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Food habits are important factors in the adaptation of wild nonhuman primates. White‐headed langurs (Trachypithecus leucocephalus) are endemic to heavily fragmented limestone forests and adapt to unique living environments via flexible food selection strategies. In this study, we compared the dietary data for white‐headed langurs living in Chongzuo White‐headed Langur National Nature Reserve in 2013 and 2016 to evaluate interannual variations in diet. Our results indicated that young leaves were the main food source for langurs, accounting for 52.4% (SD 25.4%) and 65.2% (SD 22.4%) of their diet in 2013 and 2016, respectively. The pattern of plant part consumption was similar between the two years. The consumption of young leaves varied with the availability of young leaves, whereas the consumption of mature leaves was negatively correlated with young leaf availability. The consumption of plant species and diet diversity were higher in 2013 than in 2016. In both 2013 and 2016, although diet diversity varied with the consumption of mature leaves, it was negatively correlated with the consumption and availability of young leaves. Dietary interannual variation is likely to either be linked to phenological variations or indicate that white‐headed langurs have a flexible ecological adaptation coping with habitat fragmentation.  相似文献   

Understanding how animals cope with habitat‐specific environmental factors can assist in species conservation management. We studied the habitat use of four groups (two large and two small groups) of white‐headed langurs (Trachypithecus leucocephalus) living in the forest of southwest Guangxi, China between September 2016 and February 2017 via instantaneous scan sampling. Our results showed that the langurs primarily used hillsides (55.91% ± 6.47%), followed by cliffs (29.70% ± 5.48%), hilltops (7.26% ± 3.55%), flat zones (6.99% ± 6.58%), and farmlands (0.14% ± 0.28%). The langurs moved most frequently on hillsides (49.35% ± 6.97%) and cliffs (35.60% ± 9.17%). The hillsides were more frequently used (66.94% ± 7.86%) during feeding, and the langurs increased the use of hilltops during the rainy season, and the use of cliffs in the dry season. The langurs frequently rested on hillsides (49.75% ± 8.16%) and cliffs (38.93% ± 8.02%). The larger langur group used cliffs more frequently when moving and resting, whereas the small langur group used hillsides more frequently while resting. Langurs in all groups avoided the flat zones for feeding. Their use of habitat reflected the balancing of foraging needs, thermoregulation, and predator avoidance. We conclude that the ecological factors are determinants of habitat use for white‐headed langurs. Our findings suggest that conservation efforts should focus on protecting the vegetation on the hillsides and restoring the vegetation on the flat zones.  相似文献   

Play behavior is a significant trait of immature nonhuman primates (hereafter primates) that plays an important role in sensory, locomotor, socio‐cognitive, and developmental processes. It has been suggested that the function of play is to practice and improve motor skills related to foraging, avoiding predators, attracting mates, raising offspring, and strengthening the skills needed for the formation and maintenance of social bonds. From September 2009 to August 2010, we investigated the play behavior of 1–12 month‐old infant white‐headed langurs (Trachypithecus leucocephalus) a Critically Endangered primate species endemic to China. We carried out this study in the Guangxi Chongzuo White‐headed Langur National Nature Reserve, and recorded 4421 play bouts and 1302 min of play engaged in by seven infants. We found that infants of different ages exhibited different patterns of play behavior. Specifically, nonsocial play behaviors appeared at one month of age, social play behaviors at two months, and an expanded repertoire of social and non‐social play behaviors at three months of age. The frequency and duration of nonsocial play peaked at five months of age and then decreased, while social play gradually increased with age. Nonsocial play did not differ between the sexes, whereas social play showed sex specificity, with a higher frequency and longer duration of social play in male infants compared to female infants. In addition, male and female white‐headed langur infants appeared to prefer individuals of same sex as social playmates, but no obvious choice preference for a specific individual. In conclusion, we provide the first report of play behavior in a population of wild Critically Endangered white‐headed langurs. We suggest that age‐ and sex‐specific differences in play behavior of infants form the bases for age and sex‐based differences in the social interactions of adult langurs.  相似文献   

