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目的研究及观察SD大鼠和巴马小型猪皮肤的正常比较组织学。方法取SD大鼠和巴马小型猪不同部位的皮肤进行石蜡切片、HE染色,光学显微镜观察。结果两种动物的皮肤组织学结构在以下方面存在着显著差异:1.SD大鼠的毛囊成簇分布,平均3~9成群,而巴马小型猪的毛囊较稀少;2.SD大鼠表皮较薄,没有透明层,基底细胞缺乏异质性,真皮与表皮连接面平坦,没有皮钉;而在巴马小型猪皮肤表皮和真皮连接区,有上下交错的表皮皮钉和真皮乳头;3.SD大鼠的真皮结构相对松散,真皮血管系统不发达,而巴马小型猪皮肤的真皮网织层和乳头层交界的地方,水平分布着很多的浅表小静脉和小动脉丛,这种血管分布的方式与人类皮肤中的血管分布极为类似;4.SD大鼠的汗腺只局限于足垫的皮肤,汗腺上皮只有一种细胞类型,腺细胞呈立方形或矮柱状,胞核圆形,导管短而弯曲,由两层上皮细胞组成。而巴马小型猪皮肤的汗腺是顶泌汗腺,分布于真皮和脂肪相接的真皮深层,分泌部为粗管,管腔大,盘曲成团。腺细胞呈立方形或扁平,胞核圆形或长梭形。腺细胞与基膜之间也有肌上皮细胞。导管较细而直,开口于毛囊上段。  相似文献   

姜目芭蕉群植物种子解剖学研究及其系统学意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了姜目芭蕉群代表植物象腿蕉属象腿蕉(Ensete glaucum)、旅人蕉属旅人蕉(Ravenala madagascariensis)与蝎尾蕉属Heliconia faranmansis?D6肿咏馄侍卣鳌=峁砻鳎笸冉段藜僦制ぃ制し只霰砥ぁ⒑癖谧橹赴褪赴悖赴瞿谇邢虮谟刖断虮谠龊瘢缓系闱哂泻系闶矣牒系愣眩谥制ち恢榭浊兄榭琢旌涂赘堑姆只榭琢煳涡停赘侵挥赡谥制は赴钩桑褐榭浊制ぱ由煨纬芍制昵唬和馀呷?层细胞:内胚乳细胞径向延长,细胞内充满淀粉粒。旅人蕉具假种皮,种皮分化出外种皮、中种皮和内种皮,外种皮细胞纵向延长,中种皮为7-9层切向延长的薄壁细胞,内种皮为石细胞型:合点区无合点室,内种皮在此出现缺口,缺口为整体轮廓呈喇叭形的近等径薄壁细胞群填充;珠孔区无珠孔领与孔盖的分化:外胚乳缺,内胚乳发达。蝎尾蕉属的Heliconia faranmansis?D6肿游藜僦制ぃ制の薹只墒闾寤闲∏揖断蜓映げ⑴帕形だ缸吹谋”谙赴钩桑褐榭锥酥制は蛲庋由欤纬衫嗨平浦肿拥闹指纷唇峁梗何蘅赘怯胫榭琢斓哂杏晒ば纬傻挠不牵缓系闱肼萌私断嗨疲煌馀呷樵?-4层细胞,细胞壁波浪形弯曲,内胚乳发达。综合作者对兰花蕉(Orchidanha chinensis)和前人对芭蕉群的种子解剖学研究结果,初步总结了芭蕉群种子解剖学特征及其进化式样,讨论了姜目芭蕉群四科种子解剖学特征的系统分类学意义。  相似文献   

记述了产自四川省自贡市的一具蜥脚类幼年个体材料。根据枢椎极短而高,颈神经棘低、上缘平直、前后延长,背神经棘呈横宽的板状,中部颈肋的前突分叉等特征将它命名为一新属新种——张氏大安龙Daanosaurus zhangi gen.etsp.nov.,并将它归入巧龙亚科Bellusaurinae。  相似文献   


The subfamily Deltocephalinae is represented in New Zealand by 3 tribes, 9 genera, and 20 species, of which 3 genera and 13 species are new to science. All taxa are described, and keys are given for their separation. Three of the genera are endemic, 3 are Australian, 2 are Holarctic, and 1 is cosmopolitan. Nesoclutha and Macrosteles are recorded in New Zealand for the first time, and the presence of Deltocephalus is authenticated. Fourteen species are endemic, 4 are Australian, 1 is widespread in the Pacific area, and 1 is Holarctic. Nesoclutha pallida, Macrosteles fieberi, and Deltocephalus hospes are recorded in New Zealand for the first time.  相似文献   

