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The maize brittle1 gene encodes amyloplast membrane polypeptides   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

The effects of waxy mutations on starch-granule-bound starch synthases (EC in the developing endosperm of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and maize (Zea mays L.) have been investigated. Three granule-bound starch synthases in barley endosperm were identified by use of antibodies to known starch synthases, by reconstitution and assay of individual proteins from sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gels of granule-bound proteins, and by partial purification of proteins released by enzymic digestion of starch. These are proteins of 60, 77 and 90 kDa. Use of antibodies to known starch synthases and partial purification of proteins released by enzymic digestion of starch indicated that there may be at least four granule-bound starch synthases in maize endosperm: proteins of 59, 74, 77 and 83 kDa. Mutations at the waxy loci of both species affected only the 60- (barley) and 59-(maize) kDa isoforms. No evidence was found that other putative isoforms are altered in abundance or activity by the mutations. The contribution of our results to understanding of the starch synthase activity of intact starch granules and the mechanism of amylose synthesis is discussed.We are very grateful to Dr. Roger Ellis (SCRI, Dundee, Scotland) for the gift of barley seeds, and to Drs Roger Ellis, Alan Schulman and Cathie Martin for helpful advice and comments during the course of this work.  相似文献   

The maize (Zea mays L.) endosperm consists of an epidermal like layer of isodiametric aleurone cells surrounding a central body of starchy endosperm cells. In disorgal1 (dil1) and disorgal2 (dil2) mutants the control of the mitotic division plane is relaxed or missing, resulting in mature grains with disorganized aleurone layers. In addition to orientation of the division plane, both the shape and size of the aleurone cells are affected, and often more than one layer of aleurone cells is present. Homozygous dil1 and dil2 grains are shrunken due to reduced accumulation of starchy endosperm and premature developmental arrest of the embryo, and mature mutant grains germinate at a very low rate and fail to develop into plants. However, homozygous mutant plants can be obtained through embryo rescue, revealing that both mutants have an irregular leaf epidermis as well as roots with a strongly reduced number of root hairs and aberrant root hair morphology. Our results suggest the presence of common regulatory mechanisms for the control of cell division orientation in the aleurone and plant epidermis.Abbreviations DAP days after pollination - dek defective kernel mutant - dil disorganized aleurone layer mutant - GUS -glucuronidase - LM light microscopy - PPB pre-prophase band - SEM scanning electron microscopy - TUSC Trait Utility System for Corn  相似文献   

Development of aleurone and sub-aleurone layers in maize   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
D. J. Kyle  E. D. Styles 《Planta》1977,137(3):185-193
Electron-microscope studies indicate that the aleurone tissue of maize (Zea mays L.) starts developing approximately 10–15 days after pollination in stocks that take ca. 40 days for the aleurone to mature completely. Development commences when specialized endosperm cells adjacent to the maternal nucellar layer start to differentiate. Differentiation is characterized by the formation of aleurone protein bodies and spherosomes. The protein bodies of the aleurone layer have a vacuolar origin whereas the protein bodies of the immediate underlying endosperm cells appear to develop from protrusions of the rough endoplasmic reticulum. Thus, two morphologically and developmentally distinct types of protein bodies are present in these adjacent tissues. The spherosomes of the aleurone layer form early in the development of this tissue and increase in number as the tissue matures. During the final stages of maturation, these spherosomes become closely apposed to the aleurone grains and the plasma membrane. No further changes are apparent in the structure of the aleurone cells after 40 days from pollination when the caryopsis begins to desiccate.  相似文献   

