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One goal of cancer genetic counseling is to improve early detection and prevention of cancers by identifying individuals at risk and providing screening recommendations. This study determined the impact of genetic counseling and testing on patient's post-genetic risk assessment colorectal cancer screening behaviors. Follow-up data from patients seen August, 1996, through May, 1998, at the Johns Hopkins Cancer Risk Assessment Clinic were analyzed. Eligible patients included those without cancer who were due for a colon examination by the time of follow-up, based on recommendations given during genetic risk assessment (GRA). We analyzed the role of gender, age, time since GRA, prior screening, genetic testing decision, mutation status, and post-GRA screening. Of 65 patients evaluated, 50 (76.9%) had undergone at least one endoscopic colon exam prior to visiting the Cancer Risk Assessment Clinic. At the time of GRA, 37 of 65 (56.9%) were overdue for a colon exam and at the time of follow-up, 15/65 (23.1%) were past due (p < 0.001). Patients with mutation-positive genetic tests were more likely to adhere to screening guidelines than those with negative gene tests (100% vs. 40.5%, p = 0.05). Genetic counseling and testing increases overall patient adherence with recommended colon screening, especially for those with positive genetic test results. However, patients with negative results may receive false reassurance about cancer risks and fail to follow recommended screening. Emphasis should be placed on the importance of screening even when genetic test results are negative.  相似文献   

The current options available to BRCA1 mutation carriers can be classified as either cancer risk reduction or increased disease surveillance. Risk reduction might be preferable to young women. Increased surveillance might be more attractive to women when their cancer risk is highest. The aim of this report is to estimate the sensitivity, specificity and ability to detect carriers for a population-based BRCA1 testing program with eligibility based on family history of cancer, and examine the effect of age on the program's performance. A computer model was used to simulate the incidence of breast and ovarian cancer in a woman's family, based on her BRCA1 mutation carrier status. Age-specific estimates of the sensitivity and specificity for family history as an indicator of mutation status were applied to local population figures. Sensitivity of the program increased with the age of the proband and the size of her family. Sensitivity ranged from 0.33 for 20-year-olds with small families, to 0.98 for 60-year-olds with large families. Specificity was greater than 0.95, regardless of a woman's age or family size. If 0.12% of people carry a BRCA1 mutation, a province-wide testing program for people aged 20-69 with referrals based only on family history would have a sensitivity of 0.55. Only 2% of the genetic test results would be positive. The acceptability of a genetic testing program depends on its sensitivity and specificity, and on the options available to women who are found to carry a mutation. Compared with variation due to family size, the program sensitivity and specificity does not differ substantially amongst the various age groups.  相似文献   

Background: A noticeable proportion of colorectal cancer (CRC) patients are diagnosed with synchronous CRC. Large population-based studies on the incidence, risk factors and prognosis of synchronous CRC are, however, scarce, and are needed for better determination of risks of synchronous CRC in patients diagnosed with colonic neoplasia. Methods: All newly diagnosed CRC between 1995 and 2006 were obtained from the Rotterdam Cancer Registry in The Netherlands, and studied for synchronous CRC. Results: Of the 13,683 patients diagnosed with CRC, 534 patients (3.9%) were diagnosed with synchronous CRC. The risk of having synchronous CRC was significantly higher in men (OR 1.54, 95% CI 1.29–1.84) and in patients aged >70 years (OR 1.83, 95% CI 1.39–2.40). Synchronous CRC patients had a significantly higher risk of distant metastases (OR 1.69, 95% CI 1.27–2.26). In 34% (184/534) the two tumours were located in different surgical segments. Five-year relative survival of synchronous CRC was similar to patients with solitary CRC after multivariate adjustment for the presence of distant metastases. Conclusion: One out of 25 patients diagnosed with CRC presents with synchronous CRC. In the multivariate analysis, survival of patients with synchronous CRC was similar to patients with solitary CRC, when corrected for the presence of distant metastases at first presentation. One third of the synchronous CRC were located in different surgical segments, which stresses the importance of performing total colon examination preferably prior to surgery.  相似文献   

