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Respiration from coarse wood litter in central Amazon forests   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Respiration from coarse litter (trunks and large branches >10 cm diameter) was studied in central Amazon forests. Respiration ratesvaried over almost two orders of magnitude (1.003–0.014 µg Cg–1 C min–1, n = 61), and weresignificantly correlated with wood density (r2 adj= 0.42), and moisture content (r2 adj= 0.39). Additional samples taken from a nearby pasture indicatedthat wood moisture content was the most important factor controllingrespiration rates across sites (r2 adj =0.65). Based on average coarse litter wood density and moisture content,the mean long-term carbon loss rate due to respiration was estimated tobe 0.13 yr–1 (range of 95% prediction interval(PI) = 0.11–0.15 yr–1). Comparing meanrespiration rate with mean mass loss (decomposition) rate from aprevious study, respiratory emissions to the atmosphere from coarselitter were predicted to be 76% (95% PI =65–88%) of total carbon loss, or about 1.9 (95% PI= 1.6–2.2) Mg C ha–1yr–1. Optimum respiration activity corresponded toabout 2.5 g H2O g–1 dry wood, and severelyrestricted respiration to < 0.5 g H2O g–1dry wood. Respiration from coarse litter in central Amazon forests iscomparable in magnitude to decomposing fine surface litter (e.g. leaves,twigs) and is an important carbon cycling component when characterizingheterotrophic respiration budgets and net ecosystem exchange(NEE).  相似文献   

The net ecosystem exchange (NEE) of forests represents the balance of gross primary productivity (GPP) and respiration (R). Methods to estimate these two components from eddy covariance flux measurements are usually based on a functional relationship between respiration and temperature that is calibrated for night‐time (respiration) fluxes and subsequently extrapolated using daytime temperature measurements. However, respiration fluxes originate from different parts of the ecosystem, each of which experiences its own course of temperature. Moreover, if the temperature–respiration function is fitted to combined data from different stages of biological development or seasons, a spurious temperature effect may be included that will lead to overestimation of the direct effect of temperature and therefore to overestimates of daytime respiration. We used the EUROFLUX eddy covariance data set for 15 European forests and pooled data per site, month and for conditions of low and sufficient soil moisture, respectively. We found that using air temperature (measured above the canopy) rather than soil temperature (measured 5 cm below the surface) yielded the most reliable and consistent exponential (Q10) temperature–respiration relationship. A fundamental difference in air temperature‐based Q10 values for different sites, times of year or soil moisture conditions could not be established; all were in the range 1.6–2.5. However, base respiration (R0, i.e. respiration rate scaled to 0°C) did vary significantly among sites and over the course of the year, with increased base respiration rates during the growing season. We used the overall mean Q10 of 2.0 to estimate annual GPP and R. Testing suggested that the uncertainty in total GPP and R associated with the method of separation was generally well within 15%. For the sites investigated, we found a positive relationship between GPP and R, indicating that there is a latitudinal trend in NEE because the absolute decrease in GPP towards the pole is greater than in R.  相似文献   

Many wetland ecosystems such as peatlands and wet tundra hold large amounts of organic carbon (C) in their soils, and are thus important in the terrestrial C cycle. We have synthesized data on the carbon dioxide (CO2) exchange obtained from eddy covariance measurements from 12 wetland sites, covering 1–7 years at each site, across Europe and North America, ranging from ombrotrophic and minerotrophic peatlands to wet tundra ecosystems, spanning temperate to arctic climate zones. The average summertime net ecosystem exchange of CO2 (NEE) was highly variable between sites. However, all sites with complete annual datasets, seven in total, acted as annual net sinks for atmospheric CO2. To evaluate the influence of gross primary production (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (Reco) on NEE, we first removed the artificial correlation emanating from the method of partitioning NEE into GPP and Reco. After this correction neither Reco (P= 0.162) nor GPP (P= 0.110) correlated significantly with NEE on an annual basis. Spatial variation in annual and summertime Reco was associated with growing season period, air temperature, growing degree days, normalized difference vegetation index and vapour pressure deficit. GPP showed weaker correlations with environmental variables as compared with Reco, the exception being leaf area index (LAI), which correlated with both GPP and NEE, but not with Reco. Length of growing season period was found to be the most important variable describing the spatial variation in summertime GPP and Reco; global warming will thus cause these components to increase. Annual GPP and NEE correlated significantly with LAI and pH, thus, in order to predict wetland C exchange, differences in ecosystem structure such as leaf area and biomass as well as nutritional status must be taken into account.  相似文献   

