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Syphatineria (Africanoxys) pearsi (Baylis, 1928) was described from an African squirrel, Heliosciurus rufobrachium (Waterhouse), in Nigeria. This species is re-described from specimens collected in an Heliosciurus gambianus (Ogilby) captured in Zaire. The morphological and biological characteristics of the subgenus Africanoxys Hugot, 1981 are discussed. The subgenus Africanoxys is specific to African rain forest squirrels and, based upon the lengths of the spicule and gubernaculum, two different groups can be distinguished in this subgenus. The first group is parasitic in the Funambulini and the second one is parasitic in the Protoxerini and in Aethosciurus poensis (A. Smith). Although the taxonomic status of genus Aethosciurus is controversial, Parasitology allows us to relate Aethosciurus to the Protoxerini rather than to the Funambulini.
Etude morphologique de Syphatineria pearsi (Baylis, 1928) (Oxyuridae, Nematoda)
Résumé Syphatineria (Africanoxys) pearsi (Baylis, 1928), un oxyure décrit chez un écureuil africain, Heliosciurus rufobrachium (Waterhouse), au Nigéria, est redécrit à partir d'un matériel collecté chez un Heliosciurus gambianus (Ogilby), capturé au Zaire. Les caractéristiques du sous-genre Africanoxys Hugot, 1981 sont ensuite discutées. Le sous-genre Africanoxys est spécifique des écureuils du bloc forestier congolais. On peut distinguer deux groupes dans le sous-genre d'après la longueur du spicule et celle du gubernaculum. Les parasites du premier groupe ont tous pour hôtes des Funambulini. Les parasites du deuxième groupe ont pour hôtes des Protoxerini et Aethosciurus poensis (A. Smith). La parasitologie apporte donc des arguments à l'hypothèse d'un rapprochement d'Aethosciurus poensis (dont la position systématique est controversée), avec les Protoxerini plutôt qu'avec les Funambulini.

Résumé L'espèce type du genreZenkoxyuris: Z. mabokensis Quentin, 1975, connue seulement par une femelle incomplète, est redécrite à partir d'un matériel nouveau. Le mâle est décrit pour la première fois. Le genreZenkoxyuris comprend deux espèces parasites de Rongeurs Zenkerellinés (Anomaluridés):Z. mabokensis chezZenkerella insignis etZ. quentini Hugot, 1982 chezIdiurus macrotis. Les caractères du genreZenkoxyuris permettent de le rapprocher de l'autre genre parasite d'Anomaluridés:Acanthoxyurus Sandground, 1938 recontré chez les Anomalurinés. Les deux genres forment un petit ensemble particulier parmi les autres Oxyuridae parasites de Rongeurs.
Summary Morphological study ofZenkoxyuris mabokensis (Oxyuridae: Nematoda), parasite ofZenkerella insignis (Anomaluridae: Rodentia).Zenkoxyuris mabokensis, the type species of the genusZenkoxyuris Quentin, 1975 (known by a single damaged female) is redescribed from new material. The male is described for the first time. The genusZenkoxyuris contains two species parasitic in zenkerellinae rodents (Anomaluridae):Z. mabokensis inZenkererella insignis Matschie andZ. quentini Hugot, 1982 inIdiurus macrotis Miller.Zenkoxyuris parasitic in Zenkerellinae, andAcanthoxyurus Sandground, 1928, pararasitic in Anomalurinae, are closely related. They form a homogeneous evolutionary assemblage amongst the Oxyuridae parasitic in rodents. ac]19830304

Variations in diploid chromosome number, due to the presence of B chromosomes, are found within the distribution of P. v. volans. B chromosomes vary in number between one and eight per animal, are mitotically stable in various body tissues and, unlike the Y chromosome in male P. v. volans, are not eliminated from bone marrow cells. Animals possessing B chromosomes have a distinct distribution, and it appears that a stable equilibrium between the forces of B chromosome accumulation or elimination is operating in those populations possessing these chromosomes.  相似文献   

