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Orias, E. (University of California, Santa Barbara), and T. K. Gartner. Suppression of amber and ochre rII mutants of bacteriophage T4 by streptomycin. J. Bacteriol. 91:2210-2215. 1966.-Streptomycin-induced suppression of amber and ochre rII mutants of phage T4 was studied in a streptomycin-sensitive strain of Escherichia coli and four nearly isogenic streptomycin-resistant derivatives of this strain, in the presence and in the absence of an ochre suppressor. Most of the 12 rII mutants tested were suppressed by streptomycin in the streptomycin-sensitive su(-) strain. This streptomycin-induced suppression in the su(-) strain was eliminated by the independent action of at least two of the four nonidentical mutations to streptomycin resistance. In two of the su(+)str-r strains, streptomycin markedly augmented the suppression caused by the ochre suppressor. In those su(-)str-r hosts in which significant streptomycin-induced suppression could be measured, the amber mutants were more suppressible than the ochre mutants.  相似文献   

V Iu Shalnene  R G Nivinskas 《Genetika》1987,23(7):1170-1178
Dependence of multiplication of 42 single and double amber mutants in 16 phage head genes on the incubation temperature was studied in the cells of non-permissive host. For amber mutants in 6 head genes the birst size decreases by several orders, with the increase of the incubation temperature. Among amber mutants of the above mentioned genes, mutants in genes 4 and 65 can be distinguished as those with considerably large burst size at low temperature. Phage head genes form the groups, according to temperature sensitivity of multiplication of amber mutants. These groups, together with corresponding groups of phage tail genes, constitute common temperature-sensitive and non-sensitive gene groups on the phage genomic map.  相似文献   

Summary Some of the partial revertants from opal (UGA) mutants of bacteriophage T4 are temperature sensitive in su host cells but are still temperature resistant in su + cells. Hence these revertants are missense mutants suppressible by bacterial opal suppressors. Such a suppression may be explained in terms of codon-anticodon interactions by the wobble hypothesis.  相似文献   

G0 phase cultures of human peripheral blood T-lymphocytes from a single individual were exposed to 300 rad of gamma-irradiation from a 137Cs source and cultured in vitro for 8 days to allow phenotypic expression. Thioguanine-resistant (TGr) mutants were isolated by a cell cloning assay in microtiter plates. These mutants were studied by Southern blot analysis to define the gross structural alterations in the hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase (hprt) gene by use of an hprt cDNA probe. A similar analysis of the T-cell receptor (TCR) gene rearrangement patterns was employed to define the independent nature of each mutant colony by use of TCR beta and gamma cDNA probes. 74 mutants were isolated in 5 separate experiments. TCR gene rearrangement analysis showed these to represent 24 independent mutations, of which 18 contained hprt structural alterations. These alterations included simple deletions (10/18) as well as more complex rearrangements resulting in molecular weight changes of restriction fragments representing both the 5' and 3' regions of the hprt gene (4/18 and 4/18, respectively). These results demonstrate that gamma-irradiation primarily induces TGr mutations through gross structural alterations in the hprt gene and that these alterations are randomly distributed across the gene. This approach to mutation analysis will provide information on the types of alterations induced by this irradiation, especially the extent of deletions involving the hprt gene. These results also demonstrate the feasibility of employing in vitro exposure of human T-lymphocytes to a single mutagenic agent as an aid to understanding the mechanisms of mutations occurring in vivo in humans.  相似文献   

The effect of growth of Escherichia coli BE, prior to infection, on multiplication of double amber mutant amN54-amNG71 in gene 31, mutant amN131-amNG114 in gene 26 and T4D wild-type at different temperatures has been studied. In the case of gene 31 mutant the increase in phage burst size, along with increase in growth temperature, was only observed. And this dependence seems to have the same character as the known dependence of growth temperature on cellular levels of heat shock proteins. Possibly, the product of gene 31 might be substituted to some extent by some heat shock protein. An antiserum against gene 31 protein immunoprecipitates heat shock protein, the molecular weight of which is close to the molecular weight of gene 31 protein. So, it seems likely that, in addition to supposed ability of this heat shock protein for functional substitution of gene 31 protein, these proteins might have some structural homology as well.  相似文献   

