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Some mammalian fossils collected by the authors in Autumn of 1963 from thewestern part of Zungarica Basin in Sinkiang are described in the present notes.Thelocality lies in the extreme west of Zungarica Basin at Ta-ku-sze-tai valley of Wenquandistrict on the southern side of the Altao Mountains,and it is the first Tertiary localityin Sinkiang represented by a mammalian assemblage,the stratigraphic occurrence ofwhich is known.The fossils are rather well preserved and occur in a clay“pocket”intercalated as a lens in a series of sandstones,marls and conglomerates.The age ofthe fossil bearing Tertiary beds at Ta-ku-sze-tai is Early Pliocene as characterized bythe presence of Gazella dorcadoides,Indarctos sinensis and?Lycyaena dubia,which arethe common elements of Hipparion fauna in North China.  相似文献   

From the Early Tertiary sandstones and clays underlain the Sinanthropus-bearingreddish clays at Chen-Chia-Ou,Lantian District,Shensi(Chang et al.,1964),some mam-malian fossils have recently been collected in a thin layer of intercating chocolate-coloredclays at two outcrops.One is in a ravine named Kongkouwan,from where a singlespecimen of mammalian upper jaw considered here as a new lemuroid primate has beenrecovered.The age of the Early Tertiary beds of the Lantian District,which consist of whitesandstones,buff sands and sandy clays,is not yet precisely known;but the fossil bearinghorizon may be regarded as Late Eocene on basis of the fossil primate noted here.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with the fossil ephip-pia of Cladocera obtained separately from theShahejie(Late Eocene to Oligocene)and Dongying(Oligocene)Formations in the coastal region ofthe Bohai Sea,the 2nd and 3rd members of theHetaoyuan Formation(Late Eocene to Oligocene)in Southwest and Central Henan,the Shangzashaimember of the Anjihaihe Formation(Eocene toOligocene)in the Junggar Basin in Xinjiang andthe Linxia Formation(Pliocene)in the Jingyuanarea in Gansu.They contain 8 new species and 2indeterminable species assigned to 3 genera(Daph-nia,ceriodaphnia and Simocephalus)of the fami-ly Daphnidae.  相似文献   

河南淅川核桃园组的低等四足类动物群   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
<正> Since 1920's, abundant fossil mammals have been collected from the Middle Eocene Hetaoyuan Formation, Xichan, Henan Province. On the contrary, only two reptile remains from these continental deposits have been reported——a turtle, Sinohadrianus sichuanensis Ping, 1929, and a crocodile Pristichampsus aff. P. rollinati identified on the basis of several ziphodont teeth (Chow et al., 1973).  相似文献   

Chinocythere was established as a new genus in 1978 based on fossil ostracodes found from the Palaeogene Shahejie and Dongying Formations along the coastal region of the Bohai Sea. It was also found from the Palaeogene Weizhou and Liushagang Formations of the continental shelf in the northern part of the South China Sea as well as from the early Oligocene Nadou Formation in the Baise basin in Guangxi. In historical geology, Chinocythere first appeared and flourished in Eocene and then gradually declined and became extinct in Oligocene. Despite of its narrow horizontal distribution and limited vertical extension in the geologic section, there are a great many of varieties in this genus, with up to 87 species already published representing the coastal region of the Bohai Sea alone, this in a sense, affords us an invaluable condition for the study of its evolution.  相似文献   

<正> The Cenozoic deposits of Jingle area was first explored by Teilhard de Chardin & Young in 1929, and six species of mammals: Hipparion houfenense, Gazella blacki Antilospira licenti, Elephas sp., Cervus sp., and Rhinocerotidae gen. indet, were found from the Red Clay in Loc. 1 (Hefeng). Based on the Jingle Fauna, Teilhard de Chardin & Young concluded that the fossil-bearing layer was situated between the typical Hipparion richthofeni Red Clay (Pontian) and the Sanmenian deposits (Polycene) (Teilhard de Chardin & Young, 1930, 1931) and called it "Upper Pontian". Since then, Jingle Formation (or Jingle Red Clay) has been widely used in the stratigraphic generalization of North China (Pei et al., 1963) although its definition and age assignment have never been cleared up. "Jinglean" was put into use for the first time as a stage name by Li et al. (1984, in Chinese) to represent Early Pliocene tentatively: "It may be equivalent to Early Pliocene, more plausibly, it is later ...... Jinglean was temporarily used here to represent Early Pliocene by tradition." In order to make clear the age of Jingle Red Clay and enrich the Hefeng Fauna, a field survey was made in the Summer of 1986 by Chen Xiaofeng and the author. An assemblage of fossil micromammals was unearthed by means of wet-sieving techniques. About 1 ton of sediments from Hefeng (Loc. 86007, or Loc. 1) and Xiagaoai (Loc. 86008, or Loc. 2) in Jingle county (see fig. 1), yielded over 1000 specimens of small mammals. The specimens are from four layers (see table 1), and the present paper only deals with the micromammals from the sand layer and the Red Clay at Hefeng (fig. 2).  相似文献   