Résumé Parasubulura gerardi Berghe & Vuylsteke, 1938 (Nematoda, Subuluroidea), parasite d'un Macroscelidae éthiopien, Petrodromus tetradactylus Peters, au Zaïre, est redécrite à partir de spécimens collectés chez un hôte voisin Elephantulus brachyrhynchus (A. Smith) du Zimbabwe. La répartition du genre Parasubulura Berghe & Vuylsteke, 1938 est brièvement discutée.Le genre Parasubulura Berghe & Vuylsteke, 1938 comprend trois espèces morphologiquement très proches, toutes parasites de Macroscelidae éthiopiens: Parasubulura gerardi Berghe & Vuylsteke, 1938 parasite Petrodromus tetradactylus Peters au Zaïre et Elephantulus brachyrhynchus (A. Smith) au Zimbabwe; Parasubulura callosa (Sandground, 1933) parasite Petrodromus tetradactylus au Zimbabwe; Parasubulura petrodromi (Baylis, 1934) parasite Petrodromus tetradactylus en Tanzanie.
Parasubulura gerardi Berghe & Vuylsteke, 1938 (Nematoda, Subuluroidea), parasite of an ethiopian macroscelid, Petrodromus tetradactylus (Peters), is redescribed from a new host, Elephantulus brachyrhynchus (A. Smith), from Zimbabwe.The genus Parasubulura Berghe & Vuylsteke, 1938 includes three very closely related species all of them parasitic in ethiopian macroscelids: Parasubulura gerardi Berghe & Vuylsteke, 1938, a parasite of Petrodromus tetradactylus Peters from Zaire and Elephantulus brachyrhynchus (A. Smith) from Zimbabwe; Parasubulura callosa (Sandground, 1933), a parasite of Petrodromus tetradactylus from Zimbabwe; and Parasubulura petrodromi (Baylis, 1934), a parasite of Petrodromus tetradactylus from Tanzania.

Although relatively abundant throughout its range in eastern Australia, the greater glider (Petauroides volans) is widely considered to be sensitive to the impacts of forest fragmentation and disturbance. Genetic analysis of meta‐population structure in fragmented landscapes offers much promise in helping to understand the response of the species to such disturbance. To this end, standard size‐selected library construction and screening methods were used to develop 12 greater glider dinucleotide microsatellite primer pairs that reveal substantial genetic diversity in the species. They will be used in a variety of genetic analyses to examine population dynamics in a fragmented forest system.  相似文献   

Heteromyoxyuris otomii n. sp., which inhabits the intestinal caecum of Perognathus flavus (Heteromyidae), in Zaragoza, Hidalgo, Mexico, is described. This new species differs from the 2 other congeneric species in the morphology and length of lateral alae in males. Heteromyoxyuris deserti has simple lateral alae located at both sides of the body, whereas in the new species, these structures are double at both sides; in contrast, lateral alae of Heteromyoxyuris longejector begin at the posterior half of the body, whereas they arise in the first third in the new species. Heteromyoxyuris longejector was found in 2 new host species, i.e., Perognathus amplus and Chaetodipus hispidus. This record represents the first record for the species in Mexico, increasing its geographic distribution.  相似文献   

Syphacia muris (Nematoda: Oxyuridae) is a ubiquitous nematode that commonly infects rats in the laboratory which can interfere in the development of biological assays. The somatic extract of S. muris adults collected from infected rats was investigated using a proteomic approach. A shot-gun liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry procedure was used. We used the MASCOT search engine (Matrix-Science) and ProteinPilot software v2.0 (Applied Biosystems) for the database search. A total of 359 proteins were accurately identified from the worms. The largest protein families consisted of metabolic enzymes and those involved in the nucleic metabolism and cell cycle. Proteins of transmembrane receptors and those involved in protein metabolism, chaperones, structural and motor, signalling and calcium-binding proteins also were identified in the proteome of S. muris. Proteome array of S. muris may contribute to further elucidation of biological system of S. muris as well as host-parasite relationships.  相似文献   

