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The acute phase reactant serum amyloid A protein (SAA) circulates in plasma as a constituent of high density lipoproteins (HDL). Advantage has been taken of the induction of SAA in human subjects with myocardial infarction to study the effect of SAA on the physical and chemical properties of HDL. HDL were isolated by sequential ultracentrifugation and assayed for chemical composition. Apolipoprotein composition was assessed by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Size distribution of HDL was determined by gradient gel electrophoresis and density distribution by density gradient ultracentrifugation. In studies of 18 subjects with myocardial infarction, SAA accounted for 8-87% (median 52%) of the HDL apolipoprotein. These SAA-enriched HDL had a density comparable to that of normal HDL subfraction-3 (HDL3). Their chemical composition differed from normal HDL3, however, with a reduced phospholipid (17% vs 24%) and an increased triglyceride (7.7% vs 1.6%) value. When separated by gradient gel electrophoresis, the SAA-enriched HDL were much larger than normal HDL3, having a radius of 4.5-5.3 nm that extended well into the size range of HDL2; particle size correlated with SAA content. This disassociation between particle density and particle size was also observed with the SAA-enriched HDL isolated from a subject with secondary amyloidosis and also with normal HDL that had been enriched with SAA during incubation in vitro. Thus, the presence of high levels of SAA has been found to be associated with phospholipid-depleted particles of a density comparable to HDL3 but a size larger than normal HDL3.  相似文献   

Inflammation-related (AA) amyloidosis is a severe clinical disorder characterized by the systemic deposition of the acute-phase reactant serum amyloid A (SAA). SAA is normally associated with the high-density lipoprotein (HDL) fraction in plasma, but under yet unclear circumstances, the apolipoprotein is converted into amyloid fibrils. AA amyloid and heparan sulfate (HS) display an intimate relationship in situ, suggesting a role for HS in the pathogenic process. This study reports that HS dissociates SAA from HDLs isolated from inflamed mouse plasma. Application of surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy and molecular modeling suggests that HS simultaneously binds to two apolipoproteins of HDL, SAA and ApoA-I, and thereby induce SAA dissociation. The activity requires a minimum chain length of 12-14 sugar units, proposing an explanation to previous findings that short HS fragments preclude AA amyloidosis. The results address the initial events in the pathogenesis of AA amyloidosis.  相似文献   

The serum amyloid protein (apo-SAA) is a unique high density lipoprotein apoprotein exhibiting dramatic increases in plasma concentration following host injury. The events involved in the secretion of apo-SAA and assembly of apo-SAA-rich lipoprotein particles were studied in primary, serum-free culture of adult BALB/c mouse hepatocytes harvested 3 h following administration of the potent apo-SAA inducer, bacterial endotoxin (50 micrograms of intraperitoneally administered Salmonella typhosa lipopolysaccharide). An approximately 3.5-fold increase in the initial rate of apo-SAA secretion was observed over that of hepatocytes isolated from control mice, whereas the rate of apo-A-I secretion was unchanged by endotoxin administration. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoresis and autoradiography of [35S]methionine-labeled cell products indicated the synthesis of both major mouse apo-SAA isotypes by hepatocytes. Essentially all of the secreted apo-SAA chromatographed in Sephadex G-150 with an elution volume corresponding to a molecular weight of approximately 12,000. Approximately 90% of the secreted apo-SAA was recovered in fractions (d greater than 1.21 g/ml) following ultracentrifugal fractionation. In media supplemented with human lipoproteins (100 micrograms/ml), approximately 50% of the secreted apo-SAA was recovered in the high density lipoprotein fraction. These results suggest that mouse apo-SAA is secreted in monomeric form and becomes associated with lipoproteins in the intravascular compartment.  相似文献   