Adult sex ratio and fecundity (juveniles per female) are key population parameters in sustainable wildlife management, but inferring these requires abundance estimates of at least three age/sex classes of the population (male and female adults and juveniles). Prior to harvest, we used an array of 36 wildlife camera traps during 2 and 3 weeks in the early autumn of 2016 and 2017, respectively. We recorded white‐tailed deer adult males, adult females, and fawns from the pictures. Simultaneously, we collected fecal DNA (fDNA) from 92 20 m × 20 m plots placed in 23 clusters of four plots between the camera traps. We identified individuals from fDNA samples with microsatellite markers and estimated the total sex ratio and population density using spatial capture–recapture (SCR). The fDNA‐SCR analysis concluded equal sex ratio in the first year and female bias in the second year, and no difference in space use between sexes (fawns and adults combined). Camera information was analyzed in a spatial capture (SC) framework assuming an informative prior for animals’ space use, either (a) as estimated by fDNA‐SCR (same for all age/sex classes), (b) as assumed from the literature (space use of adult males larger than adult females and fawns), or (c) by inferring adult male space use from individually identified males from the camera pictures. These various SC approaches produced plausible inferences on fecundity, but also inferred total density to be lower than the estimate provided by fDNA‐SCR in one of the study years. SC approaches where adult male and female were allowed to differ in their space use suggested the population had a female‐biased adult sex ratio. In conclusion, SC approaches allowed estimating the preharvest population parameters of interest and provided conservative density estimates.  相似文献   

β‐Diversity, which describes the extent of change in species composition in a given region, has become a core issue in ecology in recent years. However, it is hard to understand the underlying mechanisms of β‐diversity by using indices that yield identical values under species replacement and nestedness pattern. Partitioning β‐diversity into turnover (caused by species replacement among plots) and nestedness components (caused by species loss or gain among plots) may provide improved understanding of the variation in species composition. Here, we collected presence–absence data of 456 one‐tenth ha circular plots in the temperate forests of Northeastern China spanning a latitudinal range of 12° (41–53°N). We decomposed β‐diversity to assess the relative contribution of the turnover and nestedness components across latitudinal gradients. We used regression analysis to assess the relationship between spatial distance and β‐diversity. We applied variation partitioning to evaluate the importance of the measured environmental and spatial variables in explaining β‐diversity. We used the Tukey honest significant difference test to test the differences of β‐diversity along latitudinal gradients. Pearson correlations (r) and significance (p‐value) were computed using the Mantel tests to verify the relationship between distance and β‐diversity. The ANOVA test was used to verify whether the variation of β‐diversity explained by the environment and distance was significant. Our results showed that (1) β‐diversity and the turnover component were higher at low latitudes (zones A and B) than at high latitudes (zones C and D), while there was no relationship between the nestedness component and latitude. (2) The turnover component was dominant. (3) The spatial distance explained more variation of β‐diversity than the measured environmental factors. Therefore, we conclude that β‐diversity is mainly a product of species turnover in our temperate forests, suggesting that different localities harbor different species. We find that decomposing β‐diversity into the turnover and nestedness components is a useful approach to explore the variation of community composition and their causes.  相似文献   