In high‐latitude regions, carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions during the winter represent an important component of the annual ecosystem carbon budget; however, the mechanisms that control the winter CO2 emissions are currently not well understood. It has been suggested that substrate availability from soil labile carbon pools is a main driver of winter CO2 emissions. In ecosystems that are dominated by annual herbaceous plants, much of the biomass produced during the summer is likely to contribute to the soil labile carbon pool through litter fall and root senescence in the autumn. Thus, the summer carbon uptake in the ecosystem may have a significant influence on the subsequent winter CO2 emissions. To test this hypothesis, we conducted a plot‐scale shading experiment in a boreal peatland to reduce the gross primary production (GPP) during the growing season. At the growing season peak, vascular plant biomass in the shaded plots was half that in the control plots. During the subsequent winter, the mean CO2 emission rates were 21% lower in the shaded plots than in the control plots. In addition, long‐term (2001–2012) eddy covariance data from the same site showed a strong correlation between the GPP (particularly the late summer and autumn GPP) and the subsequent winter net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE). In contrast, abiotic factors during the winter could not explain the interannual variation in the cumulative winter NEE. Our study demonstrates the presence of a cross‐seasonal link between the growing season biotic processes and winter CO2 emissions, which has important implications for predicting winter CO2 emission dynamics in response to future climate change.  相似文献   

Simultaneous measurements of net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) were made in a Florida scrub‐oak ecosystem in August 1997 and then every month between April 2000 to July 2001, using open top chambers (NEEO) and eddy covariance (NEEE). This study provided a cross validation of these two different techniques for measuring NEE. Unique characteristics of the comparison were that the measurements were made simultaneously, in the same stand, with large replicated chambers enclosing a representative portion of the ecosystem (75 m2, compared to approximately 1–2 ha measured by the eddy covariance system). The value of the comparison was greatest at night, when the microclimate was minimally affected by the chambers. For six of the 12 measurement periods, night NEEO was not significantly different to night NEEE, and for the other periods the maximum difference was 1.1 µ mol m ? 2s ? 1, with an average of 0.72 ± 0.09 µ mol m ? 2s ? 1. The comparison was more difficult during the photoperiod, because of differences between the microclimate inside and outside the chambers. During the photoperiod, air temperature (Tair) and air vapour pressure deficits (VPD) became progressively higher inside the chambers until mid‐afternoon. In the morning NEEO was higher than NEEE by about 26%, consistent with increased temperature inside the chambers. Over the mid‐day period and the afternoon, NEEO was 8% higher that NEEE, regardless of the large differences in microclimate. This study demonstrates both the uses and difficulties associated with attempting to cross validate NEE measurements made in chambers and using eddy covariance. The exercise was most useful at night when the chamber had a minimal effect on microclimate, and when the measurement of NEE is most difficult.  相似文献   

