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Background and aims

Cadmium (Cd) could activate activity of mitogen-activated protein kinase MPK6 in plants. In this study, we investigated the role of MPK6 in mediating Cd toxicity in plants.


The wild type Arabidopsis plants (WT) and the mpk6-2 mutants were subjected either 0 (Control) or 10 μM Cd treatment. Kinase activity of MPK6, nitric oxide (NO) level, Cd concentration, and oxidative stress were measured.


In WT plants, Cd exposure rapidly stimulated kinase activity of MPK6. However, upon Cd exposure, mpk6-2 showed better growth than the WT. Although Cd-induced production of NO in roots was greater in WT than in mpk6-2, there was no difference in Cd concentration between the two plants. Nevertheless, the Cd-induced hydroperoxide burst, lipid peroxidation and loss of membrane integrity, were all more severe in the WT than in mpk6-2. Foliar applications of antioxidant ascorbic acid, vigorously improved the growth of both the WT and mpk6-2 under Cd exposure. Thereby the growth difference between these two plants was minimized.


Mutation of mpk6 enhances Cd tolerance in plants by alleviating oxidative stress, but did not affect cadmium accumulation in plants.  相似文献   

Summary The preincubation of the rat red blood cell membranes in the presence of low Ca2+ levels causes an irreversible inhibition of the Ca2+-stimulated ATPase activity. The inactivation is dependent on the Ca2+ concentration and the apparent Ki is identical to the Ca2+ concentration needed to reach the half-maximal activity of the enzyme. This fact and the energy of activation (Ea = 13.8 Kcal/mol) for the inhibition suggest that Ca2+ inactivates the Ca2+-stimulated ATPase by binding to the same site which it normally occupies to activate the enzyme. It is concluded that the Ca2+-stimulated ATPase is in a dynamic equilibrium between two states: a stable ATP-bound state and an unstable ATP-free state.  相似文献   

