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We developed an AIDS vaccine based on attenuated VSV vectors expressing env and gag genes and tested it in rhesus monkeys. Boosting was accomplished using vectors with glycoproteins from different VSV serotypes. Animals were challenged with a pathogenic AIDS virus (SHIV89.6P). Control monkeys showed a severe loss of CD4+ T cells and high viral loads, and 7/8 progressed to AIDS with an average time of 148 days. All seven vaccinees were initially infected with SHIV89.6P but have remained healthy for up to 14 months after challenge with low or undetectable viral loads. Protection from AIDS was highly significant (p = 0.001). VSV vectors are promising candidates for human AIDS vaccine trials because they propagate to high titers and can be delivered without injection.  相似文献   

Initial attempts to clone the matrix (M) gene of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) in a vaccinia virus expression vector failed, apparently because the expressed M protein, and particularly a carboxy-terminus-distal two-thirds fragment, was lethal for the virus recombinant. Therefore, a transient eucaryotic expression system was used in which a cDNA clone of the VSV M protein mRNA was inserted into a region of plasmid pTF7 flanked by the promoter and terminator sequences for the T7 bacteriophage RNA polymerase. When CV-1 cells infected with recombinant vaccinia virus vTF1-6,2 expressing the T7 RNA polymerase were transfected with pTF7-M3, the cells produced considerable amounts of M protein reactive by Western blot (immunoblot) analysis with monoclonal antibodies directed to VSV M protein. Evidence for biological activity of the plasmid-expressed wild-type M protein was provided by marker rescue of the M gene temperature-sensitive mutant tsO23(III) at the restrictive temperature. Somewhat higher levels of M protein expression were obtained in CV-1 cells coinfected with a vaccinia virus-M gene recombinant under control of the T7 polymerase promoter along with T7 polymerase-expressing vaccinia virus vTF1-6,2.  相似文献   

Cellular immune responses against epitopes in conserved Gag and Pol sequences of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 have become popular targets for candidate AIDS vaccines. Recently, we used a simian-human immunodeficiency virus model (SHIV 89.6P) with macaques to demonstrate the control of a pathogenic mucosal challenge by priming with Gag-Pol-Env-expressing DNA and boosting with Gag-Pol-Env-expressing recombinant modified vaccinia virus Ankara (rMVA). Here we tested Gag-Pol DNA priming and Gag-Pol rMVA boosting to evaluate the contribution of anti-Env immune responses to viral control. The Gag-Pol vaccine raised frequencies of Gag-specific T cells similar to those raised by the Gag-Pol-Env vaccine. Following challenge, these rapidly expanded to counter the challenge infection. Despite this, the control of the SHIV 89.6P challenge was delayed and inconsistent in the Gag-Pol-vaccinated group and all of the animals underwent severe and, in most cases, sustained loss of CD4(+) cells. Interestingly, most of the CD4(+) cells that were lost in the Gag-Pol-vaccinated group were uninfected cells. We suggest that the rapid appearance of binding antibody for Env in Gag-Pol-Env-vaccinated animals helped protect uninfected CD4(+) cells from Env-induced apoptosis. Our results highlight the importance of immune responses to Env, as well as to Gag-Pol, in the control of immunodeficiency virus challenges and the protection of CD4(+) cells.  相似文献   

The filoviruses, Marburg virus and Ebola virus, cause severe hemorrhagic fever with high mortality in humans and nonhuman primates. Among the most promising filovirus vaccines under development is a system based on recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus (rVSV) that expresses an individual filovirus glycoprotein (GP) in place of the VSV glycoprotein (G). The main concern with all replication-competent vaccines, including the rVSV filovirus GP vectors, is their safety. To address this concern, we performed a neurovirulence study using 21 cynomolgus macaques where the vaccines were administered intrathalamically. Seven animals received a rVSV vector expressing the Zaire ebolavirus (ZEBOV) GP; seven animals received a rVSV vector expressing the Lake Victoria marburgvirus (MARV) GP; three animals received rVSV-wild type (wt) vector, and four animals received vehicle control. Two of three animals given rVSV-wt showed severe neurological symptoms whereas animals receiving vehicle control, rVSV-ZEBOV-GP, or rVSV-MARV-GP did not develop these symptoms. Histological analysis revealed major lesions in neural tissues of all three rVSV-wt animals; however, no significant lesions were observed in any animals from the filovirus vaccine or vehicle control groups. These data strongly suggest that rVSV filovirus GP vaccine vectors lack the neurovirulence properties associated with the rVSV-wt parent vector and support their further development as a vaccine platform for human use.  相似文献   

