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Genomics-based methods are now commonplace in natural products research. A phylogeny-guided mining approach provides a means to quickly screen a large number of microbial genomes or metagenomes in search of new biosynthetic gene clusters of interest. In this approach, biosynthetic genes serve as molecular markers, and phylogenetic trees built with known and unknown marker gene sequences are used to quickly prioritize biosynthetic gene clusters for their metabolites characterization. An increase in the use of this approach has been observed for the last couple of years along with the emergence of low cost sequencing technologies. The aim of this review is to discuss the basic concept of a phylogeny-guided mining approach, and also to provide examples in which this approach was successfully applied to discover new natural products from microbial genomes and metagenomes. I believe that the phylogeny-guided mining approach will continue to play an important role in genomics-based natural products research.  相似文献   

A new cloning system is described, which allows the construction of large-insert fosmid libraries in Escherichia coli and the transfer of the recombinant libraries to the extreme thermophile Thermus thermophilus via natural transformation. Libraries are established in the thermophilic host by site-specific chromosomal insertion of the recombinant fosmids via single crossover or double crossover recombination at the T. thermophilus pyr locus. Comparative screening of a fosmid library constructed from genomic DNA from the thermophilic spirochaete, Spirochaeta thermophila, for clones expressing thermoactive xylanase activity revealed that 50% of the fosmids that conferred xylanase activity upon the corresponding T. thermophilus transformants did not give rise to xylanase-positive E. coli clones, indicating that significantly more S. thermophila genes are functionally expressed in T. thermophilus than in E. coli. The novel T. thermophilus host/vector system may be of value for the construction and functional screening of recombinant DNA libraries from individual thermophilic or extremely thermophilic organisms as well as from complex metagenomes isolated from thermophilic microbial communities.  相似文献   

Global energy and environmental concerns have stimulated increased efforts in synthesizing petroleum-derived products from renewable resources. Biological production of metabolites for fuel is increasingly becoming a feasible, renewable, environmentally sound alternative. However, many of these chemicals are not highly produced in any known native organism. Here we review the current progress of modifying microorganisms with heterogeneous elements for the production of biofuels. This strategy has been extensively employed in a variety of hosts for the development of production of various alcohols, fatty acids, alkenes and alkanes.  相似文献   

The open reading frames of human cytomegalovirus (human herpesvirus-5, HHV5) encode some 213 unique proteins with mostly unknown functions. Using the threading program, ProCeryon, we calculated possible matches between the amino acid sequences of these proteins and the Protein Data Bank library of three-dimensional structures. Thirty-six proteins were fully identified in terms of their structure and, often, function; 65 proteins were recognized as members of narrow structural/functional families (e.g. DNA-binding factors, cytokines, enzymes, signaling particles, cell surface receptors etc.); and 87 proteins were assigned to broad structural classes (e.g. all-beta, 3-layer-alphabetaalpha, multidomain, etc.). Genes encoding proteins with similar folds, or containing identical structural traits (extreme sequence length, runs of unstructured (Pro and/or Gly-rich) residues, transmembrane segments, etc.) often formed tandem clusters throughout the genome. In the course of this work, benchmarks on about 20 known folds were used to optimize adjustable parameters of threading calculations, i.e. gap penalty weights used in sequence/structure alignments; new scores obtained as simple combinations of existing scoring functions; and number of threading runs conducive to meaningful results. An introduction of summed, per-residue-normalized scores has been essential for discovery of subdomains (EGF-like, SH2, SH3) in longer protein sequences, such as the eight "open sandwich" cytokine domains, 60-70 amino acids long and having the 3beta1alpha fold with one or two disulfide bridges, present in otherwise unrelated proteins.  相似文献   

Rice is an excellent system for plant genomics as it represents a modest size genome of 430 Mb. It feeds more than half the population of the world. Draft sequences of the rice genome, derived by whole-genome shotgun approach at relatively low coverage (4-6 X), were published and the International Rice Genome Sequencing Project (IRGSP) declared high quality (> 10 X), genetically anchored, phase 2 level sequence in 2002. In addition, phase 3 level finished sequence of chromosomes 1, 4 and 10 (out of 12 chromosomes of rice) has already been reported by scientists from IRGSP consortium. Various estimates of genes in rice place the number at >50,000. Already, over 28,000 full-length cDNAs have been sequenced, most of which map to genetically anchored genome sequence. Such information is very useful in revealing novel features of macroand micro-level synteny of rice genome with other cereals. Microarray analysis is unraveling the identity of rice genes expressing in temporal and spatial manner and should help target candidate genes useful for improving traits of agronomic importance. Simultaneously, functional analysis of rice genome has been initiated by marker-based characterization of useful genes and employing functional knock-outs created by mutation or gene tagging. Integration of this enormous information is expected to catalyze tremendous activity on basic and applied aspects of rice genomics.  相似文献   