Nine years (2003–2011) of carbon dioxide (CO2) flux were measured at a black spruce forest in interior Alaska using the eddy covariance method. Seasonal and interannual variations in the gross primary productivity (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (RE) were associated primarily with air temperature: warmer conditions enhanced GPP and RE. Meanwhile, interannual variation in annual CO2 balance was controlled predominantly by RE, and not GPP. During these 9 years of measurement, the annual CO2 balance shifted from a CO2 sink to a CO2 source, with a 9‐year average near zero. The increase in autumn RE was associated with autumn warming and was mostly attributed to a shift in the annual CO2 balance. The increase in autumn air temperature (0.22 °C yr?1) during the 9 years of study was 15 times greater than the long‐term warming trend between 1905 and 2011 (0.015 °C yr?1) due to decadal climate oscillation. This result indicates that most of the shifts in observed CO2 fluxes were associated with decadal climate variability. Because the natural climate varies in a cycle of 10–30 years, a long‐term study covering at least one full cycle of decadal climate oscillation is important to quantify the CO2 balance and its interaction with the climate.  相似文献   

准确测定森林生态系统中CO2储存通量(Fs)对于以涡动协方差(EC)法估算生态系统碳收支具有重要意义,而Fs不同算法引起的森林碳收支估测误差还未被全面评估。本研究利用2018年帽儿山落叶阔叶林的开路EC系统和8层CO2/H2O廓线系统(AP100, Campbell Scientific Inc., USA)数据,比较了2-min平均廓线(P2 min)、30-min平均廓线(P30 min)和30-min平均EC单点法(Ps)3种不同方法估算的Fs对净生态系统交换(NEE)、生态系统呼吸(Re)和总初级生产力(GPP)估算结果的影响。结果表明: Fs估算方法对森林碳通量的影响总体上随时间尺度增大而不断增大,表明通量数据插补和拆分会进一步放大Fs估算方法的影响。在年尺度上,P2 min法和Ps法的NEE分别比P30 min法的低36.3%和29.4%;P2 min法的ReP30 min法和Ps法高8.7%;而P2 min法的GPP比P30 min法的高5.4%,Ps法则比P30 min法的低2.1%。传统的P30 min法忽略了CO2浓度的瞬时变化,Ps法缺少林冠层内部CO2浓度变化,因此两者低估了真实Re。近似瞬时廓线的方法(2-min平均)具有更高的时间与空间分辨率,能够更加准确地估算非平坦地形和复杂冠层结构的森林碳收支,这对解决EC法在复杂条件下森林Re和GPP低估、净碳汇高估具有重要启示。  相似文献   

Net ecosystem productivity (NEP), net primary productivity (NPP), and water vapour exchange of a mature Pinus ponderosa forest (44°30′ N, 121°37′ W) growing in a region subject to summer drought were investigated along with canopy assimilation and respiratory fluxes. This paper describes seasonal and annual variation in these factors, and the evaluation of two generalized models of carbon and water balance (PnET‐II and 3‐PG) with a combination of traditional measurements of NPP, respiration and water stress, and eddy covariance measurements of above‐and below‐canopy CO2 and water vapour exchange. The objective was to evaluate the models using two years of traditional and eddy covariance measurements, and to use the models to help interpret the relative importance of processes controlling carbon and water vapour exchange in a water‐limited pine ecosystem throughout the year. PnET‐II is a monthly time‐step model that is driven by nitrogen availability through foliar N concentration, and 3‐PG is a monthly time‐step quantum‐efficiency model constrained by extreme temperatures, drought, and vapour pressure deficits. Both models require few parameters and have the potential to be applied at the watershed to regional scale. There was 2/3 less rainfall in 1997 than in 1996, providing a challenge to modelling the water balance, and consequently the carbon balance, when driving the models with the two years of climate data, sequentially. Soil fertility was not a key factor in modelling processes at this site because other environmental factors limited photosynthesis and restricted projected leaf area index to ~1.6. Seasonally, GEP and LE were overestimated in early summer and underestimated through the rest of the year. The model predictions of annual GEP, NEP and water vapour exchange were within 1–39% of flux measurements, with greater disparity in 1997 because soil water never fully recharged. The results suggest that generalized models can provide insights to constraints on productivity on an annual basis, using a minimum of site data.  相似文献   

