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FliG is an essential component of the flagellar motor and functions in flagellar assembly, torque generation and regulation of the direction of flagellar rotation. The five charged residues important for the rotation of the flagellar motor were identified in Escherichiacoli FliG (FliG(E)). These residues are clustered in the C terminus and are all conserved in FliG(V) of the Na(+)-driven motor of Vibrioalginolyticus (Lys284, Arg301, Asp308, Asp309 and Arg317). To investigate the roles of these charged residues in the Na(+)-driven motor, we cloned the VibriofliG gene and introduced single or multiple substitutions into the corresponding positions in FliG(V). FliG(V) with double Ala replacements in all possible combinations at these five conserved positions still retained significant motile ability, although some of the mutations completely eliminated the function of FliG(E). All of the triple mutants constructed in this study also remained motile. These results suggest that the important charged residues may be located in different places and the conserved charged residues are not so important for the Na(+)-driven flagellar motor of Vibrio. The chimeric FliG protein (FliG(VE)), composed of the N-terminal domain from V.alginolyticus and the C-terminal domain from E.coli, functions in Vibrio cells. The mutations of the charge residues of the C-terminal region in FliG(VE) affected swarming ability as in E.coli. Both the FliG(V) and the FliG(VE) proteins with the triple mutation were more susceptible to proteolysis than proteins without the mutation, suggesting that their conformations were altered.  相似文献   

Flagellate bacteria such as Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium typically express 5 to 12 flagellar filaments over their cell surface that rotate in clockwise (CW) and counterclockwise directions. These bacteria modulate their swimming direction towards favorable environments by biasing the direction of flagellar rotation in response to various stimuli. In contrast, Rhodobacter sphaeroides expresses a single subpolar flagellum that rotates only CW and responds tactically by a series of biased stops and starts. Rotor protein FliG transiently links the MotAB stators to the rotor, to power rotation and also has an essential function in flagellar export. In this study, we sought to determine whether the FliG protein confers directionality on flagellar motors by testing the functional properties of R. sphaeroides FliG and a chimeric FliG protein, EcRsFliG (N-terminal and central domains of E. coli FliG fused to an R. sphaeroides FliG C terminus), in an E. coli FliG null background. The EcRsFliG chimera supported flagellar synthesis and bidirectional rotation; bacteria swam and tumbled in a manner qualitatively similar to that of the wild type and showed chemotaxis to amino acids. Thus, the FliG C terminus alone does not confer the unidirectional stop-start character of the R. sphaeroides flagellar motor, and its conformation continues to support tactic, switch-protein interactions in a bidirectional motor, despite its evolutionary history in a bacterium with a unidirectional motor.  相似文献   

Among the many proteins needed for assembly and function of bacterial flagella, FliG, FliM, and FliN have attracted special attention because mutant phenotypes suggest that they are needed not only for flagellar assembly but also for torque generation and for controlling the direction of motor rotation. A role for these proteins in torque generation is suggested by the existence of mutations in each of them that produce the Mot- (or paralyzed) phenotype, in which flagella are assembled and appear normal but do not rotate. The presumption is that Mot- defects cause paralysis by specifically disrupting functions essential for torque generation, while preserving the features of a protein needed for flagellar assembly. Here, we present evidence that the reported mot mutations in fliM and fliN do not disrupt torque-generating functions specifically but, instead, affect the incorporation of proteins into the flagellum. The fliM and fliN mutants are immotile at normal expression levels but become motile when the mutant proteins and/or other, evidently interacting flagellar proteins are overexpressed. In contrast, many of the reported fliG mot mutations abolish motility at all expression levels, while permitting flagellar assembly, and thus appear to disrupt torque generation specifically. These mutations are clustered in a segment of about 100 residues at the carboxyl terminus of FliG. A slightly larger carboxyl-terminal segment of 126 residues accumulates in the cells when expressed alone and thus probably constitutes a stable, independently folded domain. We suggest that the carboxyl-terminal domain of FliG functions specifically in torque generation, forming the rotor portion of the site of energy transduction in the flagellar motor.  相似文献   

