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A mathematical model that describes the replication of influenza A virus in animal cells in large-scale microcarrier culture is presented. The virus is produced in a two-step process, which begins with the growth of adherent Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells. After several washing steps serum-free virus maintenance medium is added, and the cells are infected with equine influenza virus (A/Equi 2 (H3N8), Newmarket 1/93). A time-delayed model is considered that has three state variables: the number of uninfected cells, infected cells, and free virus particles. It is assumed that uninfected cells adsorb the virus added at the time of infection. The infection rate is proportional to the number of uninfected cells and free virions. Depending on multiplicity of infection (MOI), not necessarily all cells are infected by this first step leading to the production of free virions. Newly produced viruses can infect the remaining uninfected cells in a chain reaction. To follow the time course of virus replication, infected cells were stained with fluorescent antibodies. Quantitation of influenza viruses by a hemagglutination assay (HA) enabled the estimation of the total number of new virions produced, which is relevant for the production of inactivated influenza vaccines. It takes about 4-6 h before visibly infected cells can be identified on the microcarriers followed by a strong increase in HA titers after 15-16 h in the medium. Maximum virus yield Vmax was about 1x10(10) virions/mL (2.4 log HA units/100 microL), which corresponds to a burst size ratio of about 18,755 virus particles produced per cell. The model tracks the time course of uninfected and infected cells as well as virus production. It suggests that small variations (<10%) in initial values and specific rates do not have a significant influence on Vmax. The main parameters relevant for the optimization of virus antigen yields are specific virus replication rate and specific cell death rate due to infection. Simulation studies indicate that a mathematical model that neglects the delay between virus infection and the release of new virions gives similar results with respect to overall virus dynamics compared with a time delayed model.  相似文献   

Pilot production of u-PA with porous microcarrier cell culture   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A recombinant DNA CHO cell line secretingurokinase-type plasminogen activator (u-PA) wascultivated with Cytopore cellulose porousmicrocarriers in a 30l Biostat UC stirred tankreactor. After 26 days of culture, using a spinfilter toretain cells in bioreactor, the cell density couldreach 1.33 × 107 ml-1. The maximal u-PAactivity in supernatant was 7335 IU·ml-1, and204l supernatant containing 7.1 g u-PA was harvested.After 100 days of culture with 0.1% fetal bovineserum medium, a modified cell retention system whichcan be washed-out backward, substituted thespinfilter to prevent filter clogging. The maximalcell density was over 107 ml-1, the maximalu-PA activity in supernatant reached 6250IU·ml-1, and 1604l supernatant containing about51 g u-PA was harvested. Compared to perfusionculture, batch medium-replaced culture could raiseutilizing efficiency of the medium, increase cell specificproductivity and improve the quality of the product which wasnot steady in a 37 °C environment. Cells can movefrom seed porous microcarriers occupied by cells tovacant microcarriers spontaneously, withouttrypsinization, and continue to grow until all microcarriers contained cells. It shows that Cytoporeporous microcarriers are very useful and convenient toscale up cultivation step by step.  相似文献   

Summary Studies conducted with virus-infected monolayer cell cultures have demonstrated the feasibility of producing several tumor-associated viruses in microcarrier (mc) cultures (Sephadex G50 beads treated with DEAE-chloride). The efficiency of cell adherence to mc varied with the cell type, the pH of the growth medium, and the stirring force applied to keep the mc in suspension. Most cells attached firmly to the mc and could not be removed easily with routine trypsinization procedures. Techniques using Enzar-T and Pronase were effective in detaching cells from mc in 10 to 15 min while retaining 95% cell viability. After detachment, Ficoll gradients were used for rapid and complete separation of viable cell suspensions from the mc. Retrovirus production in large volumes of mc cultures was investigated with periodic harvesting of growth fluids. Physical, biochemical, and biological properties of the Mason-Pfizer monkey virus and the RD114 virus recovered from the mc cultures were identical to those produced in conventional cultures. The utilization of mc has several applications in research and short-term cultures, but the as-yet-unsolved technical problems met were found to be serious limitations when attempting mass cell culturing on a long-term basis. For reprint requests address: Dr. Keith Jensen, Pfizer, Inc., Groton, CT 06340. This work was supported in part under contract N01-CP-33234 within the Virus Cancer Program of the National Cancer Institute.  相似文献   

