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Although size-assortative mating in convict cichlids, Amatitliana nigrofasciata, is supposed to result from mutual mating preference for larger individuals, female choice in relation to male size remains ambiguous. We revisited the evidence for directional preference for larger males in female convict cichlids using a classical two-way choice apparatus in which each female could decide to spend time in front of a small male or a large one. We found evidence for female preference for large males, as assessed from association preference during a 4-hour period following encounter. Furthermore, females decided to spawn in front of the initially preferred male more often than expected by chance. Our results thus confirm the existence of a directional preference for large males in female convict cichlids, and indicate that association preference measured over a short period of time can provide a quick and reliable proxy for reproductive preference in this species.  相似文献   

Cerebral lateralization, the partitioning of cognitive function preferentially into one hemisphere of the brain, is a trait ubiquitous among vertebrates. Some species exhibit population level lateralization, where the pattern of cerebral lateralization is the same for most members of that species; however, other species show only individual level lateralization, where each member of the species has a unique pattern of lateralized brain function. The pattern of cerebral lateralization within a population and an individual has been shown to differ based on the stimulus being processed. It has been hypothesized that sociality within a species, such as shoaling behaviour in fish, may have led to the development and persistence of population level lateralization. Here we assessed cerebral lateralization in convict cichlids (Amatitlania nigrofasciata), a species that does not shoal as adults but that shoals briefly as juveniles. We show that both male and female convict cichlids display population level lateralization when in a solitary environment but only females show population level lateralization when in a perceived social environment. We also show that the pattern of lateralization differs between these two tasks and that strength of lateralization in one task is not predictive of strength of lateralization in the other task.  相似文献   

The lateralization of emotion has been described in a variety of animals. The right hemisphere has been implicated in the processing of negative emotions while positive emotions are processed in the left. Most animal studies of this phenomenon to date have used intrinsically emotionally arousing stimuli and there are few examples of lateralized responses to learned emotional triggers. It is known that males and females may demonstrate different patterns of lateralization, and that these sex differences may interact with other variables. We investigated the lateralized response of male and female convict cichlids to emotionally conditioned stimuli. One stimulus was given an appetitive (positive emotional valence) association by pairing with food. The other stimulus was given an aversive (negative emotional valence) association by pairing with a chemical alarm signal. We found that males tend to be more strongly lateralized to aversive stimuli while females are more strongly lateralized when responding to appetitive stimuli.  相似文献   

We examined the influence of sex, line, i.e., broods from different parents, and previous fight experience on the aggressiveness of the Siamese fighting fish Betta splendens in intrasexual competition. The innate aggressiveness of the fish against their mirror images was measured on the day prior to the direct fight with other individuals, and it was found to be influenced by the line type but not by the sex. In the direct fight with other individuals, the males invested more effort in the fight than the females. In addition, the individuals of a particular line that exhibited a lower innate aggressiveness spent less time in the direct fight and were often losers when compared with those of other lines. After the direct fight with other individuals, the aggressiveness of the fish against their mirror images was remarkably influenced by the outcome of the direct fight, i.e., the winners exhibited more aggressive behavior, whereas the losers exhibited a lesser degree of aggressive behavior. This influence of the previous fight experience on subsequent aggressiveness was the greatest in the individuals of the line that have exhibited the lowest innate aggressiveness. However, the positive effect of the winning experience or the negative effect of the losing experience on subsequent aggressiveness decreased following several days after the previous fight increased.  相似文献   

Synopsis When brood-guarding males of the biparental convict cichlid, Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum, held in experimental ponds, deserted their mate and brood, or were removed from the pond, survival of the young depended on their age when the father left. If they were embryos or free embryos, few broods survived, but if they were up to seven days into the free-swimming juvenile period, most broods survived. The cause of brood mortality is not certain, but predation by conspecifics is most likely (no other fish species were in the ponds). The willingness of a deserted, brood-guarding female to continue defending her young probably depends, in part, on their age. If they are very young, the benefit/cost ratio of guarding them to independence may be so low that she should give up that breeding attempt and begin another. If they are older, the benefit/cost ratio is higher and she should continue to guard them alone.  相似文献   