Eocene amynodonts,including one new genus and five new species,are described inthe present notes.The material investigated are for the most part upper cheek teeth rows,and were mostly collected during the past decade by the writers and their associates ofthe Institute (IVPP) from the various Upper Eocene localities in Honan (Lushi,Chi-yuan and Mienchih) and Shansi (Yuanchü).Many amynodont remains from the Upper Eocene and Lower Oligocene of China and  相似文献   

<正> Remains of Early Miocene mammals were practically unknown in China.In autumnof 1978,however,a collection of mammalian fossil assemblage was collected by theauthors at Xiejia,a small village about 20 km SE of Xining(Sining).The fauna,mainly made up of micromammals consists.at least of 14 species belonging to 10 genera,dated as Early Miocene in age,approximately equivalent to Aquitanian or Aquitanian-Burdigalian in Europe.Sediments attributed to the Xiejia Formation are composed of yellow brown mud-stone with intercalated yellowish green,grey mudstone,sanstone and conglomerateslens,containing fish and mammalian remains(vide infra.).All the fossils were col-lected from a quarry(IVPP loc.no.78027).  相似文献   

Some fossils,mainly lamellibranchs,were recently discovered by a field party of theGeological Bureau of Shanxi Province at some 20 km SSE from Zhenan(Chenan)city ineastern Tsinling.The fossil locality is within the type area of the“Chenan series”(Chaoand Huang,1931)and near to the southern border of the Tsinling Axis.The collectionwas made in a series of grey-black calcareous and slaty shales,the lower part of the“Jin-jiling Qun”.After a careful study on these life-remains,Mr.C.C.Chen and the writerhave arrived at the same conclusion that these fossils are undoubtly of marine earlyTriassic.The fauna consists of the following forms:Claraia hunanica(Hsü)Cl.zhenanica Chen et Liu(sp.nov.)Cl.cf.wangi(Patte)Cl.ex gr.stachei(Bittner)Cl.sp.ind.Spirorbis?sp.cf.S.valvata(Goldfuss)Cephalopoda gen.et sp.ind.Brachiopods genera ind.  相似文献   

The Nanpanjiang Limestone of eastern Yunnan has long been known as one of theimportant Devonian beds in South China.It was first proposed by Prof.Y.C.Sun in1943,and tentatively included in the upper member of the Miaokaoshan formation ofEarly Devonian age with Gypidula pseudogleata Hall as a leading fossil.Since thenmost geologists and palaeontologists have followed Sun's assignment,while few othershave held it to be Early Middle Devonian.At the type locality near Poshi districtalong the Nanpanjiang Valley the Nanpanjiang Limestone is composed of yellowish-greyor dark grey limestone with an approximate thickness of 40—70 meters,and is overlainby the Bothriolepis-bearing beds of Lunghuashan formation.  相似文献   

The Ostracods studied in this paper were collected by the members of a geologicalparty in 1955 from the yellowish silt-clay in Gansen district,Chaidam Basin.Accord-ing to the collecter's opinion,the geological age of the fossil bearing bed is Pliocene toQuaternary.The Ostracods are found in association with a charophyta,Chara gansenensis Wang(S.Wang,1961),gastropods and some indeterminable fragments of plant and fish bone.The species of Ostracoda described and illustrated in this paper are as follows:Ilyo-cypris gibba(Ramdohr),Eucypris inflata(Sars),Prionocypris gansenensis Huang(sp.nov.),Cypricercus brevis Huang(sp.nov.),Cypridopsis reticulata Huang(sp.nov.),Cyc-locypris serena(Koch),Candona neglecta Sars,C.houae Huang(sp.nov.),Limnocytheredubiosa Daday,L.sancti-patricii Brady et Robertson,L.binoda Huang(sp.nov.)andCyprideis littoralis(Brady).From the geological distribution of this Ostracod assemblage,the fossil bearing bedmay be of Pleistocene in age.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to illustrate and describe briefly the fossilremains disc(?)vered in 1951 by Messrs.T.Y.Tien and L.M.Yang from theShihchienfeng Series at the Locality Motzekou of Linyu district,N.W.Shensi.The question as to the geological age of this series has given riseto considerable diversity of opinion among geologists and palaeontologists formany years.The discovery of fossil plants from this series is therefore of consi-derable interest.The fragmentary nature of the fossils renders identificationof much of the material difficult and some of it impossible.In spite of this  相似文献   

<正> Among the fossil materials collected from the lower part of the Hetaoyuan Formation, exposed at Shipigou (namely Pishigou) of Xichuan County, Henan, are some specimens of the primitive lagomorphs. A left mandibular fragment of them was recovered by Lei, one of us, and is housed in the Yichang Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources, Ministry of Geology. Other isolated cheek teeth were got by means of screen-washing in the winter of 1984. In this paper these Eocene lagomorph fossils are described, and the homologies of the upper cheek tooth patterns of lagomorphs are discussed.  相似文献   