扬子鳄皮肤腺结构与发育的初步观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
扬子鳄有三种皮肤腺:背腺、泄殖腔麝腺和下颌腺。背腺位于背中线左右两侧第二行鳞片下方,其确切位置个体间差异很大,如表1。幼鳄背腺形态多种多样,但显示出是一种退化器官,未观察到腺开口,也未观察到半成鳄和成鳄的背腺,因此扬子鳄背腺可能不具功能。泄殖腔麝腺位于泄殖腔腹唇内,梨形,腺管开口于泄殖腔腹壁,成体腺腔很大,腺的底部壁较厚,腺细胞明显地分成若干小叶,其它部位壁较薄,小叶不明显,属全泌腺,分泌油脂物,繁殖期特别发达,但性未成熟个体亦具功能,是一种信息素下颌腺位于下颌后方两侧皮肤内,圆柱状,脉管开口于下颌腹侧皮肤表面,成体腺腔不规则,腺壁厚,从包囊到腺腔,腺细胞可明显地分成三个区,属全泌腺,分泌油脂物,在繁殖期特别发达,此腺到性成熟才具功能。  相似文献   

The dynamics and equilibrium structure of a deterministic population-genetic model of migration and selection acting on multiple multiallelic loci is studied. A large population of diploid individuals is distributed over finitely many demes connected by migration. Generations are discrete and nonoverlapping, migration is irreducible and aperiodic, all pairwise recombination rates are positive, and selection may vary across demes. It is proved that, in the absence of selection, all trajectories converge at a geometric rate to a manifold on which global linkage equilibrium holds and allele frequencies are identical across demes. Various limiting cases are derived in which one or more of the three evolutionary forces, selection, migration, and recombination, are weak relative to the others. Two are particularly interesting. If migration and recombination are strong relative to selection, the dynamics can be conceived as a perturbation of the so-called weak-selection limit, a simple dynamical system for suitably averaged allele frequencies. Under nondegeneracy assumptions on this weak-selection limit which are generic, every equilibrium of the full dynamics is a perturbation of an equilibrium of the weak-selection limit and has the same stability properties. The number of equilibria is the same in both systems, equilibria in the full (perturbed) system are in quasi-linkage equilibrium, and differences among allele frequencies across demes are small. If migration is weak relative to recombination and epistasis is also weak, then every equilibrium is a perturbation of an equilibrium of the corresponding system without migration, has the same stability properties, and is in quasi-linkage equilibrium. In both cases, every trajectory converges to an equilibrium, thus no cycling or complicated dynamics can occur.   相似文献   

五种紫萼藓科植物茎及叶的解剖学观察   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
王虹 《植物研究》2002,22(1):T001-T002
对紫萼藓科紫萼藓属中的5种植物,运用石蜡切片法和扫描电镜法,对其茎的结构及叶表皮角质层皱褶、孔及纹饰等特征进行观察分析,结果表明:长枝紫萼藓(Grimmia elongata Kaulf.)茎呈多棱形,片状附属物沿叶腹面表皮连成带状,而叶背面角质层纹饰呈辐射状的裂片;圆蒴紫萼藓(Grimmia a pocarpa Hedw.)茎、叶细胞中内含物非常浓厚,细胞不透明,中助的角质层纹饰呈纵向的线状;高山紫萼藓(Grimmia alpicola Sw.ex Hedw.)中肋宽厚,孔呈梯形排列,叶背面角质层皱褶呈“菊花状”纹饰,叶腹面孔口处有“眼皮状”鳞片覆盖;卵叶紫萼藓(Grimmia o-valis(Hedw.)Lindb.)茎无明显的中轴部;中肋“导水细胞”发达,叶表面密布粗疣和网状排列的大孔,且孔深陷;毛尖紫萼藓(Grimmia pilifera P.Beauv.)茎的外皮部和内皮部之间有一层“鞘状”物质,叶背面孔的形状呈挤压状。  相似文献   