Synopsis We tested the explanatory value of two hypotheses reviewed by Lack (1954) in the maintenance of brood size in free-ranging convict cichlidsCichlasoma nigrofasciatum: (1) physiological constraints on egg production, and (2) behavioural constraints imposed by brood defence. Number of free-swimming young in 13 experimental (E) broods was augmented to the upper limit of the size distribution of natural broods (150 young); 18 control (C) broods were handled in the same way but brood size was not changed (mean ± SE = 69.5 ± 11.0). E and C brood sizes were measured at 5 day intervals. At day 20 (just before independence from parental care), 50.3 ± 9.4 (n = 9) young remained in E broods and 30.8 ± 7.8 (n = 8) young remained in C broods (p> 0.05). Offspring number did not differ significantly (p> 0.05) between C and E broods after day 10. Mean growth rate of offspring was significantly lower in E broods than in C broods, perhaps in response to increased density of young in the former. Both the convergence of offspring number in E and C broods and suppression of growth in E broods support a behavioural constraint; that during the first 10 days in which the young are free swimming, two parents are unable to defend large broods as successfully as small broods. A trade-off exists in parental investment between current and future reproduction. Extra-parental investment in current reproduction (eggs) does not result in an increased number of young at independence, therefore a behavioural constraint during brood defence should stabilize the evolution of clutch size.  相似文献   

Morphological dimorphism in the mouth-opening direction ('lefty' versus 'righty') has been documented in several fish species. It has been suggested that this deflection is heritable in a Mendelian one-locus, two-allele fashion. Several population models have demonstrated that lateral dimorphism is maintained by negative frequency-dependent selection, resulting from interactions between predator and prey species. However, other mechanisms for the maintenance of lateral dimorphism have not yet been tested. Here, we found that the scale-eating cichlid fish Perissodus microlepis exhibited disassortative mating, in which reproductive pairings between lefties and righties occurred at higher than expected frequency (p<0.001). A previous study reported that a lefty-righty pairing produces a 1:1 ratio of lefty:righty young, suggesting that disassortative mating contributes to the maintenance of lateral dimorphism. A combination of disassortative mating and negative frequency-dependent selection may stabilize lateral dimorphism more than would a single mechanism.  相似文献   

The mating systems of internal parasites are inherently difficult to investigate although they have important implications for the evolutionary biology of the species, disease epidemiology, and are important considerations for control measures. Using parentage analyses, three topics concerning the mating biology of Schistosoma mansoni were investigated: the number of mates per adult male and female, variance in reproductive success among individuals, and the potential role for sexual selection on male body size and also mate choice for genetically dissimilar individuals. Results indicated that schistosomes were mostly monogamous, and evidence of only one mate change occurred over a period of 5-6 weeks. One male was polygynous and contained two females in its gynecophoral canal although offspring were only detected for one of the females. Even though they were primarily monogamous and the sex ratio near even, reproductive success was highly variable, indicating a potential role for sexual selection. Male body size was positively related to reproductive success, consistent with sexual selection via male-male competition and female choice for large males. However, relatedness of pairs was not associated with their reproductive success. Finally, genetically identical individuals differed significantly in their reproductive output and identical males in their body size, indicating important partner and environmental effects on these traits.  相似文献   

In highly social species, dominant individuals often monopolize reproduction, resulting in reproductive investment that is status dependent. Yet, for subordinates, who typically invest less in reproduction, social status can change and opportunities to ascend to dominant social positions are presented suddenly, requiring abrupt changes in behaviour and physiology. In this study, we examined male reproductive anatomy, physiology and behaviour following experimental manipulations of social status in the cooperatively breeding cichlid fish, Neolamprologus pulcher. This unusual fish species lives in permanent social groups composed of a dominant breeding pair and 1-20 subordinates that form a linear social dominance hierarchy. By removing male breeders, we created 18 breeding vacancies and thus provided an opportunity for subordinate males to ascend in status. Dominant females play an important role in regulating status change, as males successfully ascended to breeder status only when they were slightly larger than the female breeder in their social group. Ascending males rapidly assumed behavioural dominance, demonstrated elevated gonadal investment and androgen concentrations compared with males remaining socially subordinate. Interestingly, to increase gonadal investment ascending males appeared to temporarily restrain somatic growth. These results highlight the complex interactions between social status, reproductive physiology and group dynamics, and underscore a convergent pattern of reproductive investment among highly social, cooperative species.  相似文献   

