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We demonstrate micron scale control of bioactivity through the use of multiphoton excited photochemistry, where this technique has been used to cross-link three-dimensional matrixes of alkaline phosphatase, bovine serum albumin, and polyacrylamide and combinations therein. Using a fluorescence-based assay (ELF-97), the enzymatic activity has been studied using a Michaelis-Menten analysis, and we have measured the specificity constants kcat/KM for alkaline phosphatase in both the protein and polymer matrixes to be on the order of 10(5)-10(6) M(-1) s(-1)and are comparable to known literature values in other environments. It is found that the enzyme is simply entrapped in the polymer matrix, whereas it is completely covalently bound in the protein structures. The relative reaction rate of alkaline phosphatase bound to BSA with the ELF substrate was measured as a function of cross-link density and was found to decrease in the more tightly formed matrixes, indicating a decrease in the diffusion in the matrix.  相似文献   

EB Brown  ES Wu  W Zipfel    WW Webb 《Biophysical journal》1999,77(5):2837-2849
Multiphoton fluorescence photobleaching recovery (MP-FPR) is a technique for measuring the three-dimensional (3D) mobility of fluorescent molecules with 3D spatial resolution of a few microns. A brief, intense flash of mode-locked laser light pulses excites fluorescent molecules via multiphoton excitation in an ellipsoidal focal volume and photobleaches a fraction. Because multiphoton excitation of fluorophores is intrinsically confined to the high-intensity focal volume of the illuminating beam, the bleached region is restricted to a known, three-dimensionally defined volume. Fluorescence in this focal volume is measured with multiphoton excitation, using the attenuated laser beam to measure fluorescence recovery as fresh unbleached dye diffuses in. The time course of the fluorescence recovery signal after photobleaching can be analyzed to determine the diffusion coefficient of the fluorescent species. The mathematical formulas used to fit MP-FPR recovery curves and the techniques needed to properly utilize them to acquire the diffusion coefficients of fluorescently labeled molecules within cells are presented here. MP-FPR is demonstrated on calcein in RBL-2H3 cells, using an anomalous subdiffusion model, as well as in aqueous solutions of wild-type green fluorescent protein, yielding a diffusion coefficient of 8.7 x 10(-7) cm(2)s(-1) in excellent agreement with the results of other techniques.  相似文献   

We developed a new approach that employs a novel computer algorithm for the sensitive and high-throughput analysis of tertiary and quaternary interaction sites from chemically cross-linked proteins or multi-protein complexes. First, we directly analyze the digests of the chemically cross-linked proteins using only high-accuracy LC-MS/MS data. We analyze these data using a computer algorithm, we term X!Link, to find cross-links between two peptides. Our algorithm is rapid, taking only a few seconds to analyze approximately 5000 MS/MS spectra. We applied this algorithm to analyze cross-linked sites generated chemically using the amino specific reagent, BS3, in both cytochrome c and the mitochondrial division dynamin mutant, Dnm1G385D, which exists as a stable homodimer. From cytochrome c, a well-established test protein, we identified a total of 31 cross-links, 21 interpeptide and 10 intrapeptide cross-links, in 257 MS/MS spectra from a single LC-MS/MS data set. The high sensitivity of this technique is indicated by the fact that all 19 lysines in cytochrome c were detected as a cross-link product and 33% of all the Lys pairs within 20 A were also observed as a cross-link. Analysis of the cross-linked dimeric form of Dnm1G385D identified a total of 46 cross-links, 38 interpeptide and 8 intrapeptide cross-links, in 98 MS/MS spectra in a single LC-MS/MS data set. These results represent the most abundant cross-links identified in a single protein or protein dimer to date. Statistical analysis suggests a 1% false discovery rate after optimization of filtering parameters. Further analysis of the cross-links identified using our approach indicates that careful manual inspection is important for the correct assignment of cross-linking sites when multiple cross-linkable sites or several similar sequences exist. In summary, we have developed a sensitive MS-based approach to identify peptide-peptide cross-links that does not require isotopic labeling or comparison with non-cross-linked controls, making it faster and simpler than current methodologies.  相似文献   

