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长白山源头溪流底栖动物群落结构季节动态   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
王璐  杨海军  李昆  李玲  南晓飞  张振兴 《生态学报》2018,38(13):4834-4842
源头溪流是河流生态系统物质循环和能量流动的重要区域,对底栖动物的生物多样性维持具有重要意义。目前,针对我国源头溪流底栖动物群落结构的研究薄弱,对长白山源头溪流底栖动物季节动态的研究尚未见报道。采用野外原位定量取样的方法,力图阐释长白山源头溪流底栖动物群落结构的季节动态特征及其主要环境驱动因子。研究结果表明:(1)共计采集底栖动物90个分类单元,隶属于3纲9目38科。其中,水生昆虫85属,占绝对优势。底栖动物群落结构的季节动态明显,底栖动物密度及多样性在夏、秋季显著高于冬季和春季,并在冬季达到最低值。(2)底栖动物功能摄食类群以收集者占优势,其次为撕食者、捕食者和刮食者,滤食者相对丰度最低。不同功能摄食类群的季节动态不一致,但密度和物种丰富度整体表现为秋季最高。(3)水温、凋落叶分布和流速是长白山源头溪流底栖动物群落结构季节动态的主要环境驱动因子。本研究可为长白山源头溪流后续相关研究及长白山松花江水系生态修复提供基础数据支持及参考。  相似文献   

太湖湖滨生态修复区大型底栖动物群落结构及梯度分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沈忱  刘茂松  徐驰  汤浩  王磊  黄成 《生态学杂志》2012,31(5):1186-1193
2010—2011年对太湖贡湖湾湖滨带生态修复区滨岸挺水植物带(Ⅰ)、湾相沉水植物带(Ⅱ)和堰外开敞水体(Ⅲ)3个滨岸生境梯度带的水质状况和底栖动物群落特征进行了研究。结果表明:调查共发现底栖动物13科18种,其中仅出现于1个生境梯度带的物种7个;在其余的11个物种中,有5个种群的密度在生境梯度带间存在显著差异;比较发现,按底栖动物摄食功能类群的相对比例,刮食者相对丰度在带Ⅰ最高,收集者在带Ⅱ最高,滤食者在带Ⅲ最高,不同生境梯度带间底栖动物的摄食功能类群构成存在显著差异。对底栖动物相对丰度和水环境参数的冗余分析显示,环节动物和昆虫与DO、NO3--N和PO43--P浓度正相关,软体动物则与NO3--N和PO43--P负相关,一些腹足类对低DO耐受能力较强,与NH4+-N和COD正相关。修复区3个梯度带水动力条件、水质状况和底质类型的差异性对底栖动物的分布有重要影响,形成了生活习性、摄食特征等显著不同的3个底栖动物群落。  相似文献   

乳山近海大型底栖动物功能摄食类群   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
彭松耀  李新正 《生态学报》2013,33(17):5274-5285
根据2006年12月至2007年11月对乳山近海的调查样品,报道了该海域大型底栖动物功能摄食类群的生态学状况.结果表明:乳山近海大型底栖动物以食底泥者和肉食者占较大优势,其次为滤食者,食碎屑者、杂食者、植食者相对丰度较小;食底泥者的优势种为中蚓虫、不倒翁虫、丝异蚓虫和轮双眼钩虾,肉食者的优势种为寡鳃齿吻沙蚕、圆筒原盒螺和纽虫,滤食者的优势种为滑理蛤、菲律宾蛤仔、金星蝶铰蛤和江户明樱蛤;各功能摄食类群分布受有机负荷和底质类型限制;基于大型底栖动物功能类群的生态参数评价结果表明,乳山近海大型底栖动物群落健康状况由虚弱趋于不稳定,大部分站位大型底栖动物群落受到轻度扰动,底栖生态质量状况较优良;冗余分析表明,盐度、水温、总氮、悬浮物、溶解氧、总有机碳和硅酸盐等7个因子与乳山近海大型底栖动物功能摄食类群存在较显著的相关性.  相似文献   

