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Large-scale random cDNA sequencing projects have been started for several organisms and are a valuable tool for the analysis of quantitative and qualitative aspects of gene expression. However, the reliability of the obtained data is limited as most of the clones are only partially analysed on one strand. As a consequence the sequence entries derived from random cDNA sequencing projects usually comprise incomplete open reading frames. They nevertheless define complete and reliable coding sequences, if two prerequisites are fullfilled: (i) the clones encode very small proteins, and (ii) the clones have a high frequency in the cDNA-banks. The present study describes the use of cDNA databases for the identification of homologues of three low-molecular-weight subunits of the mitochondrial bc1 complex, termed the QCR6, QCR9 and QCR10 proteins. These polypeptides are only characterized for a small number of organisms, have a scarcely defined function and exhibit a low degree of structural conservation if compared between different species. Several clones were identified for each polypeptide by searches with TBLASTN using the known sequences as probes. Most of the database entries contain complete open reading frames and sequencing queries could be excluded due to the abundancy of the clones. Multiple sequence alignments are presented for all three polypeptides and consensus sequences are given which may provide a basis for the investigation of the proteins by site-directed mutagenesis.  相似文献   

A new jakobid genus has been isolated from Moroccan desert soil. The cyst-forming protist Moramonas marocensis gen. nov., sp. nov. has two anteriorly inserted flagella of which one points to the posterior cell pole accompanying the ventral feeding groove and is equipped with a dorsal vane—a feature typical for the Jakobida. It further shows a flagellar root system consisting of singlet microtubular root, left root (R1), right root (R2) and typical fibres associated with R1 and R2. The affiliation of M. marocensis to the Jakobida was confirmed by molecular phylogenetic analyses of the SSU rRNA gene, five nuclear genes and 66 mitochondrial protein-coding genes. The mitochondrial genome has the high number of genes typical for jakobids, and bacterial features, such as the four-subunit RNA polymerase and Shine–Dalgarno sequences upstream of the coding regions of several genes. The M. marocensis mitochondrial genome encodes a similar number of genes as other jakobids, but is unique in its very large genome size (greater than 264 kbp), which is three to four times higher than that of any other jakobid species investigated yet. This increase seems to be due to a massive expansion in non-coding DNA, creating a bloated genome like those of plant mitochondria.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial general processing peptidase (MPP) in plant mitochondria constitutes an integral part of the cytochromebc 1 complex of the respiratory chain. Here we present a characterization of this bifunctional complex from spinach leaf mitochondria. The purified MPP/bc 1 complex has a molecular mass of 550 kDa, which corresponds to a dimer. Increased ionic strength results in partial dissociation of the dimer as well as loss of the processing activity. Micellar concentrations of nonionic and zwitterionic detergents stimulate the activity by decreasing the temperature optimum of the processing reaction, whereas anionic detergents totally suppress the activity. MPP is a metalloendopeptidase. Interestingly, hemin, a potent regulator of mitochondrial and cytosolic biogenesis and inhibitor of proteosomal degradation, inhibits the processing activity. Measurements of the processing activity at different redox states of thebc 1 complex show that despite bifunctionality of the MPP/bc 1 complex, there is no correlation between electron transfer and protein processing.  相似文献   

Antimycin A (antimycin), one of the first known and most potent inhibitors of the mitochondrial respiratory chain, binds to the quinone reduction site of the cytochrome bc1 complex. Structure-activity relationship studies have shown that the N-formylamino-salicyl-amide group is responsible for most of the binding specificity, and suggested that a low pKa for the phenolic OH group and an intramolecular H-bond between that OH and the carbonyl O of the salicylamide linkage are important. Two previous X-ray structures of antimycin bound to vertebrate bc1 complex gave conflicting results. A new structure reported here of the bovine mitochondrial bc1 complex at 2.28 A resolution with antimycin bound, allows us for the first time to reliably describe the binding of antimycin and shows that the intramolecular hydrogen bond described in solution and in the small-molecule structure is replaced by one involving the NH rather than carbonyl O of the amide linkage, with rotation of the amide group relative to the aromatic ring. The phenolic OH and formylamino N form H-bonds with conserved Asp228 of cytochrome b, and the formylamino O H-bonds via a water molecule to Lys227. A strong density, the right size and shape for a diatomic molecule is found between the other side of the dilactone ring and the alphaA helix.  相似文献   

