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Dispersal in marine systems is a critical component of the ecology, evolution, and conservation of such systems; however, estimating dispersal is logistically difficult, especially in coral reef fish. Juvenile bicolor damselfish (Stegastes partitus) were sampled at 13 sites along the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System (MBRS), the barrier reefs on the east coast of Central America extending from the Yucatan, Mexico to Honduras, to evaluate genetic structure among recently settled cohorts. Using genotype data at eight microsatellite loci genetic structure was estimated at large and small spatial scales using exact tests for allele frequency differences and hierarchical analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA). Isolation-by-distance models of divergence were assessed at both spatial scales. Results showed genetic homogeneity of recently settled S. partitus at large geographic scales with subtle, but significant, genetic structure at smaller geographic scales. Genetic temporal stability was tested for using archived juvenile S. partitus collected earlier in the same year (nine sites), and in the previous year (six sites). The temporal analyses indicated that allele frequency differences among sites were not generally conserved over time, nor were pairwise genetic distances correlated through time, indicative of temporal instability. These results indicate that S. partitus larvae undergo high levels of dispersal along the MBRS, and that the structure detected at smaller spatial scales is likely driven by stochastic effects on dispersal coupled with microgeographic effects. Temporal variation in juvenile cohort genetic signature may be a fundamental characteristic of connectivity patterns in coral reef fishes, with various species and populations differing only in the magnitude of that instability. Such a scenario provides a basis for the reconciliation of conflicting views regarding levels of genetic structuring in S. partitus and possibly other coral reef fish species.  相似文献   

Understanding the scale of dispersal is an important consideration in the conservation and management of many species. However, in species in which the high‐dispersal stage is characterized by tiny gametes or offspring, it may be difficult to estimate dispersal directly. This is the case for many marine species, whose pelagic larvae are dispersed by ocean currents by several days or weeks before beginning a benthic, more sedentary, adult stage. As consequence of the high‐dispersal larval stage, many marine species have low genetic structure on large spatial scales (Waples 1998 ; Hellberg 2007 ). Despite the high capacity for dispersal, some tagging studies have found that a surprising number of larvae recruit into the population they were released from (self‐recruitment). However, estimates of self‐recruitment are not informative about mean dispersal between subpopulations. To what extent are limited dispersal estimates from tagging studies compatible with high potential for dispersal and low genetic structure? In this issue, a study on five species of coral reef fish used isolation by distance (IBD) between individuals to estimate mean dispersal distances (Puebla et al. 2012 ). They found that mean dispersal was unexpectedly small (<50 km), given relatively low IBD slopes and long pelagic durations. This study demonstrates how low genetic structure is compatible with limited dispersal in marine species. A comprehensive understanding of dispersal in marine species will involve integrating methods that estimate dispersal over different spatial and temporal scales. Genomic data may increase power to resolve these issues but must be applied carefully to this question.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. For reef fish in temperate marine regions, such componentsof local assemblage diversity (i.e., within a reef) as speciesrichness, total fish density, and rank order of abundance canremain relatively constantthrough time. Long-term data (17 years)for assemblages on 2 reefs in Southern California revealed that,despite high turnover in rare species, overall species richnesswas affected only moderately by major oceanographicdisturbances.This resilience of the assemblage is in marked contrast to hightemporal variation in densities exhibited by many local populationsof individual species, and it suggests that measurements ofdiversity to indicate status of an assemblage should be usedwith caution. Here we consider various processes and factors,together with the spatial and temporal scales over which theyoperate, that can influence local diversity (and its estimation)of reef fishes. Mechanisms that can "buffer" local diversityof reef fishes include dispersal of young that inter-connectssubpopulations, high "inertia" in relative abundance and populationstructures (especially for long-lived species), and broad ecologicalrequirements of many species. These considerations suggest thatthe effect of disturbances on local diversity of reef fisheswill depend in part on the magnitude, duration, frequency andspatial scale of the perturbation. While long-term data arefew, available information suggests that, due to life historycharacteristics of the fish and the spatial and temporal scalesat which disturbances are likely to occur, assemblages of temperatemarine reef fish might be relatively resilient to environmentalperturbations  相似文献   

