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<正>植物资源在体育公园植物景观设计中的应用是一个值得研究的话题。体育公园作为一个集运动、娱乐和休闲功能于一身的场所,其植物景观设计既要满足人们对于美观和舒适的要求,同时也需考虑植物本身的生长特性如植物的种类、形态、颜色等因素,以及生态适应性。此外,在景观设计中还应关注可持续性发展。因此,研究探讨植物资源在体育公园植物景观设计中的应用是很有意义的。  相似文献   

徐承凤 《植物学报》2022,(3):405-406
<正>城市景观的设计和规划离不开植物景观,植物造景能够通过艺术手法并结合空间、地形及观赏需求展现其美学功能。通过植物的形体、色彩、季相以及寓意搭配满足城市景观设计需求。城市景观设计需根据城市的文化背景、实际情况以及空间布局,对植物进行合理搭配,  相似文献   

王婉颖  冯潇 《生物信息学》2019,26(12):103-108
利用三维数字模型进行辅助设计、效果展示、施工指导和后期管护等已经成为风景园林行业发展趋势。植物是风景园林的关键组成要素,通过探讨园林植物三维数字模型构建与应用的必要性,以栾树(Koelreuteria paniculata)为例,利用三维植物建模软件PlantFactory对其进行三维数字模型构建探索,构建一个包含15种典型园林树种的小型三维数字模型库。最后,通过对园林植物三维数字模型在植物形态认知、植物景观设计表现和构建风景园林信息模型(LIM)3方面的应用,探索其适用性和有效性。  相似文献   

刘畅  唐立娜 《生态学报》2020,40(22):8141-8146
城市生态系统服务和可持续发展是当前城市生态学研究的热点问题。景感生态学作为联系生态系统服务和可持续发展的桥梁,可作为研究城市生态系服务和可持续发展的一种有效途径。随着社会发展所伴随的人们经济生活的生活压力增大,城市居民的亚健康状态日益突出。城市公园作为城市生态系统的重要构成,其设计目的应考虑应对城市居民健康问题和促进人类精神文明建设方面的作用。以城市公园景观设计为例,从园路、建筑、植物、水体景观和小品等方面探讨景感生态学在城市公园景观设计中的应用价值。景感生态学作为探索城市公园景观设计的新思路,以实现生态效益和居民福祉的提升,丰富和提升城市公园的生态系统服务功能,从而有利于促进为人类当代和后代提供可持续的福祉,以期驱使人类行为和言行规律朝着对生态系统有益的方向演化,自觉维护和改善生态系统服务,从而可持续地保障城市生态系统服务。  相似文献   

随着大学校园犯罪行为的频发,如何通过大学校园功能、空间和景观的规划及设计提升校园安全感已经成为重要而迫切的研究课题。过去的理论及实证研究证明,此类规划设计能通过影响使用者对大学校园的感知,起到提升校园安全感及抑制犯罪和不良行为的作用。基于安全感的相关理论和国内外对安全感的影响因素研究,继而提出从校园区位规划、空间规划设计、植物景观设计、针对女性低安全感的规划设计和安全管理措施等多个方面提升安全感的规划设计策略。  相似文献   

随着浅山区周围的大城市规模不断扩张外溢,大部分城市出现城市主城区平坦,用地资源枯竭的现象,近郊浅山地区近年来迅速成为极具价值潜力的区域,但通常受其生态敏感性的限制,政府对其开发非常审慎,也期望能够得到开发建设的跟踪评价结果。长春莲花山生态旅游度假区是吉林省重要浅山区,8年来开发建设已初具规模,其已开发建设的浅山区域是否得到公众认可?亟待科学验证与评价。通过分析浅山区景观评价的难点:1)可达性低;2)人口流动大;3)人口分散;4)特色资源限制,选取网络大数据爬取和语义挖掘方法,从侧面进行客观评价,量化分析管委会的景观设计理念传达给大众的有效性,科学检验公众对景观设计理念认同程度。通过对比规划师景观设计理念以及大众发布的评价语料数据库两者话语符号的权重大小,分析有效传达的程度。同时根据有效传达词汇与景观设计理念耦合确定发展重点,从而为未来发展提出优化建议及建设指引。借此验证了网络语义分析方法在浅山景观设计理念传达有效性评价领域的适用性,为其它已建浅山区域检验是否达到预期景观设计目标提供科学量化评价方法,从而保证浅山区域发展方向的正确性及合理性。  相似文献   