东湖沿岸带底栖藻类群落的时空变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
武汉东湖是一个浅水富营养湖泊,其沿岸带底栖藻类群落的季节分布特征明显,夏季的优势种群是一些体积很小的硅藻类曲壳藻(Achnanthes spp.),其他大部分季节是绿藻门的团集刚毛藻(Cladophora glomerata)和硅藻门的变异直链藻(Melosira varians)。不同样点间的底栖藻类现存量差异不显著,但优势种类不同,以团集刚毛藻为优势的绿藻在处于中富营养区域的磨山样点比例最高,以变异直链藻为优势种的硅藻在严重富营养化的水果湖样点中比例最高。底栖藻类月平均现存量(以叶绿素a计)的时间变化格局为夏季最低(41.5μg/cm2),逐渐增加到秋、冬季节的最高峰值(55.3μg/cm2)。造成东湖夏季底栖藻类现存量低的原因是雨季水体环境的不稳定性和水位升高造成的低光照。不同样点间的chlb、chlc及chlb/a、chlc/a值具有显著差异,分析这种差异显示:在东湖的富营养化条件下,过渡的富营养化能增加底栖藻类群落中硅藻的比例,却降低了绿藻的比例;不同环境条件下的底栖藻类群落结构具有特异性,分析底栖藻类群落结构可以用来评价水环境健康状况。东湖底栖藻类现存量的季节变化规律与浮游藻类不同,它和水温成显著的负相关,但温度和浮游藻类并不是影响东湖沿岸带底栖藻类生物量变化的直接因子。团集刚毛藻等底栖丝状藻类给各种底栖动物提供了食物和栖息环境,在东湖生态系统中具有重要的作用和功能。  相似文献   

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香溪河水系大型底栖动物功能摄食类群生态学   总被引:11,自引:6,他引:11  
蒋万祥  蔡庆华  唐涛  渠晓东 《生态学报》2009,29(10):5207-5218
2004年7月至2007年6月,通过大型底栖无脊椎动物的量化监测,对三峡水库湖北库区最大河流香溪河大型底栖无脊椎动物功能摄食类群生态学进行研究.结果表明:香溪河大型底栖动物以收集者占绝对优势,其次为刮食者,捕食者、滤食者、撕食者相对丰度较小;各功能摄食类群分布明显受时空资源位的限制;香溪河物质循环能力、两岸物质的输入量和粗有机颗粒/ 细有机颗粒在九冲河明显高于其它河流,在冬季高于其它季节;物质输送能力以高岚河最高,在时间方面以冬季明显高于其它季节.逐步回归分析表明,流速、电导、浊度、总氮、二氧化硅对香溪河河流生态系统物质循环具有指示作用;二氧化硅和化学需氧量对物质输送能力具有指示作用;水温、水深、二氧化硅、总磷可作为沿岸物质输入量的指标;水温、二氧化硅可作为评估河道中粗、细有机颗粒比例的重要指标.  相似文献   

云南高原湖泊沿岸带底栖藻类群落的分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对云南6个高原湖泊沿岸带底栖藻类的群落结构、现存量等进行了调查,研究期间发现底栖藻类群落主要由绿藻门的刚毛藻(Cladophora spp.)和硅藻门的一些附植种类组成,除硅藻群落在泸沽湖占优势外,其它湖泊中绿藻群落的相对比率高于硅藻.底栖藻类现存量(chl a)以星云湖最高(24 μg·cm-2);底栖硅藻密度以泸沽湖的鸟岛最高,为9.3×106 cells·cm-2.分析不同湖泊底栖硅藻的群落结构发现:底栖硅藻Epithemia sorex和Cocconeis klamathensis分别是泸沽湖和抚仙湖的绝对优势种,Amphora pediculus是阳宗海和滇池金宝的绝对优势种,洱海、星云湖和滇池又一村的优势种类较多,其中相对丰富度较高的主要是一些附植性种类.结果表明沿岸带的光照、营养水平和基质类型可能是影响底栖藻类群落分布的主要环境因子.  相似文献   

