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1. The innervation of Rana ridibunda intestine has been studied by the following methods: (a) demonstration of cholinesterase activity; (b) FIF method for catecholamines; (c) immunohistochemistry for VIP, SP and SOM, and (d) conventional electron microscopy. 2. The intrinsic intestinal innervation is represented by cholinergic-, VIPergic-, SP- and SOM-like plexuses. The intestinal adrenergic component is of extrinsic origin. 3. The intestinal peptidergic innervation is the most developed, the large intestine being the portion where the studied peptidergic plexuses are more widely distributed. 4. Against a poorly developed cholinergic/adrenergic innervation, it seems that there is a predominant peptidergic innervation in the amphibians intestine wall. 5. Taking into account that amphibians sacral parasympathetic as well as sympathetic innervation development are limited, it could be considered that in vertebrates the intestinal peptidergic innervation is phylogenetically earlier and hence better developed.  相似文献   

The ultrastructural organization of the vitellogenic oocyte nucleus (stage VI, according to Duryee, 1950) was studied in normal and in vitro hormone-stimulated maturing oocytes of Rana temporaria. At this stage, numerous nucleoli are gathered around the knot of highly contracted chromosomes (the karyosphere) thus making the karyosphere capsule. Light microscope observations reveal three zones in the capsule: a central fibrous zone separating the chromosomes from the nucleoli, a middle zone, consisting of numerous nucleoli and a distinct fibrous componen; in addition a fibrous zone on the capsule periphery is seen. The nucleoli are fibrillar, bear no proribosomal granules and do not synthesize RNA. This period is characterized by an intensive fragmentation and segregation of the nucleolar material. Numerous micronucleoli and nuclear bodies occur in the nucleus. The nucleoli are normally compound and irregular in shape to become spherical in hormone-stimulated maturing oocytes. In the central fibrous zone of the capsule, separating the chromosomes from the nucleoli, some peculiar abundant accumulations of annuli were detected lacking the membranes component. Annuli are linked with the fibrous material and are regularily packed making peculiar pseudomembranes (PMM). The chromatin is connected with PMM directly. In the middle zone of the capsule, accumulations of PMM are also seen, though less abundant and less regularly packed; along with annuli, membranous areas of various size and form are met in PMM. PMM are connected with the micronucleoli with filaments 20 nm thick. In the peripheral zone of the capsule, a variety of membranous structures is detected: intranuclear annuli lamellae, component of the capsule consists of different membranous and pseudomembranous (with annuli) structures. A question of the contribution of the chromatin material in the formation of the fibrous capsular component (PMM and membranous structures) is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The organisation of the ventral epidermis organisation was followed throughout ontogenesis in Rana ridibunda. Epidermis of tadpoles with 2–3 limbs was organised into two layers: a stratum germinativum consisting of elongated columnar cells, and an outer stratum corneum consisting of two types of cuboid cells. Two types of cells can be distinguished; they are a light (clear) cell and a dark (dense) cell. In the 4-legged tadpoles the stratum corneum cells start to flatten and a replacement layer appeared underneath. A well-defined stratum germinativum is found and within it, epidermal glands. Moulting took place for the first time in tadpoles just before metamorphosis, and a well-organised stratum granulosum was formed still containing the two main types of epidermal glands. The flask cells appear in the juveniles for the first time, greatly increasing in numbers in the adult epidermis.  相似文献   

Plasma membranes of fully-grown oocytes and early developmental stage embryos of Rana ridibunda were isolated by differential and density gradient centrifugation; they were purified 18-fold as indicated by 5'-nucleotidase. The plasma membrane protein pattern of five different developmental stages was studied by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. More than 60 protein species could be detected by silver staining. Most of them are largely conserved during development. The rest either show precise stage specificity or exhibit stronger staining intensity at particular stages. The number of proteins specific for each stage is small, neurula being exempted. The changes observed in the plasma membrane profile during development are mostly prominent in a group of proteins with similar molecular weights (40-45 kDa) but with different pI values. The differences observed in the plasma membrane patterns are discussed in relation to the significance of each stage during development.  相似文献   

