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Hitchhiking and associative overdominance at a microsatellite locus   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
The possible effects of a selected locus on a closely linked microsatellite locus are discussed and analyzed in terms of coalescent theory and models of the mutation process. Background selection caused by recurrent deleterious mutations will reduce the variance of allele size at a microsatellite locus. The occasional substitution of advantageous alleles (genetic hitchhiking) will also reduce the variance, but a high mutation rate at a microsatellite locus can restore the variance relatively rapidly. Overdominance at the selected locus will increase the variance at the microsatellite locus and create partitioning of the variation in allele size among gametes carrying one or the other of the overdominant alleles. These results suggest that neutral microsatellite loci can provide indicators of selective processes at closely linked loci.   相似文献   

In vertebrates, melanin production is restricted to pigment cells. This cell type-specific melanogenesis is considered to involve cell type-specific expression of the tyrosinase gene. Recently, there have been several reports that sequences in the 5’ flanking region of the mouse tyrosinase gene are responsible for cell type-specific expression of the transgene in mice. As the first step in the study of the evolution of the regulatory mechanisms for tyrosinase gene function in vertebrates, we constructed a fused gene, hg-Tyrs-J which includes a 1.0-kb 5’ flanking sequence of the human tyrosinase gene fused with mouse tyrosinase cDNA. By introducing the fused gene into fertilized eggs of albino mice, we obtained two mice that exhibited pigmentation in the skin and eyes and established a transgenic line from one of them. Further analyses revealed that the transgene was expressed cell type-specifically in these transgenic mice. We conclude, therefore, that the 1.0 kb 5’ upstream region of the human tyrosinase gene contains conserved cis-elements essential for cell type-specific expression of the tyrosinase genes in mice and humans. Results of our study may provide a clue to elucidate the evolutionary process of regulatory mechanisms of the tyrosinase gene.  相似文献   