We sought to understand better the impact of genetic testing and counseling in a group of women who had early breast cancer (age <50) or ovarian cancer and a family history of cancer. Thirty-five women underwent genetic counseling and genetic testing for BRCA1/2 at the University of Colorado Cancer Center, Hereditary Cancer Clinic. Psychological assessment (IES and Hopkins Symptom Checklist) was made before counseling, and 1 month after genetic test results were reported to women. A statistically significant decrease in anxiety was evidenced 1 month after results were given (p = 0.024). Decreased intrusive thoughts related to genetic testing were seen only for those testing negative (p = 0.0003). Women diagnosed with cancer less than 1 year prior to genetic testing experienced the greatest cancer-specific distress (p = 0.01) and distress related to genetic testing (p = not significant). Satisfaction with the counseling and testing process was high. In conclusion, genetic testing and counseling can occur with little anxiety and stress. However, women less than 1 year from a cancer diagnosis will experience the greatest distress associated with genetic testing and counseling. Women who are considering genetic testing and counseling close to a diagnosis of cancer may require greater psychological support.  相似文献   

This study aimed to qualitatively assess individuals' attitudes toward genetic testing for cancer risk after genetic counseling and decision support. As part of a larger study, 78 women considering genetic testing for hereditary breast/ovarian cancer (HBOC) risk and 22 individuals considering genetic testing for hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC) completed an open-ended table of their perceived pros and cons of genetic testing. The most frequently reported pros were "to help manage my risk of developing cancer," "to help my family," and "to know my cancer risk." With regards to risk management, the HBOC group perceived genetic testing as most helpful in informing their general risk management practices, while the HN-PCC group focused on the potential to clarify their need for bowel cancer screening, suggesting that patients' perceptions of the benefits of genetic testing may differ across cancer syndromes. Individuals in both groups expressed concern about the potential psychological impact of genetic testing. We also found that some affected individuals may not fully comprehend the meaning of their potential test results. Eliciting patients' perceived pros and cons during genetic counseling is likely to be a valuable tool for improving patient care. This data also provides an improved evidence base for the development of patient education tools.  相似文献   

We conducted a population-based study to determine the contribution of germline mutations in known candidate genes to ovarian cancer diagnosed at age <30 years. Women with epithelial ovarian cancer were identified through cancer registries. DNA samples were analyzed for mutations in BRCA1, the "ovarian cancer-cluster region" (nucleotides 3139-7069) of BRCA2, and the mismatch-repair genes hMSH2 and hMLH1. Probable germline mutations in hMLH1 were identified in 2 (2%; 95% confidence interval 1%-8%) of 101 women with invasive ovarian cancer diagnosed at age <30 years. No germline mutations were identified in any of the other genes analyzed. There were no striking pedigrees suggestive of families with either breast/ovarian cancer or hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC). There was a significantly increased incidence of all cancers in first-degree relatives of women with invasive disease (relative risk [RR] = 1.6, P=.01) but not in second-degree relatives or in relatives of women with borderline cases. First-degree relatives of women with invasive disease had increased risks of ovarian cancer (RR = 4.8, P=.03), myeloma (RR = 10, P=.01), and non-Hodgkin lymphoma (RR = 7, P=.004). Germline mutations in BRCA1, BRCA2, msh2, and mlh1 contribute to only a minority of cases of early-onset epithelial ovarian cancer. Our data suggest that early-onset ovarian cancer is not associated with a greatly increased risk of cancer in close relatives.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To introduce and monitor a screening programme for first degree relatives of patients with colorectal cancer based on their calculated lifetime risk. DESIGN--Lifetime risks were calculated for first degree relatives of patients with colorectal cancer and used to offer screening based on estimated risk. SETTING--A family cancer clinic was set up as part of the North East Thames Regional Genetic Service for relatives of patients who had developed colorectal cancer before the age of 45 and members of families in which multiple cancer had occurred. PATIENTS--Self referrals as well as patients referred by general and hospital practitioners. INTERVENTION--Relatives with a lifetime risk of 1 in 10 or greater (high risk group) were offered screening five yearly by colonoscopy, and those whose risk was between 1 in 10 and 1 in 17 were offered yearly screening for faecal occult blood. Women with family histories compatible with Lynch type II cancer family syndrome were offered screening for breast and pelvic tumours. RESULTS--In four years 715 patients were seen. Acceptance of screening was 90% (644 patients). Of 151 patients screened for faecal occult blood, two were found to have polyps. This screening test was unsatisfactory for the high risk group, having a negative predictive value of 78% in 59 patients tested. Regular screening by colonoscopy was offered to 382 high risk patients; 62 patients with polyps and five with colonic cancer were found. One hundred and ten pedigrees were identified with the Lynch type II cancer family syndrome, and four of 35 women screened were found to have breast cancer. Of 14 relatives aged over 65 with a 1 in 2 risk of site specific colonic cancer or Lynch type II cancer family syndrome, seven were found to have polyps, one of whom had carcinoma in situ. CONCLUSIONS--Family history can be used to identify those at risk of colonic cancer and to target appropriate screening. Colonoscopy detected a high number of premalignant colonic polyps, but faecal occult blood testing was unsatisfactory for those at high risk of colorectal cancer.  相似文献   