开垦对黄河三角洲湿地净生态系统CO2交换的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
近年来, 由于对湿地的不合理利用, 自然湿地被大面积地垦殖为农田, 导致湿地生态系统碳循环的模式发生改变, 从而影响了湿地生态系统碳汇功能。该研究通过涡度相关法, 对山东省东营市黄河三角洲芦苇(Phragmites australis)湿地和开垦多年的棉花(Gossypium spp.)农田的净生态系统CO2交换(NEE)进行了对比观测, 以探讨该地区典型生态系统NEE的变化规律及其影响因子, 揭示开垦对芦苇湿地NEE和碳汇功能的影响。结果表明: 在生长季, 湿地和农田生态系统NEE的日平均值各月均呈明显的“U”型变化曲线, 非生长季NEE的变幅很小。生长季湿地生态系统日最大净吸收值和释放值分别为16.04 g CO2·m-2·d-1(8月17日)和14.95 g CO2·m-2·d-1(8月9日); 农田生态系统日最大净吸收值和释放值分别为18.99 g CO2·m-2·d-1 (8月22日)和12.23 g CO2·m-2·d-1 (7月29日)。生长季白天两个生态系统NEE与光合有效辐射(PAR)之间呈直角双曲线关系; 非生长季NEE主要受土壤温度(Ts)的影响; 生态系统生长季夜间NEETs和土壤含水量(SWC)的共同影响; 湿地和农田的生态系统呼吸熵(Q10)分别为2.30和3.78。2011年生长季, 黄河三角洲湿地和农田生态系统均表现为CO2的汇, 总净固碳量分别为780.95和647.35 g CO2·m-2, 开垦降低了湿地的碳吸收能力; 而在2011年非生长季, 黄河三角洲湿地和农田生态系统均表现为CO2的源, CO2总释放量分别为181.90和111.55 g CO2·m-2。全年湿地和农田生态系统总净固碳量分别为599.05和535.80 g CO2·m-2。  相似文献   

High Arctic landscapes are expansive and changing rapidly. However, our understanding of their functional responses and potential to mitigate or enhance anthropogenic climate change is limited by few measurements. We collected eddy covariance measurements to quantify the net ecosystem exchange (NEE) of CO2 with polar semidesert and meadow wetland landscapes at the highest latitude location measured to date (82°N). We coupled these rare data with ground and satellite vegetation production measurements (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index; NDVI) to evaluate the effectiveness of upscaling local to regional NEE. During the growing season, the dry polar semidesert landscape was a near‐zero sink of atmospheric CO2 (NEE: ?0.3 ± 13.5 g C m?2). A nearby meadow wetland accumulated over 300 times more carbon (NEE: ?79.3 ± 20.0 g C m?2) than the polar semidesert landscape, and was similar to meadow wetland NEE at much more southerly latitudes. Polar semidesert NEE was most influenced by moisture, with wetter surface soils resulting in greater soil respiration and CO2 emissions. At the meadow wetland, soil heating enhanced plant growth, which in turn increased CO2 uptake. Our upscaling assessment found that polar semidesert NDVI measured on‐site was low (mean: 0.120–0.157) and similar to satellite measurements (mean: 0.155–0.163). However, weak plant growth resulted in poor satellite NDVI–NEE relationships and created challenges for remotely detecting changes in the cycling of carbon on the polar semidesert landscape. The meadow wetland appeared more suitable to assess plant production and NEE via remote sensing; however, high Arctic wetland extent is constrained by topography to small areas that may be difficult to resolve with large satellite pixels. We predict that until summer precipitation and humidity increases enough to offset poor soil moisture retention, climate‐related changes to productivity on polar semideserts may be restricted.  相似文献   

