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M Iino  T Yamazawa  Y Miyashita  M Endo    H Kasai 《The EMBO journal》1993,12(13):5287-5291
Neurotransmitters induce contractions of smooth muscle cells initially by mobilizing Ca2+ from intracellular Ca2+ stores through inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3) receptors. Here we studied roles of the molecules involved in Ca2+ mobilization in single smooth muscle cells. A slow rise in cytoplasmic Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) in agonist-stimulated smooth muscle cells was followed by a wave of rapid regenerative Ca2+ release as the local [Ca2+]i reached a critical concentration of approximately 160 nM. Neither feedback regulation of phospholipase C nor caffeine-sensitive Ca(2+)-induced Ca2+ release was found to be required in the regenerative Ca2+ release. These results indicate that Ca(2+)-dependent feedback control of InsP3-induced Ca2+ release plays a dominant role in the generation of the regenerative Ca2+ release. The resulting Ca2+ release in a whole cell was an all-or-none event, i.e. constant peak [Ca2+]i was attained with agonist concentrations above the threshold value. This finding suggests a possible digital mode involved in the neural control of smooth muscle contraction.  相似文献   

Functionally separate intracellular Ca2+ stores in smooth muscle   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
In smooth muscle, release via the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (Ins(1,4,5)P(3)R) and ryanodine receptors (RyR) on the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) controls oscillatory and steady-state cytosolic Ca(2+) concentrations ([Ca(2+)](c)). The interplay between the two receptors, itself determined by their organization on the SR, establishes the time course and spatial arrangement of the Ca(2+) signal. Whether or not the receptors are co-localized or distanced from each other on the same store or whether they exist on separate stores will significantly affect the Ca(2+) signal produced by the SR. To date these matters remain unresolved. The functional arrangement of the RyR and Ins(1,4,5)P(3)R on the SR has now been examined in isolated single voltage-clamped colonic myocytes. Depletion of the ryanodine-sensitive store, by repeated application of caffeine, in the presence of ryanodine, abolished the response to Ins(1,4,5)P(3), suggesting that Ins(1,4,5)P(3)R and RyR share a common Ca(2+) store. Ca(2+) release from the Ins(1,4,5)P(3)R did not activate Ca(2+)-induced Ca(2+) release at the RyR. Depletion of the Ins(1,4,5)P(3)-sensitive store, by the removal of external Ca(2+), on the other hand, caused only a small decrease ( approximately 26%) in caffeine-evoked Ca(2+) transients, suggesting that not all RyR exist on the common store shared with Ins(1,4,5)P(3)R. Dependence of the stores on external Ca(2+) for replenishment also differed; removal of external Ca(2+) depleted the Ins(1,4,5)P(3)-sensitive store but caused only a slight reduction in caffeine-evoked transients mediated at RyR. Different mechanisms are presumably responsible for the refilling of each store. Refilling of both Ins(1,4,5)P(3)-sensitive and caffeine-sensitive Ca(2+) stores was inhibited by each of the SR Ca(2+) ATPase inhibitors thapsigargin and cyclopiazonic acid. These results may be explained by the existence of two functionally distinct Ca(2+) stores; the first expressing only RyR and refilled from [Ca(2+)](c), the second expressing both Ins(1,4,5)P(3)R and RyR and dependent upon external Ca(2+) for refilling.  相似文献   

Fameli N  Breemen Cv 《Protoplasma》2012,249(Z1):S39-S48
We address the importance of cytoplasmic nanospaces in Ca(2+) transport and signalling in smooth muscle cells and how quantitative modelling can shed significant light on the understanding of signalling mechanisms. Increasingly more convincing evidence supports the view that these nanospaces--nanometre-scale spaces between organellar membranes, hosting cell signalling machinery--are key to Ca(2+) signalling as much as Ca(2+) transporters and Ca(2+) storing organelles. Our research suggests that the origin of certain diseases is to be sought in the disruption of the proper functioning of cytoplasmic nanospaces. We begin with a historical perspective on the study of smooth muscle cell plasma membrane-sarcoplasmic reticulum nanospaces, including experimental evidence of their role in the generation of asynchronous Ca(2+) waves. We then summarize how stochastic modelling approaches have aided and guided our understanding of two basic functional steps leading to healthy smooth muscle cell contraction. We furthermore outline how more sophisticated and realistic quantitative stochastic modelling is now being employed not only to deepen our understanding but also to aid in the hypothesis generation for further experimental investigation.  相似文献   