DNA-protein cross-links form when guanine undergoes a 1-electron oxidation in a flash-quench experiment, and the importance of reactive oxygen species, protein, and photosensitizer is examined here. In these experiments, a strong oxidant produced by oxidative quenching of a DNA-bound photosensitizer generates an oxidized guanine base that reacts with protein to form the covalent adduct. These cross-links are cleaved by hot piperidine and are not the result of reactive oxygen species, since neither a hydroxyl radical scavenger (mannitol) nor oxygen affects the yield of DNA-histone cross-linking, as determined via a chloroform extraction assay. The cross-linking yield depends on protein, decreasing as histone > cytochrome c > bovine serum albumin. The yield does not depend on the cytochrome oxidation state, suggesting that reduction of the guanine radical by ferrocytochrome c does not compete effectively with cross-linking. The photosensitizer strongly influences the cross-linking yield, which decreases in the order Ru(phen)(2)dppz(2+) [phen = 1,10-phenanthroline; dppz = dipyridophenazine] > Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) [bpy = 2,2'-bipyridine] > acridine orange > ethidium, in accordance with measured oxidation potentials. A long-lived transient absorption signal for ethidium dication in poly(dG-dC) confirms that guanine oxidation is inefficient for this photosensitizer. From a polyacrylamide sequencing gel of a (32)P-labeled 40-mer, all of these photosensitizers are shown to damage guanines preferentially at the 5' G of 5'-GG-3' steps, consistent with a 1-electron oxidation. Additional examination of ethidium shows that it can generate cross-links between histone and plasmid DNA (pUC19) and that the yield depends on the quencher. Altogether, these results illustrate the versatility of the flash-quench technique as a way to generate physiologically relevant DNA-protein adducts via the oxidation of guanine and expand the scope of such cross-linking reactions to include proteins that may associate only transiently with DNA.  相似文献   

Summary Bifunctional reagents, namely bis-(2-chloroethyl)-amine (nitrogen mustard) and activated esters of 3-(2-bromo-3-oxobutane-1-sulphonyl)-propionic acid (bromo-ketone reagent) are used to cross-link protein to RNA within intact ribosomal subunits. The cross-linked proteins are analysed on two different two-dimensional gel electrophoresis systems, and the existence of a stable cross-linkage is demonstrated by isolating cross-linked protein-oligonucleotide complexes from subunits containing 32P-labelled RNA. Proteins S3, S4, S5, S9/S11 and S13 from the 30S subunit, and proteins L1 and L2 from the 50S subunit were cross-linked to RNA by the nitrogen mustard, together with a number of other so far unresolved proteins. Correspondingly S3, S4, S7, S9/S11, and L2 were cross-linked by the bromoketone reagent, although in lower yield. The reagents should prove useful for topographical studies on ribosomal subunits, and arguments are presented favouring the use of non-cleavable and relatively non-specific RNA-protein cross-linking reagents for such studies.  相似文献   

The flux of calcium through an aqueous compartment was determined in a flow-dialysis cell in which two dialysis membranes separated the middle aqueous compartment from two outer compartments. The contribution of convection to the total calcium flux was large but could be removed by addition of 1% agar. The flux of calcium through the gelled aqueous compartment agreed with theoretical expectations. The self-diffusion coefficient for calcium from these results was calculated to be 0.81 X 10(-5) cm2 X s-1. Carp parvalbumin significantly enhanced the calcium flux at 2.3 X 10(-6)M free calcium. The calcium flux increased linearly with parvalbumin concentration. These observations are consistent with the hypothesis that the overall unidirectional calcium flux J is the sum of free calcium diffusion and protein-calcium diffusion: J = D[Ca] + D'[CaPr]. The value of D', the self-diffusion coefficient for parvalbumin, was calculated from the flux data to be 13.7 X 10(-7) cm2 X s-1.  相似文献   

