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<正>贵州省加快推进新医药产业发展为加快推进产业转型升级,促进新医药产业跨越发展,贵州省政府近日印发了《贵州省关于加快推进新医药产业发展的指导意见》(以下简称指导意见)和《贵州省新医药产业发展规划(2014~2017年)》。意见指出,要加快推动生物技术、信息技术、纳米技术等在新医药产业的应用,做强做优中药、民族药,培育发展生物制药、化学药;要培育发展生物制药,以泰邦、  相似文献   

21世纪是生命科学和生物技术的世纪,继信息技术革命之后,以生物技术为主导的技术革命已经拉开序幕.随着以生命科学和生物技术为主导的新科学革命的逐步形成,以医药生物技术为核心的第一次生物技术浪潮正在快速纵深发展.从20世纪70年代第一家生物技术制药公司(Genentech)成立至今,生物医药已经历30余年的发展,生物制药在医药产业中的地位越来越重要.  相似文献   

<正>8月26日,由北京市科学技术委员会主办,北京生物技术和新医药产业促进中心、中国科学院生物技术研究所、加州大学戴维斯分校动物医学学院共同承办的"第八届国际农业生物技术峰会暨农业生物技术百人讲坛·2015"在北京隆重开幕。本届峰会一方面聚焦农业生物技术的发展,尤其是玉米产业的突破;  相似文献   

为了加强生物安全管理和促进生物技术产业的健康发展 ,中国和一些国家、地区及相关国际组织先后制定了一系列的有关指导原则、安全性评价体系、技术标准及安全法规等 ,同时各国之间也积极开展了相关知识讲座和国际交流 ,为生物技术领域的良性发展提供了相互借鉴的经验。作为中意双边政府间合作的一项重要内容 ,中国科技部生物工程开发中心、北京生物技术和新医药产业促进中心与意大利国际农业研究所、意大利驻华使馆科技处联合于 2 0 0 1年 9月 9— 14日在中国北京举办“中意生物安全国际研讨会及讲座”。大会将邀请生物安全研究及管理领域…  相似文献   

现代医药产业是一项重要的高新技术产业,对国家的经济发展和社会进步具有重要的影响。创新药物的研究与开发,集中体现了生命科学和生物技术领域前沿的新成就和新突破,是新世纪科技和经济国际竞争的战略制高点之一。针对严重影响我国人民身体健康的重大疾病,研究优良创新药物,对实现我国人口与健康领域的国家目标具有重要意义;现代医药产业的发展将成为推动我国21世纪经济发展的支柱产业和新的增长点。然而,当前我国药物研究与医药产业面临的形势与挑战十分严峻,“中国人21世纪吃什么药”的问题尚未真正解决。  相似文献   

2012年11月28日,由北京市科学技术委员会和中华全国工商业联合会医药商会共同主办,北京生物技术和新医药产业促进中心承办的第十六届北京国际生物医药产业发展论坛在北京隆重开幕。  相似文献   

青岛蓝色生物医药产业园位于美丽的胶州湾半岛北部,是未来青岛第三代新城的核心区。园区重点发展现代生物技术和新医药产业,发展方向包括国家基本药物、小分子药物、蛋白质药物、基因重组药物、海洋生物药、临床诊断试剂、现代生物制剂、高端生物实验设备及医疗设备等,  相似文献   

青岛蓝色生物医药产业园位于美丽的胶州湾半岛北部,是未来青岛第三代新城的核心小区。园区重点发展现代生物技术和新医药产业,发展方向包括国家基本药物、小分子药物、蛋白质药物、基因重组药物,海洋生物药、临床诊断试剂、  相似文献   

青岛蓝色生物医药产业园位于美丽的胶州湾半岛北部,是未来青岛第三代新城的核心区。园区重点发展现代生物技术和新医药产业。发展方向包括国家基本药物、小分子药物、蛋白质药物、基因重组药物、海洋生物药、临床诊断试剂、现代生物制剂、  相似文献   

由北京生物技术和新医药产业促进中心主办的.以“全球分工中的中国机遇”为主题的“第十届生物医药产业发展论坛”于2006年10月26日在北京国际会议中心拉开帷幕。本次论坛由全球医药产业高峰圆桌会、论坛大会报告、分组会以及展览展示等四部分组成。来自国内外学术界,企业界和投资界400多位代表出席了论坛。  相似文献   

Grapevine is an important perennial fruit to the wine industry, and has implications for the health industry with some causative agents proven to reduce heart disease. Since the sequencing and assembly of grapevine cultivar Pinot Noir, several studies have contributed to its genome annotation. This new study further contributes toward genome annotation efforts by conducting a proteogenomics analysis using the latest genome annotation from CRIBI, legacy proteomics dataset from cultivar Cabernet Sauvignon and a large RNA‐seq dataset. A total of 341 novel annotation events are identified consisting of five frame‐shifts, 37 translated UTRs, 15 exon boundaries, one novel splice, nine novel exons, 159 gene boundaries, 112 reverse strands, and one novel gene event in 213 genes and 323 proteins. From this proteogenomics evidence, the Augustus gene prediction tool predicted 52 novel and revised genes (54 protein isoforms), 11 genes of which are associated with key traits such as stress tolerance and floral and fruity wine characteristics. This study also highlights a likely over‐assembly with the genome, particularly on chromosome 7.  相似文献   