利用扫描和透射电子显微镜,观察了番荔枝科(Annonaceae)4属4种植物的花粉形态与结构.刺果番荔枝(Annona muricata)和金钩花(Pseuduvaria trimera)为四合花粉,有四角形、偏菱形、T-型、十字形和四面体形.前者花粉表面具小穿孔,后者为皱波状纹饰.蕉木(Oncodostigma hainanense)和那大紫玉盘(Uvaria macclurei)为单花粉,前者表面为皱波状纹饰,后者为粗褶皱状纹饰.透射电子显微镜下,蕉木和那大紫玉盘覆盖层较厚、连续.蕉木覆盖下层较薄,偶尔可见颗粒状物质或不规则小柱,为过渡型覆盖下层;那大紫玉盘覆盖下层颗粒状.基层分为内外两层,外层较厚,平或呈波浪状,内层具有2~4片层结构.在不同属或同属不同种之间,花粉特征差异较大,多样性非常丰富.金钩花具有四合花粉、覆盖下层小柱状等进化特征,同时又具有花粉粒小、覆盖层无穿孔等较原始特征.  相似文献   

安徽祁门地区种子植物区系组成及特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张光富  钱士心 《植物研究》2005,25(3):351-357
祁门地区位于皖南山区南端,种子植物区系组成丰富,经调查种子植物有147科731属1822种(包括亚种、变种、变型),其中17种为国家级珍稀濒危保护植物。该地区的种子植物优势科为木通科、猕猴桃科、槭树科、金缕梅科、榆科等亚热带和温带分布科。科有11种分布类型,以泛热带分布为主(占51.9%);属有14种分布类型,以北温带分布最多(占20.5%),其中温带性地理成分占55.6%;种有13种分布类型,以中国特有分布最多(占50.8%),其中温带性地理成分占33.1%,因此该区系地理成分复杂,并且具有温带区系性质。此外,该区系起源古老;替代现象和特有植物较为明显。  相似文献   

Classical cadherins are cell-surface glycoproteins that mediate calcium-dependent cell adhesion. The cytoplasmic domain of these glycoproteins is linked to the cytoskeleton through the catenins (α, β and γ). The catenins are intracellular polypeptides that are part of a complex sub-membranous network modulating the adhesive ability of the cells. One approach to elucidate the role of these molecules in the cell is to investigate their distribution during mouse development and in adult tissues. This study reports that catenins are widely expressed but in varying amounts in embryos and adult tissues. The expression of all three catenins is most prominent in the adult heart muscle and in epithelia of all developmental stages. In other embryonic and adult tissues, lower expression of catenins was detected, e.g., in smooth muscle or connective tissue. Catenins are coexpressed with various cadherins in different tissues. Gastrulation is the first time during embryogenesis when a discrepancy occurs between the expression of catenins and E-cadherin. E-cadherin expression is suppressed in mesodermal cells but not the expression of catenins. This discrepancy suggests that another cadherin may interact with catenins. Similarly, E-cadherin is generally expressed in adult liver but not in the regions surrounding the central veins. In contrast, catenins are uniformly expressed in the liver, suggesting that they are associated with other cadherins in E-cadherin negative cells. Finally, the three catenins are not always concurrently expressed. For example, in peripheral nerves, only β-catenin is observable, and in smooth muscle plakoglobin is not detectable.  相似文献   

四川自贡发现合川马门溪龙新材料   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叶勇  欧阳辉  傅乾明 《古脊椎动物学报》2001,39(4):266-271,T001
记述了产自四川自贡上侏罗统的一具较完整的蜥脚类恐龙骨架 ,将其归入合川马门溪龙 (Mamenchisaurushochuanensis)中。新材料的发现弥补了合川种正型标本的不足 ,对合川种的特征作了重要补充 ,同时也使我们对马门溪龙的末端尾椎形态有了新的认识。  相似文献   

2001年春,自贡市永安乡村民王新民在自家花园附近的紫红色沙质泥岩里发现一批脊椎动物化石。自贡恐龙博物馆接到报告后,由舒纯康同志前往调查处理,并将这批化石发掘回馆。该化石为一具不完整蛇颈龙类骨架,因其左后肢带骨较完整,有必要对它进行报道。  相似文献   

中国刺猬的染色体研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用全血培养和骨髓染色体制片法,对分布于我国南京市郊和济南市郊的刺猬染色体进行了组型、C-带、G-带和银染色的观察分析,并与东欧、西欧两种刺猬比较,它们之间的核型及带型差异显著;又将南京、济南及金清波(1985)报道的河南新乡三地分布的刺猬进行比较,它们的核型及带型也显示出一定差异,这种多态性在分类和进化上有一定的意义。  相似文献   