To quantify the diffusion constant of small molecules in the plant cell wall, fluorescence from carboxyfluorescein (CF) in the intact roots of Arabidopsis thaliana was recorded. Roots were immersed in a solution of the fluorescent dye and viewed through a confocal fluorescence microscope. These roots are sufficiently transparent that much of the apoplast can be imaged. The diffusion coefficient, D(cw), of CF in the cell wall was probed using two protocols: fluorescence recovery after photobleaching and fluorescence loss following perfusion with dye-free solution. Diffusion coefficients were obtained from the kinetics of the fluorescent transients and modelling apoplast geometry. Apoplastic diffusion constants varied spatially in the root. In the elongation zone and mature cortex, D(cw)=(3.2+/-1.4)x10(-11) m(2) s(-1), whereas in mature epidermis, D(cw)=(2.5+/-0.7)x10(-12) m(2) s(-1), at least an order of magnitude lower. Relative to the diffusion coefficient of CF in water, these represent reductions by approximately 1/15 and 1/195, respectively. The low value for mature epidermis is correlated with a suberin-like permeability barrier that was detected with either autofluorescence or berberine staining. This study provides a quantitative estimate of the permeability of plant cell walls to small organic acids-a class of compounds that includes auxin and other plant hormones. These measurements constrain models of solute transport, and are important for quantitative models of hormone signalling during plant growth and development.  相似文献   

We have previously compared the electron density profiles for several highly-functional reconstituted sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes with that for the isolated sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane (Herbette, L., Scarpa, A., Blasie, J.K., Wang, C.T., Saito, A. and Fleischer, S. (1981) Biophys. J. 36, 47–72). In this paper, we compare the separate calcium pump protein profile within these reconstituted sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes, as derived by X-ray and neutron diffraction methods, with that within isolated sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes. In addition, the time-average perturbation of the lipid bilayer by the incorporated calcium pump protein within these reconstituted sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes has been determined in some detail.  相似文献   

蛋白质交联在食品、化工和医药等领域发挥重要的作用。利用酶催化蛋白质交联是一种可替代物理和化学交联的高效经济的方法。然而,目前仍缺乏详细的酶促蛋白质交联分子层面的解析。本文综述了酶催化的蛋白质交联反应机制及其对蛋白质结构的影响,以及在食品、化工和医药领域的应用,并展望了酶促交联的发展。  相似文献   

Diffusion and movement of subcutaneously injected biologics and high-concentration immunoglobulin G (IgG) therapeutics away from the injection site and through the subcutaneous (SC) tissue may be concentration dependent. This possibility was confirmed by in situ measurement of diffusion coefficients of unlabeled bovine IgG in phosphate-buffered saline within an in vitro hyaluronic acid matrix that represents the SC electrostatic environment. Diffusion decreased from 2.67 to 0.05 × 10−7 cm2/s when IgG concentration increased from 25 to 73 mg/mL. The results demonstrated that in situ detection of unlabeled proteins within an in vitro SC environment provides another useful tool for the preclinical characterization of injectable biologics.  相似文献   

Currently the main focus of structural biology is the determination of static three-dimensional representations of biomolecules that for the most part correspond to low energy (ground state) conformations. However, it is becoming increasingly well recognized that higher energy structures often play important roles in function as well. Because these conformers are populated to only low levels and are often only transiently formed their study is not amenable to many of the tools of structural biology. In this perspective we discuss the role of CPMG-based relaxation dispersion NMR spectroscopy in characterizing these low populated, invisible states. It is shown that robust methods for measuring both backbone chemical shifts and residual anisotropic interactions in the excited state are in place and that these data provide valuable restraints for structural studies of invisible conformers.  相似文献   

Most bioinformatics analyses require the assembly of a multiple sequence alignment. It has long been suspected that structural information can help to improve the quality of these alignments, yet the effect of combining sequences and structures has not been evaluated systematically. We developed 3DCoffee, a novel method for combining protein sequences and structures in order to generate high-quality multiple sequence alignments. 3DCoffee is based on TCoffee version 2.00, and uses a mixture of pairwise sequence alignments and pairwise structure comparison methods to generate multiple sequence alignments. We benchmarked 3DCoffee using a subset of HOMSTRAD, the collection of reference structural alignments. We found that combining TCoffee with the threading program Fugue makes it possible to improve the accuracy of our HOMSTRAD dataset by four percentage points when using one structure only per dataset. Using two structures yields an improvement of ten percentage points. The measures carried out on HOM39, a HOMSTRAD subset composed of distantly related sequences, show a linear correlation between multiple sequence alignment accuracy and the ratio of number of provided structure to total number of sequences. Our results suggest that in the case of distantly related sequences, a single structure may not be enough for computing an accurate multiple sequence alignment.  相似文献   