We have measured the rates of superoxide anion generation by cytochrome bc1 complexes isolated from bovine heart and yeast mitochondria and by cytochrome bc1 complexes from yeast mutants in which the midpoint potentials of the cytochrome b hemes and the Rieske iron-sulfur cluster were altered by mutations in those proteins. With all of the bc1 complexes the rate of superoxide anion production was greatest in the absence of bc1 inhibitor and ranged from 3% to 5% of the rate of cytochrome c reduction. Stigmatellin, an inhibitor that binds to the ubiquinol oxidation site in the bc1 complex, eliminated superoxide anion formation, while myxothiazol, another inhibitor of ubiquinol oxidation, allowed superoxide anion formation at a low rate. Antimycin, an inhibitor that binds to the ubiquinone reduction site in the bc1 complex, also allowed superoxide anion formation and at a slightly greater rate than myxothiazol. Changes in the midpoint potentials of the cytochrome b hemes had no significant effect on the rate of cytochrome c reduction and only a small effect on the rate of superoxide anion formation. A mutation in the Rieske iron-sulfur protein that lowers its midpoint potential from +285 to +220 mV caused the rate of superoxide anion to decline in parallel with a decline in cytochrome c reductase activity. These results indicate that superoxide anion is formed by similar mechanisms in mammalian and yeast bc1 complexes. The results also show that changes in the midpoint potentials of the redox components that accept electrons during ubiquinol oxidation have only small effects on the formation of superoxide anion, except to the extent that they affect the activity of the enzyme.  相似文献   

The cytochrome bc(1) complex catalyzes electron transfer from ubiquinol to cytochrome c by a protonmotive Q cycle mechanism in which electron transfer is linked to proton translocation across the inner mitochondrial membrane. In the Q cycle mechanism proton translocation is the net result of topographically segregated reduction of quinone and reoxidation of quinol on opposite sides of the membrane, with protons being carried across the membrane as hydrogens on the quinol. The linkage of proton chemistry to electron transfer during quinol oxidation and quinone reduction requires pathways for moving protons to and from the aqueous phase and the hydrophobic environment in which the quinol and quinone redox reactions occur. Crystal structures of the mitochondrial cytochrome bc(1) complexes in various conformations allow insight into possible proton conduction pathways. In this review we discuss pathways for proton conduction linked to ubiquinone redox reactions with particular reference to recently determined structures of the yeast bc(1) complex.  相似文献   

Depletion of endogenous ubiquinone by pentane extraction of mitochondrial membranes lowered succinate-ferricyanide reductase activity, whereas quinone reincorporation restored the enzymatic activity as well as antimycin sensitivity. The oxidant-induced cytochromeb extrareduction, normally found upon ferricyanide pulse in intact mitochondria in the presence of antimycin, was lost in ubiquinone-depleted membranes, even if cytochromec was added. Readdition of ubiquinone-2 restored the oxidant-induced extrareduction with an apparent half saturation at 1 mol/molbc 1 complex saturating at about 5 mol/mol. These findings demonstrate a requirement for the ubiquinone pool of the cytochromeb extrareduction. Since the initial rates of cytochromeb reoxidation upon ferricyanide addition, in the presence of antimycin, did not saturate by any ferricyanide concentration in ubiquinone-depleted mitochondria, a direct chemical reaction between ferricyanide and reduced cytochromeb was postulated. The fact that such direct reaction is much faster in ubiquinone-depleted mitochondria may explain the lower antimycin sensitivity of the succinate ferricyanide reductase activity after removal of endogenous ubiquinone.  相似文献   