漓江大型底栖动物功能摄食类群时空分布及生态效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于2009年9月至2012年8月期间对漓江上中下游3个河流区段的4次采样调查,分析了漓江大型底栖动物功能摄食类群的组成与时空分布状况及其对河流生境变化的响应情况。结果表明:漓江大型底栖动物以刮食者占据绝对优势,其次依次是滤食者、收集者、捕食者和撕食者。刮食者中优势种为中华园田螺和黑龙江短沟蜷,滤食者中优势种为河蚬和纹石蚕,收集者中优势种为小蜉和摇蚊幼虫,捕食者中优势种为扁舌蛭和蜻蜓幼虫,撕食者中优势种为泥甲。根据功能摄食类群参数对河流生境以及人类活动影响的评价表明,人类居住生活对生境稳定性的影响显著大于旅游观光带来的影响,环境因子中溶解氧(DO)、pH、电导率(EC)、温度(Temp)、浊度(Tur)、化学需氧量(COD)和总氮(TN)等环境因子与漓江大型底栖动物功能摄食类群的相关性均较强。  相似文献   

于2014和2015年7月对新疆伊犁河支流喀什河和巩乃斯河共14个采样点的大型底栖无脊椎动物进行了调查研究, 比较分析了自然、受损、坝下和保护区4种生境的大型底栖动物群落结构特征。共采集大型底栖动物14435头, 属10目39科81属(种), 其中水生昆虫、软体动物、寡毛类分别占93.8%、2.5%和3.7%。对不同生境大型底栖动物群落结构特征进行了分析比较, 结果表明: 自然生境在物种数、优势物种数、EPT物种数、密度和物种多样性方面均高于其他3种生境, 而坝下生境均最低, 保护区生境底栖动物群落结构优于受损生境和坝下生境。冗余分析(RDA)结果共解释了物种数据累计方差的54.1%, 流速、电导率、水温和海拔是影响伊犁河底栖动物分布的主要因素(F=2.28—4.34, P<0.05)。  相似文献   

底栖动物群落是红树林生态系统多样性研究的重要内容之一。为了解大型底栖动物群落对高有机质含量和富营养的红树林生境的响应, 从2006年4月到2007年1月, 对福建省同安湾红树林生境和非红树林生境大型底栖动物群落及其时空变化进行了研究。我们在同安湾红树林种植区设置了凤林(FL)和山后亭(XA)两条断面, 每条断面在红树林内各设2个取样站(FL1, FL2, XA-A和XA-B), 林外各设1个取样站(FL3和XA-C)。底质研究结果显示凤林3个取样站(FL1, FL2和FL3)的有机质含量均超过底质污染评价标准的临界值3.4%, 且无论凤林还是山后亭, 红树林生境的有机质含量均要高过非红树林生境。共获得大型底栖动物91种, 其中在红树林生境内获得77种, 高于非红树林生境内获得的67种。红树林生境和非红树林生境的大型底栖动物平均栖息密度分别为4,445.8 inds/m2 和1,707.2 inds/m2, 平均生物量分别为51.1 g/m2 和 94.6 g/m2。独立样本t-检验结果显示, 红树林生境和非红树林生境大型底栖动物平均栖息密度和平均生物量均存在显著差异。研究结果指示红树林生境对于寡毛类生存(如在高耐有机污染中能大量繁殖的沼蚓)有积极作用。但由于邻近的非红树林林生境的水淹时间更长, 一些具有移动能力的软体动物和甲壳动物能迁移到更适合生存的非红树林生境中去。其他底质因子如盐度和土壤中值粒径等也会影响大型底栖动物群落变化。  相似文献   