The number of males per group is the most variable aspect of primate social organization and is often related to the monopolizability of females, which is mainly determined by the number of females per group and their reproductive synchrony. Colobines show both inter‐specific and intra‐specific variations in the number of males per group. Compared with other colobine species, little is known about the social organization of white‐headed langur (Trachypithecus leucocephalus), despite its endangered status and unusual limestone habitat. As a part of a long‐term study of the white‐headed langurs in the Nongguan Karst Hills, Guangxi, China, we quantitatively investigated their social organization by analyzing census data from 1998 to 2003. The population censuses revealed that the predominant social organization of bisexual groups was the one‐male group, similar to a previous report on this species and many other Asian colobines. In such groups, one adult male associated with 5.1 adult females, 0.1 sub‐adult males, 2.6 juveniles and 2.9 infants on average, with a mean group size of 11.7 individuals. In addition, three multi‐male groups were recorded, consisting of 2–3 adult males, 1–5 adult females, 0–2 sub‐adult males, 0–7 juveniles and 0–2 infants. They did not contain more adult females than the one‐male groups and were unstable in group membership. The langurs outside bisexual groups were organized into small nonreproductive groups or lived as solitaries. The nonreproductive groups averaged 1.3 adult males, 1.3 sub‐adult males and 2.6 juveniles. Juvenile females were present in such groups on 52.4% of all occasions. As predicted by the monopolization model, the prevalence of the one‐male pattern in this species may mainly be attributed to the small number of females in the group. The possible reasons for the occurrence of multi‐male groups and the presence of juvenile females in nonreproductive groups are also discussed. Am. J. Primatol. 71:206–213, 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Deforestation and agricultural expansion in the tropics affect local and regional climatic conditions, leading to synergistic negative impacts on land ecosystems. Climatic changes manifest in increased inter‐ and intraseasonal variations and frequency of extreme climatic events (i.e., droughts and floods), which have evident consequences for aboveground biodiversity. However, until today, there have been no studies on how land use affects seasonal variations below ground in tropical ecosystems, which may be more buffered against climatic variation. Here, we analyzed seasonal variations in soil parameters, basal respiration, microbial communities, and abundances of soil invertebrates along with microclimatic conditions in rainforest and monocultures of oil palm and rubber in Sumatra, Indonesia. About 75% (20 out of 26) of the measured litter and soil, microbial, and animal parameters varied with season, with seasonal changes in 50% of the parameters depending on land use. Land use affected seasonal variations in microbial indicators associated with carbon availability and cycling rate. The magnitude of seasonal variations in microbial parameters in the soil of monocultures was almost 40% higher than in the soil of rainforest. Measured parameters were associated with short‐term climatic conditions (3‐day period air humidity) in plantations, but not in rainforest, confirming a reduced soil buffering ability in plantations. Overall, our findings suggest that land use temporally shifts and increases the magnitude of seasonal variations of the belowground ecosystem compartment, with microbial communities responding most strongly. The increased seasonal variations in soil biota in plantations likely translate into more pronounced fluctuations in essential ecosystem functions such as nutrient cycling and carbon sequestration, and these ramifications ultimately may compromise the stability of tropical ecosystems in the long term. As the observed seasonal dynamics is likely to increase with both local and global climate change, these shifts need closer attention for the long‐term sustainable management of plantation systems in the tropics.  相似文献   

Litter inputs can influence soil respiration directly through labile C availability and, indirectly, through the activity of soil microorganisms and modifications in soil microclimate; however, their relative contributions and the magnitude of any effect remain poorly understood. We synthesized 66 recently published papers on forest ecosystems using a meta‐analysis approach to investigate the effect of litter inputs on soil respiration and the underlying mechanisms involved. Our results showed that litter inputs had a strong positive impact on soil respiration, labile C availability, and the abundance of soil microorganisms, with less of an impact related to soil moisture and temperature. Overall, soil respiration was increased by 36% and 55%, respectively, in response to natural and doubled litter inputs. The increase in soil respiration induced by litter inputs showed a tendency for coniferous forests (50.7%)> broad‐leaved forests (41.3%)> mixed forests (31.9%). This stimulation effect also depended on stand age with 30‐ to 100‐year‐old forests (53.3%) and ≥100‐year‐old forests (50.2%) both 1.5 times larger than ≤30‐year‐old forests (34.5%). Soil microbial biomass carbon and soil dissolved organic carbon increased by 21.0%‐33.6% and 60.3%‐87.7%, respectively, in response to natural and doubled litter inputs, while soil respiration increased linearly with corresponding increases in soil microbial biomass carbon and soil dissolved organic carbon. Natural and doubled litter inputs increased the total phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) content by 6.6% and 19.7%, respectively, but decreased the fungal/bacterial PLFA ratio by 26.9% and 18.7%, respectively. Soil respiration also increased linearly with increases in total PLFA and decreased linearly with decreases in the fungal/bacterial PLFA ratio. The contribution of litter inputs to an increase in soil respiration showed a trend of total PLFA > fungal/bacterial PLFA ratio > soil dissolved organic carbon > soil microbial biomass carbon. Therefore, in addition to forest type and stand age, labile C availability and soil microorganisms are also important factors that influence soil respiration in response to litter inputs, with soil microorganisms being more important than labile C availability.  相似文献   