Although the role of Ca2+ influx channels in oxidative stress signaling and cross-tolerance in plants is well established, little is known about the role of active Ca2+ efflux systems in this process. In our recent paper,17 we reported Potato Virus X (PVX)-induced acquired resistance to oxidative stress in Nicotiana benthamiana and showed the critical role of plasma membrane Ca2+/H+ exchangers in this process. The current study continues this research. Using biochemical and electrophysiological approaches, we reveal that both endomembrane P2A and P2B Ca2+-ATPases play significant roles in adaptive responses to oxidative stress by removing excessive Ca2+ from the cytosol, and that their functional expression is significantly altered in PVX-inoculated plants. These findings highlight the crucial role of Ca2+ efflux systems in acquired tolerance to oxidative stress and open up prospects for practical applications in agriculture, after in-depth comprehension of the fundamental mechanisms involved in common responses to environmental factors at the genomic, cellular and organismal levels.Key words: cytosolic calcium, reactive oxygen species, cross-tolerance, calcium pumpThe phenomenon of cross-tolerance to a variety of biotic and abiotic stresses is well-known.1,2 Some of the demonstrated examples include the correlation between oxidative stress tolerance and pathogen resistance.35 At the mechanistic level, changes in cytosolic Ca2+ levels [Ca2+]cyt, have long been implicated as a quintessential component of this process.6 The rise in [Ca2+]cyt is proven to be essential for the development of the oxidative burst required for triggering the activation of several plant defense reactions.7,8 The observed elevation in H2O2 level is believed to result from Ca2+-dependent activation of the NADPH oxidase,8 which then causes a further increase in [Ca2+]cyt via a positive feedback mechanism. This process is further accomplished by defense gene activation, phytoalexin synthesis and eventual cell death.9 Downstream from the stimulus-induced [Ca2+]cyt elevation, cells possess an array of proteins that can respond to a message. Such proteins include calmodulin (CaM),10 Ca2+-dependent protein kinases11 and CaM binding proteins.12 Of note is that when Ca2+ channels are blocked, biosynthesis of ROS is prevented.13While the role of Ca2+ influx channels in oxidative stress signaling and cross-tolerance in plants is well established, little is known about the involvement of active Ca2+ efflux systems in this process. In contrast, in animal systems the essential role of re-establishing [Ca2+]cyt to resting levels is widely reported. A sustained increase in [Ca2+]cyt in the alveolar macrophage is thought to be the consequence of membrane Ca2+-ATPase dysfunction.14 In endothelial cells, inhibition of the Ca2+/Na+ electroneutral exchanger of the mitochondria was named as one of the reasons for [Ca2+]cyt increases.15 A significant loss of the plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase (PMCA) activity was reported in brain synapses in response to oxidative stress,16 suggesting that PMCA may be a downstream target of oxidative stress.In our recently published paper17 we reported the phenomenon of Potato Virus X (PVX)-induced acquired resistance to oxidative stress in Nicotiana benthamiana plants and showed the critical role of plasma membrane Ca2+/H+ exchangers in this process. Nonetheless, questions remain, is this transporter the only active Ca2+ efflux system involved in this process?In addition to Ca2+/H+ exchangers, active Ca2+ extrusion could also be achieved by Ca2+-ATPases. Two major types of Ca2+-ATPases that differ substantially in their pharmacology and sensitivity to CaM are known.18 Type P2A pumps (also called ER-type or ECA19,20) are predominantly ER-localized,19 although they are also present at other endomembranes (e.g., tonoplast and Golgi). Four members of this group have been identified in the Arabidopsis genome (named AtECAs 1 to 4).18,21 These pumps lack an N-terminal autoregulatory domain, are insensitive to CaM and suppressed by cyclopropiazonic acid (CPA).19 P2B (or ACA) pumps contain an autoinhibitory N-terminal domain that possesses a binding site for Ca2+-CaM.18 Ten members are known in Arabidopsis (termed AtACA1, 2, 4 and 7 to 13).21 Plant P2B pumps are located at the plasma membrane20 as well as in inner membranes such as tonoplast (e.g., ACA4), ER (e.g., ACA2) and plastids.18,19 These pumps probably constitute the basis for precise cytosolic Ca2+ regulation; as the Ca2+ concentration increases, CaM is activated and binds to the autoinhibitory domain of the Ca2+ pump. This results in the activation of the pump.In our recent study,17 we found no significant difference between the purified plasma membranes fractions isolated from control and UV-treated tobacco plants (with or without PVX inoculation) either in the Ca2+-ATPase activity or in the Ca2+-ATPase expression level and its ability to bind CaM. This suggests that the plasma membrane P2B type pumps (the only pump type known to be expressed at the plasma membrane) play no major role in removing excess Ca2+ from the cytosol under oxidative stress conditions. This led to an obvious question: what about endomembrane Ca2+-ATPases?To address this issue, microsomal membrane fractions were isolated from tobacco leaves in a manner previously described for plasma membrane fractions17 (Fig. 1A). Western blot and CaM overlay assays were then made to investigate the role of endomembrane P2B Ca2+-ATPases in our reported phenomena of acquired resistance. The results show that the expression of the P2B Ca2+ pumps in PVX-inoculated plants is significantly higher than in control plants (Fig. 1B), correlating well with the CaM overlay assay (Fig. 1C). As no difference was observed for the P2B Ca2+-ATPase expression levels in the plasma membranes,17 the observed difference in the microsomal fractions of PVX-infected plants must be due to an increased expression of endomembrane P2B Ca2+-ATPases. Given the fact that Ca2+ pumps have a high affinity for calcium, the observed increase in endomembrane P2B-type Ca2+-ATPases expression in PVX-inoculated plants may be advantageous for more efficient Ca2+ removal from the cytosol into internal organelles.Open in a separate windowFigure 1Expression of P2B Ca2+ in purified microsomal fractions from tobacco leaves. Measurements were undertaken C = mock controls; C-UV = mock controls treated with UV-light; PVX = PVX infected plants; PVX-UV = PVX inoculated plants treated with UV-light. (A) Coomassie Brilliant Blue-stained gel; (B) Protein blot immunostained with a non isoform-specific polyclonal antibody for P2B Ca2+-ATPases; (C) CaM overlay assay.To decipher the possible role of P2A Ca2+-ATPases in acquired resistance, a series of electrophysiological experiments were conducted using inhibitors of P2A-type Ca2+-ATPases, such as thapsigargin (TG)22 and cyclopiazonic acid (CPA).23 Ion-selective Ca2+ microelectrodes were prepared as described elsewhere in reference 24 and 25, and net Ca2+ fluxes were measured from tobacco mesophyll tissue following previously described protocols.17 Leaf pre-treatment for 2 h in either of these inhibitors dramatically suppressed the net Ca2+ efflux measured from tobacco mesophyll cells 2 h after UV light exposure (Fig. 2). Given the specificity of TG and CPA inhibitors for P2A-type Ca2+-ATPases, these results strongly support a hypothesis that both endomembrane P2A and P2B Ca2+-ATPases play significant roles in plant adaptive responses to oxidative stress. This is achieved by removing excess Ca2+ from the cytosol.Open in a separate windowFigure 2Effect of known Ca2+-ATPase blockers on light-induced Ca2+ flux kinetics after 20 min of UV-C treatment. Leaf mesophyll segments were pre-treated in either 5 µM TG (thapsigargin) or 50 µM CPA (cyclopiazonic acid) for 1–1.5 h prior to exposure to UV-C light. Net Ca2+ fluxes were measured 2 h after the end of UV treatment. These were compared with two controls: (1) no pre-treatment/no UV exposure (closed circles) and (2) no pre-treatment/20 min UV exposure (open squares). Mean ± SE (n = 4 to 7).Combining these results with our previously reported observations in reference 17, the following model is proposed (Fig. 3). Oxidative stress (such as UV) causes increased ROS production in leaf chloroplasts, leading to the elevated [Ca2+]cyt. Several Ca2+ efflux systems are involved in restoring basal cytosolic Ca2+ levels. Two of these, the plasma membrane Ca2+/H+ exchanger17 and endomembrane P2A and P2B Ca2+-ATPases (as reported in this study) are upregulated in PVX inoculated plants and contribute to the improved tolerance to oxidative stress. Overall, these findings highlight the potential role of Ca2+ efflux systems in virus-induced tolerance to oxidative stress in plants. This is consistent with our previous reports on the important role of Ca2+ efflux systems in biotic stress tolerance26 and brings forth possibilities for genetic engineering of more tolerant plants by targeting expression and regulation of active Ca2+ efflux systems at either the plasma or endomembranes.Open in a separate windowFigure 3The proposed model of oxidative stress signaling and the role of Ca2+-efflux systems in acquired resistance and plant adaptation to oxidative stress.Overall, a better adaptation of virus-infected plants to a short wave UV irradiation as compared to uninfected controls may suggest that infection triggers common defense mechanisms that could be efficient against secondary unrelated stresses. This observation may lead to the development of novel strategies to protect plants against complex environmental stress conditions.  相似文献   

