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Aim In order to advance our understanding of the assembly of communities on islands and to elucidate the function of different islands in creating regional and subregional distribution patterns, we identify island biogeographical roles on the basis of the distribution of the islands’ biota within the archipelago. We explore which island characteristics determine island biogeographical roles. Furthermore, we identify biogeographical subregions, termed modules. Location Wallacea in Indonesia, and the West Indies in the Caribbean Sea. Methods We use a network approach to detect island biogeographical roles and avian biogeographical modules. To designate the biogeographical role of an island, each island is assigned two coordinates, l and r. The position of an island in lr space characterizes its role, namely as peripheral, connector, module hub, or network hub. Island characteristics are tested as predictors of l and r. Results Both Wallacea and the West Indies were found to be significantly modular and divided into four biogeographical modules. The four modules identified within Wallacea each contain all existing island roles, whereas no module in the West Indies represents all possible roles. Island area and elevation appeared to be the most important determinants of an island’s l score, while measurements of isolation essentially determined the r score. Main conclusions In both Wallacea and the West Indies, the geographic structuring into biogeographical modules corresponds well with our knowledge of past connections and contemporary factors. In both archipelagos, large, mountainous islands are identified as hubs and are thus responsible for faunal coherence within modules (module hubs) and across the entire archipelago (network hubs). We thus interpret these as source islands for the surrounding islands in their module (module hubs) or for the entire archipelago (network hubs). Islands positioned marginally in their module and distant from the mainland are identified as connectors or network hubs, behaving as sinks and stepping stones for dispersing species. Modularity and predictors of biogeographical roles are similar for Wallacea and the West Indies, whereas the build‐up of biogeographical modules and the assortment of roles depend on the spatial constellation of islands in each archipelago.  相似文献   

Grunts of the genus Haemulon are abundant in the western Atlantic and are an important component of regional fisheries. Management efforts for these and other Caribbean reef fish require an understanding of population structure and the extent of dispersal among populations. We characterized 11 polymorphic microsatellite loci for French grunts (Haemulon flavolineatum) and grouped them into three PCR multiplexes to facilitate high‐throughput genotyping. These loci will be useful for population genetic studies of French grunts. Cross‐species amplifications suggest these loci are also suitable for population genetic studies of H. aurolineatum, H. plumieri, and H. sciurus.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that recruitment variability is an important process structuring reef fish assemblages. The aim of this study is to describe the spatio-temporal patterns of recruitment of three abundant labroid taxa (Coris schroederi, Halichoeres melanurus and Scarus spp.), using damselfish territories as replicate units of habitat. Temporal recruitment patterns of each taxa were consistent among three sites along 2 km of reef tract, with small differences among sites probably the result of hydrological or random factors operating at that scale. Recruitment of only one species (C. schroederi) showed consistent differences in the magnitude of recruitment among sites, which was probably due to an overriding effect of habitat selection for the location of the territories on the reef profile at one site. Two taxa, C. schroederi and Scarus spp., recruited in low to moderate rates over many weeks with moderate recruitment peaks detected in one year only. This pattern may be characteristic of many labroid species that have protracted periods of production of larvae. In contrast, H. melanurus recruited in a single short pulse of high magnitude each summer, which suggests that production of larvae by this species may occur over a more restricted period of time. No strong pattern of lunar entrainment of recruitment was detected for any taxa, which may be due to a lack of lunar periodicity in production of larvae. Further studies are now required to identify the processes that are important in determining patterns of labroid recruitment. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Previous exposure to predators influenced the survival immediately after settlement in a coral reef damselfish, Pomacentrus amboinensis . Rapid learning of antipredator behaviour may in part have driven the rapid increase in survival in the days following this critical transition.  相似文献   