Over the last two and half decades, strong evidence showed that the terrestrial ecosystems are acting as a net sink for atmospheric carbon. However the spatial and temporal patterns of variation in the sink are not well known. In this study, we examined latitudinal patterns of interannual variability (IAV) in net ecosystem exchange (NEE) of CO2 based on 163 site-years of eddy covariance data, from 39 northern-hemisphere research sites located at latitudes ranging from ∼29°N to ∼64°N. We computed the standard deviation of annual NEE integrals at individual sites to represent absolute interannual variability (AIAV), and the corresponding coefficient of variation as a measure of relative interannual variability (RIAV). Our results showed decreased trends of annual NEE with increasing latitude for both deciduous broadleaf forests and evergreen needleleaf forests. Gross primary production (GPP) explained a significant proportion of the spatial variation of NEE across evergreen needleleaf forests, whereas, across deciduous broadleaf forests, it is ecosystem respiration (Re). In addition, AIAV in GPP and Re increased significantly with latitude in deciduous broadleaf forests, but AIAV in GPP decreased significantly with latitude in evergreen needleleaf forests. Furthermore, RIAV in NEE, GPP, and Re appeared to increase significantly with latitude in deciduous broadleaf forests, but not in evergreen needleleaf forests. Correlation analyses showed air temperature was the primary environmental factor that determined RIAV of NEE in deciduous broadleaf forest across the North American sites, and none of the chosen climatic factors could explain RIAV of NEE in evergreen needleleaf forests. Mean annual NEE significantly increased with latitude in grasslands. Precipitation was dominant environmental factor for the spatial variation of magnitude and IAV in GPP and Re in grasslands.  相似文献   

Conversion of grasslands to woodlands may alter the sensitivity of CO2 exchange of individual plants and entire ecosystems to air temperature and precipitation. We combined leaf‐level gas exchange and ecosystem‐level eddy covariance measurements to quantify the effects of plant temperature sensitivity and ecosystem temperature responses within a grassland and mesquite woodland across seasonal precipitation periods. In so doing, we were able to estimate the role of moisture availability on ecosystem temperature sensitivity under large‐scale vegetative shifts. Optimum temperatures (Topt) for net photosynthetic assimilation (A) and net ecosystem productivity (NEP) were estimated from a function fitted to A and NEP plotted against air temperature. The convexities of these temperature responses were quantified by the range of temperatures over which a leaf or an ecosystem assimilated 50% of maximum NEP (Ω50). Under dry pre‐ and postmonsoon conditions, leaf‐level Ω50 in C3 shrubs were two‐to‐three times that of C4 grasses, but under moist monsoon conditions, leaf‐level Ω50 was similar between growth forms. At the ecosystems‐scale, grassland NEP was more sensitive to precipitation, as evidenced by a 104% increase in maximum NEP at monsoon onset, compared to a 57% increase in the woodland. Also, woodland NEP was greater across all temperatures experienced by both ecosystems in all seasons. By maintaining physiological function across a wider temperature range during water‐limited periods, woody plants assimilated larger amounts of carbon. This higher carbon‐assimilation capacity may have significant implications for ecosystem responses to projected climate change scenarios of higher temperatures and more variable precipitation, particularly as semiarid regions experience conversions from C4 grasses to C3 shrubs. As regional carbon models, CLM 4.0, are now able to incorporate functional type and photosynthetic pathway differences, this work highlights the need for a better integration of the interactive effects of growth form/functional type and photosynthetic pathway on water resource acquisition and temperature sensitivity.  相似文献   