The metaphorical nature of biological language is examined and the use of metaphors for providing the linguistic context in which similarities and differences are made is described. Certain pervasive metaphors which are characterised by systemic properties are noted, and in order to provide some focus to the study, systemic metaphors associated with machine, text and organism are discussed. Other systemic metaphors such as society and circuit are also reported. Some details concerning interrelations between automaton and organism are presented in the light of the previous discussion.An approach towards the analysis of biosystem metaphors is outlined which relates part-whole, organisational level and systemic metaphors in a single model. Examples are provided throughout the discussion and mainly come from computing. The potential for metaphorical transfers between these domains is considered.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of nematophagous fungi in soil collected from a deciduous woodland is compared to various biotic and abiotic soil factors. The microfungi are isolated at all depths down to a maximum of 35 cm. Predators forming constricting rings, adhesive branches and adhesive knobs are restricted to the upper litter and humus layers. The net forming predators and endoparasites are isolated at all depths, although they are significantly more abundant in the lower mineral rich soils. A much greater species diversity of nematophagous fungi is recorded in the upper organic zones.Preliminary soil analysis indicates thatCephalosporium balanoides is independent of all soil variables, while predators able to form traps spontaneously are restricted to the organic soils which are rich in nematodes. Non-spontaneous trap forming predators, which are excellent saprophytes, are isolated from the deeper soils which are low in nutrients. The ecological significance of these results is discussed.  相似文献   

Quantitative and qualitative data are presented for seven collections representing two varieties (unlike in habit) of Gnetum gnemon. Tracheids are present, but abundant and intermixed with them are septate fibre-tracheids rich in starch. Axial parenchyma has been reported only once previously for the species. Axial parenchyma is in strands of 4–10 cells, is rich in starch, is primarily vasicentric (paratracheal) in distribution, less commonly diffuse. About equally common are simple and compound perforation plates; the latter are composed of from two to about ten bordered foraminate perforations, the shape of which may be altered by crowding or coalescence, but is clearly still foraminate. Lateral walls of vessels bear pits that are vestured around pit cavities, not facing the pit membrane. Rays are composed mostly of procumbent cells; the tangential walls bear bordered pits. Crystals, present in ray cells and (rarely) axial parenchyma vary widely in size. Crystalliferous sclereids with layered walls, starch-rich parenchyma, and gelatinous secondary phloem fibres are the main components of bark. Early stages in origin of successive vascular cambia in bark are newly described. When representative conditions are derived from study of large numbers of slides, the classical view that Gnetum vessels are unlike those of angiosperms is supported. Features of Gnetum gnemon wood are discussed in the light of ecology and conductive physiology.  相似文献   