The distribution of spatial genetic variation across a region can shape evolutionary dynamics and impact population persistence. Local population dynamics and among‐population dispersal rates are strong drivers of this spatial genetic variation, yet for many species we lack a clear understanding of how these population processes interact in space to shape within‐species genetic variation. Here, we used extensive genetic and demographic data from 10 subpopulations of greater sage‐grouse to parameterize a simulated approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) model and (i) test for regional differences in population density and dispersal rates for greater sage‐grouse subpopulations in Wyoming, and (ii) quantify how these differences impact subpopulation regional influence on genetic variation. We found a close match between observed and simulated data under our parameterized model and strong variation in density and dispersal rates across Wyoming. Sensitivity analyses suggested that changes in dispersal (via landscape resistance) had a greater influence on regional differentiation, whereas changes in density had a greater influence on mean diversity across all subpopulations. Local subpopulations, however, varied in their regional influence on genetic variation. Decreases in the size and dispersal rates of central populations with low overall and net immigration (i.e. population sources) had the greatest negative impact on genetic variation. Overall, our results provide insight into the interactions among demography, dispersal and genetic variation and highlight the potential of ABC to disentangle the complexity of regional population dynamics and project the genetic impact of changing conditions.  相似文献   

Surgeonfish (Acanthuridae) are prominent, herbivorous members of coral reef communities that occur as dispersed individuals and small, loose groups ('non-schooling fish') or as members of large, highly aggregated, mixed-species schools ('schooling fish'). We examined the relationships among fish size, habitat use and schooling in two species of surgeonfish on a fringing reef in Barbados, West Indies. Both ocean surgeonfish, Acanthurus bahianus, and blue tangs, A. coeruleus, appeared to show ontogenetic habitat shifts. The density of juvenile ocean surgeonfish was highest in the back reef (inshore), lower on the reef crest (intermediate) and lowest in the spurs and grooves (offshore) zone, but schooling adults were most abundant in the spurs and grooves zone. In a multiple regression considering the effects of depth, algal cover, rugosity and distance from shore, the density of non-schooling ocean surgeonfish was positively associated with percent algal cover on the substratum and negatively with distance from shore. Newly settled blue tangs occurred only in the reef crest and spurs and grooves zones, but larger juveniles were more common in the back reef, while adults were more evenly distributed across zones. The density of non-schooling blue tang was positively associated with rugosity, distance from shore, and percent algal cover. In both species, schooling occurred primarily in adults; small juveniles never participated in the large, dense schools. The proportion of adults that were schooling increased from the back reef to the reef crest to the spurs and grooves zone. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that schooling permits adult surgeonfish access to higher quality food in the territories of damselfish (Pomacentridae) that predominate on the reef crest and spurs.  相似文献   

The bayou darter, Etheostoma rubrum (Percidae), is endemic to the Bayou Pierre system in Mississippi. Adult and juvenile E. rubrum occupy swift, shallow riffles or runs over coarse gravel and pebble substrata. Habitat requirements of larval and post-larval stages, and the role of downstream dispersal of larvae in colonizing riffles are poorly known. The potential for movement and the high level of habitat specificity for the discontinuous riffle habitat suggest that E. rubrum may comprise a metapopulation of linearly arranged local populations. The greatest population densities of E. rubrum occur in the upper reaches of Bayou Pierre. We hypothesized that metapopulation structure of E. rubrum may include source–sink dynamics, whereby downstream areas are a sink for larvae/early juveniles originating upstream. We tested hypotheses that a transport mechanism, larval drift, occurred in E. rubrum, and that downstream riffles showed characteristics of population sinks. We captured larval stages of E. rubrum in cross-sectional and longitudinal drift nets, and rates of drift tended to increase during the day. Larval E. rubrum (n=19) occurred in samples above and below riffle areas, with no differences among longitudinal drift nets placed above and below riffles. Thus, larval drift is a viable transport mechanism. Relative abundance of adults and juveniles declined from upstream to downstream, and inter-riffle distances increased with cumulative downstream distance. However, both predictions of the source–sink hypothesis were not supported. The distribution of size classes did not change between upstream and downstream riffles nor did the mean size-adjusted body mass.  相似文献   

Bluehead wrasse (Thalassoma bifasciatum) are common coral reef fish found throughout the Caribbean. Larval duration in the plankton is relatively long for this species, which raises the possibility of long‐distance transport by ocean currents. Several nongenetic studies suggest, however, that most recruits were spawned locally. Determination of the relative importance of local recruitment vs. immigration for recruitment is needed for the effective management of populations and establishment of marine reserves. We characterized seven new polymorphic microsatellite loci for bluehead wrasse and optimized them into PCR multiplexes with three previously published loci to determine the level of dispersal between populations.  相似文献   