Potent and safe vaccinia virus vectors inducing cell-mediated immunity are needed for clinical use. Replicating vaccinia viruses generally induce strong cell-mediated immunity; however, they may have severe adverse effects. As a vector for clinical use, we assessed the defective vaccinia virus system, in which deletion of an essential gene blocks viral replication, resulting in an infectious virus that does not multiply in the host. The vaccinia virus Lister/Elstree strain, used during worldwide smallpox eradication, was chosen as the parental virus. The immunogenicity and safety of the defective vaccinia virus Lister were evaluated without and with the inserted human p53 gene as a model and compared to parallel constructs based on modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA), the present "gold standard" of recombinant vaccinia viruses in clinical development. The defective viruses induced an efficient Th1-type immune response. Antibody and cytotoxic-T-cell responses were comparable to those induced by MVA. Safety of the defective Lister constructs could be demonstrated in vitro in cell culture as well as in vivo in immunodeficient SCID mice. Similar to MVA, the defective viruses were tolerated at doses four orders of magnitude higher than those of the wild-type Lister strain. While current nonreplicating vectors are produced mainly in primary chicken cells, defective vaccinia virus is produced in a permanent safety-tested cell line. Vaccines based on this system have the additional advantage of enhanced product safety. Therefore, a vector system was made which promises to be a valuable tool not only for immunotherapy for diseases such as cancer, human immunodeficiency virus infection, or malaria but also as a basis for a safer smallpox vaccine.  相似文献   

Modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA) is a safe vector for high-level expression of proteins in mammalian cells. To simplify the molecular cloning procedures for shuttling genes into the MVA genome, we constructed generic destination plasmids that allow in vitro recombinational cloning (Gateway) and quick isolation of expression plasmids for any gene to be incorporated into the virus. Downstream purification steps were simplified by including N-terminal peptide tags (His, Strep, and Flag) in the generic plasmids. We demonstrate the ability to produce 10 mg of β-glucuronidase from 108 hamster cells and to purify tagged proteins with affinity gels.  相似文献   

Purified protein expression level and quality are contingent upon specific host expression systems. This differential production is particularly observed for proteins of high molecular weight, hampering further structural studies. We developed an expression method aimed at producing proteins in Escherichia coli, insect, and mammalian systems. Our novel protocol was used to produce in large scale the full-length 160-kDa steroid receptor coactivator 1 (SRC-1), a coregulator of nuclear receptors. The results indicate that we can produce biologically active human SRC-1 in mammalian and insect cells in large scale.  相似文献   

The observed role of CTL in the containment of AIDS virus replication suggests that an effective HIV vaccine will be required to generate strong CTL responses. Because epitope-based vaccines offer several potential advantages for inducing strong, multispecific CTL responses, we tested the ability of an epitope-based DNA prime/modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA) boost vaccine to induce CTL responses against a single SIVgag CTL epitope. As assessed using both 51Cr release assays and tetramer staining of in vitro stimulated PBMC, DNA vaccinations administered to the skin with the gene gun induced and progressively increased p11C, C-->M (CTPYDINQM)-specific CD8+ T lymphocyte responses in six of six Mamu-A*01+ rhesus macaques. Tetramer staining of fresh, unstimulated PBMC from two of the DNA-vaccinated animals indicated that as much as 0.4% of all CD3+/CD8alpha+ T lymphocytes were specific for the SIVgag CTL epitope. Administration of MVA expressing the SIVgag CTL epitope further boosted these responses, such that 0.8-20.0% of CD3+/CD8alpha+ T lymphocytes in fresh, unstimulated PBMC were now Ag specific. Enzyme-linked immunospot assays confirmed this high frequency of Ag-specific cells, and intracellular IFN-gamma staining demonstrated that the majority of these cells produced IFN-gamma after peptide stimulation. Moreover, direct ex vivo SIV-specific cytotoxic activity could be detected in PBMC from five of the six DNA/MVA-vaccinated animals, indicating that this epitope-based DNA prime/MVA boost regimen represents a potent method for inducing high levels of functionally active, Ag-specific CD8+ T lymphocytes in non-human primates.  相似文献   