The effect of neuropeptide Y (NPY) on cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) was studied in cultured smooth muscle cells from porcine aorta (PASMC) and compared with the effect of bradykinin (BK) and angiotensin II (ATII) on [Ca2+]i. All peptides induced dose-dependent and transient rises in [Ca2+]i which were not blocked by extracellular EGTA, but the NPY response was different from the others' as follows. First, the [Ca2+]i rise induced by NPY was not as rapid as that induced by BK or ATII. Second, pertussis toxin abolished the [Ca2+]i rise induced by NPY, but not by BK or ATII. Third, following initial treatment with BK, PASMC were able to respond to NPY, but not to ATII. Finally, BK and ATII, but not NPY, significantly increased inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (Ins(1,4,5)P3) generation. Although NPY attenuated forskolin-induced accumulation of cyclic AMP, forskolin- and 3-isobutyl-1-methyl-xanthine-induced alterations in intracellular cyclic AMP did not affect the NPY-induced [Ca2+]i rise. These results suggest that NPY increases [Ca2+]i by a pertussis toxin-sensitive GTP binding protein-involved mechanism which is not mediated by the intracellular messengers such as Ins(1,4,5)P3 and cyclic AMP.  相似文献   

Ca2+ signaling, intracellular pH and cell volume in cell proliferation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Mitogens control progression through the cell cycle in non-transformed cells by complex cascades of intracellular messengers, such as Ca2+ and protons, and by cell volume changes. Intracellular Ca2+ and proton concentrations are critical for linking external stimuli to proliferation, motility, apoptosis and differentiation. This review summarizes the role in cell proliferation of calcium release from intracellular stores and the Ca2+ entry through plasma membrane Ca2+ channels. In addition, the impact of intracellular pH and cell volume on cell proliferation is discussed.  相似文献   

Neurotrophins [e.g., brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), neurotrophin 4 (NT4)], known to affect neuronal structure and function, are expressed in nonneuronal tissues including the airway. However, their function is unclear. We examined the effect of acute vs. prolonged neurotrophin exposure on regulation of airway smooth muscle (ASM) intracellular Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)): sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca(2+) release and Ca(2+) influx (specifically store-operated Ca(2+) entry, SOCE). Human ASM cells were incubated for 30 min in medium (control) or 1 or 10 nM BDNF, NT3, or NT4 (acute exposure) or overnight in 1 nM BDNF, NT3, or NT4 (prolonged exposure) and imaged after loading with the Ca(2+) indicator fura-2 AM. [Ca(2+)](i) responses to ACh, histamine, bradykinin, and caffeine and SOCE following SR Ca(2+) depletion were compared across cell groups. Force measurements were performed in human bronchial strips exposed to neurotrophins. Basal [Ca(2+)](i), peak responses to all agonists, SOCE, and force responses to ACh and histamine were all significantly enhanced by both acute and prolonged BDNF exposure (smaller effect of NT4) but decreased by NT3. Inhibition of the BDNF/NT4 receptor trkB by K252a prevented enhancement of [Ca(2+)](i) responses. ASM cells showed positive immunostaining for BDNF, NT3, NT4, trkB, and trkC (NT3 receptor). These novel data demonstrate that neurotrophins influence ASM [Ca(2+)](i) and force regulation and suggest a potential role for neurotrophins in airway diseases.  相似文献   