目前集中在模式植物拟南芥、水稻的基因组研究进展迅速,基因组测序和物理作图极大地便利了基于分子标记图的基因克隆,并增加了对植物基因组的组织、结构和进化的认识。  相似文献   

Development of enhancer trap lines for functional analysis of the rice genome   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Enhancer trapping has provided a powerful strategy for identifying novel genes and regulatory elements. In this study, we adopted an enhancer trap system, consisting of the GAL4/VP16-UAS elements with GUS as the reporter, to generate a trapping population of rice. Currently, 31 443 independent transformants were obtained from two cultivars using Agrobacterium-mediated T-DNA insertion. PCR tests and DNA blot hybridization showed that about 94% of the transformants contained T-DNA insertions. The transformants carried, on average, two copies of the T-DNA, and 42% of the transformants had single-copy insertions. Histochemical assays of approximately 1000 T0 plants revealed various patterns of the reporter gene expression, including expression in only one tissue, and simultaneously in two or more tissues. The expression pattern of the reporter gene in T1 families corresponded well with the T0 plants and segregated in a 3 : 1 Mendelian ratio in majority of the T1 families tested. The frequency of reporter gene expression in the enhancer trap lines was much higher than that in gene trap lines reported previously. Analysis of flanking sequences of T-DNA insertion sites from about 200 transformants showed that almost all the sequences had homology with the sequences in the rice genome databases. Morphologically conspicuous mutations were observed in about 7.5% of the 2679 T1 families that were field-tested, and segregation in more than one-third of the families fit the 3 : 1 ratio. It was concluded that GAL4/VP16-UAS elements provided a useful system for enhancer trap in rice.  相似文献   

Second-generation sequencing has made possible the sequencing of genomes of interest for even small research groups. However, obtaining separate clean cultures and clonal or inbred samples of metazoan hosts and their bacterial symbionts is often difficult. We present a computational pipeline for separating metazoan and bacterial DNA in silico rather than at the bench. The method relies on the generation of deep coverage of all the genomes in a mixed sample using Illumina short-read sequencing technology, and using aggregate properties of the different genomes to identify read sets belonging to each. This inexpensive and rapid approach has been used to sequence several nematode genomes and their bacterial endosymbionts in the last year in our laboratory and can also be used to visualize and identify unexpected contaminants (or possible symbionts) in genomic DNA samples. We hope that this method will enable researchers studying symbiotic systems to move from gene-centric to genome-centric approaches.  相似文献   

A novel generation of retroviral gene-trap vectors has been developed with the ability to induce conditional mutations in most genes expressed in mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells. The vectors rely on directional site-specific recombination systems, which can repair and re-induce the gene-trap mutations when activated in succession. After the gene-trap insertions are passaged into mice, this system enables the induction of temporally and spatially restricted mutations in somatic cells. In addition to their conditional features, the vectors create multipurpose alleles amenable to a wide range of post-insertional modifications. These vectors have been used to assemble the largest library of ES cell lines with conditional mutations in single genes, presently totalling 1724 unique genes. Due to their efficiency, the vectors are part of the core technologies to be used by EUCOMM for establishing a complete collection of conditional null mutations in mice.  相似文献   

Wan S  Wu J  Zhang Z  Sun X  Lv Y  Gao C  Ning Y  Ma J  Guo Y  Zhang Q  Zheng X  Zhang C  Ma Z  Lu T 《Plant molecular biology》2009,69(1-2):69-80

Molecular-genetic analysis of soriz genotypes (Sorghum oryzoidum), its paternal form Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench (grain sorghum), possible parents (Sorghum sudanense (Piper.) Stapf. (Sudan grass) and Oryza sativa L. (rice planting)) and the nearest relatives has been carried out using microsatellite (MS) loci of sorghum and rice. Based on these data genetic distances have been calculated. It was shown that soriz do not bear DNA fragments of rice, but contains in its genome DNA fragments belonging to the Sudanese grass indicating that the origin of soriz is associated with Sorghum sudanense.  相似文献   

Heritable mutations constitute important raw materials for mammalian developmental genetics and general genome studies. Mutations induced by high-efficiency chemical mutagenesis of germ cells in mice can be used in genetic and molecular studies to complement physical-mapping strategies and to examine the nature and extent of the functional complexities hidden within the mammalian genome.  相似文献   

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