Tylonycteris pachypus is a gregarious bat species with tens of individuals in a colony. The mechanisms by which mother bats recognize their pups and adult bats recognize each other are not clear. We hypothesized that such recognition is achieved by chemical discrimination and performed experiments to test the hypothesis. Results showed that mother bats were much more attracted to the scent from their own pups. For adult bats, females were attracted to the scent from both male and female groupmates but had a higher preference to the scent from female than from male groupmates. Male bats were much more attracted to the scent from male groupmates while showed no preference to the scent from female groupmates. Within a group, both female and male bats had no difference in preference to the scent from the same or opposite sex. These results suggest that mother–pup and groupmate recognition of T. pachypus can be achieved by olfactory cues.  相似文献   

ObjectivesStromal cell‐derived factor‐1 (SDF‐1) actively directs endogenous cell homing. Exendin‐4 (EX‐4) promotes stem cell osteogenic differentiation. Studies revealed that EX‐4 strengthened SDF‐1‐mediated stem cell migration. However, the effects of SDF‐1 and EX‐4 on periodontal ligament stem cells (PDLSCs) and bone regeneration have not been investigated. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the effects of SDF‐1/EX‐4 cotherapy on PDLSCs in vitro and periodontal bone regeneration in vivo.MethodsCell‐counting kit‐8 (CCK8), transwell assay, qRT‐PCR and western blot were used to determine the effects and mechanism of SDF‐1/EX‐4 cotherapy on PDLSCs in vitro. A rat periodontal bone defect model was developed to evaluate the effects of topical application of SDF‐1 and systemic injection of EX‐4 on endogenous cell recruitment, osteoclastogenesis and bone regeneration in vivo.ResultsSDF‐1/EX‐4 cotherapy had additive effects on PDLSC proliferation, migration, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity, mineral deposition and osteogenesis‐related gene expression compared to SDF‐1 or EX‐4 in vitro. Pretreatment with ERK inhibitor U0126 blocked SDF‐1/EX‐4 cotherapy induced ERK signal activation and PDLSC proliferation. SDF‐1/EX‐4 cotherapy significantly promoted new bone formation, recruited more CXCR4+ cells and CD90+/CD34 stromal cells to the defects, enhanced early‐stage osteoclastogenesis and osteogenesis‐related markers expression in regenerated bone compared to control, SDF‐1 or EX‐4 in vivo.ConclusionsSDF‐1/EX‐4 cotherapy synergistically regulated PDLSC activities, promoted periodontal bone formation, thereby providing a new strategy for periodontal bone regeneration.  相似文献   

White‐nose syndrome (WNS) is a disease caused by the fungus Pseudogymnoascus destructans which has resulted in the deaths of millions of bats across eastern North America. To date, hibernacula counts have been the predominant means of tracking the spread and impact of this disease on bat populations. However, an understanding of the impacts of WNS on demographic parameters outside the winter season is critical to conservation and recovery of bat populations impacted by this disease. We used long‐term monitoring data to examine WNS‐related impacts to summer populations in West Virginia, where WNS has been documented since 2009. Using capture data from 290 mist‐net sites surveyed from 2003 to 2019 on the Monongahela National Forest, we estimated temporal patterns in presence and relative abundance for each bat species. For species that exhibited a population‐level response to WNS, we investigated post‐WNS changes in adult female reproductive state and body mass. Myotis lucifugus (little brown bat), M. septentrionalis (northern long‐eared bat), and Perimyotis subflavus (tri‐colored bat) all showed significant decreases in presence and relative abundance during and following the introduction of WNS, while Eptesicus fuscus (big brown bat) and Lasiurus borealis (eastern red bat) responded positively during the WNS invasion. Probability of being reproductively active was not significantly different for any species, though a shift to earlier reproduction was estimated for E. fuscus and M. septentrionalis. For some species, body mass appeared to be influenced by the WNS invasion, but the response differed by species and reproductive state. Results suggest that continued long‐term monitoring studies, additional research into impacts of this disease on the fitness of WNS survivors, and a focus on providing optimal nonwintering habitat may be valuable strategies for assessing and promoting recovery of WNS‐affected bat populations.  相似文献   

