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Quantification of circulating nucleic acids in plasma and serum could be used as a non-invasive diagnostic tool for monitoring a wide variety of diseases and conditions. We describe here a rapid, simple and accurate multiplex real-time PCR method for direct synchronized analysis of circulating cell-free (ccf) mitochondrial (mtDNA) and nuclear (nDNA) DNA in plasma and serum samples. The method is based on one-step multiplex real-time PCR using a FAM-labeled MGB probe and primers to amplify the mtDNA sequence of the ATP 8 gene, and a VIC-labeled MGB probe and primers to amplify the nDNA sequence of the glycerinaldehyde-3-phosphate-dehydrogenase (GAPDH) gene, in plasma and serum samples simultaneously. The efficiencies of the multiplex assays were measured in serial dilutions. Based on the simulation of the PCR reaction kinetics, the relative quantities of ccf mtDNA were calculated using a very simple equation. Using our optimised real-time PCR conditions, close to 100% efficiency was obtained from the two assays. The two assays performed in the dilution series showed very good and reproducible correlation to each other. This optimised multiplex real-time PCR protocol can be widely used for synchronized quantification of mtDNA and nDNA in different samples, with a very high rate of efficiency.  相似文献   

PURPOSES OF THE STUDY: We analyzed circulating cell-free DNA in the serum of patients with benign and malignant breast disease and in healthy individuals to determine its diagnostic value. BASIC PROCEDURES: Serum samples were obtained from 50 healthy individuals, 33 patients with malignant breast disease and 32 patients with benign breast disease. Circulatory DNA was extracted from serum samples. Cell-free DNA was quantified by real-time quantitative PCR for the glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) gene. Tissue samples from patients with malignant and benign breast lesions were histopathologically examined. MAIN FINDINGS: The mean levels of circulating cell-free DNA in serum samples were 41,149 genome equivalents (GE)/mL in patients with malignant disease, 30,826 GE/mL in patients with benign disease, and 13,267 GE/mL in healthy individuals. Healthy individuals had significantly lower levels of cell-free DNA than patients with malignant or benign breast disease (p=0.001, p=0.031). No significant difference was observed between malignant and benign disease. There was a correlation between cell-free DNA levels and tumor size but not with other tumor characteristics. PRINCIPAL CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that levels of circulating cell-free DNA in serum could have diagnostic value to discriminate between healthy individuals and patients with breast lesions but not between patients with malignant and benign breast lesions.  相似文献   

High levels of DNA and RNA released by apoptotic and necrotic cells circulate in the blood of cancer patients. In the present study we determined the applicability of the quantification of nucleic acids and their genetic alterations as minimally invasive tool for breast cancer screening. The relative concentrations of DNA and RNA were determined in preoperative serum of 102 breast cancer patients, 32 patients with benign breast disease and 53 healthy women. The mean follow-up time of the cancer patients was 6.2 years. Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) at four polymorphic markers (D13S159, D13S280, D13S282 at region 13q31-33 and D10S1765 at PTEN region 10q23.31) was analyzed by PCR-based fluorescence microsatellite analyses using cell-free DNA. The serum levels of DNA (p = 0.016) and RNA (p = 0.001) could differentiate between healthy women and cancer patients, but could not discriminate malignant from benign breast lesions. A significant correlation of serum DNA with RNA levels was observed in all groups (p = 0.018). Increased serum DNA levels (but not RNA levels) in cancer patients were associated with a poorer overall (p = 0.021) and disease-free survival (p = 0.025). The occurrence of LOH at all markers significantly correlated with lymph node status (p = 0.026). In addition, the LOH frequency at D13S280 (p = 0.047) and D13S159 (p = 0.046) associated with overall and disease-free survival, respectively. In conclusion, the quantification of cell-free tumour DNA had diagnostic and prognostic values in breast cancer patients, and DNA loss at the region 13q31-33 may be an indication of lymphatic tumour cell spread.  相似文献   

