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The role of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) in regulating various phases of the antiviral T-cell response is incompletely understood. Additionally, despite strong evidence ascribing a role for TNF in protecting against T-cell-dependent autoimmunity, the underlying mechanisms are still obscure. To address these issues, we have investigated the role of tumor necrosis factor receptors (TNFRs) I (p55R) and II (p75R) in regulating CD8 T-cell responses to lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) with wild-type, p55R-deficient (p55(-/-)), p75R-deficient (p75(-/-)), and p55R- and p75R-deficient (DKO) mice. Loss of p55R increased the number of memory CD8 T cells to only one of the two immunodominant epitopes, and p75R deficiency had a minimal impact on the T-cell response to LCMV. Strikingly, deficiency of both p55R and p75R had a more dramatic effect on the LCMV-specific CD8 T-cell response; in the DKO mice, as a sequel to enhanced expansion and a reduction in contraction of CD8 T cells, there was a substantial increase in the number of memory CD8 T cells (specific to the two immunodominant epitopes). While the majority of LCMV-specific memory CD8 T cells in wild-type mice were CD62Lhi CCR7hi (central memory), a major proportion of memory CD8 T cells in DKO mice were CD62Llo CCR7hi. TNFR deficiency did not affect the proliferative renewal of memory CD8 T cells. Taken together, these data suggested that TNFRs p55R and p75R have overlapping roles in downregulating CD8 T-cell responses and establishment of immune homeostasis during an acute viral infection.  相似文献   

Biological functions of tumor necrosis factor cytokines and their receptors   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Tumor necrosis factor (TNF; formerly known as TNFalpha) and lymphotoxin (LT)alpha, originally characterized by their ability to induce tumor cell apoptosis and cachexia, are now considered as central mediators of a broad range of biological activities. These activities encompass beneficial effects for the host in inflammation and in protective immune responses against a variety of infectious pathogens. TNF family members on the other hand also exert host-damaging effects in sepsis, in tumor cachexia as well as in autoimmune diseases. In addition, the essential roles of the core members of the TNF superfamily, LTalpha, LTbeta, TNF, and LIGHT as well as their receptors during the organogenesis of secondary lymphoid organs and the maintenance of the architecture of lymphatic tissues now becomes appreciated. The elucidation of the biological functions of these cytokines and their specific cell surface receptors has been crucially advanced by the study of gene-targeted mouse strains. This presentation summarizes the roles of TNFR and TNF-like cytokines in infection, sepsis and autoimmunity as well as the pivotal involvement of these molecules in the development of secondary lymphoid organs.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown that agonistic Abs to CD40 (anti-CD40) can boost weak CD8 T cell responses as well as substitute for CD4 T cell function during chronic gammaherpes virus infection. Agonistic anti-CD40 treatment has, therefore, been suggested as a potential therapeutic strategy in immunocompromised patients. In this study, we investigated whether agonistic anti-CD40 could substitute for CD4 T cell help in generating a sustained CD8 T cell response and prevent viral recrudescence following infection with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV). Contrary to expectations, we found that anti-CD40 treatment of MHC class II-deficient mice infected with a moderate dose of LCMV resulted in severe suppression of the antiviral CD8 T cell response and uncontrolled virus spread, rather than improved CD8 T cell immune surveillance. In Ab-treated wild-type mice, the antiviral CD8 T cell response also collapsed prematurely, and virus clearance was delayed. Additional analysis revealed that, following anti-CD40 treatment, the virus-specific CD8 T cells initially proliferated normally, but an increased cell loss compared with that in untreated mice was observed. The anti-CD40-induced abortion of virus-specific CD8 T cells during LCMV infection was IL-12 independent, but depended partly on Fas expression. Notably, similar anti-CD40 treatment of vesicular stomatitis virus-infected mice resulted in an improved antiviral CD8 T cell response, demonstrating that the effect of anti-CD40 treatment varies with the virus infection studied. For this reason, we recommend further evaluation of the safety of this regimen before being applied to human patients.  相似文献   

Structural proteins of LCMV were identified and their role in the immune complex glomerulonephritis of LCMV carrier mice was examined. Purified LCMV contained three major polypeptides, a single nonglycosylated nucleoprotein with an estimated m.w. of 63,000, and two surface glycoproteins of 54,000 and 35,000. Deposition of nucleoprotein antigen in the glomeruli of LCMV carrier mice of several strains was demonstrated by immunofluorescent staining with a monospecific antibody. In addition, Ig eluted from kidneys of three strains of LCMV carrier mice was shown by immune precipitation to react against all of major viral polypeptides of LCMV. Antibody from normal mice, and from mice with immune complex disease unrelated to LCMV did not show deposition of LCMV antigen in glomeruli, and Ig eluted from the kidneys of these mice did not react against LCMV antigens. Hence, mice infected at birth with LCMV and persistently infected throughout their life make antibodies to all the known structural polypeptides of the virus.  相似文献   

