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《Inorganica chimica acta》1988,153(3):189-191
The distribution of copper in its binding sites of superoxide dismutase is followed through 1H NMR when the zinc sites are only half filled by cobalt. It is shown that copper can bind preferentially subunits without cobalt(II) and the observation is accounted for.  相似文献   

Leukotriene A4 (LTA4) hydrolase belongs to the aminopeptidase N family. In order to investigate the molecular evolution and physiological significance of LTA4 hydrolase, the enzymes belonging to the family were aligned and a phylogenetic tree was constructed. From the alignment, it was found that three residues involved in zinc binding and one residue of the active sites of aminopeptidases N were conserved in LTA4 hydrolase. In agreement with the observation, LTA4 hydrolase is a zinc protein as determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy.  相似文献   

We previously targeted EGFP (a mutant of green fluorescent protein) to the lumen of the mouse sperm acrosome and reported the time course of EGFP release during the acrosome reaction. In the study reported here, we estimated the pH within the mouse sperm acrosome utilizing the pH-dependent nature of EGFP fluorescence. The average intra-acrosomal pH was estimated to be 5.3 +/- 0.1 immediately after sperm preparation, gradually increasing to 6.2 +/- 0.3 during 120 min of incubation in TYH media suitable for capacitation. Spontaneous acrosome reactions were noted to increase concomitantly with acrosomal alkalinization during incubation. We also demonstrated that acrosomal antigens detected by monoclonal antibodies MN7 and MC41 did not dissolve following the acrosome reaction in pH 5.3 media, but dissolved at pH 6.2. These data suggest that acrosomal alkalinization during incubation conducive for sperm capacitation may function to alter acrosomal contents and prepare them for release during the acrosome reaction.  相似文献   

We have used a systems biology approach to address the hitherto insoluble problem of the quantitative analysis of non-equilibrium binding of aqueous metal ions by competitive ligands in heterogeneous media. To-date, the relative proportions of different metal complexes in aqueous media has only been modelled at chemical equilibrium and there are no quantitative analyses of the approach to equilibrium. While these models have improved our understanding of how metals are used in biological systems they cannot account for the influence of kinetic factors in metal binding, transport and fate. Here we have modelled the binding of aluminium, Al(III), in blood serum by the iron transport protein transferrin (Tf) as it is widely accepted that the biological fate of this non-essential metal is not adequately described by experiments, invitro and insilico, which have consistently demonstrated that at equilibrium 90% of serum Al(III) is bound by Tf. We have coined this paradox ‘the blood-aluminium problem’ and herein applied a systems biology approach which utilised well-found assumptions to pare away the complexities of the problem such that it was defined by a comparatively simple set of computational rules and, importantly, its solution assumed significant predictive capabilities. Here we show that our novel computational model successfully described the binding of Al(III) by Tf both at equilibrium and as equilibrium for AlTf was approached. The model predicted significant non-equilibrium binding of Al by ligands in competition with Tf and, thereby, provided an explanation of why the distribution of Al(III) in the body cannot be adequately described by its binding and transport by Tf alone. Generically the model highlighted the significance of kinetic in addition to thermodynamic constraints in defining the fate of metal ions in biological systems.  相似文献   

In a supplementation study in which organic selenium asl-selenomethionine was administered in low doses during 1 yr, alterations in the concentrations of metal ions in the erythrocytes and the neutrophil granulocytes were observed. In the erythrocytes, altered concentrations of zinc were parallel with selenium. The concentrations of magnesium, calcium, manganese, copper, and sulfur were not significantly altered. However, altered concentrations of iron and zinc were observed in the neutrophils. The concentrations of magnesium, calcium, manganese, copper, and sulfur were not significantly altered. The accumulation of selenium in individual blood cells was different from that obtained with supplementation of inorganic selenium. When organic selenium was supplemented, the thrombocytes accumulated more selenium than the erythrocytes and the neutrophil granulocytes. The observations indicate that selenium interacts with metal ions at the cellular level when supplemented in low doses. The chemical form of selenium might be important in nutrition and therapy in view of the interaction and distribution pattern at the cellular level.  相似文献   

The utility of green fluorescent protein (GFP) for biological research is evident. A fluorescence-based method was developed to quantify GFP levels in transgenic plants and protein extracts. Fluorescence intensity was linear with increasing levels of GFP over a range that encompasses transgene expression in plants by the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter. Standard curves were used to estimate GFP concentration in planta and in protein extracts. These values were consistent with ELISA measurements of GFP in protein extracts from transgenic plants, indicating that the technique is a reliable measure of recombinant GFP expression. The levels of in planta GFP expression in both homozygous and hemizygous plants was then estimated. Homozygous transgenic plants expressed twice the amount of GFP than hemizygous plants, suggesting additive transgene expression. This methodology may be useful to simplify the characterization of transgene expression in plants.Abbreviations ELISA Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - HRP Horseradish peroxidase - GFP Green fluorescent protein Communicated by M.C. Jordan  相似文献   