When maize seedlings were exposed to cold stress, a genome-wide demethylation occurred in root tissues. Screening of genomic DNA identified one particular fragment that was demethylated during chilling. This 1.8-kb fragment, designated ZmMI1, contained part of the coding region of a putative protein and part of a retrotransposon-like sequence. ZmMI1 was transcribed only under cold stress. Direct methylation mapping revealed that hypomethylated regions spanning 150 bases alternated with hypermethylated regions spanning 50 bases. Analysis of nuclear DNA digested with micrococcal nuclease indicated that these regions corresponded to nucleosome cores and linkers, respectively. Cold stress induced severe demethylation in core regions but left linker regions relatively intact. Thus, methylation and demethylation were periodic in nucleosomes. The following biological significance is conceivable. First, because DNA methylation in nucleosomes induces alteration of gene expression by changing chromatin structures, vast demethylation may serve as a common switch for many genes that are simultaneously controlled upon environmental cues. Second, because artificial demethylation induces heritable changes in plant phenotype (Sano, H., Kamada, I., Youssefian, S., Katsumi, M., and Wabilko, H. (1990) Mol. Gen. Genet. 220, 441-447), altered DNA methylation may result in epigenetic inheritance, in which gene expression is modified without changing the nucleotide sequence.  相似文献   

Mononucleosomes were released from both isolated mammalian (hog thyroid) and protozoan (Tetrahymena) nuclei by the bleomycin-induced DNA-strand breaking reaction. Trout sperm nuclei, on the other hand, were protected from the bleomycin-mediated DNA degradation. The mononucleosomes released from the bleomycin-treated nuclei contained the core histones H2A, H2B, H3, and H4; while HMG1 and HMG2 proteins, in addition to the core histones, were detected in the mononucleosomes obtained by micrococcal nuclease digestion of nuclei. HMGs, but not H1 histone, were dissociated into the supernatant by cleavage of chromatin DNA with bleomycin, whereas both HMGs and H1 were found in that fraction by digestion of nuclei with micrococcal nuclease. HMG1 and HMG2 were exclusively dissociated from chromatin with 1 mM bleomycin under the solvent condition where the DNA strand-breaking activity of the drug is repressed. These observations suggest the possibility that bleomycin preferentially binds to linker DNA regions not occupied by H1 histone in chromatin and exclusively dissociates HMG proteins and breaks the DNA strand. The results of the effects on bleomycin-induced DNA cleavage of nuclei of various drugs including polyamines, chelating agents, intercalating antibiotics such as mitomycin C or adriamycin, and radical scavengers are also presented.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyse in detail the orientation of X-ray diffraction diagrams obtained from the following materials: nucleosome cores, whole nuclei and the sodium and thallium salts of H1-depleted nucleohistone and of briefly digested chromatin. Our analysis indicates that spacer DNA is organized in bundles of parallel segments which contribute to the equatorial maxima in the diagrams. Several models are compatible with this organization, in particular a modified solenoid model in which the central part is filled with such a bundle of spacer DNA segments parallel to the axis of the fibre. It is also shown that spacer DNA is covered by histones, probably the N-terminal regions. This observation indicates that the differential activity of nucleases on chromatin is strongly influenced by conformational features of DNA. An analysis of the orientation of the low angle rings found in the X-ray diffraction patterns of H1-depleted nucleohistone shows that the 11 nm peak has maxima which are ~ 0.007 nm?1 off the meridian. The 5.5 and 8 nm peaks have a meridional maximum plus two side maxima which occur at spacings between 0.02 and 0.055 nm?1 from the meridian, depending on the conditions. A comparison of these results with those reported by Finch et al.1 for crystals indicates that in fibres the nucleosome cores are arranged with their short axis perpendicular to the axis of the fibre. Some evidence on the path of DNA in the nucleosome cores is also obtained.  相似文献   

