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王兰  肖冬光 《生物技术》2004,14(4):43-46
研究了以廉价原料糖蜜流加培养酵母的生产工艺,确定了最佳工艺参数,并根据酵母在流加培养过程中比生长速率和耗糖速率的变化,对动态的糖流加工艺进行研究,得出了流加培养的动力学模型,然后通过流加培养过程中实际糖流加曲线对所提出的模型进行验证。研究结果表明,流加培养模型能较好地反映酵母流加培养过程中糖流加的规律,对酵母的流加培养具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

现在有三种生物反应器运转方式,即纯批式、连续式和流加式(fed-batch)或称作半批式,在批式发酵过程中,除要调节pH和在通气培养情况下需供给氧气外,所需要的全部养料在接种前都已存在于培养基中。连续发酵过程中有营养培养基的流入和流出,因此反映器中  相似文献   

人肿瘤坏死因子受体Ⅱ-Fc融合蛋白在治疗风湿性、类风湿性关节炎方面拥有广阔的市场前景和巨大的经济价值。本实验以表达TNFR-Fc融合蛋白的GS-CHO细胞为研究对象,结合细胞生长代谢特性和动力学参数分析,以葡萄糖为关键控制参数,通过测定培养上清的葡萄糖浓度对培养过程中的葡萄糖消耗进行及时的预测,调整流加速率,形成了以满足细胞生长代谢需要为基本原则的动态流加培养过程设计模型。在此控制模型指导下,建立了高效的流加培养过程。使最大活细胞密度和最大融合蛋白浓度分别达9.4×106cells/mL和207mg/L,较批次培养分别提高了3.4倍和3倍。本研究所采用的研究方法和控制策略为优化GS-CHO细胞培养过程和TNFR-Fc融合蛋白成功迈向产业化奠定了基础。  相似文献   

用遗传算法优化流加培养的底物流加轨迹   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
遗传算法(Genetic Algorithm,GA)j是把生物进化论和遗传学原理应用于工程优化而创造出来的新的优化算法,在复杂问题的优化方面显示出了优良性能。近年来GA开始应用于发酵工程领域,本文介绍了应用GA优化流加培养流加轨迹的原理和方法。  相似文献   

初步研究了气液双升式动物细胞反应器微载体培养 Bowes细胞和悬浮培养 M4G3杂交瘤细胞的生长条件 ,在不加入消泡剂和保护剂的情况下 ,批式培养 Bowes细胞的最大密度为 2 .6×1 0 6/ml,批式培养 M4G3细胞的最大密度为 1 .5× 1 0 6/ml。基于细胞生长的密度效应 ,建立了动物细胞生长动力学模型 :   μ=0   t相似文献   

流加培养是当前重组蛋白生产的主流培养模式。流加式操作主要是根据细胞对营养物质的不断消耗和需求,设计连续或半连续的流加浓缩营养物,使细胞持续高密度的生长,提高单位反应器体积内目的蛋白产量,从而达到高效生产的目的。流加培养工艺的关键技术主要包培养基的优化设计、流加策略的选择及优化、细胞代谢的调控。  相似文献   

郑穗平  郭勇   《微生物学通报》1998,25(1):46-48
基因工程技术是当代生物工程的核心.在实验室中已经应用基因工程菌株得到多种有重要价值的产矿1,但真正能转化为工业化生产的还不多。这主要因为工程菌培养技术是传统发酵工艺的延伸和发展,缺乏完善的理论和成熟的操作准则,使得工艺设计和操作存在较大缺陷。而对基因工程菌培养过程进行控制的关键在于解决这样一个问题m:宿主的生理遗传特性影响着外源基因的表达,外源基因的表达又影响着宿主的生长特性.研究其培养过程的动力学行为主要就是将二者之间的作用规律和控制因素了解清楚,建立合理的数学模型.因此工程菌培养过程的动力学研…  相似文献   

高发酵活力面包酵母的高产率流加培养策略研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
首先优化了面包酵母生产过程中分批培养阶段的操作条件,然后在连续培养实验的基础上.确定了面包酵母流加培养的最佳参数,并得出了发酵活力与比生长速率之间的关联式。根据这一关联式和指数流加培养模式,提出了两阶段控制比生长速度的流加培养策略。研究结果表明:采用初糖浓度为15~30g/L、残糖控制浓度为3~6g/L以及分阶段控制搅拌转速以提供不同的传氧速率;应用提出的流加培养策略进行面包酵母培养.在产率达到0.432g/g的同时发酵活力达到1180ml,可实现面包酵母培养过程高产率和高发酵活力的统一。  相似文献   