Copper (Cu) is an essential trace element with important roles as a cofactor in many plant functions, including photosynthesis. However, free Cu ions can cause toxicity, necessitating precise Cu delivery systems. Relatively little is known about Cu transport in plant cells, and no components of the Cu transport machinery in chloroplasts have been identified previously. Cu transport into chloroplasts provides the cofactor for the stromal enzyme copper/zinc superoxide dismutase (Cu/ZnSOD) and for the thylakoid lumen protein plastocyanin, which functions in photosynthetic electron transport from the cytochrome b(6)f complex to photosystem I. Here, we characterized six Arabidopsis mutants that are defective in the PAA1 gene, which encodes a member of the metal-transporting P-type ATPase family with a functional N-terminal chloroplast transit peptide. paa1 mutants exhibited a high-chlorophyll-fluorescence phenotype as a result of an impairment of photosynthetic electron transport that could be ascribed to decreased levels of holoplastocyanin. The paa1-1 mutant had a lower chloroplast Cu content, despite having wild-type levels in leaves. The electron transport defect of paa1 mutants was evident on medium containing <1 micro M Cu, but it was suppressed by the addition of 10 micro M Cu. Chloroplastic Cu/ZnSOD activity also was reduced in paa1 mutants, suggesting that PAA1 mediates Cu transfer across the plastid envelope. Thus, PAA1 is a critical component of a Cu transport system in chloroplasts responsible for cofactor delivery to plastocyanin and Cu/ZnSOD.  相似文献   

