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Although assembly of the mitotic spindle is known to be a precisely controlled process, regulation of the key motor proteins involved remains poorly understood. In eukaryotes, homotetrameric kinesin-5 motors are required for bipolar spindle formation. Eg5, the vertebrate kinesin-5, has two modes of motion: an adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-dependent directional mode and a diffusive mode that does not require ATP hydrolysis. We use single-molecule experiments to examine how the switching between these modes is controlled. We find that Eg5 diffuses along individual microtubules without detectable directional bias at close to physiological ionic strength. Eg5's motility becomes directional when bound between two microtubules. Such activation through binding cargo, which, for Eg5, is a second microtubule, is analogous to known mechanisms for other kinesins. In the spindle, this might allow Eg5 to diffuse on single microtubules without hydrolyzing ATP until the motor is activated by binding to another microtubule. This mechanism would increase energy and filament cross-linking efficiency.  相似文献   

Microtubules in neurites undergo multiple post-translational modifications. Recent work shows that neurites enriched in acetylated microtubules selectively support kinesin-mediated transport of the JNK regulator JIP-1 to growth cones.  相似文献   

Intracellular transport along microtubules enables cellular cargoes to efficiently reach the extremities of large, eukaryotic cells. While it would take more than 200 years for a small vesicle to diffuse from the cell body to the growing tip of a one-meter long axon, transport by a kinesin allows delivery in one week. It is clear from this example that the evolution of intracellular transport was tightly linked to the development of complex and macroscopic life forms. The human genome encodes 45 kinesins, 8 of those belonging to the family of kinesin-3 organelle transporters that are known to transport a variety of cargoes towards the plus end of microtubules. However, their mode of action, their tertiary structure, and regulation are controversial. In this review, we summarize the latest developments in our understanding of these fascinating molecular motors.  相似文献   

Understanding specific cargo distribution in differentiated cells is a major challenge. Trafficking kinesin proteins (TRAKs) are kinesin adaptors. They bind the cargo binding domain of kinesin-1 motor proteins forming a link between the motor and their cargoes. To refine the TRAK1/2 binding sites within the kinesin-1 cargo domain, rationally designed C-terminal truncations of KIF5A and KIF5C were generated and their co-association with TRAK1/2 determined by quantitative co-immunoprecipitations following co-expression in mammalian cells. Three contributory regions forming the TRAK2 binding site within KIF5A and KIF5C cargo binding domains were delineated. Differences were found between TRAK1/2 with respect to association with KIF5A.  相似文献   

Microtubules (MTs) and associated motors play a central role in nuclear migration, which is crucial for diverse biological functions including cell division, polarity, and sexual reproduction. In this paper, we report a dual mechanism underlying nuclear congression during fission yeast karyogamy upon mating of haploid cells. Using microfluidic chambers for long-term imaging, we captured the precise timing of nuclear congression and identified two minus end–directed motors operating in parallel in this process. Kinesin-14 Klp2 associated with MTs may cross-link and slide antiparallel MTs emanating from the two nuclei, whereas dynein accumulating at spindle pole bodies (SPBs) may pull MTs nucleated from the opposite SPB. Klp2-dependent nuclear congression proceeds at constant speed, whereas dynein accumulation results in an increase of nuclear velocity over time. Surprisingly, the light intermediate chain Dli1, but not dynactin, is required for this previously unknown function of dynein. We conclude that efficient nuclear congression depends on the cooperation of two minus end–directed motors.  相似文献   