There is an increased interest from the vaccine industry to use mammalian cell cultures for influenza vaccine manufacturing. Therefore, it became important to study the influenza infection mechanism, the viral–host interaction, and the replication kinetics from a bioprocessing stand point to maximize the influenza viral production yield in cell culture. In the present work, influenza replication kinetics was studied in HEK293 cells. Two infection conditions were evaluated, a low (0.01) and a high multiplicity of infection (1.0). Critical time points of the viral production cycle (infection, protein synthesis, viral assembly and budding, viral release, and host‐cell death) were identified in small‐scale cell cultures. Additionally, cell growth, viability, and viral titers were monitored in the viral production process. The infection state of the cultivated cell population was assessed by influenza immunolabeling throughout the culture period. Influenza virus production kinetics were also on‐line monitored by dielectric spectroscopy and successfully correlated to real‐time capacitance measures. Overall, this work provided insights into the mechanisms associated with the infection of human HEK293 cell line by the influenza virus and demonstrated, once again, the usefulness of multifrequency scanning permittivity for in‐line monitoring and supervision of cell‐based viral production processes. Published 2012 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2013  相似文献   

This article describes a three-dimensional culture system for the expansion of anchorage-dependent cells using fiber-shaped microcarrier (MC; Cytodex3) aggregates, termed “MC fibers.” The fiber encapsulates the cells, the MC aggregates, and collagen and is covered with a poly-l -lysine membrane. The thin structure of the fiber enables sufficient supply of O2 and nutrients to the cell. Using the MC fiber, we demonstrated the efficient expansion of C2C12 cells with high viability through serial passaging. Therefore, our culture system is useful for various applications where large-scale cell expansion is required, such as in pharmaceutical technologies, regenerative medicine, and cultured meat production. © 2018 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 35: e2755, 2019.  相似文献   

A process scheme for the harvesting and concentration of cell culture-derived human influenza A virus is presented. The scheme comprises two static filtration steps, chemical inactivation by beta-propiolactone and cross-flow ultrafiltration. Human influenza A virus A/PR/8/34 (H1N1) was produced in roller bottles with serum-free medium using MDCK cells as a host. Cultivations resulted in specific hemagglutination (HA) activities of 393 HAU (100 microL)(-1) and turbidities of 0.479 OD measured as the extinction of light at 700 nm (mean values are presented). The concentrations of soluble protein and DNA in the harvests were 72 microg/mL and 5.73 microg/mL, respectively. An average product yield of 79% based on HA activity was achieved after clarification by depth (85%) and microfiltration (93%). The turbidities of cell culture supernatants were reduced to 2% of their initial value. Concentration with 750 kDa hollow-fiber modules by a factor of 20 resulted in 97% recovery of the product when operated at a constant flux of 28 L/(m(2) h) and a wall shear rate of 9,500 s(-1). The amount of protein and DNA could be reduced to 16% and 33% of their initial amount, respectively. An overall product yield of 77% was achieved. Clarified supernatants and concentrates were further analyzed by non-reducing SDS-PAGE and agarose gel electrophoresis. Particle volume distributions of concentrates were obtained by dynamic light scattering analysis. From the results it can be concluded that the suggested process scheme is well suited for the harvesting and concentration of cell culture-derived influenza A virus.  相似文献   

A cellular automaton model for microcarrier cultures   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In order to achieve high cell densities anchoragedependent cells are commonly cultured on microcarriers, where spatial restrictions to cell growth complicates the determination of the growth kinetics. To design and operate large-scale bioreactors for microcarrier cultures, the effect of this spatial restriction to growth, referred to as contact inhibition, must be decoupled from the growth kinetics. In this article, a cellular automaton approach is recommended to model the growth of anchorage-dependent cells on microcarriers. The proposed model is simple to apply yet provides an accurate representation of contact-inhibited cell growth on microcarriers. The distribution of the number of neighboring cells per cell, microcarrier surface areas, and inoculation densities are taken into account with this model. When compared with experimental data for Vero and MRC-5 microcarrier cultures, the cellular automaton predictions were very good. Furthermore, the model can be used to generate contact-inhibition growth curves to decouple the effect of contact-inhibition from growth kinetics. With this information, the accurate determination of kinetic parameters, such as nutrient uptake rates, and the effects of other environmental factors, such as toxin levels, may be determined. (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Perfusion culture with microcarriers was conducted to produce cell-associated and cell-free Varicella-Zoster virus (VZV) with human embryonic lung cells. After the cells were infected with VZV infected cells, glucose in the medium decreased rapidly, suggesting that VZV propagation was related closely to the use of glucose. While the yield of cell-associated VZV in microcarriers was 9,350 PFU/cm2, almost two-thirds of that in T-80 flask and cell factory, the yield of cell-free VZV in microcarriers was only about 10% of that in T-80 flask and cell factory.  相似文献   

Summary The growth of Madin Darby canine kidney cells on microcarriers was studied at different cell seeding densities. Maximum growth was attained when a cell-to-bead ratio of 7∶1 was used. Under these conditions an initial concentration of above 3×105 cells/ml resulted in a yield of over 2×106 cells/ml in 2 d. The amino acid utilization of cells from Dulbecco's modified Eagle medium was studied under the above conditions. Eight amino acids (arg, cys, gln, ile, leu, met, ser, and val) showed rapid and near complete depletion from the medium. Five amino acids (his, lys, phe, thr, and tyr) showed limited depletion. Two amino acids (ala and gly) were released into the medium by the cells.  相似文献   

