting Cs+ for K+ in the internal solution and by using Ba2+ instead of Ca2+ as a charge carrier in the external solution. Under these conditions, the inward current did not completely inactivate in the course of 300-ms voltage steps. Inward current measured after leak subtraction was activated at a membrane potential of -25.8 +/- 5 mV, was maximum at +18 +/- 4 mV, and had an apparent reversal potential of +52.5 +/- 5.5 mV (n = 5). The potential at which steady-state inactivation was half-maximum was -28 mV (n = 5). This inward current was identified as a calcium current on the following basis: 1) it was not altered by 10 microM tetrodotoxin (TTX) or by lowering to 10 mM external Na+ concentration; 2) it was blocked by 2.5 mM Co2+ or 1 microM PN 200-110; 3) it was enhanced by 1 microM BAY K 8644, which in addition suppressed the PN 200-110 blockade.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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