Recently we demonstrated the control of a mucosal challenge with a pathogenic chimera of simian and human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV-89.6P) by priming with a Gag-Pol-Env-expressing DNA and boosting with a Gag-Pol-Env-expressing recombinant modified vaccinia virus Ankara (DNA/MVA) vaccine. Here we evaluate the ability of the MVA component of this vaccine to serve as both a prime and a boost for an AIDS vaccine. The same immunization schedule, MVA dose, and challenge conditions were used as in the prior DNA/MVA vaccine trial. Compared to the DNA/MVA vaccine, the MVA-only vaccine raised less than 1/10 the number of vaccine-specific T cells but 10-fold-higher titers of binding antibody for Env. Postchallenge, the animals vaccinated with MVA alone increased their CD8 cell numbers to levels that were similar to those seen in DNA/MVA-vaccinated animals. However, they underwent a slower emergence and contraction of antiviral CD8 T cells and were slower to generate neutralizing antibodies than the DNA/MVA-vaccinated animals. Despite this, by 5 weeks postchallenge, the MVA-only-vaccinated animals had achieved as good control of the viral infection as the DNA/MVA group, a situation that has held up to the present time in the trial (48 weeks postchallenge). Thus, MVA vaccines, as well as DNA/MVA vaccines, merit further evaluation for their ability to control the current AIDS pandemic.  相似文献   

Recombinant modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA), encoding the measles virus (MV) fusion (F) and hemagglutinin (H) (MVA-FH) glycoproteins, was evaluated in an MV vaccination-challenge model with macaques. Animals were vaccinated twice in the absence or presence of passively transferred MV-neutralizing macaque antibodies and challenged 1 year later intratracheally with wild-type MV. After the second vaccination with MVA-FH, all the animals developed MV-neutralizing antibodies and MV-specific T-cell responses. Although MVA-FH was slightly less effective in inducing MV-neutralizing antibodies in the absence of passively transferred antibodies than the currently used live attenuated vaccine, it proved to be more effective in the presence of such antibodies. All vaccinated animals were effectively protected from the challenge infection. These data suggest that MVA-FH should be further tested as an alternative to the current vaccine for infants with maternally acquired MV-neutralizing antibodies and for adults with waning vaccine-induced immunity.  相似文献   

The dynamics of plasma viremia were explored in a group of 12 simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)-infected rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) that had received prior immunization with either nonrecombinant or trivalent (gag-pol, env) SIV-recombinant vaccinia viruses. Three distinct patterns of viral replication observed during and following primary viremia accounted for significant differences in survival times. High-level primary plasma viremia with subsequently increasing viremia was associated with rapid progression to AIDS (n = 2). A high-level primary plasma virus load with a transient decline and subsequent progressive increase in viremia in the post-acute phase of infection was associated with progression to AIDS within a year (n = 6). Low levels of primary plasma viremia followed by sustained restriction of virus replication were associated with maintenance of normal lymphocyte subsets and intact lymphoid architecture (n = 4), reminiscent of the profile observed in human immunodeficiency virus type 1-infected long-term nonprogressors. Three of four macaques that showed this pattern had been immunized with an SIV recombinant derived from the attenuated vaccinia virus, modified vaccinia virus Ankara. These data link the dynamics and extent of virus replication to disease course and suggest that sustained suppression of virus promotes long-term, asymptomatic survival of SIV-infected macaques. These findings also suggest that vaccine modulation of host immunity may have profound beneficial effects on the subsequent disease course, even if sterilizing immunity is not achieved.  相似文献   