Lactoperoxidase (LPO) reacts with H(2)O(2) to sequentially give two Compound I intermediates: the first with a ferryl (Fe(IV)=O) species and a porphyrin radical cation, and the second with the same ferryl species and a presumed protein radical. However, little actual evidence is available for the protein radical. We report here that LPO reacts with the spin trap 3,5-dibromo-4-nitroso-benzenesulfonic acid to give a 1:1 protein-bound radical adduct. Furthermore, LPO undergoes the H(2)O(2)-dependent formation of dimeric and trimeric products. Proteolytic digestion and mass spectrometric analysis indicates that the dimer is held together by a dityrosine link between Tyr-289 in each of two LPO molecules. The dimer retains full catalytic activity and reacts to the same extent with the spin trap, indicating that the spin trap reacts with a radical center other than Tyr-289. The monomeric protein recovered from incubations of LPO with H(2)O(2) is fully active but no longer forms dimers when incubated with H(2)O(2), clear evidence that it has also been structurally modified. Myeloperoxidase, a naturally dimeric protein, and eosinophil peroxidase do not undergo H(2)O(2)-dependent oligomerization. Analysis of the interface in the LPO dimers indicates that the same protein surface is involved in LPO dimerization as in the normal formation of myeloperoxidase dimers. Oligomerization of LPO alters its physical properties and may alter its ability to interact with macromolecular substrates.  相似文献   

A theory of protein spatial-structure evolution in terms of random walks in multidimensional conformational space is proposed. It is shown that the spatial divergence in pairs of homologous proteins depends only on their sequence similarity and is independent of the protein size. X-ray data are reasonably well described in terms of the theory developed. Correspondence to: A.M. Gutin  相似文献   

We have previously compared the electron density profiles for several highly-functional reconstituted sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes with that for the isolated sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane (Herbette, L., Scarpa, A., Blasie, J.K., Wang, C.T., Saito, A. and Fleischer, S. (1981) Biophys. J. 36, 47-72). In this paper, we compare the separate calcium pump protein profile within these reconstituted sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes, as derived by X-ray and neutron diffraction methods, with that within isolated sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes. In addition, the time-average perturbation of the lipid bilayer by the incorporated calcium pump protein within these reconstituted sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes has been determined in some detail.  相似文献   

We have determined diffusion coefficients for small (50- to 70-nm diameter) fluorescein-thiocarbamoyl-labeled Ficoll tracers through F-actin as a function of filament length and cross-linking. fx45 was used to regulate filament length and avidin/biotinylated actin or ABP-280 was used to prepare cross-linked actin gels. We found that tracer diffusion was generally independent of filament length in agreement with theoretical predictions for diffusion through solutions of rods. However, in some experiments diffusion was slower through short (< or = 1.0 micron) filaments, although this result was not consistently reproducible. Measured diffusion coefficients through unregulated F-actin and filaments of lengths > 1.0 micron were more rapid than predicted by theory for tracer diffusion through rigid, random networks, which was consistent with some degree of actin bundling. Avidin-induced cross-linking of biotinylated F-actin did not affect diffusion through unregulated F-actin, but in cases where diffusion was slower through short filaments this cross-linking method resulted in enhanced tracer diffusion rates indistinguishable from unregulated F-actin. This finding, in conjunction with increased turbidity of 1.0-micron filaments upon avidin cross-linking, indicated that this cross-linking method induces F-actin bundling. By contrast, ABP-280 cross-linking retarded diffusion through unregulated F-actin and decreased turbidity. Tracer diffusion under these conditions was well approximated by the diffusion theory. Both cross-linking procedures resulted in gel formation as determined by falling ball viscometry. These results demonstrate that network microscopic geometry is dependent on the cross-linking method, although both methods markedly increase F-actin macroscopic viscosity.  相似文献   

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