A novel system useful for aeration and cell retention in continuous perfused microcarrier cultures is described. The system is based on a vibrating cage that separates cells and microcarriers from the oxygenation chamber and allows gas bubble free oxygen transfer. In the cultivation of monkey kidney cells (VERO) on gelatin coated microcarriers, using different concentrations (5, 10 and 15 g Cytodex 3/liter) cell densities up to 107 cells per ml were obtained. The described system is scaleable.  相似文献   

Scalability is a major demand for high-yield, stable bioprocess systems in animal cell culture-based biopharmaceutical production. Increased yields can be achieved through high-density cell culture, such as in the combination of microcarrier and fluidized bed bioreactor technology. To minimize inocula volume in industrial applications of fluidized bed fermentation systems, it is crucial to increase the bed volume in the reactor during the fermentation process. We tested scale-up strategy for the production of recombinant human arylsulfatase B (ASB) enzyme used in enzyme replacement therapy in patients afflicted with mucopolysaccharidosis type VI (MPS VI). This enzyme was derived from Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells cultivated as adherent cell culture on Cytoline macroporous microcarriers (Amersham Biosciences, Uppsala, Sweden) using a Cytopilot Mini fluidized bed bioreactor (FBR; Amersham Biosciences, Vogelbusch, Austria). Both 1:2 expansion (herein referred to as the addition of fresh, not-yet-colonized microcarriers) and 1:6 expansion of the carrier bed were performed successfully; the cells restarted to proliferate for colonizing these newly added carriers; and the stability of the culture was not negatively affected.  相似文献   

A process comprising of size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) and anion-exchange chromatography (AEC) was investigated for downstream processing of cell culture-derived influenza A virus. Human influenza virus A/PR/8/34 (H1N1) was propagated in serum-free medium using MDCK cells as a host. Concentrates of the virus were prepared from clarified and inactivated cell culture supernatants by cross-flow ultrafiltration as described before. SEC on Sepharose 4 FF resulted in average product yields of 85% based on hemagglutination (HA) activity. Productivity was maximized to 0.15 column volumes (cv) of concentrate per hour yielding a reduction in total protein and host cell DNA (hcDNA) to 35 and 34%, respectively. AEC on Sepharose Q XL was used to separate hcDNA from virus at a salt concentration of 0.65 M sodium chloride. Product yields >80% were achieved for loads >160 kHAU/mL of resin. The reduction in hcDNA was 67-fold. Split peak elution and bimodal particle volume distributions suggested aggregation of virions. Co-elution with hcDNA and constant amounts of hcDNA per dose indiciated association of virions to hcDNA. An overall product yield of 52% was achieved. Total protein was reduced more than 19-fold; hcDNA more than 500-fold by the process. Estimation of the dose volume from HA activity predicted a protein content at the limit for human vaccines. Reduction of hcDNA was found insufficient (about 500 ng per dose) requiring further optimization of AEC or additional purification steps. All operations were selected to be scalable and independent of the virus strain rendering the process suitable for vaccine production.  相似文献   

The effect of medium viscosity on the specific death rate of bovine embryonic kidney (BEK) cells cultured in spinner flask microcarrier cultures has been examined for various impeller speeds. Two types of media were used, a serum-containing growth medium and a serum-free maintenance medium. The latter does not support cell growth. We found that increasing medium viscosity suppresses cell death rates in both growth and maintenance medium cultures in an agitation-intensity-dependent fashion; the beneficial effect of medium viscosity in reducing the specific death rate is amplified as the agitation rate is increased. Furthermore, increasing medium viscosity has no effect on the specific death rate of the cells when the agitation rate is below a critical level. A model based on the turbulent energy content of eddies in the dissipation spectrum of turbulence of length scales on the order of magnitude of the microcarrier diameter and lower has been developed to account for cell death due to both bead-to-bead and bead-to-eddy interactions. The model constitutes a significant departure from previous efforts first because both types of interactions are accounted for simultaneously and second because the properties of a spectrum of eddies instead of the Kolmogorov-scale eddy size alone are used in the model. The model explains the functional dependence of the specific death rates on the medium viscosity at varying agitation intensities.  相似文献   