The nasopharynx is the main ecological niche of the human pathogen Staphylococcus aureus. Although colonization of the nares is asymptomatic, nasal carriage is a known risk factor for endogenous staphylococcal infection. We quantified S. aureus mRNA levels in nose swabs of persistent carriers to gain insight into the regulatory adaptation of the bacterium to the nasal environment. We could elucidate a general response of the pathogen to the surrounding milieu independent of the strain background or the human host. Colonizing bacteria preferentially express molecules necessary for tissue adherence or immune-evasion whereas toxins are down regulated. From the analysis of regulatory loci we found evidence for a predominate role of the essential two-component system WalKR of S. aureus. The results suggest that during persistent colonization the bacteria are metabolically active with a high cell surface turnover. The increased understanding of bacterial factors that maintain the colonization state can open new therapeutic options to control nasal carriage and subsequent infections.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial functions are dynamically regulated in the heart. In particular, protein phosphorylation has been shown to be a key mechanism modulating mitochondrial function in diverse cardiovascular phenotypes. However, site-specific phosphorylation information remains scarce for this organ. Accordingly, we performed a comprehensive characterization of murine cardiac mitochondrial phosphoproteome in the context of mitochondrial functional pathways. A platform using the complementary fragmentation technologies of collision-induced dissociation (CID) and electron transfer dissociation (ETD) demonstrated successful identification of a total of 236 phosphorylation sites in the murine heart; 210 of these sites were novel. These 236 sites were mapped to 181 phosphoproteins and 203 phosphopeptides. Among those identified, 45 phosphorylation sites were captured only by CID, whereas 185 phosphorylation sites, including a novel modification on ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase protein 1 (Ser-212), were identified only by ETD, underscoring the advantage of a combined CID and ETD approach. The biological significance of the cardiac mitochondrial phosphoproteome was evaluated. Our investigations illustrated key regulatory sites in murine cardiac mitochondrial pathways as targets of phosphorylation regulation, including components of the electron transport chain (ETC) complexes and enzymes involved in metabolic pathways (e.g. tricarboxylic acid cycle). Furthermore, calcium overload injured cardiac mitochondrial ETC function, whereas enhanced phosphorylation of ETC via application of phosphatase inhibitors restored calcium-attenuated ETC complex I and complex III activities, demonstrating positive regulation of ETC function by phosphorylation. Moreover, in silico analyses of the identified phosphopeptide motifs illuminated the molecular nature of participating kinases, which included several known mitochondrial kinases (e.g. pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase) as well as kinases whose mitochondrial location was not previously appreciated (e.g. Src). In conclusion, the phosphorylation events defined herein advance our understanding of cardiac mitochondrial biology, facilitating the integration of the still fragmentary knowledge about mitochondrial signaling networks, metabolic pathways, and intrinsic mechanisms of functional regulation in the heart.Mitochondria are the source of energy to sustain life. In addition to their evolutionary origin as an energy-producing organelle, their functionality has integrated into every aspect of life, including the cell cycle, ROS1 production, apoptosis, and ion balance (1, 2). Our understanding of mitochondrial biology is still growing. Several systems biology approaches have been dedicated to exploring the molecular infrastructure and dynamics of the functional versatility associated with this organelle (35).To meet tissue-specific functional demands, mitochondria acquire heterogeneous properties in individual organs, a first statement of their plasticity in function and proteome composition (1, 6). The heterogeneity is evident even in an individual cardiomyocyte (7). A catalogue of the cardiac mitochondrial proteome is emerging via a joint effort (35). The dynamics of the mitochondrial proteome manifest at multiple levels, including post-translational modifications, such as phosphorylation. Our investigative goal is to decode this organellar proteome and its post-translational modification in a biological and functional context. In cardiomyocytes, mitochondria are also constantly exposed to fluctuation in energy demands and in ionic conditions. The capacity of mitochondria to cope with such a dynamic environment is essential for the functional role of mitochondria in normal and disease phenotypes (810). Unique protein features enabling the mitochondrial proteome to adapt to these biological changes can be interrogated by proteomics tools (1012). Protein phosphorylation as a rapid and reversible chemical event is an integral component of these protein features (1214).It has been estimated that one-third of cellular proteins exist in a phosphorylated state at least one time in their lifetime (15). However, only a handful of phosphorylation events have been identified to tune mitochondrial functionality (13, 14, 16) despite the fact that the first demonstration of phosphorylation was reported on a mitochondrial protein more than 5 decades ago (17). Kinases and phosphatases comprise nearly 3% of the human genome (18, 19). In mitochondria, ∼30 kinases and phosphatases have been identified thus far within the expected organellar proteome of a few thousand (35, 16). The number of identified mitochondrial phosphoproteins is far below one-third of its proteome size (20). Thus, it appears that the current pool of reported phosphoproteins represents only a small fraction of the anticipated mitochondrial phosphoproteome. The seminal studies from several groups (1214, 16) demonstrated the prevalence as well as the dynamic nature of phosphorylation in cardiac mitochondria, suggesting that obtaining a comprehensive map of the mitochondrial phosphoproteome is feasible.In this study, we took a systematic approach to tackle the phosphorylation of murine cardiac mitochondrial pathways. We applied the unique strengths of both electron transfer dissociation (ETD) and collision-induced dissociation (CID) LC-MS/MS to screen phosphorylation events in a site-specific fashion. A total of 236 phosphorylation sites in 203 unique phosphopeptides were identified and mapped to 181 phosphoproteins. Novel phosphorylation modifications were discovered in diverse pathways of mitochondrial biology, including ion balance, proteolysis, and apoptosis. Consistent with the role of mitochondria as the major source of energy production under delicate control, metabolic pathways claimed one-third of phosphorylation sites captured in this analysis. To study molecular players steering mitochondrial phosphorylation, we probed the effects of calcium loading on phosphorylation. In addition, a number of kinases with previously unappreciated mitochondrial residence are suggested as potential players modulating mitochondrial pathways. Taken together, the cohort of novel phosphorylation events discovered in this study constitutes an essential step toward the full delineation of the cardiac mitochondrial phosphoproteome.  相似文献   

The HLA system has been extensively studied from an evolutionary perspective. Although it is clear that selection has acted on the genes in the HLA complex, the nature of this selection has yet to be fully clarified. A study of constrained disequilibrium values is presented that is applicable to HLA and other less polymorphic systems with three or more linked loci, with the purpose of identifying selection events. The method uses the fact that three locus systems impose additional constraints on the range of possible disequilibrium values for any pair of loci. We have thus examined the behavior of the normalized pairwise disequilibrium measures using two locus (D'), and also three locus (D"), constraints on pairwise disequilibria in a three locus system when one of the three loci is under positive selection. The difference between these measures, delta = magnitude of D' - magnitude of D", has a distribution for the two unselected loci differing from that for the selected locus with either of the unselected loci (the hallmark is a high positive value of delta for the two unselected loci). An examination of genetic drift indicates that positive delta values are unlikely to be found in human populations in the absence of selection when recombination is greater than about 0.1%. This measure can thus provide insight into which allele of several linked loci might have been subject to selection. Application of this method to HLA haplotypes from a large French population study (Provinces Francaise) identifies selected alleles on particular haplotypes. Application of a complementary method, disequilibrium pattern analysis also confirms the action of selection on these haplotypes.  相似文献   