The metabolism of the redox-active quinone, menadione (2-methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone), in human platelets was associated with superoxide anion production, oxidation and depletion of intracellular glutathione, and modification of protein thiols. The cytoskeletal fraction extracted from menadione-treated platelets exhibited a dose-dependent increase in the amount of cytoskeleton-associated protein and a concomitant loss of protein thiols. These alterations were associated with oxidative modifications of actin, including beta-mercaptoethanol-sensitive crosslinking of actin to form dimers, trimers, and high-molecular-weight aggregates which also contained other cytoskeletal proteins, i.e., alpha-actinin and actin-binding protein. In addition, analysis of the cytoskeletal fraction from platelets treated with high concentrations (greater than or equal to 100 microM) of menadione by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under reducing conditions revealed a net decrease in the relative abundance of the individual cytoskeletal polypeptides. Under the same incubation conditions the platelets exhibited a sustained increase in cytosolic Ca2+ concentration. The presence of glucose, or the omission of Ca2+ from the incubation medium, prevented both the increase in cytosolic Ca2+ and the decrease in the relative amounts of cytoskeletal proteins. The latter effect was also largely prevented in platelets loaded with Quin-2 tetraacetoxymethyl ester to buffer the menadione-induced elevation of cytosolic Ca2+. Finally, the presence of a protease inhibitor, leupeptin, in the incubation medium prevented the menadione-induced decrease in the amount of actin-binding protein but not the decrease in the other cytoskeletal proteins. Our findings demonstrate that the multiple effects of oxidative stress on the platelet cytoskeleton are mediated by oxidative as well as by Ca2+-dependent mechanisms.  相似文献   

The open reading frame designated yloB in the genomic sequence of Bacillus subtilis encodes a putative protein that is most similar to the typically eukaryotic type IIA family of P-type ion-motive ATPases, including the endo(sarco)plasmic reticulum (SERCA) and PMR1 Ca(2+)-transporters, located respectively in the SERCA and the Golgi apparatus. The overall amino acid sequence is more similar to that of the Pmr1s than to the SERCAs, whereas the inverse is seen for the 10 amino acids that form the two Ca(2+)-binding sites in SERCA. Sporulating but not vegetative B. subtilis cells express the predicted protein, as shown by Western blotting and by the formation of a Ca(2+)-dependent phosphorylated intermediate. Half-maximal activation of phosphointermediate formation occurred at 2.5 microM Ca(2+). Insertion mutation of the yloB gene did not affect the growth of vegetative cells, did not prevent the formation of viable spores, and did not significantly affect 45Ca accumulation during sporulation. However, spores from knockouts were less resistant to heat and showed a slower rate of germination. It is concluded that the P-type Ca(2+)-transport ATPase from B. subtilis is not essential for survival, but assists in the formation of resistant spores. The evolutionary relationship of the transporter to the eukaryotic P-type Ca(2+)-transport ATPases is discussed.  相似文献   

Wild-type yeast cells are unable to take up sterols from their growth media under aerobic conditions and are relatively resistant to monovalent cations. A yeast mutant (upc2-1) with a defect in the aerobic exclusion of sterols was found to have increased sensitivity to LiCl and NaCl. Although cation sensitivity has been reported for mutants that synthesize altered sterols, the mutant with upc2-1 continues to produce the normal sterol, ergosterol. The ENA2 gene was cloned on the basis of remediating the hypersensitivity to the monovalent cations.  相似文献   

《Developmental cell》2022,57(17):2081-2094.e7
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IntroductionOur previous studies demonstrated that dantrolene, a ryanodine receptor stabilizer, prevents endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress in the heart. ER stress is a strong mediator of impaired lipid metabolism in the liver, thereby contributing to fatty liver disease. In this study, we investigated the effects of dantrolene on fatty liver disease in mice and ER stress in hepatocytes.Methods and resultsEight weeks old C57BL/6 mice were fed high-fat diet (HFD) for 8 weeks with or without the oral administration of dantrolene (100 mg/kg/day). The livers of mice without dantrolene (HFD group) showed severe fatty liver, whereas the livers of the mice treated with dantrolene (HFD + DAN group) only showed slightly fatty liver. To address the preventive effects of dantrolene, primary hepatocytes were cultured with palmitate in the presence or absence of dantrolene. Dantrolene reduced lipid load and prevents palmitate-induced increase in cytoplasmic Ca2+ and ER stress. Based on these findings, we propose that dantrolene is a potential new therapeutic agent against fatty liver disease.  相似文献   