This paper provides the first steps toward a regional-scale analysis of carbon (C) budgets. We explore the ability of the ecosystem model BIOME-BGC to estimate the daily and annual C dynamics of four European coniferous forests and shifts in these dynamics in response to changing environmental conditions. We estimate uncertainties in the model results that arise from incomplete knowledge of site management history (for example, successional stage of forest). These uncertainties are especially relevant in regional-scale simulations, because this type of information is difficult to obtain. Although the model predicted daily C and water fluxes reasonably well at all sites, it seemed to have a better predictive capacity for the photosynthesis-related processes than for respiration. Leaf area index (LAI) was modeled accurately at two sites but overestimated at two others (as a result of poor long-term climate drivers and uncertainties in model parameterization). The overestimation of LAI (and consequently gross photosynthetic production (GPP)), in combination with reasonable estimates of the daily net ecosystem productivity (NEP) of those forests, also illustrates the problem with modeled respiration. The model results suggest that all four European forests have been net sinks of C at the rate of 100–300 gC/m2/y and that this C sequestration capacity would be 30%–70% lower without increasing nitrogen (N) deposition and carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations. The magnitude of the forest responses was dependent not only on the rate of changes in environmental factors, but also on site-specific conditions such as climate and soil depth. We estimated that the modeled C exchange at the study sites was reduced by 50%–100% when model simulations were performed for climax forests rather than regrowing forests. The estimates of water fluxes were less sensitive to different initializations of state variables or environmental change scenarios than C fluxes.  相似文献   

Intra‐ and interannual variability of precipitation can lead to major modifications of grassland production and carbon storage capacity. Greater understanding of how climatic variability affects net CO2 exchange [i.e. net ecosystem exchange (NEE)] of grazed grasslands is important to adapt grassland management and reduce risks of carbon losses. Since 2002, we continuously measured NEE (i.e. eddy covariance technique) on an upland grassland site (7 ha), divided in two paddocks grazed by heifers (intensive: 1 LSU ha?1 yr?1, 213 kg N ha?1 yr?1 and extensive: 0.5 LSU ha?1 yr?1, no fertilization). For years with dry and warm growing seasons (i.e. 2003, 2005 and 2008), absolute annual NEE was higher in the intensive paddock compared with the extensive paddock. The opposite was observed during years of ample seasonal rainfall and soil moisture (i.e. 2004, 2006 and 2007). Contrasted management led to two distinct plant communities being different in leaf area index (LAI), soil bulk density and soil water holding capacity. Differences in annual NEEs could thus be assigned to interactions between in carbon and water fluxes during dry and wet growth periods. Dry growth periods led to a reduction in weekly gross primary productivity (GPP) in the extensively managed paddock, whereas the GPP was maintained in the intensive paddock. In turn, during wet growth periods, GPP was similar in both paddocks, whereas N amendment and frequent defoliation significantly increased ecosystem respiration in the intensive paddock, presumably through a higher heterotrophic respiration following on a better C substrate quality and availability (rhizodeposition and senescent fine roots). In the extensive paddock, where plant cover was denser (reducing soil temperature) and less decomposable, C losses through heterotrophic respiration were comparatively smaller under wet conditions. Our results demonstrate that grassland subjected to a moderately intensive management could be more resilient in terms of carbon storage during drought and heat waves, presumably because of a trade‐off between heterotrophic and autotrophic respiration.  相似文献   

Carbon balance of different aged Scots pine forests in Southern Finland   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We estimated annual net ecosystem exchange (NEE) of a chronosequence of four Scots pine stands in southern Finland during years 2000–2002 using eddy covariance (EC). Net ecosystem productivity (NEP) was estimated using growth measurements and modelled mass losses of woody debris. The stands were 4, 12, 40 and 75 years old. The 4‐year‐old clearcut was a source of carbon throughout the year combining a low gross primary productivity (GPP) with a total ecosystem respiration (TER) similar to the forest stands. The annual NEE of the clearcut, measured by EC, was 386 g C m?2. Tree growth was negligible and the estimated NEP was ?262 g C m?2 a?1. The annual GPPs at the other sites were close to each other (928?1072 g C m?2 a?1), but TER differed markedly, being greatest at the 12‐year‐old site (905 g C m?2 a?1) and smallest in the 75‐year‐old stand (616 g C m?2 a?1). Measurements of soil CO2 efflux showed that different rates of soil respiration largely explained the differences in TER. The NEE and NEP of the 12‐year‐old stand were close to zero. The forested stands were sinks of carbon. They had similar annual patterns of carbon exchange and half‐hourly eddy fluxes were highly correlated, indicating similar responses to the environment. The NEE in the 40‐year‐old stand varied between ?179 and –192 g C m?2 a?1, while NEP was between 214 and 242 g C m?2 a?1. The annual NEE of the 75‐year‐old stand was 323 g C m?2 and NEP was 252 g C m?2. This indicates that there was no reduction in carbon sink strength with stand age.  相似文献   

