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Vam3p, a syntaxin-like SNARE protein involved in yeast vacuole fusion, is composed of a three-helical N-terminal domain, a canonical SNARE motif, and a C-terminal transmembrane region (TMR). Surprisingly, we find that the N-terminal domain of Vam3p is not essential for fusion, although analogous domains in other syntaxins are indispensible for fusion and/or protein-protein interactions. In contrast to the N-terminal domain, mutations in the SNARE motif of Vam3p or replacement of the SNARE motif of Vam3p with the SNARE motif from other syntaxins inhibited fusion. Furthermore, the precise distance between the SNARE motif and the TMR was critical for fusion. Insertion of only three residues after the SNARE motif significantly impaired fusion and insertion of 12 residues abolished fusion. As judged by co-immunoprecipitation experiments, the SNARE motif mutations and the insertions did not alter the association of Vam3p with Vam7p, Vti1p, Nyv1p, and Ykt6p, other vacuolar SNARE proteins implicated in fusion. In contrast, the SNARE motif substitutions interfered with the stable formation of Vam3p complexes with Nyv1p and Vti1p, although Vam3p complexes with Vam7p and Ykt6p were still present. Our data suggest that in contrast to previously characterized syntaxins, Vam3p contains only two domains essential for fusion, the SNARE motif and the TMR, and these domains have to be closely coupled to function in fusion.  相似文献   

I-BAR (inverse-Bin/amphiphysin/Rvs)-domain-containing proteins such as IRSp53 (insulin receptor substrate of 53 kDa) associate with outwardly curved membranes and connect them to proteins involved in actin dynamics. Research on I-BAR proteins has focussed on possible roles in filopod and lamellipod formation, but their full physiological function remains unclear. The social amoeba Dictyostelium encodes a single I-BAR/SH3 (where SH3 is Src homology 3) protein, called IBARa, along with homologues of proteins that interact with IRSp53 family proteins in mammalian cells, providing an excellent model to study its cellular function. Disruption of the gene encoding IBARa leads to a mild defect in development, but filopod and pseudopod dynamics are unaffected. Furthermore, ectopically expressed IBARa does not induce filopod formation and does not localize to filopods. Instead, IBARa associates with clathrin puncta immediately before they are endocytosed. This role is conserved: human BAIAP2L2 (brain-specific angiogenesis inhibitor 1-associated protein 2-like 2) also tightly co-localizes with clathrin plaques, although its homologues IRSp53 and IRTKS (insulin receptor tyrosine kinase substrate) associate with other punctate structures. The results from the present study suggest that I-BAR-containing proteins help generate the membrane curvature required for endocytosis and implies an unexpected role for IRSp53 family proteins in vesicle trafficking.  相似文献   