Summary Chromosome endoreduplication is a very common process in higher plants but its function and genetic control are still to be clarified. In our experiments we analyzed, by Feulgen cytophotometry, chromosome endoreduplication in endosperm cells of two maize genotypes, IHP and ILP, having high and low protein content in their seed, respectively. Chromosome endoreduplication occurs in both lines within 24 days after pollination, attaining a maximum ploidy level of 384C (7 DNA replication rounds) in IHP and of 192C (6 replication rounds) in ILP. In the mature seed, endosperms of the two lines show different mean ploidy level. In reciprocal crosses between IHP and ILP the f1 endosperms have mean ploidy levels analogous to that of the maternal parent, showing that the difference in ploidy level between the two genotypes is maintained. After selfing of the f1 plants, the difference in ploidy level between the two F2 populations is reduced. In F2 the mean ploidy level is as variable as in f1, indicating the absence of genetic segregation. From our data, it is apparent that both the genetic constitution (cytoplasmic and nuclear) of the maternal parent and the genotype of the individual endosperms influence the ploidy level. An analysis of the protein content in endosperms carried out on the same seed sample as analyzed cytophotometrically showed that the protein content increases, during seed development, parallel to chromosome endoreduplication and varies, in the two lines, in reciprocal crosses and their progeny, according to the same trend as mean ploidy level, suggesting a correlation between the two parameters.  相似文献   

Starch phosphorylase (Pho) catalyses the reversible transfer of glucosyl units from glucose1-phosphate to the non-reducing end of an α-1,4-linked glucan chain. Two major isoforms of Pho exist in the plastid (Pho1) and cytosol (Pho2). In this paper it is proposed that Pho1 may play an important role in recycling glucosyl units from malto-oligosaccharides back into starch synthesis in the developing wheat endosperm. Pho activity was observed in highly purified amyloplast extracts prepared from developing wheat endosperms, representing the first direct evidence of plastidial Pho activity in this tissue. A full-length cDNA clone encoding a plastidial Pho isoform, designated TaPho1, was also isolated from a wheat endosperm cDNA library. The TaPho1 protein and Pho1 enzyme activity levels were shown to increase throughout the period of starch synthesis. These observations add to the growing body of evidence which indicates that this enzyme class has a role in starch synthesis in wheat endosperm and indeed all starch storing tissues.  相似文献   

Endosperm starch and pericarp starch were isolated from maize (B73) kernels at different developmental stages. Starch granules, with small size (2–4 μm diameter), were first observed in the endosperm on 5 days after pollination (DAP). The size of endosperm-starch granules remained similar until 12DAP, but the number increased extensively. A substantial increase in granule size was observed from 14DAP (diameter 4–7 μm) to 30DAP (diameter10–23 μm). The size of starch granules on 30DAP is similar to that of the mature and dried endosperm-starch granules harvested on 45DAP. The starch content of the endosperm was little before 12DAP (less than 2%) and increased rapidly from 10.7% on 14DAP to 88.9% on 30DAP. The amylose content of the endosperm starch increased from 9.2% on 14DAP to 24.2% on 30DAP and 24.4% on 45DAP (mature and dried). The average amylopectin branch chain-length of the endosperm amylopectin increased from DP23.6 on 10DAP to DP26.9 on14DAP and then decreased to DP25.4 on 30DAP and DP24.9 on 45DAP. The onset gelatinization temperature of the endosperm starch increased from 61.3 °C on 8DAP to 69.0 °C on 14DAP and then decreased to 62.8 °C on 45DAP. The results indicated that the structure of endosperm starch was not synthesized consistently through the maturation of kernel. The pericarp starch, however, showed similar granule size, starch content, amylose content, amylopectin structure and thermal properties at different developmental stages of the kernel.  相似文献   

We have investigated the nature and locations of isoforms of starch synthase in the developing endosperm of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). There are three distinct granule-bound isoforms of 60 kDa (the Waxy gene product), 77 kDa and 100–105 kDa. One of these isoforms, the 77-kDa protein, is also present in the soluble fraction of the endosperm but it contributes only a small proportion of the total soluble activity. Most of the soluble activity is contributed by isoforms which are apparently not also granule-bound. The 60-kDa and 77kDa isoforms of wheat are antigenically related to isoforms of very similar size in the developing pea embryo, but the other isoforms in the endosperm appear to have no counterparts in the pea embryo. The significance of these results in terms of the diversity of isoforms of starch synthase and their locations is discussed.Abbreviations DEAE diethylaminoethyl - GBSS granule-bound starch synthase - NT nullisomictetrasomic We are grateful to the late John Hawker (University of Adelaide, Australia) and to John Snape (John Innes Centre, UK) for useful discussions during the course of this work, to John Snape and Catherine Chinoy (John Innes Centre, UK) for the gift of the NT lines and to Richard Batt (University of Adelaide, Australia) for technical assistance.  相似文献   