Life history data are presented for a population of vervets, Cercopithecusaethiops sabaeus, in Barbados, West Indies. The data were obtained from two habituated troops and from vervets captured during a large-scale trapping program. Individuals of known age from one troop were weighed periodically, and separate growth curves generated for males and females. The mean weight of captured adult females was 3.3 kg; that of adult males, 5.3 kg. The average age at sexual maturity is estimated at 34 months for females and 60 months for males. Vervets give birth throughout the year, but most infants are born between April and July. The average interbirth interval following a surviving infant is 11.8 months. The mortality of juveniles is heaviest between birth and 2 years of age and decreases thereafter. Males emigrate from their natal troops at sexual maturity and one incident of a juvenile female emigrating is reported.  相似文献   

We analyzed seasonal variation in mortality rates in adult males and females of the European adder (Vipera berus), using data collected during a 13‐year capture–recapture study (2005–2017) in a large population. We concurrently obtained quantitative information on the seasonal variation in the detectability and body condition of adders. Our results show strong seasonality in body condition, encounter, and capture rates of adult adders, and these patterns differ markedly between sexes and between breeding and nonbreeding females. Seasonal variation in mortality rates was however virtually nonexistent in males and moderately low in both breeding and nonbreeding females. In addition, we found no evidence for among‐year differences in the seasonal mortality schedules of males and females. During periods of intensive basking, both males and pregnant females are highly visible for humans, but are not subject to strong natural mortality. This low susceptibility to predation is presumably induced by various factors, including the limitation of overt exposure to short periods of time and specific microhabitats, the dorsal coloration pattern that provides cryptic protection and possibly also an aposematic warning signal, and presumed seasonal differences in the foraging behavior and food requirements of natural predators. Our data provide some evidence that female adders, but not males, are relatively vulnerable to predation during the seasonal migrations between the hibernation and feeding habitats. Mortality in the females was not much elevated during their breeding years, but was notably highest in the spring of the ensuing nonbreeding year. After giving birth, reproductive females are extremely emaciated and have a weakened general condition. They then run the risk of dying from starvation either before, during, or after hibernation. The higher mortality after giving birth, that is sustained over a period of ca. 9 months, should be considered as an indirect and delayed survival cost of reproduction.  相似文献   

Synopsis The growth and reproduction of Cantigaster valentini were studied in two sites at Lizard Island, Australia. C. valentini was found to be a gonochore, with a sex ratio very close to 1:1; sexes could be distinguished externally. The growth (in length) of known individuals from both sites was measured at least every two months over two years. Growth rates of males and females decrease as their sizes increase. Growth rates differ between sexes and between sites: males generally grow faster than females and individuals at Mermaid Cove generally grow faster than individuals at Palfrey Island. Spawning is demersal, it occurs daily between 0800 and 1600h, and continues year-round. For females the interval between successive spawnings varies from about 4 days in the warm-water season to about 10 days in the cool-water season. From a comparison of local reproductive output and local recruitment survivorship of larvae in the plankton was estimated to be much higher than in another species (Pomacentrus wardi) for which a similar estimate was available. We suggest that some aspects of the reproductive strategy of C. valentini differ from other, non-toxic reef fishes in ways consistent with a reduced threat of predation upon adults, eggs, and larvae: courtship and spawning are unhurried and occur throughout most of the day; spawning is unrelated to lunar cycles; there is no parental care or defense of fertilized eggs; and embryos often hatch on rising tides.Centre for Environmental and Urban StudiesSenior author's present address: School of Biological Sciences F07, University of Sydney, Sydney 2006, N.S.W., Australia  相似文献   

