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Overexpression of a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor (KRP2) caused changes in the general morphology in the leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana. The wild type plant had obovate leaves with entire margins whereas the transgenic line had leaves with denticulate margins. The epidermal cells and stomata of the adult transgenic leaves were significantly larger than those of the wild-type plants and the number of stomata was in proportion to the number of epidermal cells. No apparent differences in thickness and structure of cell walls of the mesophyll cells between the two samples were observed. The smaller amount of cell wall material in the transgenic leaves caused by the larger cell size was also apparent in the lower dry weight of the transgenic leaves. The chemical analysis revealed the main differences to be in pectin and neutral sugar contents, and especially in the amounts of glucose, all being higher in the leaves of the KRP2 transgenic plants. p-Coumaric acid content varied more in the transgenic leaf material than in the control one reflecting possibly fewer cross-links in the cell walls of transgenic plants.  相似文献   

Interactor/inhibitor 1 of Cdc2 kinase (ICK1) from Arabidopsis thaliana is the first plant cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitor, and overexpression of ICK1 inhibits CDK activity, cell division and plant growth in transgenic plants. In this study, ICK1 and deletion mutants were expressed either alone or as green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion proteins in transgenic Arabidopsis plants. Deletion of the C-terminal 15 or 29 amino acids greatly reduced or completely abolished the effects of ICK1 on the transgenic plants, and recombinant proteins lacking the C-terminal residues lost the ability to bind to CDK complex and the kinase inhibition activity, demonstrating the role of the conserved C-terminal domain in in vivo kinase inhibition. In contrast, the mutant ICK1DeltaN108 with the N-terminal 108 residues deleted had much stronger effects on plants than the full-length ICK1. Analyses demonstrated that this effect was not because of an enhanced ability of ICK1DeltaN108 protein to inhibit CDK activity, but a result of a much higher level of ICK1DeltaN108 protein in the plants, indicating that the N-terminal domain contains a sequence or element increasing protein instability in vivo. Furthermore, GFP-ICK1 protein was restricted to the nuclei in roots of transgenic plants, even with the C-terminal or the N-terminal domain deleted, suggesting that a sequence in the central domain of ICK1 is responsible for nuclear localization. These results provide mechanistic understanding about the function and regulation of this cell cycle regulator in plants.  相似文献   

Cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) play an essential role in cell cycle regulation during the embryonic and post-embryonic development of various organisms. Full activation of CDKs requires not only binding to cyclins but also phosphorylation of the T-loop domain. This phosphorylation is catalysed by CDK-activating kinases (CAKs). Plants have two distinct types of CAKs, namely CDKD and CDKF; in Arabidopsis, CDKF;1 exhibits the highest CDK kinase activity in vitro . We have previously shown that CDKF;1 also functions in the activation of CDKD;2 and CDKD;3 by T-loop phosphorylation. Here, we isolated the knockout mutants of CDKF;1 and showed that they had severe defects in cell division, cell elongation and endoreduplication. No defect was observed during embryogenesis, suggesting that CDKF;1 function is primarily required for post-embryonic development. In the cdkf;1 mutants, T-loop phosphorylation of CDKA;1, an orthologue of yeast Cdc2/Cdc28p, was comparable to that in wild-type plants, and its kinase activity did not decrease. In contrast, the protein level and kinase activity of CDKD;2 were significantly reduced in the mutants. Substitution of threonine-168 with a non-phosphorylatable alanine residue made CDKD;2 unstable in Arabidopsis tissues. These results indicate that CDKF;1 is dispensable for CDKA;1 activation but is essential for maintaining a steady-state level of CDKD;2, thereby suggesting the quantitative regulation of a vertebrate-type CAK in a plant-specific manner.  相似文献   

Cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) are involved in the control of cell cycle progression. Plant A-type CDKs are functional homologs of yeast Cdc2/Cdc28 and are expressed throughout the cell cycle. In contrast, B-type CDK (CDKB) is a family of mitotic CDKs expressed during the S/M phase, and its precise function remains unknown. Here, we identified two B2-type cyclins, CycB2;1 and CycB2;2, as a specific partner of rice CDKB2;1. The CDKB2;1-CycB2 complexes produced in insect cells showed a significant level of kinase activity in vitro, suggesting that CycB2 binds to and activates CDKB2. We then expressed green fluorescent protein (GFP)-fused CDKB2;1 and CycB2;2 in tobacco BY2 cells to investigate their subcellular localization during mitosis. Surprisingly, the fluorescence signal of CDKB2;1-GFP was tightly associated with chromosome alignment as well as with spindle structure during the metaphase. During the telophase, the signal was localized to the spindle midzone and the separating sister chromosomes, and then to the phragmoplast. On the other hand, the CycB2;2-GFP fluorescence signal was detected in nuclei during the interphase and prophase, moved to the metaphase chromosomes, and then disappeared completely after the cells passed through the metaphase. Co-localization of CDKB2;1-GFP and CycB2;2-GFP on chromosomes aligned at the center of the metaphase cells suggests that the CDKB2-CycB2 complex may function in retaining chromosomes at the metaphase plate. Overexpression of CycB2;2 in rice plants resulted in acceleration of root growth without any increase in cell size, indicating that CycB2;2 promoted cell division probably through association with CDKB2 in the root meristem.  相似文献   