The parameters of cell-mediated immune responses of rats to infection with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus or vaccinia virus were assessed by measuring primary footpad swelling, increased weights of the local lymph nodes, increased numbers of lymphocytes per lymph node, and the course of virus-specific cytolytic activity by these lymphocytes. Except for lack of a defined swelling caused by vaccinia virus injected into the hind footpads of rats, the kinetics of all these responses correlated and were in accord with the usual time course of cellular immune responses. Starting 3 days after infection, peaking at 5 to 7 days, and disappearing after 10 to 12 days, the responses by rats to both viruses were comparable to those found in mice. The phagocytes of these infected rats inhibited the growth of Listeria monocytogenes in vivo, indicating activation of the macrophages by virus-specific cellular immunity. The rat cytotoxic lymphocytes were thymus derived as judged by various criteria: inactivation by an absorbed rabbit anti-rat brain antiserum plus C, susceptibility to anti Thy 1.1 plus C, restriction of the lytic activity within inbred strains and probably by the Ag-B locus, and the kinetics of the response. The cytotoxic T lymphocytes were virus specific since they killed only target cells infected with the same virus but not uninfected cells, or targets that were infected with an unrelated virus.  相似文献   

The role of gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) in the permanent control of infection with a noncytopathic virus was studied by comparing immune responses in wild-type and IFN-gamma-deficient (IFN-gamma -/-) mice infected with a slowly invasive strain of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV Armstrong). While wild-type mice rapidly cleared the infection, IFN-gamma -/- mice became chronically infected. Virus persistence in the latter mice did not reflect failure to generate cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) effectors, as an unimpaired primary CTL response was observed. Furthermore, while ex vivo CTL activity gradually declined in wild-type mice, long-standing cytolytic activity was demonstrated in IFN-gamma -/- mice. The prolonged effector phase in infected IFN-gamma -/- mice was associated with elevated numbers of CD8(+) T cells. Moreover, a higher proportion of these cells retained an activated phenotype and was actively cycling. However, despite the increased CD8(+) T-cell turnover, which might have resulted in depletion of the memory CTL precursor pool, no evidence for exhaustion was observed. In fact, at 3 months postinfection we detected higher numbers of LCMV-specific CTL precursors in IFN-gamma -/- mice than in wild-type mice. These findings indicate that in the absence of IFN-gamma, CTLs cannot clear the infection and are kept permanently activated by the continuous presence of live virus, resulting in a delicate new balance between viral load and immunity. This interpretation of our findings is supported by mathematical modeling describing the effect of eliminating IFN-gamma-mediated antiviral activity on the dynamics between virus replication and CTL activity.  相似文献   

T cell costimulation is important for T cell activation. The CD27/CD70 pathway contributes to effector and memory T cell development and is involved in T cell and B cell activation. CD27/CD70 is known for having opposing roles during different models of antigenic challenges. During primary T cell responses to influenza virus infection or during tumor challenges, CD27/CD70 costimulation has a positive role on T cell responses. However, during some chronic infections, constitutive triggering of this signaling pathway has a negative role on T cell responses. It is currently unclear what specific characteristic of an antigen determines the outcome of CD27/CD70 costimulation. We investigated the effect of a transient CD70 blockade during an acute or a chronic lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) infection in mice. Blockade of this pathway during acute LCMV infection (Armstrong strain) resulted in delayed T cell responses and decreased CD127 (interleukin-7 receptor α [IL-7Rα] chain) conversion. Upregulation of CD127 is an important event in T cell differentiation that heralds the passage of an effector T cell to a long-lived memory T cell. In contrast to the reduced CD8 T cell responses after CD70 blockade during acute infection, CD70 blockade during chronic LCMV infection resulted in increased CD8 T cell responses. Our data show the dual roles of this costimulatory pathway in acute versus persistent antigen challenge. Our findings suggest that antigen persistence may determine the effect of CD27/CD70 signaling on CD8 T cell responses. Tailored triggering or blockade of this costimulatory pathway may be important in vaccination regimens against acute or chronic pathogens.  相似文献   

Mice 2--4 days of age were pretreated with a single 5 mg/kg dose of dianhydrodulcitol (DAD) and later infected intracerebrally with lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCM) virus. These animals had a lower mortality rate and died later than the untreated control animals. Thus DAD pretreatment prevented in part of the animals the development of lethal meningitis, the consequence of LCM virus infection, reducing the cellular immune response. This effect of DAD could equally be observed in animals infected at the age of 16--18 days and of 4 weeks.  相似文献   

Infection of mice with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) is frequently used to study the underlying principles of viral infections and immune responses. We fit a mathematical model to recently published data characterizing Ag-specific CD8+ T cell responses during acute (Armstrong) and chronic (clone 13) LCMV infection. This allows us to analyze the differences in the dynamics of CD8+ T cell responses against different types of LCMV infections. For the four CD8+ T cell responses studied, we find that, compared with the responses against acute infection, responses against chronic infection are generally characterized by an earlier peak and a faster contraction phase thereafter. Furthermore, the model allows us to give a new interpretation of the effect of thymectomy on the dynamics of CD8+ T cell responses during chronic LCMV infection: a smaller number of naive precursor cells is sufficient to account for the observed differences in the responses in thymectomized mice. Finally, we compare data characterizing LCMV-specific CD8+ T cell responses from different laboratories. Although the data were derived from the same experimental model, we find quantitative differences that can be solved by introducing a scaling factor. Also, we find kinetic differences that are at least partly due to the infrequent measurements of CD8+ T cells in the different laboratories.  相似文献   