Previous studies of the dinucleotides flanking both the 5′ and 3′ ends of homooligomer tracts have shown that some flanks are consistently preferred over others (1,2). In the first preferred group, the homooligomer tracts are flanked by the same nucleotide and/or the complementary nucleotides, e.g., ATAn, TTAn, CCGn, where n=2–5. Runs flanked by nucleotides with which they cannot base pair are distinctly disfavored. (In this group A/Tn are flanked by C and/or G; Gn/Cn are flanked by A/T, e.g., CGAn, TnGG, G., AT). The frequencies of runs flanked by AorT, and G or C (“mixed” group) are as expected. Here we seek the origin of this effect and its relevance to protein-DNA interactions. Surprisingly, within the first group, runs flanked by their complements with a pyrimidine-purine junction (e.g., TTAn, CnGG) are greatly preferred. The frequencies of their purine-pyrimidine junction mirror-images is just as expected. This effect, as well as additional ones enumerated below, is seen universally in eukaryotes and in prokaryotes, although it is stronger in the former. Detailed analysis of regulatory regions shows these strong trends, particularly in GC sequences. The potential relationship to DNA conformation and DNA-protein interaction is discussed.  相似文献   

In a study of hitchhiking or contaminating insect pests on international cargo aircraft at Miami International Airport from 1998 to 1999, it was found that contamination rates were greatest, 23%, on cargo flights from Central America and much lower, near 5%, on flights from all other regions. We reanalyzed the study data to test for associations between contaminated flights and factors such as season, cargo type, and time of departure (night or day), and developed probabilistic models for predicting insect pest arrivals by region and pest risk levels. Significant (P < 0.05) associations were detected between contaminated flights and (1) wet season flights from Central America, (2) flights carrying plant products and clothing or fabrics, and (3) flights departing at night from the country of origin. In Monte Carlo simulations, numbers of arriving mated insect pests were greatest for cargo flights from Central America, because of great contamination rates, and South America, because of the large volume of flights from there. Few insects arrived on flights from the Caribbean, and few high-risk insects arrived from anywhere. Although the likelihood of establishment in South Florida via this pathway could not be estimated, based upon arrivals the greatest threats were posed by moderate-risk insect pests on flights from Central and South America. Simulations indicated that switching to daytime departures only reduced pest arrivals by one-third. The simplest mechanism for pathway entry that explains the associations found is that insects entered aircraft randomly but sometimes remained because of the presence of certain cargo types. Hence, contamination rates were greater during the wet season because of greater abundance locally, and on nighttime flights because of greater abundance around lighted loading operations. Empty planes probably had no pests because pests had no access to holds. Thus, the best mitigation strategies for this pathway will likely be those that exclude insects from holds or reduce the attractiveness of night loading operations. Optimizing inspections based on associations is also possible but will be less effective for regions such as South America, with high flight volumes and low contamination rates. Comparisons to other pathways indicates the potential importance of hitchhikers on cargo aircraft at MIA.  相似文献   

Mutation Patterns at Dinucleotide Microsatellite Loci in Humans   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
Microsatellites are a major type of molecular markers in genetics studies. Their mutational dynamics are not clear. We investigated the patterns and characteristics of 97 mutation events unambiguously identified, from 53 multigenerational pedigrees with 630 subjects, at 362 autosomal dinucleotide microsatellite loci. A size-dependent mutation bias (in which long alleles are biased toward contraction, whereas short alleles are biased toward expansion) is observed. There is a statistically significant negative relationship between the magnitude (repeat numbers changed during mutation) and direction (contraction or expansion) of mutations and standardized allele size. Contrasting with earlier findings in humans, most mutation events (63%) in our study are multistep events that involve changes of more than one repeat unit. There was no correlation between mutation rate and recombination rate. Our data indicate that mutational dynamics at microsatellite loci are more complicated than the generalized stepwise mutation models.  相似文献   