Batesian mimicry is a striking example of Darwinian evolution, in which a mimetic species resembles toxic or unpalatable model species, thereby receiving protection from predators. In some species exhibiting Batesian mimicry, nonmimetic individuals coexist as polymorphism in the same population despite the benefits of mimicry. In a previous study, we proposed that the abundance of mimics is limited by that of the models, leading to polymorphic Batesian mimicry in the swallowtail butterfly, Papilio polytes, on the Ryukyu Islands in Japan. We found that their mimic ratios (MRs), which varied among the Islands, were explained by the model abundance of each habitat, rather than isolation by distance or phylogenetic constraint based on the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) analysis. In the present study, this possibility was reexamined based on hundreds of nuclear single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of 93 P. polytes individuals from five Islands of the Ryukyus. We found that the population genetic and phylogenetic structures of P. polytes largely corresponded to the geographic arrangement of the habitat Islands, and the genetic distances among island populations show significant correlation with the geographic distances, which was not evident by the mtDNA‐based analysis. A partial Mantel test controlling for the present SNP‐based genetic distances revealed that the MRs of P. polytes were strongly correlated with the model abundance of each island, implying that negative frequency‐dependent selection interacting with model species shaped and maintained the mimetic polymorphism. Taken together, our results support the possibility that predation pressure, not isolation by distance or other neutral factors, is a major driving force of evolution of the Batesian mimicry in P. polytes from the Ryukyus.  相似文献   

For decades, cognitive and behavioral therapies (CBTs) have been tested in randomized controlled trials for specific psychiatric syndromes that were assumed to represent expressions of latent diseases. Although these protocols were more effective as compared to psychological control conditions, placebo treatments, and even active pharmacotherapies, further advancement in efficacy and dissemination has been inhibited by a failure to focus on processes of change. This picture appears now to be evolving, due both to a collapse of the idea that mental disorders can be classified into distinct, discrete categories, and to the more central attention given to processes of change in newer, so‐called “third‐wave” CBTs. Here we review the context for this historic progress and evaluate the impact of these newer methods and models, not as protocols for treating syndromes, but as ways of targeting an expanded range of processes of change. Five key features of “third‐wave” therapies are underlined: a focus on context and function; the view that new models and methods should build on other strands of CBT; a focus on broad and flexible repertoires vs. an approach to signs and symptoms; applying processes to the clinician, not just the client; and expanding into more complex issues historically more characteristic of humanistic, existential, analytic, or system‐oriented approaches. We argue that these newer methods can be considered in the context of an idiographic approach to process‐based functional analysis. Psychological processes of change can be organized into six dimensions: cognition, affect, attention, self, motivation and overt behavior. Several important processes of change combine two or more of these dimensions. Tailoring intervention strategies to target the appropriate processes in a given individual would be a major advance in psychiatry and an important step toward precision mental health care.  相似文献   