单细胞蛋白(SCP)培养具有增殖速度快、原料来源广、蛋白质含量高等优点,正在成为重要的蛋白质来源之一。生产SCP的原料包括烷烃、低碳醇类及碳水化合物。由碳水化合物,尤其是由各种农副产品加工的废料、造纸工业废水及木质纤维素水解产物等,生产SCP属于废弃资源的综合利用,具有重要的经济和社会意义。这类原料中常含有多种碳源,例如,在木质纤维水解液中,有以木糖为主的五碳糖,也有以葡萄糖为主的六碳糖,木糖与葡萄糖之比约为1:2。这样,木糖的利用就成了一个关键问题。葡萄糖对木糖代谢的抑制作用随葡萄糖比例的降低而减轻;Slinger和Bothast研究了用混合糖培养Candida shehetane的过程,当木糖与葡萄糖的比例为3:1及1:1时,葡萄糖的利用速度分别比木糖高1.6倍及3.4倍;在低还原势时,酵母产酒精速率降低而细胞增长速率加快,可以达到较高细胞浓度。  相似文献   

温度对谷胱甘肽分批发酵的影响及动力学模型   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
研究了24~32℃范围内产朊假丝酵母生产谷胱甘肽的分批发酵过程,发现较高温度对细胞生长有促进作用,而较低温度则更有利于谷胱甘肽产量的提高。应用改进的Logistic和LuedekingPiret方程分别对细胞生长动力学和谷胱甘肽合成动力学进行了模拟,得到不同温度下各种动力学参数。在此基础上,进一步研究了温度同细胞生长动力学参数之间的内在联系,得到谷胱甘肽分批发酵过程中细胞浓度的变化同温度以及底物浓度之间的一般关系式:dX-dt=[0.0224(T+1.7)]2X(1-X/Xmax)1+S{8.26×10.6×exp[-31477/R/(T+273)]}。验证实验结果表明,该模型具有很好的适用性。  相似文献   

In this study, crude cellulase produced by Trichoderma reesei Rut-30 was used to hydrolyze pretreated straw. After the compositions of the hydrolysate of pretreated straw were optimized, the study showed that natural components of pretreated straw without addition of any other components such as (NH4)2SO4, KH2PO4, or Mg2+ were suitable for citric acid production by Yarrowia lipolytica SWJ-1b, and the optimal ventilatory capacity was 10.0 L/min/L medium. Batch and fed-batch production of citric acid from the hydrolysate of pretreated straw by Yarrowia lipolytica SWJ-1b has been investigated. In the batch cultivation, 25.4 g/L and 26.7 g/L citric acid were yields from glucose and hydrolysate of straw cellulose, respectively, while the cultivation time was 120 hr. In the three-cycle fed-batch cultivation, citric acid (CA) production was increased to 42.4 g/L and the cultivation time was extended to 240 hr. However, iso-citric acid (ICA) yield in fed-batch cultivation (4.0 g/L) was similar to that during the batch cultivation (3.9 g/L), and only 1.6 g/L of reducing sugar was left in the medium at the end of fed-batch cultivation, suggesting that most of the added carbon was used in the cultivation.  相似文献   

pH值对D-核糖发酵的影响及补料发酵的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
研究了不同 pH值对D 核糖产量的影响。发酵初期pH自然下降时有利于菌体生长 ,菌体生长对数期较长 ,菌体质量浓度最高可达 15 .3g/L ;发酵中后期 pH值控制在 7.0时有利于D 核糖的持续合成 ,同时对D -核糖的流加补料发酵进行了初步研究 ,最终使菌体质量浓度最高达到 2 0 .1g/L ,D 核糖产量达到了 6 2 .5g/L。  相似文献   

