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Julian Hammond 《Ichnos》2017,24(2):124-132
Specimens of epifaunal irregular echinoids in the Upper Cretaceous of northern Europe have been reported with patterns of circular, nonpenetrative parabolic pits, Oichnus paraboloides (Bromley), in the apical region. Specimens of Echinocorys scutata Leske from the Chalk at two sites in southeast England were commonly penetrated by this trace, generated by an indeterminate pit-forming organism. Pits commonly surround the apical system and, less commonly, occur within it; they occur preferentially anteriorly. Pits occur within plates, not along margins or sutures. Crosscutting of pits indicates that multiple spatfalls probably occurred. The host echinoid added new test plates adjacent to the apical system; thus, plates bearing O. paraboloides were moved abapically. The reduction in number of pits away from the apex, including those with echinoid tubercles reestablished on the base, indicates that, following death of an infester, the echinoid “reclaimed” and infilled them with calcite. The pit-former was most probably an unmineralized invertebrate that used E. scutata as a domicile which provided good access to food-rich currents for suspension feeding. Although the systematic position of the pit-former is unknown, similar infestations are known from other Upper Cretaceous echinoids and Mississippian crinoids.  相似文献   


This study describes the reproductive cycle of the common limpet (Patella vulgata) and rough limpet (Patella ulyssiponensis) from the Algarve coast (southern Portugal). Individuals of both species were sampled monthly during two consecutive years, and subjected to gonad histology and calculation of the mean gonadal index (GI). Both species had balanced sex ratios (P. vulgata = 1M: 0.98F; P. ulyssiponensis = 1M: 1.03F), similar size-frequency distribution between sexes, and equivalent mean shell lengths (SL) and total weights (TW) between males and females. In these protandrous hermaphrodites, the estimated size at sex change was slightly smaller in P. vulgata (SL50 ≈ 29 mm) than in P. ulyssiponensis (SL50 ≈ 36 mm). The reproductive cycles of both species were characterised by a main spawning season in early spring to early summer, sometimes including subsidiary spawning events. A comparison of the main spawning season throughout the species distributional ranges revealed that populations of P. vulgata and P. ulyssiponensis from southern Portugal have later spawning periods than other populations from the northeastern Atlantic Ocean. The present information is relevant for conservation purposes and for the proposal of management measures for the harvesting activity targeting P. vulgata and P. ulyssiponensis in southern Portugal.  相似文献   

We have used a RAPD-based technique to identify several microsatellite repeats in turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) and Dover sole (Solea solea) and report the characterization of six novel polymorphic microsatellite markers for Dover sole. These are the first such markers to be developed for this flatfish species. They exhibit much higher levels of heterozygosity than those previously observed with allozyme loci and should prove useful in addressing population genetic questions as well as more fundamental aquaculture-related questions. Received ; accepted July 13, 1999.  相似文献   

The bacterial flora in the intestines of farmed Dover sole ( Solea solea L.) was investigated at different stages of fish development in relation to different diets fed under farming conditions. The flora of water and diets were also analyzed. The dominant generic group isolated from all water samples examined was Pseudomonas Gp IV/ Alcaligenes. The same generic group was dominant in homogenized pelagic larvae indicating a relationship between the microflora of those young fish and that of tank water. In older fish a steady increase in the percentage incidence of Vibrio / anaerogenic Aeromonas was observed in the intestines as fish grew and diets changed. The Vibrio /anaerogenic Aeromonas group was dominant in Lumbricillus rivalis used as an intermediate diet and the increased incidence of this group in fish intestines occurred after fish were fed this diet. The composite pellet used for ongrowing carried a high percentage of Gram positive micro-organisms and there was no relationship between the pellet microflora and that found in the fish intestines.  相似文献   