Sequence-dependent bending of DNA and phasing of nucleosomes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Conformational analysis has revealed anisotropic flexibility of the B-DNA double helix: it bends most easily into the grooves, being the most rigid when bent in a perpendicular direction. This result implies that DNA in a nucleosome is curved by means of relatively sharp bends ("mini-kinks") which are directed into the major and minor grooves alternatively and separated by 5-6 base pairs. The "mini-kink" model proved to be in keeping with the x-ray structure of the B-DNA dodecamer resolved later, which exhibits two "annealed kinks", also directed into the grooves. The anisotropy of B DNA is sequence-dependent: the pyrimidine-purine dimers (YR) favor bending into the minor groove, and the purine-pyrimidine dinucleotides (RY), into the minor one. The RR and YY dimers appear to be the most rigid dinucleotides. Thus, a DNA fragment consisting of the interchanging oligopurine and oligopyrimidine blocks 5-6 base pairs long should manifest a spectacular curvature in solution. Similarly, a nucleotide sequence containing the RY and YR dimers separated by a half-pitch of the double helix is the most suitable for wrapping around the nucleosomal core. Analysis of the numerous examples demonstrating the specific alignment of nucleosomes on DNA confirms this concept. So, the sequence-dependent "mechanical" properties of the double helix influence the spatial arrangement of DNA in chromatin.  相似文献   

We propose a novel conditional graphical model—spaceMap—to construct gene regulatory networks from multiple types of high dimensional omic profiles. A motivating application is to characterize the perturbation of DNA copy number alterations(CNAs) on downstream protein levels in tumors. Through a penalized multivariate regression framework, spaceMap jointly models high dimensional protein levels as responses and high dimensional CNAs as predictors. In this setup, spaceMap infers an undirected network among proteins together with a directed network encoding how CNAs perturb the protein network. spaceMap can be applied to learn other types of regulatory relationships from high dimensional molecular profiles, especially those exhibiting hub structures. Simulation studies show spaceMap has greater power in detecting regulatory relationships over competing methods. Additionally, spaceMap includes a network analysis toolkit for biological interpretation of inferred networks. We applies spaceMap to the CNAs, gene expression and proteomics data sets from CPTAC-TCGA breast(n=77) and ovarian(n=174) cancer studies. Each cancer exhibits disruption of ‘ion transmembrane transport' and‘regulation from RNA polymerase Ⅱ promoter' by CNA events unique to each cancer. Moreover, using protein levels as a response yields a more functionally-enriched network than using RNA expressions in both cancer types. The network results also help to pinpoint crucial cancer genes and provide insights on the functional consequences of important CNA in breast and ovarian cancers. The R package spaceMap—including vignettes and documentation—is hosted on https://topherconley.github.io/spacemap.  相似文献   

Recombinant (r)HMfB (archaealhistone B fromMethanothermusfervidus) formed complexes with increasing stability with DNA molecules increasing in length from 52 to 100 bp, but not with a 39 bp molecule. By using125I-labeled rHMfB-YY (an rHMfB variant with I31Y and M35Y replacements) and32P-labeled 100 bp DNA, these complexes, designated archaeal nucleosomes, have been shown to contain an archaeal histone tetramer. Consistent with DNA bending and wrapping, addition of DNA ligase to archaeal nucleosomes assembled with 88 and 128 bp DNAs resulted in covalently-closed monomeric circular DNAs which, following histone removal, were positively supercoiled based on their electrophoretic mobilities in the presence of ethidium bromide before and after relaxation by calf thymus topoisomerase I. Ligase addition to mixtures of rHMfB with 53 or 30 bp DNA molecules also resulted in circular DNAs but these were circular dimers and trimers. These short DNA molecules apparently had to be ligated into longer linear multimers for assembly into archaeal nucleosomes and ligation into circles. rHMfB assembled into archaeal nucleosomes at lower histone to DNA ratios with the supercoiled, circular ligation product than with the original 88 bp linear version of this molecule. Archaeal histones are most similar to the globular histone fold region of eukaryal histone H4, and the results reported are consistent with archaeal nucleosomes resembling the structure formed by eukaryal histone (H3+H4)2tetramers.  相似文献   