<正> Hapalodectes has long been considered as a small mesonychid specialized toward a carnivorous and piscivorous mode of life. Its rare fossil record was known from the early Eocene of North America and middle and upper Eocene of Asia. Knowledge of this genus is still restricted to two species based mainly on some fragmentary materials.A part of the right mandible of the type species, H. leptognathus, was first described by Osborn and Wortman (1892), but was referred by them to Dissacus, and renamed as Hapalodectes by Matthew (1909). Szalay and Gould (1966) erected a new subfamily, Hapalodectinae, and then all known material were restudied by the former author (Szalay, 1969). No additional material of the genus has been reported since then.The newly discovered specimens described in this paper are the first, and so far the only, cranial evidence of Hapalodectes. The fossils were collected from early Eocene (Ling-cha Formation), Hengdong, Hunan, during two field seasons of 1982-1983. The purpose of the present paper is to place on record the morphology of this well-preserved cranial material and to discuss briefly its significance, it is hoped that the information about the cranial morphology of Hapalodectes will increase our understanding of its relationship with Mesonychidae.We are indebted to Drs. Everett H. Lindsay and Chow Minchen for correcting English summary. We would like to express our gratitude to Dr. Malcolm C. McKenna for his valuable comments and correcting English summary and the facilitating the casts of the type species of Hapalodectes at the American Museum of Natural History. Ms. Ann Bleefield and Meng jin help us to get the casts, Zhai R. j. and Qi T. lend us unpublished material for the comparison, all the photographs are taken by Wang J. f. and figures are drawn by shen W. L., we thank all of them for their kind help.  相似文献   

1. FOREWORD Jurassic and Cretaceous: deposits are widely dispersed over Northeast China. However, they are mostly continental strata. In 1958, marine beds with ammonites were found for the first time by Xu, Y. Q. and Zhao, D. Z. of the Geological Bureau of Heilongjiang from Longzhaogou, Hulin County, Heilongjiang. The ammonites were identified by Wang, Y. G. (1983., p.100) as Arctocephalites (Crarocephalites) hulinensis Wang, Stenocadoceras? sp., etc., with their age tecognized as the Bathonian, In the 1970's, blackish deposits with the fossil fishes Sungarichthys longicephalus Takai, etc. were found from western Jilin and studied by Zhang, M. M. et al. (1977) who considered them as belonging to the early-middle  相似文献   

Carboxylesterases (CEs) represent a multigene family of serine-dependent enzymes. Male-dependent CEs are over-expressed in the male reproductive tract of different animal species (bivalve mollusks, fruit-flies, and mammals). Here, a novel rat epididymis-specific gene named Ces7 was cloned and characterized. It was a novel member of CE family, which was mainly expressed and secreted to the lumens of the corpus and cauda epididymis. CES7 protein was highly glycosylated as other mammalian CEs. Furthermore, Ces7 increased with age growth until sex maturation and then maintained at high level. CES7 might be one of the major CEs in male reproductive tract and contribute to the sperm fertilization.  相似文献   

A fossil with Gnetum affinity was found in the Jianshangou Member (Barremian Age) of the Yixian Formation (Lower Cretaceous Epoch) of the Jehol Group in western Liaoning, northeastern China. The single fossil specimen is represented by both elongate-cylindrical male spike strobiles which borne within a nodal bract of cauliflorous branch. The spike strobiles have apparent nodes, invisible internodes, and numerous verticillate involucral collars. The microsporangiate units within involucral collars are not seen. The male spike strobiles with verticillate involucral collars occur exclusively in Gnetum; hence, the fossil strobiles are attributed to a new taxon, Khitania columnispicata gen. & sp. nov., being closely related to Gnetum. The general isotopic dating suggests an age of Barremian, ca. 125-122 million years (Myr) ago for the Jianshangou Member. The palaeoecological and palaeoclimatic inference based on the compositions of flora and fauna, and lithological characters of the fossil locality suggests that the fossil plants grew in a subtropical mesophytic forest and under a warmer climate. The remains of male spike strobiles are the first record of gnetalean macrofossil. It documents the evolution of the distinct gnetoid morphology and indicates a wider range of distribution of Gnetaceae in the Early Cretaceous than present day.  相似文献   

Since the publication of my paper on fossil crocodiles in 1948,our knowledge con-cerning this group is considerably increased and many new forms have been described byYoung and Chow(1953),Bohlin,(1953),Sun(1958),Yeh(1958),Young(1961)and Liu(1961).Recently,some tolerably well preserved crocodiles with rich remains of copro-lites have been discovered from Nanhsiung in N.Kwangtung.This is particularly in-teresting because it is most probably of paleocene in age,according to the mammalianremains found from the same horizon.In addition a fragment of skull was found bythe Bureau of Geology of Inner Mongolia from Otok S.W.of this territory,of lowerCretaceous,according to field observation.They are described in the present notes.  相似文献   

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