In regions with thousands of lakes, large scale regional macrophyte surveys are rarely done due to logistical difficulties and high costs. We examined whether remote sensing can be used for regional monitoring of macrophytes in inland lakes using a field study of 13 lakes in Michigan, USA (nine model development lakes and four model testing lakes). Our objectives were: (1) to determine if different levels of macrophyte cover, different growth forms or specific species could be detected using the Landsat-5 TM sensor, and (2) to determine if we could improve predictions of macrophyte abundance and distribution in lakes by including sediment type or measures of water clarity (Secchi disk transparency, chlorophyll a, phytoplankton biovolume, or water color) in our models. Using binomial and multinomial logistic regression models, we found statistically significant relationships between most macrophyte measures and Landsat-5 TM values in the nine model development lakes (percent concordant values: 58–97%). Additionally, we found significant correlations between three lake characteristics and the TM values within lake pelagic zones, despite the inability of these variables to improve model predictions. However, model validation using four lakes was generally low, suggesting caution in applying these models to other lakes. Although the initial model development results suggest that remote sensing is a potentially promising tool for regionally assessing macrophytes, more research is necessary to refine the models in order for them to be applied to unsampled lakes.  相似文献   

Batrachocottus baicalensis , endemic to Lake Baikal, Russia, has wider lateral line canals than Paracottus kneri , which also inhabits Siberian streams. In quiet water B. baicalensis responded to amphipods at a greater distance than did P. kneri. Batrachocottus baicalensis also moves less often from search positions than does P. kneri . Fish responded to faster moving prey at a greater distance than slower prey. They also responded to a greater distance to prey moving more parallel to the fish's body surface. In an artificial stream B. baicalensis responded only to prey that touched them whilst P. kneri responded to both swimming prey and prey that contacted them. It is argued that B. baicalensis is primarily an ambush predator that is a habitat specialist and P. kneri is a cruising predator that visits many habitats.  相似文献   

安徽南漪湖大型底栖动物群落结构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2002年7月至2004年7月,对安徽南漪湖12个采样点的大型底栖动物群落结构进行了调查研究,共获得大型底栖动物39种,隶属于3门28属。大型底栖动物的现存量在2003年冬季出现最高值,密度最低值出现在2004年夏季。软体动物的现存量占绝对优势,其优势种为河蚬(Corbicula fluminea)、梨形环棱螺(Bellamya purificata)、铜锈环棱螺(B.aeruginosa)和长角涵螺(Alocinma longicornis)。Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Margalef多样性指数和Pielou指数的年均值分别为0.83、0.51和0.77。南漪湖西部物种数、物种多样性、现存量均较东部高。建闸蓄水后,南漪湖的环境发生了很大的改变,随水深增加,大型底栖动物的现存量呈明显下降的趋势。  相似文献   

实现富营养化浅水湖泊生态修复的根本途径是一个完善的生态系统的建立,而实现这一途径的核心则是沉水植物群落的恢复。因此,研究生态修复过程中沉水植物群落结构变化以及水质变化,对富营养化浅水湖泊的生态修复具有重要意义。本研究从2007年12月至2008年7月,对惠州西湖南湖生态修复过程中沉水植物群落结构变化以及对水质的影响进行了研究,以期为富营养化浅水湖泊生态修复提供重要的理论依据和实践指导。研究结果表明:5月份之前,南湖中黑藻比例明显高于苦草,分别为65%和30%左右;之后,在鱼类调控以及人为干扰等措施下,黑藻比例急剧下降,降至约5%以下;而苦草则大幅增到95%左右。沉水植物覆盖率也从40%增加到约95%左右。由此可见,南湖已由先锋物种黑藻为主的生态系统逐步过渡到以苦草为主生态系统。在沉水植物群落结构变化过程中,水中TN、TP以及chl a浓度变化趋势基本一致。在群落结构变化之前都保持较低水平,在5月份达最大值后迅速降低。其可能原因是沉水植物群落转变过程中,生态系统内部各因子变化剧烈,由原来以吸收水体中营养为主的黑藻生态系统逐步过渡到以底泥中营养为主的苦草生态系统,加之鱼类搅动及此过程中人为、降雨等因素干扰,导致营养盐水平和chl a浓度增加,但随着生态系统的逐步稳定,经过大型沉水植物对营养盐的竞争、悬浮物抑制以及克藻效应等因素,水体质量又逐步得到改善,TN、TP 浓度迅速降到0.840mg·L-1和0.028 mg·L-1L,chla则降到2.562μg·L-1左右,透明度增加到120cm。由此可见,南湖已由修复前浮游植物主导的混浊态,经过一个短暂的黑藻为主的生态系统,逐步过渡到已苦草为主且较稳定的清水态生态系统。  相似文献   

