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To discover remote evolutionary relationships and functional similarities between proteins, biologists rely on comparative sequence analysis, and when structures are available, on structural alignments and various measures of structural similarity. The measures/scores that have most commonly been used for this purpose include: alignment length, percent sequence identity, superposition RMSD and their different combinations. More recently, we have introduced the "Homologous core structure overlap score" (HCS) and the "Loop Hausdorff Measure" (LHM). Along with these we also consider the "gapped structural alignment score" (GSAS), which was introduced earlier by other researchers.  相似文献   

Although it is known that three-dimensional structure is well conserved during the evolutionary development of proteins, there have been few studies that consider other parameters apart from divergence of the main-chain coordinates. In this study, we align the structures of 90 pairs of homologous proteins having sequence identities ranging from 5 to 100%. Their structures are compared as a function of sequence identity, including not only consideration of C alpha coordinates but also accessibility, Ooi numbers, secondary structure, and side-chain angles. We discuss how these properties change as the sequences become less similar. This will be of practical use in homology modeling, especially for modeling very distantly related or analogous proteins. We also consider how the average size and number of insertions and deletions vary as sequences diverge. This study presents further quantitative evidence that structure is remarkably well conserved in detail, as well as at the topological level, even when the sequences do not show similarity that is significant statistically.  相似文献   

We describe a web server, which provides easy access to the SLoop database of loop conformations connecting elements of protein secondary structure. The loops are classified according to their length, the type of bounding secondary structures and the conformation of the mainchain. The current release of the database consists of over 8000 loops of up to 20 residues in length. A loop prediction method, which selects conformers on the basis of the sequence and the positions of the elements of secondary structure, is also implemented. These web pages are freely accessible over the internet at http://www-cryst.bioc.cam.ac.uk/ approximately sloop.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Different resources exist for experimentally determined and computed three-dimensional (3D)-structures of low molecular weight structures but for approved drugs, no free, publicly accessible source of 3D-structures and conformers is available. Furthermore, for selection purposes or for correlation of structural similarity with medical application, the assignment of the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification codes to each structure according to the WHO-scheme would be desirable. RESULTS: The database contains approximately 2500 3D-structures of active ingredients of essential marketed drugs. To account for structural flexibility they are represented by 10(5) structural conformers. Here we present a web-query system enabling searches for drug name, synonyms, trade name, trivial name, formula, CAS-number, ATC-code etc. 2D-similarity screening (Tanimoto coefficients) and an automatic 3D-superposition procedure based on conformational representation are implemented. Drug structures above a similarity threshold as well as superimposed conformers can be retrieved in the mol- file format via a graphical interface. AVAILABILITY: For academic use the system is accessible at http://bioinf.charite.de/superdrug. The retrieval system requires the free browser-plugin 'chime' from MDL for visualization.  相似文献   

Physicochemcial properties of amino acids are important factors in determining protein structure and function. Most approaches make use of averaged properties over entire domains or even proteins to analyze their structure or function. This level of coarseness tends to hide the richness of the variability in the different properties across functional domains. This paper studies the conservation of physicochemical properties in a functionally similar family of proteins using a novel wavelet-based technique known as multiresolution analysis. Such an analysis can help uncover characteristics that can otherwise remain hidden. We have studied the protein kinase family of sequences and our findings are as follows: (a) a number of different properties are conserved over the functional catalytic domain irrespective of the sequence identities; (b) conservation of properties can be observed at different frequency levels and they agree well with the known structural/functional properties of the subdomains for the protein kinase family; (c) structural differences between the different kinase family members are reflected in the waveforms; and (d) functionally important mutations show distortions in the waveforms of conserved properties. The potential usefulness of the above findings in identifying functionally similar sequences in the twilight and midnight zones is demonstrated through a simple prediction model for the protein kinase family which achieved a recall of 93.7% and a precision of 96.75% in cross-validation tests.  相似文献   