 Whole-mount technique using fluorescent-labelled phalloidin for actin staining and confocal laser scanning microscopy as well as semi-thin serial sectioning, scanning and transmission electron microscopy were applied to investigate the ontogeny of the various muscular systems during larval development in the limpets Patella vulgata L. and P. caerulea L. In contrast to earlier studies, which described a single or two larval shell muscles, the pretorsional trochophore-like larva shows no less than four different muscle systems, namely the asymmetrical main head/foot larval retractor muscle, an accessory larval retractor with distinct insertion area, a circular prototroch/velar system, and a plexus-like pedal muscle system. In both Patella species only posttorsional larvae are able to retract into the shell and to close the aperture by means of the operculum. Shortly after torsion the two adult shell muscles originate independently in lateral positions, starting with two fine muscle fibres which insert at the operculum and laterally at the shell. During late larval development the main larval retractor and the accessory larval retractor become reduced and the velar muscle system is shed. In contrast, the paired adult shell muscles and the pedal muscle plexus increase in volume, and a new mantle musculature, the tentacular muscle system, and the buccal musculature arise. Because the adult shell muscles are entirely independent from the various larval muscular systems, several current hypotheses on the ontogeny and phylogeny of the early gastropod muscle system have to be reconsidered. Received: 23 June 1998 / Accepted: 25 November 1998  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of the ciliate subclass Peritrichia, composed of the orders Mobilida and Sessilida, have recently come under debate as morphological and molecular analyses have struck contrasting conclusions as to the monophyly of the group. We provide additional molecular data to assess the monophyly of the Peritrichia by sequencing the small subunit ribosomal RNA genes of two symbiotic peritrichs, Urceolaria korschelti and Scyphidia ubiquita, found inhabiting the mantle cavity of limpets. Although phylogenetic analyses indicated a nonmonophyletic Peritrichia, approximately unbiased tests revealed that the monophyletic hypothesis could not be rejected. With regard to the Mobilida, our analysis showed divergence within the family Trichodinidae related to host taxa—a molluscan clade and a fish clade. For the Sessilida, the family Scyphidiidae was sister to the Astylozoidae. In our sampling of U. korschelti and S. ubiquita, both species showed significant genetic divergence among geographically isolated, yet morphologically indistinguishable populations. We hypothesize that cryptic speciation has produced these morphologically identical species and argue that more extensive genomic analyses are required to fully assess the monophyly, biogeography, and ultimately biodiversity of the peritrichs.  相似文献   

The accumulation of cadmium, zinc and copper by the marine gastropod molluscs Patella vulgata and Patella intermedia has been studied by gel permeation chromatography of water-soluble extracts of environmentally contaminated shellfish.A major proportion of the water-soluble cadmium and copper in these molluscs is associated with a protein of molecular weight 10 800 daltons. Evidence is presented supporting the similarity of this protein with mammalian metallothionein. This protein contained only a small proportion of the zinc found in the samples.  相似文献   

A carboxypeptidase A-like enzyme has been purified to apparent homogeneity from commercially available acetone powder from the visceral hump of the limpet, Patella vulgata. A two-step procedure involving affinity chromatography on ?-amino-N-caproyl-d-phenylalanine-Sepharose and gel filtration resulted in a 3000-fold purification with an 80% yield. The enzyme is a single polypeptide chain of Mr = 40,000 and exhibits both peptidase and esterase activities, which are characterized by dramatic excess substrate inhibition. Inhibition studies suggest that a metal ion is required for activity and demonstrate that the affinity label, N-bromoacetyl-N-methyl-l-phenylalanine, and a polypeptide carboxypeptidase inhibitor from potatoes (apparent Ki approx. 2 nm) are effective against the limpet enzyme.  相似文献   