Brown PN  Hill CP  Blair DF 《The EMBO journal》2002,21(13):3225-3234
The FliG protein is essential for assembly, rotation and clockwise/counter-clockwise (CW/CCW) switching of the bacterial flagellum. About 25 copies of FliG are present in a large rotor-mounted assembly termed the 'switch complex', which also contains the proteins FliM and FliN. Mutational studies have identified the segments of FliG most crucial for flagellar assembly, rotation and switching. The structure of the C-terminal domain, which functions specifically in rotation, was reported previously. Here, we describe the crystal structure of a larger fragment of the FliG protein from Thermotoga maritima, which encompasses the middle and C-terminal parts of the protein (termed FliG-MC). The FliG-MC molecule consists of two compact globular domains, linked by an alpha-helix and an extended segment that contains a well-conserved Gly-Gly motif. Mutational studies indicate that FliM binds to both of the globular domains, and given the flexibility of the linking segment, FliM is likely to determine the relative orientation of the domains in the flagellum. We propose a model for the organization of FliG-MC molecules in the flagellum, and suggest that CW/CCW switching might occur by movement of the C-terminal domain relative to other parts of FliG, under the control of FliM.  相似文献   

Bacterial flagellar motor is a highly ordered and complex supramolecular structure that powers rotation of flagella and serves as a type III export apparatus for flagellar assembly. Motor biogenesis represents a formidable example of self-assembly, but little is known about early steps of the motor structure formation. Here we used a combination of fluorescence microscopy techniques to dissect the order of the motor assembly in Escherichia coli cells, to map in vivo the underlying protein interactions and to investigate dynamics of protein exchange in the assembled motor structure. Our data suggest that motor self-assembly is initiated by oligomerization of the membrane export apparatus protein FlhA, which is followed by the recruitment of the MS ring component FliF and by the ordered association of other motor proteins. The assembly process combines the hierarchy with cooperativity, whereby the association of each subsequent motor structure stabilizes the growing assembly. Our results provide a novel and so far the most complete view of the early steps in flagellar motor assembly and improve understanding of the motor structure and regulation.  相似文献   

Chen X  Berg HC 《Biophysical journal》2000,78(2):1036-1041
The output of a rotary motor is characterized by its torque and speed. We measured the torque-speed relationship of the flagellar rotary motor of Escherichia coli by a new method. Small latex spheres were attached to flagellar stubs on cells fixed to the surface of a glass slide. The angular speeds of the spheres were monitored in a weak optical trap by back-focal-plane interferometry in solutions containing different concentrations of the viscous agent Ficoll. Plots of relative torque (viscosity x speed) versus speed were obtained over a wide dynamic range (up to speeds of approximately 300 Hz) at three different temperatures, 22.7, 17.7, and 15.8 degrees C. Results obtained earlier by electrorotation (, Biophys. J. 65:2201-2216) were confirmed. The motor operates in two dynamic regimes. At 23 degrees C, the torque is approximately constant up to a knee speed of nearly 200 Hz, and then it falls rapidly with speed to a zero-torque speed of approximately 350 Hz. In the low-speed regime, torque is insensitive to changes in temperature. In the high-speed regime, it decreases markedly at lower temperature. These results are consistent with models in which torque is generated by a powerstroke mechanism (, Biophys. J. 76:580-587).  相似文献   