Developing networks of no-take marine reserves is often hindered by uncertainty in the extent to which local marine populations are connected to one another through larval dispersal and recruitment (connectivity). While patterns of connectivity can be predicted by larval dispersal models and validated by empirical methods, biogeographic approaches have rarely been used to investigate connectivity at spatial scales relevant to reserve networks (10's–100's of km). Here, species assemblage patterns in coral reef fish were used together with an individual-based model of dispersal of reef fish larvae to infer patterns of connectivity in a ∼300 km wide region in the Philippines that included the Bohol Sea and adjacent bodies of water. A dominant current flows through the study region, which may facilitate connectivity among >100 no-take reserves. Connectivity was first investigated by analysing data on the presence/absence of 216 species of reef fish and habitat variables across 61 sites. Hierarchical clustering of sites reflecting species assemblage patterns distinguished a major group of sites in the Bohol Sea (Bray–Curtis similarity >70%) from sites situated in adjacent bodies of water (bays, channels between islands and a local sea). The grouping of sites could be partly explained by a combination of degree of embayment, % cover of sand and % cover of rubble (Spearman rank correlation, ρw = 0.42). The individual-based model simulated dispersal of reef fish larvae monthly for three consecutive years in the region. The results of simulations, using a range of pelagic larval durations (15–45 days), were consistent with the species assemblage patterns. Sites in the model that showed strongest potential connectivity corresponded to the majority of sites that comprised the Bohol Sea group suggested by hierarchical clustering. Most sites in the model that exhibited weak connectivity were groups of sites which had fish assemblages that were least similar to those in the Bohol Sea group. Concurrent findings from the two approaches suggest a strong influence of local oceanography and geography on broad spatial patterns of connectivity. The predictions can be used as an initial basis to organise existing reserves to form ecologically meaningful networks. This study showed that species assemblage patterns could be a viable supplementary indicator of connectivity if used together with predictions from a larval dispersal model and if the potential effect of habitat on the structuring of species assemblages is taken into consideration.  相似文献   

Many marine organisms can be transported hundreds of kilometres during their pelagic larval stage, yet little is known about spatial and temporal patterns of larval dispersal. Although traditional population‐genetic tools can be applied to infer movement of larvae on an evolutionary timescale, large effective population sizes and high rates of gene flow present serious challenges to documenting dispersal patterns over shorter, ecologically relevant, timescales. Here, we address these challenges by combining direct parentage analysis and indirect genetic analyses over a 4‐year period to document spatial and temporal patterns of larval dispersal in a common coral‐reef fish: the bicolour damselfish (Stegastes partitus). At four island locations surrounding Exuma Sound, Bahamas, including a long‐established marine reserve, we collected 3278 individuals and genotyped them at 10 microsatellite loci. Using Bayesian parentage analysis, we identified eight parent‐offspring pairs, thereby directly documenting dispersal distances ranging from 0 km (i.e., self‐recruitment) to 129 km (i.e., larval connectivity). Despite documenting substantial dispersal and gene flow between islands, we observed more self‐recruitment events than expected if the larvae were drawn from a common, well‐mixed pool (i.e., a completely open population). Additionally, we detected both spatial and temporal variation in signatures of sweepstakes and Wahlund effects. The high variance in reproductive success (i.e., ‘sweepstakes’) we observed may be influenced by seasonal mesoscale gyres present in the Exuma Sound, which play a prominent role in shaping local oceanographic patterns. This study documents the complex nature of larval dispersal in a coral‐reef fish, and highlights the importance of sampling multiple cohorts and coupling both direct and indirect genetic methods in order disentangle patterns of dispersal, gene flow and variable reproductive success.  相似文献   

Dispersal is a crucial ecological process, driving population dynamics and defining the structure and persistence of populations. Measuring demographic connectivity between discreet populations remains a long-standing challenge for most marine organisms because it involves tracking the movement of pelagic larvae. Recent studies demonstrate local connectivity of reef fish populations via the dispersal of planktonic larvae, while biogeography indicates some larvae must disperse 100–1000 s kilometres. To date, empirical measures of long-distance dispersal are lacking and the full scale of dispersal is unknown. Here we provide the first measure of long-distance dispersal in a coral reef fish, the Omani clownfish Amphiprion omanensis, throughout its entire species range. Using genetic assignment tests we demonstrate bidirectional exchange of first generation migrants, with subsequent social and reproductive integration, between two populations separated by over 400 km. Immigration was 5.4% and 0.7% in each region, suggesting a biased southward exchange, and matched predictions from a physically-coupled dispersal model. This rare opportunity to measure long-distance dispersal demonstrates connectivity of isolated marine populations over distances of 100 s of kilometres and provides a unique insight into the processes of biogeography, speciation and adaptation.  相似文献   