Equilibrative nucleoside transporters encompass two conserved, charged residues that occur within predicted transmembrane domain 8. To assess the role of these "signature" residues in transporter function, the Asp389 and Arg393 residues within the LdNT2 nucleoside transporter from Leishmania donovani were mutated and the resultant phenotypes evaluated after transfection into Delta ldnt2 parasites. Whereas an R393K mutant retained transporter activity similar to that of wild type LdNT2, the R393L, D389E, and D389N mutations resulted in dramatic losses of transport capability. Tagging the wild type and mutant ldnt2 proteins with green fluorescent protein demonstrated that the D389N and D389E mutants targeted properly to the parasite cell surface and flagellum, whereas the expression of R393L at the cell surface was profoundly compromised. To test whether Asp389 and Arg393 interact, a series of mutants was generated, D389R/R393R, D389D/R393D, and D389R/R393D, within the green fluorescent protein-tagged LdNT2 construct. Although all of these ldnt2 mutants were transport-deficient, D389R/R393D localized properly to the plasma membrane, while neither D389R/R393R nor D389D/R393D could be detected. Moreover, a transport-incompetent D389N/R393N double ldnt2 mutant also localized to the parasite membrane, whereas a D389L/R393L ldnt2 mutant did not, suggesting that an interaction between residues 389 and 393 may be involved in LdNT2 membrane targeting. These studies establish genetically that Asp389 is critical for optimal transporter function and that a positively charged or polar residue at Arg393 is essential for proper expression of LdNT2 at the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Using a multiple alignment of 175 cytochrome P450 (CYP) family 2 sequences, 20 conserved sequence motifs (CSMs) were identified with the program PCPMer. Functional importance of the CSM in CYP2B enzymes was assessed from available data on site-directed mutants and genetic variants. These analyses suggested an important role of the CSM 8, which corresponds to(187)RFDYKD(192) in CYP2B4. Further analysis showed that residues 187, 188, 190, and 192 have a very high rank order of conservation compared with 189 and 191. Therefore, eight mutants (R187A, R187K, F188A, D189A, Y190A, K191A, D192A, and a negative control K186A) were made in an N-terminal truncated and modified form of CYP2B4 with an internal mutation, which is termed 2B4dH/H226Y. Function was examined with the substrates 7-methoxy-4-(trifluoromethyl)coumarin (7-MFC), 7-ethoxy-4-(trifluoromethyl)coumarin (7-EFC), 7-benzyloxy-4-(trifluoromethyl)coumarin (7-BFC), and testosterone and with the inhibitors 4-(4-chlorophenyl)imidazole (4-CPI) and bifonazole (BIF). Compared with the template and K186A, the mutants R187A, R187K, F188A, Y190A, and D192A showed > or =2-fold altered substrate specificity, k(cat), K(m), and/or k(cat)/K(m) for 7-MFC and 7-EFC and 3- to 6-fold decreases in differential inhibition (IC(50,BIF)/IC(50,4-CPI)). Subsequently, these mutants displayed 5-12 degrees C decreases in thermal stability (T(m)) and 2-8 degrees C decreases in catalytic tolerance to temperature (T(50)) compared with the template and K186A. Furthermore, when R187A and D192A were introduced in CYP2B1dH, the P450 expression and thermal stability were decreased. In addition, R187A showed increased activity with 7-EFC and decreased IC(50,BIF)/IC(50,4-CPI) compared with 2B1dH. Analysis of long range residue-residue interactions in the CYP2B4 crystal structures indicated strong hydrogen bonds involving Glu(149)-Asn(177)-Arg(187)-Tyr(190) and Asp(192)-Val(194), which were significantly-reduced/abolished by the Arg(187)-->Ala and Asp(192)-->Alasubstitutions, respectively.  相似文献   

Mutation of the glycines in a conserved Gly-Tyr-Gly-Asp sequence in the P-region of voltage-gated K channels has identified determinants of Na/K selectivity. But the function of the negatively charged Asp is not known because mutations at this position are not tolerated, owing to the fourfold replication of mutations in a tetrameric channel. We have successfully mutated Asp378-->Thr in a tandem dimer Kv2.1 construct to yield a twofold neutralization of charge at this site. When expressed in Xenopus oocytes, the mutated channels showed markedly altered ion conduction and blockade. Potassium conduction in the inward direction was selectively reduced, so that the instantaneous current-voltage relationship obtained in isotonic KCl became strongly outwardly rectifying. The relative permeability to Na+, PNa/PK, increased from 0.02 to 0.10 without changing the ion selectivity sequence K > Rb >> Cs >> Na. The IC50 for block by external tetraethylammonium (TEA) increased more than 100-fold without affecting block by internal TEA. We conclude that Asp378 is an essential part of a potassium ion binding site associated with the Na/K selectivity filter at the external mouth of the pore.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli generalized recombination, utilizing the RecA RecB recombination pathway, requires large stretches (70-200 bp) of complete DNA sequence homology. In contrast, we have found that the RecE pathway can promote recombination between DNA with only short stretches of homology. A plasmid containing 10 partially homologous direct repeats was linearized by digestion with specific restriction enzymes. After transformation, a RecE+ (sbcA) host was able to circularize the plasmid by recombination between partially homologous direct repeat sequences. Recombination occurred in regions of as little as 6 bp of perfect homology. Recombination was enhanced in the regions adjacent to restriction sites used to linearize the plasmid, consistent with a role of double-strand breaks in promoting recombination. A mechanism is proposed in which the 5' exonuclease, ExoVIII, produces 3' single-stranded ends from the linearized plasmid. These pair with other sequences of partial homology. Partial homologies in the sequences flanking the actual join serve to stabilize this recombination intermediate. Recombination is completed by a process of "copy and join." This recombination mechanism requires less homology to stabilize intermediates than the degree of homology needed for mechanisms involving strand invasion. Its role in nature may be to increase genomic diversity, for example, by enhancing recombination between bacteriophages and regions of the bacterial chromosome.  相似文献   