Torque generated by the flagellar motor of Escherichia coli.   总被引:10,自引:7,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Cells of the bacterium Escherichia coli were tethered and spun in a high-frequency rotating electric field at a series of discrete field strengths. This was done first at low field strengths, then at field strengths generating speeds high enough to disrupt motor function, and finally at low field strengths. Comparison of the initial and final speed versus applied-torque plots yielded relative motor torque. For backward rotation, motor torque rose steeply at speeds close to zero, peaking, on average, at about 2.2 times the stall torque. For forward rotation, motor torque remained approximately constant up to speeds of about 60% of the zero-torque speed. Then the torque dropped linearly with speed, crossed zero, and reached a minimum, on average, at about -1.7 times the stall torque. The zero-torque speed increased with temperature (about 90 Hz at 11 degrees C, 140 Hz at 16 degrees C, and 290 Hz at 23 degrees C), while other parameters remained approximately constant. Sometimes the motor slipped at either extreme (delivered constant torque over a range of speeds), but eventually it broke. Similar results were obtained whether motors broke catastrophically (suddenly and completely) or progressively or were de-energized by brief treatment with an uncoupler. These results are consistent with a tightly coupled ratchet mechanism, provided that elastic deformation of force-generating elements is limited by a stop and that mechanical components yield at high applied torques.  相似文献   

Individual mutations which affected each of the two Shine-Dalgarno sequences at the 5' untranslated region of the gltB gene of Escherichia coli were characterized. They were isolated in plasmids carrying a gltB'-'lacZ protein fusion preceded by the regulatory region of the gltBDF operon. Subcloning and nucleotide sequencing of approximately 1,206 bp of DNA encompassing the gltBDF regulatory region showed that the mutations affected the first base at each of the two identical Shine-Dalgarno sequences, SD1 and SD2, located 40 and 8 bases, respectively, upstream from the putative gltB open reading frame. Only mutation gltB2r227, an adenine in place of a guanine, affecting the first base of SD2, lowered beta-galactosidase expression significantly, i.e., about fivefold. The results suggest that SD2 is the preferred functional site at which ribosomes initiate gltB mRNA translation.  相似文献   

FliN is a major constituent of the C ring in the flagellar basal body of many bacteria. It is present in >100 copies per flagellum and together with FliM and FliG forms the switch complex that functions in flagellar assembly, rotation, and clockwise-counterclockwise switching. FliN is essential for flagellar assembly and switching, but its precise functions are unknown. The C-terminal part of the protein is best conserved and most important for function; a crystal structure of this C-terminal domain of FliN from Thermotoga maritima revealed a saddle-shaped dimer formed mainly from beta strands (P. N. Brown, M. A. A. Mathews, L. A. Joss, C. P. Hill, and D. F. Blair, J. Bacteriol. 187:2890-2902, 2005). Equilibrium sedimentation studies showed that FliN can form stable tetramers and that a FliM1FliN4 complex is also stable. Here, we have examined the organization of FliN subunits by using targeted cross-linking. Cys residues were introduced at various positions in FliN, singly or in pairs, and disulfide cross-linking was induced by oxidation. Efficient cross-linking was observed for certain positions near the ends of the dimer and for some positions in the structurally uncharacterized N-terminal domain. Certain combinations of two Cys replacements gave a high yield of cross-linked tetramer. The results support a model in which FliN is organized in doughnut-shaped tetramers, stabilized in part by contacts involving the N-terminal domain. Electron microscopic reconstructions show a bulge at the bottom of the C-ring whose size and shape are a close match for the hypothesized FliN tetramer.  相似文献   

Mutations affecting activity and transport of haemolysin in Escherichia coli   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Summary Temperature-sensitive mutants that exhibit an altered haemolytic phenotype were isolated from Escherichia coli harbouring the plasmid pHly152. Complementation with recombinant plasmids carrying one of the four hly genes (C, A, B or D) allowed localization of the hly ts mutations. A ts mutation in hlyC leads to a proleu exchange in amino acid position 53 of HlyC. Two ts mutations in HlyA were found in positions 312 (serpro) and 315 (thrile). Both amino acid exchanges are located in the same hydrophobic domain of HlyA which extends from amino acids 299 to 327. Two different mutations were introduced by site-specific mutagenesis in this hlyA domain: one by an exchange of ala, val to asp, glu (positions 313, 314) altering the hydrophobicity of this region and another which removes most of this hydrophobic portion. Both mutants have entirely lost the haemolytic activity but the mutant haemolysins are still efficiently transported across both membranes when hlyB and hlyD are provided. Functional HlyC is not required for the transport of the mutant haemolysins. Two site-specific mutations at the N-terminal end of hlyA (one at amino acid position 2 leading to a thrpro exchange and another deleting ile and thr at positions 4 and 5) also do not affect the transport of the altered haemolysins. The thrpro exchange enhances the haemolytic activity of the corresponding mutant, whereas the ile, thr deletion exhibits little or no effect on the haemolytic activity. Removal of the last 37 amino acids from the C-terminal end of HlyA leads to a truncated haemolysin which retains its haemolytic activity but is not secreted by the HlyB and HlyD transport system.  相似文献   