The rates of incorporation of various metabolites into starch by isolated amyloplasts from developing endosperm of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Axona) were examined. Of the metabolites tested that were likely to be present in the cytosol at concentrations sufficient to sustain starch synthesis, only glucose 1-phosphate (Glc1P) supported physiologically relevant rates of starch synthesis. Incorporation of Glc1P into starch was both dependent on the presence of ATP and intact organelles. The rate of incorporation of hexose into starch became saturated at a Glc1P concentration of less than 1 mol·m-3 in the presence of 1 mol·m-3 ATP. Starch synthesis from 5 mol · m-3 ADP-glucose supplied to the organelles occurred at rates 15-fold higher than from similar concentrations of Glc1P, but it is argued that this is probably of little physiological relevance. The net incorporation of hexose units into starch from GlclP was inhibited 50% by 100 mmol.m-3 carboxyatractyloside. Carbohydrate oxidation in the amyloplast was stimulated by the addition of 2-oxoglutarate and glutamine, and in such circumstances incorporation of14C-labelled metabolites into starch was reduced. Glucose 6-phosphate proved to be a better substrate for oxidative pathways than Glc1P. Our results suggest that Glc1P is the primary substrate for starch synthesis in developing wheat endosperm, and that ATP required for starch synthesis is imported via an adenylate translocator.  相似文献   

Immature endosperm of Acacia nilotica formed a nodular callus on MS medium supplemented with 2,4-D, BAP and CH. In the third passage on this medium, in the dark, the callus differentiated somatic embryos. The embryos germinated on MS only after 15 d pre-treatment on modified MS medium in which major salts were replaced by those of major salts of B5 medium and supplemented with glutamine, CH and CW. Triploid nature of the somatic embryos was confirmed by Feulgen cytophotometry.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - AC activated charcoal - BAP 6-benzylaminopurine - B5 Gamborg et al. (1968) medium - CH casein hydrolysate - CW coconut water - d days - MS Murashige and Skoog (1962) medium - PEG 4000 polyethylene glycol - MW 3500–4000 - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid  相似文献   

[5-3H]Indol-3yl-acetic acid (IAA) applied to the shoot apices of intact 6-day-old maize (Zea mays L.) plants moved into the primary root and accumulated at the root apex. IAA from the shoot could partially satisfy the requirement of the primary root for IAA for growth.Abbreviation IAA indol-3yl-acetic acid  相似文献   

The isolation and sugar uptake characteristics of protoplasts from maize ( Zea mays L.) endosperm-derived suspension cultures are described. In contrast with protoplasts from intact developing endosperm, which by virtue of their large size and high starch content are too fragile for sugar uptake experiments, suspension cultures yielded protoplasts capable of withstanding the necessary handling and centrifugations. Intactness of the protoplasts was demonstrated by dye exclusion or accumulation and latency of malate dehydrogenase activity. Uptake of radioactivity from [3H]-inulin did not increase with time, but that from [14C]-sugars increased over a wide range of external concentrations. Kinetics of fructose, glucose and sucrose uptake were biphasic, and the saturable components of uptake were eliminated by p -chloromercuribenzene sulfonate (PCMBS). Rates of uptake of sucrose and 1'-fluorosucrose were similar, confirming that hydrolysis by cell wall invertase contributes to sucrose uptake by the suspension cultures. The isolation of protoplasts from this tissue source will enable experimental access to plasma membrane sugar carriers which may exist in the intact maize endosperm.  相似文献   

The low molecular weight RNA components of maize have been analyzed after labeling callus and leaf tissue with [3H]uridine in vitro. Electrophoresis of the isolated RNA on acrylamide slab gels reveals, apart from 5S and transfer RNA, three major and about five minor RNA species with chain lengths between 140 and 280 nucleotides. These RNA molecules are labeled as rapidly as 5S, transfer RNA, and do not represent degradation products of large ribosomal RNA molecules. Furthermore, like 5S and transfer RNA, these small RNA species are stable and show no detectable turnover within forty-eight hours. Fractionation of the tissue into crude subcellular fractions indicates a preferential association of some of the small stable RNA species with the nucleus, while others appear to be located in the cytoplasm. The low molecular weight RNA spectrum from the leaf is similar to that observed in callus, with the major small RNA species equally present in both tissues.Abbreviations tRNA transfer RNA - hnRNA heterogenous nuclear RNA - mRNA messenger RNA - scRNA small cytoplasmic RNA - snRNA small nuclear RNA  相似文献   