Family history, a well-established risk factor for breast cancer, can have both genetic and environmental contributions. Shared environment in families as well as epigenetic changes that also may be influenced by shared genetics and environment may also explain familial clustering of cancers. Epigenetic regulation, such as DNA methylation, can change the activity of a DNA segment without a change in the sequence; environmental exposures experienced across the life course can induce such changes. However, genetic-epigenetic interactions, detected as methylation quantitative trait loci (mQTLs; a.k.a. meQTLs) and haplotype-dependent allele-specific methylation (hap-ASM), can also contribute to inter-individual differences in DNA methylation patterns. To identify differentially methylated regions (DMRs) associated with breast cancer susceptibility, we examined differences in white blood cell DNA methylation in 29 candidate genes in 426 girls (ages 6–13 years) from the LEGACY Girls Study, 239 with and 187 without a breast cancer family history (BCFH). We measured methylation by targeted massively parallel bisulfite sequencing (bis-seq) and observed BCFH DMRs in two genes: ESR1 (Δ4.9%, P = 0.003) and SEC16B (Δ3.6%, P = 0.026), each of which has been previously implicated in breast cancer susceptibility and pubertal development. These DMRs showed high inter-individual variability in methylation, suggesting the presence of mQTLs/hap-ASM. Using single nucleotide polymorphisms data in the bis-seq amplicon, we found strong hap-ASM in SEC16B (with allele specific-differences ranging from 42% to 74%). These findings suggest that differential methylation in genes relevant to breast cancer susceptibility may be present early in life, and that inherited genetic factors underlie some of these epigenetic differences.  相似文献   

Previously, we have reported a clinical trial in which any woman in a defined geographic region who had a qualifying family history and who was referred by her physician or who was identified through a regional cancer registry was offered free genetic counseling, BRCA testing, and recommendations based on test results. Each family was represented by one affected and one unaffected person. Of the 87 families actually tested, 13 were found to have deleterious mutations. To assess the impact of the counseling and testing process, we contacted the tested individuals 1 month and 1 year after receiving the test result and those with an abnormal test result after 4 years. Index subjects, we found, differed significantly from relatives. Before coming for counseling, index subjects perceived both their general health and emotional health as worse than did their relatives. After counseling and testing, index subjects continue to worry more about breast cancer than do relatives. Affected subjects, we found, differed significantly from unaffected subjects. Before counseling, affected subjects knew more about breast cancer, perceived their general health as poorer, and reported greater adherence to recommended breast cancer surveillance than did unaffected subjects. After counseling and testing, affected subjects were less satisfied than unaffected subjects with having been tested. This study indicates that the group most prone to distress by cancer risk genetic counseling and testing is not the recruited relatives, nor even those affected with cancer, but rather the index patients themselves. The index patients, i.e., the ones who want the risk information most, appear to undergo the most stress in obtaining it.  相似文献   