Serum amyloid A (SAA) is an acute-phase protein mainly associated with HDL. To study the role of SAA in mediating changes in HDL composition and metabolism during inflammation, we generated mice in which the two major acute-phase SAA isoforms, SAA1.1 and SAA2.1, were deleted [SAA knockout (SAAKO) mice], and induced an acute phase to compare lipid and apolipoprotein parameters between wild-type (WT) and SAAKO mice. Our data indicate that SAA does not affect apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) levels or clearance under steady-state conditions. HDL and plasma triglyceride levels following lipopolysaccharide administration, as well as the decline in liver expression of apoA-I and apoA-II, did not differ between both groups of mice. The expected size increase of WT acute-phase HDL was surprisingly also seen in SAAKO acute-phase HDL despite the absence of SAA. HDLs from both mice showed increased phospholipid and unesterified cholesterol content during the acute phase. We therefore conclude that in the mouse, SAA does not impact HDL levels, apoA-I clearance, or HDL size during the acute phase and that the increased size of acute-phase HDL in mice is associated with an increased content of surface lipids, particularly phospholipids, and not surface proteins. These data need to be transferred to humans with caution due to differences in apoA-I structure and remodeling functions.  相似文献   

Interleukin-18 (IL-18) is a novel proinflammatory cytokine that was recently found in synovial fluids and synovial tissues from patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). To investigate the role of IL-18 in rheumatoid synovitis, the levels of IL-18 and serum amyloid A (SAA) were measured in synovial fluids from 24 patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and 13 patients with osteoarthritis (OA). The levels of IL-18 and SAA in the synovial fluids were elevated in RA patients. In contrast, the levels of IL-18 in synovial fluids from OA patients were significantly lower compared to those of RA patients. SAA was not detected in synovial fluids from OA patients. The expression of SAA mRNA in rheumatoid synovial cells was also examined. SAA4 mRNA, which was constitutively expressed by rheumatoid synovial cells, was not affected by IL-18 stimulation. Although acute phase SAA (A-SAA, SAA1 + 2) mRNA was not detected in unstimulated synovial cells, its expression was induced by IL-18 stimulation. By immunoblot, we demonstrated that IL-18 induced the SAA protein synthesis from rheumatoid synovial cells in a dose-dependent manner. These results indicate a novel role for IL-18 in rheumatoid inflammation through the synovial SAA production.  相似文献   

Serum amyloid A (SAA) protein is a 12,000 dalton protein that exists in serum under physiologic conditions as an 85,000 dalton complex and under certain conditions, as a 170,000 dalton component. To study the reason for this finding, the behavior of 125I-SAA was studied in the presence of cold SAA and several serum proteins. SAA caused a shift of some of the radioactivity to the region of albumin. Addition of normal human serum or albumin caused a shift of a significant fraction of the radioactivity to a peak eluting slightly ahead of albumin (80.000 daltons). This interaction could be blocked by the addition of cold SAA. No shift was noted when IgG or Bence Jones proteins were added. Thus, it appears that low molecular SAA protein has a tendency to aggregate with itself and to bind to albumin but not to human IgG or Bence Jones proteins.  相似文献   

Forms of human serum high density lipoprotein protein   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Delipidation by ethanol-diethyl ether at -10 degrees C of human serum high-density lipoprotein (HDL, d 1.063-1.21) or of its subclasses HDL(2) (d 1.063-1.120) and HDL(3) (d 1.120-1.21), yielded proteins-alphaP, alphaP(2), and alphaP(3)-containing 3% phospholipid (largely lecithin) and 3.3% carbohydrate (glucosamine:L-fucose:D-galactose, D-mannose:sialic acid, 1.00:41 : 0.56:0.31). Solubility data and analytical ultracentrifugal analyses indicated that, upon lipid removal, HDL protein aggregates readily; the aggregation is dependent upon pH and ionic strength of the solvent medium. Subunits of 21,000 mol wt were obtained by acetylation or addition of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). HDL and alphaP elicited in the rabbit a similar immunological response. By agar gel immunoelectrophoresis both anti-HDL and anti-alphaP sera detected a major and two minor antigenic determinants in HDL, HDL(3), alphaP, alphaP(2), and alphaP(3). HDL(2), antigenically homogeneous, gave an immunoelectrophoretic pattern of HDL(3) upon mixing with alphaP. alphaP, alphaP(2), and alphaP(3) exhibited a single antigenic determinant after treatment with SDS (0.5 M) or upon acetylation. Native or delipidated forms of HDL, HDL(2), and HDL(3) were separated by vertical starch gel electrophoresis into several components, which showed identical reactions against anti-HDL or anti-alphaP sera. The data suggest that (a) the proteins of HDL, HDL(2), and HDL(3) are made of subunits, probably identical, of an average molecular weight of 21,000; (b) the difference in antigenic behavior between HDL(2) and HDL(3) is due to the presence in the latter of a lipid-poor protein; (c) antigenic polymorphism of alphaP is probably related to the presence in solution of monomeric and polymeric forms having different reactivity against anti-HDL and anti-alphaP sera.  相似文献   