Novel coloured flowers   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
The floricultural industry has focused its attention primarily on the development of novel coloured and longer living cut flowers. The basis for this was laid down some years ago through the isolation of 'blue' genes and ethylene biosynthesis genes. Recently, a novel 'blue' gene has been discovered and yellow pigments were produced in petunias by addition of a new branch to the phenylpropanoid pathway. More insight was obtained into the sequestration of anthocyanin pigments into storage vacuoles. Significant progress has been achieved in the commercialisation of genetically modified flower varieties.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are mostly endogenous, cationic, amphipathic polypeptides, produced by many natural sources. Recently, many biological functions beyond antimicrobial activity have been attributed to AMPs, and some of these have attracted the attention of the cosmetics industry. AMPs have revealed antioxidant, self-renewal and pro-collagen effects, which are desirable in anti-aging cosmetics. Additionally, AMPs may also be customized to act on specific cellular targets. Here, we review the recent literature that highlights the many possibilities presented by AMPs, focusing on the relevance and impact that this potentially novel class of active cosmetic ingredients might have in the near future, creating new market outlooks for the cosmetic industry with these molecules as a viable alternative to conventional cosmetics.  相似文献   

Immobilized Cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three basic types of immobilization (i.e. without carrier, entrapment and immobilization on the carrier surface) of microbial cells, nonmicrobial cell populations and subcellular organelles are reviewed. These are further developed into a number of combined and less frequently used techniques of immobilization and application of cell biocatalysts for industrial biotransformations in pharmacy, food industry and agriculture, including novel approached and some unpublished authors’ results.  相似文献   

由于在绝缘材料和气体放电技术方面的进展,处于紫外波段的准分子激光器已经在工业、科学研究,特别是医学等领域成为主要应用工具。在本文中,我们将介绍新颖紧凑型准分子激光器在医学中的应用。此外,在文章中对紧凑型准分子激光器所采用的关键技术,诸如固态开关、电晕预电离和金属,陶瓷腔等技术进行了详细的讨论。  相似文献   



Modern computer tomography (CT) equipment can be used to acquire whole-body data from large animals such as pigs in minutes or less. In some circumstances, computer assisted analysis of the resulting image data can identify and measure anatomical features. The thickness of subcutaneous adipose tissue at a specific site measured by ultrasound, is used in the pig industry to assess adiposity and inform management decisions that have an impact on reproduction, food conversion performance and sow longevity. The measurement site, called "P2", is used throughout the industry. We propose that CT can be used to measure subcutaneous adipose tissue thickness and identify novel measurement sites that can be used as predictors of general adiposity.  相似文献   

类诺卡氏属放线菌的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Prauser H.最初于1976年从土壤中分离到17株诺卡氏形态放线菌,综合形态、生理生化特性和部分化学分类特征的研究结果,提议建立了一个新属——类诺卡氏属(Nocardioides),并以新种白色类诺卡氏菌(N.albus)为典型种。之后,随着分离、纯培养和分类方法的发展,越来越多的新成员从各种不同环境中分离得到。尽管这些菌来源广泛,形态和生理生化等特征各异,但他们拥有共同的属的特征。过去的50年中,随着放线菌研究的发展,该属中部分成员历经了分类地位的变迁和修订。到目前为止,该属共收纳了56个有效描述种。类诺卡氏属(Nocardioides)放线菌在农业、工业、化工业等方面也曾有应用研究报道。本文就类诺卡氏属放线菌的建立依据,属的特征,属内种的分布和变更以及它们在工农业上的应用研究前景及进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

益生芽孢杆菌对动物免疫功能影响研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
益生芽孢杆菌是一种新型的微生态制剂,其抗性好,具有调节动物肠道微生态平衡、促进机体消化与吸收、增强动物免疫功能、提高动物生产性能等益生效应,在动物养殖业中得到了广泛的应用。本文主要综述了益生芽孢杆菌对动物免疫器官、特异性免疫、非特异性免疫和红细胞免疫等免疫功能的影响,免疫调节和产生抗菌物质两方面的作用机理,以及影响免疫效果的因素,提出有待研究的方向和解决的方法,为益生芽孢杆菌的应用提供理论参考。  相似文献   

Bacteriophages in dairy products: pros and cons   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Since the time bacteriophages were first identified as a major cause of fermentation failure in the dairy industry, researchers have been struggling to develop strategies to exclude them from the dairy environment. Over 70 years of research has led to huge improvements in the consistency and quality of fermented dairy products, while also facilitating an appreciation of the beneficial properties of bacteriophages with respect to dairy product development. With specific reference to Lactococcus lactis and cheese production, this review outlines some recently reported novel methods aimed at limiting the bacteriophage infection as well as highlighting some beneficial aspects of bacteriophage activity.  相似文献   

Continuous integrated bioprocessing has elicited considerable interest from the biopharma industry for the many purported benefits it promises. Today many major biopharma manufacturers around the world are engaged in the development of continuous process platforms for their products. In spite of great potential, the path toward continuous integrated bioprocessing remains unclear for the biologics industry due to legacy infrastructure, process integration challenges, vague regulatory guidelines, and a diverging focus toward novel therapies. In this article, we present a review and perspective on this topic. We explore the status of the implementation of continuous integrated bioprocessing among biopharmaceutical manufacturers. We also present some of the key hurdles that manufacturers are likely to face during this implementation. Finally, we hypothesize that the real impact of continuous manufacturing is likely to come when the cost of manufacturing is a substantial portion of the cost of product development, such as in the case of biosimilar manufacturing and emerging economies.  相似文献   

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