Low concentrations of free Ca2+ stimulated the hydrolysis of ATP by plasma membrane vesicles purified from guinea pig neutrophils and incubated in 100 mM HEPES/triethanolamine, pH 7.25. In the absence of exogenous magnesium, apparent values obtained were 320 nM (EC50 for free Ca2+), 17.7 nmol of Pi/mg X min (Vmax), and 26 microM (Km for total ATP). Studies using trans- 1,2-diaminocyclohexane- N,N,N',N',-tetraacetic acid as a chelator showed this activity was dependent on 13 microM magnesium, endogenous to the medium plus membranes. Without added Mg2+, Ca2+ stimulated the hydrolysis of several other nucleotides: ATP congruent to GTP congruent to CTP congruent to ITP greater than UTP, but Ca2+-stimulated ATPase was not coupled to uptake of Ca2+, even in the presence of 5 mM oxalate. When 1 mM MgCl2 was added, the vesicles demonstrated oxalate and ATP-dependent calcium uptake at approximately 8 nmol of Ca2+/mg X min (based on total membrane protein). Ca2+ uptake increased to a maximum of approximately 17-20 nmol of Ca2+/mg X min when KCl replaced HEPES/triethanolamine in the buffer. In the presence of both KCl and MgCl2, Ca2+ stimulated the hydrolysis of ATP selectively over other nucleotides. Apparent values obtained for the Ca2+-stimulated ATPase were 440 nM (EC50 for free Ca2+), 17.5 nmol Pi/mg X min (Vmax) and 100 microM (Km for total ATP). Similar values were found for Ca2+ uptake which was coupled efficiently to Ca2+-stimulated ATPase with a molar ratio of 2.1 +/- 0.1. Exogenous calmodulin had no effect on the Vmax or EC50 for free Ca2+ of the Ca2+-stimulated ATPase, either in the presence or absence of added Mg2+, with or without an ethylene glycol bis(beta-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N',N',-tetraacetic acid pretreatment of the vesicles. The data demonstrate that calcium stimulates ATP hydrolysis by neutrophil plasma membranes that is coupled optimally to transport of Ca2+ in the presence of concentrations of K+ and Mg2+ that appear to mimic intracellular levels.  相似文献   

1. Both the Ca(2+)-pump ATPase and the polyphosphoinositide phosphodiesterase of the erythrocyte membrane can, when assayed under appropriate conditions, be activated by Ca(2+) in the micromolar range. We have therefore compared the mechanisms and affinities for Ca(2+) activation of the two enzymes in human erythrocyte membranes, to see whether the polyphosphoinositide phosphodiesterase would be active in normal healthy erythrocytes. 2. At physiological ionic strength and in the presence of calmodulin, the Ca(2+)-pump ATPase was activated by Ca(2+) in a highly co-operative manner, with half-maximal activation occurring at about 0.3mum-Ca(2+). At an optimal Ca(2+) concentration, calmodulin stimulated the Ca(2+)-sensitive ATPase activity about 10-fold. 3. Ca(2+) activated the polyphosphoinositide phosphodiesterase in a non-co-operative manner. The Ca(2+) requirements for breakdown of phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate and phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate were identical, which supports our previous conclusion that Ca(2+) activates a single polyphosphoinositide phosphodiesterase that degrades both lipids with equal facility. Added calmodulin did not affect the activity of the polyphosphoinositide phosphodiesterase. 4. At low ionic strength in the absence of Mg(2+), half-maximal activation of the phosphodiesterase was at about 3mum-Ca(2+). The presence of 1mm-Mg(2+) shifted the Ca(2+) activation curve to the right, as did elevation of the ionic strength. When the Ca(2+)-pump ATPase and the polyphosphoinositide phosphodiesterase were assayed in the same incubations and under conditions of intracellular ionic strength and Mg(2+) concentration, the ATPase was fully activated at 3mum-Ca(2+), whereas no polyphosphoinositide phosphodiesterase activity was detected below 100mum-Ca(2+). 5. The Ca(2+)-pump ATPase of the erythrocyte membrane normally maintains the Ca(2+) concentration of healthy erythrocytes below approx. 0.1mum. It therefore seems unlikely that the polyphosphoinositide phosphodiesterase of the erythrocyte membrane ever expresses its activity in a healthy erythrocyte.  相似文献   