Mutations in the hinge region connecting the membrane anchor to the extra-membranous head-group of the iron-sulfur protein can impede proper assembly and function of the cytochrome bc(1) complex. Mutating the conserved alanines, residues 86, 90, and 92, located in the hinge region resulted in a 30-50% decrease in enzymatic activity without loss of the iron-sulfur protein [J. Bioenerg. Biomembr. 31 (1999) 215]. The lowered enzymatic activity in the A86L mutant was shown to result from steric interference between the side chains of Leu-86 and Leu-89 [Biochemistry 40 (2001) 327]. The compensatory double mutant A86L/L89A restored activity to wild type levels and relieved the steric hindrance; however, the L89A mutant did not assemble properly into the bc(1) complex. Molecular modeling studies of these mutants compared to the wild type have suggested that the hydrophobic residues located in the hinge region are critical to the motion of the head group of the iron-sulfur protein during catalysis.  相似文献   

Cytochrome bc 1 complexes have been isolated from wild type Rhodopseudomonas viridis and Rhodospirillum rubrum and purified by affinity chromatography on cytochrome c-Sepharose 4B. Both complexes are largely free of bacteriochlorophyll and carotenoids and contain cytochromes b and c 1 in a 2:1 molar ratio. For the Rps. viridis complex, evidence has been obtained for two spectrally distinct b-cytochromes. The R. rubrum complex contains a Rieske iron-sulfur protein (present in approximately 1:1 molar ratio to cytochrome c 1) and catalyzes an antimycin A- and myxothiazol-sensitive electron transfer from duroquinol to equine cytochrome c or R. rubrum cytochrome c 2. Although an attempt to prepare a cytochrome bc 1 complex from the gliding green bacterium Chloroflexus aurantiacus was not successful, membranes isolated from phototrophically grown Cfl. aurantiacus were shown to contain a Rieske iron-sulfur protein and protoheme (the prosthetic group of b-type cytochromes).Dedicated to Prof. L.N.M. Duysens on the occasion of his retirement.  相似文献   

The availability of the three dimensional structure of mitochondrial enzyme, obtained by X-ray crystallography, allowed a significant progress in the understanding of the structure-function relation of the cytochrome bc1 complex. Most of the structural information obtained has been confirmed by molecular genetic studies of the bacterial complex. Despite its small size and simple subunit composition, high quality crystals of the bacterial complex have been difficult to obtain and so far, only low resolution structural data has been reported. The low quality crystal observed is likely associated in part with the low activity and stability of the purified complex. To mitigate this problem, we recently engineered a mutant [S287R(cytb)/V135S(ISP)] from Rhodobacter sphaeroides to produce a highly active and more stable cytochrome bc1 complex. The purified mutant complex shows a 40% increase in electron transfer activity as compared to that of the wild type enzyme. Differential scanning calorimetric study shows that the mutant is more stable than the wild type complex as indicated by a 4.3 °C increase in the thermo-denaturation temperature. Crystals formed from this mutant complex, in the presence of stigmatellin, diffract X-rays up to 2.9 Å resolution.  相似文献   

Dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD) binds covalently to an acidic amino acid located in the cd loop connecting membrane-spanning helices C and D of cytochrome b resulting in an inhibition of proton translocation in the cytochrome bc 1 complex with minimal effects on the steady state rate of electron transfer. Single turnover studies performed with the yeast cytochrome bc 1 complex indicated that the initial phase of cytochrome b reduction was inhibited 25–45% in the DCCD-treated cytochrome bc 1 complex, while the rate of cytochrome c 1 reduction was unaffected. Simulations by molecular modeling predict that binding of DCCD to glutamate 163 located in the cd2 loop of cytochrome b of chicken liver mitochondria results in major conformational changes in the protein. The conformation of the cd loop and the end of helix C appeared twisted with a concomitant rearrangement of the amino acid residues of both cd1 and cd2 loops. The predicted rearrangement of the amino acid residues of the cd loop results in disruptions of the hydrogen bonds predicted to form between amino acid residues of the cd and ef loops. Simultaneously, two new hydrogen bonds are predicted to form between glutamate 272 and two residues, aspartate 253 and tyrosine 272. Formation of these new hydrogen bonds would restrict the rotation and protonation of glutamate 272, which may be necessary for the release of the second electrogenic proton obtained during ubiquinol oxidation in the bc1 complex.  相似文献   