The uptake of natural living resources for human consumption has triggered serious changes in the balance of ecosystems. In the archipelagos of Macaronesia (NE Atlantic), limpets have been extensively exploited probably since islands were first colonized. This has led to profound consequences in the dynamics of rocky shore communities. The Patella candei complex includes various subspecies of limpets that are ascribed to a particular archipelago and has been the focus of several taxonomic surveys without much agreement. Under a conservational perspective, we apply morphometric and genetic analyses to test subspecies boundaries in P. candei and to evaluate its current population connectivity throughout Macaronesia (Azores, Madeira, and Canaries). A highly significant genetic break between archipelagos following isolation by distance was detected (FST = 0.369, p < .001). Contrastingly, significant genetic differentiation among islands (i.e., Azores) was absent possibly indicating ongoing gene flow via larval exchange between populations. Significant shell‐shape differences among archipelagos were also detected using both distance‐based and geometric morphometric analyses. Adaptive processes associated with niche differentiation and strong barriers to gene flow among archipelagos may be the mechanisms underlying P. candei diversification in Macaronesia. Under the very probable assumption that populations of P. candei from each archipelago are geographically and/or ecologically isolated populations, the various subspecies within the P. candei complex may be best thought of as true species using the denomination: P. candei in Selvagens, Patella gomesii in Azores, Patella ordinaria in Madeira, and Patella crenata for Canaries. This would be in agreement with stock delimitation and units of conservation of P. candei sensu latu along Macaronesia.  相似文献   

Summary The odontoblasts in the long radular gland of Patella coerulea L. are arranged in a terminal position; therefore newly formed teeth already have an upright position. The long and slender odontoblasts have only one to three lengthy and ramifying apical microvilli. Between these pinnate microvilli a fine filamentous material appears which probably corresponds to chitin microfibrils. Therefore, the pattern of chitin microfibrils seems to depend on the arrangement of odontoblasts' microvilli. For the first time, basal bodies were found in the apical part of odontoblasts which led to the assumption that the radular gland originally might have been a mucous gland, the secretion of which was transported by cilia.  相似文献   

Dover sole (Solea solea) is an obligate ectotherm with a natural thermal habitat ranging from approximately 5 to 27°C. Thermal optima for growth lie in the range of 20 to 25°C. More precise information on thermal optima for growth is needed for cost-effective Dover sole aquaculture. The main objective of this study was to determine the optimal growth temperature of juvenile Dover sole (Solea solea) and in addition to test the hypothesis that the final preferendum equals the optimal growth temperature. Temperature preference was measured in a circular preference chamber for Dover sole acclimated to 18, 22 and 28°C. Optimal growth temperature was measured by rearing Dover sole at 19, 22, 25 and 28°C. The optimal growth temperature resulting from this growth experiment was 22.7°C for Dover sole with a size between 30 to 50 g. The temperature preferred by juvenile Dover sole increases with acclimation temperature and exceeds the optimal temperature for growth. A final preferendum could not be detected. Although a confounding effect of behavioural fever on temperature preference could not be entirely excluded, thermal preference and thermal optima for physiological processes seem to be unrelated in Dover sole.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Exposure to hypoxic sea water (pO2 = 50mm Hg) and hyposalinity (20%.) caused the heart rate of Patella granularis to decline rapidly. This was particularly marked in hypoxia where normal heart rate (50 beats/min) fell initially to between 15–30 beats/min, and later (after 2 hr) cardiac arrest occurred. When oxygen tension and salinity were eventually normalized, heart rate became significantly elevated, above the normal rate.
  • 2.2. In Siphonaria capensis, exposure to reduced oxygen tension and salinity usually induced a regular, although often delayed (after 2 hr) bradycardia (< 10 beats/min). No significant cardiac overshoot was observed for this limpet species.
  • 3.3. The significance of the different heart beat patterns by the limpet species, which may be linked with respiratory/metabolic responses, is discussed with regard to the respective capacities of the species for colonization of upper-shore pools.

  • 1.1. The mean concentration of total hemolymph iron was 3060μg/100 ml in Patella peronii and 2950μg/100 ml in Patelloida alticostata.
  • 2.2. Ferritin was found to act as a major iron-binding protein in the hemolymph of both P. peronii and P. alticostata.
  • 3.3. P. alticostata ferritin has a molecular weight of approximately 505,000, while that of P. peronii has a mol wt. of approximately 520,000.
  • 4.4. The lateral radula teeth of both species are mineralized by deposits of silica (SiO2) and iron in the form of goethite (α-FeOOH).
  • 5.5. Hemolymph ferritin is suggested to act as a high capacity transport system to supply iron to the mineralizing front of the radula.