Genetic population structure throughout the Caribbean Basin for one of the most common and widespread reef fish species, the bicolour damselfish Stegastes partitus was examined using microsatellite DNA markers. Spatial autocorrelation analysis showed a significant positive correlation between genetic and geographic distance (isolation by distance) over distances <1000 km, suggesting that populations are connected genetically but probably not demographically, i.e. over shorter time scales. A difference in spatial patterns of populations in the eastern v. the western Caribbean also raises the probability of an important role for meso-scale oceanographic features and landscape complexity within the same species. A comparison of S. partitus population structure and life-history traits with those of two other species of Caribbean reef fish studied earlier showed the findings to be concordant with a common hypothesis that shorter pelagic larval dispersal periods are associated with smaller larval dispersal scales.  相似文献   

Juvenile reef fish communities represent an essential component of coral reef ecosystems in the current focus of fish population dynamics and coral reef resilience. Juvenile fish survival depends on habitat characteristics and is, following settlement, the first determinant of the number of individuals within adult populations. The goal of this study was to provide methods for mapping juvenile fish species richness and abundance into spatial domains suitable for micro and meso-scale analysis and management decisions. Generalized Linear Models predicting juvenile fish species richness and abundance were developed according to spatial and temporal environmental variables measured from 10 m up to 10 km in the southwest lagoon of New Caledonia. The statistical model was further spatially generalized using a 1.5-m resolution, independently created, remotely sensed, habitat map. This procedure revealed that : (1) spatial factors at 10 to 100-m scale explained up to 71% of variability in juvenile species richness, (2) a small improvement (75%) was gained when a combination of environmental variables at different spatial and temporal scales was used and (3) the coupling of remotely sensed data, geographical information system tools and point-based ecological data showed that the highest species richness and abundance were predicted along a narrow margin overlapping the coral reef flat and adjacent seagrass beds. Spatially explicit models of species distribution may be relevant for the management of reef communities when strong relationships exist between faunistic and environmental variables and when models are built at appropriate scales.  相似文献   

The persistence and resilience of marine populations in the face of disturbances is directly affected by connectivity among populations. Thus, understanding the magnitude and pattern of connections among populations and the temporal variation in these patterns is critical for the effective management and conservation of marine species. Despite recent advances in our understanding of marine connectivity, few empirical studies have directly measured the magnitude or pattern of connections among populations of marine fishes, and none have explicitly investigated temporal variation in demographic connectivity. We use genetic assignment tests to track the dispersal of 456 individual larval fishes to quantify the extent of connectivity, dispersal, self-recruitment and local retention within and among seven populations of a coral reef fish (Stegastes partitus) over a three-year period. We found that some larvae do disperse long distances (~200 km); however, self-recruitment was a regular phenomenon. Importantly, we found that dispersal distances, self-recruitment, local retention and the pattern of connectivity varied significantly among years. Our data highlight the unpredictable nature of connectivity, and underscore the need for more, temporally replicated, empirical measures of connectivity to inform management decisions.  相似文献   

Sharp and stable clinal variation is enigmatic when found in species with high gene flow. Classical population genetic models treat gene flow as a random homogenizing force countering local adaptation across habitat discontinuities. Under this view, dispersal over large spatial scales will lower the effectiveness of adaptation by natural selection at finer spatial scales. Thus, random gene flow will create a shallow phenotypic cline across an ecotone in response to a steep selection gradient. In sedentary marine species that disperse primarily as larvae, nonrandom dispersal patterns are expected due to coastal hydrodynamics. Surprisingly sharp phenotypic and genotypic clines have been documented in marine species with high gene flow. We are interested in the extent to which nonrandom dispersal could accentuate such clines. We model a linear species range in which populations have stable and uniform densities along a selection gradient; in contrast to random dispersal, convergent advection of larvae can amplify phenotypic differentiation if coupled with a semipermeable dispersal barrier in the convergence zone. The migration load caused by directional dispersal pushes the phenotypic mean away from the local trait optimum in downstream populations, that is, near the convergence zone. A dispersal barrier is possible as a result of colliding currents if the water and larvae are mostly displaced offshore, away from suitable settlement habitat. Disjunctions in a quantitative trait were enlarged in the convergence zone by faster current flows or a more complete dispersal barrier. With advection of larvae per generation one-third as far as the average dispersal distance by diffusion, convergence on a dispersal barrier with 40% permeability generated a trait disjunction across the convergence zone of two phenotypic standard deviations. Without directional dispersal, similar clines also developed across a habitat gap, where population density was low, or across dispersal barriers with less than 1% permeability. These findings suggest that the types of hydrographic phenomena often associated with marine transition zones can strongly affect the balance between gene flow and selection and generate surprisingly steep clines given the large-scale gene flow expected from larvae.  相似文献   