Using light and serial electron microscopy, we show profound refinements in motor axonal branching and synaptic connectivity before and after birth. Embryonic axons become maximally connected just before birth when they innervate ~10-fold more muscle fibers than in maturity. In some developing muscles, axons innervate almost every muscle fiber. At birth, each neuromuscular junction is coinnervated by approximately ten highly intermingled axons (versus one in adults). Extensive die off of terminal branches occurs during the first several postnatal days, leading to much sparser arbors that still span the same territory. Despite the extensive pruning, total axoplasm per neuron increases as axons elongate, thicken, and add more synaptic release sites on their remaining targets. Motor axons therefore initially establish weak connections with nearly all available postsynaptic targets but, beginning at birth, massively redistribute synaptic resources, concentrating many more synaptic sites on many fewer muscle fibers. Analogous changes in connectivity may occur in the CNS. VIDEO ABSTRACT:  相似文献   

Most previous studies of the evolution of codon usage bias (CUB) and intronic GC content (iGC) in Drosophila melanogaster were based on between-species comparisons, reflecting long-term evolutionary events. However, a complete picture of the evolution of CUB and iGC cannot be drawn without knowledge of their more recent evolutionary history. Here, we used a polymorphism dataset collected from Zimbabwe to study patterns of the recent evolution of CUB and iGC. Analyzing coding and intronic data jointly with a model which can simultaneously estimate selection, mutational, and demographic parameters, we have found that: (1) natural selection is probably acting on synonymous codons; (2) a constant population size model seems to be sufficient to explain most of the observed synonymous polymorphism patterns; (3) GC is favored over AT in introns. In agreement with the long-term evolutionary patterns, ongoing selection acting on X-linked synonymous codons is stronger than that acting on autosomal codons. The selective differences between preferred and unpreferred codons tend to be greater than the differences between GC and AT in introns, suggesting that natural selection, not just biased gene conversion, may have influenced the evolution of CUB. Interestingly, evidence for non-equilibrium evolution comes exclusively from the intronic data. However, three different models, an equilibrium model with two classes of selected sites and two non-equilibrium models with changes in either population size or mutational parameters, fit the intronic data equally well. These results show that using inadequate selection (or demographic) models can result in incorrect estimates of demographic (or selection) parameters.  相似文献   

The glycation process is involved in both the intrinsic (individual, genetic) and extrinsic (ultraviolet light, polution and lifestyle) aging processes, and can be quantified at the epidermal or dermal level by histological, immunohistochemical (IHC), or imagistic methods. Our study is focused on a histological and immunohistological comparison of sun-protected regions versus sun-exposed regions from different age groups of skin phototype III subjects, related to the aging process. Skin samples collected from non-protected and UV protected regions of four experimental groups with different ages, were studied using histology and IHC methods for AGE-CML [N(epsilon)-(carboxymethyl)lysine]. A semi-quantitative assessment of the CML expression in the microvascular endothelium and dermal fibroblasts was performed. The Pearson one-way ANOVA was used to compare data between the groups. In the dermis of sun-exposed skin, the number and the intensity of CML positive cells in both fibroblasts and endothelial cells (p<0.05) was higher compared to sun-protected skin, and was significantly increased in older patients. The sun-exposed areas had a more than 10% higher AGE-CML score than the protected areas. No statistically significant correlation was observed between the histological score and the IHC expression of CML. We concluded that in healthy integument, the accumulation of final glycation products increases with age and is amplified by ultraviolet exposure. The study provides new knowledge on differences of AGE-CML between age groups and protected and unprotected areas and emphasizes that endothelium and perivascular area are most affected, justifying combined topical and systemic therapies.  相似文献   

对高效和低效转录酵母基因内含子序列中寡核苷酸的出现频率进行对照分析, 结果显示高效和低效内含子序列的结构有差异, 而且高效转录内含子序列含有较多潜在的转录因子结合位点. 观察实验获得的转录调控位点, 发现许多调控位点不是相邻接的寡核苷酸,而是由一对保守寡核苷酸构成, 这对寡核苷酸被一段长度固定的非保守区域间隔开. 于是对此形式的二聚体寡核苷酸(dyad)在高效和低效内含子序列中出现的频率进行统计比较分析,抽提出在高效内含子组出现的频率显著高于在低效内含子组出现频率的二聚体寡核苷酸, 分析这些二聚体寡核苷酸在两组内含子序列中的分布特征, 并对照实验结果, 这些二聚体寡核苷酸可能与基因转录的正调控有关.  相似文献   

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