I. Hodek  A. Honěk 《Oecologia》1976,25(4):309-311
Summary To reveal the effect of photoperiod on insects under low temperatures, dormant females of Chrysopa carnea were exposed for 3 months (November–January) to cold (7°±2.5°C) and to long- or short-day conditions (18L:6D or 12L:12D). They were thereafter activated under short-day conditions at 25°C.The samples differed considerably in the incidence of ovipositing females, duration of pre- and post-oviposition period, and fecundity. All parameters evidenced a considerably higher reproductive activity of insects chilled under short-day conditions. It was thus confirmed that adults of C. carnea perceive photoperiod at cold. The action of short photoperiod at cold does not impair the subsequent oviposition; by contrast it promotes future reproduction, apparently also due to photoperiod changes. Although short-day photoperiod inhibits the activation at warm temperatures, it enables diapause development under cold temperatures.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Hans Joachim Müller, Jena, on the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   

The population biology of Maculinea rebeli Hirschke, 1904, on dry grassland biotypes in different successional stages was investigated in the summers of 1990 and 1991 in the district of Höxter (North Rhine–Westphalia, Germany). The population characteristics of M. rebeli were studied by mark-recapture and eggshell counts on the larval host plant Gentiana cruciata. Pitfall traps, ant baits, excavating and counting of ant nests were used to examine the Formicidae community and the nest density of Myrmica sabuleti. In 1990, the total population of M. rebeli was estimated as 528 individuals, with subpopulations varying from 2 to 273 individuals. Populations existed in areas differing in size and vegetation structure. However, the limiting factor for population size was the density of the host ant population. The differences in population size did not depend on the size of the habitat or the density of the larval food plant. The butterflies can switch their host. In the absence of M. schenki, the colonies of M. sabuleti can maintain M. rebeli populations. Adult males and females have a maximum life expectancy of 13 days. The females prefer to oviposit on G. cruciata plants of 10–30cm height. Only plants which stuck out of the surrounding vegetation were oviposited on. The average number of eggs deposited per female was 100–150. Low density populations are probably most threatened. Therefore, future protective measures should work towards further maintaining and optimizing the habitats of the small populations, as well as creating the prerequisites so that dense stable populations of M. rebeli can develop.  相似文献   

The molluscan radula is a cutting apparatus employed in feeding. It is a toothed ribbon located in the mouth cavity. This study focuses on the characterization, organization, and hardness of the various components in full grown, mineralized, radula teeth of the common limpet Patella vulgata. Three major components are identified: Fibrous organic material, acicular crystals of goethite (α-FeOOH), and silica (SiO2). Each forms a coherent network intertwined with the other two. The goethite crystals lie parallel to the fibers in the organic framework. The orientations of fibers and crystals are described in detail. The hardness of the leading part, i.e., the part that leads in the cutting direction, is about twice the hardness in the trailing part. It is argued that this difference results from the greater compactness of the mineral matter in the leading part. The function of the tooth as a cutting device is discussed on the basis of the data presented in this study.  相似文献   

We studied the cross-shelf dispersion of Dover sole (Solea solea)eggs and larvae from the offshore spawning grounds to the coastalnurseries of Biscay Bay in 1987. Eggs and larvae were retainedover the spawning grounds from late February to early April,consistent with the limited movement of satellite-tracked Lagrangiandrifters at different depths in the water column. The distributionof the larvae coincided with maximum zooplankton abundance.In mid April, both sole larvae and drifters moved northwardin response to wind forcing but the advection rate of the larvaewas about one-third that of the drifters. No significant onshoreadvection of the pelagic stages was observed. No evidence wasfound for a behavioural selection of tidal currents by the pelagiclarvae that could lead to onshore transport Unless that behaviourdeveloped after settlement to the bottom, cross-shelf diffusionof the pelagic stages would represent the main avenue of transportto the coastal nursery grounds. This dispersion strategy wouldimply that the vast majority of sole larvae fail to recruitto the bays and estuaries and arc lost to the population.  相似文献   


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