Florea SM  Blatter LA 《Cell calcium》2008,43(4):405-415
Oxidative stress imposed by the accumulation of oxygen free radicals (reactive oxygen species, ROS) has profound effects on Ca2+ homeostasis in the vascular endothelium, leading to endothelial dysfunctions and the development of cardiovascular pathologies. We tested the effect of the oxidant and ROS generator tert-butyl-hydroperoxide (tBuOOH) on Ca2+ signaling in single cultured calf pulmonary artery endothelial (CPAE) cells loaded with the fluorescent Ca2+ indicator indo-1. Acute brief (5 min) exposures to tBuOOH had no effect on basal cytosolic free Ca2+ ([Ca2+](i)), agonist (ATP)-induced Ca2+ release from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and on Ca(2+) store depletion-dependent capacitative Ca2+ entry (CCE). Prolonged (60 min) exposure to tBuOOH did not affect intracellular Ca2+ release, but caused a profound inhibition of CCE. After 120 min of treatment with tBuOOH not only was CCE further reduced, but also ATP-induced Ca2+ release due to a slow depletion of the stores that resulted from CCE inhibition. The antioxidant Trolox (synthetic vitamin E analog) prevented the inhibition of CCE by tBuOOH and attenuated the increase of [ROS](i), indicating that inhibition of CCE was due to the oxidant effects of tBuOOH. The data suggest that in vascular endothelial cells oxidative stress primarily affects Ca2+ influx in response to Ca2+ loss from internal stores. [Ca2+](i) is an important signal for the production and release of endothelium-derived factors such as nitric oxide (NO). Since CCE is the preferential Ca2+ source for NO synthase activation, the finding that oxidative stress inhibits CCE may explain how oxidative stress contributes to endothelial dysfunction-related cardiovascular pathologies.  相似文献   

Plasma-membrane vesicles from rat corpus luteum showed an ATP-dependent uptake of Ca2+. Ca2+ was accumulated with a K1/2 (concn. giving half-maximal activity) of 0.2 microM and was released by the bivalent-cation ionophore A23187. A Ca2+-dependent phosphorylated intermediate (Mr 100,000) was detected which showed a low decomposition rate, consistent with it being the phosphorylated intermediate of the transport ATPase responsible for Ca2+ uptake. The Ca2+ uptake and the phosphorylated intermediate (E approximately P) displayed several properties that were different from those of the high-affinity Ca2+-ATPase previously observed in these membranes. Both Ca2+ uptake and E approximately P discriminated against ribonucleoside triphosphates other than ATP, whereas the ATPase split all the ribonucleoside triphosphates equally. Both Ca2+ uptake and E approximately P were sensitive to three different Hg-containing inhibitors, whereas the ATPase was inhibited much less. Ca2+ uptake required added Mg2+ (Km = 2.2 mM), whereas the ATPase required no added Mg2+. The maximum rate of Ca2+ uptake was about 400-fold less than that of ATP splitting; under different conditions, the decomposition rate of E approximately P was 1,000 times too slow to account for the ATPase activity observed. All of these features suggested that Ca2+ uptake was due to an enzyme of low activity, whose ATPase activity was not detected in the presence of the higher-specific-activity Ca2+-dependent ATPase.  相似文献   

After in vitro addition of IC50 concentration of methylparathion on Ca+2 ATPase in nervous and hepato-pancreatic tissues of prawn were studied. The inhibitory pattern of Ca+2 ATPase elucidate the interaction of methylparathion with ATPase system. The significant decrease in maximal velocity (Vmax) without appreciable change in apparent Michaelis-Menten constant (Km) suggests that the impact of methylparathion on Ca+2 ATPase is independent of substrate and is of a classical non-competitive type.  相似文献   

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