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Voltage-dependent lipid flip-flop induced by alamethicin.   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Alamethicin appears to allow voltage-dependent lipid exchange ("flip-flop") between leaflets of a planar bilayer. In membranes with one leaflet of phosphatidyl serine and one of phosphatidyl ethanolamine, the shape of the nonactin current-voltage curve accurately reports the difference in surface potential between the two sides of the membrane. The surface potential is itself a good measure of membrane asymmetry. Alamethicin added to the bathing solutions of an asymmetric membrane does not per se reduce the membrane asymmetry, but turning on the alamethicin conductance by application of a voltage pulse does. Immediately after application of a voltage pulse, large enough to turn on the alamethicin conductance, the asymmetry of the nonactin-K+ current voltage curve decreases, in some cases, nearly to zero. During the pulse, the alamethicin conductance activates if a decrease in surface potential favors turn-on of the alamethicin conductance or inactivates if a decrease in surface potential favors turn-off of the alamethicin conductance. After the pulse, the nonactin-K+ asymmetry returns to its original value if the alamethicin conductance is not turned on. The time-course of this return allows an estimate of the diffusion constant of lipid in the planar bilayer. The value obtained is 5.1 x 10(-8) cm2/s.  相似文献   

Strong aggregation of incorporated alamethicin in the bilayer of lipid vesicles has been observed spectroscopically at aqueous peptide concentrations above a critical value c*. On the other hand, in conventional gating studies with planar lipid films, the onset of conducting pore formation can be characterized by a threshold voltage V.. We present experimental evidence of a direct correspondence between the effects on c* and V. when these parameters are modulated by adding NaCl (to the aqueous medium) or cholesterol (to the lipid moiety). A quantitative analysis supports the idea that the measured aggregation actually results in pore formation, the voltage-dependence being due to an electric field effect on the partition equilibrium of the peptide between the aqueous and the lipid phases.  相似文献   

Understanding the binding and insertion of peptides in lipid bilayers is a prerequisite for understanding phenomena such as antimicrobial activity and membrane-protein folding. We describe molecular dynamics simulations of the antimicrobial peptide alamethicin in lipid/water and octane/water environments, taking into account an external electric field to mimic the membrane potential. At cis-positive potentials, alamethicin does not insert into a phospholipid bilayer in 10 ns of simulation, due to the slow dynamics of the peptide and lipids. However, in octane N-terminal insertion occurs at field strengths from 0.33 V/nm and higher, in simulations of up to 100 ns duration. Insertion of alamethicin occurs in two steps, corresponding to desolvation of the Gln7 side chain, and the backbone of Aib10 and Gly11. The proline induced helix kink angle does not change significantly during insertion. Polyalanine and alamethicin form stable helices both when inserted in octane and at the water/octane interface, where they partition in the same location. In water, both polyalanine and alamethicin partially unfold in multiple simulations. We present a detailed analysis of the insertion of alamethicin into the octane slab and the influence of the external field on the peptide structure. Our findings give new insight into the mechanism of channel formation by alamethicin and the structure and dynamics of membrane-associated helices.  相似文献   

The ion currents induced by alamethicin were investigated in unilamellar vesicles using electron paramagnetic resonance probe techniques. The peptide induced currents were examined as a function of the membrane bound peptide concentration, and as a function of the transmembrane electrical potential. Because of the favorable partitioning of alamethicin to membranes and the large membrane area to aqueous volume in vesicle suspensions, these measurements could be carried out under conditions where all the alamethicin was membrane bound. Over the concentration range examined, the peptide induced conductances increased approximately with the fourth power of the membrane bound peptide concentration, indicating a channel molecularity of four. When the alamethicin induced currents were examined as a function of voltage, they exhibited a superlinear behavior similar to that seen in planar bilayers. Evidence for the voltage-dependent conduction of alamethicin was also observed in the time dependence of vesicle depolarization. These observations indicate that the voltage-dependent behavior of alamethicin can occur in the absence of a voltage-dependent phase partitioning. That is, a voltage-dependent conformational rearrangement for membrane bound alamethicin leads to a voltage-dependent activity.  相似文献   