Since European settlement in Australia, the geographical range of ghost bats (Macroderma gigas) has contracted northwards. Ghost bats are thought to occur in disjunct populations with little interpopulation migration, raising concerns over the current status and future viability of the southernmost colony, which has also been threatened by mining activity. To address these concerns, demographic parameters of the southernmost colony were estimated from a mark–recapture study conducted during 1975–1981. Female bats gave birth to a single young in late spring, but only 40% (22–70%, 95% CI) of females bred in their second year, increasing to 93% (87–97%, 95% CI) for females ≥ 2 years old. Sixty‐five percent of juveniles caught were female. Annual adult survival ranged between 0.57–0.77 for females and 0.43–0.66 for males, and was lowest over winter–spring and greatest in autumn–winter. Juvenile survival for the first year ranged between 0.35–0.46 for females and 0.29–0.42 for males. Adult survival varied among seasons, was negatively associated with rainfall, but was not associated with temperature beyond being lower in late winter. Poor survival may result from the inferior daytime roosts that bats must use if water seepage forces them to leave their normal roosts. Although these age‐specific rates of fecundity and survival suggested a declining population, mark–recapture estimates of the population trend indicated stability over the study period. Counts at daytime roosts also suggested a population decline, but were considered unreliable because of an increasing tendency of bats to avoid detection. It is therefore likely that some assumptions in estimating survival were violated. These results provide a caution against the uncritical use of population projections derived from mark–recapture estimates of demographic parameters, and the use of untested indices as the basis for conservation decisions.  相似文献   

Coral reef fish assemblages are widely recognized for the coexistence of numerous species, which are likely governed by both coral diversity and substratum complexity. However, since coral reefs provide diverse habitats due to their physical structure and different spatial arrangements of coral, findings obtained from an isolated habitat cannot necessarily be applied to fish assemblages in other habitats (e.g. continuous habitats). The aim of this study, therefore, was to determine by a field experiment whether habitat connectivity (spatial arrangement of coral colonies) affects abundance and species richness of fishes in an Okinawan coral reef. The experiment consisted of transplanted branching coral colonies at a 4m×8m quadrat at both a rocky reef flat and sandy sea bottom. Generally, the abundance of fishes was greater at the sandy sea bottom, especially for three species of pomacentrids, one species of labrids, one species of chaetodontids and two species of apogonids. Species–area curves showed that the species richness of fishes was significantly greater in the quadrat at the sandy sea bottom at 3, 6 and 9 months after the start of the experiment. The rate of increase in abundance of fishes per area was significantly greater in the quadrat at the sandy sea bottom over the study period. The results of rarefaction analyses showed that the rate of increase in species richness per abundance was significantly higher in the quadrat at the sandy sea bottom in the juvenile settlement period, indicating that the magnitude of dominance by particular species was greater at the sandy sea bottom habitat. Our findings suggest that habitat connectivity affects the abundance and species richness of coral reef fishes, i.e. the isolated habitat was significantly more attractive for fishes than was the continuous habitat. Our findings also suggest that the main ecological factors responsible for organization of fish assemblage at a continuous habitat and at an isolated habitat are different.  相似文献   

Remarkably little is known about the demography of snakes in the family Boidae. This lack of information may be attributed, in part, to low population densities on the Neotropical mainland, rendering capture-recapture methods impractical for many species. Conversely, islands support fewer species but snake densities can be much higher. Corallus grenadensis is an arboreal boid endemic to the Grenada Bank and, relative to mainland boids, can be amazingly abundant. As young, its diet is comprised largely of native Anolis lizards, a ubiquitous and abundant food source; it then undergoes an ontogenetic shift in diet to a less abundant resource, rodents. From 2015 to 2019, we marked 254 C. grenadensis and used capture–recapture models to estimate abundance, capture probabilities, survival, and the proportion of transients. We hypothesized that the transient effect would increase with body size (snout–vent length [SVL]), prompted by their ontogenetic shift in diet. Capture probabilities increased with sampling effort and decreased with increasing SVL. Abundance ranged from 96 to 141 individuals and annual resident survival was 0.71, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.54–0.83. The proportion of transients increased with increasing SVL, with the estimate being distinguishable from zero starting at ~810 mm SVL, coinciding with the size at which their dietary shift from ectothermic to endothermic prey begins. Ontogenetic dietary shifts are widespread in snakes and occur in at least 11 of 17 species of West Indian boids. Thus, the prominence of transients in our study may be indicative of its demographic and ecological importance among other snake species.  相似文献   