By exposure to a temperature below the membrane phase transition point, Bacillus subtilis 168 lost their permeability control followed by the leakage of intracellular K+ and incapability of glucose uptake, resulting in cellular lysis in the following incubation at 37°C in the presence of a high concentration (∼ 100 mM) of monovalent cations. The result confirmed that the concomitance of energy deprivation and the presence of monovalent cations were the factors that caused the lysis observed after low temperature exposure.  相似文献   

M Kimura  T Yura    T Nagata 《Journal of bacteriology》1980,144(2):649-655
Specialized transducing phage lambda (formula, see text) dnaA-2 was mutagenized, and two derivatives designated lambda (formula) dnaA17(Am) and lambda (formula) dnaA452(Am) were obtained. They did not transduce such mutations as dnaA46, dnaA167, and dnaA5 when an amber suppressor was absent, but they did so in the presence of an amber suppressor. By contrast, they transduced the dna-806 and tna-2 mutations in the absence of an active amber suppressor. The dna-806 and tna-2 mutations are known to be located very close to the dnaA gene, but in separate cistrons. When ultraviolet light-irradiated uvrB cells were infected with the derivative phages and proteins specified by them were analyzed by gel electrophoresis, a 50,000-dalton protein was found to be specifically missing if an amber suppressor was absent. This protein was synthesized when an amber suppressor was present. The dnaA17(Am) mutation on the transducing phage genome was then transferred by genetic recombination onto the chromosome of an Escherichia coli strain carrying a temperature-sensitive amber suppressor supF6(Ts), yielding a strain which was temperature sensitive for growth and deoxyribonucleic acid replication. The temperature-sensitive trait was suppressed by supD, supE, or supF. We conclude that, most likely, the derivative phages acquired amber mutations in the dnaA gene whose product is a 50,000-dalton protein as identified by gel electrophoretic analysis.  相似文献   

Thymidine-requiring strains of Escherichia coli isolated by trimethoprim selection often simultaneously acquire the ability to suppress bacteriophage T4 nonsense mutations. Suppression is lost in Thy+ revertants and recombinants, but is sometimes retained in thyA plasmid-bearing transformants. Suppression is restricted in Strr derivatives of the Thy- mutants, indicating that suppression occurs at the level of translation.  相似文献   

Summary Recombinant bacteria issuing from crosses between Hfr and F E. coli strains which differ in their amber and non-amber-suppressor sensitive phage mutant suppression patterns exhibit the two parental phage suppression patterns and five other patterns. Analysis of the suppression patterns and comparisons of the chromosomal marker frequencies among the seven different recombinant classes permit identification of five distinct chromosomal regions which are sites of suppressor genes for which the parental strains carry different alleles: 1. the str region of the Hfr chromosome, 2. the ()-gal region of the F chromosome, 3. the met-xyl region of the F chromosome, 4. the thr region of the Hfr chromosome, and 5. the his-try region of the Hfr chromosome.The suppressor in the str region is probably coincident with the gene(s) determining the str phenotype of the parental Hfr strains. The suppressor residing in the ()-gal region of the F chromosome appears to be the su II glutamine-inserting suppressor. The quantitative expression of su II appears to be reduced by the presence of the Strr mutation carried by the F parent, and this reduced efficiency of suppression can be counteracted progressively by the presence of the suppressor residing in the met-xyl region of the F chromosome and of the two suppressors residing in the thr and his-try regions of the Hfr chromosome.  相似文献   

Five amber mutations affecting essential genes of Escherichia coli have been isolated. The procedure relies on P1-mediated localized mutagenesis(1) and on the use of a recipient strain carrying a strong but instable suppressor gene and a particular thermoinducible λ prophage which kills suppressor hosts at 42°C (2). All five mutations map close to the spcA gene, in a region which codes essentially for ribosomal proteins. Strains harboring the mutations were studied biochemically; all five exhibit defective ribosomal assembly upon loss of suppression.  相似文献   