Voltage-dependent orientation of membrane proteins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In order to study the influence of electrostatic forces on the disposition of proteins in membranes, we have examined the interaction of a receptor protein and of a membrane-active peptide with black lipid membranes. In the first study we show that the hepatic asialoglycoprotein receptor can insert spontaneously into lipid bilayers from the aqueous medium. Under the influence of a trans-positive membrane potential, the receptor, a negatively charged protein, appears to change its disposition with respect to the membrane. In the second study we consider melittin, an amphipathic peptide containing a generally hydrophobic stretch of 19 amino acids followed by a cluster of four positively charged residues at the carboxy terminus. The hydrophobic region contains two positively charged residues. In response to trans-negative electrical potential, melittin appears to assume a transbilayer position. These findings indicate that electrostatic forces can influence the disposition, and perhaps the orientation, of membrane proteins. Given the inside-negative potential of most or all cells, we would expect transmembrane proteins to have clusters of positively charged residues adjacent to the cytoplasmic ends of their hydrophobic transmembrane segments, and clusters of negatively charged residues just to the extracytoplasmic side. This expectation has been borne out by examination of the few transmembrane proteins for which there is sufficient information on both sequence and orientation. Surface and dipole potentials may similarly affect the orientation of membrane proteins.  相似文献   

《FEBS letters》1987,224(1):208-212
The ionophore properties of two peptaibols of the trichorzianine family have been investigated in planar lipid bilayers and compared to those of alamethicin. Macroscopic conductance experiments reveal voltage-dependent channels only in the thinnest membranes and a greater efficiency of the neutral analog. In single-channel experiments, a multi-state behaviour, consistent with the usual barrel-stave model, is disclosed but the discrete current fluctuations are much more rapid than for alamethicin. The results indicate a stringent requirement for the helix length/bilayer thickness match in agreement with a previous model and suggest the design of new synthetic peptides.  相似文献   

Under voltage clamp conditions proof of the presence of two populations of potassium current channels was obtained on the molluscan neuron somatic membrane: inactivated and uninactivated. They differ from each other in their physicochemical characteristics, the property of their gating mechanisms, and the molecular structure of their current-conducting part. The inactivated potassium current is largely and selectively inhibited by cooling. Channels of the fast potassium current also are highly sensitive to temperature changes. By using parameters of gating mechanisms of the "fast" potassium channels included in the Hodgkin-Huxley model, the physicochemical properties of channels of this type were described. The density of fixd negative surface charges on the somatic membrane in the region of localization of fast potassium channels was estimated with the aid of the Gouy-Chapman theory. It is 0.3 electron charge/nm2. Data on the character of interaction of potassium channels with intracellular sodium ions revealed differences in the structure of the current-conducting part of different types of potassium channels. Experiments on intracellularly perfused molluscan neurons demonstrated the particular features of interaction between intracellular calcium ions and calcium-activated channels under conditions of strictly controlled changes in the intracellular calcium concentration.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 296–307, May–June, 1984.  相似文献   

Transmembrane channels have been found in the membrane fraction of corn (Zea mays W64AN) mitochondria that exhibit a remarkable resemblance to the voltage dependent anion-selective channels (VDAC) located in the outer membrane of animal (Rattus norvegicus), protist (Paramecium aurelia), and fungal (Neurospora crassa) mitochondria. The channels in corn were demonstrated to be essentially identical to VDAC channels in three characteristic properties: (a) single channel conductance magnitude, (b) weak anion selectivity, and (c) nature of voltage dependence. These findings led us to conclude that the channels present in corn mitochondria are VDAC channels. This discovery may have repercussions concerning the regulation and function of higher plant mitochondria, and the causation of higher plant excitability.  相似文献   

Transduction of membrane tension by the ion channel alamethicin.   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Mechanoelectrical transduction in biological cells is generally attributed to tension-sensitive ion channels, but their mechanisms and physiology remain controversial due to the elusiveness of the channel proteins and potential cytoskeletal interactions. Our discovery of membrane tension sensitivity in ion channels formed by the protein alamethicin reconstituted into pure lipid membranes has demonstrated two simple physical mechanisms of cytoskeleton-independent transduction. Single channel analysis has shown that membrane tension energizes mechanical work for changes of conductance state equal to tension times the associated increase in membrane area. Results show a approximately 40 A2 increase in pore area and transfer of an 80-A2 polypeptide into the membrane. Both mechanisms may be implicated in mechanical signal transduction by cells.  相似文献   