Retroviruses are most perilous viral family, which cause much damage to the Homo sapiens. HTLV-1 mechanism found to more similar with HIV-1 and both retroviruses are causative agents of severe and fatal diseases including adult T-cell leukemia (ATL) and the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). Both viruses code for a protease (PR) that is essential for replication and therefore represents a key target for drugs interfering with viral infection. In this work, the comparative study of HIV-1 and HTLV-1 PR enzymes through sequence and structural analysis is reported along with approved drugs of HIV-PR. Conformation of each HIV PR drugs have been examined with different parameters of interactions and energy scorings parameters. MD simulations with respect to timescale event of 20?ns favors that, few HIV-PR inhibitors can be more active inside the HTLV-1 PR binding pocket. Overall results suggest that, some of HIV inhibitors like Tipranavir, Indinavir, Darunavir and Amprenavir are having good energy levels with HTLV-1. Due to absence of interactions with MET37, here we report that derivatives of these compounds can be much better inhibitors for targeting HTLV-1 proteolytic activity.  相似文献   

Carlacci L  Edison AS 《Proteins》2000,40(3):367-377
Conformational states and thermodynamic properties for two similar neuropeptides, GDPFLRF-NH(2) and GYPFLRF-NH(2), have been computed by Monte Carlo simulated annealing (MCSA) conformational searches and Metropolis Monte Carlo (MMC) calculations. These peptides were recently shown to have dramatically different conformations in solution by NMR [Edison et al., J Neuroscience 1999;19:6318-6326]. Final conformations of multiple independent MCSA runs were the starting points for MMC calculations, and conformations saved at intervals during MMC runs were characterized in terms of total energy, configuration entropy, side-chain fraction population, and ensemble average inter-nuclear distances. Without the use of any NMR data-generated pseudo-potentials, the present calculations were in excellent qualitative agreement with all previous NMR experimental data and provided a foundation by which to more quantitatively interpret the experimental NMR results. Proteins 2000;40:367-377.  相似文献   

Li W  Liang S  Wang R  Lai L  Han Y 《Protein engineering》1999,12(12):1075-1086
Loops are structurally variable regions, but the secondary structural elements bracing loops are often conserved. Motifs with similar secondary structures exist in the same and different protein families. In this study, we made an all-PDB-based analysis and produced 495 motif families accessible from the Internet. Every motif family contains some variable loops spanning a common framework (a pair of secondary structures). The diversity of loops and the convergence of frameworks were examined. In addition, we also identified 119 loops with conformational changes in different PDB files. These materials can give some directions for functional loop design and flexible docking.  相似文献   

The purification of dog liver acid beta-galactosidase is described. The dog enzyme migrated as a single major band on polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulphate, with a molecular weight of 60000. Antiserum raised against purified human liver acid beta-galactosidase cross-reacted with beta-galactosidase from dog liver, but not with those from cat liver or Escherichia coli. Tryptic peptide maps of the dog and human acid beta-galactosidases indicate that 21 of the 24 peptides observed were homologous; a similar result was obtained after chymotryptic peptide mapping. We conclude that dog and human acid beta-galactosidases are structurally similar, and that canine GM1 gangliosidosis (acid beta-galactosidase deficiency) is an excellent model for the same disease in man.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: In recent years, the Protein Data Bank (PDB) has experienced rapid growth. To maximize the utility of the high resolution protein-protein interaction data stored in the PDB, we have developed PIBASE, a comprehensive relational database of structurally defined interfaces between pairs of protein domains. It is composed of binary interfaces extracted from structures in the PDB and the Probable Quaternary Structure server using domain assignments from the Structural Classification of Proteins and CATH fold classification systems. RESULTS: PIBASE currently contains 158,915 interacting domain pairs between 105,061 domains from 2125 SCOP families. A diverse set of geometric, physiochemical and topologic properties are calculated for each complex, its domains, interfaces and binding sites. A subset of the interface properties are used to remove interface redundancy within PDB entries, resulting in 20,912 distinct domain-domain interfaces. The complexes are grouped into 989 topological classes based on their patterns of domain-domain contacts. The binary interfaces and their corresponding binding sites are categorized into 18,755 and 30,975 topological classes, respectively, based on the topology of secondary structure elements. The utility of the database is illustrated by outlining several current applications. AVAILABILITY: The database is accessible via the world wide web at http://salilab.org/pibase SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: http://salilab.org/pibase/suppinfo.html.  相似文献   