Fluctuations in rotation rate of the flagellar motor of Escherichia coli.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The purpose of this work was to study the changes in rotation rate of the bacterial motor and to try to discriminate between various sources of these changes with the aim of understanding the mechanism of force generation better. To this end Escherichia coli cells were tethered and videotaped with brief stroboscopic light flashes. The records were scanned by means of a computerized motion analysis system, yielding cell size, radius of rotation, and accumulated angle of rotation as functions of time for each cell selected. In conformity with previous studies, fluctuations in the rotation rate of the flagellar motor were invariably found. Employing an exclusively counterclockwise rotating mutant ("gutted" RP1091 strain) and using power spectral density, autocorrelation and residual mean square angle analysis, we found that a simple superposition of rotational diffusion on a steady rotary motion is insufficient to describe the observed rotation. We observed two additional rotational components, one fluctuating (0.04-0.6 s) and one oscillating (0.8-7 s). However, the effective rotational diffusion coefficient obtained after taking these two components into account generally exceeded that calculated from external friction by two orders of magnitude. This is consistent with a model incorporating association and dissociation of force-generating units.  相似文献   

Summary We constructed a strain of E. coli K12 carrying polA1 (an amber mutation of the DNA polymerase I gene; De Lucia and Cairns, 1969), and sup-126 (a temperature-sensitive amber suppressor; Nagata and Horiuchi, 1973). DNA polymerizing activity of the enzyme in this strain is virtually undetectable if the cells are grown at 42°C, but if grown at 30°C it is sufficiently present. By mutagenizing this strain, and after appropriate screening, we obtained mutants no longer able to grow at 42°, but able to do so when the normally functioning polA gene is present. One of them, called TS41, was most extensively studied. It acquired a mutation named pdeB41 which was found to be located between ilv and metE on the E. coli linkage map. Its phenotype is pleiotropic. The mutation by itself, i.e., if present in a polA + cell, does not kill the cell at 42°, but does so as in TS41 when it is reconstructed into a pdeB41 polA1 sup-126 triple mutant by P1 transduction. The mutation by itself renders the cell sensitive to UV, and tolerant to phage deficient in recombination. It is also a mutator.  相似文献   

A mutation in H-NS results in non-flagellation of Escherichia coli due to a reduced expression of the flhDC master operon. We found that the hns-negative strain restored its flagellation in the presence of flhDC, although the resulting strain was still non-motile. Since the intracelluar levels of motor components MotA, MotB, and FliG in the Deltahns strain were unaltered, the non-motility indicates that H-NS affects flagellar function as well as biogenesis. We obtained an insertion in ycgR, a putative gene encoding a protein of 244 amino acid residues, which suppresses the motility defect of hns-deficient cells. The abnormally low swimming speed of hns mutant cells was fully restored by an insertion in ycgR, as assessed with computer-assisted motion analysis. A similar suppressor phenotype was observed with a multicopy expression of yhjH, a putative gene encoding a polypeptide of 256 amino acid residues. Since the flagella of most hns-deficient cells were not rotating, except a few with reduced speed, the suppression appears to increase the number of rotating flagella as observed with tethered bacteria. The ycgR and yhjH genes contain the consensus sequence found among the class III promoters of the flagellar regulon, and their expression monitored with a lacZ fusion requires FlhDC. These findings suggest that ycgR and yhjH, together with H-NS, are involved in the motor function and constitute new members of the flagellar regulon.  相似文献   