Seven methods, including measurements of photosynthesis (A) and stomatal conductance (g(s)), carbon isotope discrimination, ecosystem CO2 and water vapour exchange using eddy covariance and the use of a multilayer canopy model and ecosystem Keeling plots, were employed to derive estimates of intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) across a range of spatial and temporal scales in a low productivity rain forest ecosystem dominated by the conifer Dacrydium cupressinum Lamb. in New Zealand. Estimates of shoot and canopy Ci across temporal scales ranging from minutes to years were remarkably similar (range of 274-294 micromol mol(-1)). The gradual increase in shoot Ci with depth in the canopy was more likely attributable to decreases in A resulting from lower irradiance (Q) than to increases in g, due to changes in air saturation deficit (D). The lack of marked vertical gradients in A and g(s) at saturating Q through the canopy and the low seasonal variability in environmental conditions contributed to the efficacy of scaling Ci. However, the canopy Ci estimate calculated from the carbon isotope composition of respired ecosystem CO2 (delta13CR; 236 micromol mol(-1)) was much lower than other estimates of canopy Ci. Partitioning delta13CR into four components (soil, roots, litter and foliage) indicated root respiration as the dominant (> 50%) contributor to delta13CR. Variable time lags and differences in isotopic composition during photosynthesis and respiration make the direct estimation of canopy Ci from delta 13CR problematic.  相似文献   

The southeastern United States is experiencing a rapid regional increase in the ratio of pine to deciduous forest ecosystems at the same time it is experiencing changes in climate. This study is focused on exploring how these shifts will affect the carbon sink capacity of southeastern US forests, which we show here are among the strongest carbon sinks in the continental United States. Using eight‐year‐long eddy covariance records collected above a hardwood deciduous forest (HW) and a pine plantation (PP) co‐located in North Carolina, USA, we show that the net ecosystem exchange of CO2 (NEE) was more variable in PP, contributing to variability in the difference in NEE between the two sites (ΔNEE) at a range of timescales, including the interannual timescale. Because the variability in evapotranspiration (ET) was nearly identical across the two sites over a range of timescales, the factors that determined the variability in ΔNEE were dominated by those that tend to decouple NEE from ET. One such factor was water use efficiency, which changed dramatically in response to drought and also tended to increase monotonically in nondrought years (P < 0.001 in PP). Factors that vary over seasonal timescales were strong determinants of the NEE in the HW site; however, seasonality was less important in the PP site, where significant amounts of carbon were assimilated outside of the active season, representing an important advantage of evergreen trees in warm, temperate climates. Additional variability in the fluxes at long‐time scales may be attributable to slowly evolving factors, including canopy structure and increases in dormant season air temperature. Taken together, study results suggest that the carbon sink in the southeastern United States may become more variable in the future, owing to a predicted increase in drought frequency and an increase in the fractional cover of southern pines.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effects on CO2 exchange of clearcutting a mixed forest and replacing it with a plantation, 4.5 years of continuous eddy covariance measurements of CO2 fluxes and soil respiration measurements were conducted in a conifer-broadleaf mixed forest in Hokkaido, Japan. The mixed forest was a weak carbon sink (net ecosystem exchange, −44 g C m−2 yr−1), and it became a large carbon source (569 g C m−2 yr−1) after clearcutting. However, the large emission in the harvest year rapidly decreased in the following 2 years (495 and 153 g C m−2 yr−1, respectively) as the gross primary production (GPP) increased, while the total ecosystem respiration (RE) remained relatively stable. The rapid increase in GPP was attributed to an increase in biomass and photosynthetic activity of Sasa dwarf bamboo, an understory species. Soil respiration increased in the 3 years following clearcutting, in the first year mainly owing to the change in the gap ratio of the forest, and in the following years because of increased root respiration by the bamboo. The ratio of soil respiration to RE increased from 44% in the forest to nearly 100% after clearcutting, and aboveground parts of the vegetation contributed little to the RE although the respiration chamber measurements showed heterogeneous soil condition after clearcutting.  相似文献   