Y F Wei  B J Chen    L Samson 《Journal of bacteriology》1995,177(17):5009-5015
The alkB gene is one of a group of alkylation-inducible genes in Escherichia coli, and its product protects cells from SN2-type alkylating agents such as methyl methanesulfonate (MMS). However, the precise biochemical function of the AlkB protein remains unknown. Here, we describe the cloning, sequencing, and characterization of three Saccharomyces cerevisiae genes (YFW1, YFW12, and YFW16) that functionally complement E. coli alkB mutant cells. DNA sequence analysis showed that none of the three gene products have any amino acid sequence homology with the AlkB protein. The YFW1 and YFW12 proteins are highly serine and threonine rich, and YFW1 contains a stretch of 28 hydrophobic residues, indicating that it may be a membrane protein. The YFW16 gene turned out to be allelic with the S. cerevisiae STE11 gene. STE11 is a protein kinase known to be involved in pheromone signal transduction in S. cerevisiae; however, the kinase activity is not required for MMS resistance because mutant STE11 proteins lacking kinase activity could still complement E. coli alkB mutants. Despite the fact that YFW1, YFW12, and YFW16/STE11 each confer substantial MMS resistance upon E. coli alkB cells, S. cerevisiae null mutants for each gene were not MMS sensitive. Whether these three genes provide alkylation resistance in E. coli via an alkB-like mechanism remains to be determined, but protection appears to be specific for AlkB-deficient E. coli because none of the genes protect other alkylation-sensitive E. coli strains from killing by MMS.  相似文献   

为探讨常压室温等离子体诱变的3株高产多糖猴头菌和出发菌株的多糖组分差异,通过液体发酵获得的菌丝体经水提、分级醇沉获得8个胞内多糖组分,对它们的理化性质、结构特征及体外免疫活性进行了研究。结果表明,3株ARTP诱变菌株414、321、236菌丝体多糖含量较出发菌株有较明显提升;ARTP诱变的猴头菌20%醇沉多糖组分较出发菌株分子量大,所占比例增加;诱变菌株60%醇沉多糖组分的分子量略大于出发菌株,所占比例相近。20%醇沉多糖主要由半乳糖、葡萄糖、甘露糖构成,诱变菌株该多糖组分中葡萄糖和甘露糖的比例较出发菌株均有明显提升,60%醇沉多糖组分单糖组成无明显差异;8个多糖组分均具有体外刺激巨噬细胞释放NO的活性,其中20%醇沉多糖的活性优于60%醇沉多糖,诱变菌株的生物活性优于出发菌株。本研究探讨了ARTP诱变对猴头菌胞内多糖结构及活性的影响,为猴头菌相关产品的开发提供了优质资源。  相似文献   

The effects of low-temperature stress on the glycolytic activity of the lactic acid bacterium Lactococcus lactis were studied. The maximal glycolytic activity measured at 30 degrees C increased approximately 2.5-fold following a shift from 30 to 10 degrees C for 4 h in a process that required protein synthesis. Analysis of cold adaptation of strains with genes involved in sugar metabolism disrupted showed that both the phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent sugar phosphotransferase system (PTS) subunit HPr and catabolite control protein A (CcpA) are involved in the increased acidification at low temperatures. In contrast, a strain with the PTS subunit enzyme I disrupted showed increased acidification similar to that in the wild-type strain. This indicates that the PTS is not involved in this response whereas the regulatory function of 46-seryl phosphorylated HPr [HPr(Ser-P)] probably is involved. Protein analysis showed that the production of both HPr and CcpA was induced severalfold (up to two- to threefold) upon exposure to low temperatures. The las operon, which is subject to catabolite activation by the CcpA-HPr(Ser-P) complex, was not induced upon cold shock, and no increased lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity was observed. Similarly, the rate-limiting enzyme of the glycolytic pathway under starvation conditions, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), was not induced upon cold shock. This indicates that a factor other than LDH or GAPDH is rate determining for the increased glycolytic activity upon exposure to low temperatures. Based on their cold induction and involvement in cold adaptation of glycolysis, it is proposed that the CcpA-HPr(Ser-P) control circuit regulates this factor(s) and hence couples catabolite repression and cold shock response in a functional and mechanistic way.  相似文献   

用低温诱导法制备人高分辨染色体   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨非药物作用获得人高分辨染色体。方法:外周血淋巴细胞在37℃中培养66h,入4℃冰箱4h,再分别入37℃恢复培养0、10、20、30、40、50、60min,终止培养前以低浓度(0.08μg/ml)秋水仙素处理培养物30min。结果:不恢复培养(0min)或短时恢复培养(10、20min)组分裂指数最高,晚前期、前中期和早中期染色体数目最多。结论:该法简便,不需药物诱导,便于推广。  相似文献   

Genetic suppressors of bacteriophage t5 amber mutants   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  

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