A novel serum amyloid A protein (SAA) has been identified as a normal apolipoprotein component of non-acute phase high density lipoprotein. This novel SAA has been designated "constitutive" SAA (C-SAA) to distinguish it from "acute phase" SAA (A-SAA). C-SAA was partially sequenced, and immunochemical analyses indicated that it constitutes a distinct subclass of apolipoproteins within the SAA superfamily. A C-SAA cDNA clone was isolated from a human liver library and sequenced. The clone predicts a pre-C-SAA molecule of 130 residues from which an 18-residue leader peptide is cleaved. The 112-residue mature molecule is 8 residues longer than human A-SAA; the size difference is due to the presence of an octapeptide between positions 70 and 77 that is not found in the corresponding region of human A-SAA. Paradoxically, octapeptides of similar composition are found at similar positions in the A-SAAs of a number of other species. The C-SAA octapeptide specifies the first two residues of a NSS tripeptide, the only potential N-linked glycosylation site in the molecule. Studies indicate that approximately 50% of these sites are glycosylated, thereby giving rise to two size classes, 14 and 19 kDa, of C-SAA in vivo. Human acute phase liver contains little C-SAA mRNA relative to the levels of A-SAA mRNA, and the treatment of PLC/PRF/5 hepatoma cells with monocyte-conditioned medium does not induce C-SAA mRNA concentrations to detectable levels, in contrast to the massive induction of A-SAA mRNA observed. C-SAA is therefore not a major acute phase reactant.  相似文献   

1. Carbohydrate composition of serum low and high density lipoproteins obtained from 5 nonhuman primate species (chimpanzee, patas, baboon, rhesus, and spider) and humans was studied. 2. Individual lipoproteins were isolated from pooled sera of each species by ultracentrifugal flotation between the densities 1.019-1.063 for LDL-2; 1.063-1.12 for HDL-2; and 1.12-1.21 for HDL-3. After delipidation, sialic acid, fucose, glucosamine, mannose, galactose, and glucose were determined on apo LDL-2, apo HDL-2, and apo HDL-3. 3. Glucosamine, galactose, and mannose constituted a major component of the sugars in apo LDL-2, with similar relative proportions in all species. Sialic acid, fucose, and glucose formed a minor component, the proportions of which varied greatly among the species. 4. Unlike apo LDL-2, sialic acid, fucose, and glucosamine constituted the bulk of the sugars in apo HDL-2 and apo HDL-3. Mannose, galactose, and glucose were minor components, with galactose predominating. 5. Qualitative differences were observed in electrophoretic mobilities of apo HDL-2 and apo HDL-3 on polyacrylamide gel. One faster moving band was unique to chimpanzee. 6. Intraspecies differences in the content of sialic acid and fucose of apolipoproteins may be related to lipoprotein metabolism and species susceptibility (or resistance) to either spontaneous or diet-induced atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

Context: In management of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP), excellent biomarkers for inflammation would be helpful in our practice.

Objectives: Kinetics of c-reactive protein (CRP) and serum amyloid A (SAA) was characterized, using their biologic half-life times.

Materials and methods: Time course of CRP and SAA levels in the successfully treated 36 CAP patients were investigated and their half-life times were determined and compared.