The precise control of spindle microtubule (MT) dynamics is essential for chromosome capture and alignment. Kif18A/kinesin-8, an essential regulator of kinetochore MT dynamics, accumulates at its plus-ends in metaphase but not prometaphase cells. The underlying mechanism of time-dependent and kinetochore MT-specific plus-end accumulation of Kif18A is unknown. Here, we examined the factors required for the MT plus-end accumulation of Kif18A. In Eg5 inhibitor-treated cells, Kif18A localized along the MTs in the monopolar spindle and rarely accumulated at their plus-ends, indicating that MT-kinetochore association was not sufficient to induce Kif18A accumulation. In contrast, taxol treatment triggered the rapid MT plus-end accumulation of Kif18A regardless of kinetochore association. Furthermore, Aurora B inhibitor-induced stabilization of the plus-ends of kinetochore MTs promoted the plus-end accumulation of Kif18A. In the absence of Kif18A, treatment with taxol but not Eg5 inhibitor causes highly elongated mitotic MTs, suggesting the importance of plus-end accumulation for the MT length-controlling activity of Kif18A. Taken together, we propose that there is a mutual regulation of kinetochore MT plus-end dynamics and Kif18A accumulation, which may contribute to the highly regulated and ordered changes in kinetochore MT dynamics during chromosome congression and oscillation.  相似文献   

Dynactin links cytoplasmic dynein and other motors to cargo and is involved in organizing radial microtubule arrays. The largest subunit of dynactin, p150(glued), binds the dynein intermediate chain and has an N-terminal microtubule-binding domain. To examine the role of microtubule binding by p150(glued), we replaced the wild-type p150(glued) in Drosophila melanogaster S2 cells with mutant DeltaN-p150 lacking residues 1-200, which is unable to bind microtubules. Cells treated with cytochalasin D were used for analysis of cargo movement along microtubules. Strikingly, although the movement of both membranous organelles and messenger ribonucleoprotein complexes by dynein and kinesin-1 requires dynactin, the substitution of full-length p150(glued) with DeltaN-p150(glued) has no effect on the rate, processivity, or step size of transport. However, truncation of the microtubule-binding domain of p150(glued) has a dramatic effect on cell division, resulting in the generation of multipolar spindles and free microtubule-organizing centers. Thus, dynactin binding to microtubules is required for organizing spindle microtubule arrays but not cargo motility in vivo.  相似文献   

Microtubule binding and translocation by inner dynein arm subtype I1   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Structural, biochemical, and genetic evidence has demonstrated there are three inner dynein arm subforms, I1, I2, and I3, which differ in organization and composition (see Piperno et al.: J. Cell Biol. 110:379-389, 1990). Using dynein extracted from Chlamydomonas outer dynein armless mutant pf28, we have begun to define the structural and functional properties of isolated inner arm subforms. Inner dynein arm I1 was purified either by sucrose density gradient centrifugation or microtubule binding affinity. I1, composed of heavy chains 1 alpha and 1 beta, sedimented at 21S and selectively bound to and cross-linked purified microtubules in an ATP-sensitive manner. Deep etch electron microscopy revealed that the 21S sedimenting fraction contained two-headed structures in which large globular heads are connected by long, flexible-stem domains. In contrast, components derived from I2 and I3 sedimented as a mixture of 11S particles with single globular heads which did not bind to purified microtubules. Both the 21S and 11S sedimenting fractions supported microtubule translocation in in vitro motility assays. In 1 mM MgATP the I1-containing fraction produced very slow microtubule-gliding velocities (0.76 microns/sec) compared to the I2,I3-containing fraction (4.1 microns/sec).  相似文献   

Microtubule transport and assembly during axon growth   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
There is controversy concerning the mechanisms by which the axonal microtubule (MT) array is elaborated, with some models focusing on MT assembly and other models focusing on MT transport. We have proposed a composite model in which MT assembly and transport are both important (Joshi, H.C., and P.W. Baas. 1993. J. Cell Biol. 121:1191-1196). In the present study, we have taken a novel approach to evaluate the merits of this proposal. Biotinylated tubulin was microinjected into cultured neurons that had already grown short axons. The axons were then permitted to grow longer, after which the cells were prepared for immunoelectron microscopic analyses. We reasoned that any polymer that assembled or turned over subunits after the introduction of the probe should label for biotin, while any polymer that was already assembled but did not turnover should not label. Therefore, the presence in the newly grown region of the axon of any unlabeled MT polymer is indicative of MT transport. In sampled regions, the majority of the polymer was labeled, indicating that MT assembly events are active during axon growth. Varying amounts of unlabeled polymer were also present in the newly grown regions, indicating that MT transport also occurs. Together these findings demonstrate that MT assembly and transport both contribute to the elaboration of the axonal MT array.  相似文献   