The role of prolactin in the regulation of frog skin functions is still unclear particularly during environmental changes. In this study, prolactin receptor (PRLR) was detected in active and hibernating frog dorsal skin using immunohistochemical method. PRLR immunoreactivity in active frogs was observed in the epidermis, in the secretory epithelium of granular glands and the secretory channel cells of the glands. Myoepithelial cells of granular glands that started accumulating secretory material or those with a full lumen were PRLR immunoreactive, while some myoepithelial cells of empty granular glands were negative for PRLR. In hibernating frogs, this immunoreactivity was observed in the same regions; however, immunoreactivity was more intense than that in active frogs. PCNA was employed for detection of proliferative activity of PRL in the dorsal skin, and immunoreactivity was detected in the nuclei of a few epidermis cells and in the duct of glands of active frogs. The number of immunoreactive nuclei in these regions increased in hibernating and in prolactin injected groups. We conclude that prolactin provides morphological and functional integrity of skin stimulating the proliferation and regulating the function of granular glands and plays an important role in the adaptation of amphibians to the long winter period.  相似文献   

1--The innervation of the liver and gallbladder of Rana ridibunda has been studied by the following methods: (a) demonstration of cholinesterase activity; (b) FIF method for catecholamines; (c) immunohistochemistry for VIP and (d) electron microscopy. 2--The hepatocytes are arranged in regular rows of hepatic cords, very little connective tissue is distributed in the parenchyma, the innervation being restricted to the big branches of blood vessels. 3--Well defined cholinergic and adrenergic plexuses surround the hepatic arteries, portal veins and biliary ducts. The VIPergic innervation is scarce in the liver but a richly branched plexus spreads in the wall of the gallbladder. 4--Cholinesterase-positive cells are widely distributed accompanying the nerve trunks of the gallbladder. The innervation distribution is prominent in the portion of the gallbladder next to the hepatic hilus. 5--A population of melanin-storing cells besides free melanin granules are present in the liver parenchyma and are prominent in the gallbladder where the melanocytes are disposed in close contact with blood vessels and nerve structures. We have observed that the number of these visceral melanocytes considerably increases in winter, particularly in the liver.  相似文献   

1. Reproductive and lipid cycles in the male frog Rana ridibunda were studied. 2. The spermatogenesis of Rana ridibunda is of the potentially continuous type. 3. During prehibernating season (September-November) a part of lipid is mobilized from fat bodies to other body sites or is transformed to other metabolites. 4. During wintering this frog consumes mainly glycogen. 5. In February the lipid is accumulated in the fat bodies and the liver mass shows a second peak, probably as a result of glycogen accumulation. 6. The greatest decrease of metabolites was observed during the breeding season and this is the result of the intensive activities related to the reproduction and maintenance.  相似文献   

Summary The pars distalis of the pituitary of Rana ridibunda captured throughout the spring and summer was examined with immunofluorescence techniques using antisera to mammalian pituitary hormones. On the basis of their immunoreactivity, four different cell types are recognized: 1) cells immunoreactive to anti-bovine LTH, 2) cells immunoreactive to anti-bovine STH, 3) cells immunoreactive to anti-ovine LH, and 4) cells immunoreactive to anti-synthetic ACTH (1–24). Their distribution and morphology as well as their staining characteristics (classical histological techniques) are reported in this study.  相似文献   

In frogs with an average body mass 56 g, the minute volume of the heart is equal to 4.5 ml/min X 100 g, which is approximately an order lower than in mammals with the same body mass. Pulmonary fraction constitutes 52% of the minute volume of the heart. The main bulk of systemic fraction of the minute volume of the heart (78%) passes to locomotor system and skin, whereas 19% of this volume are adressed to vegetative organs. This pattern of distribution significantly differs from that in mammals with a similar body mass, in which the vegetative and locomotor fractions are approximately equal. Differentiation in muscular blood supply was noted--there is a threefold difference in the volume of blood flow between gastrocnemius and submandibular muscles.  相似文献   