The distributions of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in the warm season were elucidated in ten lakes of different trophic types in Japan, Russia, and China. DOC showed similar vertical distributions in all the lakes in summer when thermal stratification occurred. DOC in the epilimnion was higher than the value of 0.8mgCl–1 found in the hypolimnion. In three Japanese lakes, hypolimnion DOC was negatively correlated with apparent oxygen utilization (AOU), reflecting the net oxidation of DOC using the dissolved oxygen in lake water. The DOC:O2 ratios (0.115–0.179), calculated by the slopes of the regression lines of DOC versus AOU in hypolimnion water, were as low as those of deep-sea water, which indicates low bioavailability of lake water DOC for heterotrophic bacteria. DOC and conductivity did not correlate well except in two Japanese lakes: one showed a positive correlation and the other a negative correlation, indicating DOC loading from the inflowing rivers. Eutrophic lakes tended to have higher DOC values than meso- and oligotrophic lakes, and DOC values in the surface water negatively correlated with Secchi depths.  相似文献   

The littoral zone of Lake Balaton and its periphyton-zooplankton-fish communities have been investigated intensively in recent years. Total average number of crustacean plankton varied from 36 to 126 ind l–1, their biomass from 0.49 to 1.86 mg ww l–1 month–1 at different areas of the littoral zone. In general, these values for the above parameters were higher in hypertrophic areas. 23 fish species occurred in the littoral zone with cyprinids dominating. The seasonal food spectra of Y-O-Y roach (Rutilus rutilus), white bream (Blicca bjoerkna) and bream (Abramis brema) were based mainly on planktonic crustaceans and benthic/periphytic invertebrates. According to the frequency of occurrence of crustaceans and other invertebrates, the food composition of young cyprinids differed significantly in the NE and SW-basins of the lake.  相似文献   

Ecological restoration in eutrophic Lake Wuli: A large enclosure experiment   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A large-scale enclosure experiment for lake restoration was carried out in Lake Wuli, a northern bay of shallow and eutrophic Lake Taihu in China. The large enclosure with an area of 10 ha was set up in the littoral zone and was bordered by waterproof fabric which did not cover the sediments. Multiple approaches were used and included fish removal, piscivorous fish stocking, shoreline reconstruction, aquatic macrophyte planting, benthic macro-animal stocking, and silver carp cultivation in pens for reduction of cyanobacteria. The results showed that the coverage of aquatic macrophytes increased from 0% to 45.7%. Mean concentrations of TN and TP inside the enclosure from May 2004 to May 2008 were 22.2% and 26.0% of those outside, respectively. Secchi depth was 0.40 m outside the enclosures and 0.75 m inside. However, responses of phytoplankton to the restoration project lagged behind improvement of water quality and reestablishment of aquatic plants. The phytoplankton biomass gradually decreased after the third year of the restoration. Stocking piscivorous fish and planting submerged macrophytes could not increase zooplankton biomass and enhance graze pressure on phytoplankton, most likely due to high omnivorous fish density and lower nutrition inside the enclosure. Higher grazing pressure of zooplankton on phytoplankton was observed in May and October every year. Zooplankton to phytoplankton biomass ratios were significantly negatively correlated with phytoplankton biomass outside (r = −0.440, p < 0.01) and inside the enclosure (r = −0.336, p < 0.05) from February 2004 to March 2007. Therefore, phytoplankton biomass inside and outside the enclosure was lower in May and October. Higher grazing pressure of zooplankton on phytoplankton in spring may result in occurrence of the clear-water phase that facilitated growth of submerged macrophytes in the littoral in Lake Wuli, and a clear-water state and improved water quality would likely be sustained throughout the year after reestablishment of submerged macrophytes.  相似文献   