Recruiting coral reef fish larvae from 38 species and 19 families from New Caledonia were examined for parasites. We found 13 parasite species (Platyhelminthes: Monogenea, Cestoda and Trematoda) but no acanthocephalan, crustacean or nematode parasites. Over 23% of individual fish were infected. Didymozoid metacercariae were the most abundant parasites. We conclude that most of the parasites are pelagic species that become ‘lost’ once the fish larvae have recruited to the reef. Larval coral reef fish probably contribute little to the dispersal of the parasites of the adult fish so that parasite dispersal is more difficult than that of the fish themselves.  相似文献   

In many marine invertebrates, long‐distance dispersal is achieved during an extended pelagic larval phase. Although such dispersal should result in high gene flow over broad spatial scales, fine‐scale genetic structure has often been reported, a pattern attributed to interfamilial variance in reproductive success and limited homogenization during dispersal. To examine this hypothesis, the genetic diversity of dispersing larvae must be compared with the postdispersal stages, that is benthic recruits and adults. Such data remain, however, scarce due to the difficulty to sample and analyse larvae of minute size. Here, we carried out such an investigation using the marine gastropod Crepidula fornicata. Field sampling of three to four larval pools was conducted over the reproductive season and repeated over 3 years. The genetic composition of larval pools, obtained with 16 microsatellite loci, was compared with that of recruits and adults sampled from the same site and years. In contrast to samples of juveniles and adults, large genetic temporal variations between larval pools produced at different times of the same reproductive season were observed. In addition, full‐ and half‐sibs were detected in early larvae and postdispersal juveniles, pointing to correlated dispersal paths between several pairs of individuals. Inbred larvae were also identified. Such collective larval dispersal was unexpected given the long larval duration of the study species. Our results suggest that each larval pool is produced by a small effective number of reproducers but that, over a reproductive season, the whole larval pool is produced by large numbers of reproducers across space and time.  相似文献   

Processes occurring at the end of the larval stage are of major importance in shaping spatial structure of fish assemblages in coral reefs. However, because of the difficulty in identifying larvae to species, many studies dealing with these stages are limited to the family level. It remains unknown if variation in the spatial structure of coral‐reef fish assemblages across life stages can be detected at such a coarse taxonomic level. Two different surveys conducted in a similar area of New Caledonia, Southwest Pacific, provided the opportunity to compare the structure of coral‐reef fish assemblages collected as pre‐settlement larvae, juveniles and adults along a coast to barrier reef gradient. Adult and juvenile fish were sampled using underwater visual counts (UVC) during the warm seasons of 2004 and 2005. Pre‐settlement larvae were sampled with light‐traps during the same seasons. In order to standardize data between sampling methods, analyses were conducted on the relative abundance (for larvae) and density (for juveniles and adults) of 21 families commonly collected with both methods. Relative abundances/densities of families were analysed as a function of life stage (larvae, juveniles or adults), large‐scale spatial location (coast, lagoon or barrier) and years (2004, 2005) using non‐parametric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) and permutational multivariate analysis of variance (permanova ). Kruskal–Wallis tests were then used to examine differences among life stages and locations for individual families. Different levels of spatial and temporal variability characterized fish assemblages from different life stages, and differences among life stages were detected at all locations and years. Differences among life stages were also significant at the level of individual families. Overall results indicate that studies conducted at the family level may efficiently reveal changes in coral‐reef fish spatial structure among successive life stages when large spatial scales are considered.  相似文献   