The effect of influenza strains A (H3N2) and B, isolated during the seasons of 1994 and 1995 in the Czech Republic, on MDCK cells was studied. Various concentrations of virus and conditions of nutrition were used during the cell culture. The virus replication and consequently fragmentation of genomic DNA together with cytotoxicity were investigated in the absence and presence of 10 per cent calf serum. Virus replication, regardless of type A or B, caused earlier DNA fragmentation in comparison to non-infected cells in tissue culture. The results showed that the influenza B strain had a greater cytotoxic effect on MDCK cells than influenza A. A higher infection dose of influenza A virus accelerated the onset of apoptosis; conversely, a higher infection dose of influenza B virus delayed the onset of apoptosis. The absence of serum enhanced the progress of influenza-induced apoptosis in conditions in vitro. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Miniaturized bioreactors for suspension cultures of animal cells, such as Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells, could improve bioprocess development through the ability to cheaply explore a wide range of bioprocess operating conditions. A miniaturized pressure-cycled bioreactor for animal cell cultures, described previously (Diao et al., 2008), was tested with a suspension CHO cell line producing commercially relevant quantities of human IgG. Results from the suspended CHO cell line showed that the cell growth was comparable to conventional flask controls and the target protein production was enhanced in the minibioreactor, which may be due to the relatively high oxygen transfer rate and the moderate shear stress, measured and simulated previously. Microcarrier culture using an anchorage-dependent CHO cell line and Cytodex 3 also showed a similar result: comparable growth and enhanced production of a model protein (secreted alkaline phosphatase or SEAP). Various fed-batch schemes were applied to the CHO cells producing human IgG, yielding cell numbers (1.1 × 10(7) /mL) at day 8 and titers of human IgG (2.3 g/L) at day 14 that are typical industrial values for CHO cell fed-batch cultures. The alteration of the volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient is a key parameter for viability of the CHO cell line producing human IgG. We conclude that the minibioreactor can provide favorable cell culture environments; oxygen transfer coefficient and mixing time can be altered to mimic values in a larger scale system allowing for potential prediction of response during scale-up.  相似文献   

A complementary cell line CR2 is currently used to propagate the Disabled Infectious Single Cycle Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 (DISC HSV-2) on a small laboratory scale upto 15 L. These cultures are initiated by passaging the cells from roller bottle cultures. Whilst this is suitable for the laboratory scale it is totally impractical for use in seeding an industrial manufacturing scaled version of the culture. It is paramount to have a robust system for passaging cells from a small microcarrier culture system to a larger one by a serial subculturing regime. Here we report on the successes we have had in our laboratory in scaling up our production system for the DISC HSV-2 from small 1-L cultures to a 50-L vessel with the maintenance of the viral productivity. Ease of use, reproducibility and the need to minimise overall production times were factors which were taken into consideration whilst developing our procedures. We were aware of the need to keep a production train simple and as short as possible as this was the small scale study for an envisaged manfacturing process.  相似文献   

Kong D  Gentz R  Zhang J 《Cytotechnology》1998,26(2):131-138
Monocyte-colony inhibition factor (M-CIF) was produced in microcarrier perfusion cultures from engineered Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. Three and fifteen liter microcarrier perfusion bioreactors equipped with internal spin filters were operated for over two months. Approximately 60 L and 300 L of culture filtrate were harvested from the 3L and 15L microcarrier perfusion bioreactors respectively. During the perfusion operation, cell density reached 2–6 × 106 cells/ml. Importantly, stable expression of M-CIF from the CHO cells under non-selection condition was maintained at a level of 4–10 mg/L. Specific productivity was maintained at 1.8–3.4 mg/billion cells/day. The ability of the recombinant CHO cells to migrate from microcarrier to microcarrier under our proprietary HGS-CHO-3 medium greatly facilitated microcarrier culture scale-up and microcarrier replenishment. Future directions for microcarrier perfusion system scale-up and process development are highlighted. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

刘鹤  宋丽萍  黄文林 《微生物学报》2010,50(10):1399-1405
摘要:【目的】研究发现microRNAs(miRNAs)可以参与调控病毒在宿主细胞内感染和复制的过程。作者研究了两条miRNAs对H1N1型流感病毒在宿主细胞内复制的影响。【方法】构建miR26a和miR939的高效表达载体,并将这两种表达载体转入MDCK细胞中,24 h后用H1N1型流感病毒感染转染后的MDCK (Madin dardy canine kidney) 细胞,接种72 h后,检测流感病毒的复制情况,研究miR26a和miR939对H1N1型流感病毒在MDCK细胞内复制的影响。【结果】实验结果表明,miRNAs的表达载体可以在细胞内高效表达miRNAs,不同的miRNAs对流感病毒在MDCK细胞中复制的调控作用不同, miR26a可以有效抑制流感病毒在MDCK细胞中的复制,而miR939则促进流感病毒在MDCK细胞中的复制的作用。【结论】细胞内miRNAs可以调控H1N1型流感病毒在宿主细胞中的复制过程,本文首次报导miR26a和miR939在流感病毒复制过程中的调控作用。  相似文献   

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