The binding of metal ions to bovine factor IX   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The binding isotherms of Ca2+ and Mn2+ to bovine factor IX have been determined at pH 6.5 and pH 7.4, at 25 degrees C. At pH 7.4, at least 2 strong Ca2+ sites, with an average KDISS of 0.1 +/- 0.02 mM, are found. An additional 10 to 11 weaker Ca2+ binding sites, with an average KDISS of 1.3 +/- 0.2 mM are noted, at high levels of Ca2+. At pH 6.5, again at least 2 strong Ca2+ sites on factor IX are evident, with an average KDISS of 0.11 +/- 0.02 mM; but slightly fewer (7 to 8) weaker sites, with an average KDISS of 1.9 +/- 0.3 mM, are obtained. Qualitatively, the binding of Mn2+ to bovine factor IX appears similar to that of Ca2+. At pH 6.5, approximately 2 strong Mn2+ binding sites, with an average KDISS of 13 +/- 1.5 micrometer, and an additional 5 to 6 weak sites, with an average KDISS of 160 +/- 15 micrometer, are present. Manganese does not completely displace Ca2+; and Ca2+ does not completely displace Mn2+ from their respective binding sites. On the other hand, Tb3+ and Sm3+ readily displace Ca2+, at pH 6.5, from its sites on factor IX. The rate and extent of activation of bovine factor IX, by bovine factor XIa, is dependent on the Ca2+ concentration, up to concentrations of Ca2+ which saturate its effect on the system. Substitution of Sr2+ for Ca2+ leads to approximately 50% of the maximum rate of factor IXa formation, and final yield of factor IXa, in this activation system. Manganese does not substitute for Ca2+ in this activation, but does inhibit the stimulatory effect of Ca2+. Both Tb3+ and Sm3+ are effective inhibitors of Ca2+ in factor IX activation by factor XIa.  相似文献   

H-N-H is a motif found in the nuclease domain of a subfamily of bacteria toxins, including colicin E7, that are capable of cleaving DNA nonspecifically. This H-N-H motif has also been identified in a subfamily of homing endonucleases, which cleave DNA site specifically. To better understand the role of metal ions in the H-N-H motif during DNA hydrolysis, we crystallized the nuclease domain of colicin E7 (nuclease-ColE7) in complex with its inhibitor Im7 in two different crystal forms, and we resolved the structures of EDTA-treated, Zn(2+)-bound and Mn(2+)-bound complexes in the presence of phosphate ions at resolutions of 2.6 A to 2.0 A. This study offers the first determination of the structure of a metal-free and substrate-free enzyme in the H-N-H family. The H-N-H motif contains two antiparallel beta-strands linked to a C-terminal alpha-helix, with a divalent metal ion located in the center. Here we show that the metal-binding sites in the center of the H-N-H motif, for the EDTA-treated and Mg(2+)-soaked complex crystals, were occupied by water molecules, indicating that an alkaline earth metal ion does not reside in the same position as a transition metal ion in the H-N-H motif. However, a Zn(2+) or Mn(2+) ions were observed in the center of the H-N-H motif in cases of Zn(2+) or Mn(2+)-soaked crystals, as confirmed in anomalous difference maps. A phosphate ion was found to bridge between the divalent transition metal ion and His545. Based on these structures and structural comparisons with other nucleases, we suggest a functional role for the divalent transition metal ion in the H-N-H motif in stabilizing the phosphoanion in the transition state during hydrolysis.  相似文献   

The geometry of metal coordination by proteins is well understood, but the evolution of metal binding sites has been less studied. Here we present a study on a small number of well-documented structural calcium and zinc binding sites, concerning how the geometry diverges between relatives, how often nonrelatives converge towards the same structure, and how often these metal binding sites are lost in the course of evolution. Both calcium and zinc binding site structure is observed to be conserved; structural differences between those atoms directly involved in metal binding in related proteins are typically less than 0.5 A root mean square deviation, even in distant relatives. Structural templates representing these conserved calcium and zinc binding sites were used to search the Protein Data Bank for cases where unrelated proteins have converged upon the same residue selection and geometry for metal binding. This allowed us to identify six "archetypal" metal binding site structures: two archetypal zinc binding sites, both of which had independently evolved on a large number of occasions, and four diverse archetypal calcium binding sites, where each had evolved independently on only a handful of occasions. We found that it was common for distant relatives of metal-binding proteins to lack metal-binding capacity. This occurred for 13 of the 18 metal binding sites we studied, even though in some of these cases the original metal had been classified as "essential for protein folding." For most of the calcium binding sites studied (seven out of eleven cases), the lack of metal binding in relatives was due to point mutation of the metal-binding residues, whilst for zinc binding sites, lack of metal binding in relatives always involved more extensive changes, with loss of secondary structural elements or loops around the binding site.  相似文献   