MutT distinguishes substrate 8-oxo-dGTP from dGTP and also 8-oxo-dGMP from dGMP despite small differences of chemical structures between them. In this paper we show by the method of molecular dynamics simulation that the transition between conformational substates of MutT is a key mechanism for a high-resolution molecular recognition of the differences between the very similar chemical compounds. (1) The native state MutT has two conformational substates with similar free energies, each characterized by either open or closed of two loops surrounding the substrate binding active site. Between the two substates, the open substate is more stable in free MutT and in dGMP-MutT complex, and the closed substate is more stable in 8-oxo-dGMP-MutT complex. (2) Conformational fluctuation of the open substate is much larger than that of the closed substate. An estimate of associated entropy difference was found to be consistent with the experimentally found difference of entropy contribution to the binding free energies of the two molecules. (3) A hydrogen bond between H7 atom of 8-oxo-dGMP and the sidechain of Asn119 plays a crucial role for maintaining the closed substate in 8-oxo-dGMP-MutT complex. When this hydrogen bond is absent in the H7-deficient dGMP-MutT complex, the closed substate is no more maintained and transition to the more entropically-favored open substate is induced. (4) Thus, this mechanism of the hydrogen bond controlling the relative stabilities of the drastically different two conformational substates enhances the resolution to recognize the small difference of the chemical structures between the two molecules, dGMP and 8-oxo-dGMP.  相似文献   

The physical properties of 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC)/ergosterol bilayers in the liquid-crystalline phase were determined using deuterium nuclear magnetic resonance (2H NMR) and vesicle extrusion. For the 2H NMR experiments, the sn-1 chain of POPC was perdeuterated, and spectra were taken as a function of ergosterol concentration and temperature. Analysis of the liquid-crystalline spectra provides clear evidence that two types of liquid-crystalline domains, neither of which is a liquid-ordered phase, having distinct average chain conformations coexist in 80:20 and 75:25 POPC/ergosterol membranes over a wide temperature range (from −2 to at least 31°C). Adding ergosterol to a concentration of 25 mol % increases POPC-d31 chain ordering as measured by the NMR spectral first moment M1 and also increases the membrane lysis tension, obtained from vesicle extrusion. Further addition of ergosterol had no effect on either chain order or lysis tension. This behavior is in marked contrast to the effect of cholesterol on POPC membranes: POPC/cholesterol membranes have a linear dependence of chain order on sterol concentration to at least 40 mol %. To investigate further we compared the dependence on sterol structure and concentration of the NMR spectra and lysis tension for several POPC/sterol membranes at 25°C. For all POPC/sterol membranes investigated in this study, we observed a universal linear relation between lysis tension and M1. This suggests that changes in acyl chain ordering directly affect the tensile properties of the membrane.  相似文献   

Inhibition of bovine erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase (free and immobilized on controlled pore glass) by separate and simultaneous exposure to malathion and malathion transformation products which are generally formed during storage or through natural or photochemical degradation was investigated. Increasing concentrations of malathion, its oxidation product malaoxon, and its isomerisation product isomalathion inhibited free and immobilized AChE in a concentration-dependent manner. KI, the dissociation constant for the initial reversible enzyme inhibitor-complex, and k3, the first order rate constant for the conversion of the reversible complex into the irreversibly inhibited enzyme, were determined from the progressive development of inhibition produced by reaction of native AChE with malathion, malaoxon and isomalathion. KI values of 1.3 × 10? 4 M? 1, 5.6 × 10? 6 M? 1 and 7.2 × 10? 6 M? 1 were obtained for malathion, malaoxon and isomalathion, respectively. The IC50 values for free/immobilized AChE, (3.7 ± 0.2) × 10? 4 M/(1.6 ± 0.1) × 10? 4, (2.4 ± 0.3) × 10? 6/(3.4 ± 0.1) × 10? 6 M and (3.2 ± 0.3) × 10? 6 M/(2.7 ± 0.2) × 10? 6 M, were obtained from the inhibition curves induced by malathion, malaoxon and isomalathion, respectively. However, the products formed due to photoinduced degradation, phosphorodithioic O,O,S-trimethyl ester and O,O-dimethyl thiophosphate, did not noticeably affect enzymatic activity, while diethyl maleate inhibited AChE activity at concentrations > 10 mM. Inhibition of acetylcholinesterase increased with the time of exposure to malathion and its inhibiting by-products within the interval from 0 to 5 minutes. Through simultaneous exposure of the enzyme to malaoxon and isomalathion, an additive effect was achieved for lower concentrations of the inhibitors (in the presence of malaoxon/isomalathion at concentrations 2 × 10? 7 M/2 × 10? 7 M, 2 × 10? 7 M/3 × 10? 7 M and 2 × 10? 7 M/4.5 × 10? 7 M), while an antagonistic effect was obtained for all higher concentrations of inhibitors. The presence of a non-inhibitory degradation product (phosphorodithioic O,O,S-trimethyl ester) did not affect the inhibition efficiencies of the malathion by-products, malaoxon and isomalathion.  相似文献   