This paper presents results of 1 year (from March 25, 2003 to March 24, 2004, 366 days) of continuous measurements of net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) above a steppe in Mongolia using the eddy covariance technique. The steppe, typical of central Mongolia, is dominated by C3 plants adapted to the continental climate. The following two questions are addressed: (1) how do NEE and its components: gross ecosystem production (GEP) and total ecosystem respiration (Reco) vary seasonally? (2) how do NEE, GEP, and Reco respond to biotic and abiotic factors? The hourly minimal NEE and the hourly maximal Reco were −3.6 and 1.2 μmol m−2 s−1, respectively (negative values denoting net carbon uptake by the canopy from the atmosphere). Peak daily sums of NEE, GEP, and Reco were −2.3, 3.5, and 1.5 g C m−2 day−1, respectively. The annual sums of GEP, Reco, and NEE were 179, 138, and −41 g C m−2, respectively. The carbon removal by sheep was estimated to range between 10 and 82 g C m−2 yr−1 using four different approaches. Including these estimates in the overall carbon budget yielded net ecosystem productivity of −23 to +20 g C m−2 yr−1. Thus, within the remaining experimental uncertainty the carbon budget at this steppe site can be considered to be balanced. For the growing period (from April 23 to October 21, 2003), 26% and 53% of the variation in daily NEE and GEP, respectively, could be explained by the changes in leaf area index. Seasonality of GEP, Reco, and NEE was closely associated with precipitation, especially in the peak growing season when GEP and Reco were largest. Water stress was observed in late July to early August, which switched the steppe from a carbon sink to a carbon source. For the entire growing period, the light response curves of daytime NEE showed a rather low apparent quantum yield (α=−0.0047 μmol CO2 μmol−1 photons of photosynthetically active radiation). However, the α values varied with air temperature (Ta), vapor pressure deficit, and soil water content.  相似文献   

Reconciling Carbon-cycle Concepts, Terminology, and Methods   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
Recent projections of climatic change have focused a great deal of scientific and public attention on patterns of carbon (C) cycling as well as its controls, particularly the factors that determine whether an ecosystem is a net source or sink of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). Net ecosystem production (NEP), a central concept in C-cycling research, has been used by scientists to represent two different concepts. We propose that NEP be restricted to just one of its two original definitions—the imbalance between gross primary production (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (ER). We further propose that a new term—net ecosystem carbon balance (NECB)—be applied to the net rate of C accumulation in (or loss from [negative sign]) ecosystems. Net ecosystem carbon balance differs from NEP when C fluxes other than C fixation and respiration occur, or when inorganic C enters or leaves in dissolved form. These fluxes include the leaching loss or lateral transfer of C from the ecosystem; the emission of volatile organic C, methane, and carbon monoxide; and the release of soot and CO2 from fire. Carbon fluxes in addition to NEP are particularly important determinants of NECB over long time scales. However, even over short time scales, they are important in ecosystems such as streams, estuaries, wetlands, and cities. Recent technological advances have led to a diversity of approaches to the measurement of C fluxes at different temporal and spatial scales. These approaches frequently capture different components of NEP or NECB and can therefore be compared across scales only by carefully specifying the fluxes included in the measurements. By explicitly identifying the fluxes that comprise NECB and other components of the C cycle, such as net ecosystem exchange (NEE) and net biome production (NBP), we can provide a less ambiguous framework for understanding and communicating recent changes in the global C cycle.  相似文献   

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