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A group of six masked titi monkeys was studied at the Sooretama Biological Reserve, Espírito Santo, Brazil. The family group consisted of adult male and female, three juvenile-subadult offspring, and an infant carried by the father. Two patterns of activity were identified: one in which two major feeding peaks were separated by a single long rest period and a relatively long travel distance between the two major feeding sites; and a second in which three major feeding peaks were separated by rest periods and travel was more evenly dispersed throughout the day.Callicebus personatus was similar toC. moloch in the folivorous supplementation of its frugivorous diet, and in having marked daily peaks in feeding and resting activities.C. personatus was similar toC. torquatus in the location of sleeping position on a large open bough, and the habit of calling from well within the territorial boundary. All three species are known to live in monogamous family units with parental care by the adult male, defend territories with loud intergroup vocalizations, and feed primarily upon a small number of widely dispersed fruits.  相似文献   

The communication system of Callicebus moloch includes a few olfactory and tactile signals, a moderate number of visual signals, and an enormous number of acoustic signals. The visual signal repertory is comparatively simple, and may be primitive in some respects. The acoustic signal repertory is very complex. It may illustrate the maximum elaboration which can beattained by species-specific language.  相似文献   

Geophagy was observed 14 times during an 11-month field study on the ecology and behavior of masked titi monkeys (Callicebus personatus melanochir). Geophagy took place in 12 cases on the surface of a leaf-cutting ant mound (Atta spec.). Analysis of chemical composition and natural features of the soils consumed by the monkeys showed elevated concentrations of several elements. In contrast, a lower concentration of carbohydrates was found in the ant mound sample compared to random non-ant mound soil samples. No difference in the concentration of clay elements, pH-value or percentage of organic matter was found between ant mound samples and randomly collected soil samples. Comparison of used versus not used samples failed to reveal significant clues about function of geophagy. However, chemical and physical properties of soils ingested support previous hypothesis that this behavior may aid in the adsorbtion of plant toxins.  相似文献   

Duets from a total of 6 female and 6 male titi monkeys (Callicebus cupreus) were analysed in order to provide an in-depth analysis of the duet structure, to investigate whether duets are pair specific and to examine whether duets of newly formed pairs differ from those of established pairs. Callicebus duets are composed of alternately uttered male and female contributions. Duets were pair specific as a result of a summation of individual attributes of the two mates rather than due to unidirectional or reciprocal song adaptation by mates. The two examined newly formed pairs produced species-typical duets from the first day on, but their duets showed greater variability in sequence durations than those of established pairs.  相似文献   

In this study, the ranging pattern of a single group of monogamous and territorial Callicebus torquatus was recorded over a 7-year period from 1974 to 1980. Data on ranging pattern were recorded by direct observation; daily movement patterns were plotted on an accurate, scaled map of the territory. Data were obtained during 1–3-month studies each year from 1974 to 1978 and in 1980, as well as during a 12-month study in 1979-1980. These studies show that the exclusive territory maintained by the group was not spatially stable over the 7-year period. The group gradually moved its territory to the northeast, to the extent that the territory used in 1980 was completely noncoincident with the territory used in 1974 by the same group. Analysis of the ranging pattern from the 12-month study indicates that the group did not exhibit seasonal preferences for different parts of its range. Seasonal ranging patterns, therefore, are not likely to account for the observed territorial shift. It is suggested that territorial shifting may be related to the need for monogamous groups to find new territories for their offspring.  相似文献   

The genus Callicebus has 28 species arranged in five groups: donacophilus, torquatus, moloch, cupreus and personatus. The personatus group occurs in the Brazilian Atlantic forests where it is isolated from the other Callicebus groups. The present paper is the first report on the karyotype of Callicebuspersonatus. We compared the karyotypes of C. personatus and C. nigrifrons utilizing the following classic banding techniques: G-, C-, NOR banding, G/C- and G/NOR sequential banding. The karyotype of C. personatus has 2n=44, while C. nigrifrons presented 2n=42. Both the species diverge in the diploid number in consequence of a rearrangement type centric fusion/fission. Our results support personatus as a valid group and the specific status for C. personatus and C. nigrifrons.  相似文献   

In the present study, we report the genomic reconstruction of the human homeobox-containing gene HHEX by the use of the data available in public databases. This analysis allowed characterization of the gene organization showing that it is very similar to the mouse gene. Moreover the gene was mapped using FISH to 10q24.  相似文献   

Genomic structure and chromosome mapping of human and mouse RAMP genes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The cDNAs for human and murine Receptor Activity Modifying Proteins and for the associated murine Calcitonin Receptor Like Receptor were isolated. The human RAMP1 and RAMP3 genes possess two introns and human RAMP2 possesses three introns. Human RAMP1 was assigned to chromosome 2q36-->q37.1, RAMP2 to 17q12-->q21.1 and RAMP3 to 7p13-->p12. Mouse Ramp1 was assigned to chromosome 1 and Ramp2 and Ramp3 were assigned to chromosome 11.  相似文献   

Vocalizations of titi monkeys were recorded from 6 groups at two sites in the llanos of Colombia during 8 months of study. Frequency and temporal measurements from spectrograms of recordings, and differences in their patterns of use, were used to characterize call types. Animals repeat calls to form phrases, and combine phrases to form sequences. The six sequence types, defined by different transition probabilities between phrases, varied in proportion in different contexts. To examine the effect of order of phrases on response, I played back artificially constructed sequences to subject groups. I discuss hierarchical and sequential mechanisms as generators' of vocal sequences, and draw comparisons with models of human language.  相似文献   