Cells that overexpress MotA (encoded on a plasmid derived from pBR322) grow slowly because of proton leakage. We have traced this defect to the coexpression of a fusion protein consisting of 60 amino acids from the N terminus of MotB and 50 amino acids specified by pBR322. Mutations within the N terminus, known to abolish function when present in full-length MotB, reversed the growth defect. Growth also was normal when MotA was coexpressed with wild-type MotB or with a series of MotB N-terminal fragments.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli operon designated flaA contains seven flagellar genes; among them are two switch protein genes whose products are believed to interface with the motility and chemotaxis machinery of the cell. Complementation analysis using several plasmids carrying different portions of the flaA operon and analysis of expression of these plasmids in minicells allowed the identification of two flagellar gene products. The MotD (now called FliN) protein, a flagellar switch protein, was determined to have an apparent molecular weight of 16,000, and the FlaAI (FliL) protein, encoded by a previously unidentified gene, had an apparent molecular weight of 17,000. DNA sequence analysis of the motD gene revealed an open reading frame of 414 base pairs. There were two possible initiation codons (ATG) for motD translation, the first of which overlapped with the termination codon of the upstream gene, flaAII (fliN). The wild-type flaAI gene on the chromosome was replaced with a flaAI gene mutated in vitro. Loss of the flaAI gene product resulted in a nonmotile and nonflagellated phenotype. The subcellular location for both the MotD and FlaAI proteins was determined; the FlaAI protein partitioned exclusively in the insoluble fraction of a whole minicell sonic extract, whereas the MotD protein remained in both the soluble and insoluble fractions. In addition, we subcloned a 2.2-kilobase-pair DNA fragment capable of complementing the remaining four genes of the flaA operon (flbD [fliO], flaR [fliP], flaQ [fliQ], and flaP [fliR]).  相似文献   

The many genes involved in flagellar structure and function in Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium are located in three major clusters on the chromosome: flagellar regions I, II and III. We have found that region III does not consist of a contiguous set of flagellar genes, as was thought, but that in E. coli there is almost 7 kb of DNA between the filament cap gene, fliD, and the next known flagellar gene, fliE; a similar situation occurs in S. typhimurium. Most of this DNA is unrelated to flagellar function, since a mutant in which 5.4 kb of it had been deleted remained fully motile and chemotactic as judged by swarming on semi-solid agar. We have therefore subdivided flagellar region III into two regions, IIIa and IIIb. The known genes in region IIIa are fliABCD, all of which are involved in filament structure and assembly, while region IIIb contains genes fliEFGHIJKLMNOPQR, all of which are related to formation of the hook (basal-body)-complex or to even earlier assembly events. We have found that fliD, the last known gene in region IIIa, is immediately followed by two additional genes, both necessary for flagellation, which we have designated fliS and fliT. They encode small proteins with deduced molecular masses of about 15 kDa and 14 kDa, respectively. The functions of FliS and FliT remain to be determined, but they do not appear to be members of the axial family of structural proteins to which FliD belongs.  相似文献   

A mutant of Escherichia coli K12 has been isolated affected in a gene, designated cydD, distinct from the three previously described loci involved in the synthesis of assembly of the cytochrome bd oxidase complex. The mutant, obtained by nitrosoguanidine mutagenesis, lacks the spectroscopically detectable components of this oxidase, namely cytochromes b558, b595 and d. Cytochrome oxidase o is the sole CO-binding cytochrome in membranes of the mutant, but the soluble haemoprotein b-590 and catalase activity appear unaffected. Discrimination between Cyd+ and Cyd- strains is facilitated by the development of a defined low-phosphate medium that allows the inclusion of Zn2+ as well as azide, inhibitors of respiratory electron transfer particularly via cytochrome o. Mapping with F-prime factors and by P1 cotransductional frequencies shows the mutation to map near 19.3 min on the E. coli chromosome, distinct from cydC, which maps at 18.9 min. The gene order in this region was tested in a three-factor cross and demonstrates the order zbj::Tn10(YYC199)-cydD-aroA, consistent with cotransduction frequencies.  相似文献   

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