Total sialic acid levels (TSA), antioxidant enzymes activities such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and lipid peroxidation (LPO) levels were investigated during the developmental period in tadpoles of the predominantly terrestrial amphibian B. viridis and the predominantly aquatic amphibian R. r. ridibunda. Maximum TSA levels were observed in B. viridis and R. r. ridibunda at the fifth and third week of their development, respectively. SOD and CAT activity variations during development in B. viridis were higher than in R. r. ridibunda. Although SOD activity in B. viridis was higher than R. r. ridibunda at the eighth week, SOD activity increased 19.2-fold in R. r. ridibunda and 10.4-fold in B. viridis between the first and eighth week. CAT activity in R. r. ridibunda did not significantly change (p>0.001) until the fifth week then increased, whereas in B. viridis CAT increased after the third week. In contrast to the rise in the antioxidant enzyme activities, LPO levels tended to decrease during the developmental period. Levels of LPO showed a similar trend until the third week for both species. The minimum LPO levels in B. viridis and R. r. ridibunda were 23+/-1.2 and 146+/-7.3 nmol MDA g(-1) tissue, at the eighth week, respectively. While decreasing LPO levels correlated with increasing antioxidant enzyme activities, TSA tended to decrease after reaching a maximum point.  相似文献   

1. The tolerance and adaptation to urea solutions by terrestrial green toads (Bufo viridis) and semi-aquatic frogs (Rana Ridibunda) were studied. 2. the green toad showed tolerance to urea solution of 800 mM and the frogs showed tolerance only to about 400 mM urea solution. 3. The plasma concentrations of both species was hyperosmotic to the external medium in all the different urea solutions. 4. Blood osmolality, urea, Na+ and Cl- concentrations of B. viridis were always higher than in R. ridibunda. 5. The urea concentration in muscle of R. ridibunda was higher than the urea concentration in muscle of B. viridis. 6. The muscle tissue weight loss of B. viridis was significantly lower than R. ridibunda.  相似文献   

The present work aimed to contribute to the understanding of the adaptation of the glycolytic pathway in tissues of frog Rana ridibunda and land snail species Helix lucorum during seasonal hibernation. Moreover responses of glycolytic enzymes from cold acclimated R. ridibunda and H. lucorum were studied as well. The drop in Po2 in the blood of hibernated frogs and land snails indicated lower oxygen consumption and a decrease in their metabolic rate. The activities of glycolytic enzymes indicated that hibernation had a differential effect on the glycolyis in the two species studied and also in the tissues of the same species. The activity of l-LDH decreased significantly in the skeletal muscle and heart of hibernated R. ridibunda indicating a low glycolytic potential. Similar biochemical responses were observed in the same tissues during cold acclimation. The continuous increase in the activities of glycolytic enzymes studied, except for HK, might indicate a compensation for the impacts of low temperature on the enzymatic activities. In contrast to R. ridibunda, the activities of the enzymes increased and remained at higher levels than those of the prehibernation controls indicating maintenance of glycolytic potential in the tissues of hibernating land snails.  相似文献   

In the amphibian pars intermedia, secretion of proopiomelanocortin (POMC)-derived peptides is controlled by multiple factors including classical neurotransmitters and neuropeptides. To pursue questions concerning the regulation of POMC gene expression in Rana ridibunda, we have isolated and characterized a full-length cDNA for frog POMC. A cDNA clone isolated from a frog pituitary library contains an open-reading frame of 780-bp that predicts a 260 amino acid POMC protein. The structure of frog POMC demonstrates considerable amino acid sequence similarity with POMC from other species. In particular, the sequence of alpha-melanotropin (alpha-MSH) is identical in frog and all mammalian species studied so far, while adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) and beta-endorphin exhibit 79% and 84% homology with their human counterpart. Frog POMC contains only one potential asparagine-linked N-glycosylation signal (Asn-Ser-Thr) within the gamma-MSH domain. The alpha-MSH sequence is C-terminally flanked by the Gly-Lys-Lys amidation signal while the joining peptide is not amidate.  相似文献   

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