Discrepancies between potential and observed dispersal distances of reef fish indicate the need for a better understanding of the influence of larval behaviour on recruitment and dispersal. Population genetic studies can provide insight on the degree to which populations are connected, and the development of restriction site‐associated sequencing (RAD‐Seq) methods has made such studies of nonmodel organisms more accessible. We applied double‐digest RAD‐Seq methods to test for population differentiation in the coral reef‐dwelling cardinalfish, Siphamia tubifer, which based on behavioural studies, have the potential to use navigational cues to return to natal reefs. Analysis of 11,836 SNPs from fish collected at coral reefs in Okinawa, Japan, from eleven locations over 3 years reveals little genetic differentiation between groups of S. tubifer at spatial scales from 2 to 140 km and between years at one location: pairwise FST values were between 0.0116 and 0.0214. These results suggest that the Kuroshio Current largely influences larval dispersal in the region, and in contrast to expectations based on studies of other cardinalfishes, there is no evidence of population structure for S. tubifer at the spatial scales examined. However, analyses of outlier loci putatively under selection reveal patterns of temporal differentiation that indicate high population turnover and variable larval supply from divergent source populations between years. These findings highlight the need for more studies of fishes across various geographic regions that also examine temporal patterns of genetic differentiation to better understand the potential connections between early life‐history traits and connectivity of reef fish populations.  相似文献   

The connectivity among marine populations is determined by the dispersal capabilities of adults as well as their eggs and larvae. Dispersal distances and directions have a profound effect on gene flow and genetic differentiation within species. Genetic homogeneity over large areas is a common feature of coral reef fishes and can reflect high dispersal capability resulting in high levels of gene flow. If fish larvae return to their parental reef, gene flow would be restricted and genetic differentiation could occur. Larabicus quadrilineatus (Labridae) is considered as an endemic fish species of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. The juveniles of this species are cleaner fish that feed on ectoparasites of other fishes. Here, we investigated the genetic population structure and gene flow in L. quadrilineatus among five locations in the Red Sea to infer connectivity among them. To estimate genetic diversity, we analysed 369 bp of 237 mitochondrial DNA control region sequences. Haplotype and nucleotide diversities were higher in the southern than in the northern Red Sea. Analysis of molecular variance (amova) detected the highest significant genetic variation between northern and central/southern populations (Phi(CT) = 0.01; P < 0.001). Migration analysis revealed a several fold higher northward than southward migration, which could be explained by oceanographic conditions and spawning season. Even though the Phi(ST) value of 0.01 is rather low and implies a long larval dispersal distance, estimates based on the isolation-by-distance model show a very low mean larval dispersal distance (0.44-5.1 km) compared to other studies. In order to enable a sustainable ornamental fishery on the fourline wrasse, the results of this study suggest that populations in the northern and southern Red Sea should be managed separately as two different stocks. The rather low larval dispersal distance of about 5 km needs to be considered in the design of marine protected areas to enable connectivity and self-seeding.  相似文献   

Like most benthic marine organisms, coral reef fishes produce larvae that traverse open ocean waters before settling and metamorphosing into juveniles. Where larvae are transported and how they survive is a central question in marine and fisheries ecology. While there is increasing success in modelling potential larval trajectories, our knowledge of the physical and biological processes contributing to larval survivorship during dispersal remains relatively poor. Mesoscale eddies (MEs) are ubiquitous throughout the world''s oceans and their propagation is often accompanied by upwelling and increased productivity. Enhanced production suggests that eddies may serve as important habitat for the larval stages of marine organisms, yet there is a lack of empirical data on the growth rates of larvae associated with these eddies. During three cruises in the Straits of Florida, we sampled larval fishes inside and outside five cyclonic MEs. Otolith microstructure analysis revealed that four of five species of reef fish examined had consistently faster growth inside these eddies. Because increased larval growth often leads to higher survivorship, larvae that encounter MEs during transit are more likely to contribute to reef populations. Successful dispersal in oligotrophic waters may rely on larval encounter with such oceanographic features.  相似文献   