The importance of the fully conserved active site proline, Pro168, for the reaction mechanism of triosephosphate isomerase (TIM) has been investigated by studying the enzymatic and crystallographic properties of the P168A variant of trypanosomal TIM. In TIM, Pro168 follows the key catalytic residue Glu167, situated at the beginning of the flexible active site loop (loop 6). Turnover numbers of the P168A variant for its substrates are reduced approximately 50-fold, whereas the Km values are approximately 2 times lower. The affinity of the P168A variant for the transition state analogue 2-phosphoglycolate (2PG) is reduced 5-fold. The crystal structures of unliganded and liganded (2PG) P168A show that the phosphate moiety of 2PG is bound similarly as in wild-type TIM, whereas the interactions of the carboxylic acid moiety with the side chain of the catalytic Glu167 differ. The unique properties of the proline side chain at position 168 are required to transmit ligand binding to the conformational change of Glu167: the side chain of Glu167 flips from the inactive swung-out to the active swung-in conformation on ligand binding in wild-type TIM, whereas in the mutant this conformational change does not occur. Further structural comparisons show that in the wild-type enzyme the concerted movement of loop 6 and loop 7 from unliganded-open to liganded-closed appears to be facilitated by the interactions of the phosphate moiety with loop 7. Apparently, the rotation of 90 degrees of the Gly211-Gly212 peptide plane of loop 7 plays a key role in this concerted movement.  相似文献   

The HNH motif is a small nucleic acid binding and cleavage module, widespread in metal finger endonucleases in all life kingdoms. Here we studied a non-specific endonuclease, the nuclease domain of ColE7 (N-ColE7), to decipher the role of the conserved asparagine and histidine residues in the HNH motif. We found, using fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) assays, that the DNA hydrolysis activity of H545 N-ColE7 mutants was completely abolished while activities of N560 and H573 mutants varied from 6.9% to 83.2% of the wild-type activity. The crystal structures of three N-ColE7 mutants in complex with the inhibitor Im7, N560A-Im7, N560D-Im7 and H573A-Im7, were determined at a resolution of 1.9 A to 2.2 A. H573 is responsible for metal ion binding in the wild-type protein, as the zinc ion is still partially associated in the structure of H573A, suggesting that H573 plays a supportive role in metal binding. Both N560A and N560D contain a disordered loop in the HNH motif due to the disruption of the hydrogen bond network surrounding the side-chain of residue 560, and as a result, the imidazole ring of the general base residue H545 is tilted slightly and the scissile phosphate is shifted, leading to the large reductions in hydrolysis activities. These results suggest that the highly conserved asparagine in the HNH motif, in general, plays a structural role in constraining the loop in the metal finger structure and keeping the general base histidine and scissile phosphate in the correct position for DNA hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Two related mammalian proteins, bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein (BPI) and lipopolysaccharide-binding protein (LBP), share high-affinity binding to lipopolysaccharide (LPS), a glycolipid found in the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria. The recently determined crystal structure of human BPI permits a structure/function analysis, presented here, of the conserved regions of these two proteins sequences. In the seven known sequences of BPI and LBP, 102 residues are completely conserved and may be classified in terms of location, side-chain chemistry, and interactions with other residues. We find that the most highly conserved regions lie at the interfaces between the tertiary structural elements that help create two apolar lipid-binding pockets. Most of the conserved polar and charged residues appear to be involved in inter-residue interactions such as H-bonding. However, in both BPI and LBP a subset of conserved residues with positive charge (lysines 42, 48, 92, 95, and 99 of BPI) have no apparent structural role. These residues cluster at the tip of the NH2-terminal domain, and several coincide with residues known to affect LPS binding; thus, it seems likely that these residues make electrostatic interactions with negatively charged groups of LPS. Overall differences in charge and electrostatic potential between BPI and LBP suggest that BPI''s bactericidal activity is related to the high positive charge of its NH2-terminal domain. A model of human LBP derived from the BPI structure provides a rational basis for future experiments, such as site-directed mutagenesis and inhibitor design.  相似文献   