Recent studies have demonstrated a marked decrease in peripheral lymphocyte levels in patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS‐CoV‐2). Few studies have focused on the changes of NK, T‐ and B‐cell subsets, inflammatory cytokines and virus‐specific antibodies in patients with moderate COVID‐19. A total of 11 RT‐PCR‐confirmed convalescent patients with COVID‐19 and 11 patients with non‐SARS‐CoV‐2 pneumonia (control patients) were enrolled in this study. NK, CD8+ T, CD4+ T, Tfh‐like and B‐cell subsets were analysed using flow cytometry. Cytokines and SARS‐CoV‐2‐specific antibodies were analysed using an electrochemiluminescence immunoassay. NK cell counts were significantly higher in patients with COVID‐19 than in control patients (P = 0.017). Effector memory CD8+ T‐cell counts significantly increased in patients with COVID‐19 during a convalescent period of 1 week (P = 0.041). TIM‐3+ Tfh‐like cell and CD226+ Tfh‐like cell counts significantly increased (P = 0.027) and decreased (P = 0.022), respectively, during the same period. Moreover, ICOS+ Tfh‐like cell counts tended to decrease (P = 0.074). No abnormal increase in cytokine levels was observed. The high expression of NK cells is important in innate immune response against SARS‐CoV‐2. The increase in effector memory CD8+ T‐cell counts, the up‐regulation of inhibitory molecules and the down‐regulation of active molecules on CD4+ T cells and Tfh‐like cells in patients with COVID‐19 would benefit the maintenance of balanced cellular and humoural immune responses, may prevent the development of severe cases and contribute to the recovery of patients with COVID‐19.  相似文献   

  1. Animal movement is a key process that connects and maintains populations on the landscape, yet for most species, we do not understand how intrinsic and extrinsic factors interact to influence individual movement behavior.
  2. Land‐use/land‐cover changes highlight that connectivity among populations will depend upon an individual''s ability to traverse habitats, which may vary as a result of habitat permeability, individual condition, or a combination of these factors.
  3. We examined the effects of intrinsic (body size) and extrinsic (habitat type) factors on desiccation tolerance, movement, and orientation in three anuran species (American toads, Anaxyrus americanus; northern leopard frogs, Lithobates pipiens; and Blanchard''s cricket frogs, Acris blanchardi) using laboratory and field studies to connect the effects of susceptibility to desiccation, size, and movement behavior in single‐habitat types and at habitat edges.
  4. Smaller anurans were more vulnerable to desiccation, particularly for species that metamorphose at relatively small sizes. Habitat type had the strongest effect on movement, while body size had more situational and species‐specific effects on movement. We found that individuals moved the farthest in habitat types that, when given the choice, they oriented away from, suggesting that these habitats are less favorable and could represent barriers to movement.
  5. Overall, our work demonstrated that differences in habitat type had strong impacts on individual movement behavior and influenced choices at habitat edges. By integrating intrinsic and extrinsic factors into our study, we provided evidence that population connectivity may be influenced not only by the habitat matrix but also by the condition of the individuals leaving the habitat patch.

Avian feathers need to be replaced periodically to fulfill their functions, with natural, social, and sexual selection presumably driving the evolution of molting strategies. In temperate birds, a common pattern is to molt feathers immediately after the breeding season, the pre‐basic molt. However, some species undergo another molt in winter‐spring, the pre‐alternate molt. Using a sample of 188 European passerine species, Bayesian phylogenetic mixed models, and correlated evolution analyses, we tested whether the occurrence of the pre‐alternate molt was positively associated with proxies for sexual selection (sexual selection hypothesis) and nonsexual social selection (social selection hypothesis), and with factors related to feather wear (feather wear hypothesis) and time constraints on the pre‐basic molt (time constraints hypothesis). We found that the pre‐alternate molt was more frequent in migratory and less gregarious species inhabiting open/xeric habitats and feeding on the wing, and marginally more frequent in species with strong sexual selection and those showing a winter territorial behavior. Moreover, an increase in migratory behavior and sexual selection intensity preceded the acquisition of the pre‐alternate molt. These results provide support for the feather wear hypothesis, partial support for the sexual selection and time constraints hypotheses, and no support for the social selection hypothesis.  相似文献   