Dengler U  Siddiqui AS  Barton GJ 《Proteins》2001,42(3):332-344
The 3Dee database of domain definitions was developed as a comprehensive collection of domain definitions for all three-dimensional structures in the Protein Data Bank (PDB). The database includes definitions for complex, multiple-segment and multiple-chain domains as well as simple sequential domains, organized in a structural hierarchy. Two different snapshots of the 3Dee database were analyzed at September 1996 and November 1999. For the November 1999 release, 7,995 PDB entries contained 13,767 protein chains and gave rise to 18,896 domains. The domain sequences clustered into 1,715 domain sequence families, which were further clustered into a conservative 1,199 domain structure families (families with similar folds). The proportion of different domain structure families per domain sequence family increases from 84% for domains 1-100 residues long to 100% for domains greater than 600 residues. This is in keeping with the idea that longer chains will have more alternative folds available to them. Of the representative domains from the domain sequence families, 49% are in the range of 51-150 residues, whereas 64% of the representative chains over 200 residues have more than 1 domain. Of the representative chains, 8.5% are part of multichain domains. The largest multichain domain in the database has 14 chains and 1,400 residues, whereas the largest single-chain domain has 907 residues. The largest number of domains found in a protein is 13. The analysis shows that over the history of the PDB, new domain folds have been discovered at a slower rate than by random selection of all known folds. Between 1992 and 1997, a constant 1 in 11 new domains deposited in the PDB has shown no sequence similarity to a previously known domain sequence family, and only 1 in 15 new domain structures has had a fold that has not been seen previously. A comparison of the September 1996 release of 3Dee to the Structural Classification of Proteins (SCOP) showed that the domain definitions agreed for 80% of the representative protein chains. However, 3Dee provided explicit domain boundaries for more proteins. 3Dee is accessible on the World Wide Web at http://barton.ebi.ac.uk/servers/3Dee.html.  相似文献   

Inhibition of bovine erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase (free and immobilized on controlled pore glass) by separate and simultaneous exposure to malathion and malathion transformation products which are generally formed during storage or through natural or photochemical degradation was investigated. Increasing concentrations of malathion, its oxidation product malaoxon, and its isomerisation product isomalathion inhibited free and immobilized AChE in a concentration-dependent manner. KI, the dissociation constant for the initial reversible enzyme inhibitor-complex, and k3, the first order rate constant for the conversion of the reversible complex into the irreversibly inhibited enzyme, were determined from the progressive development of inhibition produced by reaction of native AChE with malathion, malaoxon and isomalathion. KI values of 1.3 x 10(-4) M(-1), 5.6 x 10(-6) M(-1) and 7.2 x 10(-6)M(-1) were obtained for malathion, malaoxon and isomalathion, respectively. The IC50 values for free/immobilized AChE, (3.7 +/- 0.2) x 10(-4) M/(1.6 +/-0.1) x 10(-4), (2.4 +/- 0.3) x 10(-6)/(3.4 +/- 0.1) x 10(-6)M and (3.2 +/- 0.3) x 10(-6) M/(2.7 +/- 0.2) x 10(-6) M, were obtained from the inhibition curves induced by malathion, malaoxon and isomalathion, respectively. However, the products formed due to photoinduced degradation, phosphorodithioic O,O,S-trimethyl ester and O,O-dimethyl thiophosphate, did not noticeably affect enzymatic activity, while diethyl maleate inhibited AChE activity at concentrations > 10mM. Inhibition of acetylcholinesterase increased with the time of exposure to malathion and its inhibiting by-products within the interval from 0 to 5 minutes. Through simultaneous exposure of the enzyme to malaoxon and isomalathion, an additive effect was achieved for lower concentrations of the inhibitors (in the presence of malaoxon/isomalathion at concentrations 2 x 10(-7) M/2 x 10(-7) M, 2 x 10(-7) M/3 x 10(-7)M and 2 x 10(-7) M/4.5 x 109-7) M), while an antagonistic effect was obtained for all higher concentrations of inhibitors. The presence of a non-inhibitory degradation product (phosphorodithioic O,O,S-trimethyl ester) did not affect the inhibition efficiencies of the malathion by-products, malaoxon and isomalathion.  相似文献   