The paper describes three Penicillium verruculosum 28K mutants with about threefold enhanced production of five industrially important carbohydrases. The two-stage fermentation process that we developed provided a further two- to threefold increase in the production of carbohydrases. Physiological and biochemical studies showed that the synthesis of all five carbohydrases is inducible. Carboxymethylcellulase, xylanase, and -glucanase are synthesized under a common regulatory control, as is evident from the concurrent increase in the synthesis of these enzymes in the presence of microcrystalline cellulose. The synthesis of avicelase and -glucosidase is evidently induced by other cellulose- and hemicellulose-containing compounds present in the fermentation medium and, hence, is regulated independently of the three aforementioned enzymes.__________Translated from Mikrobiologiya, Vol. 74, No. 2, 2005, pp. 172–178.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Soloveva, Okunev, Velkov, Koshelev, Bubnova, Kondrateva, Skomarovskii, Sinitsyn.  相似文献   

根据单细胞生物分批培养过程中比生长速率(μ)的变化,其生长曲线分为延滞期、加速期、对数期、减速期、稳定期和衰亡期6个时期.与其他生长时期相比,在减速期生物的生长、基质的利用、产物的合成和基因表达谱等方面有显著的不同,并对发酵生产有着重要作用.然而,长期以来,对减速期的认识和教学相当薄弱,亟需加强对减速期的认识和教学.  相似文献   

苏云金芽孢杆菌培养基优化及间歇发酵   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
对苏云金芽孢杆菌的培养基配方进行室内摇瓶优化筛选,首先用摇瓶培养筛选到Ⅱ号培养基,在此配方的基础上,将培养基组分划分为氮源、碳源及无机盐三因素,采用三因素二水平正交旋转组合设计的方法进行培养基优化组合研究,建立其芽孢产量依氮源、碳源、无机盐的响应面方程。借助此方程获得响应面最佳点即培养基各组分的最佳配比。实验结果表明,该方法是苏云金芽孢杆菌培养基优化中十分简便、实用、快速的途径。此外,对其间歇发酵过程也进行了初步考察。  相似文献   

Sulfitobacter pontiacus, a gram-negative heterotrophic bacterium isolated from the Black Sea is well known to produce a soluble AMP-independent sulfite oxidase (sulfite: acceptor oxidoreductase) of high activity. Such an enzyme can be of great help in establishing biosensor systems for detection of sulfite in food and beverages considering the high sensitivity of biosensors and the increasing demand for such biosensor devices. For obtaining efficient amounts of the enzyme, an induction of its biosynthesis by supplementing sufficient concentrations of sodium sulfite to the fermentation broth is required. Owing to the fact that a high initial concentration of sodium sulfite decreases dramatically the enzyme expression, different fed-batch strategies can be applied to circumvent such inhibition or repression of the enzyme respectively. By the use of sulfite species immobilized in polyvinyl alcohol gels, an approach to the controlled and continuous feeding of sulfite to the cultivation media could be established to diminish inhibitory concentrations. Furthermore, the purification of the enzyme is described by using membrane adsorber technology.  相似文献   

运用双重组合设计建立黑龙江省玉米降水产量模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用旋转设计进一步发展的双重组合试验设计,建立黑龙江省关于降水、有机质、氮、磷、钾肥及有机肥的玉米产量模型,探讨了双重组合试验设计在建模时用可控因素去挂接不可控因素的应用,对模型进行了检验和频数分析,提出玉米产量大子3000公斤的高产在艺措施.  相似文献   

Phaffia rhodozyma cells were treated with the mutagenic agent NTG several times and plated on yeast-malt agar containing -ionone as a selective medium. This mutagenesis of the yeast yielded a mutant (NCHU-FS501) with a total carotenoid content of 1454 g g–1 dry biomass. Temperature and pH had only a slight effect on the volumetric pigment production by the red yeast, however astaxanthin yield and specific growth rate were influenced more significantly by temperature and pH. The optimum inoculum size, temperature and air flow rate for astaxanthin formation by the mutant in a bench-top fermentor were 7.5% (v/v), 22.5°C and 3.6 vvm, respectively. Glucose (1%, w/v) as carbon source yielded the highest volumetric astaxanthin production (6.72 g ml–1). Peptone (15.8% total nitrogen) was the best nitrogen source for astaxanthin production (6.72 g ml–1). Pigment formation by the mutant was further improved by increasing the glucose concentration to 3.5%, where the astaxanthin concentration was 16.33 m ml–1. At 4.5% glucose or above astaxanthin formation was inhibited. Control of the pH of the fermentation broth did not improved pigment production.  相似文献   

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