Lower levels of global DNA methylation in white blood cell (WBC) DNA have been associated with adult cancers. It is unknown whether individuals with a family history of cancer also have lower levels of global DNA methylation early in life. We examined global DNA methylation in WBC (measured in three repetitive elements, LINE1, Sat2 and Alu, by MethyLight and in LINE1 by pyrosequencing) in 51 girls aged 6–17 years. Compared to girls without a family history of breast cancer, methylation levels were lower for all assays in girls with a family history of breast cancer and statistically significantly lower for Alu and LINE1 pyrosequencing. After adjusting for age, body mass index (BMI) and Tanner stage, only methylation in Alu was associated with family history of breast cancer. If these findings are replicated in larger studies, they suggest that lower levels of global WBC DNA methylation observed later in life in adults with cancer may also be present early in life in children with a family history of cancer.Key words: Alu, DNA global methylation, early life exposure, epigenetics, LINE1, methylight, pyrosequencing, Sat2  相似文献   

贺敏  李巍 《遗传》2007,29(3):381-384
随着互联网的普及, 网络用户已习惯从网上获取相关资讯, 包括求医问药。由于我国的临床遗传学体系尚未完全建立, 许多遗传病患者或遗传咨询者无法得到较为专业的知识和咨询服务。为此, 建立了中国首个提供常见遗传病科普和网上遗传咨询服务的公益性网站—中国遗传咨询网(http://www.gcnet.org.cn)。该网站主要介绍遗传病的基本知识以及常见遗传病的一般情况、临床表现、诊断与防治方法、遗传方式与遗传咨询要点等。通过组织国内外50多名遗传咨询医师或医学遗传学专家, 就咨询者关心的问题, 进行一般性咨询答复, 或指导咨询者就诊。在线遗传咨询是网络时代的一种新型的方式。该网站的运行在一定程度上弥补了我国现有遗传咨询工作的不足, 有助于推动我国临床遗传学、遗传教育和人口与健康事业的发展。  相似文献   

Purinergic Signalling - Genetic variants involved in adenosine metabolism and its receptors were associated with increased risk for psychiatric disorders, including anxiety, depression, and...  相似文献   



Currently, there is a sense that the spatial orienting of attention is related to genotypic variations in cholinergic genes but not to variations in dopaminergic genes. However, reexamination of associations with both cholinergic and dopaminergic genes is warranted because previous studies used endogenous rather than exogenous cues and costs and benefits were not analyzed separately. Examining costs (increases in response time following an invalid pre-cue) and benefits (decreases in response time following a valid pre-cue) separately could be important if dopaminergic genes (implicated in disorders such as attention deficit disorder) independently influence the different processes of orienting (e.g., disengage, move, engage).

Methodology/Principal Findings

We tested normal subjects (N = 161) between 18 and 61 years. Participants completed a computer task in which pre-cues preceded the presence of a target. Subjects responded (with a key press) to the location of the target (right versus left of fixation). The cues could be valid (i.e., appear where the target would appear) or invalid (appear contralateral to where the target would appear). DNA sequencing assays were performed on buccal cells to genotype known genetic markers and these were examined for association with task scores. Here we show significant associations between visual orienting and genetic markers (on COMT, DAT1, and APOE; R2s from 4% to 9%).


One measure in particular – the response time cost of a single dim, invalid cue – was associated with dopaminergic markers on COMT and DAT1. Additionally, variations of APOE genotypes based on the ε2/ε3/ε4 alleles were also associated with response time differences produced by simultaneous cues with unequal luminances. We conclude that individual differences in visual orienting are related to several dopaminergic markers as well as to a cholinergic marker. These results challenge the view that orienting is not associated with genotypic variation in dopaminergic genes.  相似文献   

The three OECD countries Austria, Germany and Japan in the 1990s and 2000s had to react to the increased application of genetic testing. The paper describes and analyses the regulatory efforts of the three countries that at first sight look very different from each other, Austria featuring a law on genetic testing, Germany finally regulating the matter by law after a long series of failed attempts to do so and Japan being content with self-regulation by medical professionals. Yet upon closer inspection a number of similarities become visible between the three democracies’ efforts to come to terms with the challenges of dealing with a matter as knowledge-intensive and complex as genetic testing and counseling.  相似文献   

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