Titi monkeys (Callicebus cupreus) are a monogamous, New World primate. Adult pair‐mates form a bidirectional social bond and offspring form a selective unidirectional bond to their father. Some of the neurobiology involved in social bonds and maternal behavior is similar to the neural circuitry involved in nonsocial reward. Due to these overlapping mechanisms, social states may affect responses to external rewarding stimuli. We sought to determine whether having a social attachment, and/or being in the presence of that attachment figure, can affect an individual's response to a rewarding stimulus. In addition, we compared affiliative bonds between pair‐mates to those between offspring and fathers. Eighteen adult male titi monkeys were either living alone (Lone), with a female pair‐mate (Paired), or with the natal group (Natal; N = 6/condition). Each individual went through eight 30‐min preference tests for a sweet substance, Tang. For Paired and Natal males, half of the test sessions were with their attachment figure and half were alone. Lone males were always tested alone. Preference scores for Tang, time spent drinking, affiliative, and arousal behaviors were measured. Paired and Natal males emitted significantly more isolation peeps and locomoted more when tested alone compared to when tested with their attachment figure, and paired males engaged in more affiliative behavior than Natal males. Lone males engaged in significantly more behaviors indicative of behavioral arousal such as locomotion and piloerection compared to Paired and Natal males. Finally, Paired males drank significantly more Tang and had a significantly greater preference for Tang compared to Lone and Natal males. These results indicate that offspring undergo a behavioral separation response upon separation from their father that persists into adulthood, Lone males are more behaviorally reactive, and that living with an attachment figure and the type of attachment relationship result in different responses to a rewarding sweet stimulus. Am. J. Primatol. 74:758‐769, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

White-browed titi monkeys (Callicebus discolor) have one of the largest distribution ranges of all titi monkey species, occurring from central Peru to southern Colombia. During a long-term study on the distribution of titi monkeys and other primates in Peru, we conducted extensive surveys in the San Martin Department of northeastern Peru. We encountered Callicebus discolor at the left bank of the Huallaga River, where the species most probably lives in sympatry with endemic San Martin titi monkeys (Callicebus oenanthe). Our study reveals an important extension of its formerly known distribution range. Massive deforestation activities in the region make studies on the habitat preferences of both species difficult, as most titi monkeys are confined to the remaining small remnants of the original forest. Urgent conservation measures are necessary to preserve the last lowland forests of San Martin.  相似文献   

Conductin is a Wnt signalling protein and serves as a negative regulator of beta-catenin stability. We have previously isolated the human homolog (AXIN2) of the murine conductin gene and shown that it is mutated in colorectal cancer (CRC) with defective mismatch repair (MMR). Here we report the detailed genomic structure of this gene by analysis of cDNA and genomic clones. The gene spans > or =25 kb containing ten exons ranging from 96 bp to 904 bp. All splice donor and acceptor sites conform to the GT/AG rule. FISH (Fluorescence in situ Hybridization) analysis localized this gene to human chromosome band 17q24 and showed that it exists as a single copy in the human genome. Northern blot analysis from different human organs demonstrated that the AXIN2 gene is highly expressed in human thymus, prostate, testis, small intestine and ovarian tissues but expressed at a lower level in colon. The data reported here provides a framework for further analysis of this important Wnt signalling protein in vertebrate development and tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

In monogamous species, an abiding relationship between a specific adult male and a specific adult female is a defining feature of the social system. The interactions between these individuals are influenced by many factors, including not only the history of their relationship (for example, development of a mutual bond), but also the immediate effects of the prevailing social context (for example, presence and sex of extra‐pair conspecifics). In this study we examined the effects of an existing bond and of social context on interactions between adult heterosexual pairs of the monogamous titi monkeys (Callicebus moloch). Twelve adult males and 12 adult females were tested with their cagemates and with an unfamiliar partner of the opposite sex in five social contexts: (1) mated male–female pair; (2) unfamiliar pair; (3) single female; (4) single male; and (5) empty stimulus cage. Results show that mated pairs were more affiliative than unfamiliar pairs and differentiated social contexts more sharply. Males were more responsive to context than females. Distance between mates was less and physical contact was more frequent in the presence of male–female pairs or a single male, than in the presence of a single female or an empty cage. These findings suggest that the presence and sex of strangers have a stronger influence on male–female interactions when the pair has an existing relationship.  相似文献   

Callicebus and the pitheciins are closely related; however, differences in their diets and dental morphology suggest that they differ in the use of mechanically protected food. We describe physical traits of fruits consumed by white-handed titi monkeys (Callicebus lugens) and determine their influence on fruit part selection and immediate seed fate after fruit handling. We tested two hypotheses about the effects of mechanical fruit traits on fruit part selection and seed fate: (1) fruits selected for seed consumption are harder than fruits selected for their fleshy parts and (2) consumed seeds are softer than seeds with other fates. In addition, we analyzed the influence of other physical fruit traits on fruit part selection and seed fate. C. lugens included 69 species in its diet, from which it mainly consumed their fleshy parts. It also consumed seeds, alone or with fleshy fruit parts, but most of them ended up close to parent trees after being dropped or spat out. The first hypothesis was supported while the second was rejected, indicating that C. lugens tends to rely on hard fruits for obtaining seeds, while seed hardness had no influence on fruit part selection and seed fate, contrasting with the pattern reported for Pithecia and Chiropotes in other studies. Ripeness was the most influential factor for fruit part and seed fate discrimination. Results suggest a tendency to sclerocarpic foraging in C. lugens when feeding on seeds.  相似文献   

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