Complete nucleotide sequences are now available for the pet (fbc) operons coding for the three electron carrying protein subunits of the cytochrome bc 1 complexes of four photosynthetic purple non-sulfur bacteria. It has been demonstrated that, although the complex from one of these bacteria may contain a fourth subunit, three subunit complexes appear to be fully functional. The ligands to the three hemes and the one [2Fe-2S] cluster in the complex have been identified and considerable progress has been made in mapping the two quinone-binding sites present in the complex, as well as the binding sites for quinone analog inhibitors. Hydropathy analyses and alkaline phosphatase fusion experiments have provided considerable insight into the likely folding pattern of the cytochrome b peptide of the complex and identification of the electrogenic steps associated with electron transport through the complex has allowed the orientation within the membrane of the electron-carrying groups of the complex to be modeled.  相似文献   

The bc 1-complex (EC from Triticum aestivum L. was purified by cytochrome-c affinity chromatography and gel filtration using either etiolated seedlings or wheat-germ extract as starting material. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the isolated enzyme revealed ten bands, which were analysed by immunoblotting and direct amino-acid sequencing. The enzyme from wheat is the first bc 1-complex that is reported to contain four core proteins (55.5, 55.0, 51.5 and 51.0 kDa). In addition, the wheat bc 1-complex comprises cytochrome b (35 kDa), cytochrome c 1 (33 kDa) the Rieske iron-sulphur protein (25 kDa) and three small subunits < 15 kDa. This composition differs from the one reported in fungi, mammals and potato. Partial sequence determination of the large subunits suggests that the 55.5 and 55.0-kDa-proteins represent the -subunit of the general mitochondrial processing peptidase, and the 51.5 and 51.0-kDa proteins the -subunit of this enzyme. The bc 1-complex from wheat efficiently processes mitochondrial precursor proteins as shown in an in-vitro processing assay. In control experiments the isolated bc 1-complexes from potato, yeast, Neurospora and beef, all purified by the same isolation procedure, were also tested for processing activity. Only the protein complexes from plants contain the general mitochondrial processing peptidase. The composition of the wheat bc 1-complex sheds new light on the co-evolution of the processing peptidase and the middle segment of the respiratory chain.Abbreviations MPP mitochondrial processing peptidase We wish to thank Prof. G. Schatz, Biozentrum Basel, Switzerland and Prof. H. Weiss, Universität Düsseldorf, Germany for providing antibodies against the repiratory subunits of the bc 1-complex from yeast and Neurospora and to H. Mentzel, A. Leisse, R. Breitfeld and B. Hidde for excellent technical assistance. Thanks are also due to Prof. M. Boutry, Université de Louvaine-la-Neuve, Belgium for providing a plasmid containing the -subunit of ATPase from tobacco. This research was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschalft and the Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technologie.  相似文献   