Summary The digestion and metabolism ofEucalyptus radiata foliage was studied in a small (1–1.5 kg) arboreal marsupial, the greater glider (Petauroides volans). Mean dry matter intake was 44 g·kg–0.75·d–1 and mean cell wall digestibility was 34%; these values fall within the range of other marsupials fedEucalyptus foliage. Digestible energy content ofE. radiata was high compared to other eucalypts because of the high content and digestibility of essential oils. However, excretion of essential oils and their metabolites in the urine meant that greater gliders retained only 55% of their digestible energy intakes (0.61 MJ · kg–0.75· d–1) as metabolizable energy (ME). Low ME intakes were not offset by low standard metabolic rates (2.39 W · kg–0.75), but the efficiency with which ME substituted for tissue energy was high (94%), so that greater gliders were able to maintain energy balance and body mass onE. radiata foliage.Abbreviations ME metabolizable energy - DE digestible energy - RQ respiratory quotient - FHP fasting heat production  相似文献   

Enterobius anthropopitheci (Gedoelst, 1916), a parasite of the chimpanzees Pan troglodytes and P. paniscus, is redescribed. E. anthropopitheci can be distinguished from the two closely related species parasitic in man, E. vermicularis (L., 1758) and E. gregorii Hugot, 1983, by the following characters: in the males, the cuticular pericloacal ornamentation, and the size and shape of the spicule; in the females, the lateral alae, which are simple in the pinworms of man, are simple only anteriorly and divided into two crests at the mid-oesophageal level in the parasite of chimpanzees. Enterobius anthropopitheci (Gedoelst, 1916), parasite des chimpanzés, Pan troglodytes et P. paniscus, dans toute leur aire de répartition est redécrite. E. anthropopitheci est très proche par sa morphologie des deux oxyures de l'Homme, E. vermicularis (L., 1758) et E. gregorii Hugot, 1983, dont il diffère toutefois par les caractères suivants: chez le mâle, ornementation cuticulaire péricloacale, taille et forme du spicule; chez la femelle, aile latérale simple sur toute sa longuer chez les oxyures de l'Homme, simple dans la région antérieure se dédoublant en deux crêtes au milieu de l'oesophage, chez l'oxyure parasite des chimpanzés.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the head end and surface structure of the cuticle of Syphacia petrusewiczi, S. nigeriana, S. frederici and S. stroma was studied. These species may be easily separated on the basis of the differences in their morphology: S. frederici possesses longitudinal septa on the body surface, a row of denticles on each of the three main teeth, and cervical alae; S. nigeriana has longitudinal septa and denticles but lack cervical alae; S. petrusewiczi has longitudinal septa and cervical alae but lacks denticles; S. stroma lacks these three characters.  相似文献   

L'espèce-type du genre Agfa Dougherty, 1977, A. flexilis (Dujardin, 1845), parasite de la limace Limax cinereoniger Wolf, 1803, est redécrite à partir d'un matériel nouveau. La validité de la famille des Agfidae Dougherty, 1955 est confirmée. Par contre, il semble que les Myolaimina Inglis, 1983 forment un groupe d'espèces dont les affinités sont douteuses.The type-species of the genus Agfa Dougherty, 1955, Agfa flexilis (Dujardin, 1845), a parasite of the slug Limax cinereoniger, is redescribed from new material. The validity of the family Agfidae Dougherty, 1955 is confirmed. Nevertheless, it seems that the Myolaimina Inglis, 1983 form a species assemblage of doubtful affinities.  相似文献   

The chimpanzee pinworm, Enterobius anthropopitheci (Gedoelst, 1916), was found in chimpanzees, Pan troglodytes, reared in Kumamoto Primate Research Park, Sanwa Kagaku Kenkyusho Co., Ltd., Kumamoto, Japan, in 2006. Because the chimpanzees in this institution originated from chimpanzees imported from Africa before 1984, it is considered that E. anthropopitheci infection has persisted for more than 20 yr in the chimpanzees. Analysis of pinworm specimens preserved in the institution revealed that transition of predominant pinworm species occurred, responding to the change of anthelmintics used for pinworm treatment. Present dominance of E. anthropopitheci is surmised to be caused by fenbendazole, which has been adopted from 2002. Scarcity of mixed infection with E. anthropopitheci and Enterobius vermicularis suggests interspecific competition between the pinworms.  相似文献   

Syphacia (Syphacia) ohtaorum n. sp. is described from Mus caroli on Okinawa Island, Japan. It is closest to Syphacia (Syphacia) megaloon Quentin, 1966 from Mus minutoides and M. setulosus of Africa, but is distinguished in having a slimmer body, distinct lateral alae in the male, many eggs in the female and a smaller egg-size.  相似文献   

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