Results & Discussions: SAA and CRP declined in an exponential mean and the biologic half-life times of SAA levels was 34.9?±?28.7?h, significantly shorter than that of CRP, 46.4?±?21.7?h (p?=?0.0014). Conclusion: The kinetic evidence, presented as biologic half-life times of CRP and SAA, helps us make a clinical assessment of CAP patients.  相似文献   

Polymorphism of tissue and serum amyloid A (AA and SAA) proteins in the mouse   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Amino acid sequence studies of the amino terminal 25 residues of amyloid A (AA) protein and the serum precursor (SAA) induced with casein or LPS indicate differences in the sequence at position 6 and significant heterogeneity at several other positions in SAA. These findings suggest that SAA is a polymorphic serum protein and raise the possibility that only certain forms of SAA are processed to the tissue amyloid fibril.  相似文献   

To investigate the role of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in hepatocyte activation, we examined the expression of Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4), the putative receptor for LPS in human hepatocytes. TLR4 mRNA and protein expression was confirmed in human hepatocytes. Stimulation of human hepatocytes with LPS results in rapid degradation of IkappaB-alpha and mitogen activated protein kinase activation. Human hepatocytes stimulated by LPS produced serum amyloid A protein. Our data suggest that human hepatocytes utilize components of TLR4 signal transduction pathways in response to LPS and these direct LPS-mediated effects on hepatocytes may contribute to liver inflammation and injury.  相似文献   

DNA sequence evidence for polymorphic forms of human serum amyloid A (SAA)   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Serum amyloid A (SAA) is an acute-phase reactant and precursor to amyloid A protein, the major constituent of the fibril deposits of reactive amyloidosis. The factors determining whether the 104-amino acid SAA molecule is converted into the 76-amino acid amyloid A protein and deposited as fibrils are not known. As an initial step toward investigating the possibility that a particular primary structure of SAA is involved in amyloid formation, we have cloned and determined the nucleotide sequence of human SAA-specific cDNAs. The first clone, selected using an oligonucleotide probe, was shown to encode the signal peptide and amino-terminal region of SAA. The cDNA of this clone served as probe in the selection of two distinct, full-length SAA cDNAs, initially differentiated by the presence (pSAA21) or absence (pSAA82) of a PstI site in the coding sequence. The complete nucleotide sequence of pSAA82 cDNA was determined. Since there appear to be multiple human SAA alleles, it is conceivable that their differential expression is important to amyloid formation.  相似文献   

The major protein component of bovine high density lipoprotein was investigated in solution by fluorescence polarization and ultracentrifugal techniques. A fluorescent derivative of this protein with 1-dimethylaminonaphthalene-5-sulfonyl chloride was employed in the fluorescence experiments. Over the concentration range from 5-10(-7) M to 5-10(-4) M of the protein monomer at pH values from 2 to 11 and ionic strengths from 0.03 to 2.0, at 23 degrees C, the major protein of bovine high density lipoproteinapoprotein (Apo-HOL-I) was found to exist in a stable aggregated form. The aggregate was not affected by dioxane additions of up to 20% nor by Triton X-100 to 0.2%, but dissociated readily in the presence of 0.07% sodium dodecylsulfate or 6 M urea. At concentrations below 5-10(-7) M, dissociation of the protein aggregate started spontaneously and continued down to 10(-8) M, the lowest measurable concentration. Several physiocochemical properties of the major protein of bovine high density lipoprotein were determined in the stable aggregate form. Molecular weight was 104 000 from ultracentrifugal analysis and 80 000 from gel-filtration. Rotational relaxation time was 115 ns at 25 degrees C, and s-0 20,w was 4.78 s. The results suggest very strong protein-protein interactions (Kd less than 10(-7) M) that are not electrostatic in nature. Hydrophobic interactions of a magnitude that could be affected by 20% dioxane or 0.2% Triton X-100 detergent are also excluded. There is saturation of the interaction sites by the aggregation of a few protein monomer units possibly to form a tetramer which is moderately asymmetric (1:4 axial ratio, assuming an ellipsoid of revolution) and relatively rigid. The strong protein-protein interactions in this pure apolipoprotein suggest the possibility of competition of inter-protein associations with protein-lipid interactions in in vitro lipid binding or lipoprotein reconstitution experiments.  相似文献   