The existence of tissue-specific isozymes of cytochromec oxidase has been widely documented. We have now studied if there are differences between subunits of mitochondrialbc 1 complexes isolated from liver and heart. For this purpose, we have developed a method for the purification of an active ubiquinol-cytochromec oxidoreductase from adult bovine liver that includes solubilization of submitochondrial particles with deoxycholate, ammonium acetate fractionation, resolubilization with dodecyl maltoside, and ion exchange chromatography. The electrophoretic pattern of the liver preparation showed the presence of 11 subunits, with apparent molecular weights identical to the ones reported for the heart complex. Western blot analysis and isoelectric focusing followed by two-dimensional gels ofbc 1 complexes from liver and heart were compared, and no qualitative differences were observed. In addition, the high-molecular-weight subunits of the purified complexes from both tissues, subunits I, II, V, and VI, were isolated by PAGE in the presence of Coomasie Blue and subjected to limited proteolysis and to chemical digestion with cyanogen bromide and BNPS-skatol, and the peptide patterns were compared. Finally, two of the small-molecular-weight subunits from the liver complex were isolated (subunits VII and X), partially analyzed by amino terminal sequencing, and found to be identical with the reported sequence of their heart counterparts. The data suggest that, in contrast to the case of cytochromec oxidase,bc 1 complexes from liver and heart do not exhibit tissue-specific differences.  相似文献   

Ubihydroquinone: cytochrome (cyt)c oxidoreductase, or cyt bc (1), is a widespread, membrane integral enzyme that plays a crucial role during photosynthesis and respiration. It is one of the major contributors of the electrochemical proton gradient, which is subsequently used for ATP synthesis. The simplest form of the cyt bc (1) is found in bacteria, and it contains only the three ubiquitously conserved catalytic subunits: the Fe-S protein, cyt b and cyt c (1). Here we present a preliminary X-ray structure of Rhodobacter capsulatus cyt bc (1) at 3.8 A and compare it to the available structures of its homologues from mitochondria and chloroplast. Using the bacterial enzyme structure, we highlight the structural similarities and differences that are found among the three catalytic subunits between the members of this family of enzymes. In addition, we discuss the locations of currently known critical mutations, and their implications in terms of the cyt bc (1) catalysis.  相似文献   

In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, mitochondria form a branched, tubular reticulum in the periphery of the cell. Mmm1p is required to maintain normal mitochondrial shape and in mmm1 mutants mitochondria form large, spherical organelles. To further explore Mmm1p function, we examined the localization of a Mmm1p-green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion in living cells. We found that Mmm1p-GFP is located in small, punctate structures on the mitochondrial outer membrane, adjacent to a subset of matrix-localized mitochondrial DNA nucleoids. We also found that the temperature-sensitive mmm1-1 mutant was defective in transmission of mitochondrial DNA to daughter cells immediately after the shift to restrictive temperature. Normal mitochondrial nucleoid structure also collapsed at the nonpermissive temperature with similar kinetics. Moreover, we found that mitochondrial inner membrane structure is dramatically disorganized in mmm1 disruption strains. We propose that Mmm1p is part of a connection between the mitochondrial outer and inner membranes, anchoring mitochondrial DNA nucleoids in the matrix.  相似文献   

The nuclear gene MIP1 encodes the mitochondrial DNA polymerase responsible for replicating the mitochondrial genome in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A number of other factors involved in replicating and segregating the mitochondrial genome are yet to be identified. Here, we report that a bacterial two-hybrid screen using the mitochondrial polymerase, Mip1p, as bait identified the yeast protein Sed1p. Sed1p is a cell surface protein highly expressed in the stationary phase. We find that several modified forms of Sed1p are expressed and the largest of these forms interacts with the mitochondrial polymerase in vitro. Deletion of SED1 causes a 3.5-fold increase in the rate of mitochondrial DNA point mutations as well as a 4.3-fold increase in the rate of loss of respiration. In contrast, we see no change in the rate of nuclear point mutations indicating the specific role of Sed1p function in mitochondrial genome stability. Indirect immunofluorescence analysis of Sed1p localization shows that Sed1p is targeted to the mitochondria. Moreover, Sed1p is detected in purified mitochondrial fractions and the localization to the mitochondria of the largest modified form is insensitive to the action of proteinase K. Deletion of the sed1 gene results in a reduction in the quantity of Mip1p and also affects the levels of a mitochondrially-expressed protein, Cox3p. Our results point towards a role for Sed1p in mitochondrial genome maintenance.  相似文献   