Limb morphology across the arthropods is reviewed using external morphological and internal anatomical data from both recent and fossil arthropods. Evolutionary trends in limb structure are identified primarily by reference to the more rigorous of the many existing phylogenetic schemes, but no major new phylogenetic inferences are presented. Tagmosis patterns are not considered, although the origins and patterns of heteronomy within the postantennulary limb series are analysed. The phenomenon of annulation is examined and two basic types of annuli are recognised: terminal and intercalary. The annulation of the apical segment of a limb results in the formation of terminal flagella, and is typical of primarily sensory appendages such as insect and malacostracan antennules and maxillary palps of some hexapods. Intercalary annulation, arising by subdivision of existing subterminal segments, is common, particularly in the tarsal region of arthropodan walking limbs. Differentiating between segments and annuli is discussed and is recognised as a limiting factor in the interpretation of fossils, which usually lack information on intrinsic musculature, and in the construction of groundplans. Rare examples of secondary segmentation, where the criteria for distinguishing between segments and annuli fail, are also highlighted. The basic crown-group arthropodan limb is identified as tripartite, comprising protopodite, telopodite and exopodite, and the basic segmentation patterns of each of these parts are hypothesised. Possible criteria are discussed that can be used for establishing the boundary between protopodite and telopodite in limbs that are uniramous through loss of the exopodite. The subdivision of the protopodite, which is typical of the postantennulary limbs of mandibulates, is examined. The difficulties resulting from the partial or complete failure of expression of articulations within the mandibulate protopodite and subsequent incorporation of partial protopodal segments into the body wall, are also discussed. The development and homology between the various exites, including gills, on the postantennulary limbs of arthropods are considered in some detail, and the question of the possible homology between crustacean gills and insect wings is critically addressed. The hypothesis that there are only two basic limb types in arthropods, antennules and postantennulary limbs, is proposed and its apparent contradiction by the transformation of antennules into walking limbs by homeotic mutation is discussed with respect to the appropriate level of serial homology between these limbs.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with the way ethnic and racial categories are achieved and sustained in daily talk. We argue against the notion of social categories as immanent cognitive structures whose existence and significance can be taken for granted. It is emphasized that categories are constructed in discourse. The construction and representation of ethnic categories are studied by analysing discussions held by some ethnically Dutch inhabitants of an inner‐city quarter in Rotterdam. There were two discussion groups (six and five participants respectively) and each group met one evening a week in a row in the local community centre for four weeks. All eight sessions were taped and transcribed and each session lasted approximately two and a half hours. Our goal is to describe in detail some of the discourses that are being used to achieve and sustain specific categorical representations. First, the nature of the different categorical constructs used is analysed. It is shown that people use different criteria for constructing ‘us‐them’ distinctions and that this multiplicity is rhetorically useful. Second, the ways in which categorical constructions are represented and vary in discourse are identified and outlined. Subsequently, the means by which these representations are achieved and sustained is examined. Attention is focued on comparisons that are being made, on the use of metaphors, and on the process of concretiz‐ation. Third, some of the cultural values drawn upon in legitimizing the representations are explored. It is shown how the taken‐for‐granted notions of freedom, merit, equality and tolerance are used to construct and legitimize ethnic representations. Finally, it is argued that a discourse approach can provide important additional insights into issues concerning ethnic relations and racism. For one thing it can help to develop strategies for reconstructing the predominant distinction between ‘us’ and ‘them’.  相似文献   

The organelle DNA in generative cell and its behavior during spermatogenesis in Pharbitis limbata and P. purpurea were observed by epifluorescence microscopy stained with 4',-6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI). In these two species, the generative cell is long and thin in which a great amount of cytoplasmic DNA is present. Most pairs of sperm cells are isomorphic, in which one end is obtuse and the other is elongate, but in a few pairs dimorphi sperms are present. The nucleus is located at one end of the cell. A lot of cytoplasmic DNA are distributed randomly throughout the cytoplasm. The size of organelle nucleoids and their fluorescence intensity are different in a sperm cell. The features of generative cell and sperm cell, and behavior of cytoplasmic DNA are similar in P. limbata and P. purpurea. The obvious differences between them are that the size and fluorescence intensity of organelle nucleoids in P. purpurea are respectively smaller and weaker than in P. limbata. The results showed that morning glory has potential of biparental or paternal cytoplasmic in heritance. Isomorphism and dimorphism of sperms, and the relationship between the ratio of nucleus and cytoplasm in sperm cell and the plastid biparental inheritance are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper 7 species of wildflowers were collected from Beijing suburb and Jilin Province. They are all common sightly and hardy perennials in their localities (See the Appendix for detail of the materials). The micrographs of their somatic metaphases are shown in Plate 1; the karyotype formulae, ranges of chromosome length and classification of karyotypes according to Stebbins (1971) are shown in Table 1; the idiograms of 5 species in Figs. 1-5. The karyotype analysis is made on the basis of Li and Chen (1985)(1). The essential points are as follows; (1) Ten pairs of chromosomes of Achyrophorus ciliatus are all submetacentric (sm). (2) Twelve pairs of chromosomes are all metacentric (m), and the short arms of the seventh pair of chromosomes with a pair of satellites in Orychophragmus violaceus. (3) The seventh and nineth pairs of chromosomes are sm and the short arms of latter with satellites in Silene repens var. angustifolia. It is reported for the first time. (4) In Scabiosa tschiliensis. the first, fourth, fifth and eighth pairs of chromosomes are sm, the sixth is terminal (t). The second and seventh are subterminal (st), the third is m. There are satellites on the short arms of third and seventh pairs. It is reported for the first time. (5) The eleventh pair of chromosomes is sm and the others are all m. The short arms of the twelfth pairs with satellites in Lychnis fulgens. (6) The chromosome number (2n) is 42, with a pair of satellites in Papaver pseudo-radicatum. It is also reported for the first time. (7) The chromosome number is2n=56 with two pairs of satellites in Rehmannia glutinosa.  相似文献   

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