Pittman SJ  Brown KA 《PloS one》2011,6(5):e20583
Two of the major limitations to effective management of coral reef ecosystems are a lack of information on the spatial distribution of marine species and a paucity of data on the interacting environmental variables that drive distributional patterns. Advances in marine remote sensing, together with the novel integration of landscape ecology and advanced niche modelling techniques provide an unprecedented opportunity to reliably model and map marine species distributions across many kilometres of coral reef ecosystems. We developed a multi-scale approach using three-dimensional seafloor morphology and across-shelf location to predict spatial distributions for five common Caribbean fish species. Seascape topography was quantified from high resolution bathymetry at five spatial scales (5–300 m radii) surrounding fish survey sites. Model performance and map accuracy was assessed for two high performing machine-learning algorithms: Boosted Regression Trees (BRT) and Maximum Entropy Species Distribution Modelling (MaxEnt). The three most important predictors were geographical location across the shelf, followed by a measure of topographic complexity. Predictor contribution differed among species, yet rarely changed across spatial scales. BRT provided ‘outstanding’ model predictions (AUC = >0.9) for three of five fish species. MaxEnt provided ‘outstanding’ model predictions for two of five species, with the remaining three models considered ‘excellent’ (AUC = 0.8–0.9). In contrast, MaxEnt spatial predictions were markedly more accurate (92% map accuracy) than BRT (68% map accuracy). We demonstrate that reliable spatial predictions for a range of key fish species can be achieved by modelling the interaction between the geographical location across the shelf and the topographic heterogeneity of seafloor structure. This multi-scale, analytic approach is an important new cost-effective tool to accurately delineate essential fish habitat and support conservation prioritization in marine protected area design, zoning in marine spatial planning, and ecosystem-based fisheries management.  相似文献   

Proper management of reef areas depends greatly on understanding the degree of dispersal of each species involved. The larvae of most reef fishes disperse from the natal reef before or soon after hatching and return to the reef environment after a pre‐settlement stage of several days to weeks. We characterized eight polymorphic microsatellite loci for the cardinal fish Apogon doederleini to study the spatial scale of connectivity of populations of different reefs of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia.  相似文献   

Population connectivity for most marine species is dictated by dispersal during the pelagic larval stage. Although reef fish larvae are known to display behavioral adaptations that influence settlement site selection, little is known about the development of behavioral preferences throughout the larval phase. Whether larvae are attracted to the same sensory cues throughout their larval phase, or exhibit distinct ontogenetic shifts in sensory preference is unknown. Here, we demonstrate an ontogenetic shift in olfactory cue preferences for two species of anemonefish, a process that could aid in understanding both patterns of dispersal and settlement. Aquarium-bred na?ve Amphiprion percula and A. melanopus larvae were tested for olfactory preference of relevant reef-associated chemical cues throughout the 11-day pelagic larval stage. Age posthatching had a significant effect on the preference for olfactory cues from host anemones and live corals for both species. Preferences of olfactory cues from tropical plants of A. percula, increased by approximately ninefold between hatching and settlement, with A. percula larvae showing a fivefold increase in preference for the olfactory cue produced by the grass species. Larval age had no effect on the olfactory preference for untreated seawater over the swamp-based tree Melaleuca nervosa, which was always avoided compared with blank seawater. These results indicate that reef fish larvae are capable of utilizing olfactory cues early in the larval stage and may be predisposed to disperse away from reefs, with innate olfactory preferences drawing newly hatched larvae into the pelagic environment. Toward the end of the larval phase, larvae become attracted to the olfactory cues of appropriate habitats, which may assist them in identification of and navigation toward suitable settlement sites.  相似文献   

Connectivity, the demographic linking of local populations through the dispersal of individuals, is one of the most poorly understood processes in population dynamics, yet has profound implications for conservation and harvest strategies. For marine species with pelagic larvae, direct estimation of connectivity remains logistically challenging and has mostly been limited to single snapshots in time. Here, we document seasonal and interannual patterns of larval dispersal in a metapopulation of the coral reef fish Amphiprion polymnus. A 3‐year record of larval trajectories within and among nine discrete local populations from an area of approximately 35 km was established by determining the natal origin of settled juveniles through DNA parentage analysis. We found that spatial patterns of both self‐recruitment and connectivity were remarkably consistent over time, with a low level of self‐recruitment at the scale of individual sites. Connectivity among sites was common and multidirectional in all years and was not significantly influenced by seasonal variability of predominant surface current directions. However, approximately 75% of the sampled juveniles could not be assigned to parents within the study area, indicating high levels of immigrations from sources outside the study area. The data support predictions that the magnitude and temporal stability of larval connectivity decreases significantly with increasing distance between subpopulations, but increases with the size of subpopulations. Given the considerable effort needed to directly measure larval exchange, the consistent patterns suggest snapshot parentage analyses can provide useful dispersal estimates to inform spatial management decisions.  相似文献   

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