Twenty‐three microsatellites were isolated from the yellow tang (Zebrasoma flavescens), an ecologically and commercially important reef fish. Genetic diversity was assessed in 90 adults collected from Honokohau, Hawaii. The number of alleles per locus varied from four to 29 (mean = 13.8) and observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.15 to 0.94 (mean = 0.70) and from 0.29 to 0.93 (mean = 0.81), respectively. Eight loci exhibited significant departure from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium due to the presence of null alleles. Exact tests showed no evidence of genotypic disequilibrium between loci. Overall, loci were well resolved, easy to score and highly polymorphic.  相似文献   

Synopsis Mbuna are species of small cichlids that inhabit the rocky shoreline of Lake Malawi. They are mouthbrooders and do not guard their young. Recruitment to the community first occurs when the female deposits free-swimming young, approximately 11 mm standard length, among the rocks. Juvenile mbuna recruit to any refuge in the rock habitat and in this study, small rock shelters were monitored daily to follow the recruitment and subsequent persistence of young. Initial mortality rate was high; less than 10% of the fish survived more than 3 weeks after deposition by the female. At the two locations studied, recruitment was greater at West Thumbi Island (11 fish per day) than at Otter Point (8 fish per day). However, fewer recruits persisted as residents at Thumbi Island because mbuna young at Thumbi were capable of excluding subsequent recruits to their shelter. Similar priority effects were not observed at Otter Point. Mbuna lack pelagic stages in the life-cycle and the species composition of local adult assemblages is an important determinant of the number and type of subsequent recruits. Priority effects may help maintain stochastic influences on recruitment success and reduce the importance of deterministic processes that are directly linked to community structure.  相似文献   

Abstract Many animals autotomize their tails to facilitate escape from predators. Although tail autotomy can increase the likelihood of surviving a predatory encounter, it may entail subsequent costs, including reduced growth, loss of energy stores, a reduction in reproductive output, loss of social status and a decreased probability of survival during subsequent encounters with predators. To date, few studies have investigated the potential fitness costs of tail autotomy in natural populations. I investigated whether tail loss influenced survival, growth and territory occupation of juvenile velvet geckos Oedura lesueurii in a population where predatory snakes were common. During the 3‐year mark–recapture study, 32% of juveniles voluntarily autotomized their tails when first captured. Analysis of survival using the program mark showed that voluntary tail autotomy did not influence the subsequent survival of juvenile geckos. Survival was age‐dependent and was higher in 1‐year‐old animals (0.98) than in hatchlings (0.76), whereas recapture probabilities were time‐dependent. Growth rates of tailed and tailless juveniles were very similar, but tailless geckos had slow rates of tail regeneration (0.14 mm day−1). Tail autotomy did not influence rock usage by geckos, and both tailed and tailless juveniles used few rocks as diurnal retreat sites (means of 1.64 and 1.47 rocks, respectively) and spent long time periods (85 and 82 days) under the same rocks. Site fidelity may confer survival advantages to juveniles in populations sympatric with ambush foraging snakes. My results show that two potential fitness costs of tail autotomy – decreased growth rates and a lower probability of survival – did not occur in juveniles from this population. However, compared with juveniles, significantly fewer adult geckos (17%) voluntarily autotomized their tails during capture. Because adults possess large tails that are used for lipid storage, the energetic costs of tail autotomy are likely to be much higher in adult than in juvenile O. lesueurii.  相似文献   

A total sample of 99 specimens of the vulnerable fish species Cobitis paludica(de Buen, 1930), was collected on a monthly basis from a tributary of the River Guadalquivir between September 1990 and September 1991. Female longevity was 1 year longer than that of males, the former reaching age-class 5+. The diet of C. paludicaconsisted mainly of Ostracoda and chironomid larvae, benthic prey of small size and occasionally other resources, such as Macrobiotid eggs spawned during winter. Detritus in gastrointestinal content was scarce, which differs from other populations. Back-calculations of length were performed from scale annuli measurements. The relationship between standard length and scale radius was different for males and females. Females were larger than males of the same age. Both back-calculated length and theoretical length, calculated by applying von Bertalanffy's model, were larger for females. The relationship between female standard length (SL) and fecundity (F) was log F= –7.465 + 5.5753 log SL.  相似文献   

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