Death occurred earlier and its rate was higher in one-week-old mice treated with phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) and subsequently inoculated intracerebrally with LCM virus than in their virus infected but untreated littermates. Thus PHA treatment contributed to the outcome of LCM virus infection in the form of lethal meningitis. The course of LCM virus infection in 1-week-old PHA treated mice was similar as in the untreated 2-week-old mice. This indicates that PHA treatment accelerated the development of cell mediated immunological capacity in suckling mice.  相似文献   

The impact of prophylactic vaccination against acute and chronic infection in a Th-deficient host has not been adequately addressed because of difficulties in generating protective immunity in the absence of CD4(+) T cell help. In this study, we demonstrated that a broad CD8(+) T cell immune response could be elicited in MHC class II-deficient mice by vaccination with adenovirus encoding lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) glycoprotein tethered to MHC class II-associated invariant chain. Moreover, the response induced conferred significant cytolytic CD8(+) T cell-mediated protection against challenge with a high dose of the invasive clone 13 strain of LCMV. In contrast, vaccination with adenovirus encoding unlinked LCMV glycoprotein induced weak virus control in the absence of CD4(+) T cells, and mice may die of increased immunopathology associated with incomplete protection. Acute mortality was not observed in any vaccinated mice following infection with the less-invasive Traub strain. However, LCMV Traub infection caused accelerated late mortality in unvaccinated MHC class II-deficient mice; in this case, we observed a strong trend toward delayed mortality in vaccinated mice, irrespective of the nature of the vaccine. These results indicated that optimized vaccination may lead to efficient protection against acute viral infection, even in Th-deficient individuals, but that the duration of such immunity is limited. Nevertheless, for select immunodeficiencies in which CD4(+) T cell deficiency is incomplete or transient, these results are very encouraging.  相似文献   

Summary Mice infected i.v. with high doses of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV; 105–106 plaqueforming units) 8–10 days prior to challenge with the methylcholanthrene-induced fibrosarcoma tumor cell line MC57G or the melanoma cell line B16 tumor cells showed an enhanced tumor susceptibility with respect to both growth kinetics of the tumor and the minimal dose necessary for tumor take. After transient initial growth, MC57G tumor cells were all rejected by uninfected C57BL/6 mice by day 14. Mice preinfected i.v. with LCMV 3 weeks before or at the time of tumor challenge, but not those infected 2 months before or 7 days after, showed increasing tumor growth, the tumor take being 100% for 106, 50% for 105 and 37% for 104 MC57G tumor cells injected into the footpad compared with resistance to 106 cells in normal mice. B16 melanoma cells also grew more rapidly in LCMV-preinfected mice and by day 40 tumors were established with about 100 times fewer cells, i.e. about 103 compared with 3×104–3×105 for uninfected mice. Analysis of the growth of tumor cells in normal and in LCMV-carrier mice revealed that the latter mice were not more susceptible to LCMV-infected than to uninfected MC57G. Since LCMV-carrier mice fail to mount LCMV-specific T cell responses, these results suggest that anti-LCMV-specific T cells may be responsible for acquired immunodeficiency hampering immune surveillance against the tumors studied.Supported by grants from the Swiss National Science Foundation 3.259–0.87 and the Kanton of Zürich  相似文献   

The course of intracerebral lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCM) virus infection was studied in mice treated simultaneously with dianhydrodulcitol (DAD) and phytohaemagglutinin (PHA). Earlier experiments revealed that DAD decreased and PHA enhanced the cellular immune response of mice to LCM virus infection. On applying the treatments simultaneously they inhibited each other and neither the decreasing effect of DAD nor the enhancing effect of PHA on the cellular immune response could be observed.  相似文献   

Immune responses mediated by cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) have often been found to be functionally impaired in persistent infections. It is assumed that this impairment contributes to persistence of the infection. In this study, we compare the killing efficacy of CD8(+) T-cell responses in mice acutely and persistently infected with the lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus, using an in vivo CTL killing assay. To infer the killing efficacy of CTLs, we developed a new mathematical model describing the disappearance of peptide-pulsed cells from the blood of the mice over time. We estimate a lower half-life for peptide-pulsed cells in acute infection than in persistent infection, which indicates a higher killing efficacy of the CD8(+) T-cell response in acute infection. However, by controlling for the different levels of CTLs in acutely and persistently infected mice, we find that CTLs in persistent infection are only two times less efficacious than CTLs in acute infections. These results strongly suggest that the in vivo cytotoxicity of CD8(+) T-cell responses in persistent infection is modulated via the number of CTLs rather than their individual functionality.  相似文献   

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