BackgroundITC is a powerful technique that can reliably assess the thermodynamic underpinnings of a wide range of binding events. When metal ions are involved, complications arise in evaluating the data due to unavoidable solution chemistry that includes metal speciation and a variety of linked equilibria.Scope of reviewThis paper identifies these concerns, provides recommendations to avoid common mistakes, and guides the reader through the mathematical treatment of ITC data to arrive at a set of thermodynamic state functions that describe identical chemical events and, ideally, are independent of solution conditions. Further, common metal chromophores used in biological metal sensing studies are proposed as a robust system to determine unknown solution competition.Major conclusionsMetal ions present several complications in ITC experiments. This review presents strategies to avoid these pitfalls and proposes and experimentally validates mathematical approaches to deconvolute complex equilibria that exist in these systems.General significanceThis review discusses the wide range of complications that exists in metal-based ITC experiments. It provides a starting point for scientists new to this field and articulates concerns that will help experienced researchers troubleshoot experiments. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Microcalorimetry in the BioSciences — Principles and Applications, edited by Fadi Bou-Abdallah.  相似文献   

A method for quantifying the affinity of proteins for specific metal ions has been developed. Both the stoichiometry and the binding constants of the protein-bound metal ion can be determined by titrating protein-bound metal ions with complexometric reagents and observing electrochemically the change in free metal ion concentration. The technique is limited to cases where the affinity of the macromolecule for the metal ion is less than or similar to the affinity of the complexometric reagent for the metal ion. The method has been employed successfully in the study of both Cu(II) and Ag(I) binding to the apoprotein of bovine cuprozinc superoxide dismutase.  相似文献   

Homeostatic control maintains essential transition metal ions at characteristic cellular concentrations to support their physiological functions and to avoid adverse effects. Zinc is especially widely used as a catalytic or structural cofactor in about 3000 human zinc proteins. In addition, the homeostatic control of zinc in eukaryotic cells permits functions of zinc(II) ions in regulation and in paracrine and intracrine signaling. Zinc ions are released from proteins through ligand-centered reactions in zinc/thiolate coordination environments, and from stores in cellular organelles, where zinc transporters participate in zinc loading and release. Muffling reactions allow zinc ions to serve as signaling ions (second messengers) in the cytosol that is buffered to picomolar zinc ion concentrations at steady-state. Muffling includes zinc ion binding to metallothioneins, cellular translocations of metallothioneins, delivery of zinc ions to transporter proteins, and zinc ion fluxes through cellular membranes with the result of removing the additional zinc ions from the cytosol and restoring the steady-state. Targets of regulatory zinc ions are proteins with sites for transient zinc binding, such as membrane receptors, enzymes, protein–protein interactions, and sensor proteins that control gene expression. The generation, transmission, targets, and termination of zinc ion signals involve proteins that use coordination dynamics in the inner and outer ligand spheres to control metal ion association and dissociation. These new findings establish critically important functions of zinc ions and zinc metalloproteins in cellular control.  相似文献   

Ke Zhou 《Phytochemistry》2009,70(3):366-42847
Terpene synthases (TPS) require divalent metal ion co-factors, typically magnesium, that are bound by a canonical DDXXD motif, as well as a putative second, seemingly less well conserved and understood (N/D)DXX(S/T)XXXE motif. Given the role of the Ser/Thr side chain hydroxyl group in ligating one of the three catalytically requisite divalent metal ions and the loss of catalytic activity upon substitution with Ala, it is surprising that Gly is frequently found in this ‘middle’ position of the putative second divalent metal binding motif in plant TPS. Herein we report mutational investigation of this discrepancy in a model plant diterpene cyclase, abietadiene synthase from Abies grandis (AgAS). Substitution of the corresponding Thr in AgAS with Ser or Gly decreased catalytic activity much less than substitution with Ala. We speculate that the ability of Gly to partially restore activity relative to Ala substitution for Ser/Thr stems from the associated reduction in steric volume enabling a water molecule to substitute for the hydroxyl group from Ser/Thr, potentially in a divalent metal ion coordination sphere. In any case, our results are consistent with the observed conservation pattern for this putative second divalent metal ion binding motif in plant TPS.  相似文献   

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