城市绿地对于改善城市微气候、缓解城市热岛效应有重要作用,且不同的植物配置、绿地形态以及植被结构所产生的效果不同。以严寒地区典型城市哈尔滨为例,采用现场实测的方法,针对不同植被结构的居住区绿地进行冬夏两季微气候现场实测,对不同植被结构的微气候调节性能进行深入研究,比较分析不同植被结构影响下的空气温度、相对湿度和风速。结果表明:随着植被结构趋于复杂,植被对于冬季冷风的遮挡作用和夏季的降温增湿作用均随之增强。该研究为严寒地区城市居住区景观设计提供参考依据。  相似文献   

采用典型抽样法选取珠三角地区6 市的40 个居住区, 全面分析了使用的园林木本植物种类组成、植物来源和物种多样性等指标, 旨在为园林植物景观设计提供科学依据。研究表明: 研究地共有木本植物161 种, 其中乔木118种、灌木43 种(含观赏竹类9 种), 分属57 科115 属; 产于中国的种类占62.1%, 国外引进种占37.9%; 乔木类别中以观叶观形树种和观花树种为主, 两者占总种类比例达54%, 灌木类别中以观叶观形的为主, 占总种类的14.9%, 重要值前列的美丽异木棉、细叶榄仁、银海枣、大叶伞、黄花鸡蛋花、凤凰木、大王椰子、桃花心木、簕杜鹃等种类已经在本地区引种多年, 与乡土植物种类无明显差异, 代表了华南地区的植物景观特色, 种植设计时可以优先选用。  相似文献   

校园景观因其教育属性有别于城市景观,对学生的学习、成长起到重要的审美熏陶和精神引领作用。新时期教育理念要求校园景观设计实现“环境育人”,笔者从功能、审美、精神这3个层面展开讨论环境育人的机制,并提出在校园景观设计中应把握景观环境与规划、建筑的整体关系,注重校园生态环境的可持续发展,营造地域性、文化性、时代性相融合的校园环境,实现环境育人的目的。  相似文献   

刘月  程岩 《生态学杂志》2003,22(4):125-128
辽宁黄海海岸交错带的景观近几十来年变化很快,其中许多景观变化是有意识的人类活动或人工管理形成的景观设计可以看作是已经出现或即将出现的景观变化。由于这一区域海岸交错带有不同的海岸带类型,因而也就有了不同的景观设计方案。  相似文献   

This study focuses on the documentation of traditional plant usage among Kichwa, the indigenous people from Canton Loreto, Ecuador. The relationship between people, plants and the natural environment is demonstrated in an ethnobotanical garden at the Capacity Building Centre of the town. The construction site for the ethnobotanical garden is a 1.5 ha secondary forest. The forest was analyzed with a local key informant and 150 different useful species were found. The plant species recorded are mainly used for medicinal purposes, followed by edible plants, and finally by food sources for animals. Open-ended interviews were conducted with the aim of identifying the most commonly used plant species among the Kichwas. The results showed that Ilex guayusa ranked most popular, followed by Myroxylon balsamum, Cedrela odorata, Banisteriopsis caapi, and Urera caracasana. Focus groups were held and the most important plant applications were evaluated. The collected data illustrated that Kichwas attach great importance to medicinal and ritual plants, followed by plants used for handcraft. Edible plants rank afterwards, followed by dye plants and plants used for hunting. The above findings serve as the backbone of the design for the ethnobotanical garden. The garden acts as a tool to preserve and promote the knowledge of plants, focusing mainly on medicinal plants. The growing areas for the plant species were determined according to their importance to the Kichwas. The concept of the ethnobotanical garden conveys the holistic picture drawn from the investigation on people and plants of the Kichwas.  相似文献   