The eukaryotic cell division cycle encompasses an ordered series of events. Chromosomal DNA is replicated during S phase of the cell cycle before being distributed to daughter cells in mitosis. Both S phase and mitosis in turn consist of an intricately ordered sequence of molecular events. How cell cycle ordering is achieved, to promote healthy cell proliferation and avert insults on genomic integrity, has been a theme of Paul Nurse's research. To explain a key aspect of cell cycle ordering, sequential S phase and mitosis, Stern & Nurse proposed 'A quantitative model for cdc2 control of S phase and mitosis in fission yeast'. In this model, S phase and mitosis are ordered by their dependence on increasing levels of cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) activity. Alternative mechanisms for ordering have been proposed that rely on checkpoint controls or on sequential waves of cyclins with distinct substrate specificities. Here, we review these ideas in the light of experimental evidence that has meanwhile accumulated. Quantitative Cdk control emerges as the basis for cell cycle ordering, fine-tuned by cyclin specificity and checkpoints. We propose a molecular explanation for quantitative Cdk control, based on thresholds imposed by Cdk-counteracting phosphatases, and discuss its implications.  相似文献   

The activity of cyclin-dependent kinases (CDK) is crucial for cell-cycle transitions. Here, we report the identification of a CDK activity that phosphorylates the retinoblastoma-related (RBR) protein. A CDK/cyclin complex that binds to and phosphorylates RBR may be isolated from various plant sources, e.g. wheat, maize, Arabidopsis thaliana and tobacco, and from cells growing under various conditions. The presence of an RBR-associated CDK activity correlates with the proliferative activity, suggesting that phosphorylation of RBR is a major event in actively proliferating tissues. In A. thaliana, this activity comprises a PSTAIRE CDKA and at least cyclin D2. Furthermore, this CDK activity is cell-cycle-regulated, as revealed by studies with highly synchronized tobacco BY-2 cells where it is maximal in late G1 and early S phase cells and progressively decreases until G2 phase. Aphidicolin-arrested but not roscovitine-arrested cells contain a PSTAIRE-type CDK that binds to and phosphorylates RBR. Thus, association with a D-type cyclin is a likely mechanism leading to CDK activation late in G1. Our studies constitute the first report measuring the activity of CDK/cyclin complexes formed in vivo on RBR, an activity that fluctuates in a cell-cycle-dependent manner. This work provides the basis for further studies on the impact of phosphorylation of RBR on its function during the cell cycle and development.  相似文献   

The plant CDK inhibitor ICK1 was identified previously from Arabidopis thaliana with its inhibitory activity characterized in vitro. ICK1 displayed several structural and functional features that are distinct from known animal CDK inhibitors. Despite the initial characterization, there is no information on the functions of any plant CDK inhibitor in plants. To gain insight into ICK1 functions in vivo and the role of cell division during plant growth and development, transgenic plants were generated expressing ICK1 driven by the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter. In comparison to control plants, growth was significantly inhibited in transgenic 35S-ICK1 plants, with some plants weighing <10% of wild-type plants at the 3 week stage. Most organs of 35S-ICK1 plants were smaller. There were also modifications in plant morphology such as shape and serration of leaves and petals. The changes were so drastic that 35S-ICK1 plants with strong phenotype no longer resembled wild-type plants morphologically. Analyses showed that increased ICK1 expression resulted in reduced CDK activity and reduced the number of cells in these plants. Cells in 35S-ICK1 plants were larger than corresponding cells in control plants. These results demonstrate that ICK1 acts as a CDK inhibitor in the plant, and the inhibition of cell division by ICK1 expression has profound effects on plant growth and development. They also suggest that alterations of plant organ shape can be achieved by restriction of cell division.  相似文献   

Cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) trigger essential cell cycle processes including critical events in G1 phase that culminate in bud emergence, spindle pole body duplication, and DNA replication. Localized activation of the Rho-type GTPase Cdc42p is crucial for establishment of cell polarity during G1, but CDK targets that link the Cdc42p module with cell growth and cell cycle commitment have remained largely elusive. Here, we identify the GTPase-activating protein (GAP) Rga2p as an important substrate related to the cell polarity function of G1 CDKs. Overexpression of RGA2 in the absence of functional Pho85p or Cdc28p CDK complexes is toxic, due to an inability to polarize growth. Mutation of CDK consensus sites in Rga2p that are phosphorylated both in vivo and in vitro by Pho85p and Cdc28p CDKs results in a loss of G1 phase-specific phosphorylation. A failure to phosphorylate Rga2p leads to defects in localization and impaired polarized growth, in a manner dependent on Rga2p GAP function. Taken together, our data suggest that CDK-dependent phosphorylation restrains Rga2p activity to ensure appropriate activation of Cdc42p during cell polarity establishment. Inhibition of GAPs by CDK phosphorylation may be a general mechanism to promote proper G1-phase progression.  相似文献   

We have investigated the role of cyclin-dependent kinases in cell death and found that the expression of cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (Cdk5) is associated with apoptotic cell death in both adult and embryonic tissues. By double labeling immunohistochemistry and confocal microscopy, we specifically associated the expression of Cdk5 to dying cells. The association of Cdks with cell death is unique to Cdk5 as this association is not found with the other Cdks (Cdk 1–8) and cell death. The differential increase in Cdk5 expression is at the level of protein only, and no differences can be detected at the level of mRNA. Using both limbs of mutant mice defective in the pattern of interdigital cell death and limbs with increased interdigital cell death by retinoic acid treatment, we confirmed the specificity of Cdk5 protein expression in dying cells. To investigate the regulation of Cdk5 during cell death, we examined the expression of a regulatory protein of Cdk5, p35, and found p35 to be expressed in the dying cells as well. Similar to Cdk5, there is also no specific differential expression of the p35 mRNA in dying cells. Our results suggest a role for Cdk5 and p35 proteins in cell death. This protein complex may function in the rearrangement of the cytoskeleton during apoptosis. Dev. Genet. 21:258–267, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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