P Isa  S Lpez  L Segovia    C F Arias 《Journal of virology》1997,71(9):6749-6756
The infectivity of most animal rotaviruses is dependent on the interaction of the virus spike protein VP4 with a sialic acid (SA)-containing cell receptor, and the SA-binding domain of this protein has been mapped between amino acids 93 and 208 of its trypsin cleavage fragment VP8. To identify which residues in this region are essential for the SA-binding activity, we performed alanine mutagenesis of the rotavirus RRV VP8 expressed in bacteria as a fusion polypeptide with glutathione S-transferase. Tyrosines were primarily targeted since tyrosine has been involved in the interaction of other viral hemagglutinins with SA. Of the 15 substitutions carried out, 10 abolished the SA-dependent hemagglutination activity of the protein, as well as its ability to bind to glycophorin A in a solid-phase assay. However, only alanine substitutions for tyrosines 155 and 188 and for serine 190 did not affect the overall conformation of the protein, as judged by their interaction with a panel of conformationally sensitive neutralizing VP8 monoclonal antibodies (MAbs). These findings suggest that these three amino acids play an essential role in the SA-binding activity of the protein, presumably by interacting directly with the SA molecule. The predicted secondary structure of VP8 suggests that it is organized as 11 beta-strands separated by loops; in this model, Tyr-155 maps to loop 7 while Tyr-188 and Ser-190 map to loop 9. The close proximity of these two loops is also supported by previous results from competition experiments with neutralizing MAbs directed at RRV VP8.  相似文献   

The role of recombination in transfection of B. subtilis   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Summary A comparative study of transfection with four different phage DNAs is being presented. Two types of transfection systems are distinguished, one with nearly linear dependence of the number of infective centers produced on the concentration of the phage DNA, the other type displaying multihit dose response. Studies of genetic recombination in transfection show that in systems of the latter type two (SPP 1) or three (SP 50) input genomes have to cooperate in a recombination event prior to replication. This obligatory process, termed primary recombination, is exclusively mediated by the host recombination system and cannot be effected by the phage recombination system.  相似文献   

A series of biochemical assays were developed and performed to monitor the molecular events that occur during the Hin-mediated DNA inversion reaction. These events can be divided into five different stages: 1) binding of proteins (Hin, Fis, and HU) to DNA; 2) pairing of Hin-binding sites; 3) invertasome formation; 4) DNA strand cleavage; 5) strand rotation and religation. A series of topoisomers of the wild type DNA substrate plasmid (ranging from fully relaxed molecules to those with more than the physiological superhelical density (the physiological superhelical density of pKH336 from Escherichia coli DH10B is -0.072 in this study)) was generated, and the role of negative supercoiling in each step of the inversion reaction was investigated. We found differences in the dependence of the formation of paired Hin-binding sites and of the invertasome formation on the superhelical density of the substrate plasmid. Pairing of Hin-binding sites occurs independently from invertasome formation, and a relatively low degree of negative supercoiling is enough to promote maximal pairing. However, efficient invertasome formation requires higher levels of negative supercoiling.  相似文献   