Voltage-dependent anion channels (VDACs) have originally been characterized as mitochondrial porins. Starting in the late 1980s, however, evidence began to accumulate that VDACs can also be expressed in plasma membranes. In this review, we briefly revisit the historical milestones in the discovery of plasma membrane-bound VDAC, and we critically analyze the evidence for VDAC plasma membrane localization obtained from various purification strategies and recently from plasma membrane proteomics studies. We discuss the possible biological function and relevance of VDAC in the plasma membrane and finally discuss a hypothetical model of how VDAC may be targeted to the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Membrane ionic currents in striated muscle bundles of lamprey suction apparatus were recorded using a double sucrose gap technique. Transmembrane currents in a single muscle fiber and a fiber bundle in the frog were compared so as to check the validity of current measurement in multicell preparations. It was found that fast inward sodium currents arise in the lamprey muscle membrane in response to depolarization together with a delayed outward potassium current, with steady-state characteristics resembling those of membrane currents in frog muscle. The only difference consisted of a flatter curve for steady-state inactivation of potassium current, probably indicative of greater density of potassium channels. Both the changes in reversal potential and the speed of potassium current deactivation occurring during protracted stimuli point to the presence of two fractions in this current. No functioning voltage-dependent calcium channels are found in the lamprey muscle membrane.I. M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 18, No. 5, pp. 629–636, September–October, 1986.  相似文献   

Since Popot and Engelman proposed the 'two-stage' thermodynamic framework for dissecting the energetics of helical membrane protein folding, scientists have endeavored to measure the free energies of helix-helix associations to better understand how interactions between helices stabilize and specify native membrane protein folds. Chief among the biophysical tools used to probe these energies are sedimentation equilibrium analytical ultracentrifugation, fluorescence resonance energy transfer, and thiol disulfide interchange experiments. Direct and indirect comparisons of thermodynamic results suggest that differences in helix-helix stabilities between micelles and bilayers may not be as large as previously anticipated. Genetic approaches continue to become more quantitative, and the propensities for helices to interact in bacterial membranes generally correlate well with in vitro measurements.  相似文献   

The reaction of fluorescence-labeled alamethicin with unilamellar phospholipid vesicles (DOPC and DMPC) has been investigated in a stopped-flow apparatus. Clearly single exponential time functions have been observed at temperatures above the phase transition of the bilayer. This can be interpreted in terms of an essentially one-step incorporation process. The pseudo first-order forward rate is found to be quite fast, falling in a range somewhat below the diffusion controlled upper bound. The data are quantitatively very well described on the basis of a simple mechanism. This comprises diffusion of peptide into the bilayer accompanied by a more or less slower change of the secondary structure. Aggregation of the incorporated molecules at higher concentrations is indicated to be comparatively rapid.  相似文献   

Voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels in the plasma membrane and the vacuolar membrane of Arabidopsis thaliana have been studied at the single-channel level using the patch-clamp technique. The Ca2+ channel in the plasma membrane opened for extracellular Ca2+ influx. The Ca2+ channel in the vacuolar membrane opened for cytoplasmic Ca2+ influx.  相似文献   

Numerous biological assays and pharmacological studies on various higher plant tissues have led to the suggestion that voltage-dependent plasma membrane Ca2+ channels play prominent roles in initiating signal transduction processes during plant growth and development. However, to date no direct evidence has been obtained for the existence of such depolarization-activated Ca2+ channels in the plasma membrane of higher plant cells. Carrot suspension cells (Daucus carota L.) provide a well-suited system to determine whether voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels are present in the plasma membrane of higher plants and to characterize the properties of putative Ca2+ channels. It is known that both depolarization, caused by raising extracellular K+, and exposure to fungal toxins or oligogalacturonides induce Ca2+ influx into carrot cells. By direct application of patch-clamp techniques to isolated carrot protoplasts, we show here that depolarization of the plasma membrane positive to -135 mV activates Ca(2+)-permeable channels. These voltage-dependent ion channels were more permeable to Ca2+ than K+, while displaying large permeabilities to Ba2+ and Mg2+ ions. Ca(2+)-permeable channels showed slow and reversible inactivation. The single-channel conductance was 13 pS in 40 mM CaCl2. These data provide direct evidence for the existence of voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels in the plasma membrane of a higher plant cell and point to physiological mechanisms for plant Ca2+ channel regulation. The depolarization-activated Ca(2+)-permeable channels identified here could constitute a regulated pathway for Ca2+ influx in response to physiologically occurring stimulus-induced depolarizations in higher plant cells.  相似文献   