We report a double-agar clonogenic system adapted to human breast cancer. We optimized the conditions for cell growth and clonogenicity with respect to hormones (insulin, estradiol, progesterone) and components of the extracellular matrix (collagen, laminin and fibronectin). Using our experimental improvements, 67% of the breast tumor samples received were grown successfully. Tests on 21 tumors with three agents: Doxorubicin, Methotrexate and 5-Fluorouracil permit objective discrimination of the in vitro pharmacosensitivity of human breast tumors. Flow cytometric analysis reveal that 64% of the tumors were diploid and 36% were aneuploid. The aneuploid tumors grew better in the double agar layer system used for the clonogenic assay. The diploid tumors were especially rich in estrogen (ER+) and progesterone (PR+) receptors whereas the aneuploid tumors were mostly estrogen and progesterone receptors negative (ER/PR). Finally, we noted no difference in drug responsiveness depending on the tumor ploidy and steroid receptor content.Abbreviations DCC dextran coated charcoal - DI DNA index - DXB Doxorubicin - ECM extracellular matrix component - ER estrogen receptors - FCM flow cytometry - 5-FU 5-Fluorouracil - HTSCA human tumor stem cell assay - MTX Methotrexate - PBC primary breast carcinoma - PI proliferative index - PR progesterone receptors - SPF S phase fraction  相似文献   

A series of mono- and dinucleosomal DNAs characterized by an about ten-base periodicity in the size were revealed in the micrococcal nuclease digests of Drosophila chromatin which have 180 +/- 5 base pair (bp) nucleosomal repeat. 20, 30, and 40 bp spacers were found to be predominant in chromatin by trimming DNA in dinucleosomes to the core position. Among several identified mononucleosomes (MN), MN170, MN180 and MN190 were isolated from different sources (the figures indicate the DNA length in bp). The presence of the 10, 20, and 30 bp long spacers was shown in these mononucleosomes by crosslinking experiments. The interaction of histone H3 with the spacer in the Drosophila MN180 particle was also shown by the crosslinking /5/. We conclude from these results that the 10 n bp long intercore DNA (n = 2, 3 and 4) is organized by histone H3, in particular, and together with the core DNA forms a continuous superhelix. Taken together, these data suggest that Drosophila chromatin consists of the regularly aligned and tightly packed MN180, as a repeating unit, containing 10 and 20 bp spacers at the ends of 180 bp DNA. Within the asymmetric and randomly oriented in chromatin MN180, the cores occupy two alternative positions spaced by 10 bp.  相似文献   

Structure of nucleosomes and organization of internucleosomal DNA in chromatin   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
We have compared the mononucleosomal pattern produced by micrococcal nuclease digestion of condensed and unfolded chromatin and chromatin in nuclei from various sources with the repeat length varying from 165 to 240 base-pairs (bp). Upon digestion of isolated H1-containing chromatin of every tested type in a low ionic strength solution (unfolded chromatin), a standard series of mononucleosomes (MN) was formed: the core particle, MN145, and H1-containing, MN165, MN175, MN185, MN195, MN205 and MN215 (the indexes give an approximate length of the nucleosomal DNA that differs in these particles by an integral number of 10 bp). In addition to the pattern of unfolded chromatin, digestion of whole nuclei or condensed chromatin (high ionic strength of Ca2+) gave rise to nuclei-specific, H1-lacking MN155. Digestion of H1-lacking chromatin produced only MN145, MN155 and MN165 particles, indicating that the histone octamer can organize up to 165 bp of nucleosomal DNA. Although digestion of isolated sea urchin sperm chromatin (repeat length of about 240 bp) at a low ionic strength gave a typical "unfolded chromatin pattern", digests of spermal nuclei contained primarily MN145, MN155, MN235 and MN245 particles. A linear arrangement of histones along DNA (primary organization) of the core particle was found to be preserved in the mononucleosomes, with the spacer DNA length from 10 to 90 bp on one (in MN155) or both sides of core DNA being a multiple of about 10 bp. In MN235, the core particle occupies preferentially a central position with the length of the spacer DNA on both sides of the core DNA being usually about 30 + 60 or 40 + 50 bp. Histone H1 is localized at the ends of these particles, i.e. close to the centre of the spacer DNA. The finding that globular part of histones H3 and sea urchin sperm H2B can covalently bind to spacer DNA suggests their involvement in the organization of chromatin superstructure. Our data indicate that decondensation of chromatin is accompanied by rearrangement of histone H1 on the spacer DNA sites adjacent to the core particle and thus support a solenoid model for the chromatin superstructure in nuclei in which the core DNA together with the spacer DNA form a continuous superhelix.  相似文献   