Species differentiation and local adaptation in heterogeneous environments have attracted much attention, although little is known about the mechanisms involved. Hyporhamphus intermedius is an anadromous, brackish‐water halfbeak that is widely distributed in coastal areas and hyperdiverse freshwater systems in China, making it an interesting model for research on phylogeography and local adaptation. Here, 156 individuals were sampled at eight sites from heterogeneous aquatic habitats to examine environmental and genetic contributions to phenotypic divergence. Using double‐digest restriction‐site‐associated DNA sequencing (ddRAD‐Seq) in the specimens from the different watersheds, 5498 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were found among populations, with obvious population differentiation. We find that present‐day Mainland China populations are structured into distinct genetic clusters stretching from southern and northern ancestries, mirroring geography. Following a transplant event in Plateau Lakes, there were virtually no variations of genetic diversity occurred in two populations, despite the fact two main splits were unveiled in the demographic history. Additionally, dorsal, and anal fin traits varied widely between the southern group and the others, which highlighted previously unrecognized lineages. We then explore genotype–phenotype‐environment associations and predict candidate loci. Subgroup ranges appeared to correspond to geographic regions with heterogeneous hydrological factors, indicating that these features are likely important drivers of diversification. Accordingly, we conclude that genetic and phenotypic polymorphism and a moderate amount of genetic differentiation occurred, which might be ascribed to population subdivision, and the impact of abiotic factors.  相似文献   

The fragility and sensitivity to climate change of alpine ecosystems make it difficult to maintain the stability of their plant communities. Thus, it is important to determine which plant propagules are stored in the soils in order to understand community recruitment potential, especially under different environmental conditions. Based on a soil seed germination and seedling cultivation experiment, we aimed to identify differences in the soil seed attributes between three typical habitat types in the alpine subnival ecosystems of the Himalaya‐Hengduan Mountains and hence to predict the community recruitment potential of each of these different communities. We found that the seed assemblages in the soils differed between habitats. The most abundant taxa were from the genera Saxifraga, Kobresia, Arenaria, Polygonum, Draba, and Viola, while the taxa with lowest abundance were Apiaceae, Campanulaceae, Circaea, Crassulaceae, and Gentiana. Different habitats exhibited variable soil seed richness, diversity, and density. However, the patterns differed between study sites. Specifically, at Baima (BM) and Shika (SK) snow mountains, soil seed richness, diversity, and density were generally highest in grassland, followed by rock bed and bare ground. In contrast, on Jiaozi (JZ) snow mountain, the rock bed supported the highest soil seed richness and density, followed by grassland and bare ground. These results suggest that the attributes of habitats and communities can both affect the accumulation of soil seeds. Bare ground supports the lowest seed diversity and density but also harbors the most empty niches. We, therefore, predict that, once the thermal conditions become suitable as a result of global warming, this habitat has the potential to see greater changes than grassland and rock bed in terms of community recruitment.  相似文献   

The competitive relationship and coexistence pattern among close related species have long been one of the hot issues in ecological research. Interspecies interactions can exert important influences on the local distribution of rare species. Black muntjac Muntiacus crinifrons is an endemic species to eastern China, currently restricted to limited regions. In contrast, Chinese muntjac Muntiacus reevesi is the most common and widespread deer in southern China. Both species co‐occur in southern Anhui and western Zhejiang Province. Little is known about the interaction of these two sympatric‐related species. In this study, to investigate the site use determinants and co‐occurrence pattern of the two sympatric muntjac species, we conducted a camera trap survey across about 250 km2 in mountainous area of southern Anhui Province, China. We adopted a multistep approach to incorporate habitat preferences while modeling occupancy and detection. We found that the two species did not separate along elevation gradient (range from 400 m to 1,400 m) as described in previous studies. Results of single‐species occupancy models indicated that elevation had positive effects on the site use of both species, while slope had an opposite influence on their site use. Positive effects of elevation on the site use implied that both species try to avoid human interference at low elevations. Significant negative effect of slope on the site use of black muntjac suggested that the species prefer habitat with gentle slope and avoided steep. Co‐occurrence models and species interaction factors provided evidence that the two muntjac species had an independent occupancy (ψ BM CM = ψ BM cm, SIF = 1) and exhibited a positive species interaction in detection probability (p BM < r BM CM). Combined with the results of previous studies, we suggested that it was fine differentiation in microhabitats and food resources utilization rather spatial or temporal segregation that allowed the two species co‐occurrence. The site use determinants revealed in our study would be useful for the habitat conservation and restoration for the rare black muntjac, and the co‐occurrence pattern of the two sympatric muntjac species could provide useful information for deep understanding of the coexistence mechanism among forest‐dwelling ungulates.  相似文献   

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