The free energy cost ΔG of partitioning many unfolded peptides into membrane interfaces is unfavorable due to the cost of partitioning backbone peptide bonds. The partitioning cost is dramatically reduced if the peptide bonds participate in hydrogen bonds. The reduced cost underlies secondary structure formation by amphiphilic peptides partitioned into membrane interfaces through a process referred to as partitioning-folding coupling. This coupling is characterized by the free energy reduction per residue, ?G(res) that drives folding. There is some debate about the correct value of ?G(res) and its dependence on the hydrophobic moment (μ(H)) of amphiphilic α-helical peptides. We show how to compute ?G(res) correctly. Using published data for two families of peptides with different hydrophobic moments and charges, we find that ?G(res) does not depend upon μ(H). The best estimate of ?G(res) is -0.37 ± 0.02 kcal mol(-1). This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Membrane protein structure and function.  相似文献   

Summary Attenuated total reflection infrared spectroscopy has been used to determine the equilibrium distribution of the peptide antibiotic alamethicinR F30 between dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine bilayers and the aqueous environment. The distribution coefficientK=c eq W /c eq M turned out to be concentration dependent, pointing to alamethicin association in the membrane with increasing concentration in the aqueous phase (c eq W ). This concentration was varied within 28 and 310nm, i.e., in a range typical for black film experiments. Furthermore, diffusion coefficients of alamethicin in the hydrophobic phase of the membrane (D M) and across the membrane/water interface (D I) have been estimated from the time course of the equilibration process. It was found that the diffusion rate of the uncharged analogueR F50 is about 10 times higher than that of theR F30 component, exhibiting one negative charge at theC-terminus. The time constants for transmembrane diffusion of alamethicinR F30 varied between 2.2 hr at low concentration and 3.2 hr at higher concentration. The corresponding low concentration value of theR F50 component was found to be 0.25 hr.  相似文献   

The pore-forming properties of native and synthetic alamethicins were investigated in photoreceptor rod outer segments (OS) isolated from frog retina, and recorded in whole-cell configuration. The peptaibols were applied (and removed) to (from) the OS within less than 50 ms by means of a computer-controlled micro-perfusion system. Once blocked with light, the main OS endogenous conductance, the OS membrane resistance was >1 GOmega, allowing low-noise and high-resolution recordings. Currents of ca. 700 pA were recorded in symmetric K(+) (100 mM) and Ca(2+) (1 mM), upon applying 1 microM of alamethicin F50/5 or its [L-Glu(OMe)(7,18,19)] analogue to the OS membrane (clamped at -20 mV). In the latter peptide, the Gln residues at positions 7, 18, and 19 were substituted with side-chain esterified Glu residues. For both peptides, the current activated exponentially, with a delay from peptide application, and exponentially returned to zero without any delay, upon removing the peptide from the external solution. The delay as well as the activation (tau(a)) and deactivation (tau(d)) time constants of the current produced by the modified alamethicin were much slower, and the current noise was much larger, with respect to the corresponding values for alamethicin F50/5. Therefore, the above three Gln residues are not a key factor for pore formation, but the [L-Glu(OMe)(7,18,19)] analogue produces larger pores with a lower probability of formation.  相似文献   

The nature and magnitude of voltage sensor conformational changes during ion channel activation are controversial. We have analyzed the topology of the KVAP voltage sensor domain in the absence and presence of a hyperpolarized voltage using native, right-side out membrane vesicles from E. coli. This approach does not disrupt the normal membrane environment of the channel protein and does not involve detergent solubilization. We found that voltage-dependent conformational changes are focused in the N-terminal half of the KVAP S4 segment, in excellent agreement with results obtained with Shaker. Homologous residues in the KVAP and Shaker S4 segments are transferred from the extracellular to the intracellular compartment upon hyperpolarization. Taken together with X-ray structures indicating that the KVAP S4 segment is outwardly displaced at 0 mV compared to S4 in a mammalian Shaker channel, our results are consistent with the idea that S4 moves further during voltage-dependent activation in KVAP than in Shaker.  相似文献   

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