In experiments on isolated porcine and canine coronary artery rings it was shown that vascular smooth muscle (VSM) during hypoxia (decreasing bath PO2 with 147 to 20-15 mm Hg) response to biphasic constriction-dilation reaction. Transient hypoxic contractions (THC) of VSM preserved completely in Ca2+-free solution and partially (up 50-60%) in the presence of Ca2+-channel blockers, but abolished by procaine. THC of VSM skinned by saponin significantly depressed at depletion of Ca2+-store sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) by caffeine nd abolished after SR destruction. THC is not linked with Na+-K+-ATPase inhibition because it preserved (or increased) at ouabain treatment. THC significantly depressed under selective glycolysis blockade by monoiodoacetic acid and pyruvate and also after inositol-1 monophosphatase inhibition by lithium (the phase of hypoxic relaxation of VSM was augmented in this condition). Our results indicate that transient contraction of coronary arteries under hypoxia may be mediated mainly by release of Ca2+ from SR and linked obviously with production of inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate. The participation of glycolysis in this process is unknown.  相似文献   

M Iino  H Kasai    T Yamazawa 《The EMBO journal》1994,13(21):5026-5031
The intermittent rise in intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i oscillation) has been observed in many types of isolated cells, yet it has not been demonstrated whether it plays an essential role during nerve stimulation in situ. We used confocal microscopy to study Ca2+ transients in individual smooth muscle cells in situ within the wall of small arteries stimulated with perivascular sympathetic nerves or noradrenaline. We show here that the sympathetic adrenergic regulation of arterial smooth muscle cells involves the oscillation of [Ca2+]i that propagates within the cell in the form of a wave. Ca2+ release from intracellular stores plays a key role in the oscillation because it is blocked after the store depletion by ryanodine treatment. Ca2+ influx through the plasma membrane sustains the oscillation by replenishing the Ca2+ stores. These results demonstrate the involvement of [Ca2+]i oscillations in the neural regulation of effector cells within the integrated system.  相似文献   

The relationship between Ca2+ current amplitudes and myoplasmic Ca2+ transients was studied in single muscle fibers. Segments of muscle fibers were voltage-clamped in a double Vaseline gap chamber. Ca2+ transients were measured as an optical signal derived from the interaction between Ca2+ and the dye antipyrylazo III. The cells were maintained at -90 mV. Ca2+ currents were detected at pulse potentials to -50 mV, reached a maximum value at 0 mV, were reduced in size for larger depolarizations, and reversed at about 40 mV. Ca2+ transients were also detected at -50 Mv and progressively increased in size with larger pulse potentials up to 10 mV. Depolarizations to voltages greater than 10 mV did not further increase the size of the transient. The magnitude and time course of transients from 10 to 70 mV were almost identical Ca2+ fluxes into the myoplasm (Ca2+ input fluxes) were calculated from the Ca2+ transients applying a removal model. The size of the input fluxes increased with depolarization up to 0 mV. Between 0 and 70 mV the peak input flux slightly increased, while the flux measured at 200 ms remained unchanged. In conclusion, Ca2+ transients and input fluxes were not reduced during pulses to large positive potentials, even though a drastic reduction of Ca2+ current occurred at these potentials. These observations make it very unlikely that a voltage-dependent Ca2+ entry is the triggering signal for contraction.  相似文献   

Local Ca(2+) transfer between adjoining domains of the sarcoendoplasmic reticulum (ER/SR) and mitochondria allows ER/SR Ca(2+) release to activate mitochondrial Ca(2+) uptake and to evoke a matrix [Ca(2+)] ([Ca(2+)](m)) rise. [Ca(2+)](m) exerts control on several steps of energy metabolism to synchronize ATP generation with cell function. However, calcium signal propagation to the mitochondria may also ignite a cell death program through opening of the permeability transition pore (PTP). This occurs when the Ca(2+) release from the ER/SR is enhanced or is coincident with sensitization of the PTP. Recent studies have shown that several pro-apoptotic factors, including members of the Bcl-2 family proteins and reactive oxygen species (ROS) regulate the Ca(2+) sensitivity of both the Ca(2+) release channels in the ER and the PTP in the mitochondria. To test the relevance of the mitochondrial Ca(2+) accumulation in various apoptotic paradigms, methods are available for buffering of [Ca(2+)], for dissipation of the driving force of the mitochondrial Ca(2+) uptake and for inhibition of the mitochondrial Ca(2+) transport mechanisms. However, in intact cells, the efficacy and the specificity of these approaches have to be established. Here we discuss mechanisms that recruit the mitochondrial calcium signal to a pro-apoptotic cascade and the approaches available for assessment of the relevance of the mitochondrial Ca(2+) handling in apoptosis. We also present a systematic evaluation of the effect of ruthenium red and Ru360, two inhibitors of mitochondrial Ca(2+) uptake on cytosolic [Ca(2+)] and [Ca(2+)](m) in intact cultured cells.  相似文献   