Softwater lakes provide a habitat for isoetid macrophytes, which are vulnerable to eutrophication and acidification. In Ireland many catchments of such lakes are currently planted with exotic conifers. Management of these plantations can lead to increases in lake water phosphorus (P), threatening the survival of softwater macrophytes. Regional increases of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) may also have a detrimental effect on aquatic plants. The persistence of the macrophyte flora in lakes with managed forested catchments in Northern Ireland was investigated by comparing the macrophyte community of 12 lakes surveyed in 2007 with a 1988-1990 survey. Contemporary data were compared with plant macrofossil records pre-dating 1900. Macrophyte abundance generally remained unchanged but Littorella uniflora (L.) Asch. and Fontinalis antipyretica Hedw. showed a significant decline since 1988-1990. Water colour, alkalinity, silica, total P, total soluble P and soluble reactive P increased; conductivity and chlorophyll a decreased in the lakes over time. These changes coincided with increased pH in precipitation and potentially elevated exports of DOC to water. Conifer plantation management appeared to have less impact on the macrophyte flora than expected from the elevated lake P concentrations. It appears that a large regional increase in DOC is also a threat to macrophyte abundance and diversity in these upland catchments and conservation efforts may be more successful in lakes with longer water residence times.  相似文献   

The abundance and composition of phytoplankton were investigated at six stations along a transect from the Barguzin River inflow to the central basin of Lake Baikal in August 2002 to clarify the effect of the river inflow on the phytoplankton community in the lake. The water temperature in the epilimnion was high near the shore at Station 1 (17.3°C), probably due to the higher temperature of the river water, and gradually decreased offshore at Station 6 (14.5°C). Thermal stratification developed at Stations 2–6, and a thermocline was observed at a 17–22-m depth at Stations 2–4 and an 8–12-m depth at Stations 5 and 6. The concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients in the epilimnion at all stations were <1.0 μmol N l−1 and <0.16 μmol P l−1, respectively. Relatively high concentrations of nutrients (0.56–7.38 μmol N l−1 and 0.03–0.28 μmol P l−1) were detected in the deeper parts of the euphotic zone. Silicate was not exhausted at all stations (>20 μmol Si l−1). The chlorophyll a (chl. a) concentration was high (>10 μg l−1) near the shore at Station 1 and low (<3 μg l−1) at five other stations. The <2 μm fraction of chl. a in Stations 2–6 ranged between 0.80 and 1.85 μg l−1, and its contribution to total chl. a was high (>60%). In this fraction, picocyanobacteria were abundant at all stations and ranged between 5 × 104 and 5 × 105 cells ml−1. In contrast, chl. a in the >2 μm fraction varied significantly (0.14–11.17 μg l−1), and the highest value was observed at Station 1. In this fraction, the dominant phytoplankton was Aulacoseira and centric diatoms at Station 1 and Cryptomonas, Ankistrodesmus, Asterionella, and Nitzschia at Stations 2–6. The present study demonstrated the dominance of picophytoplankton in the pelagic zone, while higher abundance of phytoplankton dominated by diatoms was observed in the shallower littoral zone. These larger phytoplankters in the littoral zone probably depend on nutrients from the Barguzin River.  相似文献   

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