李伟 《生态学报》2014,34(9):2290-2296
以淡水生态系统常见的5种微藻为研究对象,通过稳态条件下单一培养的方式获取各微藻在氮素或磷素缺乏条件下对应的生长特征参数和R*值,同时将5种微藻在养分资源脉冲供给的方式下进行混合培养,进而检测养分资源脉冲供给对几种微藻种间竞争的影响作用,并与基于稳态条件下所预测的微藻种间竞争结果进行比较。研究结果显示,在稳态条件下具有最小R*值的纤细角星鼓藻在与其它微藻的种间竞争过程中始终保持优势地位,而其余4种微藻在混合培养状态下的相对比重亦与其稳态条件下的R*值紧密相关。然而,资源脉冲供给条件下的竞争优势种纤细角星鼓藻能与其它种群数量较小的微藻共存。此外,在氮素和磷素的不同供给比例情况下,对应微藻群落的结构也会发生相应的变化。实验养分资源脉冲作用下多种微藻的共存现象与自然水体中的观测现象相一致,显示了资源脉冲可能是维持生物多样性水平的一个重要机制。  相似文献   

Chemosensory communication may be crucial during mate choice and mating in the southern temperate spiny lobster Jasus edwardsii to ensure that females mate with large males capable of supplying adequate numbers of sperm during the short mating window. To clarify the role of pheromones during this process, three laboratory experiments were carried out. In an experiment where the output of urine, which contains sex-specific pheromones, from large and small catheterized males was switched, large post-molt females did not make a clear choice of mate. This indicates that while females distinguish among females, males, and juveniles using their chemosensory sense, they distinguish among males using visual and tactile senses in combination with olfaction. Further, two antennule-ablation experiments were carried out to determine if detection of pheromones by the antennules of females or males was critical for mate selection, courting, or mating. In both cases, we observed a (nonsignificant) trend of slightly delayed mating of treatment females. We found that disruption of female olfaction causes less impact on courtship or mating than ablation of male antennules which increased the variance in the length of the period between molting and mating and resulted in a systematic reduction in clutch size. This lesser impact of female ablation may be because females can still respond to their own internal cues about egg ripeness whereas males cannot. In J. edwardsii, unlike the American clawed lobster, Homarus americanus, one fully functional partner of either sex appears sufficient to initiate mating.  相似文献   

In some systems, the identity of a prey species' dominant predator(s) may not be constant over time. In cases in which a prey species exhibits different responses to various predator species, such changes in predator identity may have population-wide consequences. Our goals were to determine (1) whether mortality of and refuge use by the grass shrimp, Palaemonetes pugio, were predator-specific, and (2) how effects of prey size and habitat interacted with predator type. Striped bass (Morone saxatilis) exerted twice as much predation pressure as mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus), although not equally as great on large (female) and small (male) shrimp. Mummichog, which fed preferentially on large shrimp, forced a partitioning of habitat between the two shrimp size classes. In contrast, large and small shrimp occupied similar habitats when subjected to striped bass, which fed on both size classes equally. Refuge use of grass shrimp depended on predator type. In the presence of mummichog, which occupied shallower depths in the water column than striped bass, shrimp stayed deep and close to structural habitat. Striped bass, which were deeper, caused shrimp to move high in the water column away from structural habitat. When both predators were present, shrimp distribution was similar to that when only striped bass were present, striped bass predation rate was enhanced, and overall mortality was higher than with either predator alone. Results suggest that at times when mummichogs are the dominant predators, large (female) shrimp experience higher predation than small (male) shrimp and are physically separated from their potential mates. When striped bass are more abundant, male and female shrimp may share a similar, shallow, less structure-oriented distribution and be subjected to higher mortality. When both predators are present, mortality rates may be higher still. This predator-, size-, and habitat-specificity of grass shrimp behavior suggests significant population and distribution consequences of fluctuating predator guilds and fluctuating cover of structural habitats in the field.  相似文献   

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