对花岗岩区土壤严重退化生态系统(对照)及4种不同恢复和重建措施建筑多样性和地力研究结果表明,花岗岩区红壤严重退化生态系统(对照)植物多样地性极低,土壤肥力极差,生态环境极为恶劣,改为杨梅果园(措施A)或多树种混交(措施B)后,植物多样性明显增大,林地土壤肥力得到一定程度恢复,生态系统朝着良性循环方向发展,采取封山育林(措施C)方法,林下植被层和群落多样性恢复最快,林地土壤肥力亦得到较快的恢复,保留  相似文献   

中山市小榄镇城区绿地植物调查与评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对小榄镇城区绿地植物种类进行了调查与研究.调查发现,小榄镇植物种类丰富,有105科433种.其中,公园绿地和苗圃区植物种类最多,街头与街道附属绿地植物种类较单调:乔木与灌木应用较多,藤本植物应用较少:乔木花卉于公园中应用较多;人工造林的林相、林型单一.旧城区绿地严重缺乏;部分工厂、学校对绿化不重视.研究提出,合理选择绿化树种,将木兰科植物作为乡土类的重点,紫葳科、木棉科和豆科作为外来树种引进的重点;对贺榄山现存桉树、相思疏残林进行林相改造,选择樟科、壳斗科、山茶科等作为骨干树种分期、分批进行混植.最后,筛选出适合各种类型绿地应用的绿化树种.  相似文献   

To understand the characteristics and problems of artificial urban ecological environments, we investigated the changes in herbaceous plants in an urban habitat garden for 9 years after construction and compared the results with 15 remnant semi-natural green spaces in Kyoto city, Japan. The area of the habitat garden is 0.6 ha and it was constructed approximately 3 km from the nearest mountains in 1996. From 1996 to 2004, 301 unplanted species, including 218 native species and 83 alien species, were recorded. Most newly recorded species were recorded in 1998 and the timing of colonization was different from ferns. The species turnover rate per year decreased from 30.8% in 1998 to 18.5% in 2004. This indicates that established species in the habitat garden have been gradually determined. In the species recorded in the habitat garden in 2004, the percentage of high-temperature species, which were relatively departed from the nested pattern of species composition for the 15 green spaces, was significantly high. It was considered that herbaceous plant succession in the habitat garden was at an early stage, even though it was 9 years ago since construction. Buried seeds and various environments are likely to contribute to higher species richness in the habitat garden as compared to remnant green spaces of approximately the same area. On the other hand, the high percentage of alien species and the low percentages of forest and forest edge species in the habitat garden indicate the problems of a habitat garden constructed in the center of a city.  相似文献   

Over the last two decades, home garden studies have markedly increased in both developed and developing countries. However, garden design and its influence on the overall biodiversity of the urban green infrastructure remains a neglected aspect of home garden research. Home garden surveys were conducted in the North West and Gauteng Provinces of South Africa to contribute to this research focus. The two questions asked in this paper were: (1) Are Batswana garden designs associated with socioeconomic status (SES)? (2) Are the different garden designs characterized by specific plant species richness patterns? We hypothesized that SES influences garden design and that, as the SES of Batswana residents increases, the garden design changes from tshimo to colonial. Our results indicated that garden design reflected less cultural influences and took on a more Westernized colonial design appearance with improvement of SES of Batswana inhabitants. Tshimo gardens tended to have more native and utilitarian species. In contrast, colonial gardens have more alien ornamental species. In affluent areas, sampled Batswana gardens completely changed from a tshimo to colonial garden design. This change indicates that improved socioeconomic status overrides traditional cultural practices.  相似文献   

Floristic surveys were performed in 17 traditional cocoa forest gardens under different management regimes in the humid forest area of southern Cameroon, to assess the impact of intensification on plant biodiversity. This impact was evaluated by analyzing species richness, vegetation structure, carbon sequestration and above ground biomass. We hypothesize that: (a) plant (tree and herbs) species richness is negatively correlated to management intensity and (b) vegetational density predictably change with management intensity. Our results show that management as practiced in traditional cocoa forest gardens in southern Cameroon following a gradient of intensification from extensive cocoa forest gardens with high floristic diversity to intensive ones strongly impacts plant diversity, plant biomass and to some extend carbon storage with possible negative consequences on biodiversity. Great differences in species richness, species composition, and, for trees, diameter at breast height and basal area were evident among the five types of traditional cocoa forest garden systems investigated. In terms of plant species richness, we found a decreasing gradient of plant species numbers from extensive forest gardens to intensive ones. This study also highlights the importance of the Management Index for quantifying differences in the management; this index could be used to standardize certification procedures and assess conservation progress and success. Our findings support the idea that traditional cocoa forest gardens can help to protect many forest species, sustains smallholder production and offer more scope for conservation of biodiversity, at both species-level and landscape-level. Moreover, diverse traditional cocoa forest gardens may help in regulating pests and diseases and allow for efficient adaptation to changing socioeconomic conditions.  相似文献   