Shehu A  Clementi C  Kavraki LE 《Proteins》2006,65(1):164-179
Characterizing protein flexibility is an important goal for understanding the physical-chemical principles governing biological function. This paper presents a Fragment Ensemble Method to capture the mobility of a protein fragment such as a missing loop and its extension into a Protein Ensemble Method to characterize the mobility of an entire protein at equilibrium. The underlying approach in both methods is to combine a geometric exploration of conformational space with a statistical mechanics formulation to generate an ensemble of physical conformations on which thermodynamic quantities can be measured as ensemble averages. The Fragment Ensemble Method is validated by applying it to characterize loop mobility in both instances of strongly stable and disordered loop fragments. In each instance, fluctuations measured over generated ensembles are consistent with data from experiment and simulation. The Protein Ensemble Method captures the mobility of an entire protein by generating and combining ensembles of conformations for consecutive overlapping fragments defined over the protein sequence. This method is validated by applying it to characterize flexibility in ubiquitin and protein G. Thermodynamic quantities measured over the ensembles generated for both proteins are fully consistent with available experimental data. On these proteins, the method recovers nontrivial data such as order parameters, residual dipolar couplings, and scalar couplings. Results presented in this work suggest that the proposed methods can provide insight into the interplay between protein flexibility and function.  相似文献   

ProADD, a database for protein aggregation diseases, is developed to organize the data under a single platform to facilitate easy access for researchers. Diseases caused due to protein aggregation and the proteins involved in each of these diseases are integrated. The database helps in classification of proteins involved in the protein aggregation diseases based on sequence and structural analysis. Analysis of proteins can be done to mine patterns prevailing among the aggregating proteins.


http://bicmku.in/ProADD  相似文献   

Wrabl JO  Grishin NV 《Proteins》2004,54(1):71-87
An algorithm was developed to locally optimize gaps from the FSSP database. Over 2 million gaps were identified from all versus all FSSP structure comparisons, and datasets of non-identical gaps and flanking regions comprising between 90,000 and 135,000 sequence fragments were extracted for statistical analysis. Relative to background frequencies, gaps were enriched in residue types with small side chains and high turn propensity (D, G, N, P, S), and were depleted in residue types with hydrophobic side chains (C, F, I, L, V, W, Y). In contrast, regions flanking a gap exhibited opposite trends in amino acid frequencies, i.e., enrichment in hydrophobic residues and a high degree of secondary structure. Log-odds scores of residue type as a function of position in or around a gap were derived from the statistics. Three simple experiments demonstrated that these scores contained significant predictive information. First, regions where gaps were observed in single sequences taken from HOMSTRAD structure-based multiple sequence alignments generally scored higher than regions where gaps were not observed. Second, given the correct pairwise-aligned cores, the actual positions of gaps could be reproduced from sequence more accurately using the structurally-derived statistics than by using random pairwise alignments. Finally, revision of the Clustal-W residue-specific gap opening parameters with this new information improved the agreement of Clustal-W alignments with the structure-based alignments. At least three applications for these results are envisioned: improvement of gap penalties in pairwise (or multiple) sequence alignment, prediction of regions of single sequences likely (or unlikely) to contain indels, and more accurate placement of gaps in automated pairwise structure alignment.  相似文献   

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