Serum amyloid A (SAA)-induced remodeling of CSF-HDL   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Inflammation is a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease. Serum amyloid A (SAA) is an acute phase protein that dissociates apolipoprotein AI (apoAI) from plasma HDL. In cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), the SAA concentration is much higher in subjects with Alzheimer's disease than in controls. CSF-HDL is rich in apoE, which plays an important role as a ligand for lipoprotein receptors in the central nervous system (CNS). To clarify whether SAA dissociates apoE from CSF-HDL, we added recombinant SAA to CSF and determined the apoE distribution in the CSF using native two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. We found that SAA dissociated apoE from CSF-HDL in a dose-dependent manner. This effect was more evident in apoE4 carriers than in apoE3 or apoE2 carriers. After a 24-h incubation at 37 degrees C, SAA continuously dissociated apoE from CSF-HDL. Amyloid beta (Abeta) fragments (1-42) were bound to large CSF-HDL but not to apoE dissociated by SAA. In conclusion, SAA dissociates apoE from CSF-HDL. We postulate that inflammation in the CNS may impair Abeta clearance due to the loss of apoE from CSF-HDL.  相似文献   

Rat liver parenchymal cell binding, uptake, and proteolytic degradation of rat 125I-labeled high density lipoprotein (HDL) subfraction, HDL3 (1.10 less than d less than 1.210 g/ml), in which apo-A-I is the major polypeptide, were investigated. Structural and metabolic integrity of the isolated cells was verified by trypan blue exclusion, low lactic dehydrogenase leakage, expected morphology, and gluconeogenesis from lactate and pyruvate. 125I-labeled HDL3 was incubated with 10 X 10(6) cells at 37 degrees and 4 degrees in albumin and Krebs-Henseleit bicarbonate buffer, pH 7.4. Binding and uptake were determined by radioactivity in washed cells. Proteolytic degradation was determined by trichloroacetic acid-soluble radioactivity in the incubation medium. At 37 degrees, maximum HDL3 binding (Bmax) and uptake occurred at 30 min with a Bmax of 31 ng/mg dry weight of cells. The apparent dissociation constant of the HDL3 receptor system (Kd) was 60 X 10(-8) M, based on Mr = 28,000 of apo-A-I, the predominant rat HDL3 protein. Proteolytic degradation showed a 15-min lag and then constant proteolysis. After 2 hours 5.8% of incubated 125I-labeled HDL3 was degraded. Sixty per cent of cell radioactivity at 37 degrees was trypsin-releasable. At 37 degrees, 125I-labeled HDL3 was incubated with cells in the presence of varying concentrations of native (cold) HDL3, very low density lipoproteins, and low density lipoproteins. Incubation with native HDL3 resulted in greatest inhibition of 125I-labeled HDL3 binding, uptake, and proteolytic degradation. When 125I-labeled HDL3 was preincubated with increasing amounts of HDL3 antiserum, binding and uptake by cells were decreased to complete inhibition. Cell binding, uptake, and proteolytic degradation of 125I-labeled HDL3 were markedly diminished at 4 degrees. Less than 1 mM chloroquine enhanced 125I-labeled HDL3 proteolysis but at 5 mM or greater, chloroquine inhibited proteolysis with 125I-labeled HDL3 accumulation in cells. L-[U-14C]Lysine-labeled HDL3 was bound, taken up, and degraded by cells as effectively as 125I-labeled HDL3. These data suggest that liver cell binding, uptake, and proteolytic degradation of rat HDL3 are actively performed and linked in the sequence:binding, then uptake, and finally proteolytic degradation. Furthermore, there may be a specific HDL3 (lipoprotein A) receptor of recognition site(s) on the plasma membrane. Finally, our data further support our previous reports of the important role of liver lysosomes in proteolytic degradation of HDL3.  相似文献   

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