We have compared mononucleosomes that were obtained by hydrolysis of chromatin micrococcal nuclease from a number of sources with the length of a nucleosomal repeat 185--245 b. p. long. For hydrolysis of chromatin isolated from nuclei, a series of nucleosomes was formed: MN145 (core particle), MN165, MN175...MN205, MN215, the lengths of their DNAs differing (by approximately 10.n b.p. where n = 1, 2, 3...) by a factor of 10. A feature of hydrolysis of chromatin in nuclei was the appearance of an additional H1-depleted MN155 particle. It is suggested that upon isolation of chromatin from nuclei, its partial decompactization takes place. This decompactization changes the character of nuclease splitting and seems to be connected with rearrangement of histone H1. These observations demonstrate that besides core particles MN145 and chromatosomes MN165, the major particles of digest of nuclei appear to be MN155, and for isolated chromatin--MN175. Unlike this standard picture, mainly MN145, MN155, MN235 and MN245 are formed upon hydrolysis of sea urchin sperm nuclei.  相似文献   

R Male  V M Fosse    K Kleppe 《Nucleic acids research》1982,10(20):6305-6318
The ability of different polyamines to catalyze hydrolysis of phosphodiester linkages in apurinic and apyrimidinic (AP) sites has been investigated in supercoiled, relaxed and denatured DNA, and also in core and chromatosome particles. The rate constants for the hydrolysis in the DNAs have been determined. In general the order of effectiveness of the polyamines were: spermine greater than spermidine greater than putrescine greater than cadaverine. A 9 fold difference in rate constants was found between spermine and cadaverine. No difference in the rate of hydrolysis was seen between AP-sites in supercoiled and relaxed DNAs, whereas the rate for the single-stranded DNA and DNA in core and chromatosome particles was only half of that in the double-stranded DNA. All AP-sites in both free DNA and DNA-histone particles were hydrolyzed in the presence of polyamines. For all polyamines, with the exception of spermine, increasing concentration of both Mg++ and salts such as KCl both led to a large decrease in the rate of polyamine-induced hydrolysis of AP-sites. The rate of hydrolysis increased markedly with increasing pH in the pH range pH 6 - pH 11.  相似文献   

The bending of DNA in nucleosomes and its wider implications   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
The DNA of a nucleosome core particle is wrapped tightly around a histone octamer with approximately 80 base pairs per superhelical turn. Studies of both naturally occurring and reconstituted systems have shown that DNA sequences very often adopt well-defined locations with respect to the octamer. Recent work in this laboratory has provided a structural explanation for this sequence-dependent positioning in terms of the differential flexibility of different sequences and of departures from smooth bending. The 'rules' that are emerging for DNA bendability and, from the results of other workers, on intrinsically bent DNA, are likely to be useful in considering looping and bending of DNA in other processes in which it is thought to be wrapped around a protein core.  相似文献   