Starch synthesis by isolated amyloplasts from wheat endosperm   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
R. H. Tyson  T. ap Rees 《Planta》1988,175(1):33-38
The aim of this work was to discover which compound(s) cross the amyloplast envelope to supply the carbon for starch synthesis in grains of Triticum aestivum L. Amyloplasts were isolated, on a continuous gradient of Nycodenz, from lysates of protoplasts of endosperm of developing grains, and then incubated in solutions of 14C-labelled: glucose, glucose 1-phosphate, glucose 6-phosphate, fructose 6-phosphate, fructose-1,6-bisphosphate, dihydroxyacetone phosphate and glycerol 3-phosphate. Only glucose 1-phosphate gave appreciable labelling of starch that was dependent upon the integrity of the amyloplasts. Incorporation into starch was linear with respect to time for 2 h. At the end of the incubations, 98% of the 14C in the soluble fraction of the incubation mixture was recovered as [14C]glucose 1-phosphate. Thus it is unlikely that the added [14C glucose 1-phosphate was extensively metabolized prior to uptake by the amyloplasts. It is argued that the behaviour of the isolated amyloplasts, and previously published data on the labelling of starch by [13C]glucose, are consistent with the view that in wheat grains it is a C-6, not a C-3, compound that enters the amyloplast to provide the carbon for starch synthesis.Abbreviations PPase alkaline inorganic pyrophosphatase - UDPglucose uridine 5-diphosphoglucose  相似文献   

Summary The seed storage proteins of maize (Zea mays L.) are synthesized during endosperm development on membrane-bound polyribosomes. These proteins, collectively called zeins, are translocated into the lumen of the rough endoplasmic reticulum, where they assemble into protein bodies. Protein body formation in normal genotypes occurs via an ordered deposition of the various types of zeins, and leads to the formation of spherical structures with a diameter of about 1 m. These structures consist of a central core that contains predominantly -zein; this central region is surrounded by a peripheral layer of - and -zeins, and the entire structure is bounded by rough endoplasmic reticulum.In the endosperm mutant floury-2 the levels of all classes of zeins are reduced; these kernels exhibit an opaque phenotype instead of the vitreous phenotype observed in normal genotypes. In contrast to the discrete, spherical protein bodies which are formed in normal maize endosperm, the protein bodies within floury-2 endosperm are irregular and the zeins are disorganized; patches of - and -zeins occur within irregularly lobed clusters of -zein within the lumen of the rough endoplasmic reticulum. The implications of this aberrant distribution are discussed, both with respect to protein body development and kernel characteristics.Abbreviations BSA bovine serum albumin - DAP days after pollination - IgG immunoglobulin G  相似文献   

Modifier genes have been described that convert the soft endosperm of opaque2 mutants to a hard, vitreous phenotype. The mode of action and the components of the genetic system involved in this seed modification are poorly understood. We used genetic and biochemical analyses to investigate the number of opaque2 modifier genes, their mode of action and their relationship to the biochemical alterations in the modified endosperm. Using two inbred opaque2 lines, we showed that the activity of opaque2 modifier genes is influenced by the genetic background. Analysis of segregating progenies and recombinant inbred lines derived from crosses between opaque2 and modified opaque2 genotypes indicated two independent loci affecting seed opacity and density. Consistent association between endosperm modification and enhanced accumulation of the gamma-zein storage protein suggested that either this protein is directly involved in the process of seed modification, or else that a modifier gene could be tightly linked to the genes responsible for gamma-zein synthesis.  相似文献   