The reoccurrence of water molecules in crystal structures of RNase T1 was investigated. Five waters were found to be invariant in RNase T1 as well as in six other related fungal RNases. The structural, dynamical, and functional characteristics of one of these conserved hydration sites (WAT1) were analyzed by protein engineering, X-ray crystallography, and (17)O and 2H nuclear magnetic relaxation dispersion (NMRD). The position of WAT1 and its surrounding hydrogen bond network are unaffected by deletions of two neighboring side chains. In the mutant Thr93Gln, the Gln93N epsilon2 nitrogen replaces WAT1 and participates in a similar hydrogen bond network involving Cys6, Asn9, Asp76, and Thr91. The ability of WAT1 to form four hydrogen bonds may explain why evolution has preserved a water molecule, rather than a side-chain atom, at the center of this intricate hydrogen bond network. Comparison of the (17)O NMRD profiles from wild-type and Thr93Gln RNase T1 yield a mean residence time of 7 ns at 27 degrees C and an orientational order parameter of 0.45. The effects of mutations around WAT1 on the kinetic parameters of RNase T1 are small but significant and probably relate to the dynamics of the active site.  相似文献   

J Wess  S Nanavati  Z Vogel    R Maggio 《The EMBO journal》1993,12(1):331-338
Most G protein-coupled receptors contain a series of highly conserved proline and tryptophan residues within their hydrophobic transmembrane domains (TMD I-VII). To study their potential role in ligand binding and receptor function, the rat m3 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor was used as a model system. A series of mutant receptors in which the conserved proline and tryptophan residues were individually replaced with alanine and phenylalanine, respectively, was created and transiently expressed in COS-7 cells. [3H]N-methylscopolamine ([3H]NMS) saturation binding studies showed that three of the seven mutant receptors studied (Pro242-->Ala, TMD V; Pro505-->Ala, TMD VI; Pro540-->Ala, TMD VII) were expressed at 35-100 times lower levels than the wild-type receptor while displaying 'm3-like' antagonist binding affinities. Pro201-->Ala (TMD IV) showed drastically reduced binding affinities (up to 450-fold) for both muscarinic agonists and antagonists. Whereas most mutant receptors retained strong functional activity, Pro540-->Ala (TMD VII) was found to be severely impaired in its ability to stimulate carbachol-induced phosphatidyl inositol hydrolysis (Emax approximately 25% of wild type m3). Interestingly, this mutant receptor bound muscarinic agonists with 7- to 19-fold higher affinities than the wild type receptor. The Trp-->Phe substitutions (Trp192-->Phe, TMD IV; Trp503-->Phe, TMD VI; Trp530-->Phe, TMD VII) resulted in less pronounced changes (compared with the Pro-->Ala mutant receptors) in both ligand binding and receptor function. Our data indicate that the proline residues that are highly conserved across the entire superfamily of G protein-coupled receptors play key roles in receptor expression, ligand binding and receptor activation.  相似文献   

Glutamate decarboxylase is a pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP)-dependent enzyme, belonging to the subset of PLP-dependent decarboxylases classified as group II. Site-directed mutagenesis of Escherichia coli glutamate decarboxylase, combined with analysis of the crystal structure, shows that a histidine residue buried in the protein core is critical for correct folding. This histidine is strictly conserved in the PF00282 PFAM family, which includes the group II decarboxylases. A similar role is proposed for residue Ser269, also highly conserved in this group of enzymes, as it provides one of the interactions stabilising His241.  相似文献   

Berberine bridge enzyme (BBE) is a paradigm for the class of bicovalently flavinylated oxidases, which catalyzes the oxidative cyclization of (S)-reticuline to (S)-scoulerine. His174 was identified as an important active site residue because of its role in the stabilization of the reduced state of the flavin cofactor. It is also strictly conserved in the family of BBE-like oxidases. Here, we present a detailed biochemical and structural characterization of a His174Ala variant supporting its importance during catalysis and for the structural organization of the active site. Substantial changes in all kinetic parameters and a decrease in midpoint potential were observed for the BBE His174Ala variant protein. Moreover, the crystal structure of the BBE His174Ala variant showed significant structural rearrangements compared to wild-type enzyme. On the basis of our findings, we propose that His174 is part of a hydrogen bonding network that stabilizes the negative charge at the N1-C2═O locus via interaction with the hydroxyl group at C2' of the ribityl side chain of the flavin cofactor. Hence, replacement of this residue with alanine reduces the stabilizing effect for the transiently formed negative charge and results in drastically decreased kinetic parameters as well as a lower midpoint redox potential.  相似文献   

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