Recombinant poxvirus vectors are undergoing intensive evaluation as vaccine candidates for a variety of infectious pathogens. Avipoxviruses, such as canarypox virus, are replication deficient in mammalian cells by virtue of a poorly understood species-specific restriction. Highly attenuated vaccinia virus strains such as modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA) are similarly unable to complete replication in most mammalian cells but have an abortive-late phenotype, in that the block to replication occurs post-virus-specific DNA replication. In this study, an identical expression cassette for human immunodeficiency virus gag, pro, and env coding sequences was placed in canarypox virus and MVA vector backbones in order to directly compare vector-borne expression and to analyze differences in vector-host cell interactions. Antigen production by recombinant MVA was shown to be greater than that from recombinant canarypox virus in the mammalian cell lines and in the primary human cells tested. This observation was primarily due to a longer duration of antigen production in recombinant MVA-infected cells. Apoptosis induction was found to be more profound with the empty canarypox virus vector than with MVA. Remarkably, however, the inclusion of a gag/pro/env expression cassette altered the kinetics of apoptosis induction in recombinant MVA-infected cells to levels equal to those found in canarypox virus-infected cells. Antigen production by MVA was noted to be greater in human dendritic cells and resulted in enhanced T-cell stimulation in an in vitro antigen presentation assay. These results reveal differences in poxvirus vector-host cell interactions that should be relevant to their use as immunization vehicles.  相似文献   

African horse sickness (AHS) is a lethal viral disease of equids, which is transmitted by Culicoides midges that become infected after biting a viraemic host. The use of live attenuated vaccines has been vital for the control of this disease in endemic regions. However, there are safety concerns over their use in non-endemic countries. Research efforts over the last two decades have therefore focused on developing alternative vaccines based on recombinant baculovirus or live viral vectors expressing structural components of the AHS virion. However, ethical and financial considerations, relating to the use of infected horses in high biosecurity installations, have made progress very slow. We have therefore assessed the potential of an experimental mouse-model for AHSV infection for vaccine and immunology research. We initially characterised AHSV infection in this model, then tested the protective efficacy of a recombinant vaccine based on modified vaccinia Ankara expressing AHS-4 VP2 (MVA-VP2).  相似文献   

It has previously been shown that upon infection of HeLa cells with modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA), assembly is blocked at a late stage of infection and immature virions (IVs) accumulate (G. Sutter and B. Moss, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 89:10847-10851, 1992). In the present study the morphogenesis of MVA in HeLa cells was studied in more detail and compared to that under two conditions that permit the production of infectious particles: infection of HeLa cells with the WR strain of vaccinia virus (VV) and infection of BHK cells with MVA. Using several quantitative and qualitative assays, we show that early in infection, MVA in HeLa cells behaves in a manner identical to that under the permissive conditions. By immunofluorescence microscopy (IF) at late times of infection, the labelings for an abundant membrane protein of the intracellular mature virus, p16/A14L, and the viral DNA colocalize under permissive conditions, whereas in HeLa cells infected with MVA these two structures do not colocalize to the same extent. In both permissive and nonpermissive infection, p16-labeled IVs first appear at 5 h postinfection. In HeLa cells infected with MVA, IVs accumulated predominantly outside the DNA regions, whereas under permissive conditions they were associated with the viral DNA. At 4 h 30 min, the earliest time at which p16 is detected, the p16 labeling was found predominantly in a small number of distinct puncta by IF, which were distinct from the sites of DNA in both permissive and nonpermissive infection. By electron microscopy, no crescents or IVs were found at this time, and the p16-labeled structures were found to consist of membrane-rich vesicles that were in continuity with the cellular endoplasmic reticulum. Over the next 30 min of infection, a large number of p16-labeled crescents and IVs appeared abruptly under both permissive and nonpermissive conditions. Under permissive conditions, these IVs were in close association with the sites of DNA, and a significant amount of these IVs engulfed the viral DNA. In contrast, under nonpermissive conditions, the IVs and DNA were mostly in separate locations and relatively few IVs acquired DNA. Our data show that in HeLa cells MVA forms normal DNA replication sites and normal viral precursor membranes but the transport between these two structures is inhibited.  相似文献   