Summary An endosperm derived tissue culture of maize (Zea mays L.) variety A636 has been characterised for its ability to synthesize zein protein and respond to a zein gene regulatory element. Western analysis with zein specific antibodies revealed the distinct presence of zein proteins of the 15, 19 and 21 kDa classes in this tissue, in contrast to an embryo-derived Black Mexican Sweet variety tissue culture which exhibited no zein proteins. Transient transformation studies with a cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter and luciferase reporter gene construct demonstrate that protoplasts from this tissue culture, but not from the embryo-derived culture, respond positively to the potential enhancer which is located approximately 300 base pairs upstream of the coding region in most zein genes of maize, thus establishing the usefulness of this culture for studies of tissue specific gene regulation.Abbreviations MS Murashige and Skoog - CaMV cauliflower mosaic virus - BMS Black Mexican Sweet - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxy — acetic acid - DAP days after pollination - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - MES 2-morpholinoethane-sulfonic acid - Hepes N-2-hydroxyethylpiper-azine-N-2-ethansulfonic acid - Tris Tris-(hydroxymethyl)-aminomethane - EDTA ethyl-enediaminetetra-acetic acid disodium salt - PEG polyethylene glycol  相似文献   

Summary Cell suspensions of diploid Arabidopsis thaliana were screened for resistance to chlorate on a medium with ammonium nitrate as the nitrogen source, and after plating on filters to increase the plating efficiency. Thirty-nine lines were selected, four of which were still resistant after two years of subculturing on non-selective medium. Of the latter lines three were nitrate reductase deficient but exhibited some residual nitrate reductase activity; the fourth line showed a high level of enzyme activity. Screening M2-seeds for callus production on selective medium with amino acids as the nitrogen source and chlorate revealed resistant calli in 17 out of 483 M2-groups. Nine well-growing lines, all but one (G3) exhibiting no detectable in vivo nitrate reductase activity, were classified as defective in the cofactor. Two lines (G1 and G3) could be analysed genetically at the plant level. Chlorate resistance was monogenic and recessive. Sucrose gradient fractionation of callus extracts of G1 revealed that a complete enzyme molecule can be assembled. Nitrate reductase activity in G1 could partly be restored by excess molybdenum. It is suggested that G1 is disturbed in the catalytic properties of the cofactor. It appeared that G1 is neither allelic with another molybdenum repairable mutant (B73) nor with another cofactor mutant (B25). Wilting of intact G1 plants could be ascribed to non-closing stomata.  相似文献   

Conditions have been developed that induce maize (Zea mays L.) protoplasts to re-synthesize cell walls and to initiate cell divisions. Two types of embryogenic maize callus were used as a source of protoplasts: a heterogeneous callus (Type I) derived from immature embryos after three weeks in culture, and a friable, rapidly growing callus (Type II) selected from portions of the Type I callus. Many variables in the growth conditions of the donor tissue (type of medium, transfer schedule, age of callus), protoplast isolation solutions (pH, osmolarity, type and concentration of cell wall hydrolyzing enzymes, addition of polyamines) and conditions (amount of time in enzyme, amount of tissue per volume of enzyme incubation medium, agitation, preplasmolysis of source tissue, type of callus), and purification procedures (filtration and-or flotation), were found to affect both yield and viability of protoplasts (based upon fluorescein-diacetate staining). Our isolation procedure yielded high numbers of viable, uninucleated maize callus protoplasts which were densely cytoplasmic and varied in size from 20 to 50 m in diameter. Protoplasts plated in solid medium formed walls and divided several times. Of several gelling agents tested for protoplast propagation, only agarose resulted in protoplasts capable of sustained divisions leading to the formation of microcalli. Plating efficiency was established over a wide range of protoplast densities (103–107 protoplasts/ml). Highest plating efficiency (25%) was obtained at 1·106 protoplasts/ml). The resulting microcalli grew to be dense clusters of about 0.1–0.5 mm in diameter and then stopped growing. Nurse cultures of maize and carrot (Daucus carota L.), were used to establish that individual protoplasts (not contaminating cells or cell clusters) formed walls and divided. Nurse cultures also increased the efficiency of microcallus formation from protoplasts.Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - MS Murashige and Skoog (1962) salts - MS 1D Murashige and Skoog salts with 1 mg/l 2,4-D - MS 2D Murashige and Skoog salts with 2 mg/l 2,4-D - N6 medium of Chu et al. (1975) - NN67-mod medium of Nitsch and Nitsch (1967) as modified in the present paper - FDA fluorescein diacetate - LMP low melting point  相似文献   

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