In smooth muscle, Ca(2+) controls diverse activities including cell division, contraction and cell death. Of particular significance in enabling Ca(2+) to perform these multiple functions is the cell's ability to localize Ca(2+) signals to certain regions by creating high local concentrations of Ca(2+) (microdomains), which differ from the cytoplasmic average. Microdomains arise from Ca(2+) influx across the plasma membrane or release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca(2+) store. A single Ca(2+) channel can create a microdomain of several micromolar near (approximately 200 nm) the channel. This concentration declines quickly with peak rates of several thousand micromolar per second when influx ends. The high [Ca(2+)] and the rapid rates of decline target Ca(2+) signals to effectors in the microdomain with rapid kinetics and enable the selective activation of cellular processes. Several elements within the cell combine to enable microdomains to develop. These include the brief open time of ion channels, localization of Ca(2+) by buffering, the clustering of ion channels to certain regions of the cell and the presence of membrane barriers, which restrict the free diffusion of Ca(2+). In this review, the generation of microdomains arising from Ca(2+) influx across the plasma membrane and the release of the ion from the SR Ca(2+) store will be discussed and the contribution of mitochondria and the Golgi apparatus as well as endogenous modulators (e.g. cADPR and channel binding proteins) will be considered.  相似文献   

Vesicles capable of phosphate-stimulated calcium uptake were isolated from the microsomal fraction of the smooth muscle of the pig stomach according to a previously described procedure which consists in increasing the density of the vesicles by loading them with calcium phosphate and isolating them by centrifugation [Raeymaekers, L., Agostini, B., and Hasselbach, W. (1981) Histochemistry, 70, 139--150]. These vesicles, which contain calcium phosphate deposits, are able to accumulate an additional amount of calcium. This calcium uptake is accompanied by calcium-stimulated ATPase activity and by the formation of an acid-stable phosphoprotein. The acid-denatured phosphoprotein is dephosphorylated by hydroxylamine, which indicates that an acylphosphate is formed. This phosphoprotein probably represents a phosphorylated transport intermediate similar to that seen with the Ca2+-ATPase of sarcoplasmic reticulum of skeletal muscle. As with the Ca2+-ATPase of sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles, this vesicular fraction catalyses an exchange between inorganic phosphate and the gamma-phosphate of ATP (ATP-Pi exchange) which is dependent on the presence of intravesicular calcium, and an exchange of phosphate between ATP and ADP (ATP-ADP exchange). The results further indicate that the turnover rate of the calcium pump, calculated from the ratio of calcium-stimulated ATPase activity to the steady-state level of phosphoprotein, is similar to that of Ca2+-ATPase of sarcoplasmic reticulum of skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

The effects of external pH (7.0-8.0) on intracellular Ca(2+) signals (Ca(2+) sparks and Ca(2+) waves) were examined in smooth muscle cells from intact pressurized arteries from rats. Elevating the external pH from 7.4 to 7.5 increased the frequency of local, Ca(2+) transients, or "Ca(2+) sparks," and, at pH 7.6, significantly increased the frequency of Ca(2+) waves. Alkaline pH-induced Ca(2+) waves were inhibited by blocking Ca(2+) release from ryanodine receptors but were not prevented by inhibitors of voltage-dependent Ca(2+) channels, phospholipase C, or inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors. Activating ryanodine receptors with caffeine (5 mM) at pH 7.4 also induced repetitive Ca(2+) waves. Alkalization from pH 7.4 to pH 7.8-8.0 induced a rapid and large vasoconstriction. Approximately 82% of the alkaline pH-induced vasoconstriction was reversed by inhibitors of voltage-dependent Ca(2+) channels. The remaining constriction was reversed by inhibition of ryanodine receptors. These findings indicate that alkaline pH-induced Ca(2+) waves originate from ryanodine receptors and make a minor, direct contribution to alkaline pH-induced vasoconstriction.  相似文献   

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