湖南永州地区不同生境条件下钙质土土壤动物多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对湖南永州5种不同生境条件的钙质土土壤动物多样性进行了调查。共获得土壤动物2 024只,隶属于4门10纲30目,其中线虫类、蜱螨类、弹尾类为优势类群,占总捕量的66.10%;常见类群9类,占总捕量的27.17%。从水平分布上看,5种生境相似程度较大,其中尤以苗圃和杉木林、苗圃和柏树林、苗圃和荒地之间的相似程度较高。从垂直分布上看,5种生境中只有苗圃地较为明显,而各种生境中土壤动物具有明显的表聚性。苗圃、杉木林、柏树林3种生境土壤动物群落的多样性及均匀度呈基本一致趋势,且各生境间差别不大。  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that forest and prairie populations of the gall-inducing fly, Eurosta solidaginis, have diverged in response to variation in selection by its host plant Solidago altissima, and its natural enemies. A reciprocal cross infection design experiment demonstrated that fly populations from the prairie and forest biomes had higher survival on local biome plants compared to foreign biome host plants. Flies from each biome also had an oviposition preference for their local plants. Each fly population induced galls of the size and shape found in their local biome on host plants from both biomes indicating a genetic basis to the differences in gall morphology. Solidago altissima from the prairie and forest biomes retained significant morphological differences in the common garden indicating that they are genetically differentiated, possibly at the subspecies level. The populations are partially reproductively isolated as a result of a combination of prezygotic isolation due to host-associated assortative mating, and postzygotic isolation due to low hybrid survival. We conclude that E. solidaginis is undergoing diversifying selection to adapt to differences between prairie and forest habitats.  相似文献   

Many ecosystems have been modified by humans, creating novel habitats that include human-provided resources. Gardens adjacent to native habitats may affect plant–pollinator interactions by altering the determinants of interactions and species specialization. Here, we characterized a network comprising plants and hummingbirds interacting in a birdwatching garden with human-provided resources (nectar feeders and exotic plants) and adjacent Andean cloud forest in Colombia. Specifically, we investigated the proportion of hummingbirds visiting feeders and native/exotic plants to evaluate the connection between the habitats and the ecological determinants of the interaction network. Hummingbirds relied heavily on artificial nectar feeders in the garden, leaving the natural cloud forest for resources. Morphological matching was the single most important predictor of the observed pairwise interactions, for both hummingbirds and plants. At the species level, longer flowering phenology and a higher amount of sugar in nectar led to a higher degree for plants (i.e. the number of visiting hummingbird species). In contrast, a longer floral corolla was associated with lower specialization. Abundance was the best predictor of the number of partners for hummingbirds. The garden created for birdwatching attracted most, but not all, hummingbird species beyond their natural cloud forest habitat. Interestingly, the most frequently visited plants in the garden were native, especially the endemic and endangered tree Zygia lehmannii (Fabaceae). Our results show that some ecological mechanisms determining interactions in natural communities still hold in intensively modified habitats. Furthermore, a compromise between conservation and hummingbirds’ attraction to birding lodges/gardens is possible, for instance by favouring native and endemic plant species that are highly attractive for pollinators.  相似文献   

通过对崂山茶区土壤生境因子与不同茶园进行对应分析研究,发现可以按照崂山茶区土壤特征将不同的茶园分成三类:富磷区、富有机质区、老茶园区.从而为崂山茶区不同种类茶树种植以及如何改良土壤促进茶树生长提供依据.  相似文献   

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