A method was developed for the detection of progesterone receptors (PgR) by flow cytometry (FCM) in cell suspensions obtained from mechanically dispersed fragments of operated breast cancers. Two monoclonal antibodies were tested for sensitivity and specificity on four breast cancer cell lines of known PgR expression and a calibration curve thus established. A simple procedure was used to calculate the level of PgR expression, taking into account the relative displacement of total cellular fluorescence compared to nonspecific fluorescence for each sample and the average DNA content of the cells derived from the corresponding histograms. The PgR-specific immunofluorescence of the tumor specimens measured in arbitrary units (channels) was then transformed to fmoles/mg DNA by comparison with the calibration curve. The FCM-derived results were compared with those of a conventional immunoenzymatic PgR assay on 30 surgical samples. PgR content ranged from 10 to 22,000 fmoles/mg DNA and linear regression analysis yielded a good correlation (r = 0.86). With a threshold of positivity of 300 fmoles/mg DNA, the two methods concurred for 28 of 30 tumors (93%). Nine specimens were analyzed repeatedly, showing good reproducibility. This method could prove to be more useful than the biochemical assays on homogenates, since it allows the simultaneous analysis of receptor expression in individual cells and of DNA index (ploidy).  相似文献   

The black tiger prawn Penaeus monodon is a valuable aquaculture product in Taiwan. Two specific diagnostic methods were established for P. monodon-type baculovirus, one using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technology and the other enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) technology. Monodon-type baculovirus (MBV) was purified by sucrose gradient centrifugation from occlusion bodies of MBV-infected postlarvae of P. monodon. MBV DNA was subsequently purified from the occlusion bodies and its presence was confirmed by PCR using primers of the polyhedrin gene. Based on conserved sequences of the DNA polymerase genes of Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (AcMNPV) and Lymantria dispar nuclear polyhedrosis virus (LdMNPV), primers were designed and synthesized to yield a 714 bp PCR fragment from MBV. However, the sequence of this fragment revealed low homology with that of LdMNPV and AcMNPV. From the DNA sequence of this fragment, a second set of primers was designed, and using these primers, a 511 bp DNA fragment was amplified only when MBV DNA was the template. DNA templates from AcMNPV, white spot syndrome diseased shrimp, or PMO cells (a cell line derived from the Oka organ of Penaeus monodon) did not give any amplified DNA fragment. Therefore, this primer pair was specific for the diagnosis of MBV. By using intraspleenic immunization of rabbits with purified MBV occlusion bodies, a polyclonal rabbit antiserum against MBV was obtained. This antiserum could detect nanogram levels of MBV, but did not cross react with white spot syndrome virus (WSSV), homogenates of PMO cells, postlarvae, hepatopancreatic tissue or intestinal tissue of black tiger prawns by competitive ELISA. This sensitive method could detect MBV even in tissue homogenates.  相似文献   

Nuclear DNA analysis was performed in 37 human mammary adenocarcinomas in order to elucidate the difficulties and pitfalls connected with the interpretation of DNA histograms obtained using different methodologic approaches. For each tumor, DNA profiles were obtained by means of slide microspectrophotometry on a fine needle aspirate, slide cytophotometry on a 4-micron histologic section and flow cytometry on a suspension prepared from a cube of fresh tissue. When the DNA histograms were interpreted according to criteria usually applied to discriminate low-grade malignant tumors from high-grade malignant tumors, some tumors classified as euploid by one method were classified as aneuploid by another method. The main reasons for this weak correlation seem to be in specimen preparation and in tumor cell representation within the specimen between the methods. Another reason is that slide and flow techniques exhibit different sensitivities for malignancy-associated nuclear DNA changes: minor alterations of the DNA content of the tumor stemlines seem to be more exactly reported by means of the flow technique whereas structural alterations of the nuclear chromatin seem to be more sensitively recorded by means of the slide technique. It is suggested that thorough control of each step of the various DNA analysis procedures and the use of information obtainable by slide and flow techniques taken together may significantly improve the prognostic value of DNA measurements.  相似文献   

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