Acetylcholine (ACh) synthesis can be impaired by reduction of the availability of either of its precursors, choline (Ch) or acetylcoenzyme A (AcCoA). The high affinity transport of Ch is inhibited by hemicholinium-3 and this results in reduced synthesis of ACh (1–3). Under some circumstances ACh metabolism in the brain appears to be affected by parenteral (4) or dietary (5, 14) administration of Ch. The production of AcCoA can apparently be reduced by inhibition of the utilization of pyruvate or glucose, which also decreases the synthesis of ACh (6, 7). Recent experiments by Barker and Mittag (8, 9) led them to propose that the high affinity transport of Ch and the subsequent transfer of an acetyl group from AcCoA, catalyzed by Ch acetyltransferase (CAT), were directly coupled. We have tested this hypothesis by reducing the availability of AcCoA and measuring both the rate of transport of Ch by the high affinity system and the rate at which it is converted to ACh.  相似文献   

Microtubule depolymerization promotes particle and chromosome movement in vitro   总被引:28,自引:18,他引:10  
We have developed a system for studying the motions of cellular objects attached to depolymerizing microtubules in vitro. Radial arrays of microtubules were grown from lysed and extracted Tetrahymena cells attached to a glass coverslip that formed the top of a light microscope perfusion chamber. A preparation of chromosomes, which also contained vesicles, was then perfused into the chamber and allowed to bind to the microtubule array. The concentration of tubulin was then reduced by perfusing buffer that lacked both tubulin and nucleotide triphosphates, and the resulting microtubule depolymerization was observed by light microscopy. A fraction of the bound objects detached in the flow and washed away, while others stabilized the microtubules to which they were bound. Some of the particles and chromosomes, however, moved in toward the Tetrahymena ghost as their associated microtubules shortened. The mean speeds for particles and chromosomes were 26 +/- 20 and 15 +/- 12 microns/min, respectively. These motions occurred when nucleotide triphosphate levels were very low, as a result of either dilution or by the action of apyrase. Furthermore, the motions were unaffected by 100 microM sodium orthovanadate, suggesting that these forces are not the result of ATP hydrolysis by a minus end-directed mechanoenzyme. We conclude that microtubule depolymerization provided the free energy for the motions observed. All the objects that we studied in detail moved against a stream of buffer flowing at approximately 100 microns/s, so that the force being developed was at least 10(-7) dynes. This force is large enough to contribute to some forms of motility in living cells.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2023,33(5):912-925.e6
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A neuron has two types of highly polarized cell processes, the single axon and multiple dendrites. One of the fundamental questions of neurobiology is how neurons acquire such specific and polarized morphologies. During neuronal development, various actin-binding proteins regulate dynamics of actin cytoskeleton in the growth cones of developing axons. The regulation of actin cytoskeleton in the growth cones is thought to be involved in axon outgrowth and axon-dendrite specification. However, it is largely unknown which actin-binding proteins are involved in axon-dendrite specification and how they are transported into the developing axons. We have previously reported that collapsin response mediator protein 2 (CRMP-2) plays a critical role in axon outgrowth and axon-dendrite specification (N. Inagaki, K. Chihara, N. Arimura, C. Menager, Y. Kawano, N. Matsuo, T. Nishimura, M. Amano, and K. Kaibuchi, Nat. Neurosci. 4:781-782, 2001). Here, we found that CRMP-2 interacted with the specifically Rac1-associated protein 1 (Sra-1)/WASP family verprolin-homologous protein 1 (WAVE1) complex, which is a regulator of actin cytoskeleton. The knockdown of Sra-1 and WAVE1 by RNA interference canceled CRMP-2-induced axon outgrowth and multiple-axon formation in cultured hippocampal neurons. We also found that CRMP-2 interacted with the light chain of kinesin-1 and linked kinesin-1 to the Sra-1/WAVE1 complex. The knockdown of CRMP-2 and kinesin-1 delocalized Sra-1 and WAVE1 from the growth cones of axons. These results suggest that CRMP-2 transports the Sra-1/WAVE1 complex to axons in a kinesin-1-dependent manner and thereby regulates axon outgrowth and formation.  相似文献   