Cytochrome bc(1) is an integral membrane protein complex essential for cellular respiration and photosynthesis; it couples electron transfer from quinol to cytochrome c to proton translocation across the membrane. Specific bc(1) inhibitors have not only played crucial roles in elucidating the mechanism of bc(1) function but have also provided leads for the development of novel antibiotics. Crystal structures of bovine bc(1) in complex with the specific Q(o) site inhibitors azoxystrobin, MOAS, myxothiazol, stigmatellin and 5-undecyl-6-hydroxy-4,7-dioxobenzothiazole were determined. Interactions, conformational changes and possible mechanisms of resistance, specific to each inhibitor, were defined. Residues and secondary structure elements that are capable of discriminating different classes of Q(o) site inhibitors were identified for the cytochrome b subunit. Directions in the displacement of the cd1 helix of cytochrome b subunit in response to various Q(o) site inhibitors were correlated to the binary conformational switch of the extrinsic domain of the iron-sulfur protein subunit. The new structural information, together with structures previously determined, provide a basis that, combined with biophysical and mutational data, suggest a modification to the existing classification of bc(1) inhibitors. bc(1) inhibitors are grouped into three classes: class P inhibitors bind to the Q(o) site, class N inhibitors bind to the Q(i) site and the class PN inhibitors target both sites. Class P contains two subgroups, Pm and Pf, that are distinct by their ability to induce mobile or fixed conformation of iron-sulfur protein.  相似文献   

The ubiquinol: cytochrome c oxidoreductase, or the bc 1 complex, is a key component ofboth respiratory and photosynthetic electron transfer and contributes to the formation of anelectrochemical gradient necessary for ATP synthesis. Numerous bacteria harbor a bc 1 complexcomprised of three redox-active subunits, which bear two b-type hemes, one c-type heme, andone [2Fe–2S] cluster as prosthetic groups. Photosynthetic bacteria like Rhodobacter speciesprovide powerful models for studying the function and structure of this enzyme and are beingwidely used. In recent years, extensive use of spontaneous and site-directed mutants and theirrevertants, new inhibitors, discovery of natural variants of this enzyme in various species, andengineering of novel bc 1 complexes in species amenable to genetic manipulations have providedus with a wealth of information on the mechanism of function, nature of subunit interactions,and assembly of this important enzyme. The recent resolution of the structure of variousmitochondrial bc 1 complexes in different crystallographic forms has consolidated previousfindings, added atomic-scale precision to our knowledge, and raised new issues, such as thepossible movement of the Rieske Fe–S protein subunit during Qo site catalysis. Here, studiesperformed during the last few years using bacterial bc 1 complexes are reviewed briefly andongoing investigations and future challenges of this exciting field are mentioned.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial processing peptidase (MPP) specifically cleaves N-terminal targeting signals from hundreds of nuclear-encoded, matrix-targeted precursor proteins. In contrast to yeast and mammals, the plant MPP is an integral component of the respiratory cytochrome bc1 complex. The topology of the protein import channel in relation to MPP/bc1 in plants was studied using chimeric precursors containing truncated cytochrome b2 (cyt b2) proteins of 55-167 residues in length, fused to dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR). The DHFR domain could be tightly folded by methotrexate (MTX), generating translocation intermediates trapped in the import channel with only the cyt b2 pre-sequence/mature domain protruding into the matrix. Spinach and soybean mitochondria imported and processed unfolded precursors. MTX-folded intermediates were not processed in spinach but the longest (1-167) MTX-folded cyt b2-DHFR construct was processed in soybean, while yeast mitochondria successfully processed even shorter MTX-folded constructs. The MTX-folded precursors were cleaved with high efficiency by purified spinach MPP/bc1 complex. We interpret these results as indicating that the protein import channel is located distantly from the MPP/bc1 complex in plants, and that there is no link between protein translocation and protein processing.  相似文献   

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