Since cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) are critical for controlling human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) replication in infected individuals, candidate HIV-1 vaccines should elicit virus-specific CTL responses. In this report, we study the immune responses elicited in rhesus monkeys by a recombinant poxvirus vaccine and the degree of protection afforded against a pathogenic simian-human immunodeficiency virus SHIV-89.6P challenge. Immunization with recombinant modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA) vectors expressing SIVmac239 gag-pol and HIV-1 89.6 env elicited potent Gag-specific CTL responses but no detectable SHIV-specific neutralizing antibody (NAb) responses. Following intravenous SHIV-89.6P challenge, sham-vaccinated monkeys developed low-frequency CTL responses, low-titer NAb responses, rapid loss of CD4+ T lymphocytes, high-setpoint viral RNA levels, and significant clinical disease progression and death in half of the animals by day 168 postchallenge. In contrast, the recombinant MVA-vaccinated monkeys demonstrated high-frequency secondary CTL responses, high-titer secondary SHIV-89.6-specific NAb responses, rapid emergence of SHIV-89.6P-specific NAb responses, partial preservation of CD4+ T lymphocytes, reduced setpoint viral RNA levels, and no evidence of clinical disease or mortality by day 168 postchallenge. There was a statistically significant correlation between levels of vaccine-elicited CTL responses prior to challenge and the control of viremia following challenge. These results demonstrate that immune responses elicited by live recombinant vectors, although unable to provide sterilizing immunity, can control viremia and prevent disease progression following a highly pathogenic AIDS virus challenge.  相似文献   

In animals, effective immune responses against malignancies and against several infectious pathogens, including malaria, are mediated by T cells. Here we show that a heterologous prime-boost vaccination regime of DNA either intramuscularly or epidermally, followed by intradermal recombinant modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA), induces high frequencies of interferon (IFN)-gamma-secreting, antigen-specific T-cell responses in humans to a pre-erythrocytic malaria antigen, thrombospondin-related adhesion protein (TRAP). These responses are five- to tenfold higher than the T-cell responses induced by the DNA vaccine or recombinant MVA vaccine alone, and produce partial protection manifest as delayed parasitemia after sporozoite challenge with a different strain of Plasmodium falciparum. Such heterologous prime-boost immunization approaches may provide a basis for preventative and therapeutic vaccination in humans.  相似文献   

Four hours after infection of BHK cells by vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), the rate of total protein synthesis was about 65% that of uninfected cells and synthesis of the 12 to 15 predominant cellular polypeptides was reduced to a level about 25% that of control cells. As determined by in vitro translation of isolated RNA and both one- and two-dimensional gel analyses of the products, all predominant cellular mRNA's remained intact and translatable after infection. The total amount of translatable mRNA per cell increased about threefold after infection; this additional mRNA directed synthesis of the five VSV structural proteins. To determine the subcellular localization of cellular and viral mRNA before and after infection, RNA from various sizes of polysomes and nonpolysomal ribonucleoproteins (RNPs) was isolated from infected and noninfected cells and translated in vitro. Over 80% of most predominant species of cellular mRNA was bound to polysomes in control cells, and over 60% was bound in infected cells. Only 2 of the 12 predominant species of translatable cellular mRNA's were localized to the RNP fraction, both in infected and in uninfected cells. The average size of polysomes translating individual cellular mRNA's was reduced about two- to threefold after infection. For example, in uninfected cells, actin (molecular weight 42,000) mRNA was found predominantly on polysomes with 12 ribosomes; after infection it was found on polysomes with five ribosomes, the same size of polysomes that were translating VSV N (molecular weight 52,000) and M (molecular weight 35,000) mRNA. We conclude that the inhibition of cellular protein synthesis after VSV infection is due, in large measure, to competition for ribosomes by a large excess of viral mRNA. The efficiency of initiation of translation on cellular and viral mRNA's is about the same in infected cells; cellular ribosomes are simply distributed among more mRNA's than are present in growing cells. About 20 to 30% of each of the predominant cellular and viral mRNA's were present in RNP particles in infected cells and were presumably inactive in protein synthesis. There was no preferential sequestration of cellular or viral mRNA's in RNPs after infection.  相似文献   

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