Dodding MP  Way M 《The EMBO journal》2011,30(17):3527-3539
It is now clear that transport on microtubules by dynein and kinesin family motors has an important if not critical role in the replication and spread of many different viruses. Understanding how viruses hijack dynein and kinesin motors using a limited repertoire of proteins offers a great opportunity to determine the molecular basis of motor recruitment. In this review, we discuss the interactions of dynein and kinesin-1 with adenovirus, the α herpes viruses: herpes simplex virus (HSV1) and pseudorabies virus (PrV), human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and vaccinia virus. We highlight where the molecular links to these opposite polarity motors have been defined and discuss the difficulties associated with identifying viral binding partners where the basis of motor recruitment remains to be established. Ultimately, studying microtubule-based motility of viruses promises to answer fundamental questions as to how the activity and recruitment of the dynein and kinesin-1 motors are coordinated and regulated during bi-directional transport.  相似文献   

Microtubules establish the directionality of intracellular transport by kinesins and dynein through polarized assembly, but it remains unclear how directed transport occurs along microtubules organized with mixed polarity. We investigated the ability of the plus end–directed kinesin-4 motor KIF21B to navigate mixed polarity microtubules in mammalian dendrites. Reconstitution assays with recombinant KIF21B and engineered microtubule bundles or extracted neuronal cytoskeletons indicate that nucleotide-independent microtubule-binding regions of KIF21B modulate microtubule dynamics and promote directional switching on antiparallel microtubules. Optogenetic recruitment of KIF21B to organelles in live neurons induces unidirectional transport in axons but bidirectional transport with a net retrograde bias in dendrites. Removal of the secondary microtubule-binding regions of KIF21B or dampening of microtubule dynamics with low concentrations of nocodazole eliminates retrograde bias in live dendrites. Further exploration of the contribution of microtubule dynamics in dendrites to directionality revealed plus end–out microtubules to be more dynamic than plus end–in microtubules, with nocodazole preferentially stabilizing the plus end–out population. We propose a model in which both nucleotide-sensitive and -insensitive microtubule-binding sites of KIF21B motors contribute to the search and selection of stable plus end–in microtubules within the mixed polarity microtubule arrays characteristic of mammalian dendrites to achieve net retrograde movement of KIF21B-bound cargoes.  相似文献   

Alcadeinalpha (Alcalpha) is an evolutionarily conserved type I membrane protein expressed in neurons. We show here that Alcalpha strongly associates with kinesin light chain (K(D) approximately 4-8x10(-9) M) through a novel tryptophan- and aspartic acid-containing sequence. Alcalpha can induce kinesin-1 association with vesicles and functions as a novel cargo in axonal anterograde transport. JNK-interacting protein 1 (JIP1), an adaptor protein for kinesin-1, perturbs the transport of Alcalpha, and the kinesin-1 motor complex dissociates from Alcalpha-containing vesicles in a JIP1 concentration-dependent manner. Alcalpha-containing vesicles were transported with a velocity different from that of amyloid beta-protein precursor (APP)-containing vesicles, which are transported by the same kinesin-1 motor. Alcalpha- and APP-containing vesicles comprised mostly separate populations in axons in vivo. Interactions of Alcalpha with kinesin-1 blocked transport of APP-containing vesicles and increased beta-amyloid generation. Inappropriate interactions of Alc- and APP-containing vesicles with kinesin-1 may promote aberrant APP metabolism in Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

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